Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 2219 Washington Avenue, Racine Atonement Lutheran Church 2915 Wright Avenue, Racine Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Phone: 262-637-5671 Fax: 262-637-0693 NOVEMBER 2014 • Volume #1, Issue #11 Joint Council Established Dedication of Prayer Shawls Shawls, Baptismal blankets and caps, as well as mittens, caps and scarves for Knapp School children will be blessed at all worship services on the weekend of November 8 and 9. If you have ever received a prayer shawl, we hope you will bring it to church and wear it. If you are currently working on a shawl please bring it along and feel free to work on it during the service. Saturday, November 8 at 5:30 p.m. vespers Sunday, November 9 at 9:15 a.m. at Atonement East Sunday, November 9 at 10 a.m. at Atonement West The Covenant that was passed almost unanimously by the Atonement Our Saviors Congregation established our primary governing body as a Joint Council made up of four members of each branch of our congregation and one pastor. Each congregation will maintain a separate Church Council to meet constitutional responsibilities, but we will try to make most decisions jointly. The Our Savior’s Council elected Crystal Heinen, Helen Zellinger, Bob Reinders and Teresa Reinders as their representatives to the Council. The Atonement Council elected Carol Hegmann, Chris Malik, Gary King and Margaret Robinson as their representatives to the Council. Each pastor has presence and voice at the joint council, but only one will have a vote (two are allowed by the covenant). Officers will be elected at the October meeting of the Council. New Council members will be elected at the annual meetings of each congregation, so this body will likely change fairly quickly. Our Savior’s Congregational Meeting The Our Savior's Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, November 16th, 2014 following the worship service in the sanctuary. Please note: we need a quorum of 30 voting members and voting by proxy in not permitted. Announcing the 2015 Building Program Settle down, we aren’t actually building a building, nor is this an announcement of a new Capital Campaign. This is the title of our Stewardship Campaign for this fall. So what are we building? The Kingdom of God. As the Body of Christ, we are called to build a new world, and that is precisely what we are about at Atonement Our Savior’s. Look forward to receiving information about this in the very near future if you have not already received the information. A Community of faith, gathered by the Holy Spirit, devoted to proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ and ministering to the person, community & world. Money or That’s All He Ever Talks About or Why Money is a Spiritual Concern We are at that point of the year where consider what portion of the resources we anticipate receiving in the coming year will be used to support the work of God that happens through Atonement Our Savior’s. First, let me address the second two titles of this article. I don’t think that we talk about money enough! How we handle our money is a very spiritual concern. The reason that is true is that for most people money is the idol they worship instead of God. By that I do not mean that we pray to money, or sing hymns to money, but that we believe that money is our security, our hope for a happy future. Even back in Jesus’ day, he understood that most people didn’t worship idols of stone or wood…they believed in the living God of Israel…but they trusted in things rather than God. As people who claim to follow the way of Jesus, one test of our spiritual health is to answer the question, “Who or what do you trust for your future?” Is the answer I trust in God to provide for me, or is it I trust the money that I earn or have saved or invested? Don’t get me wrong, I would be nothing but a liar if I said that I don’t have investments that are intended for the future. The wise use of the resources we have been given is good stewardship, and we are commended for being good stewards. But we must always remember that stewards care for the property of a master. All that we have is God’s and it must be at God’s disposal. We become bad stewards when we believe that money is our security and not God and instead of spending or investing those resources as God calls us to do, we hold on to