2014 NURSE C O N F E R E N C E 60 Years of Caring N OV E M B E R 6-7, 2014 CO U RT YA R D M A R R I OT T AT O L D TOW N W I C H I TA , K A N S A S Celebrating 60 Years LeadingAge Kansas Early Bird Registration R E G I S T E R BY O C TO B E R 17 T H TO R E C E I V E 10% O F F ! Conference AGENDA T H U R S D AY A G E N D A 1:00-1:30 PM A F R I D AY A G E N D A ( C O N T I N U E D ) .............................................. Registration 2nd Floor of the Courtyard Marriott 1:30-2:20 PM A .........60 Years of Caring: Building on Our Collective Strength (A) LeadingAge Insights and Navigator Staff from LeadingAge New York will work with DONs to effectively utilize the LeadingAge Insights tool. Attendees will also learn how to use the LeadingAge Kansas Cost Report Navigator. Debra Zehr and Kristen Brunkow, LeadingAge Kansas For 60 years, LeadingAge Kansas members have come together for education and fellowship! In this session, attendees will discover necessary changes to remain relevant for the future of aging services. LeadingAge Kansas staff will offer education on how to utilize strengths to navigate these changes. 2:20-2:30 PM A 2:30-4:00 PM 10:30-10:40 AM .........................................................Break 10:40-12:00 PM .................................... Breakout Sessions (B) Nursing Leadership: Building on Your Strengths Diane Atchison, RN-BC, MSN, ANP, RAC-CT will work with attendees to maximize their strengths to provide top-notch leadership to their team. .........................................................Break ................................ Family Expectations: Setting the Stage for Success 12:00-1:00 PM 1:00-1:30 PM ............................................. Lunch Buffet .....................................Self-Care Stations This session will provide tools and tips to proactively manage We’ll celebrate “60 Years of Caring” with this special family expectations; preventing miscommunication and break, designed by the staff of LeadingAge Kansas to tension when discussing the care of a loved one. Sarah say thank you for your dedication to the field of aging McGinley, RN-BSN, MA, RAC-C T, will identify critical services. Have fun and relax – you deserve it! moments when tension is likely and provide attendees with effective approaches to diffuse these difficult situations. R 1:30-2:30 PM ................................ Blue Ribbon Session: 4:00-4:10 PM A 4:10-5:30 PM .........................................................Break ................................ Blue Ribbon Session: Managing Family Expectations 5:30-6:00 PM ...................................... Fellowship & Fun Before you head to dinner in Old Town, be sure to stop by the Lobby for fellowship & fun! Maximize your conference experience by expanding your network of aging service leaders. Besides, it’s our 60th Anniversary - there’s a lot to celebrate! F R I D AY A G E N D A 7:30-8:00 AM A 8:00-9:20 AM .............................................. Registration ......................Budgeting – The “All Hands on Deck ”Approach, Part One Reducing Anti-Psychotics R 2:30-2:40 PM .........................................................Break 2:40-4:00 PM ............................... Transforming Fatigue into Fulfillment Sandra Brown, LSCSW, LMSW, New Directions Behavioral Health Compassion fatigue has been described as a disorder that affects those who do their work well – and find themselves overloaded. This session will outline self-care ideas that have the power to renew and inspire you. As we embark on 60 more years of caring, let’s join together in improving the health and happiness of those who dedicate their lives to the compassionate field of aging services – you! Take the mystery out of budgeting for your nursing department! In this session, Diane Atchinson, RN-BC, MSN, ANP, RAC-CT, will describe what NHPPD is, tracking NHPPDs daily, the relationship to your CMI and what is an FTE. These sessions will give you renewed confidence for budget discussions at your organization! 9:20-9:30 AM Blue Ribbon Sessions .........................................................Break Want to learn about the programs that are making an impact in Kansas? Then don’t miss the Blue Ribbon Sessions, an interactive approach to identifying the best practices happening across the State. Attendees will share what’s working well at their organization and learn from one another’s experiences. Throughout the conference, “blue ribbon” projects will be highlighted in the areas of managing family expectations and reducing anti-psychotics. A 9:30-10:30 AM ......................Budgeting – The “All Hands on Deck” Approach, Part Two Diane Atchison, RN-BC, MSN, ANP, RAC-CT will continue to discuss how to maximize revenues. Learn how the role of restorative nursing, Part B therapies, early quarterly assessments, respiratory therapy and competencies related to MDS coding can impact your bottom line. C O N T I N U I N G E D U C AT I O N C R E D I T S R RESIDENT CARE HOURS A A D M I N I S T R AT O R H O U R S Arrive early for the DON LEARNING GROUP! FREE | NOVEMBER 6, 2014 Directors of Nursing are invited to join this growing group for networking & education, designed specifically for DON’s! The event will be held at the Kansas Masonic Home, 401 S Seneca St, Wichita, KS 67213, on the morning of the Nurse Conference from 8:30-12:00 PM. This free event will include education on the key steps of accident investigations, followed by a peer-coaching session. Participants will receive 2.5 CE’s. Interested? Be sure to sign-up on the Nurse Conference registration form! Conference INFORMATION CONFERENCE ATTIRE Dress comfortably. You may want to wear layers, as it can be difficult to regulate temperature in large rooms. CONTINUING EDUCATION INFORMATION The 2014 Nurse Conference is approved for up to 10.5 for Adult Care Home Administrators by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (LTS A0009) with 8.0 hours in the core of Administration and 2.5 hours in the core of Resident Care. The