Legion of Honor Conferral Team Commanders in the East Rick S. Freedman Russell W. Baker Jay W. Smith Commander in the West Edward J. Stumm Commander in the South J. Michael Larkin Grand Marshal Lee L. Cram, Jr. Grand Chaplain Gregory M. Schaeffer Grand Herald Seth C. Anthony Preceptors 1st ~ Bro. Evan Crawford 2nd ~ Bro. Jacob Beers, ST 3rd ~ Bro. Anthony Trento, SScr 4th ~ Bro. Adam Pritchard, SSC 5th ~ Bro. Eric Dye, SJC 6th ~ Bro. Isaac Holtzer, SMC 7th ~ Bro. Lorenzo Rodriguez, DMSC Legion of Honor The Legion of Honor is the highest honor that can be conferred upon a Senior DeMolay or Master Mason by DeMolay International. The Active Legion of Honor is conferred upon Senior DeMolays who are at least 25 years old and have demonstrated outstanding leadership in some field of endeavor or success in their fraternal life. It is denoted by the red cordon. The Honorary Legion of Honor is conferred upon Master Masons who are over 30 years of age and were never in DeMolay. These recipients have performed unusual and meritorious service on behalf of the Order or have evidenced a spirit of cooperation and appreciation for DeMolay. It is denoted by the white cordon. Each Chapter in Pennsylvania is permitted to make recommendations to the Executive Officer for the honor. He then submits his nominations to DeMolay International at its annual session, and that body must unanimously approve them. The Obligatory Day of the Legionnaire is March 18th to commemorate the day in 1314 when Jacques DeMolay was burned at the stake, becoming a martyr and exemplar of fidelity and toleration. Pennsylvania DeMolay Conferral of the Legion of Honor Masonic Temple Masonic Village at Elizabethtown October 19, 2014 2:30 PM "Dad" Thomas R. Labagh Executive Officer Bro. Isaac W. Holtzer 80th State Master Councilor Active Legionnaire Designates Active Legionnaire Designates (Cont.) Honorary Legionnaire Designates Bro. Dupee, a Senior DeMolay from the former North Penn Chapter, has distinguished himself as a leader in the Masonic Fraternity and beyond, having served as the presiding officer of dozens of organizations including his home Lodge, Shiloh No. 558 in Landsdale, PA. Recently, he completed a term as Grand Master General for the Convent General of the Knights York Cross of Honor, where his efforts in fundraising for cancer research were very successful. He is employed as an Attorney. “Dad” Settlemyer is an Advisor for Carlisle Chapter in Carlisle, PA. He is a Past Master Councilor and holds the Degree of Chevalier. Active in many Masonic organizations, he has served as the presiding officer of several bodies including two terms as Worshipful Master of Cumberland Star Lodge No. 197. He is employed by Delta Dental as a manager. A three time Past Master of Howell Lodge No. 405, Bro. Dukeman is currently serving as the District Deputy Grand Master for the 5th Masonic District. A ritualist at heart, Gary previously served as the Principal Instructor for the School of Instruction and continues to teach the ritual in his free time. He is currently self employed, owning an automotive shop, which allows him to indulge in his true love—restoring classic Chevy Corvettes. Matthew D. Dupee Christopher M. Fry “Dad” Fry is the current Chapter Chairman of Elizabethtown Chapter in Elizabethtown, PA. As a Past Master Councilor of that Chapter, he earned several honors and recognitions including the Degree of Chevalier and the Distinguished Service Award. He also served as an Elected State Officer for PA DeMolay. He is a member of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682 and is employed by Verizon as a Technical Supervisor. Jay M. Laser A Senior DeMolay of Riverside Chapter, in Wrightsville, PA, and a member of Ephrata Lodge No. 665 in Ephrata, PA, Bro. Laser has spent his life serving the youth of the Commonwealth via the Boy Scouts of America and the Masonic Fraternity. He is a member of several Masonic bodies and recently completed a term as the President of the Mid-Atlantic Shrine Oriental Band Association. He is employed as a Bailiff for the Lancaster County Courts. Robert R. Nye Bro. Nye has a record of service well known to Pennsylvania DeMolay. A Past Master Councilor, Chevalier, and Distinguished Service Award recipient of Elizabethtown Chapter, in Elizabethtown, PA, he would go on to serve PA DeMolay as our 62nd State Master Councilor in 1996 - ‘97. Bobby, as he is better known, is a member of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682. He is currently employed by the PA House Republican Committee as a consultant. Timothy R. Settlemyer Gary J. Dukeman Brian K. Shaffer “Dad” Shaffer is a Past Master Councilor and Chevalier of Carlisle Chapter, in Carlisle, PA. Following his Chapter service, he lead the state as the 51st State Master Councilor of Pennsylvania DeMolay in 1985 - ’86. He continues to be active with Pennsylvania DeMolay as the Director of Ritual. He is a member of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682 and is employed as a salesman. Steven J. Smith A Chevalier and Past Master Councilor of Lancaster Chapter, Bro. Smith distinguished himself as the 58th State Master Councilor of Pennsylvania DeMolay in 1992 - ’93. Continuing this tradition of service, he is a Past Master of Ashara - Casiphia Lodge No. 551 and District Youth Chairman for the First Masonic District. Steve was honored to serve as Grand Sword Bearer for the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania under the administration of Bro. Jay W. Smith, who is better known to Steve as “Dad.” He is currently employed as the Chief Estimator for Horst Construction. David A. McDade David is a member of Prince Edwin - Spring Creek Lodge No. 486 in Middletown, PA, but is probably best known for his service as the Grand Tall Cedar of Harrisburg Forest No. 43, Tall Cedars of Lebanon. A strong supporter of Pilgrim Chapter, in Harrisburg, he is also involved with the local Red Cross in their animal assisted therapy program. He is employed with the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue in the information technology division. Jerry J. Hamilton Jerry is a well known face to many Pennsylvania Freemasons, having a long and distinguished Masonic career, starting with Southampton - Radiant Star Lodge No. 806, where he is a Past Master. Sir Knight Hamilton is a Past Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Pennsylvania and is an active supporter of Templary in the Commonwealth. He is also known for his support of the Masonic Youth, having assisted PA DeMolay by portraying its founder “Dad” Ralph C. Minehart. Jerry is happily retired, having previously been employed in the automobile industry as a sales professional. William F. Harner “Dad” Harner is the Chairman of the Advisory Council for Northeast Chapter in Philadelphia, PA. He is a Past Master of Tacony Lodge No. 600 and has served on the Masonic Temple Association for the Tacony Masonic Center. He is currently employed by Da Vita as a biomedical technician.
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