01 Land off Main Road, Goostrey INTRODUCTION THE SITE Introduction Gladman Developments Ltd has successfully invested in communities throughout the UK over the past 20 years, developing high quality and sustainable residential, commercial and industrial schemes. A process of public consultation is being undertaken by Gladman Develoments Ltd in order to present the emerging development proposals for land off Main Road, Goostrey to the local community. Brick Bank Farm Br ick Ba nk The purpose of the public consultation process is to outline the details of the draft scheme and seek comments from the local community which will be considered GOOSTREY Play Area Site d Roa Main New Platt Lane before the outline planning application is submitted to Cheshire East Council. Goostrey Farm e Booth Bed Lan Site Description The site lies in the centre of the village of Goostrey. It sits adjacent to existing housing to the west and south, and lies adjacent to Shear Brook and further housing WRWKHHDVW7RWKHQRUWKWKHVLWHLVGH¿QHGE\WKHHQWUDQFHWUDFNWR6ZDQZLFN+DOO Swanwick Hall Farm La ne We are proposing a residential development of up to 132 homes, together with new public open space. Lo (Vil cal Sh lage op Cen s tre) Primary School Dromedary Lodge Shear Brook Hermitage Farm Farm and a public footpath. The site is located to the north of Main Road, to the east of Sandy Lane. The site FRPSULVHVKDRIDJULFXOWXUDOSDVWRUDO ODQGGH¿QHGE\HVWDEOLVKHG KHGJHURZV trees and changes in contours across the site. The site contains three irregularly Site Boundary Train Station Public Footpaths VKDSHG SDVWRUDO ¿HOGV7KH ODUJHU ¿HOG WR WKH QRUWK LV ÀDW ZKLOVW WKH WZR VPDOOHU ¿HOGVWRWKHVRXWKDUHPRUHUROOLQJGLSSLQJGRZQWRWKH6KHDU%URRNRQWKHHDVWHUQ Existing Play Area Primary Roads Shear Brook boundary. An existing Public Right of Way lies adjacent to the northern boundary of the site. The Shear Brook lies adjacent to the eastern boundary of the site. Gardens Goostrey Settlement Secondary Roads of properties of Main Road, Sandy Lane and Swanwick Close back onto the southern and western boundaries of the site. Woodland The Need for New Housing (YHU\ &RXQFLO LV UHTXLUHG E\ WKH *RYHUQPHQW WR ERRVW VLJQL¿FDQWO\ WKH VXSSO\ RI housing and to make planning decisions in light of a ‘presumption in favour of sustainable development’. Cheshire East Council currently does not have the required supply of housing to meet present needs of the community. Approval of this scheme will help towards addessing this housing shortfall. Why is the site suitable for development? The proposed development of the site would form a logical extension to the village, to the north of Main Road. The site relates well to the village centre context located in close proximity to a good range of local services and facilities. Application Type & Submission Date Gladman Developments Ltd is intending to submit an outline application for up to 132 homes to Cheshire East Council in the Autumn of 2014. This would establish the principle of development. Rail Line 02 Land off Main Road, Goostrey HISTORIC CONTEXT Historic Maps The historic maps below show the proposed development site in the context of the growth of Goostrey over the past 132 years. In 1882 development was sparse and spread out with small hamlets and farmhouses along the existing road network. Swanwick Hall sits in an open position, while Racecourse Wood was a dominant feature to the west. The 1954 map LQGLFDWHVODUJHVZDWKHVRI5DFHFRXUVH:RRGKDGEHHQFOHDUHGDQGLQ¿OOHGZLWKVPDOOSRFNHWVRIGHYHORSPHQWLQFOXGLQJWKHLQWURGXFWLRQRI+DUULVRQ'ULYHRII1HZ3ODWW/DQH7KH map highlights the large scale expansion of the village to the east, south and west of the site with the introduction of properties along Booth Bed Lane, Sandy Lane and off New Platt /DQHDQG0DLQ5RDGLQFOXGLQJWKHLQWURGXFWLRQRIWKHFDUDYDQSDUNRII0DLQ5RDGORFDWHGWRWKHVRXWK%HWZHHQDQGRQO\PLQRUH[SDQVLRQVRFFXUHGLQFOXGLQJLQ¿OOKRXVLQJ along Sandy Lane and Booth Bed Lane to the south. 