HOLY HAPPENINGS 22nd Sunday After Pentecost November 9, 2014 www.twitter.com/LCHSEmmaus www.facebook.com/LCHSEmmaus www.LCHSEmmaus.org 610-967-2220 We welcome all who worship with us today. Visitors are invited to sign the guest register in the Lobby. People at the Information Desk would like a chance to welcome guests. If you are interested in membership, please talk with one of our Pastors or Jane Elliott, AIM. Today’s flowers are given to the Glory of God by Sue, Kevin and Tyler Minnich in loving memory of James Fenstermaker. Today we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Baptism for Kayla Noelle Breter. We welcome her into the body of Christ and the fellowship we share. Today we welcome David Scherer, AGAPE, (Christian hip-hop artist) as our guest preacher and musician at the 8:45 service. Children aren't just welcome, they are embraced. We know kids are in worship and make noise. The psalmist David said, “make a joyful noise to the Lord!” It’s great to hear all people respond during worship. If your child should need a break, there is child care available in room 110. Parents are always welcome to stay with their children there. Parents must sign children in and out of nursery care. Clipboards and Bible bags are available for children’s use during worship and can be found at the main entrance to the worship area. Members and guests are invited to sign the Friendship Register, pass it down the row for other worshippers to sign, and introduce yourself to those worshipping around you. Let your friends know about Holy Spirit by tweeting, checking in, Instagraming, etc. that you are here. Our congregation's hashtag is #LCHolySpirit. While you are on your phone or tablet, please make sure it is on silent so you do not disrupt our worship time together. Prayer cards are available at the Information Desk should you need to request special prayer. Completed prayer cards may be given to a pastor for inclusion in the morning prayers. During the week, please notify the church office if you or a member of your family is hospitalized. SUNDAY MORNING FAITH FORMATION, 9:45am This Week: Roundtable Discussions –The Church and the Next Generation: Concluding our 3-week series, attendees will discuss the information presented in the two previous sessions and focus on solutions to the issues raised. FELLOWSHIP & HOSPITALITY...in Room 117/119. Meet and greet sisters and brothers in Christ. Take time to relax and connect with your church family. All are welcome. Next Week: “Holy Hospitality” Dedication and Open House: Dedication of the “All Are Welcome” Capital Campaign Additions and Renovations is a special Worship Opportunity. “Holy Hospitality” will be held to dedicate and bless our new restrooms, entrance, renovated kitchen and storage spaces. The Rite of Dedication; celebrating God’s faithfulness in helping us plan, finance and construct the new and renewed facilities, will be followed by an “open house”. Our contractors, architects and all of you who have helped make these building changes possible are invited to come and celebrate! Faith Formation for Children and Youth Three Year Olds: Joseph and his Coat Four Year Olds: Ten Commandments Kindergarten: Jonah First Grade: Daniel and the Lion’s Den Second Grade: Ten Bridesmaids Third & Fourth Grade: Ten Bridesmaids Fifth Grade: Mark HIGH SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL is HERE! Join high school students for a time of sharing, reading, discussing and praying together during the education hour each week. THANKSGIVING WORSHIP Wednesday, November 26, Noon Join us for this worship service of Praise Thanksgiving and Holy Communion Light refreshments will be served following the service. AGAPE* IN CONCERT TODAY! David Scherer, better known as AGAPE* will be helping lead worship during the 8:45 service only. This afternoon at 2pm there will be a FREE concert as a Shared Youth Ministry event at St. John's, Emmaus. Please bring a non-perishable food item for the Allentown Food Bank. MORE THAN MONEY MATTERS: Budget and Net Worth: In just an hour this award winning workshop will help you: 1) Make and manage a budget to help you achieve your goals, 2) Understand net worth, and how to use it to measure your financial health and track your progress, 3) Establish a recordkeeping system. Join us TODAY at 9:45 am in the All Saints Room. This program is sponsored by the Stewardship Ministry Mission Team and offered by Thrivent Financial Associate, Charlotte Gross. COLLEGE AND CAREER KIDS REUNION AND PIE FEST: All young adults are invited to join their peers for a time of fellowship and