them tightly, believing that there will not be enough if we don’t hold tightly to the resources we currently possess. How do we know what God is calling us to do with the resources we have? The rule of thumb used by the church for a millennia has been the tithe – ten percent of income. There is Biblical support for the idea, but to be honest that isn’t carved in stone. For some who are very poor, the tithe is perhaps a greater burden than might reasonably be expected. (That said, there are many poor people who do tithe. It is a spiritual matter; a way of making sure that they are putting God first.) For others, people with more substantial income, the tithe may be too small. We are about changing the world, building God’s kingdom and easing the suffering of others. God may be calling you to use some of the excess in your pocket to fund the important work that God is doing. Finally, this is a spiritual matter because, as Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:21) Jesus didn’t say, “Where your heart is, there will be your treasure also” though that is also likely true. Jesus said that where your treasure is, there your heart will be. In other words, if you want to grow in faith…grow in relationship to God…then one of the surest routes is to invest the resources in your possession in God’s Kingdom. We tend to think of prayer, Bible study and worship as ways to grow closer to God, and so they are, but perhaps the surest way to grow closer to God, to step out in faith, is to invest in God’s kingdom. Enough said? Probably not! - Pastor Warren ATONEMENT WEST Atonement West Update We’re well into our fall worship service format, and things are picking up as we are already planning for Advent and Christmas. We’ve started our series on faith in everyday life called “What’s Faith Got to do With It?” and we’ll be looking forward to hearing about how our faith impacts our politics, our work, our money and pretty much every aspect of our lives. We continue to be very intentional about including our kids in as much of our service as possible. It is now common to see one or two kids assisting in communion each week. (And our Godly Play teachers are already planning for the Kids Christmas Play.) We’ve added a couple of new lessons in Godly Play and the older kids are working on their own Godly Play notebooks. Ask to see one and I guarantee you’ll be impressed. It looks like we’ll be celebrating a number of baptisms over the next month or two, which is always a wonderful thing. Baptisms are such a terrific reminder to all of us of God’s activity in our lives – how God has claimed us all as God’s beloved children. The praise band is incorporating some new songs into worship, and we’re blessed with some guest musicians that really add to our worship experience. As always, if you know of anyone looking for a bit different kind of service, send them our way! 2 | The Chimes Messenger A publication of Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Lutheran World Relief Kits THANK YOU from Dorcas Circle to everyone who contributed to the Lutheran World Relief kits this year! Through your generous donations 13 grateful moms will receive Baby Care Kits for their babies, 12 people will be able to tend to their basic hygiene with Personal Care Kits, 26 children will receive School Kits containing the basic supplies they need for school, and 1 person will receive a Fabric Kit so they can improve their sewing skills. MEMBER NEWS & UPDATES Names in the News Anniversaries: Walter & Julie Nelson will celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary on November 7th … Art & Diane Iverson will celebrate their 57th wedding anniversary on November 16th … Frank & Doris Goffe will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on November 20th … EE & Pat Mortensen will celebrate their 66th wedding anniversary on November 20th … James & Elaine Peters will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on November 27th … Daniel & Judith Sorenson will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on November 28th ... and Ken & Nancy Due will celebrate their 56th wedding anniversary on November 29th. Congratulations! Nonagenarian Birthday: June DePelecyn will celebrate her 92nd birthday on November 2nd! We wish her a blessed birthday. “Dear Barb and fellow church members, Thank you so much for the beautiful prayer