THE BILLBOARD NOVEMBER 2014 For The Valley of Billings, Orient of Montana - serving Eastern Montana Scottish Rite Members Special points of interest: Message from PR Bob Hanson 33° Page 1 Message from VM Chris Rubich 32° KCCH Page 2 Message From Deputy in Montana David L. Nielsen 33° Page 3 178th Reunion Page 4 Officers 2014 Page 2 To The Celestial Lodge: Richard G. Ingram 1921—2014 A FEW WORDS FROM YOUR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE I want to thank the membership for their decision to purchase new wigs and beards. As you all know the old ones were terrible. We have needed new beards and wigs for a long !me. I think that it is important to have nice looking and realis!c looking a"re for the many degrees that we put on twice a year. Also the tablo will look so much more realis!c when we do that in the spring. the 7th and 8th. We have a large class and we need to make it a reunion that all of the candidates remember. I would ask that every member of our Sco!sh Rite come and spend some "me with these new men. Bob Snow said he would put on a hot breakfast for the Men, Saturday morning in Dinning room star!ng at around 7:00 AM, $5.00 a plate. How can you beat that? It is sure nice to be able to have a breakfast for our reunion. There will be a dinner a"er the reunion also everyone is invited to the dinner call for reserva!ons please. At our last dinner we had a pre#y full house but I want to fill up our dining room at this next dinner. We will have the Sandy Rubich cookie jar event at the December mee!ng and I know that everyone will enjoy all the nice treats that will be up for sale. If you would like to make a jar for this event please feel free to be crea!ve and have a lot of fun making a jar. The program for the night will be the Feast of Tishri, so all the honor men in tux please. Bob Snow has promised a great dinner and everyone knows that he has never let us down yet. Call the office now to make your reserva!ons the date is November 5th, 6:30 dinner What a wonderful !me with new men joining our organiza!on and everyone joining in to make it memorable for all. The lastly, I want to talk about is our Reunion that is coming on November 1 Bob Hanson Personal Representative FALL REUNION NOVEMBER 07th AND 8th Message from The Venerable Master The end of October already? Tempus fugit I guess. October was a big month for the Billings Valley as we had our Pumpkin Patch Banquet and its associated events. I have heard the Pumpkin Patch Party on Friday went well as did the 1st time ladies luncheon. I have not heard on the banquet itself but my thanks go out to the Language Clinic Board for all its work on these fundraisers. Without these brothers we would not be able to complete our charitable responsibilities near as well as we do. The next major occurrence for the Valley is the Fall Reunion on November 7th and 8th. I know the degree teams are working hard to be ready for this great event, I just returned from a 4th degree practice. We have 5 candidates already petitioned and paid for this reunion, more would be better and we can accept petitions until the day of the reunion. Candidates are important, degree teams are important, stage crew is important, but the most important people are the sideliners. To give a great show for the candidates we need to have as many brothers as possible on the sideline. These new brothers are joining our organization and hoping to learn from us. We cannot help them with this goal unless there are brothers on the sidelines to great and help the new brothers. Our November meeting is the Feast of Tishri, for the Honormen these means we get the honor and privilege of wearing out tuxes, for the other brothers same dress code as usual. Given that we have the Feast, we will try to keep things short upstairs, a meeting is in the air depending on how long the programs go. I hope to see as many of you at this great meeting as possible, it is one of our two observances and the brothers should do their best to be present. It may seem like forever away but the December meeting is only about 5 or 6 weeks away. This is one of the biggest meetings of the year as it is elections and then installation of officers. I hope to see as many brothers and ladies present as possible to welcome in the