eat plenty of pie on Thanksgiving Eve, Wed., November 26 at 8pm in the MPR. This Week at Holy Spirit SUNDAY, 11/9/2014 SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:30, 8:45, 10:45 AM MONDAY, 11/10/2014 9:45 9:45 9:45 9:45 12:00 2:00 12:30 2:30 3:00 4:00 6:00 6:30 9:30 TUESDAY, 11/11/2014 WEDNESDAY, 11/12/2014 THURSDAY, 11/13/2014 FRIDAY, 11/14/2014 SATURDAY, 11/15/2014 SUNDAY, 11/16/2014 ASR=All Saints Room AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM AM Faith Formation for Children, Youth & Sr. High Faith Formation for Adults: CFL (MPR) Fellowship & Hospitality (117/119) Stewardship Workshop (ASR) ELCA Youth Gathering Mtg (117/119) AGAPE* Concert at St. John’s Lutheran Healing Service (ASR) Rejoicing Spirits (WC / MPR) Camp Noah Reunion (117/119) THE STORY Bible Study (ASR) SYM Harvest Event New Member Class (117/119) Stitch ‘n Chat Group 6:00 PM Stitch ‘n Chat Group 7:00 PM Global Mission Team Meeting (117/119) 7:00 7:00 11:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 11:30 4:15 7:00 10:00 7:15 6:00 PM PM AM PM PM PM PM AM PM PM AM PM PM Church Growth Team Mtg (Pr. Ric’s Office) THE STORY Bible Study (ASR) Staff Meeting (117/119) Faith Formation for Children (ASR) Nursery School Board (ASR) Stewardship Mission Team (MPR) Worship Mission Team Mtg (117/119) MIDL Luncheon at Applebee’s, Trexlertown Rejoicing Ringers Neel / Abel Wedding Senior Group Book Club (ASR) Adult Choir Rehearsal (WC) Youth Event-Nat’l Board Game Night 9:00 AM God’s Voices, Children’s Chimes 10:00 AM Spirit Ringers SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:30, 8:45, 10:45 AM 9:45 AM Faith Formation for Children, Youth, Sr. High 9:45 AM Holy Hospitality Gathering (MPR Lobby) 9:45 AM Fellowship & Hospitality (117/119) 10:00 AM Holy Hospitality Dedication 12:00 PM Youth Ministry Team Meeting (117/119) 4:00 PM THE STORY Bible Study (ASR) 6:30 PM New Member Class (117/119) L=Lobby MR=Music Room WC=Worship Center SIMPLICITY IN GOD’S PRESENCE: An informal monthly worship service of healing, wholeness and hope will be held this afternoon at 12:30 pm in the All Saint’s Room. We will pray together, hear God’s Word, lay on hands, bless with oil, commune and listen for God’s healing. Large print worship bulletins will be available. REJOICING SPIRITS, special needs worship, will be held this afternoon at 2:30 p.m. Please join us for a “Thanksgiving Celebration” followed by fellowship and refreshments. THE STORY: Bible study continues TODAY at 4:00 pm and 11/10 at 7pm. The last sessions for the fall series will be held Nov. 16/17. Four sessions will be held in the winter and then four in the spring. Books ($5). Questions, please contact Jane Elliott, AIM. NEW MEMBER CLASS—JOURNEY OF CONNECTIONS continues today with the class starting at 6:30 pm in the MPR. MINISTRY IN DAILY LIFE LUNCHEONS. Join Pastor Becca and Dave Evans on Wednesday November 12 from 11:30-1pm at the Applebees in Trexlertown. We will be discussing what it looks like to minister to others. You do not have to stay the entire time, take as much time as your lunch hour provides, but we would love to share in conversation with you regarding these timely issues.Contact Dave Evans with any questions at 610-820-0899 or at [email protected]. ADVENT INSPIRATION: The Faith Formation Mission Team for Adults will be compiling an inspirational resource for Advent which will be shared with the congregation daily by email and/or as a printed booklet. Please sign up for one or more days on the blue Advent Inspiration Signup sheet in the lobby. You may write an inspiration and prayer about something which inspires or strengthens your faith. For those who would prefer, the daily Bible readings are listed as another option for something to write about. Please submit your inspiration and prayer by email to Jane Elliott, AIM at [email protected] or Lisa Transue at Lmagensbay @gmail.com by November 12, 2014. Let’s inspire and build up one another as we wait for the birth of the Christ child. DID YOU KNOW that November is National Board Game Month? To celebrate join the youth of Holy Spirit (6th-12th grade) at 6pm on Friday November 14 for a night of fun and food. Bring a favorite board game and $5 for dinner. FAMILY SCAVENGER HUNT: Children of all ages and their families are welcome to come and participate in our Scavenger Hunt on Sunday, November 23rd. We will meet at 6:30 pm in the MPR. We can’t wait to see which team completes the list first! Join us for an evening of teamwork and surprises! POINSETTIAS to decorate the church on Christmas Eve can now be ordered. The cost is $9. Flower envelopes can