Dynamic Performance from the School of Business Faculty Team As part of our ongoing strides toward increased excellence, the School of Business faculty team proudly presents an overview of its academic and professional achievement during 2014. Dr. Tahmoures Afshar (Finance) has published the following peer reviewed paper: • Tahmoures A. Afshar & Majed R. Muhtaseb (2014). “Do Sukuk (Islamic Bonds) Have a Role in Today’s Global Capital Markets?” Journal of Structured Finance, 20(2), 74-‐80 Wendy Bendoni (Fashion Marketing) conducted the following academic peer reviewed presentations: • Bendoni, W., Pehlivan, E. & Üçok Hughes, M. (2014, October). Digital curation in the context of fashion marketing. Paper presented at Marketing EDGE Direct/Interactive Marketing Research Summit, San Diego, CA. • Bendoni W., Üçok Hughes, M. & Pehlivan, E. (2014, February). A Love Story by Tiffany & Co. and Thousands of Lovers: Story Giving as a Co-‐creation Tool. Paper presented at 2014 Global Fashion Management Conference, London, UK. Wendy has continued to be professionally involved in the fashion industry. To that end, she delivered the following contributions: Reports: • StyleLens, 2014 UK. As the International Market Trends Director: Developed social engagement program • SOURCING at MAGIC [Division of Advanstar], February 2014. Conceptual Trend Report 2015: Qualitative research on consumer trends and the influence on the international sourcing market. New Position writing articles on the Website for WWDMagic (over 100k subscribers) • WWD Magic, 2014: Online Trends Director [FNPlatform, Swimwear, Women, Sourcing at Magic] Articles • Why This Way, 2014: Article -‐ Profiled the Millennial, Female Consumers Shopping Habits in The US Market Wendy also has a textbook for fashion marketing and management forthcoming with Bloomsbury Publishing, London UK: 1 • Bendoni, W. K. [2015]. Fashion Marketing; Storytelling in a Digital World. Social Media; textbook Bloomsbury Publishing, London UK (Forthcoming 2015) Dr. Angelo Camillo (Management) has (co-‐)written five articles of which three have been published and two are forthcoming: • Camillo, A. A. (2014). An investigation on cultural cuisine of mainland China. Management implications for restaurant operators. Chapter in Camillo, A.A., (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Global Hospitality and Tourism Management, USA: IGI Global. (Forthcoming, 2015) • Nishiyama, Y., Camillo, A.A., Jenkins, R. (2014). Gender and motives for accountancy. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 15(2). • Di Pietro, L., Pantano, E., Camillo, A.A., (2013). Creating Competitive Advantage for Calabrian-‐made Products: The Influences of Culture and Price Perception. Journal of Food Products Marketing. Volume 21-‐2 (Forthcoming 2014) • Camillo A. A., AbKarim, M. S (2014). Consumer attitude and perception toward western cuisine: a study of the Italian Cuisine in Malaysia. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 17(2), pp 103-‐121 • Camillo, A. A., (2015). Strategic Crisis Management and Communication in the Global Context. Journal of Emerging Management Ideas. Inaugural Edition by invitation of the International Management Institute and Sage Publishing. (Forthcoming, 2015) Dr. Camillo also collaborated in 8 book chapter projects for three prominent academic publishers: • Camillo, A. A., Erskine, A., Bajada, A., Holt, S. (2015). Home Depot, Inc.: A Strategic Investigation. Book chapter in: Camillo, A. A., (Ed). (2015). “Global Enterprise Management: A New Perspective on Challenges and Future Development. NY, NY: Palgrave McMillan. (Forthcoming, 2015) • Camillo, A. A., Bajada, A., Erskine, A., Holt, S. (2015). Medtronic, Inc.: A Competitor’s Strategic Audit Book chapter in: Camillo, A. A., (Ed). (2015). “Global Enterprise Management: A New Perspective on Challenges and Future Development. NY, NY: Palgrave McMillan. (Forthcoming, 2015) • Camillo, A. A., Presutti, M., Holt, S. (2015). The Glocalization of International Firms: an empirical investigation in the hospitality sector. Book chapter in: Camillo, A. A., (Ed). (2015). “Global Enterprise Management: A New Perspective on Challenges and Future Development. Palgrave McMillan, NY, NY. (Forthcoming, 2015) • Camillo, A. A., (2015). Strategic Crisis Management and Communication in the Global Context. Emerging Management Ideas Journal. Inaugural Edition by invitation of the International Management Institute and Sage Publishing, 1(1) (Forthcoming, 2015) 2 • Camillo, A. A. (2014). Firm’s Global Strategies and The Effect of Group Knowledge Environmental Variables on Decision Making Process. Book chapter in: Camillo, A. A., (Ed). (2015). “Global Enterprise Management: A New Perspective on Challenges and Future Development. NY, NY: Palgrave McMillan. (Forthcoming 2015) • Marques, J., Camillo A. A., Holt, S. (2014). The Starbucks Culture: Responsible, Radical Innovation in an Irresponsible, Incremental World. Case study in Palmer, D. E. (Ed.). (2014). Handbook of Research on Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibilities. Hershey, PA: IGI Global (Forthcoming, 2015) • Camillo, A. A., Presenza, A. (2015). Innovation and sustainability in the Lodging industry: the creation and evolution of the “Albergo Diffuso” (Scattered hotels). Chapter in Camillo, A.A., (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Global Hospitality and Tourism Management, USA: IGI Global. (Forthcoming, 2015) • Camillo, A.A., Marques, J., Holt, S., (2013). Strategic Transcultural Marketing Management and Global Competitiveness: In Christiansen B. & Basilgan, M., (Eds.), Transcultural Marketing for Incremental & Radical Innovation. DOI: 10.4018/978-‐1-‐4666-‐4749-‐7, Ch. 15, pp 316-‐338. USA: IGI Global. He currently has the following books in print: • Camillo, A. A. (2015). Global Enterprise Management: A New Perspective on Challenges and Future Development. NY, NY: Palgrave McMillan, Edited Volume I and Volume II (Forthcoming, 2015) • Camillo, A. A. (2015). Handbook of Research on Global Hospitality and Tourism Management. NJ, IGI Global, Edited Volume. (Forthcoming (2015) In addition, Dr. Camillo delivered the following peer-‐reviewed presentations and proceedings: • Camillo, A. A., Di Pietro L., Di Virgilio, F., Holt Svetlana, (2014). Organizational Well-‐being, Stress and Job Satisfaction at “Cross-‐border Hotel Company”: A Case Study. Accepted paper at the 2014 Western Decision Sciences Institute Conference in Napa, California. • Camillo, A. A., Holt, S., Marques, J., Hu, J. (2014). Creating global competition through culture and religion: an insight of the global strategic evolution and marketing of the Halal food industry. Accepted paper at the 2014 Western Decision Sciences Institute Conference in Napa, California. • Camillo, A. A., Minguzzi, T., Presenza, A., Svetlana Holt (2014). Natural Environmental Sustainability and Micro-‐Tourism Destinations: The Case of Southern Italy. Accepted paper at the 2014 Western Decision Sciences Institute Conference in Napa, California. Dr. Satinder Dhiman (Management) has been working on a book, forthcoming with Palgrave-‐MacMillan academic publishers: 3 • Dhiman, S. (2015). Gandhi and Leadership: New Horizons in Exemplary Leadership Palgrave McMillan, NY, NY. (Forthcoming, March 2015) He co-‐edited a book to be published by Palgrave-‐MacMillan academic publishers, and contributed two chapters to this book: • Marques, J. & Dhiman, S. (Eds) (2014). “Leading Spiritually: Ten Effective Approaches to Workplace Spirituality”, Palgrave MacMillan, NY. NY. December 14. In addition, Dr. Dhiman had the following two articles co-‐published: • Marques, J., Dhiman, S. K., & Biberman, J. (2014). Teaching the un-‐teachable: Storytelling and meditation in workplace spirituality courses. The Journal of Management Development, 33(3), 196-‐217 • Marques, J., Dhiman, S., & Holt, S. (2014). Reassessing our Perspectives in Leading. Organization Development Journal (in press). Dr. Dhiman also has the following two articles forthcoming in practice-‐based scholarship journals: • Dhiman, S. (Nov.-‐Dec., 2014). Gandhi and the Making of Great Leaders, Ivey Business Journal • Dhiman, S. (Spring, 2015). Bhagavad Gita and the Art of Leadership, Journal of Value-‐ Based Leadership. Dr. Dhiman has also conducted the following peer-‐reviewed presentations: • Dhiman, S., Marques, J., & Biberman, J. (2014). “Voicing reality through metaphors: An Interactive Session on Storytelling”. 40th OBTC Teaching Conference for Management Educators, Nashville, TN. • Marques, J., Dhiman, S., & Biberman, J. (2014). “Voicing Appreciation as a Positive Roadmap”. 40th OBTC Teaching Conference for Management Educators, Nashville, TN. • Biberman, J., Marques, J., & Dhiman, S. (2014). “Inner Voices -‐ Powerful Leaders”. 40th OBTC Teaching Conference for Management Educators, Nashville, TN. • Marques, J. Dhiman, S., & Biberman, J. (2014). “Being the Change: Developing Compassionate Voices of Leadership”. 