shawl. It means so much to us! God bless you all. Dan & Cindy Christensen” Condolences Heartfelt love, sympathy and support to the family and friends at the death of ROBERT ISAACSON who passed away in Vancouver, Washington on September 11th … daughter Mary (Jim) Barcio and sons James (Marcy) Jennings and Andrew Jennings and family at the death of LUCILLE JENNINGS who passed away at Becker Shoop Center on September 27th … daughter Jill Steiner and son Richard (Jeanne) Steiner and family at the death of DOROTHY STEINER who passed away at her residence on September 30th … daughter Meri Christensen and son Jon (Lisa) Christensen and family at the death of VIOLET CHRISTENSEN who passed away in hospice on October 11th … the family of ARLO ANDERSON who passed away at her residence in Orlando, Florida on October 21st. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” Psalm 116:15 Known to be Hospitalized St. Mary’s: Doreen Stelmack, Janet Markusen and Maryann Konz Home Again: Vernon Thompson, Jewel Marks, June DePelecyn, Jan Mowry, Bob Thygeson, Geri Slater, Leslie Breidenbach, Donna Braun, Abbi Strack and Sally Tessmer Pastoral Hospital Visits Strict rules regarding patient confidentiality may prevent the church from being notified when you or a loved one is hospitalized. This causes the inconvenience of placing the responsibility upon the patient and family of notifying the church of a hospital admission. If you’d like a pastoral visit and/or having your church family praying for you, please let the church know where to find you. If you are at a hospital other than Wheaton Franciscan All Saints (St. Mary’s) the church WILL NOT be notified, so please have your family call us. Thank you. NOVEMBER 2014 ∙ Volume #1, Issue #11 3 YOUTH NEWS/EVENTS Confirmation Reminders Last classes before the holidays are Sunday, November 16 and Wednesday, November 19. A General Acolyte meeting will be held Wednesday, November 19 at 5pm. Mark your calendars for Sunday, January 11. We will prepare and serve the Community Meal Site at Our Savior’s. Retreat is January 16-18 at Camp Wonderland. If your registrations and deposits are not in already, please get them to Pastor Denise ASAP. Final payments are due January 2. Youth Gathering Participants: Save the Date! A synod event for youth and adult leaders going to the Youth Gathering will be held Friday, November 21, from 6pm-10pm at St. John’s in Brookfield. Youth Gathering Fundraisers – Thanksgiving pie sale! Our youth continue to fundraise for the upcoming 2015 National Youth Gathering in Detroit, MI. Ways you can help: Thanksgiving Pie Sale - The pie sale will be run like the cinnamon rolls with an order date and a pick-up date. Sunday, November 16 will be the pre-order date and samples will be available at coffee hour. Pies will be available for pick-up on Sunday, November 23. Pumpkin for $10.00, Apple for $12.00 and Pecan for $13.00. We will be baking on Saturday, November 22 if anyone wants to join the group. (A Holiday Pie order form is on page 11.) The youth are currently selling Domino’s fundraising cards. These cards are a deal. For $10.00 you get a free pizza right off the bat. There are also coupons for three more free pizzas with the purchase of another one, as well as coupons for free bread sides and sandwiches. Domino’s only charges us $1.00 per card, so the youth group makes $9.00 per card! Cards are available from the youth and are available in the church office. They make great gifts! If you purchase Scrip cards, you can request that your purchases go towards the Youth Gathering. Use a blue scrip order form or tell the scrip seller that you want it to go to the Youth Gathering. Youth Gathering Scholarships - Another way you can help with the National Youth Gathering is to provide a scholarship for one of our kids to attend. At this point we have about 16 kids interested in going. It costs about $1,000.00 per person to attend the gathering. Registration costs $325.00. Please consider providing a registration scholarship for one of our youth to attend. See Pastor Denise if you are interested in providing a scholarship. Happy November from The God Squad! October was a busy month for the God Squad; we had our first field trip to the Eco Justice Center. A special thank you to our drivers: Pastor Warren, Mrs. Joannie, Pastor Dana and Ms. Monica. We had sub sandwiches, chips, go-gurt and