SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 79 (COWICHAN VALLEY) NOTICE OF ELECTION BY VOTING PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY given to the electors of School District No. 79 (Cowichan Valley) that an election by voting is necessary to elect seven school trustees for a term of approximately four years commencing in December 2014, and that the persons nominated as candidates and for whom votes will be received are: SCHOOL TRUSTEE – Seven (7) to be elected Candidate’s Name Arthurs, Dana Barrett, Kayla Marie Buckner, Connie Marie Chicquen, Keith Gary Chin, Roger Stephen Croft, Elizabeth de Groot, Barb de Lure, Joanne Doman, Randy Harvinder Foster, Deb Hutchins, Rob Matamba, Amy Elizabeth Oxman, Ellen Prihar, Amrik Singh Schmidt, Cathy Spilsbury, Candace Thorne, Joe Candidate’s Address 103 – 330 Brae Road, Duncan, BC 9384 Chemainus Road, Chemainus, BC 3217 Cook Street, Chemainus, BC 1769 Elford Road, Shawnigan Lake, BC 6610 Pemberlea Road, Duncan, BC 6814 Kensington Road, Duncan, BC 915 Chapman Road, Cobble Hill, BC 1820 Herd Road, Duncan, BC 2427 Seine Road, Duncan, BC 4061 Cowichan Lake Road, Duncan, BC 33 Methuen Street, Ladysmith, BC 577B Noowick Road, Mill Bay, BC 5183 Koksilah Road, Duncan, BC 3255 Gibbins Road, Duncan, BC 6147 Edgehill Place, Duncan, BC 6671 Beaumont Avenue, Duncan, BC 3083 Kakalatse, Duncan, BC VOTING DATES AND LOCATIONS Voting for School Trustee will be held in conjunction with elections conducted by the Cowichan Valley Regional District, the City of Duncan, the Municipality of North Cowichan and the Town of Lake Cowichan and the election bylaws of each respective jurisdiction will apply to this election. The list of electors of the above-‐noted jurisdictions will be used as the list of electors for the School Trustee elections. For qualified electors of the City of Duncan November 5 and 12, 2014 Advance voting opportunities will be open to qualified electors of the City of Duncan on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 and Wednesday, November 12, 2014 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at City Hall, 200 Craig Street, Duncan, BC November 15, 2014 General voting day will be open to qualified electors of the City of Duncan on Saturday, November 15, 2014 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. at the Duncan Fire Hall, 468 Duncan Street, Duncan, BC. Special Voting Opportunities (Seniors/Assisted Living Facilities) Special voting opportunities will be provided for qualified electors of the City of Duncan who are residents, patients, or who are employed at the following facilities: Place Location Date Duncan Kiwanis Village 355 Day Road November 5, 2014 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Sunridge Place 361 Bundock Avenue November 5, 2014 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Cairnsmore Place 250 Cairnsmore Street November 5, 2014 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Sherwood House 280 Government Street November 12, 2014 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Wedgewood House 256 Government Street November 12, 2014 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Duncan Manor 280 First Street 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. November 12, 2014 Time Special Voting Opportunities (for Medical Reasons or Infirmity) Special voting opportunities will be available for qualified electors of the City of Duncan who for medical reasons, or because of infirmity, cannot leave their residence to vote may request a City of Duncan voting official to attend their residence on either Wednesday, November 5, 2014 or Wednesday, November 12, 2014 between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 pm. Note: Requests to have a voting official attend a residence must be received by the City of Duncan’s Chief Election Officer or Deputy Chief Election Officer or designate, by calling 250-‐746-‐6126 no later than Friday, October 31st at 4:30 p.m. (for the November 5th voting opportunity) or Friday, November 7th at 4:30 p.m. (for the November 12th voting opportunity). Municipality of North Cowichan For qualified electors of School District No. 79 (Cowichan Valley) November 5 and 12, 2014 Advance voting opportunities will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 and Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at North Cowichan Municipal Hall, 7030 Trans Canada Highway, Duncan, BC November 15, 2014 