1882 1976 1911 2006 1954 2014 03 Land off Main Road, Goostrey EXISTING CHARACTER The site lies within National Character Area 61 “Shropshire, Cheshire and Staffordshire Plain / Cheshire Sandstone Ridge” as described by Natural England. At a local level, the site lies within the regional character area of ‘Lower Farms and Woods’ and within the Sub-Landscape Character Area Marthall Character Area (LFW1). This is a medium scale landscape of mixed arable and pastoral farmland. There are localised areas of more undulating ground but the land is generally ÀDW 2 1 The western side of Goostrey lies adjacent to the ‘Sandy Woods’ character area as set out in the Cheshire Landscape Character Assessment, November, 2008. This character area has characteristics of low lying gently rolling topography, a high density of woodland, a large number of water bodies and hedgerow boundaries and trees in a mix of medieval and SRVWPHGLHYDO¿HOGV Cheshire Landscape Character Assessment; November 2008 Site Boundary 1 Sandy Woods 2 Lower Farmland & Woods Local Building Styles There are no Listed Buildings or statutory designations that cover the site. Located approximately 100m to the north east lies the Grade II Listed Building Swanwick Hall of late 17th century origins. Existing properties located adjacent to the site to the south and west are a mix of single and two storey buildings that are detached and semi detached. Properties are VHWEDFNIURPWKHURDGZLWKGHGLFDWHGRIIVWUHHWSDUNLQJDQGORQJIURQWJDUGHQV)URQWJDUGHQVDUHGH¿QHGE\HVWDEOLVKHGKHGJHURZVDQGWUHHVDVZHOODVWLPEHUIHQFLQJDQGORZOHYHO EULFNZDOOV7KHORFDOWRZQYHUQDFXODULVGH¿QHGE\DPL[WXUHRIVW\OHVXVLQJPRGHUQDQGWUDGLWLRQDOEXLOGLQJVPDWHULDOVLQFOXGLQJEULFNZRUNUHQGHUDQGWLPEHUFRQVWUXFWLRQZLWKVODWH and clay tiled roofs. $ERYH([DPSOHVRIWUDGLWLRQDOEXLOWIRUPDQGPDWHULDOVXVHGZLWKLQWKHVXUURXQGLQJDUHD7KHSURSRVDOVZLOOVHHNWRUHÀHFWWKHH[LVWLQJEXLOWFKDUDFWHUVRDVWRFUHDWHDQDSSURSULDWHDQGV\PSDWKHWLF development in keeping with the character of the site and its context. 04 Land off Main Road, Goostrey VISUAL CONTEXT SITE AND LANDSCAPE Site & Setting The contours within the site generally slope from west to east, with a high point within the site to the south western boundary adjacent to existing properties. The land falls towards Shear Brook on the eastern boundary. The steepest section of the site is along the south-eastern edge, where the levels drop from a raised plateau within the western and northern part of the site. In the wider context the land slowly rises to the east and south-east towards Twemlow Green. To the west and north-west, the contours drop towards Allostock approximately 2 miles from Goostrey. 3 7KHQRUWKHUQ¿HOGZLWKLQWKHVLWHLVFKDUDFWHULVHGE\DÀDWDUDEOH¿HOGZLWKPRUH open farmland to the north-east and a residential area to the west enclosing the site. 7KHVRXWKHUQ¿HOGVDUHFKDUDFWHULVHGE\DQXQGXODWLQJODQGIRUPGLSSLQJGRZQWR 2 WKH6KHDU%URRNDORQJWKHHDVWHUQERXQGDU\7KH¿HOGVDUHDUDEOHODQGGLYLGHGE\ hedgerows and trees. 1 Visual Environment 9LHZVIURP3XEOLF5LJKWVRI:D\DQGUHVLGHQWLDOSURSHUWLHVWRWKHHDVWDUHFRQ¿QHG due to the wooded boundary of Shear Brook adjacent to the site. Views from the south and west are contained within the site by the urban edge of Goostrey. To the north views are short and limited to the Public Right of Way adjacent to the site. High boundary hedgerows and woodland cover contains views from the north. The landform across the site is undulating. Existing landscape features such as trees, internal and boundary hedgerows will be retained and enhanced across the site Aerial photograph with site boundary and viewpoint locations where possible. Site Properties off Main Road 1 View north from Main Road Swanwick Hall Farm 2 Shear Brook Properties off Sandy Lane Site View south east along Swanwick Hall Lane / Public Right of Way Properties off Willow Lane 3 Shear Brook View south from Public Right of Way Shear Brook Site Swanwick Hall Farm 05 Land off Main Road, Goostrey FACILITIES What are the local facilities? The site is sustainably located with good access to the village centre of Goostrey and surrounding community amenities. Existing facilities within Goostrey include a primary school, SRVWRI¿FHSXEOLFKRXVHVSODFHRIZRUVKLSYLOODJHKDOODVZHOODVDUDQJHRIORFDOVKRSV7KHVLWHKDVH[FHOOHQWDFFHVVOLQNVWRSXEOLFWUDQVSRUWZLWKEXVVWRSVZLWKLQPWRWKHHDVW and west, providing links to Sandbach, Holmes Chapel, Twemlow Green and Allostock and employment areas within walking distance. Goostrey train station lies approximately 1.5km to the east, providing links to Crewe, Stockport and Manchester. The plan and key below show a range of existing local services and facilities that are within 400m and 800m and 2km (5 minute, 10 minute and 25 minute walking distance) of the site. 1 2 1 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 2 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 1 2 1 1 Bus Stops 4 Pharmacy 400 metre distance offset from site 2 Train Station 5 Community Facilities 800 metre distance offset from site 1 Shops 6 Recreation / Sports Facilities Bus Route 2 Public House 1 Primary School 1 Place of Worship 3 3RVW2I¿FH 2 Creche / Nursery 1 Nursing & Residential Home 06 Land off Main Road, Goostrey CONSTRAINTS & OPPORTUNITIES What are the constraints and opportunities? 