St Brigid’s Marrickville In the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Australia One Family, Alive in Christ Est 1886. Under the Pastoral Care of the Passionists since 1887 392 Marrickville Rd (PO Box 237), Marrickville NSW 2204 Tel: 02 8577 5670 Fax: 02 8577 5679 Email: [email protected] Web: FaceBook: St Brigid’s Marrickville Parish Priest: Fr John Pearce CP ([email protected]) Associates: Fr Peter Gardiner CP ([email protected]) Sr Elena Daton CP ([email protected]) Parish Secretary: Ms Terrey Trethowan (9.30am - 4pm) We stand at the Crossroads of life for many people Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Pope Calls Christians to be 'Living Stones' of the Church one.” In order to be strong “bricks” of the Temple, Pope Francis said the faithful must first become “weak” 24 October 2014 (CNA/EWTN News). through the virtues of humility, kindness, and generosiIn his homily for Mass at the Santa Marta resity. The weaker we become through these virtues which dence on Oct 24, Pope Francis reflected on the call of seemingly serve no purpose, the Pope said, the stronger Christians to perpetuate unity in the Church by being we become as “living stones” of the Temple. “living stones” built upon the “cornerstone of Christ.” Just as Jesus “was made weak” even unto the This creating of unity in the Church, the Pope Cross, the Pope said, “He became strong.” On the other said, recounting the reading from Saint Paul to the Phihand, “Pride [and] conceit are useless.” lippians, “is the work of the Church and of every ChrisIn creating this Temple, Pope Francis said, the tian throughout history.” architect must lay out a ground plan. This plan is “the In addition, the Holy Father cited the Apostle hope to which we are called: the hope of going towards Peter, who contrasts the Church – “a temple made of the Lord, the hope of living in a living Church, made with living stone” – with the Tower of Babel, which he deliving stones, with the strength of the Holy Spirit.” It is scribed as the “temple of pride.” The first temple creates only with this hope as the “ground plan” that it is possi“unity,” he said, whereas the second symbolizes disunity ble “to move forward in the unity of the Church.” and misunderstanding. “We are called to a great hope,” he said. “Let us The task of every Christian, Pope Francis said, is go there! But with the strength which Jesus' prayer for “to create unity in the Church,” the temple built upon unity gives us; with the gentleness of the Holy Spirit, Jesus, who is the “cornerstone”. who is able to make living stones from bricks; and with Jesus is the “rock upon which the Church's unithe hope of finding the Lord who has called us to enty” is built, the Pope said, adding that “there is no unity counter him in the fullness of time!” without Jesus Christ at its base: He is our certainty.” It is the Holy Spirit who creates this unity, the You are Hurting the Church if You're Holy Father said. “For this reason, Jesus sent Him: to make the Church grow, to make it strong, to make it Lukewarm, Pope Francis Warns By Ann Schneible, 27 Oct 2014(CNA/EWTN News).- In his homily for Mass celebrated at the Santa Marta residence Monday Pope Francis warned against the harm of “lukewarm” Christianity, calling on faithful instead to be “children of light.” The Lord has strong words towards Christian who avoid overstating their Christianity, the Pope told the congregation on Oct. 27. Such Christians do great harm “because their Christian witness is a witness which ultimately disseminates confusion, disseminates a negative witness.” At the End Times, the Pope continued, the Lord will say to these “gray” Christians: “You are neither hot nor cold. If only you were hot or cold. But because you are lukewarm – therefore gray – I vomit you from my mouth'.” Contrasting lukewarm Christians with the “children of light” and the “children of darkness,” the Holy Father described these “gray” Christians as going from one side to the other, making it difficult to determine whether they follow God or the devil. Newsletter No. 45. 