Kansas State Board of Nursing approves LeadingAge Kansas as a provider of continuing education. This program is approved for up to 10.5 continuing education hours applicable to RN, APRN, and LPN re-licensure (KSBN LT0102-1116). Other disciplines receive a certificate of attendance. ATTENTION PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES LeadingAge Kansas will make reasonable efforts to make our events accessible to persons with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability who wishes to attend our event and need to request accommodations relating to your disability, please contact us at (785) 233-7443. A request should be made 10 days in advance of the event. PRINT YOUR OWN HANDOUTS LeadingAge Kansas has a “print as needed” handout policy for our major conferences. A few days before the conference, a link will be emailed to you, where you can access the handouts. Please be sure your correct email address is submitted on the registration form. Each participant should print the handouts they need for they sessions they will attend. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS The Nurse Conference will be held at the Courtyard by Marriott, 820 E. 2nd Street North, Wichita, Kansas 67202. A room block has been reserved at $126 for a single room, including breakfast. Mention LeadingAge Kansas to receive the negotiated rate. For reservations call (316) 264-5300. Deadline for reservations at the discounted rate is October 15, 2014. HOTEL PARKING The hotel offers premium parking in the lots directly north and east of Hotel. Complimentary parking passes are available to the Leading Age Kansas group at the front desk upon check-in. Those not staying at the hotel may purchase a single day parking pass for $5. Guests may pull into the hotel front circle drive to receive their parking pass, prior to parking, and then choose either lot in which to park. Guests who choose to park in the premium parking lots without a parking pass may be ticketed. The hotel also provides private free parking one block north, at the northeast corner of 3rd Street and Rock Island. If guests use the free parking and do not want to walk to or from the lot, the hotel shuttle is available daily from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m., to transport guests to and from the parking lot/hotel. 217 SE 8th Avenue Topeka, Kansas 66603 785.233.7443 800.264.5242 toll free 785.233.9471 fax leadingagekansas.org leading momentum. 5 . 0 1 O UP T S OURLE H E C ILAB AVA 2014 NURSE C O N F E R E N C E N OV E M B E R 6-7, 2014 | W I C H I TA , K A N S A S 3 WAYS TO REGISTER #1 Register online at leadingagekansas.org and click on the Education Calendar. #2 Register with credit card by faxing the registration form to (785) 233-9471. #3 Mail your completed registration form, with check, to our office 60 Years of Caring 2014 NURSE CONFERENCE N OV E M B E R 6 - 7 , 2 0 1 4 • CO U RT YA R D BY M A R R I OT O L D TO W N 8 20 E 2 N D S T N • W I C H I TA , K A N S A S REGISTRATION FORM One form per person, copy as needed. Register Online at leadingagekansas.org/nurse2014 or submit completed forms via email to [email protected] Part One: Contact Information Name____________________________________________________________ Title _______________________________________________________________ Organization ____________________________________________________ License type/number ______________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________ State/Zip ________ Phone ___________________________________________________________ Email (need for confirmation) ____________________________________________ Part Two: Event Participation Information Please choose the events that you plan to attend (select all that apply): 2014 Nurse Conference DON Learning Group (No additional charge – please note this event is only for DONs who are LeadingAge Kansas members) Part Three: Conference Fees The Early Bird Registration Discount of 10% will automatically be applied to your registration rate if this form is received by 5:00 PM on October 17, 2014. EDGE+ Members* – $209 ($188.10 for Early Bird Registration) LeadingAge Kansas Members – $299 ($269.10 for Early Bird Registration) Non-Members – $379 ($341.10 for Early Bird Registration) *This rate is offered only to EDGE+ education club members. Please confirm your organization’s participation status prior to submitting this registration form. To learn more about our clubs, email [email protected] or visit leadingagekansas.org/learningclubs. Enclosed is my payment to LeadingAge Kansas in the amount of $_________________________ Credit Card No. _________________________________________________ Exp. Date: _________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Name ______________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________________ WE ONLY ACCEPT VISA AND MASTERCARD Fees/Cancellations: All fees must accompany registration. Registrations will not be processed without fees. Your fee includes all breaks and meals. No refunds will be given for cancellations. Substitutions are welcome. How did you hear about this event? Weekly Newsletter: Aging Update Printed Brochure Education Alert LeadingAge Kansas Website Kansas Nursing Newsletter Fax Brochure Postcard Other_______________________________________ To pay by check, please complete this form and return with payment to: LeadingAge Kansas, 217 SE 8th Ave., Topeka, KS 66603 or submit completed forms via fax to 785-233-9471 or email to [email protected]. Faxed or emailed registrations must be accompanied by credit card information. REMINDER: PRINT YOUR OWN HANDOUTS! LeadingAge Kansas has a “print as needed” handout policy for our major conferences. A few days before the conference, a link will be emailed to you, where you can access the handouts. Please be sure your correct email address is submitted on the registration form. Each participant should print out the handouts they need for the sessions they will attend.
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