juice with Sister Janet. We learned about fall and what the animals do to survive the cold weather. We also spent time getting ready for the Halloween party with a Haunted House. Our theme for November is "GIVING THANKS". One thing we give thanks for is the congregational support we receive for our program! We have a few plans in the works for November, like visiting Bethania's ‘Thread by Thread’ clothing ministry as well as a Thanksgiving Eve dinner. Looking forward to December, we would like to have a Christmas store for the kids to "buy" gifts for their family members and a chance to work with money skills. If you have some inexpensive unused gift items you would like to donate that would be wonderful. (Examples: pocket calendars, pair of socks, gloves, etc.) We would like to have them by December 1st. We are still in need of pen pals, mentors and dinner helpers. If can help out, please contact Cathi Webster. 4 | The Chimes Messenger A publication of Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church All locations in the calendar are at Atonement on Wright & Quincy unless otherwise noted. NOVEMBER 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 8:00 - 12 noon Hospitality Center at St. Luke’s Church 5:30 Vespers with Communion 2 COMMUNION, AIM PRESENTATION 9:15 WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 Sunday Worship at Atonement West & Sunday School at Sturtevant Sportsplex 10:15 Coffee Hour 10:30 Confirmation class at Atonement East 4:00 SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE 5:00 Our Savior’s Community Meal 3 9:00 Quilters 12 noon - Bible Study 6:30 Dorcas Circle Mtg. 7:00 OA Group 4 7:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m. Election -Voting Site in Fellowship Hall 9:30 Stitchers of Blessings 1:00 Food Pantry at Our Savior’s 4:30 Spanish Class 6:30 Cub Scouts 5 8:30 a.m. - Women’s Breakfast at Denny’s 8:30 Park Transition Group 9:30 Food Pantry at Our Savior’s 10:00 Godtime 11:00 Staff Meeting 1:30 FaithWorks Bible Study at Emmaus 4:00-7:00 God Squad After School Program 6:00 Confirmation class at Emmanuel 7:00 Senior Choir 7:30 Belle City Brassworks 6 8:30 Park Transition Group 9:30 Selah Practice Service 4:00-7:00 God Squad After School Program Program 7:00 FaithWorks Bible Study at Atonement 7 8 10:30 Caregiver Support Group 5:30 Vespers with Communion (Prayer Shawl Blessing) 5:30 Racine Holiday Parade 9 COMMUNION 9:15 WORSHIP SERVICE (Prayer Shawl Blessing) 10:00 Sunday Worship at Atonement West & Sunday School at Sturtevant Sportsplex (Prayer Shawl Blessing) 10:15 Coffee Hour 10:30 Confirmation class at Atonement East 5:00 Our Savior’s Community Meal 10 9:00 Quilters 9:30 Ruth Circle Mtg 12 noon - Bible Study 7:00 OA Group 11 1:00 Food Pantry at Our Savior’s 3:30 M.O.E. at Knapp School 4:30 Spanish Class 6:30 Cub Scouts 7:00 FaithWorks Mission Council at Atonement 12 8:30 Park Transition Group 9:15 Rebekah Circle Meeting 9:30 Food Pantry at Our Savior’s 9:30—3:30 Harmony Club at Atonement 10:00 Godtime 11:00 Staff Meeting 1:30 FaithWorks Bible Study at Emmaus 1:30-3:30 Cookie Walk Baking 4:00-7:00 God Squad After School Program 6:00 Confirmation class at Emmanuel 7:00 Senior Choir 7:30 Belle City Brassworks 13 8:30 Park Transition Group 9:30 Selah Practice Service 4:00-7:00 God Squad After School Program Program 7:00 FaithWorks Bible Study at Atonement 14 Youth Lock-in at Emmanuel with CUMBYA from Carthage BROWN BAG SUNDAY 15 5:30 Vespers with Communion BROWN BAG SUNDAY 16 COMMUNION 9:15 WORSHIP SERVICE Following the 9:15 a.m. worship service - Our Savior’s Congregational Meeting (Sanctuary) 10:00 Sunday Worship at Atonement West & Sunday School at Sturtevant Sportsplex 10:15 Coffee Hour (YOUTH FUNDRAISER - SAMPLE & ORDER PIES) 10:30 Confirmation class at Atonement East 5:00 Our Savior’s Community Meal 17 9:00 Quilters 12 noon - Bible Study 7:00 OA Group 7:00 Musical Monday at Pr. Dana’s home 18 9:30 Stitchers of Blessings 1:00 Food Pantry at Our Savior’s 4:30 Spanish Class 6:30 Ladies’ Night Out to Olde Madrid Restaurant 6:30 Cub Scouts 19 8:30 Park Transition Group 9:30 Food Pantry at Our Savior’s 10:00 Godtime 10:30 Senior Center 11:00 Staff Meeting 1:30 FaithWorks Bible Study at Emmaus 1:30-3:30 Cookie Walk Baking 4:00-7:00 God Squad After School Program 5:00 Atonement Acolyte Meeting 6:00 Confirmation class at Emmanuel 7:00 Senior Choir 7:30 Belle