8/9 November 2014 Pope Francis (cont) “They are always lukewarm,” he said. “They are neither luminous nor dark.” Pope Francis turned his reflection to the day's first reading from Saint Paul, calling on Christians to be children of light, rather than children of darkness. In order to know which sort of children we are, the Pope said, we should consider whether the words we use fall into one of four categories: hypocritical, empty, frivolous, or obscene. Such words, he said, are not used by “the children of light. They are not from the Holy Spirit. They are not from Jesus, they are not the words of the Gospel. . . this way of speaking, always speaking of filthy things, or frivolously, or empty, or speaking hypocritically.” Instead, the Holy Father said, citing Saint Paul, we are called to imitate God by walking in charity, goodness, and gentleness. “Therefore, be imitators of God and walk in charity. And this is the word of a child of light.” “There are luminous Christians, full of light,” the Pope said, “who seek to serve the Lord with this light.” He added that there are “dark” Christians “who lead a life of sin, a life far from the Lord.” Warning against being deceived by statements which are “beautiful, well said, but empty,” Pope Francis challenged Christians to ask themselves: “Am I a Christian of light? Am I a Christian of darkness? Am I a Christian of gray?” In this way, he said, we can “take a step forward toward an encounter with the Lord.” Parish News & Information Passionist Outreach Frs John, Peter, Jim, at St Brigid’s Fr Michael, at Bossley Park. Fr Phil, in Port Moresby. Fr Lex & Peter, weddings. Parish Piety Store Burglary: Last Saturday afternoon the Piety Store was broken into once again, twice now in recent months. Nothing was stolen as there is never any money on site. There was further damage to the door, which will need reinforcement. Christmas: Vinnies Christmas Cards are now available, great value at 10 for $6. Columban Calendars $9ea. Also large range of Baptism candles, cards. Collection after Communion today. We support many social service agencies of the Archdiocese. Nov 12: Installation Mass for Archbishop Anthony Fisher St Mary’s Cathedral @ 7 pm. This is an open event, tho seating will be hard to find. Participants need to arrive early. Dec 6: Boarding Houses Christmas Party It’s on again in Shrublands Hall, 12-2pm. Christmas gifts will be requested, and volunteers. It’s a great outreach organised by Margaret Huuskes, Carole & Michael Price. Dec 13: Peace on Earth: Community Carols Carols @ St Brigid’s are on again. We expect a bigger crowd afJoining together our Celebrater last year’s successful night. Our tion of First Reconciliation with our costs are covered mostly by sale of children & our Advent Reconciliation food and drinks. This year we will Service. An opportunity to come to have to ask for donations on the the Sacrament, even if you haven't night to cover the shortfall in funding been for years. It’s a good way to from Council. ask God for healing in life. At 7pm. The MC and programme direcNov 20: Mass for tor is John Jacobs from Casimir ColSydney Alliance Table Talks 150th Anniversary of the lege, assisted by Sandra Crocombe. Thank you to those who Maria Barlow & the Cultural CommitDeath of Fr John Therry stopped at a table last weekend for tee are co-ordinating food stalls and @ St Mary’s Cathedral @ 5.30pm conversation on our Sydney Alliance drinks. Help will be needed on the issues. Between Committees, SpirituNov: 26 Memorial Mass For morning of Dec 13 to set up stage, ality Day, and last Sunday we have All Who Have Died This Year. sound, décor, etc. Clean up and pack now completed 21 Table Talks. More We give thanks for our loved up was done by 9.30pm with a great to come if we as parishioners use the ones who have died this year. Please help of many. guide sheet from last weekends submit all names and an electronic We did a great job last year, Newsletter to engage our neighbours photo by email