new slate of officers. As with the last two years we will be having the cookie jar raffle/auction at the December meeting. This has been a great fundraiser for the Language Clinic Building Fund and I hope this year will be better. The cookie jars this years are being handled by Patty Murphy. I would like to give a huge thank you to Patty for taking over this fundraiser with the death of the previous chair. In honor of its founder the cookie jars have been renamed to “Sandy’s Cookie Jar Raffle.” I for one am greatly appreciative of the name change to honor Mom and I hope her idea of a fundraiser can not only continue but grow to help the Language Clinic in perpetuity. As brothers we have all professed to be in search of light. What have we done to search for this light? Have we studied the ritual for verbiage and meaning? Have we researched the meaning behind the Scottish Rite degrees? Have we studied with the Knights of Saint Andrew with their research? Have we just given lip service to our statement of interest in light? I would encourage all the brothers to look for ways to not only help the Valley, but help themselves in the search for light. Scottish Rite offers multiple ways to increase in knowledge. There are the 2 LODGE OF PERFECTION ELECTED OFFICERS VM Chris W. Rubich, 32° KCCH Senior Warden Jason M. Smith, 32° Junior Warden Lewie C. Fletcher, 32° KCCH Orator Thomas V. Hornung, 32° KCCH Almoner David B. Bergeson, 33° APPOINTED OFFICERS Treasurer David L. Armstrong, 33° Secretary Michael J. Welton, 32° Prelate Ronny Aasterud, 32° MC Sean McDuffee, 32° Expert Lindy Graves , 32° Assistant Expert Charles Rubich, 32° Capt. of the Host Nicholas A. Degel IV, 32° Tyler Jason Koehn, 32° Organist John O. Baber, 32° KCCH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX ELECTED OFFICERS Wise Master Jeffrey J. Dresch, 32° KCCH Senior Warden Stephan A. Bradley, 32° Junior Warden Mark T. Olsen, 32° Orator COUNCIL OF KADOSH ELECTED OFFICERS Commander Michael J. Welton, 32° 1st Lt. Commander Daniel E. Massey, 32° 2nd Lt. Commander Ronny C. Aasterud, 32° Orator Sean McDuffee, 32º CONSISTORY ELECTED OFFICERS Master of Kadosh David B. Bergeson, 33° Prior John P. Wilson, Sr., 32° Preceptor Daniel E. Massey, 32° Minister of State three levels of the Master Craftsman course studying Scottish Rite and blue Lodge, there is also the Knights of Saint Andrew which meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month to discuss the degrees. Aside from these there are many ways to help out in the Valley, I encourage everyone to find a new way to participate. Have a great remainder of the fall. CHRIS Back to Index THE RITE CORNER DeMolays and Masons. Ed graduated to became a law school professor and later the Dean of the Law School. While I was pursuing my career in Helena and Ed in Missoula, our encounters were less frequent. When we did see each other from time to time, we each silently shared the reminiscence of DeMolay. “DeMolay Memories ” David L. Nielsen, 33° Deputy in Montana One day, during the year I was serving as Grand Master of Masons, I received a call from an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He had been given my name and telephone number from the Grand Secretary. He told me Ed had been nominated for a Presidential appointment to federal position and he was doing a background check. He said Ed belonged to the Masons and needed to know if Masonry was a subversive organization. Having recently returned at that time from the 275 th Anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, I was fresh on the great history that Masons played in the formation of this country and our individual liberties found in the Bill of Rights. I may have told him that the only conspiracy that I knew Masons participated in was the fight for independence in 1775 and the establishment of the United States Constitution in 1776. To his surprise I remarked that the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover, was a Mason and especially a 33° Scottish Rite Mason. He was interested in this explanation of the nature of Masonry. I never did ask if Ed got the appointment but I certainly hope so. I recently had the honor of attending the Grand Banquet for the Montana Masonic Youth Convention, which was a combined event of