City Brassworks 20 8:30 Park Transition Group 9:30 Selah Practice 1:00 St. Patrick’s Meal Site 4:00-7:00 God Squad After School Program 7:00 FaithWorks Bible Study at Atonement 21 6:00 - 10:00 BROWN BAG SUNDAY p.m. - Youth Gather- 22 PIE BAKING ing Event at St. John’s in Brookfield 9:30 - 11:30 - Theological Book Study Grapes 2 Glass Childcare Fundrais- 5:30 Vespers with er Communion BROWN BAG SUNDAY 23 COMMUNION 9:15 WORSHIP SERVICE PIE SALE PICK-UP 10:00 Sunday Worship at Atonement West & Sunday School at Sturtevant Sportsplex 10:15 Coffee Hour 5:00 Our Savior’s Community Meal 24 9:00 Quilters 12 noon - Bible Study 7:00 OA Group 25 10:00 - Packing of Thanksgiving baskets 1:00 Food Pantry at Our Savior’s 4:30 Spanish Class 6:30 Faithworks sponsoring showing of “Cowspiracy” at Renaissance Theater 6:30 Cub Scouts 7:00 Joint Council Mtg. 26 8:30 Park Transition Group 9:30-3:30 Harmony Club at Atonement 9:30 Food Pantry at Our Savior’s 10:00 Godtime 11:00 Staff Meeting 4:00-7:00 God Squad After School Program 5:00 Child Care and God Squad Family Thanksgiving Dinner 6:30 THANKSGIVING EVE. SERVICE 27 28 29 Thanksgiving Day CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED NO VESPERS SERVICE 30 COMMUNION 9:15 WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 Sunday Worship at Atonement West & Sunday School at Sturt. Sportsplex 10:15 Coffee Hour 10:30 Confirmation class at Atonement East 5:00 Our Savior’s Community Meal The Lincoln Lutheran Senior Citizen Nutrition Program meets Monday through Friday in Atonement’s Fellowship Hall at noon. NOVEMBER 2014 ∙ Volume #1, Issue #11 5 OUTREACH/VOLUNTEER Our Savior’s Sunday Night Community Meal Hosts Nov. 02: Messiah Lutheran Church Nov. 09: North Cape Lutheran Church Nov. 16 Bethania Lutheran Church Nov. 23: Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church Nov. 30: Zion Lutheran Church Our Savior’s Food Pantry Needs Nov. 01 & 02: Flour & Sugar Nov. 08 & 09: Peanut Butter & Canned Ham Nov. 15 & 16: Sweet Potatoes & Stuffing Nov. 22 & 23: Mashed Potato Flakes & Dried Milk Nov. 29 & 30: Shampoo & Toilet Paper Food Pantry News We were notified that on October 1, Salvation Army would no longer be handing out referrals. The food panty clients would now be served on a first come first serve basis. This change happened to all the Racine area food pantries so the need is much greater. We were also told that our Co-coordinators, Joyce Gregg and Barbara Houser, for the Our Saviors-Downtown Cooperative Parishes food pantry will be stepping down from their posts as the co-coordinators no later than December 31. They have put in many hours over the years and have decided it was time to make a change. Thank you for all your hard work Joyce & Barbara. This leaves us at another cross road, we are currently working with Joyce to come up with a solution and we will keep you informed. Hospitality Center Help Atonement-Our Savior’s will be hosting the breakfast meal at the Hospitality Center Saturday morning, November 1st from 8am to noon along with Holy Communion, Mt. Pleasant and Resurrection Lutheran churches. Each church is responsible for bringing the following: 3 egg casseroles/eggbakes 2 gallons of milk and 2 gallons of juice fresh or canned fruit for 25 1 large can of coffee Thanksgiving Food Baskets Brown Bag Sunday - Nov. 15/16 and 22/23 at all services Packing Thanksgiving Baskets - Nov. 25th at 10am in Fellowship Hall Believe it or not, Thanksgiving is just around the corner! And that means its time to start collecting groceries, money and volunteers to help pack Thanksgiving baskets. Each year we prepare these baskets for people in our congregation, our daycare and our neighborhood who could use a little extra around Thanksgiving. (We work with the social worker at Knapp to get names of people in our neighborhood.) It’s a great way to make someone’s holiday just a bit brighter. You can start bringing your grocery items now or you can wait and bring your groceries on the two Brown Bag Sundays, November 15/16 and 22/23 at all services. If you bring your groceries early please label the bag they come in with “Thanksgiving Baskets”. As in past years, we’re looking for the following food items: Sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, flour, coffee, canned soup, boxed cereal, spaghetti sauce, stuffing mix, syrup, peanut butter, canned sweet potatoes, canned