to the Parish Office and we welcomed Marrickville to our in a Table Talk. Its not hard. All we no later than Friday14 November. On place. Let’s get behind it again this have been asked for is Our Stories, the night as names are read, please year. The night finishes after firenot solutions. A Team from Sydney place a single flower on the altar rail. works before 9pm. Alliance will take these up. Thank At the end of Mass, these are gathyou to those who participated. December Guest Speaker ered and placed in vases. Fr Jacques Philippe of the November Masses Nov 28: St Brigid’s School: Community of the Beatitudes in Envelopes available at main Celebration of Cultures France will be speaking at various Church door and honoured at parish In St Brigid’s School grounds events in Sydney on Dec 5-11, inand community Masses. from 4pm with great food for sale cluding Retreat Days, Youth Catechbefore the entertainment. esis and a public talk. For specific MoVember in November details visit Change of Date Congratulations to the 15 guys or call from the Men’s Club, refacing themDec 1: Parish Leaders 9307 8422 selves with a “Mo”. Info on donations Gathering to this Cancer Council project on Dec 20: Kids Choir to Visit Once again we end the year back page. Nursing Homes with a gathering of Parish Committees and Workers in Shrublands Hall Started by Sr Maribel, once Nov 8-9: Charitable Works for drinks and supper (7pm). again we are off to the Nursing Fund Appeal Nov 13: Reconciliation Service Information Directory CatholicCare Family Help Line 1300 1300 52 St Brigid’s Primary School 9558 6926 Casimir Catholic College 9558 2888 Catholic Church Marriage Tribunal 9390 5120 Baptisms Preparation: 1st Sundays 10am Presentation: 2nd Sunday Masses Baptisms: 3rd & 4th Sundays 12pm or at Masses Marriages Preferably 6 months notice Contact: Parish Secretary Pastoral Ministry Contacts: Liturgical Timetable Mon—Fri: Masses: 6.45 am, 9.00 am; Wednesday 7.00 pm Eucharistic Adoration: 7.15-8.45am. Benediction: 8.45am Public Hols: Mass 9.00am Saturday: Mass 7.30 am; Reconciliation 9-10 am; Marriages 10-3 pm; Reconciliation 4-4.45 pm; Mass: 5 pm; & 6.30 pm (Vietnamese) Sunday: Mass at 7.30 am, 9 am, 10 .30am (multilingual); 4.30pm (Viet); 6pm Ministry of Care & Support to Aged and Infirm Mass is celebrated monthly in all the Nursing Homes in Marrickville. Communion is taken to sick residents in Nursing Homes & in their homes on a weekly basis, either by Ministers of Care or family members. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is offered after Masses on First Fridays, and at the 10am Italian mass on 4th Fridays. Also available on request and recommended before attending hospital for major surgery. We Remember Recently Deceased: Francisco Nobrega; Santina Pollicina. Anniversaries: Phero Le Van Cu; Maria Ilda Quintal; Maria Toan Thi Nguyen; Giuseppe Tiz- Adult Sacraments Sr Elena zone; Alexander Peter; GuiseNguyen Duc Trinh; Alma Kayrouz; Danuta Kupidura; Maria Rosa CanCare Fr John, Jenny, Maree Cruz. Care of Sick & Aged Sr Elena Recently Ill: Teresa Mazzeo; Lucy MacKillop CCD in State Schools Sue King Children’s Sacraments Fr John Cultural C’tee Maria Barlow-Sawaszenko Ecumenical & Interfaith John McGrath Parish Collections Mass Texts: Sunday 32 Sr Pat Bowthorpe FMM Dedication of Lateran Basilica Family Groups Carole Price Counters: This week (10/11) First Reading: Ezekiel 47:1-2. 8-9.12 Finance Council Michael Curran Response: The waters of a river give joy Justice & Peace Fr Peter, Peter Jennings Jim’s Team Counters: Next Week (17/11) to God’s city, the Holy Place where the Liturgical Ministries Fr John, Sr Elena Lea’s Team Most High dwells. Men’s Club: Arthur Kassis, John Skinner, Second Reading: 1 Corin. 3:9-11. 