State DeMolay and Job’s Daughters, and bringing greetings from the Orient of Montana, A&ASR. The convention had the trappings of the old DeMolay Conclaves that I attended as an active DeMolay but included a concurrent statewide meeting of the four Montana Bethels for Job’s Daughters. The message I left with the DeMolays and The young men were handsome and the Jobies was that the brothers and sisters they young ladies lovely. meet in their respective organizations will always have a special bond that endures over The youthful energy from the DeMolays time. Though Masons and Scottish Rite and Jobies was exciting just to be in their brothers know this is true, I wanted to presence. The night triggered memories reassure the DeMolays and Jobies that it is of my personal experiences as a Montana equally so with them. DeMolay and the brothers that I met then and encountered later in life. I was chagrined that I have not visited a Particularly I recalled Ed Eck, who was DeMolay chapter in years but with this from Lewistown and the son of a recent renewal of DeMolay excitement, I pharmacist. Ed was State Master plan to change that. I suggest that we Councilor in 1966. Ed was a little older all make time to visit a DeMolay than me and after his term as State Chapter, a Rainbow Assembly, Master Councilor, I did not run across his path until I entered Law School at the and a Job’s Daughter Bethel. It will University of Montana. There was Ed in be a rewarding experience for us and for the class ahead of mine. He was the them. same patient, gentle, thoughtful man that I remembered from years before. Though we had not seen each other since DeMolay days we still shared that special bond of the brotherhood being 3 MEMBERSHIP: Contact information Michael J. Welton 32° [email protected] 259-6683 2014—86 Members Past Due This equals to over $11K ARE YOU PAST DUE 2015 Cards are now in the Office You can pay online or drop off at the office/mail in MIC’S PICKS Extract from “Masonic Prayers and Graces’ By Revd Neville Barker Cryer Nr. 56 page 24 For another Raising occasion: Falling leaves is a time we know Of mellow fruitfulness Our Brother’s at fruition now, A Master Mason, he’s become, no less. We hope in time he surely may Further progression in Masonry make To Chapter, Knight Templar or Royal Arch It’s up to him his choice to take. Lord, pray, bless him, and this our food, As we meet here to dine, May we recall the absent, Lord At his full autumn time. Back to Index REUNION NEW WIGS and BEARDS: The Executive Committee has passed a motion to replace all the VERY OLD wigs and beards. 7th and 8th November 2014 SCHEDULE OF DEGREES Friday - November 07st, 2014 6:00 P.M.-Class Roll Call & Instruction 6:30 P.M.-Fourth Degree Secret Master: The Fourth Degree teaches us to be careful, to watch over ourselves and those bound to us by virtue’s ties, to practice virtue; shun vice; and place a sentinel at our lips. Degree Chairman : Christopher W. Rubich, 32° 7:00 P.M. Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Communicated. Board President and Treasurer model a new wig and beard. 7:30 P.M. - Eight, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth & Thirteenth Degrees: Communicated 8:00 P.M. - Fourteenth Degree Perfect Elu: Degree Chairman : E. William Murphy, Jr.,32° KCCH 9:00 P.M. – Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Degrees : Communicated Saturday – November 8th 7:00 –8:15A.M. Hot Breakfast 8:30 A.M. - Class 178th Reunion Memory of to Floyd V. “Creeky” Creekmore 1916– 2014 Come help support our five candidates: Dave Schantz; Pete Boothroyd; Erik Zalenski; Corb Strommen; and Steve LaFurge. Roll Call. 8:45 A.M. - Eighteenth Degree Knights of the Rose Croix: The Eighteenth Degree teaches us, by the mystic ladder, the three principal rounds of which are , FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY, the aspirant may surely hope to arrive in due time at the Celestial Lodge above, and find joy in the presence of the GRAND MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE. Degree Chairman : David L. Armstrong, 33° to perpetuate the memory of the notable architects who felled and prepared the cedars of Lebanon for the Temple of Solomon. Degree Chairman : Gordon W. Lockwood, 33° 11:20 A.M. - Twenty-third, twentyforth, twenty-fifth, twenty sixth, twentyseventh, twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth degrees Communicated. 