vegetables, canned tuna, boxed macaroni and cheese, pasta, canned fruit and pancake mix. Of course any non- perishable foods will be gladly accepted. Money can also be donated to “Holiday Baskets” for the purchase meat and other food. (If you’re planning to donate a turkey, please contact the office.) We know from the use of local food pantries and meal sites that hunger is a real issue in our community, and we’d love to be able to make a big dent in that this holiday season. So this year, we hope to be able to fill more baskets than ever before. The last few years we fill around 40 baskets, but this year we’re hoping to increase that to 50 families served. But there’s no way we can make our goal unless we all participate. So let’s all pitch in a make a make a positive difference for families in our congregation, child care and neighborhood! Volunteers to help serve the breakfast are also needed. Please call Joannie Williams at 930-8257 if you can donate any needed items or if you can volunteer at the center. 6 | The Chimes Messenger A publication of Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Next Ministry of Encouragement Visit – the Staff at Knapp School Please mark the date on your calendars: Tuesday, November 11. That’s the day of our next ministry of encouragement visit (MOE). We don’t have to go far, as we visit Knapp School just a couple blocks away to that the staff at Knapp for all they are doing for our neighborhood kids. Like all of our MOEs, our purpose is simple; to acknowledge and encourage the workers in what they do by bringing snacks, drinks, flowers and a certificate indicating how their efforts are appreciated by our church and our community. (As I’m getting to know some of the staff at Knapp, it’s pretty clear how committed they are to the welfare of the kids and families they serve. But like many workers at the places we do MOEs, they are seldom told how their work is valued. Therefore, even though our MOE visits are relatively short, they can be very powerful, both for those of us visiting and for the workers we visit.) As always, we could use your help. Please join us if you are able. We’ll gather at Atonement around 3:30 for prayer and then head over to Knapp to set up so we can meet with staff at 4:00 pm. And if you can’t come with us on Tuesday afternoon, you can still participate by contributing snacks, drinks (soda and water), flowers or food for us to take along (desserts like cookies and bars, fruit and other snack-type items). Please mark your yellow/blue sheets if you can help, and contact Pastor Dana (414-916-3241) if you have any questions. Wrapping Gifts at the Mall in Early December It’s that time again. Each year in early December, we wrap presents for a couple hours for free at the Mall. The reason we wrap presents for free is the same reason we do our free kid’s games and free coffee give-aways – it’s a great way to provide people with a little practical demonstration of God’s free grace. As in the past, this year we’ll be wrapping presents on two days. I don’t have the specific days yet, but they will probably be a Saturday and Sunday. We’ll need 4 or 5 people each day, so if you’d like to help, please contact Pastor Dana at 414-916-3241. I find this a wonderful way for me to get into the Christmas spirit – by helping a lot of other shoppers find a little grace in their Christmas. FELLOWSHIP One More Musical Monday on November 17 – and then Christmas Movies! On Monday, November 17 we’ll have our last musical Monday of the year as we gather to watch Jersey Boys (which is scheduled for dvd release just days earlier). Jersey Boys is directed by Clint Eastwood and tells the story of four young men from the wrong side of the tracks in New Jersey who came together to form the iconic 1960s rock group The Four Seasons. This should be a great one, so if you are a fan of movie musicals, come on out and join us at 7 pm at my house (6611 Mariner Drive, #7). And just a heads up – starting on Monday, December 1, we transition to our Christmas movies. These are the classics that maybe you’ve never seen, or the Christmas favorites that you can watch over and over again. In either case, here is the tentative line-up for December. I’ve kept what I view as “the Christmas essentials” – the four movies essential to my own Christmas season (and I hope yours as well), but this year I’m adding