This Week at Holy Spirit SUNDAY, 10/12/2014 MONDAY, 10/13/2014 TUESDAY, 10/14/2014 WEDNESDAY, 10/15/2014 THURSDAY, 10/16/2014 FRIDAY, 10/17/2014 SATURDAY, 10/18/2014 SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:30, 8:45, 10:45 AM 9:45 AM Faith Formation for Children & Youth 9:45 AM Faith Formation for Adults: CFL (WC) 9:45 AM Fellowship & Hospitality (117/119) 12:30 PM Healing Service (ASR) 2:30 PM Rejoicing Spirits (WC) COLUMBUS DAY—CHURCH OFFICE 9:30 AM Stitch ‘n Chat (Choir Room) 10:00 AM Youth doing construction cleanup 7:00 PM IT Mission Team Meeting (117/119) 9:00 AM Sr. Group Intellectual Stimulation (117/119) 11:00 AM Staff Meeting (117/119) 4:15 PM Rejoicing Ringers (WC) 5:30 PM Worship Enrichment (117/119) 6:15 PM Children’s Chime Choir (WC) 6:45 PM God’s Voices (WC) 7:15 PM Spirit Ringers (WC) 7:15 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal (WC) 8:00 PM Festival Choir Rehearsal (WC) 6:00 PM EHS Football Parking 9:00 AM Praise Band (WC) 10:00 AM Youth Music Team Rehearsal (WC) 10:00 AM 9th Grade Faith Journey (Room 10/11) SUNDAY, 10/19/2014 SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:30, 8:45, 10:45 AM 9:45 AM Faith Formation for Children & Youth 9:45 AM Faith Formation for Adults: CFL (WC) 9:45 AM Fellowship & Hospitality (117/119) 9:45 AM High School SCS Leader’s Meeting (1/2) 12:00 PM National Youth Gathering Mtg (ASR) 4:00 PM THE STORY Bible Study (ASR) 5:30 PM New Member Pizza Party (MPR) 7:00 ASR=All Saints Room PM 9th Grade Faith Journey (10/11) L=Lobby MR=Music Room WC=Worship Center HOLY HAPPENINGS 18th Sunday after Pentecost October 12, 2014 Bib le Sunday 610-967-2220 We welcome all who worship with us today. Visitors are invited to sign the guest register in the Lobby. People at the Information Desk would like a chance to welcome guests. If you are interested in membership, please talk with one of our Pastors or Jane Elliott, AIM. Todays flowers are given to the Glory of God by Yvonne and Larry Gilbert in honor of their granddaughter, Sydney Faustner’s, 16th birthday. Children aren't just welcome, they are embraced. We know kids are in worship and make noise. The psalmist David said, “make a joyful noise to the Lord!” It’s great to hear all people respond during worship. If your child should need a break, there is child care available in room 110. Parents are always welcome to stay with their children there. Parents must sign children in and out of nursery care. Clipboards and Bible bags are available for children’s use during worship and can be found at the main entrance to the worship area. Members and guests are invited to sign the Friendship Register, pass it down the row for other worshippers to sign, and introduce yourself to those worshipping around you. Let your friends know about Holy Spirit by tweeting, checking in, Instagraming, etc. that you are here. Our congregation's hashtag is #LCHolySpirit. While you are on your phone or tablet, please make sure it is on silent so you do not disrupt our worship time together. Prayer cards are available at the Information Desk should you need to request special prayer. Completed prayer cards may be given to a pastor for inclusion in the morning prayers. During the week, please notify the church office if you or a member of your family is hospitalized. SUNDAY MORNING FAITH FORMATION, 9:45am This Week: Dr. Audrey West presents: Listen, then listen again! If we wonder about the meaning of Jesus’ parables, we are in good company — the disciples wondered as well. We’ll “dig in” to one of Jesus’ parables and consider what it might teach the disciples, then and now. Next Week: Oct. 19th - Context matters: Who heard the parable? What else is happening at the time the parable is told? In which Gospel is it found? What difference does it make? These are some of the questions we’ll consider as we tackle another of the parables of Jesus. Faith Formation for Children and Youth Three Year Olds: Noah and the Ark Four Year Olds: Tower of Babel Kindergarten: Baby Moses First Grade: Birth of Moses Second Grade: The Wedding Banquet Third & Fourth Grade: Rejoice in the Lord Always Fifth Grade: Religions of the World SIMPLICITY IN GOD’S PRESENCE: An informal monthly worship service of healing, wholeness and hope will be held this afternoon at 12:30 pm in the All Saint’s Room. We will pray together, hear God’s Word, lay on hands, bless with