Ziegels Union Church Breinigsville, PA November, 2014 Newsletter Volume 14, Issue 11 Communion During November The sacrament of Holy Communion will be offered on the first and third Sunday of each month at both the 8:30 AM UCC service and 11:05 AM Lutheran service. The dates for this month are November 9 and November 23. Communion by intinction will be offered at the Union Thanksgiving Eve service on November 26. The service begins at 7:00 PM. 21 Day Prayer Challenge of Gratitude We will begin a 21 Day Prayer Challenge of Gratitude on Thursday, November 6. The Challenge will end on the Eve of Thanksgiving. You may follow this Challenge on Facebook or we will also give an opportunity for people who are not on Facebook to post notes of thanks in the Sanctuary. Post-it Notes and pens will be available on the windowsills. People may post their notes on the walls. Join us as we give thanks and praise to God from whom all blessings flow. Remembrances on All Saints’ Day All Saints' Day, which will be celebrated on November 2, provides a time for the faithful to remember, reflect upon, and thank God for their loved ones who have died. You are invited to bring pictures of loved ones who are no longer alive but who were important in your faith life and place them on the windowsills in the sanctuary. These pictures will remind us that we are surrounded by the saints, people who were formative in our lives. Additional Singers for Advent Night of Music Ziegels annual Advent Night of Music will be held the evening of Sunday, December 7. This year we welcome the vocal performing group from Southern Lehigh High School in Center Valley, under the direction of Mr. Matthew Wehr. In addition, our Union Senior Choir will be singing a few selections. Rehearsals for the Advent music began Thursday, October 23 but additional singers are still welcome to come to the remaining rehearsals. Practice for Advent begins at 7:45 PM and ends at 8:15 PM. Please join the choir if you would like to participate in Advent Night of Music! Patrons are Needed for Advent Night Patrons are needed for our annual Advent Night of Music program. If you would like to help defray costs for this program, please place $10 in an envelope, write “Advent Night of Music” on the front, and put your name on the envelope as you would like it printed in the Advent Night bulletin. You can place your gift in the offering any Sunday on or before November 23 or feel free to bring it to the church office. Thank you. Can You Help with Refreshments? We are in need of refreshments for Advent Night of Music on Sunday, December 7. Donations of the following would be appreciated: cookies, vegetable trays, hors d’oeuvres; cheese balls; crackers, dips; fruit salad (1 qt.) If you would be willing to supply any of the above items, please contact the church office (610-285-6157) or drop a note in the Sunday offering. Also, help would be appreciated to prepare these items prior to the concert and also for clean up after the concert. Please let us know if you could volunteer in this area. Sunday Fellowship Hour Volunteers are needed to bring baked goods for the Fellowship Hour and also to set up before and clean up after our social time. A signup sheet is located on the desk in the Upper Narthex if you might be willing to help. Order Your Poinsettias Now It’s time to order your Christmas poinsettias. The cost is $9.00 and the deadline to order is November 30. Colors are red, white, pink, and marble. Order forms are available in the narthex and fellowship room. At the end of this month most of us will gather around our kitchen and dining room tables, surrounded by our loving families and dear friends, to give thanks and praise for all the blessings in our lives. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times….the planning and the preparations, the wonderful meal, and the love and togetherness fills my heart with happiness and joy. I feel so sad at the end of the day that it has come and gone so quickly. I always pray that the gratitude we feel during the Holidays could somehow be present in our hearts and minds the whole year through; not just on Thanksgiving Day and at Christmastime. We need to focus more often on our blessings and how we might respond in our daily lives to the gifts God has given us. After spending a week with the Mission Team in Tuscaloosa, Alabama I cannot help but reflect on this passage from the Gospel of John: “After this, Jesus crossed over to the far side of the Sea of Galilee, also known as the Sea of Tiberias. A huge crowd kept following him wherever he went, because they saw his miraculous signs as he healed the sick. Then Jesus climbed a hill and sat down with his disciples around him…… Jesus soon saw a huge crowd of people coming to look for him. Turning to Philip, he asked, ‘Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?’ He was testing Philip, for he already knew what he was going to do. Philip replied, ‘Even if we worked for months, we wouldn’t have enough money to feed them!’ Then Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up. ‘There’s a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?’ ‘Tell everyone to sit down,’ Jesus said. So they all sat down on the grassy slopes. (The men alone numbered about 5,000.) Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks to God, and distributed them to the people. Afterward he did the same with the fish. And they all ate as much as they wanted. After everyone was full, Jesus told his disciples, ‘Now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted.’ So they picked up the pieces and filled twelve baskets with scraps left by the people who had eaten from the five barley loaves. (John 6:1-14, NLT) The disciples were focused on the large number of people who needed to eat. They were thinking practically and not trusting Jesus. Where would they go to find bread for all these people? Where would they get the money to feed everyone? How could they, with what they had (five loaves and two fish), possibly feed all those who were hungry? All valid questions….if Jesus had not been there. Jesus changes everything. I saw the face of Jesus in Tuscaloosa. The Habitat for Humanity construction crew, who work with many volunteers from all over the country each week, trusts that what they need will be provided. All things are supplied – materials, funding, labor and love. In this world of hope that they have created they do not ask, “How can we help everyone? Where is the money? How will we find volunteers to help us?” Businesses donate and sponsor homes, homeowners work side by side for their “Sweat Equity,” and the volunteers, well they return again and again. Everyone has the same sense of gratitude and awe. Everyone knows it is one family at a time, one home at a time. And this Thanksgiving many families will share a meal in their new home, thanks to a leap of faith! God leads us to places where we can help, whether it be in Biloxi, Tuscaloosa, Joplin, or our own neighborhoods and homes. God provides for us the opportunities to serve and to share our gratitude if we just trust Him and respond to His call. We are blessed, in response we should be a blessing. We are forgiven, in response we should forgive. All good things God has provided, in response we should provide for others. One person can make a difference; one person can change someone’s world. At Thanksgiving and always let us step out in faith and respond to God’s call to us! Lori Classes are held each Sunday from for children and youth age 1 through eighth grade. Children are asked to gather in their classrooms by 10:00 AM and classes will end at 10:55 AM. Please note that children should not be sent to their classrooms before 9:55 AM and should be picked up by 10:55 AM. The schedule allows just enough time for our Sunday School teachers and helpers who attend early service to get to the classrooms and those who attend late service to get to their service on time. An adult Sunday School Class is offered every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM. The class is led by Ralph Wilhide and meets in the Matthew Room. I would like to recognize the following students for their faithful attendance during the month of September: • Pre-K – Emily Doran, Ashlyn Malsch, Caeden Schaffer • K and First – Nicholas Doran, Sophia Schaffer, Alexis Watson • Second and Third – Makela Frantz • Fourth, Fifth and Sixth – Dartanyon DeLillo, Mia DeLillo, Sam Fatzinger, Kira Schafer • Confirmation – Zach Anderson, Ashley Bennicoff, Sean Cardinale, Maddy DeLillo, Zach Gehringer, Hayden Bobbyn, Sydney Derr, Bryce Heckendorn, Dylan Heckendorn, Ben Heintzelman, Ethan Hyrcko, Ryan Masters, Ashlynn Meurlott, Erin Randall, Lindsey Rex, Mikayla Shankweiler, Emily Stevens A Fire Drill will be held this fall. During this drill please move from your location to the area designated on the evacuation instructions located in each room in the Church. Please remain in this area until the “all clear” is given. In the event of a true emergency, please exit the building and allow your child/children to move outside with their class. Once everyone is outside of the building attendance will be taken and children will be released to their parents. Our annual Sunday School Christmas Program will be held on Sunday, December 14 at 10:10 AM in the Sanctuary. Our children and youth will help us prepare our hearts and minds for the birth of Jesus! Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. Jesus’ Birthday Party will be held on Sunday, December 21. Please join us at 10:15 AM in the Fellowship Room for cake! like a book or two, remember the coupon books make great Christmas gifts! Learning Ministries Our next scheduled Learning Ministries meeting will be Monday, November 17 at 6:00 PM. If you have an interest in the Christian Education of our members and would like to be a part of future events, please join us. A Sunday school teacher from each class is encouraged to attend. The Learning Ministries Committee is proud to sponsor a Live Nativity on Sunday, December 14 from 5:00 PM until 6:30 PM. The Christmas Story will be presented at 5:00 PM, 5:30 PM, 6:00 PM, and 6:30 PM. Donations of cupcakes, cookies, cider and other refreshments will be needed. We would also appreciate monetary donations toward the expenses of the animals. If you would be willing to help as a character or in the refreshment stand please let Lori know. Please invite your family and friends to share this very special evening with us! The Confirmation Class for 7th and 8th graders meets in the Acts Room (upstairs) from 10:00 AM until 10:55 AM. The