a couple extra. I know you probably won’t be able to make all of them – after all there are a couple other things going on in December. But you are welcome to stop by and watch whenever you can. Holiday Inn (Bing Crosby and Fred Astair) White Christmas (Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye) Miracle on 34th Street (1947 with Natalie Wood) The Bishop’s Wife (my personal favorite) A Christmas Story (the BB gun one) It’s a Wonderful Life (my second favorite) Monday, December 1 Wednesday, December 3 Monday, December 8 Wednesday, December 10 Monday, December 15 Wednesday, December 17 I’ll be watching these movies starting at 7 pm. We’ll have some popcorn and Christmas munchies. NOVEMBER 2014 ∙ Volume #1, Issue #11 - Pastor Dana 7 Senior Friendship Center Tuesday, November 18 at 6:30pm Please note: We have changed the day for our November Ladies Night Out in order to be able to go to one of the many restaurants in Racine that are not open on Mondays. So please join us at Olde Madrid in downtown Racine (418—6th Street.) Please sign-up on the blue or yellow sheet, or let Pastor Denise know you are coming so a reservation can be made. Thank you! November 19 Bingo 11:00 a.m. Lunch: Surprise! Cards ‘n Games LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Theological Book Study Begins continues in November We are currently discussing Bishop Tutu’s book “God Has a Dream”. JOIN US! Saturday, November 22, 2014 9:30am Chapters 5-8 with brunch. “God Has a Dream” by Bishop Desmond Tutu: Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu has long been admired throughout the world for the heroism and grace he exhibited while encouraging countless South Africans in their struggle for human rights. In God Has a Dream, his most soul-searching book, he shares the spiritual message that guided him through those troubled times. Drawing on personal and historical examples, Archbishop Tutu reaches out to readers of all religious backgrounds, showing how individual and global suffering can be transformed into joy and redemption. With his characteristic humor, Tutu offers an extremely personal and liberating message. He helps us to “see with the eyes of the heart” and to cultivate the qualities of love, forgiveness, humility, generosity, and courage that we need to change ourselves and our world. (from amazon.com) FaithWorks Bible Study The Bible study led by Pastor Steve Wohlfeil, one of our FaithWorks “Champions” will continue in November. Two sessions are being held: Wednesday afternoons at 1:30pm at Emmaus Lutheran Church and Thursday evenings at 7:00pm at Atonement Our Savior’s. The study will focus on the Sermon on the Mount and use James Baily’s book, “Contrast Community: Practicing the Sermon on the Mount.” Pastor Steve is a wonderful Bible Study leader who is capable of making people see scripture in a new way. Anyone is welcome at either location, so please join us! FUNDRAISING Bargains Galore... A Delicious Lunch… Wonderful Sweet Treats...Freshly Washed Cars… The Atonement Rummage Sale had it all! Sincere thanks to everyone who helped in so many ways...donating rummage, helping to sort/price and then setting up and putting out the thousands of rummage items, cashiering/bagging and being a roamer, donating food for the lunch counter and baked goodies for the bake sale, working in the kitchen to serve our happy customers and selling those homemade sweets at our "No Price Bake Sale," helping at the car wash to raise funds for the National Youth Gathering, helping to clean up, pack leftover items and then deliver to the charity of your choice. Whew! That was a lot of volunteers and we just wanted to let you know that we could not have done this without you. Thank you for volunteering your time and efforts. It was great fun, needless to say lots of work but a very worthwhile event! We are looking for a new chair/co-chair for the rummage sale....please call the office and let them know that you would love to hear more about it! 8 | The Chimes Messenger A publication of Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Cookie Walk & Third World Shoppe On Saturday, December 13 from 9am to noon, Fellowship Hall and the downstairs Youth Room will once again be transformed into a holiday treasury of delicious baked goods and craft items as we hold our annual Cookie Walk and Third World Shoppe. Our congregation is blessed