40th OBTC Teaching Conference for Management Educators, Nashville, TN. Dr. Nathan Garrett (Management) published two conference presentations, a paper and a poster: • Garrett N., (2014). Textbooks for Responsible Data Analysis in Excel. In INFORMS 2014 Annual Meeting November 9-‐12, San Francisco, CA. (Conference poster) 4 • Garrett N., Allaya Y. (2013). MOOCs: Why Low-‐Cost Will Not Create Equal Access. In World Conference on E-‐Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education October 21-‐25 (E-‐LEARN), Las Vegas, NV. (Conference paper) • Garrett, N. (2014) “Improved Data Wrangling and Validation in Excel.” 39th Annual California Association for Institutional Research, San Diego, November 19-‐21 (2014) (Presentation). Garrett, N. & Feinstein, B. (2014) “Using Focus Groups to Set Admission Criteria.” 39th Annual California Association for Institutional Research, San Diego, November 19-‐21. • Dr. Svetlana Holt (Management) has delivered a peer-‐reviewed professional development workshop at the Western Academy of management: • Holt, S. (2014). Enhancing Organizational Performance through Emotionally Intelligent Management. Professional Development Workshop sponsored by the 2014 Western Academy of Management, March 19 – 22, Napa, CA. She has also (co)authored the following peer-‐reviewed book chapters: • Holt, S. (2015). The Role of emotional intelligence in global leadership. Book chapter in: Camillo, A. A., (Ed). (2015). “Global Enterprise Management: A New Perspective on Challenges and Future Development. NY, NY: Palgrave McMillan. (Forthcoming, 2015) • Presutti, M., Camillo, A. A., Holt, S. (2015). The Glocalization of International Firms: an empirical investigation in the hospitality sector. Book chapter in: Camillo, A. A., (Ed). (2015). “Global Enterprise Management: A New Perspective on Challenges and Future Development. NY, NY: Palgrave McMillan. (Forthcoming, 2015) • Di Vergilio, F., Bova, N., & Holt, S. (2015). Physical and psychosocial sources as potential predictors of job stress in the workplace. Book chapter in: Camillo, A. A., (Ed). (2015). “Global Enterprise Management: A New Perspective on Challenges and Future Development. NY, NY: Palgrave McMillan. (Forthcoming, 2015) • Camillo, A. A., Minguzzi, T., Presenza, A., Holt, S. (2015). The role of natural environmental sustainability and the effect on tourist satisfaction in emergent micro-‐ tourism destinations: the case of southern Italy. In Parsa, H.G. and Navapareddy, V. (Eds.) Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Innovations in Hospitality-‐Tourism. CRC, Apple Academic Press. London, UK. • Marques, J., Camillo A. A., Holt, S. (2014). The Starbucks Culture: Responsible, Radical Innovation in an Irresponsible, Incremental World. Case study in Palmer, D. E. (Ed.). (2014). Handbook of Research on Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibilities. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. (Forthcoming, 2015). • Hanafi, H., M. Karim, M.S.A., Camillo, A. A., Holt, S. (2014). ISO14001: The Challenges in Developing Environmental Management Systems In Tourism And Hospitality Establishments. In Parsa, H.G. and Navapareddy, V. (Eds.) Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Innovations in Hospitality-‐Tourism. CRC Press (in print). 5 • Camillo, A.A., Holt, S., Marques, J., Hu, J. (2014). Creating global competition through culture and religion: an insight of the global strategic evolution and marketing of the Halal food industry. In Christiansen B., Yildiz, S., & Yildiz, M., (Eds.), Effective Marketing in Contemporary Globalism. USA: IGI Global • Marques, J., Hu, J., Holt, S., Camillo, A.A. (2014). Social Processes: Motivation, Needs, and Drives in Contemporary Globalism. In Christiansen B., Yildiz, S., & Yildiz, M., (Eds.), Effective Marketing in Contemporary Globalism. USA: IGI Global (Forthcoming, 2014). • Hu, J., Marques, J., Holt, S., Camillo, A.A., (2014). Marketing channels and supply chain management in contemporary globalism: E-‐commerce development in China and its implication for business. In Christiansen B., Yildiz, S., & Yildiz, M., (Eds.), Effective Marketing in Contemporary Globalism. USA: IGI Global. Dr. Robert Jinkens (Accounting) had the following papers published: • • Nishiyama, Y., Camillo, A., Jinkens, R. C. (2014), “Gender and motives for accountancy.” Journal of Applied Accounting Research. Vol. 15 (2), pp. 175-‐196. Jinkens, R. C. (2014) “Are financial fundamentals used to value investments or do investors follow the market? Pre and post 2008 