10th November 2014 – Week 10 Message from the Principal It has been a great first week back after the half term. This week I have had the pleasure of awarding 146 students ‘Expert Student’ Status. These students have great attendance, no lates and meet the Academy expectations in terms of their approach to learning. Parents can read more about the Expert students programme using the link below. The weather is now turning a little colder so we are encouraging students to hire a locker so that they can store away their coats and hats. The details on how to hire a locker can be found using the link below. Finally, thank you to all the parents who gave us feedback about this new newsletter. We have incorporated some of the suggestions in this second edition. Locker details: http://www.franciscombeacademy.org.uk/index.phtml?d=568189 Expert Students: http://www.franciscombeacademy.org.uk/user/74/165210.pdf Forthcoming Events and dates in the diary Wednesday 12th Nov 2014 Presentation Evening The Academy is delighted to announce that this year’s quest speaker is Mr Ashley John-Baptiste. Many will remember Ashley John-Baptiste as the member of boy band group ‘The Risk’ who decided to quit X Factor in order to pursue a solo career as a singer-songwriter. However there is more to Ashley than meets the eye....the 24-year-old overcame tremendous adversity to win a place to study history at Cambridge – and then graduate with a 2.1. Ashley has a remarkable story of how he overcame his troubled childhood to study at one of the world’s best universities. We look forward to welcoming those students, together with their parents, who have been nominated for an Award, along with our Year 11 and Post 16 students who will be picking up their GCSE certificate during the evening. Wednesday 12th November 2014 - APES youth forum workshops The workshops will be hosted again by Kim Coe at Tanners Wood School. They will start promptly at 9.30am and the whole event will finish at 11.30pm. Items made at the workshops will be sold at the Community Market. Thursday 13th Nov 2014 (3pm-3.45pm) - Year 11 Celebration Assembly This is a chance to celebrate students’ achievements in their GCSE exams and vocational qualifications last year. There will be a special celebration assembly were all students will be presented with their official exam board certificates. We will also be providing light refreshments. For more information please follow the link Here Autumn 2 Term Diary Week 10 11 13 14 15 Date Wednesday 12th November Tuesday 18th November Wednesday 19th November Wednesday 3rd December Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th December Monday 15th December Thursday 18th December Friday 17th December Event Presentation Evening – details above Parent Workshop Post 16 Evening 1 Parent Partners Meeting 2 Bugsy Malone Performance Year 7 Carol Concert Senior Citizen’s Christmas party Last day of Autumn Term Celebrations and Achievements AQA Unlocking potential- Heather Kirby and Stacey Cutmore have been invited to the final National Team Event Presentation at The Kia Oval, Kennington, London on Monday 10th November 2014. The event is sponsored by AQA and Dame Kelly Holmes Legacy Trust. The girls are very excited about meeting Dame Kelly Holmes and their professional mentor Olympic Boxer Hannah Beharry at the event. Sporting Fixtures and Clubs Club of the Week Year 11 Photography club - Mondays (Week A) 3.30 pm - 4.30 pm What’s it all about? Well, we choose the themes together as a group, take pictures individually, and share our photos during the club. This is a year 11 club, but is now open to Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Awards students. Please see Miss J Apanasowicz for more details. For a full list of all our clubs please log on to the VLE. Fixtures Sporting Fixtures Home games—3.30 pm—5.30 pm Away games—we aim to bring students back to the Academy no later than 6.15 pm Mon 10th 11 Netball tournament at Parmiters Away Tues 11th 7 Basketball v Immanuel Away 9 Basketball v Immanuel Home Seniors Basketball v Immanuel Home 8 Basketball v Immanuel Away 8, 10, 11 Netball v Parmiters Away FCA South Family—Yr 5 Fun Run Home Table Tennis Girls and Boys at Rickmansworth Away Wed 12th Thurs 13th U13 + U16 Sports Training - Training is 3.30pm to 4:45pm on the following days: Mon Rugby All Years (RMU) Tues Football Yr 10 / 11 Boys (RNE) Football Yr 9 Boys (MSU) Netball Club All Years (KGR / BMO / KHA) Wed Trampolining Club All Years (KHA) Thurs Football Yr 7 / 8 Boys (RMU / MSU) Regulars Word of the Week This week’s word is – bumptious meaning unpleasantly confident Attendance This is just a quick reminder that medical appointments should be taken out of school time when possible. If this is not possible no more than half a day’s absence should be taken. Thank you. Staff Update And finally, here are a couple of the photos showing Mrs Caldwell and Miss Allsopp taking part in the ‘Tough Mudder’ Challenge. Well done to both of them for completing the challenge! [email protected] Francis Combe Academy Horseshoe Lane, Watford Garston WD25 7HW © 2012 Francis Combe Academy Disclaimer and Privacy Policy
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