Time dated material Pasadena Lodge of Perfection 150 North Madison Avenue Pasadena, CA 91101-1710 Periodical aaaaaaaaaaaaaa JANUARY Thursday, January 1 New Years Day- Office Closed Friday, January 9 4:00PM Cathedral Association Election of Officers 6:30PM Dinner 8:00PM Stated Meeting Consistory in Charge Election of Officers Women’s Association Monday, January 12 7:00PM Band Practice Friday, January 16 6:00PM Installation Practice Friday, January 23 6:00PM Grand Master Reception 6:30PM Dinner 8:00PM Installation Ceremony Monday, January 26 7:00PM Band Practice Saturday, January 31 9:00AM Discussion Group (22nd Degree) Made in the USA Valley Valley of of Pasadena Pasadena - July/August - January 2015 2014 Ill. Eugene Pope 33° Memorial Reunion Class - November 2014 All Bodies Gregory J. Gabriel, 320Almoner Miles H. Bresee III, 320Treasurer William F. Rook, 330Secretary Stephen R. Miller, 320 KCCH Organist Keith D. Kramer, 320 KSA Tiler Scottish Rite Calendar Keep Friday Nights for Scottish Rite Vol. 78 77 Officers of the Pasadena Bodies Lodge of Perfection Herbert E. Rohwer, Jr., 330 Venerable Master Chapter of Rose Croix Arthur S. Beddoe, 330 Wise Master Council of Kadosh Jack Carlson, 320 KCCH Commander Consistory Armin Schulhof, 320 KSA Master of Kadosh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry No. 17 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Scottish Rite 12 2 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin (USPS 422-600) 150 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101-1710 626.795.4213 Fax: 626.795.1487 http://www.pasadenascottishrite.org [email protected] Reservations: [email protected] Official publication of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry Periodical Class Postage Paid at Pasadena, California and at additional mailing offices. No Subscription Price Published Monthly Except July/August Combined Editorial Staff Ronald W. Alcorn III, 32º KCCH Editor Pat Meyer, 32º Mail Manager Change of Address Please notify the Secretary’s Office of your correct mailing address including ZIP CODE when moving. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Scottish Rite Journal. 150 North Madison Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101-1710 Allegiance The Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite sitting in the Valley of Pasadena, Orient of California acknowledge and yield allegiance to the Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspector General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the ThirtyThird and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the United States of America. 11 IN MEMORIAM Herbert E. Rohwer, Jr., 330 Venerable Master, Lodge of Perfection 150 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101 Ph. 626.795.4213 Robert F. Bunce, 32° Old West #813 September 20, 2013 Ronald J. Ritchie, 32° Palmdale #769 March 26, 2014 Steven Casciola, 33° Burbank #406 December 2, 2014 May Almighty God, in his infinite mercy, Grant that we may meet again, to part no more. Arthur S. Beddoe, 330 Wise Master, Chapter of Rose Croix 150 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101 Ph. 626.795.4213 Women’s Association News Happy New Year to you all. I would like to say it has been an honor serving as President of the Women’s Assn this year. I thank my fellow officers for their support and advice and all who attended each meeting Jack Carlson, 320 KCCH Commander, Council of Kadosh 150 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101 Ph. 626.795.4213 Ronald A. Seale, 33° Sovereign Grand Commander Frank Loui, 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General in the Orient of California Michael J. Bess, 33° Personal Representative of the Sovereign Grand Inspector General in the Orient of California Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Armin Schulhof, 320 KSA Master of Kadosh, Consistory 150 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101 Ph. 626.795.4213 January is the month when we install the new officers for the ensuing year. I wish them all the best for 2015. To the new 32 degree masons of the Scottish Rite I ask you to encourage your Wife, Sister, Mother or Daughter to join our Women’s Assn. The meeting takes place after the stated meeting dinner and while the men are having their meeting. Most months we have an enjoyable program. We welcome new members. Margaret Beddoe President 10 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Language Center News Armin J. Schulhof, 32° KSA Happy New Year! This year the Language Center will celebrate 20 years of service. We are looking forward