October 2014 De-News Growing the Good Life www.vi.deforest.wi.us DeForest e-Newsletter Inside this Issue: Message from the Clerk..……………………………….. 1 Snow & Mailboxes …………………………………….. 1 Christmas Tree Pick-Up ………………………………...1 Snow & Ice Removal …………………………………...1 Property Tax Bills ...……………………………………. 2 Trick-or-Treat Hours …………………………………... 2 Compost Site Fall Hours ………………………………. 2 Parks Survey …………………………………………… 3 Safe Street Crossings …………………………………... 3 Clean Lakes Alliance …………………………………... 3 Economic Development Insight ……………………….. 4 Road Construction Q&A ………………………………. 5 Dog Licenses …………………………………………... 5 Alternate Side Parking …………………………………. 5 Village Board Judd Blau President Chip Van Meter Trustee Dick Josephson Trustee Paul Blount Trustee Jason Kramar Trustee Village of DeForest - 608.846.6751 - www.vi.deforest.wi.us Jeff Miller Trustee Ken Clark Trustee Message from the Clerk Election Dates & Polling Locations Next Election: November 4, 2014 General Election The Village has TWO voting locations: DeForest Area Public Library and the Public Safety Building. Polls are open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Where you vote depends on where you live. Use this website to determine your polling location: https://myvote.wi.gov/ New Voting Machines A voting machine, or ballot tabulator, is what is used to count your vote on Election Day. New machines are necessary because the old machines were becoming outdated and difficult to repair. The new machines work very similar to the previous ones. Voters feed their ballot into the machine and a screen will confirm that the ballot has been counted, or if there were problems on the ballot. Also important to note: ballots are completed by filling in ovals next to the candidate, rather than connecting arrows. Write-In Votes The rules have changed regarding writein votes. Write-in votes will only be LuAnn Leggett counted if: the Deputy Administrator/ person has Village Clerk registered as a write-in candidate, there is an open seat, or a candidate passes away before they are elected. If you have questions about voting in DeForest, please call us: 846-6751. Snow & Mailboxes The force of snow coming off of a plow can damage mailboxes. Most boxes are sturdy enough to stand up to this, but sometimes older or less sturdy boxes take a beating. The Village replaces mailboxes that are actually hit by equipment, but this is rare. As residents, it’s our responsibility to maintain our mailboxes so that they can stand up to the rigors of winter. So while the weather is still decent, and the soil isn’t frozen, it’s a good idea to check your mailbox, and see if it’s up to the challenge. De-News - DeForest e-Newsletter 1 Property Tax Season is Near When will tax bills be mailed? When and how can I pay my tax bill? Where do my tax dollars go? Read on to find answers to these important questions. Mailing Tax Bills Property tax bills are mailed around the middle of December each year. The timing is dependent on when the Village budget is adopted, when all tax information is submitted by the State of Wisconsin, and when the bills are actually printed and available. The date tax bills are mailed will be posted to the Village website. Payment Options When you receive your tax bill, you have several options for making a payment. The Village accepts credit card payments at the Village office. A 2.75% convenience fee will apply for credit card transactions. We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. If you prefer to pay with a check, stop by the Village office during office hours, drop your payment in the drop box located outside the Village office, or mail your payment. Payments in the drop box or postmarked by December 31st will be credited to 2014. Office Hours Monday - Thursday: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM Friday: 7:30 AM - 2:00 PM Holiday Office Closings: December 24 - 25, 2014, and January 1, 2015 Where do my tax dollars go? Your tax bill includes taxes required by other taxing districts, as well as the Village. The main taxing jurisdictions are DeForest School District, Madison Technical College, Dane County, Village of DeForest, and State of Wisconsin. The Village of DeForest's portion of your tax dollars provides you with Police, Fire & EMS, Street Maintenance, Snow and Ice Removal, Parks, Recreation Programs, Refuse Collection, Library, Economic Development, Community and Senior Center, Planning & Zoning, Election, Budget, Finance, Natural Resources, and many other administrative functions. Resources: Access Dane Public Access to GIS Dane County Treasurer’s Office Village Website Village Office: 306 DeForest Street, 846-6751 Compost Site Fall Hours Saturdays: 8 AM - 4 PM Tuesdays: 8 AM - 10 AM, 5 PM - 7 PM Thursdays: 5 PM - 7 PM Location: N. Stevenson St. (south of Firestone building). Bags and bins used to transport leaves to the compost site should be disposed of properly at your home, and not left at the Yard Waste Site. The Yard Waste Site will be closing for the season at 7:00 PM on November 25, 2014 and reopening April 2015. 