12:00 – Noon, Lunch. 1:00 P.M. - Thirtieth Degree Knight Kadosh: The Thirtieth Degree teaches us the SACRED KNIGHT (the work “Kadosh” signifying “Sacred”) stands apart from all sects, is free from ambition; opens his arm to all men, and has no enemies save vice, fanaticism and superstition. Degree Chairman: Stephen R. Hanser, 32° KCCH 2:15 P.M. - Thirty First Degree Communicated: 2:30 P.M. - Thirty-second Degree Master of the Royal Secret: The Thirty-second Degree teaches us that the true mysteries of religion have been preserved by the Masonic Fraternity; and that opposition to bigotry, superstition, and all the passions and vices which disgrace human nature is the prime duty of every Scottish Rite Mason. Degree Chairman : Stephen D. Marsh, 33° Banquet: 6:30 PM Ladies are invited. 10:15 A.M. – Nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first degrees Communicated 10:30 A.M. - Twenty-second Degree Knight Royal Axe or Prince of Libanus: The Twenty-second Degree teaches us 4 Back to Index SCOTTISH RITE LANGUAGE CLINIC Greetings everyone, our fund raiser has concluded and due to all the effort from many we have done very well. Following is a breakout of funds received to date. 365 Club $3367 from 9 Brothers plus a partial from another. Banquet Live Auction $4575, Ticket Sales $6903 less materials Donations $8454 less flyer costs Silent Auction $2580 Banquet costs to date -$4529.30 Ladies Luncheon $2632 Pumpkins for Kids after all costs $163.33 Total for all activities currently $$24,827.13 Masonic Riddles Festive Board Q. What did the Junior Warden say when the Steward was about to serve double helpings at the Festive Board. A. Halve it and begin. Finders Keepers Q. Where do you find Freemasons? A. It depends where you lost them. Freemason or Not? Q. When is a Freemason not a Freemason? A. When advancing to the East in the Second Degree, he turns into a winding staircase. Language charity fundraiser I would like to thank all of the Volunteers, Sponsors, and every one who helped make our banquet, ladies luncheon and our pumpkins for kids a success You made all the work worth while The tally is not in yet but I think we can give ourselves a pat on the back for raising a lot of money for the kids We have got it started again. We can do better next year Thank you Bill Lewis The Knights of St. Andrew 3rd Wednesday 6 PM at the Rite. $20 for Life Membership. —————————— Building Kitchen Fund Sean did an outstanding job on the 13th Degree. Association Loan: PAID IN FULL Thank you to all the Brothers and Families that donated to the cause. After the Insurance payments were received and all your contributions the fund looks good. Thanks to a special significant donation the fund is now in the black. The account has been reconciled back to day one with a little surprise in finding more moneys that were tagged for this fund and not included in current balance. Current Balance: $5,985.69 Thank you to those who have Donated over the years 5 Next meeting is 19 November at 6 PM and the 14th Degree will presented. All Black Hats are encouraged to join. This is a gathering of Brothers, not a rigid course of instruction. Learning and Service to the Rite is our goal. Magic City Chapter just finished an exciting weekend of Ritual, competitions, fun, and Brotherhood. Four young men and three advisors represented Magic City Chapter. We came together with DeMolay’s and Job’s Daughters from around the state and a few out of state visitors for the first Montana Masonic Youth Convention Great Falls Montana. This was the first event of its kind and a mass amount of work was completed. We participated in ritual competitions, conducted candidates through the initiation ceremonies, assisted in performing the Legion of Honor and Majority Ceremonies. Escorted the Montana Miss Job’s Daughters Contestants during their Pageant. Finally, held vital, but long and passionate Magic City Chapter Order of discussions on bylaws for Montana DeMolay, had some fun and DeMolay got very little sleep. Master Councilor - Cole Obrist-Peabody Senior Councilor - Stephen Rea Junior Councilor - Madison Dickey Senior Deacon - Conner Dove Junior