7KHDVVHVVPHQWRIWKHVLWHDQGLWVVXUURXQGLQJVKDVLGHQWL¿HGDQXPEHURIIHDWXUHVZKLFKVKRXOGEHSURWHFWHGUHWDLQHGDQGHQKDQFHGDVSDUWRIWKHGHYHORSPHQWSURSRVDOVIRUWKHVLWH These considerations provide the opportunities and constraints for development and have been used to inform the preparation of the Framework Plan. 5 Sw Swan S wanw wa nw wick w icck H Ha Hall Grad Gr Gra G rad rad ra ade II I Listed Lis List L ist ste ted ed Bu uild ildiing ng n g La ed La th Bed ooth Boo Public R Right ig gh ht ht off Wa o Way ayy (132 ((1 13 1 32 32 FP FP12/1) 12/ 2/1) 2/1) Goostrey Go oost str trey tre eyy Playing Play ayying Fieldss (Ex (Existing) Ex xist stting)) Swanwick Hall Farm ne ne Play Area 1 Boo B oot o oo oth o ot th B Bed Be ed Lane La e Play la ay A Area re ea ((E Exi xist xxis issttiing in ing) ng) n g) m 56 m 59 m 53 m 54 m 55 4 m 57 W oo d m 58 7 6 La ne m 60 Sa nd yL an e 3 2 Mai ain Roa oa ad d Public Right R ght htt off Way o Wa ay (132 32 FP9/1) 9/1) 1 2 3 Application Boundary 6.9Ha 4 Contours Telegraph Poles Existing right of way 5 Shear Brook Overhead Electricity Pylon 6 Sewer Potential Site Access 7 Flood Zone 3 Potential Emergency Site Access Views into site from surrounding residential context Existing Trees / Hedgerows 07 Land off Main Road, Goostrey THE FRAMEWORK Goos Go oostrey o o ost stre ttrey tr rey re eyy Playing Pla P lay ayiin ng Fiel Field lds (Ex (Existing) (Exi xisti sting)) st e ne an Lan L ed La Bed oth Be oot oot oo Boo B Bo Boot B ooth o oo oth B Bed Be ed Lane L La ane P Pllay Pla lay Are A Ar re rea ((E Exi Ex xis ist is stiing in ng) ng n g) Sa nd y La ne ad oa in Ro ain Mai N rd dfo Bra 9 10 B3 ad Ro Application Boundary 6.9Ha Existing Vegetation/ Hedgerows 0.08 Ha Attenuation Basin Proposed Residential Area: 4.9Ha Indicative Primary Road Retained Grassland & Habitat Proposed Footpath / Cycleway / Bridleway (built to UK bridleway standards) Indicative Secondary Road Site Access Proposed Trees Existing PROW Emergency Site Access Existing Watercourse DESIGN PRINCIPLES 7KHDVVHVVPHQWRIWKHVLWHDQGLWVVHWWLQJKDVKHOSHGWRLQIRUPWKHSUHSDUDWLRQRIDGHYHORSPHQWIUDPHZRUNIRUWKHVLWH$QXPEHURIGHVLJQSULQFLSOHVKDYHLQÀXHQFHGWKHGHYHORSPHQWSURSRVDOVIRUWKH site. These principles include: • Site access to be gained off the existing Main Road. • Proposed bridleway standard footpath & cycle links through the proposed public open space within the site. • Retained Grassland and Habitats will inform the proposed public open space to the eastern boundary of the development adjacent to Shear Brook. 3URSRVHGDYHQXHWUHHSODQWLQJWRGH¿QHORFDOFKDUDFWHUDQGVHWWLQJWRSURSRVHGIRRWSDWKOLQNV • Connections to be made from the public open space to the existing public rights of way to the north of the site. • Proposed pond to be located in the lowest point of the site, area to be managed IRUELRGLYHUVLW\EHQH¿WV 08 A Land off Main Road, Goostrey ILLUSTRATIVE PERSPECTIVE Main Street Illustrative Perspective Existing boundary trees to be retained B Materials of dwellings to be carefully Existing hedgerows within the site to be retained chosen to respect the existing character of the village Public Open Space Illustrative Perspective Proposed site access off Main Road Proposed attenuation basin within Public Open Space Public Open Space to provide opportunities for new and existing residents A B 09 Land off Main Road, Goostrey THANK YOU Thank you for taking time to view our proposals. Comments can be sent via: Website: www.your-views.co.uk/goostrey Email: [email protected] (using Goostrey as the subject line) n ment evelop ntial d reside y. a new ad Goostre and osing Ro Alternatively comments can be posted to the address below: Your Views - Goostrey Gladman Developments Ltd. Gladman House Alexandria Way Congleton CW12 1LB P N TATIO NSUL nt lopme l Deve ia t n e l Resid ey CO UBLIC tia Poten off Land Main R o a d, Goostr
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