2 Village of DeForest - 608.846.6751 - www.vi.deforest.wi.us DeForest Parks Need You! We would like to take this opportunity to share an electronic survey which invites your feedback. The information collected from this survey will be used as one factor that will guide park planning recommendations over the next 5 years. Please share this survey with your friends, neighbors and any social circles you choose. Please direct any questions to Kelli Bialkowski at 608-846-6751 or [email protected]. Click here Parks Survey to take the survey now or find it on our website (www.vi.deforest.wi.us) later. Kelli Bialkowski, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources 5th Annual Yahara Riverfest September 13, 2014 Practice Safe Street Crossings This summer, Police Chief Robert Henze witnessed the closest pedestrian vs. vehicle near-hit accident in 36 years in law enforcement. Watch the re-enactment by clicking the image below. Help us promote safe crossings by sharing the video with friends and family. Remember: Robert Henze, Police Chief • Always activate the pedestrian flashing lights as a signal to drivers that a pedestrian is present. • Do not assume vehicles will stop for you - wait for vehicles to stop before you begin crossing. • Use good judgment and be sure there is plenty of time to cross safely. • Motorists are not legally required to stop for someone standing on the curb waiting to cross. • Motorists are required to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk. Fallen leaves can plug storm drains, flooding our roads and harming our creeks. Wet, decaying leaves release a phosphorus-rich “tea” that can flush into our storm sewers and cause excess algae growth in our creeks and lakes. The Village of DeForest is working with Clean Lake Alliance to survey how residents dispose of their leaves. Visit http://cleanlakesalliance.com/homeowner-survey to participate in a short survey. Your feedback will help guide future efforts aimed at protecting our local waters. De-News - DeForest e-Newsletter 3 Economic Development Insight Sam Blahnik, Community Development Director Let me introduce myself (Sam Blahnik) to you as the Village’s newest resource to encourage economic growth and development in the DeForest area. After two months of working with the Village, I have identified a number of exciting opportunities and have begun to work in partnership with businesses, developers, the Village Board and staff to implement economic plans. While growth is a major component of those plans, the Village strives to balance strategic tax base growth with quality of life for our residents. The Village also acknowledges it is equally important to support and promote existing businesses that have illustrated success here. Such efforts have been paying off in DeForest with the quality additions of companies such as Firestone Building Products, American Girl Distribution and current developments of Bell Laboratories and Complete Mobile Dentistry to name a few. Call to Action: Keeping in mind the importance of supporting our existing businesses, I am requesting your input to provide suggestions on areas where we can focus resources going forward. For example, perhaps you feel there is need for specific retail business, dining establishments, athletic fields, etc. Your voice and opinion are very important to the Village as we continue to approach business prospects, brokers, and selectors. Please take an active role and email me ([email protected]), stop in Village Hall, or call 846-6751 with your thoughts and specific suggestions. We have all been drawn to DeForest for its unique natural attributes. DeForest has done a wonderful job of creating positive differentiators for our area - we have a park & trail system unlike any other, a great school system and our public safety services are second-to-none. DeForest has incorporated