to a celebration later this year. To date, we have served over 1000 clients and are so proud of the outstanding commitment the Scottish Rite has shown to our community! Last month we celebrated Christmas with a show, a visit from Santa, and refreshments. It was a great time for all. Many items on the Language Center’s Christmas wish list were fulfilled. Thank you to all for your generous gifts. This month the Language Center completed 107 hours of therapy for the 25 children on our caseload, and evaluated three new children for the program. We are thankful for the opportunity to serve so many children in our community. Thank you for your continued support, The Language Center Staff Music Notes Happy New Year to all our brethren and their families. Your concert band will be adding to their library, swing music of the 1940, 1950 and 1960. The music was a donation from The Shrine band which was discontinued a few years ago. What is needed additionally for the band is a percussionist, electric guitar, trombones, trumpets, baritone saxophone and a tenor saxophone, All musicians that have these instruments and other concert band instruments not mentioned are welcome. The members of our band invites the instrument you have stored away and bring you to our next practice. We rehearse on the second and fourth Mondays from 7:00-9:00pm in the band room. Musicaly yours, Don Johansen 33º Band Manager 3 Master of Kadosh Consistory My Brethren, by the time you get this message, it will be 2015 and the start of a new year. On behalf of Sondra and myself, we hope you all had a joyous holiday season and that you will all have the best New Year ever with much good health and happiness. As Master of Kadosh of the Pasadena Consistory I would like to thank everyone who supported me both in my line and in general. I would like to make special thanks to Bill Rook, our Secretary for his help before meetings, and of course Ill. Herb Rohwer who I probably pestered to death with many phone calls. I also Ill. Herb for preparing all the good medicine for my wife. This year was my first experience in being a Master at Scottish Rite, and I must say that I enjoyed every minute of it. I especially enjoyed planning my meetings and the ritual involved in each meeting. As a bonus, I am pleased to say that I made many new friends and got to know and talk to many new people and are very pleased to have and this opportunity. Our January Stated Meeting of January 9, 2015 will be highlighted by the election of Officers for 2015. The dinner hour will start at 6:30 P.M. with the Stated Meeting at 8:00 P.M. It is very important that everyone attend. Hope to see you all there. In closing, I would like to mention that the Installation of Officers practice will be held on January 16, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. for all officers at PSR, and the actual Installation will be held on January 23, 2015 at 8:00 P.M. at Pasadena Valley. Most Worshipful Russell E. Charvonia, Grand Master of Masons of California will officiate. 4 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin The Secretary’s Memo Pad 9 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Childhood Language Center Ill. William F. Rook, 33º Ladies, Brethren and Friends, another year has begun ad transition is at hand. First let me say thank you to all who have been Johnny on the spot and paid their dues. And a special thanks to those that also gave to the language center and or almoner fund. Our fraternity relies on your support. January is always a busy month at the Rite. Because of the New Year Festivities in Pasadena, the stated meeting has been moved to the 2nd Friday, January 9. On the 16th we will have the officers assemble for installation practice at 7 PM. Then on January 23rd, we will have installation of officers. The Most Worshipful Russell Charvonia, Grand Master of Masons in California will be the installing officer. There will be a reception for the Grand Master at 6 PM followed by dinner at 6:30 PM. Now reservations are a must for both the stated meeting and installation if you plan to attend the dinner. Deadline for reservations for the stated meeting is Wednesday, January 7, and for the installation Tuesday, January 20. Donation for dinner is $10 for stated and $20 for installation, for members and their invited guest. Remember a reservation made is a reservation paid. Beginning in February our stated meetings will move to 6 PM. There will be a social time at 6:30 PM and dinner will commence at 7 PM followed by a program and or entertainment. It is hoped this schedule and activities will