oil, commune and listen for God’s healing. Large print worship bulletins will be available. REJOICING SPIRITS, special needs worship, will be held this afternoon at 2:30 p.m. Please join us for an “Autumn Celebration” followed by fellowship and refreshments. SENIOR GROUP INTELLECTUAL STIMULATION: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS WORKSHOP—Tuesday, Oct. 14th at 9am, Gail Toscano from the American Red Cross will make a presentation to the Senior Group on emergency preparedness. This workshop is designed to equip individuals with the basic information and resources needed to effectively handle emergency situations. Worksheets will be supplied. Everyone welcome! (Room 117/119) PUMPKIN PAINTING & CARVING: Families are invited to join us for an evening of pumpkin decorating on Friday, October 24 at 6:30 pm in the MPR. This event is BYOP (bring your own pumpkin.) If you have carving tools at home, please bring them along. A box for “pumpkin” transportation is helpful. Refreshments will be provided. A sign up sheet is posted at the Event Sign-Up Center. Questions, see Karin Kahler. PRAYER CONCERNS Remember these members and friends of Holy Spirit in your prayers. Shut In/Homebound—prayers for God’s presence... Andy Beible, Dottie Blomster, Doris Boehmer, Betty Buehrle, Irene Davies, Phyllis Fenstermacher, David Gearhart, Dolly Gyory, Lorraine Haas, Ray Karoly, Margaret Legenhausen, Christopher Limpar, Betty Meckley, Mae Rhode, Clo Minner, Joy Robinson, Geno Ruggiero, Rose Salter, Glenn and Norine Shafer, Betty & Russ Sterner. In Times of Illness for God’s healing…Joan Beiler, Rodger Black, John Brndjar, Sr., Jonathan Burmeister, Jan Emling, Carol Eroh, Glenn Fretz, Larry Gilbert, Doris Giles, Alaina Grazio, Warren Gross, Lorraine Haas, Vicki Hines, Heather James, Cindy Lepley, Carolyn Long, Brad MacCabe, Jerry Masteller, Joe McGara, Chris McGrath, Kathy Miller, Elizabeth Moessner, Mary Ellen Oberdorf, Austin Portz, Courtney Quinn, Kate Reynolds, Jane Richmond-Lauffer, Jennifer Day Roth, Aggie Sandum, Jean Schoemaker, Heidi Slansky, Andrew Smith, Bill and Lucille Snyder, Wayne Steltz, Wilma Stewart, Charlene Vavrina, Teresa Venter & Family, Mark and June VerSluis, Karen Wilhelm, Pat Ziegler, David Zink. For support of our Lehigh Mission partners—Zion Lehigh Lutheran Church, Alburtis, Interim pending. The Prayer Chain is for the use and support of ALL people at Holy Spirit. If you have a prayer concern or you would like others to join you in prayer, please email the church office at [email protected] and your concern will be shared with members of the prayer chain. If you would like to join the prayer chain to pray for others, please contact the church office. In the Event of a Pastoral Emergency If, at any time, you find you are in emergency need of having a pastor contact you, please follow these steps: Call the office at 610-967-2220 and press #3 after the general announcement. If you, or a member of your family, are ever hospitalized, please let the pastors know by contacting the church office at 610-967-2220. The hospitals no longer notify the church due to HIPAA laws. Weekend On-Call Schedule: October 11/12—Pastor Ric Elliott-610-304-7924 October 18/19—Pastor Elliott-610-304-7924 October 25/26—Pastor Becca Middeke-Conlin-203-915-7303 TODAY’S WORSHIP LEADERS 8:45 10:45 Worship Coordinator Doreen Micheletti Crucifer Bob Mueller Acolytes Emily Lamana, Kerry Seiler Assisting Minister Craig Scott Vi Ballard Reader Alia Grois Bob Stevens Communion Assistants Marian and Pete Schneck Nancy Anderson, John Mosovsky Jim Madara, Richard Micheletti Ushers Jerry Masteller, Brenda Truhe, Amy Scott Bob Neitz, Brandie Barndt, John and Linda Letts Greeters Ava and Larry Killingsworth Ann and Bob Neitz Nursery Paige Mathieu Lisa Transue Information Desk Marian Schneck Nancy Anderson Flower Delivery Barbara Kendall Praise Band: Bob Schuchart, Joe Tobey, Frank Mattes, Chris Kline, Justin Schaffer, Larry Killingsworth Altar Guild: Suzanne Wendt, Cindy Hastings, Marian Harrison, Louise Metka, Lynda Swartz, Yvonne Gilbert George Kirchner, Worship Assistant, 1st Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Judith Brndjar, Worship Assistant, 3rd Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Pastor Ric Elliott [email protected] (ext. 111) Pastor Becca Middeke-Conlin [email protected] (ext. 109) Pastor Jim Bowers [email