class will meet every Sunday in November. Our lesson plans for November will be “Jesus Calls the First Disciples,” “The Beatitudes,” “Gerasene Demoniac,” “Feeding of the 5000,” and “The Transfiguration.” “Enjoy the City” books are here! The cost will be $20.00 per book and the proceeds benefit the Confirmation Class. Please see Lori or any Confirmation student if you would Did you know that the Learning Ministries Committee has determined that it costs $220.00 per student per year for the Confirmation Program? A donation of $100.00 per year is requested from each family, but for some this is a major financial hardship. If you would like to sponsor a youth, a donation in any amount may be made out to your congregation and marked Confirmation Program. Your support is greatly appreciated! Mark Your Calendars for Youth Group Stuff A Junior Youth Group Movie Night for children ages 3 years through sixth grade will be held on Saturday, November 15 from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM. Children are welcomed to wear their pajamas and bring their favorite blanket, pillow pet or sleeping bag. We will begin with a pizza dinner at 6:00 PM and then move to our basement “theater” for “The Lego Movie.” Donations of popcorn, juices and other snacks would be welcome. A sign up sheet will be located outside of the Sunday school office or e-mail Lori at [email protected]. Also, if you have a suggestion for the movie, please see Lori. On Saturday, December 6 the Learning Ministries Committee will be host a “Baby Shower for Jesus” beginning at 5 PM and ending at 8 PM. All children and youth and parents are invited to attend and the cost will be $5.00 per participant, with a cap of $15.00 per family. In addition, everyone is asked to bring a small baby gift (blankets, bottles, rattles, diapers, etc.). We will be spending our time together sharing a light dinner (“shower style”), playing games and working on a craft. The proceeds will benefit the Lowhill Food Pantry and the “shower” gifts will be given to the Sixth Street Shelter in Allentown. Please be sure to sign up to attend, this is a great opportunity for parents to do some Christmas decorating, baking or and preparations! Please watch your bulletins for more information on these coming Events!! • Junior Youth Group Movie Night – Saturday, January 24, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM • Junior Youth Group Dinner with Mom and Dad – Saturday, February 21, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM The Mission Response Team will hold their next meeting on Monday, November 17 at 7 PM for those who are interested in serving in our community as well as traveling with the Team on Disaster and Mission trips. Discussion will be held on fundraising and other Mission business. Please join us! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you………….. • • • • everyone who participated in the Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, October 5. to everyone who wore their pajamas and brought a new pair for a child in need. All donations were given to the Lowhill Food Pantry for the children of their clients. to everyone who supported the Confirmation Class with their donations of clothing and other items for their recent clothing drive and a special to those who helped to load the truck. everyone who participated in the Fall Foliage Drive on October 19. to everyone who came out to enjoy our annual Trunk or Treat Night on October 25, those who decorated • • their trucks and those who supplies cupcakes, cookies and drinks for the evening. to those who traveled with the Mission Team to Tuscaloosa, Alabama and to those who kept the Team in their thoughts and prayers during our week of service. The Team is blessed to be your ambassadors of love to those who are in need. everyone who participated in the CPR class and to Diane Hemerly for organizing this important training class Christmas Caroling is Coming! The congregations of Ziegels Church will be going Christmas Caroling on the evening of Friday, December 12. Caroling will be done at Phoebe Home and Lutheran Home in Topton and possibly for some of our shut-ins. We are checking on bus transportaion. Please sign up on the sheet outside the choir room if you are interested in joining us for this fun event! Purchase a Gift for a Child This year we will again buy Christmas gifts for some of the children from the Lowhill Food Pantry and from The Caring Place in Allentown. The names and gift suggestions will be available early this month and gifts will need to be returned to the church no later than Sunday, December 7. In this way we will be able to meet both organizations’ distribution deadlines. We Are Filling Christmas Stockings Once again this year, Lonnie Damiano will be organizing a Christmas Stocking Ministry for the many children (100+) who benefit from the Lowhill Food Pantry. Each child will have a stocking on Christmas morning. The children range in age from newborn to 15 years old. Lonnie will provide the stockings. If you would like be a part of this ministry you may either purchase items to fill a stocking(s) or, if you prefer, make a monetary contribution and she will do the shopping for you. To participate by taking a stocking or to give monetary gifts, please contact Lonnie Damiano at 