16-17 Mick Ward 1/2 November Gospel: John 2: 13-22 Pastoral Council John Skinner, Paige Bullen 1st (Passionists): $ 2,510 Intercessions Response: PPC Committees: 2nd (Parish): $ 5,041 Lord graciously hear us - Communication/Engagement: Cash & Envelopes: $ 3,758 - Infrastructure: John Skinner Mass Texts: Sunday 33 Credit Cards: $ 1,283 - Nurturing Liturgy: Paige Bullen First Reading: Proverbs 31:10-13.19- Social Justice: Peter Jennings 25/6 October 20.30-31 - Spiritual Growth: 1st (Passionists): $ 2,120 Response: O blessed are those who fear - Strong Community: Michael Ward 2nd (Parish): $ 4,949 the Lord Second Reading: 1 Thess 5:1-6 Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30 Sunday Mass Ministries: Lectors/Commentators 8/9 November 5 pm Sat 15/16 November Dedication of Lateran Basilica & Sunday 33 Communion Ministers 8/9 November 15/16 November Altar Servers 8/9 November 15/16 November Leila Walsh Liz Buchel Kalala Sakopo Michael Price Kelelia Apikotoa Vanessa Apikotoa Margaret Dos Santos Jack Houssarini Susie Houssarini William Metlej Liz Carnabuci Carole price Maria Fuller Sam Kiula Leila Walsh Paul Hurst Leon Tupola Gary Tupola Visesio Siasau Joseph Kula Alicya Young Leon Tupola Gary Tupola Visesio Siasau Joseph Kula Alicya Young Maree Doyle Carolan Ibbotson John Freeman Pat O’Reilly John Freeman Teresa James Michael Dillon Kerry Anne Pestana Denis Habermann Marivic Murray Michael Dillon Michael Dillon 9 am Sun Christina Day Sue King Peter Jennings John Skinner Therese Skinner Kath Walton Frank Wassef Pedro Moreira Diane Moreira Antoinette Grigg Malia Amatuanai Trish Ferguson Peter Jennings Christina Day John McGrath Justin Hartany Jessica Hartany Jenny Oesman Michael Moreira Claude Walton Louis Walton Jacqueline Flett Nicholas Sourlas Xavier Rego Naomi Rego Natasha Rego Olivia Moreira Ivy Bullen Fergus Bullen Theodore Bullen 10.30 am Sun Bernadette Yammine Alfred Schiavo Maria Barlow Adrienne Harverson Diana Perin Angie Chiapoco Angie Chiapoco Elvie Chiapoco Rosa Travia Alfred Schiavo Kalala Sakopo Elvie Chiapoco Fiona & Jessica Paul Bernadette Yammine Alb Naticchia Ant Naticchia Geoffrey Lean Aldrick De Vera Alfred De Vera William Crocombe James Poonan Albert Naticchia Anthony Naticchia John Dorrington 6 pm Sun Jacquei Hicks Michael McGrath Maria Fuller Catrina Fuller Arthur Kassis Jackie Kassis Noelene Fernandez Violette Kozme Maria & Catrina Fuller Alycia Nasic Dominic Manansala Pei-Pei Coa Ever Landero Tony Hayek John Collins Tony Hayek John Collins 7.30am Sun Parish Calendar 2014 & Coming Events November 8-9 Nov Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Charitable Works Apeal—all masses 12 Nov Sharing a Passionist Spirituality (7.30pm) 11 Nov Installation of Archbishop Anthony Fisher in St Mary’s Cathedral (7pm) 13 Nov Parish Celebration of Reconciliation Including First Confession (7pm) 15-16 Nov 33rd Sunday of the Year Collection of Boarding House Christmas Gifts 19 Nov Justice & Peace Archdiocesan Co-ordination Team ( 6.45pm) 21 Nov Berne School Graduation 22 Nov Set Up Crib Gift of Bread Celebration Mass 22-23 Nov Feast of Christ the King Collection of Boarding House Christmas Gifts 25 Nov Pastoral Council (7.30pm) 26 Nov Annual Memorial Mass (7pm) 27 Nov Finance Council (7.30pm) Community Carols @ St Brigid’s Soloists and groups interested in singing 1-2 items at the Carols on 13th December, please contact John Jacobs ASAP, [email protected] Boarding House Christmas Party 6th December in Shrubland Hall Who is My neighbour? At Christmas, its our people in Boarding Houses. On this day we share our Gift of Kindness and Fun with our friends from the local Boarding Houses. The Party includes a Lunch and a Sing-A-Long with Parishioners mixing with our guests. You are most welcome to come along and enjoy and share. A plate of food would be most welcome. Santa will give out gifts. Some Gift suggestions ... For men: toiletries, socks, t shirts, hankies and caps; For women: toiletries, t shirts, bags and sun hats. Please bring gifts to Church unwrapped but in plastic bags on weekends of Nov 15-16 and 22-23. If you wish, a cash Donation in lieu of a gift may be put in an envelope marked Boarding House on a Sunday collection. Wrapping morning Thursday 4th December from 9.30am in Shrublands.
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