General voting will be open on Saturday, November 15, 2014, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the following locations: Voting Place Address Chemainus Senior’s Drop-‐In Centre 9824 Willow Street, Chemainus, BC Quamichan Campus of Cowichan Secondary 2515 Beverly Street, Duncan, BC Crofton Elementary School 8017 York Avenue, Crofton, BC Ecole Mount Prevost 6177 Somenos Road, Duncan, BC Maple Bay Elementary School 1500 Donnay Drive, Duncan, BC North Cowichan Municipal Hall 7030 Trans Canada Highway, Duncan, BC For qualified electors of the Town of Lake Cowichan November 5 and 12, 2014 Advance voting opportunities will be held at the Town of Lake Cowichan Municipal Office, 39 South Shore Road, Lake Cowichan, BC, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 4 and Wednesday, November 12, 2014. November 15, 2014 General voting will be open on Saturday, November 15, 2014, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at Centennial Hall, 309 South Shore Road, Lake Cowichan, BC For qualified electors of the Cowichan Valley Regional District November 5 and 12, 2014 Advanced voting opportunities will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 5 and Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at the Island Savings Centre – 2687 James Street, Duncan, BC November 15, 2014 General voting will be open to qualified electors of the Cowichan Valley Regional District on Saturday, November 15, 2014 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Electors entitled to vote in the Cowichan Valley Regional District may only vote at the location specified for the Electoral Area in which they reside or own property. Electoral Area Location A – Mill Bay/Malahat George Bonner Elementary School, 3060 Cobble Hill Road, Mill Bay B – Shawnigan Lake Shawnigan Lake Community Centre, 2804 Shawnigan Lake Road, Shawnigan Lake C – Cobble Hill Cobble Hill Community Hall, 3550 Watson Road, Cobble Hill D – Cowichan Bay Bench Elementary School, 1501 Cowichan Bay Road, Cowichan Bay E – Cowichan Station/Sahtlam/ Glenora Eagles Hall, 2965 Jacob Road, Duncan F – Cowichan Lake South/ Skutz Falls Cowichan Lake Sports Arena, 311 South Shore Road, Lake Cowichan G – Saltair/Gulf Islands Chemainus Elementary School, 3172 Garner Street, Chemainus H – North Oyster/Diamond North Oyster Elementary School, 13470 Cedar Road, Ladysmith I – Youbou/Meade Creek Youbou Community Hall, 8550 Hemlock Street, Youbou Special Voting Opportunity – Thetis Island A special voting opportunity will be held at Forbes Hall located at 292 Mission Road on Thetis Island between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 15, 2014 for eligible electors of CVRD Electoral Area G – Saltair/Gulf Islands. Voting by Mail Voting by mail is available for people who will be away from the Cowichan Valley on all three voting days (November 5, November 12, AND November 15). Voting by mail is also available for those who have a physical disability, illness, or injury that affects their ability to vote at a Voting Place. Electors from the Gulf Islands including Thetis Island in Electoral Area G -‐ Saltair/Gulf Islands and those west of the E&N Railway land grant in Electoral Area F -‐ Cowichan Lake South/Skutz Falls are also able to vote by mail. For more detailed information about mail voting procedures, contact the Cowichan Valley Regional District Legislative Services Office at 250-‐746-‐2508 or 1-‐800-‐665-‐3955 or by e-‐mail at: [email protected] ELECTOR REGISTRATION If you are not on the list of electors, you may register at the applicable voting place at the time of voting by completing the required application form. To register you must meet the following qualifications: • 18 years of age or older • Canadian citizen • resident of BC for at least 6 months immediately preceding voting day • resident of OR registered owner of real property in School District No. 79 (Cowichan Valley) for at least 30 days immediately preceding voting day, and • not otherwise disqualified by law from voting. Resident electors will be required to produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and identity. Non-‐resident property electors will be required to produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the property, and, if applicable, written consent from the other property owners. Robert Harper Chief Election Officer School District No. 79 (Cowichan Valley)
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