610-3932106 or email her at [email protected] and she will provide you with details such as gender and age of specific children. Please do not put food items in the stockings. Stockings must be returned by Sunday, December 7. Ingathering Time The Annual Christmas Ingathering of the Northern Lehigh Valley Mission District (ELCA) will be held on Thursday, December 4 at St. John's Lutheran Church in Nazareth PA. Packing of stockings and wrapping of gifts will begin at 1:00 PM. If you would like to go along, please contact Sharon Meckes at 610-395-2624. Donations of gift items make Christmas brighter for the residents of several area institutions (Hamburg Center, Lutheran Home at Topton, Kids Peace, Allentown Rescue Mission, Gracedale, Sayre Center.). A box for your gifts is located in the Fellowship Room. Monetary gifts are also needed and may be placed in an envelope with the word “Ingathering” and included in the offering any Sunday morning. Some suggested gift items are: Female Male Non-skid booties Shaving cream Non-breakable cosmetics Belts (34”-44”) Panty Hose (M-XL) Non-Breakable cologne Nail polish & remover Flannel pajamas (M-L) Nighties (S-L) Duffle bags Jewelry (no pins) Bubble bath Lipstick (pastel shades) Non-breakable cologne Sewing kits Hair nets Scarves Needlework kits Male/Female Lip balm Sweaters Shirts Sweatshirts (L-XL) Gloves Playing cards Wallets Change purses Slippers with soles Postage stamps Hair Dryers Small Lamps Batteries (9V, AA, AAA) Baseball caps Robes / Blankets And Wrapping paper Gift bags Tissue Paper Colored T-shirts (M-XL) Socks Ski caps and faces Boxer Shorts Shirts Non-breakable after shave Handkerchiefs Underwear Also Stuffed toys Mittens Paint by number Puzzle books Plastic mugs All-occasion cards Jumbo crayons Hair brushes and combs Embroidery sets Bedspreads (Twin) Wall calendars Decaf tea bags Puzzles (100 piece or less) Dietetic candy, snacks, etc Children's Games Ribbon on bows Scotch Tape Gift Tags Donate Hams and Turkeys The Lowhill Food Pantry would welcome donations of turkeys for Thanksgiving and hams for Christmas in smaller weights (10-12 pounds), which will be given to those in our community who use the services of the Food Pantry. Please bring them to the church and place them in the freezer in the back of the choir room. Thank you! Boars Head Dinner is Returning! Upcoming Events at Ziegels! Ziegels Union Church will celebrate its 2nd Annual Boar’s Head Festival the weekend before Epiphany. The dinner is scheduled for Saturday, January 3 at 5:30 PM. The snow date will be Sunday, January 4. The Boar’s Head Festival originated in England in the late 1300’s and has continued to modern times as a celebration during the Christmas season. The festival at Ziegels will be complete with a banquet of traditional food, servers, vocal and instrumental English Christmas music, and more. We are in need of actors for the pageant, cooks for the meal (the planning of the menu has been done!) as well as meal servers and other participants. This would a great way for the confirmation students to earn some service hours!! Please contact Terri Lundberg at 610-3495222 if you are able to be of assistance. Mark your calendars for this new and exciting event planned by the Fellowship and Outreach (F & O) committee for the congregations at Ziegels Union Church. The Fellowship and Outreach committee will have a PA Dutch Style Potato Filling sale. Pick up is on November 22 after 3 PM. The filling will be sold in containers, already cooked, so you just have to reheat and serve! The cost will be $4.50 per pound or $20 for 5 pound. Volunteers are Needed The Union Fellowship Committee is in need of volunteers to help with the planning of events and outings for our church family and community. If you have an interest in serving on this committee please drop a note in the offering plate or call the main office. Help Is Needed The Penn Northeast Conference Disaster Response Ministry will be helping a woman in Lehighton whose home was damaged by the storms of 2012. All congregations are invited to serve. There are several ways to provide assistance: pray, volunteer for construction work, make a monetary donation or a donation of supplies. Please speak with Lori Brawn at 610-573-9764 or e-mail her at [email protected] for more information. Bake Sale at Renninger’s The Social Services Committee of the Lutheran Congregation will be having at bake sale at Renninger’s Market in Kutztown on Saturday, November 22 from 8:00 AM-12:00 PM. If you would like to donate baked goods all items should be at the Church by Friday night at 5:00 PM. Please call Gloria Hausman at 610-285-6741 if you have any questions Blood Pressure Screenings Blood pressures are being taken in the room next to the fellowship hall on the second Sunday of each month. Someone will be available to take your blood pressure between the 2 worship services, generally 9:45 AM to 11:00 AM. Whether you have a problem with your blood pressure or not, feel free to stop in for a screening. It’s always good to know how your blood pressure runs! It take s tow minutes to do, is completely painless, and free, so please stop by. The next screening is November 9. Community News The following people are the sponsors for the month of November: • Lowhill Food Pantry -Vernon Fenstermaker • Church Website - Kerry and Drena Merkel in honor of their anniversary Thank you for sponsoring! Sign up sheets for the next calendar year are available in the narthex for the following sponsors: Website – The monthly cost for website sponsors is $30 Nursery – Nursery sponsors are needed throughout the year. Your sponsorship helps cover the cost of having a nursery attendant available for our families with small children who worship on Sunday mornings. Cost is $34 per Sunday or $17 per service. Food pantry - The monthly cost for food pantry sponsors is $70. Zumba classes at Ziegels have resumed on Monday evenings. The class meets from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the Acts/Galatians room. Watch the bulletins for more information. The classes began September 22 and are led by licensed instructor Missi Fugazzatto. Please bring a towel and water. Childcare is not provided. Genealogy Workshops, open to the public, will take place on the second Saturday of each month from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Weisenberg/Lowhill Township Historical Society, 4585 Werleys Corner Road, New Tripoli (the next one is on September 13.) Wi-Fi internet access is available. Come when you want, leave when you must. Bring snacks, drinks, lunch. For information, call 610-285-2693 or 610395-0763 or email [email protected] In Our Mailbox Blood Donations The following people have donated blood during the month of September: Brad Heintzelman Bruce Krause Kim Lapp Kevin Taylor Ann Wertman Ralph Wilhide You may donate anytime by calling the Miller Keystone Blood Center at 1-800-223-6667. I wish to extend a very big thank you to Karin Lilly and Elsie Heist and their helpers who worked so hard to make the Tea Party and Quilt Show a very special and beautiful and memorable event…..the display of colorful quilts in the Sanctuary was breathtaking….I hope we can do this event again and surely hope that more people come to experience the beauty and blessings. Karin Boyd Dear Friends, I am writing to inform you that I will be retiring from my position as Administrator for Parish Ministries of Ziegels Lutheran Congregation on January 31, 2015. After much thought, consideration and prayer with regards to my current health situation, I have come to this decision - on that I feel is best for both y church family and for me. I can't begin to tell you what a joy it has been for me to work with the staff and members of Ziegels Lutheran and Ziegels UCC these past 34 years. It's been a wonderful journey and I am most grateful for the opportunity I had to share this journey with you and the many who served before you as well as all the members of our congregation. I have always felt blessed that God called me to work with so many wonderful people in a place that I love. Although I am retiring, I look forward to our worshipping together on Sunday mornings. May God continue to bless you and our church family. Sincerely, Renee L. Miller *Note - Renee's letter was given to the Lutheran Congregation Council Vice-President and shared at the October meeting of the Council. • • • • The Mission Team had 16 members from our church and 3 members from Wisconsin went to Tuscaloosa for a week in October. They had a great time and worked hard in some very hot temperatures. There will be presentation by the Mission Team members at the both church services on October 19, 2014. The Mission Team will be helping a local family in moving and also, will be helping to make space for a helper to stay with Jerry and Renee Miller, if needed, in the future. Food Pantry is in need of more food. The Rotary supplies a table outside the Food Shelter for fresh produce for people to take. Food Pantry is looking for hats, gloves, scarfs with the approaching of colder weather. The next Union Church Committee meeting will be Tuesday, November 11 at 7:30 PM in the church. Contact Information Union Council Minutes Highlights from the Union Council meeting, held Tuesday, October 14 included: • a letter of resignation from Renee Miller as secretary for Lutheran Parish Secretary • Andrew Graff received a letter of resignation from Lori Brawn as Director of Learning Ministries for the Union Church and Sunday School effective as of December 1, 2014. • Halloween Parade in Topton on October 11,, with it’s Noah’s Ark theme was a success and everyone had a great time. Lance Kramer supplied the tractor and the trailer for the float. • A prayer challenge will be held on Facebook for 20 days, beginning November 6. You can reach us: e-mail address: [email protected] Website: www.ziegelschurch.org Church Office (Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM) Phone: 610-285-6157 Fax: 610-285-2647 Bruce D. MacLaughlin, Lutheran Pastor Candi Cain-Borgman, UCC Pastor Renee Miller, Lutheran Administrator Marlene Frantz, UCC Admin. Assistant Lori Brawn, Director of Learning Ministries Diane Moyer, Church Caretaker Barbara Moyer, Director of Music Ministries Terri Lundberg, Choir Director Andy Graff, Union Church President Don Peters, UCC Consistory President Terri Lundberg, Newsletter Editor 610-262-7191 610-762-9391 610-298-2240 610-285-6631 610-573-9764 610-285-4751 610-704-4921 610-349-5222 610-760-9293 610-398-0828 610-349-5222
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