Connected Histories of Decolonisation Workshop Institute of Commonwealth Studies in conjunction with the Centre for European and International Studies Research at the University of Portsmouth and King’s College London The Senate Room, Senate House (First Floor) Thursday 13th November 2014 11-11.30: Coffee and welcome 11.30-13.00: Panel 1 – Creating spaces, connections and networks of resistance • • • Clemens Hoffmann (Bilkent University) - Anti-colonial empires and the creation of Afroasian spaces of resistance James Renton (Edge Hill) - The Theatre of the anti-colonial nation: colonial Asia in the age of nationality Uma Kothari (University of Manchester) – Contesting colonial rule: transnational networks of resistance and the politics of exile 13.00-14.00: Lunch 14.00-15.30: Panel 2 - Competing narratives of decolonisation • • • Andrew Kuech (The New School of Social Research, New York) – Duelling Chinese nationalism: a postcolonial confrontation with American power Tim Livsey (Birkbeck) – Connected histories of decolonisation and development: the United States, Britain and African universities Robert S. G. Fletcher (University of Exeter) – Decolonisation and the arid world 15.30-16.00: Tea 16.00-17:30: Panel 3 - Connected histories of nationalism • • • Thomas Sharp (Oxford Brookes) – A transnational nationalism: the UPC and the decolonisation of Cameroon, 1948-1961 Camille Evrard (University of Paris I) - Morocco, France and the UN in the Mauritanian decolonization process Marta Musso (University of Cambridge) – Decolonisation and oil politics: economic interdependence and struggle for self-determination 17.30-17.45: Short break 17.45-18.45: Panel 4 – Networks, models and interconnections • • Bruno C. Reis (ICS-UL) - The trauma of Belgium decolonization in Portugal: real impact or legitimizing discourse? Nathalie Mrgudovic (Aston University) – The Cook Islands: a new model of decolonisation for New Caledonia? **** Friday 14th November 2014 9-9.30: Coffee 9.30-11.00: Panel 5 - Diplomacy, development and domestic influences on British decolonisation and its aftermath • • • Andrew W M Smith (UCL/ Chichester) – ‘Information about empire’: British overseas representation and Francophone Africa Charlotte Riley (University of York) – ‘Overseas aid is no longer a form of charity’: Britain, decolonisation and the UN decade of development Rosalind Coffey (LSE) – British press coverage of the Sharpeville massacre 11.00-11.30: Coffee 11.30-13.00: Panel 6 – France in Anglophone Africa • • • Joanna Warson (University of Portsmouth) – A French vision of Africa: FrancoAfrican relations beyond colonialism and Francophone Africa Anna Konieczna (Sciences Po, Paris) – The dialogue with Pretoria or a dialogue at cross purposes Roel van der Velde (University of Portsmouth) – Marketing helicopters to Pretoria: reconstructing parallel French and South African military and industrial development, 1955-1977 13.00-14.00: Lunch 14.00-15.30: Panel 7 - Forced labour • • • Romain Tiquet (Humboldt University at Berlin/ForcedLabourAfrica) - Uneasy continuities: the alleged end of forced labour in Casamance (1945-1970) Víctor Fernández Soriano (University of Thessaly, Greece/ForcedLabourAfrica) The Belgian enigma: reform and stagnation in the Province of Equateur, Belgian Congo (1945-1960) Alexander Keese (Humboldt University at Berlin/ForcedLabourAfrica) - Business as usual: repressive practices, the "vagabond problem", and labour policies in the Middle Congo (1945-1968) 15.30-16.00: Tea 16.00-17.00: Panel 8 - Human rights, anti-imperialist nationalism, decolonisation: mapping the global impact of the August 1941 Atlantic Charter • • Martin Evans (University of Sussex) - From the general to the specific: the regional impact of the Atlantic Charter in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia Clive Webb (University of Sussex) - African Americans, the Atlantic Charter and the global Civil Rights movement 17.00-17.30: Concluding round table discussion
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