Deacon - Izaiah Long Senior Steward - Zakkary Winch Junior Steward - Paul Alverez Chaplain/Marshal - Aydin Abel Chapter Advisor, Brother Dan Massey, 32o . (406) 206-0337 During the weekend, I really noticed how well behaved these young men and women were, how well they jelled and rallied together to get things done. There were visitors from Canada and Missouri. They quickly melted into the sea of participants were doing ritual or judging or just cleaning up. It was just a really good sight to see. The other thing that I noticed was how much people changed and grown over the last few years. I know that massive changes occur during the teen years, however, the strength, leadership, and poise shown by these young men and women is just inspiring. On the home front, Magic City Chapter has a few candidates for the future and the boys are motivated after such an awesome weekend. We are going to the Corn Maze before Halloween, are going to participate in the Holiday Parade, and have Obligatory days scheduled over the next few months. As always, if you have any questions about DeMolay or know of a young man that would be good for DeMolay, please contact me. Thanks, Dan Massey Chapter Dad Help us find young men for our adults to be advisors. 13 November 2014 7:00 PM At the Scottish Rite Formal Meeting Officer Installation AMBASSADOR Corner 178th Fall Reunion 7th and 8th of November Brothers now is the time to get your petitions into the office. Once I receive a petition with $150 application fee, I will send you a copy of the Bridge to Light so you can better understand what will be presented with in the short evening and a day of information better known as the 29 degrees of the Scottish Rite. Michael J. Welton Billings Scottish Rite Secretary Come support your DeMolay 6 Back to Index MEAL MENU BY RED FEZ CATERING CONTRIBUTIONS Chicken Wild Rice Soup Center Cut Grilled Pork Chops With Apple Sauce MANY THANKS TO THOSE WHO CONTRIBUTE TO SCOTTISH RITE PROGRAMS Sage Dressing Home Fried Potatoes Scottish Rite Language Clinic General Fund Jerry Hoffman In Memory of Edna Hein Clarence Hein Banquet Sponsor Donation Hanson Chemical Inc Billings School District #2 Charles L. Fred Irrevocable Trust Relishes This is REAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED BUILDING REPAIR MANAGER DEGREE TEAMS STAGE CREW Rolls with Butter Pumpkin Pie With Whipped Cream ONE AMBASADOR FOR EACH BLUE LODGE Language Clinic Endowment Fund In Memory Esther Weinand Jack & Charlene Humphrey Transportation Van None Building/Kitchen Fund Raiser None RESERVATIONS REQUIRED 259-6683 MAKE OR CANCEL By MONDAY AT 10:30 AM before Dinner WE HAVE TO PAY FOR ALL RESERVATIONS YOU MAKE THANK YOU “Koffee Klatch” 7:30 AM to 9 MEAL PRICE NOW $11.00 NO SHOWS WILL BE No reservations needed, just show up. BILLED AM Just a $1.00 Due to Reunion on the 8th Breakfast will be at the Rite in the Dinning room. 7:00-8:15 AM $5.00 per Plate Every Thursday Breakfast. 08 November If not Cancelled by 10 AM The Monday before 7 Back to Index U.S. Postage Paid Non Profit Org Billings, MT Permit No. 724 Billings Scottish Rite Bodies 514 14th Street West Billings, MT 59102-5216 Tel: (406) 259-6683 Fax: (406) 256-0695 PR: [email protected] PR: [email protected] SEC: : [email protected] Return Service Requested ________________________ We’re on the Web at www. Or send an email to SEC above to be added to our Auto Email listing Need to Know Information CALENDAR OF EVENTS Times: 6:00 6:30 7:30 7:30 PM Executive Meeting PM Meal PM Stated Meeting/Program AM Monthly Breakfast 05 Nov Feast of Thishri—Ladies Welcome Prog: Deacon David Kenat—Speaker Lodge of Perfection Venerable Master Chris Rubich 01 Nov Shoe Fitting 8-11 AM 08 Nov Breakfast at Scottish Rite 7:00 AM 19 Nov Knights of St Andrew 15th Degree Chapter of Rose Croix Wise Master Jeffery J. Dresch 32°KCCH Council of Kadosh Commander Michael J. Welton, 32° 7th/8th Nov Master of Kadosh David B. Bergeson 33° 178th Fall 2014 Reunion 03 Dec Stated Meeting, Officer Election & Install Program: Officer Installation At Dinner—Sandy’s Cookie Jar Raffle.” 13 Dec Breakfast at Western Emporium on King Consistory REUNION 7TH & 8TH 8 Visit the Supreme Council 1733 16th Street, NW, in Washington, D.C.
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