findings are compared.” Journal of Applied Business and Economics. Vol. 16 (2), pp. 123-‐132. Dr. Joan Marques (Management) has written a book and co-‐edited/co-‐authored another, both to be published by Palgrave-‐MacMillan academic publishers: • Marques, J. (2014). “Leadership and Mindful Behavior: Action, Wakefulness and Business", Palgrave MacMillan, NY. NY., October 23. • Marques, J. & Dhiman, S. (Eds) (2014). “Leading Spiritually: Ten Effective Approaches to Workplace Spirituality”, Palgrave MacMillan, NY. NY. December 14. She also has a book forthcoming with Routledge academic publishers: • Marques, J. (2015). “Business and Buddhism”, Routledge, NY, NY. March 2015 (Taylor & Francis Group) In addition, Dr. Marques had the following three articles published: • Marques, J., Dhiman, S. K., & Biberman, J. (2014). Teaching the un-‐teachable: Storytelling and meditation in workplace spirituality courses. The Journal of Management Development, 33(3), 196-‐217 • Marques, J. F. (2014). Karma: Be mindful of your actions. Development and Learning in Organizations, 28(1), 2-‐4 (a short paper). • Marques, J., Dhiman, S., & Holt, S. (2014). Reassessing our Perspectives in Leading. Organization Development Journal (in press). 6 She co-‐authored three book chapters: • Allevato, E. & Marques, J. (2014). Brazil: Economic Mirage or Jewel in the New Global Economy? In Christiansen B. (Ed.), Economic Growth and Technological Change in Latin America. USA: IGI (Forthcoming). • Marques, J., Holt, S., & Camillo, A.A. (2014). The Starbucks Culture: Responsible, Radical Innovation in an Irresponsible, Incremental World (updated version). In Palmer, D. E. (Ed.). Handbook of Research on Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibilities. Hershey, PA: IGI Global (Forthcoming). • Marques, J. (2014). The Confluence of Diversity and Ethics in Global Managerial Performance. In Camillo A. (Ed.). New perspectives on the challenges and future developments of global enterprise management. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY. (Forthcoming). Dr. Marques also conducted the following peer-‐reviewed presentations: • Marques, J., Dhiman, S., & Biberman, J. (2014). “Voicing Appreciation as a Positive Roadmap”. 40th OBTC Teaching Conference for Management Educators, Nashville, TN. • Biberman, J., Marques, J., & Dhiman, S. (2014). “Inner Voices -‐ Powerful Leaders”. 40th OBTC Teaching Conference for Management Educators, Nashville, TN. • Marques, J. Dhiman, S., & Biberman, J. (2014). “Being the Change: Developing Compassionate Voices of Leadership”. 40th OBTC Teaching Conference for Management Educators, Nashville, TN. • Dhiman, S., Marques, J., & Biberman, J. (2014). “Voicing reality through metaphors: An Interactive Session on Storytelling”. 40th OBTC Teaching Conference for Management Educators, Nashville, TN. Keith Nishida (Fashion Marketing) delivered two peer-‐reviewed papers and a proposal, and received a research grant award alongside his pedagogy research team: • Nishida, K. “The Lost Fanboys; Hello Kitty Male Consumers”, presented at 2014 Annual National Popular Culture Association/ American Culture Association (PCA/ACA), Chicago, IL. April 2014. • Reeves-‐DeArmond, G., & Mower, J., & Nishida, K., Oregon State University E-‐Campus Distance Education Research Grant. Purpose: to study Student, Faculty, and Industry Perceptions of the Development and Use of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in clothing and textiles education. • Reeves-‐DeArmond, G., & Mower, J., & Nishida, K. (2014). Proposal for a special topics session discussing the current conditions and future of opportunities for MOOCs in the clothing and textiles discipline. (Accepted for the 2014 ITAA, International Textile and Apparel Association, annual conference to be held in Charlotte, NC (Nov. 2014). 7 • Nishida, K. (February 2014). Instagram as the Frontier of Mobile Marketing. Accepted and presented at 2014 Global Fashion Management Conference (GFMC) in London, UK. In February 2014. Dr. Yas Nishiyama (Economics/Quantitative Methods) had two paper published: • • Nishiyama, Y., Camillo, A. and Jinkens, R. “Gender and Motives for Accountancy.” Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 2014, 15(2), pp. 175-‐196. Nishiyama, Y. “The Endogenous Money Supply Revisited in a More Realistic Framework.” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2014, 36(4), pp. 653-‐672. Dr. Danielle Ramirez (Marketing) had a paper accepted for presentation: • Ramirez, D. "Course Design and Assessment of Civic Engagement Initiatives in the Classroom," to be presented at the Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning, Jan. 2015. Her viewpoints were also published in Smart Business Magazine: • Ramirez, D. (August 2014) “Why relationship building is more important than ever in advertising". Smart Business Magazine She further served as a Panelist for the 2014 Women's Leadership Conference. Held at Woodbury University Dr. Alexandra Saba (Management) presented a peer-‐reviewed paper and had one, also peer-‐ reviewed, accepted for presentation: • Saba, A. (April 24 – 27, 2014). "X,Y,Z and Alphas: The New Golden Rule of the Global Workforce", International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Conference, Dallas, TX. • Saba, A. (January 17 – 19, 2015). "Life In The Fast Lane: Navigating The New World Order", Global Business and International Management Conference, Los Angeles, CA Dr. Kristen Schiele (Marketing) delivered a peer reviewed conference proceeding: • Schiele, K. (2014) “Learning One-‐on-‐One: Creating a Beneficial Directed Study Experience” Marketing Educators Association Conference Proceedings. She also gave several interviews and wrote articles on her Online Reviews research: • Entrepreneur Magazine (July 2014 issue) • Reputation Management: (August 2014) “The Expert Guide to Building Trust Online” • CMO Council (July 2014 newsletter) • HispanicMPR (podcast interview) "How Companies can Utilize Online Reviews": • SmartBusiness (April 2014) “How to stand out by engaging with consumers through crowdsourcing” • Yahoo Finance (January 2014) “Turning the Tables on Yelp: Businesses Offer Feedback on Consumer Review Sites, in Landmark Woodbury University/ReviewInc Study” • Business Opportunities Journal (January 2014): “Study Reveals What Business Owners 8 Think About Online Review Sites” Dr. Mine Üçok Hughes (Marketing) conducted the following academic peer reviewed presentations: • Bendoni, W., Pehlivan, E. & Üçok Hughes, M. (2014, October). Digital curation in the context of fashion marketing. Paper presented at Marketing EDGE Direct/Interactive Marketing Research Summit, San Diego, CA. • McConnell, W. & Üçok Hughes, M. (2014, September). The Emerging Paradigm of Enviro-‐ ethical dialogism, corporate social responsibility and consumer dynamism. Paper presented at Symposium on International & Interdisciplinary Business Research, Los Angeles, CA. – Best Paper Award • Pehlivan, E., Berthon, P., Üçok Hughes, M. & Berthon, J. (2014, June). Keeping up with the Joneses: secrets and duplicity in promotional messages. Paper presented at INBAM Conference, Barcelona, Spain. • Bendoni W., Üçok Hughes, M. & Pehlivan, E. (2014, February). A Love Story by Tiffany & Co. and Thousands of Lovers: Story Giving as a Co-‐creation Tool. Paper presented at 2014 Global Fashion Management Conference, London, UK. Dr. Adam Wood (Management) conducted the following peer-‐reviewed presentation: • Wood, A. (2014). The Cost of a Poker-‐Face: Consequences of Self-‐Regulation on Emotion Recognition. Presented at the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA. He also participated in the following workshop development conference: • Leadership for Change, University of San Diego (11-‐13 July 2014) Dr. Lucy Xie (Accounting) had two peer-‐reviewed articles published and one peer-‐reviewed articles accepted: • Liu, L., Xie, Xinmei, and Branson, L. (2014, October). “Earnings Management in Poor Performers”, Journal of International Finance and Economics. • Liu, L., Forgione, D., Xie, Xinmei, and Branson, L. (2014, October). “Client Importance and Auditor Independence”, Journal of International Business and Economics. • Liu, L., Branson, L., and Xie, Xinmei. (2015, forthcoming). “Ownership Structure, Capital Reduction and Firm Performance”, Journal of International Finance and Economics. The preparation of this list of achievements is updated annually as an inspiration to the School of Business faculty, and a means of sharing our ongoing accomplishments with others. The administrative team of Woodbury University’s School of Business is extremely proud of the achievements of its faculty team, and confirms that this team is continuing to reflect on-‐ and 9 emanate the Schools mission: Woodbury University’s School of Business cultivates the distinctive talents of each student to prepare future leaders of business who communicate effectively, act ethically, and think globally. 10
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