be found at the Information Desk. The deadline for ordering is December 7th. FOR THE HOLIDAYS OF THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS, we invite you to share through the Emmaus High School Angel Network with families in need at Emmaus High School. As a congregation we have been asked to collect cans of corn, green beans and bottles of liquid laundry detergent. Please be sure to check that the food will not expire in the next three months Coats are also being collected: large youth sizes and adult sizes are needed. Donations will be accepted through Sunday, November 16 and can be placed in the boxes in the Lobby outside the MPR. Thank you for your generous care of those in need. LORD’S DAY LAYAWAY: A Faith Formation resourcing event for all ages will be held on Sunday, November 30 from 8 am - noon. A variety of resources for children through adults will be available to help you and your family grow in your faith. The hope would be that families would consider giving a faith related Christmas gift to their children, spouse and/or grandchildren. Any financial proceeds or profits would be designated toward supporting those attending the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering. CHRISTMAS INGATHERING is scheduled for December 3, 2014. It’s not too late to share your blessings this Holiday Season by choosing a child’s name from the poster in the Narthex or bringing in unwrapped gifts from the list of needed items. The list is available at the information desk. All wrapped gifts should be placed in the marked box in the narthex no later than Sunday 11/23. All unwrapped donations can be brought in through November 30th. Anyone interested in volunteering to sort and pack the gifts at St. John’s on 12/3 from 10:00am – 12:30pm please contact Diane McMenamin at 610-776-1416. STEPHEN MINISTRY TRAINING: Due to the success of the current Stephen Ministry Program we are considering training a third team in March of 2015. We will be hosting two informational meetings explaining what Stephen Ministry is and what it means to become a Stephen Minister. If you feel you might be interested in becoming a Stephen Minister please try to attend one of the informational sessions that will be held on: Tuesday, November 18th from 7 to 7:30 or Wednesday, November 19th from 7 to 7:30. Both will be held in the All Saints Room. ***If you have any questions please contact Dave and Diane Evans at 610-820-0899 of Bill and Fran Derhammer at 610-967-3092. ST. OLAF COLLEGE CHOIR will give a concert on Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 4:00 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church, Lansdale, PA 19446. Signup for tickets begins today. Cost is $30/ticket. Payment is due by 12/15, payable to LCHS and given to Jane Elliott, AIM. PRAYER CONCERNS Remember these members and friends of Holy Spirit in your prayers. Shut In/Homebound—prayers for God’s presence... Andy Beible, Dottie Blomster, Doris Boehmer, Irene Davies, Phyllis Fenstermacher, David Gearhart, Dolly Gyory, Ray Karoly, Margaret Legenhausen, Christopher Limpar, Betty Meckley, Mae Rhode, Clo Minner, Joy Robinson, Geno Ruggiero, Rose Salter, Glenn and Norine Shafer, Betty & Russ Sterner. In Times of Illness for God’s healing…Ruth and LeRoy Aden, Joan Beiler, Rodger Black, John Brndjar, Sr., Betty Buehrle, Jonathan Burmeister, Jan Emling, Ernst family, Carol Eroh, Glenn Fretz, Larry Gilbert, Doris Giles, Warren Gross, Lorraine Haas, Dan Hazekamp, Vicki Hines, Heather James, Carolyn Long, Joe McGara, Chris McGrath, Elizabeth Moessner, Janet Newill, Mary Ellen Oberdorf, Family of Savannah Parrish, Austin Portz, Pr. Jarmila Petrulova, Courtney Quinn, Kate Reynolds, Jane Richmond-Lauffer, Betty Roeder, Jennifer Day Roth, Family of Jim Sandum, Andrew Schaeffer, Heidi Slansky, Andrew Smith, Wilma Stewart, Lynda Swartz, Charlene Vavrina, Teresa Venter & Family, Mark and June VerSluis, Jane Warmkessel, Millie Whitmore, Karen Wilhelm, Pat Ziegler. For support of our Lehigh Mission partners—St. Mark Lutheran Church, Allentown, and the Rev. Gary J. Langensiepen. The Prayer Chain is for the use and support of ALL people at Holy Spirit. If you have a prayer concern or you would like others to join you in prayer, please email the church office at [email protected] and your concern will be shared with members of the prayer chain. If you would like to join the prayer chain to pray for others, please contact the church office. In the Event of a Pastoral Emergency If, at any time, you find you are in emergency need of having a pastor contact you, please follow these steps: Call the office at 610-967-2220 and press #3 after the general announcement. If you, or a member of your family, are ever hospitalized, please let the pastors know by contacting the church office at 610-967-2220. The hospitals no longer notify the church due to HIPAA laws. Weekend On-Call Schedule: November 8/9—Pastor Ric Elliott-610-304-7924 November 15/16—Pastor Ric Elliott-610-304-7924 November 22/23—Pastor Becca Middeke-Conlin-203-915-7303 TODAY’S WORSHIP LEADERS 8:45 10:45 Worship Coordinator Jackie Leipert Crucifer Bob Mueller Acolytes Alex Kibrik, Cole Scott Assisting Minister Linda Devine Craig Scott Reader Dave Evans Yvonne Gilbert Communion Assistants Dave and Diane Evans Tom Eichelberger, Bob Mueller Alice Mudge, Glynnis Rea Ushers Irv Keister, Angie Niland Brandon Kendall, Erika Keating The Scott Family Greeters Ray and Jeannine Schumaker Anne Jenkins Nursery Sara Lamana Amy Scott Information Desk Claudia Hokanson Susann Madara Flower Delivery Kim Schumaker Praise Band: Bob Schuchart, Joe Tobey, Frank Mattes, Chris Kline, Justin Schaffer, Larry Killingsworth Altar Guild: Gloria Boyer, Robbie Flynn, Carol McKee, Kathy Schuessler, Betty Slaby George Kirchner, Worship Assistant, 1st Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Judith Brndjar, Worship Assistant, 3rd Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Pastor Ric Elliott [email protected] (ext. 111) Pastor Becca Middeke-Conlin [email protected] (ext. 109) Pastor Jim Bowers [email protected] (ext. 112) Jane Elliott, AIM [email protected] (ext. 108) Dick Giles [email protected] (ext. 105) Edie Gliem [email protected] (ext. 102) Karin Kahler [email protected] (ext. 107) Diane Keister [email protected] (ext. 120) Sharon MacCabe [email protected] (ext. 110) Alice Mudge [email protected] (ext. 101) Michael Roeder [email protected] Bob Schuchart [email protected] (ext. 104) Financial Secretary [email protected] October 2014 Financial Results and Discussion: Operating Performance: October was a decent month for us in the sense that there were no major financial surprises. We projected to have a deficit of $13,088 and our actual deficit was $13,689, $601 or 4.6% short of our goal. Revenues were $59,491 and expenses were $73,180. Overall revenue was ahead of budget by over $1,100, but expenses were up $1,700 to budget. Expenses were slightly up and down across the board, essentially cancelling each other out. Building maintenance, service contracts, and electricity were all very slightly over budget ($550 total) for the month. Two other mission areas were a combined $1,500 over budget for the month, but that was all due to timing. Both of these areas are still under budget through 10 months. Year to date: Revenues are $695,600 and expenses are $689,453, giving us a surplus of $6,147 through October, $16,786 better than our plan to this point. Available Operating Cash: Due to October’s deficit noted above, operating cash declined to $61,792. Capital Campaign Line of Credit: The balance in the line of credit remains at $90,000, pending the receipt in November of the fifth invoice from Serfass Construction and the final invoice from the architect. An additional and final draw on the line will be necessary in November to cover these charges. Available Capital Campaign Cash: The fourth construction progress payment of $186,791 was made in early October. Taking into account other October project expenses and the draw on our line of credit, the balance in the account at the end of October netted out to $22,052. It is our hope that capital pledge contributions will at least stay current so that we can keep to the final draw on the line as small as possible. Building Fund: The building fund balance is now $35,508. We began the year with a balance of $23,354. $8,900 of the $17,000 raised to install HVAC in the remaining classrooms upstairs has been advanced to the contractor so that work may begin later this month. HOLY SPIRIT’S GIVING KIOSK is in the Lobby. If you would like to do your giving or make a donation via a credit/debit card please feel free to use the kiosk in the Lobby. The kiosk is set up to receive credit/debit card payments e.g. All Saints Concert, Nursery School. If you register thereafter you will be able to log in using your phone number. Your giving will be recorded and a receipt sent to your e-mail address. You may also make an anonymous donation. Instructions for using the kiosk may be found at the kiosk. For additional information contact Bob Schuchart, Lorie Stout Sherman, or Pam Harshey. Thank you for giving!
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