protected] (ext. 112) Jane Elliott, AIM [email protected] (ext. 108) Dick Giles [email protected] (ext. 105) Edie Gliem [email protected] (ext. 102) Karin Kahler [email protected] (ext. 107) Diane Keister [email protected] (ext. 120) Sharon MacCabe [email protected] (ext. 110) Alice Mudge [email protected] (ext. 101) Michael Roeder [email protected] Bob Schuchart [email protected] (ext. 104) Financial Secretary [email protected] VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION to paint, organize the kitchen, clean appliances, move stored furniture, chair racks, table racks, etc. to the new storage areas from the MPR. Also, help is needed to reinstall bulletin boards, tack strips and pictures in Room 117/119 and hallway. If you can help, please see the sign-up poster in the lobby (Event Sign-up Center). Dates and times are available to fit your schedule. Questions? See Mike Epperly. AS THE CONSTRUCTION AT HOLY SPIRIT is starting to come to a close and as we prepare to move into our new space, we need help getting the finishing touches done. We are looking for YOUTH of any age to help on Monday, October 13 from 10am-2pm to help get the kitchen ready, clean up the MPR and do some outdoor yard work. Please let Lisa Walton know if you can help ([email protected]) or 484-431-7298. THE FESTIVAL OF ALL SAINTS will be celebrated on Sunday, November 2nd. We will remember those who have died during the last year. You may also remember family members, friends, and loved ones who have died by placing their name in the designated basket in the narthex where forms are provided. Names will be included in the prayers, bulletin and the All Saints PowerPoint. Please submit remembrances by October 26th. ALL SAINTS CONCERT—Sunday, November 2nd, 4 p.m. The Festival Choir and orchestra will perform Dr. Dan Forrest’s Requiem for the Living. Opportunities are available to support the concert series and honor a loved one in a concert PowerPoint. Please see the pink insert for details. AGAPE* IN CONCERT! On Sunday November 9, David Scherer, better known as AGAPE* will be helping lead worship during the 8:45 service. That afternoon at 2pm there will be a FREE concert as a Shared Youth Ministry event at St. John's Emmaus. Please bring a non-perishable food item for the Allentown Food Bank. AFFIRMING FAITH - Confirmation Sunday October 26. 9 youth from Holy Spirit will be affirming their baptismal faith on Reformation Day at the 10:45 service. Please keep Kara Fagerstrom, Sara Flanders, Faith Hammerbeck, Brandon Krasley, Maddie McGrath, Liz Rongione, Vince Rongione, Sarah Schuster, and Nate Zimmerman in your prayers as they prepare to affirm their baptisms. We are reminded by their affirmation that the church is constantly reforming. FLY to ABE will be meeting on Monday, October 27 at 7 pm to discuss Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline and on Monday, November 24 at 7 pm to discuss Book of Forgiving by Desmond Tutu. Please sign up at the Event Sign-up Center in the Lobby. We will meet in room 117/119. ADVENT INSPIRATION: The Faith Formation Mission Team for Adults will be compiling an inspirational resource for Advent which will be shared with the congregation daily by email and/or as a printed booklet. Please sign up for one or more days on the blue Advent Inspiration Signup sheet in the lobby. You may write an inspiration and prayer about something which inspires or strengthens your faith. For those who would prefer, the daily Bible readings are listed as another option for something to write about. Please submit your inspiration and prayer by email to Jane Elliott, AIM at [email protected] or Lisa Transue at [email protected] by November 12, 2014. Let’s inspire and build up one another as we wait for the birth of the Christ child. September 2014 Financial Results and Discussion: Operating Performance: September was a strong month for us – our best since April. Revenues and expenses were both better than expected. Revenues were $71,535 and expenses were $61,858, giving us a surplus of $9,677, a great result because we expected to run over a $4,000 deficit in September. Offering revenue was strong, beating budget by over $7,400. Most of that can be attributed to pledge catchup, as we were $3,400 behind year to date at the end of August, and we ended September $3,700 ahead. Thanks to everyone for staying current! SUNDAY MORNING CAREGIVER Needed: This is a paid position; every other Sunday morning from 8:30 – 12:00 pm. We are seeking an individual who enjoys interacting with children; previous work/volunteer experience with children would be beneficial. Interested applicants should contact Karin Kahler. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. Expenses were down almost $6,600 to budget. Building maintenance expense was $1,400 under budget, getting us back on budget year to date. Service agreements and service contracts were $900 under budget but we are still $7,000 over budget year to date. Other mission team savings saved over $2,200 to budget in September, but it is not yet clear how much of that will carry through to year end. THE STORY: Bible study continues Sunday, 10/19 at 4pm and 10/20 at 7pm, led by Dr. Frank Sherman. Additional sessions this fall on Oct. 26/27, Nov. 2/3, 9/10, 16/17, with four more in the winter and then four in the spring. Books ($5). Questions, please contact Jane Elliott, AIM. Year to date: Revenues are $636,109 and expenses are $616,273, giving us a surplus of $19,836 through September, $17,387 better than our plan to this point. Available Operating Cash: Operating cash increased to $76,540. THE HEALTH MINISTRY TEAM would like to thank all who supported our first event, blood pressure screenings on October 5. We are planning other events and ask that you keep a sharp lookout for more information about these plans in the future. EHS FOOTBALL PARKING: During Emmaus High School Football home games, LCHS will be asking people for a donation to park in our parking lot. The donations will go towards sending a group of high school students to the National Youth Gathering in Detroit this coming July. Sign-up at to volunteer. Parking begins at 6 pm on October 17 & 31. ALL YOUTH who are currently in 8-12th grade are invited to spend a week in Detroit July 15-19 for the National Youth Gathering. Registration forms and a $150 deposit are due to Pastor Becca by October 20th. Registrations forms are available on the bulletin board across from the All Saints Room. Adults who are interested in going - please talk to Pastor Becca before October 20. COLLEGE & CARE PACKAGES are being compiled to give our young adults a boost of cheer in their mailboxes. Please see the board in the lobby to bring microwave popcorn, chapstick, gum, granola bars, hot chocolate or wrapped hard candy in by October 26. All young adults (ages 18-25) and/or their parents, please give the church the young adult's contact info so we may send a care package. The young adult need not be in college, living away from home or officially a member of the congregation to receive a care package. Questions, please contact Pastor Becca or Diane McMenamin. Capital Campaign Line of Credit: We expect to have to make the first draw on the line early in October. As of this writing, we have not yet received the September construction invoice. Future Holy Happenings will be updated as soon as the amount is known. Available Capital Campaign Cash: The third progress payment of $120,182 was made in early September. We closed the month with available cash balance in the capital campaign fund at $130,211. Building Fund: The building fund balance is now $44,545. We began the year with a balance of $23,354. $17,000 of the increase is due to the recent receipt of very generous contributions from members to install HVAC in the remaining classrooms upstairs. Holy Spirit’s giving kiosk is here in the Lobby. If you would like to do your giving or make a donation via a credit/debit card please feel free to use the kiosk in the Lobby. The kiosk is now also set up to receive credit/debit card payments e.g. Project Help, Nursery School. If you register thereafter you will be able to log in using your phone number. Your giving will be recorded and a receipt sent to your e-mail address. You may also make an anonymous donation. Instructions for using the kiosk may be found at the kiosk. For additional information contact Bob Schuchart, Lorie Stout Sherman, or Pam Harshey. Thank you for giving! Giving Kiosk Are you interested in becoming part of our Holy Spirit family? TODAY is the last day to register for our upcoming NEW MEMBER JOURNEY OF CONNECTIONS: Sunday, October 19, 26, November 9, 16, 23. For more info, contact Jane Elliott, AIM.
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