these unique quality of life elements into its plans for growth and development; along with the exceptional access to five major highway corridors, rail and air transportation, proximity to extraordinary educational resources to prepare our workforce and distinctive rural setting. In your travels you have likely taken note of the recent explosive commercial growth in Sun Prairie. It is important to note the development in that general Costco area has been about 14 years in the works. The DeForest area has been identified as the most likely next-growth area in Dane County. The Village has been planning for such growth for a considerable period of time and has developed strategies, infrastructure and services to assure that growth can be achieved while the high quality of life we have is maintained. Tools have been put in place to foster strategic economic growth. Currently, the Village is managing seven Tax Incremental Districts (TIDs) – see image provided. TIDs provide the ability to leverage municipal infrastructure such as roads, water systems, etc. at earlier stages of development based on speculation of future tax base in the TID will recoup and exceed the initial municipal investment. 4 Village of DeForest - 608.846.6751 - www.vi.deforest.wi.us Road Construction Q&A Highway 51 Holum Street: Re-routing Storm Sewer Q: There is currently no access to Highway 51 from Vinburn Road. Is this permanent? Q: What part of Holum Street is affected? A: The north side, just east of Main Street. A: Yes. The only access points for Highway 51 will be at County Highway V (currently closed to construct 3 roundabouts and full interchange) and Windsor Road. Once the Highway 51 project is completed, you will be able to access 51 from Vinburn Road by going south or north on North Towne Road (the old 51) to the Windsor Road or County V interchanges. Q: Will Holum be closed? A: No. Lanes will be shifted, but the road will remain open to traffic. Q: What is the timeline for this project? Deane Baker, Director of Public Works Q: Will I always have access to Highway 51 from Holum Street? A: Exact dates are not available yet, but will likely begin in mid to late October and last about five days. Linde Street Reconstruction Q: What is being done here? A: No. This is a temporary access point due to the County Highway V closure. Once the interchange at County Highway V is open in late November, the Holum Street access will be removed. A: Complete street and utility reconstruction. Pavement and water and sewer lines beneath the street are being replaced. Q: When will Highway 51 construction be done? A: Project will last through the end of October. A: Tentatively at the end of November 2014 all newly constructed roadways and ramps will be open to traffic. Q: Will there be road closures? Q: When will the project be done? A: Traffic will be interrupted on N. Stevenson at Linde toward the end of October to re-pave the intersection. A detour route will be marked. Public Safety Family Fun Night September 15, 2014 Alternate Side Parking Begins: November 15th Ends: April 1st Parking ordinance is in effect from midnight through 6 AM. Think what date would be between the hours of midnight and 6 AM…. · If the date is even, park on the even house numbered side of the street. · If the date is odd, park on the odd house numbered side of the street. De-News - DeForest e-Newsletter 5 Village Contact Information Village Office: 306 DeForest Street 608.846.6751 www.vi.deforest.wi.us fb.com/VillageofDeForest Twitter: @VillageDeForest Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources: 205 DeForest Street 608.846.6751 www.vi.deforest.wi.us fb.com/deforestparkandrec Twitter: @VillageDeForest Public Works: 205 DeForest Street 608.846.6751 www.vi.deforest.wi.us Public Library: 203 Library Street 608.846.5482 www.deforest.lib.wi.us www.deforestlibrary.org Community & Senior Center: 505 N. Main Street 608.846.9469 www.thecommunitycornerstone.org Chamber of Commerce: 201 DeForest Street 608.846.2922 www.deforestarea.com Fire & EMS: 305 E. Holum Street 608.846.4364 www.deforestfire.com Police Department: 305 E. Holum Street 608.846.6756 www.vi.deforest.wi.us/police Facebook Twitter: @DeForestPD DeForest Area School District: 520 E. Holum Street 608.842.6500 www.deforest.k12.wi.us Thanks for reading! To receive De-News in your inbox: 1. Visit www.vi.deforest.wi.us. 2. Click on the “Join our Mailing List” icon.
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