promote attendance and family participation. We desire to make the Rite more family friendly. Remember as always “Save Friday Night for Scottish Rite” Kristin Hoffman, M.A., CCC-SLP Director/Clinician Becky Griffiths Office Coordinator Donations may be made by a group, an organization, a couple, or an individual. They may be made In Honor of…, In Memory of…, as a member of the 365 Club, or as Friends of the Center. All donors are recognized in the bulletin. Thank You to Our November 2014 Donors 365 Club William Rook, Daniel Jones, Scott Manoogian, Memorials In Honor of Friends of the Center Knights of St. Andrew, David Ogle, Raffi Bedrossian, Robert Calderon, James Biever, Emil Cevik, Mohyieddin Elghouleh, James Jarnagin, Steven Klien, Sterling Lockett, Joseph Markosyan, David Patterson, Lawrence Reiche, Robert Shepard, Earl Sounthein, Jack Vautin, Ygnacio Alva, William Cheney, Gary Connaught, William Gray, Tracy Parker, Calvin E. Smith, Gregory Gabriel, Godfrey Liganor, Floyd Mugavero, Janice Holland, Tim French. Language Center Wish List Gift card for new books (Amazon or Barnes & Noble). 8 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin January Dinner Menus The P.R.’s Corner Stated Meeting on January 9th Chicken Noodle Soup Salad w/Onion Vinagrette Cornish Game Hen with Orange Cranberry Glaze, White Fish, or Vegetarian Garden Brown Rice Seasonal Vegetables Dessert. Number of Reservations at $10.00 Per Person.................. Last Day for reservations: Wednesday, January 7th at 2pm Installation on January 23rd Hor d’oeuvres Salad Rib Eye Steak, Salmon, or Vegetarian Roasted Red Potatoes Seasonal Vegetable Cheese Cake Number of Reservations at $20.00 Per Person.................. Last Day for reservations: Tuesday, January 20th at 2pm Fish or Vegetarian on request only when making reservation. Remember - a reservation made is a reservation paid. [email protected] or 626-795-4213 5 Ill. Michael J. Bess, 33º 2014 was another successful year for our valley. Welcome to all the new members that chose Pasadena Valley over other valleys. There is always something to learn and do along your journey in Scottish Rite Masonry and new members are encouraged to become active and get involved. Our Annual Installation of Officers and Grand Master’s Reception will take place January 23, 2015. The Reception is 6:00 P.M., Installation, 8:00 P.M. Most Worshipful Russ Charvonia Grand Master of Masons in California will serve as Installing Officer. This is a well attended function and you should make your reservations early. Remember, our installations are open to all members, their families and guests. Starting in February 2015, our Stated Meetings will commence at 6:00 P.M. and will conclude by 6:30 P.M. on the first Friday of the month. Following the Stated Meeting a Social Time will take place in the dining room and dinner will be served at 7:00 P.M. Hopefully this will give many of our members additional travel time from work to the Rite and an opportunity to attend the dinner. For your pleasure and enjoyment, we are returning to an entertainment program scheduled to follow diner. At least four times throughout the year, we will have entertainment in your newly refurbished Auditorium. The balance of the dates are generally filled with Scottish Rite events such as: Capping Ceremony, Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal, etc. Any remaining dates to be filled with guest speakers, or the like, to be held in the Dining Room. Now you can take your significant other to dinner and a show at the Rite. Brethren, we are experiencing exciting times in our Valley, and I look forward to another successful year. Michael J. Bess, 33º Personal Representative 6 Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin You are cordially invited to attend The 121st Installation Pasadena Scottish Rite Bodies Installing Officer Russell E. Charvonia The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in California Friday, January 23, 2015 Reception at 6:00 PM Dinner at 6:30 PM Installation at 8:00 PM William F. Rook 33° Gregory Gabriel 32° Vram Martirosian 32° Simon McIlroy 32° KCCH Venerable Master Elect Lodge of Perfection Commander of Kadosh Elect Council of Kadosh Wise Master Elect Chapter of Rose Croix Master of Kadosh Elect Consistory Dinner reservation by January 20, 2015 [email protected] or 626-795-4213 Michael Bess 33° Personal Representative of Frank Loui 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General in California The 149th Grand Master of Masons of California, RUSSELL E. CHARVONIA 7
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