with an abundance of bakers, and once again we are asking for volunteers to make lots of pretty, delicious cookies of any variety, or formed mini-breads or bars. Confections such as nut brittle, dipped pretzels and fudge are also welcomed. No need to wait until December to start baking as cookies can be frozen up to 3 months without affecting their flavor. We’ll be meeting in the church kitchen on Wednesdays November 12 and 19, as well as December 3 at 1:30pm bake cut-out cookies for the sale. All are welcome to join in this culinary adventure. Please call Lisa Peters at 262-939-9221 if you have any questions or would like to join us to bake. The Third World Shoppe will be back again this year in conjunction with our Cookie Walk. The shop will be set-up on Saturday, December 13 and again on Sunday, December 14. Our Third World Shoppe buyers have been busy hunting down new items for the Shoppe. If you are interested in joining our crew to pack up consignment items from the Shoppe in Milwaukee to bring back to Atonement, please join us on Tuesday, December 9th at 9:30. The group usually stops for lunch in Milwaukee. Volunteers are needed to help set-up on Friday, December 12, and help with sales on Saturday and Sunday December 13 and 14. Contact Pastor Denise or Elaine Lucht with any questions. Look for bulletin inserts which will ask you for your name & phone number if you will be donating cookies to the sale. We’ll also be seeking helpers for the sale itself for set-up, clean-up, package, weigh, wash trays, and cashier. Last year the Cookie Walk raised $1,654. Please give generously of your time and talent in making the Cookie Walk an even greater success! Cookie Walk proceeds will benefit St. Luke's Hospitality Center, the Racine Vocational Center, Mt. Meru Tumaini Health Clinic and Atonement Lutheran Church. Cookies can be dropped off on Friday Dec. 12 from 8-3:00 or during the Cookie Walk in the church kitchen. Leftover cookies (if there are any!) will be sold at Vespers on Saturday December 13 as well as after both services at on Sunday, December 14. Cookie Decorating for the Whole Family Join us in Fellowship Hall on Thursday, December 11 with your children and teens to decorate already made cutout cookies to be sold at the cookie walk. Stop in any time between 4-8:00p.m. You’ll even be able to take a few home to taste. It will be a lot of fun! Don’t miss it! SCRIP NEWS You Can Use Happy Thanksgiving!! Can you believe it’s already November & time to get ready for the holidays?? Did you know you can use Scrip cards for ALL your holiday purchases? Need groceries? We carry cards for grocery stores like Piggly Wiggly and Pick ‘n Save. Need to refresh your holiday décor? We carry cards for retailers like Kohl’s and Target. Driving somewhere to visit family? We carry cards for gas stations like Speedway and Kwik Trip. You can do everything you normally do to make your holidays special and help our church at the same time. You get to use every penny you spend buying a Scrip card – the retailer gives us a rebate to use in our ministries. Win – win. Need your Scrip right away? We keep the cards listed in the left hand column on the front page of the order form in stock in limited quantities – first come, first served. Need a small gift? We stock a number of cards in denominations of $10 (there are even a few $5 cards available.) To get your Scrip see Dick Langlois at the Scrip table before the 9:15 service or at coffee hour. You can also pick up an order form in the narthex and call Karin at 672-0635 or email her at [email protected] to order your Scrip. If you attend Atonement West, you can arrange with June Klingbeil to get your Scrip there. You can help our youth by buying SCRIP! If you would like the rebate from your Scrip purchase to go to the Youth Gathering Fund, all you need to do is tell us that when you place your order and make sure we use a BLUE order form. Then, we’ll calculate the rebate and set it aside for the youth – it’s that simple! NOVEMBER 2014 ∙ Volume #1, Issue #11 9 Lincoln Lutheran Auxiliary Candy Sale $2 boxes (Mint MeltAways and Continental Almonds) and $1 candy bars (Almond, Milk Chocolate, Caramel, Crisp, and Dark Chocolate) are available in the Narthex before the 9:15 service, at coffee hour, and in the church office. Get ‘em while they last! ALL proceeds benefit the residents of Lincoln Lutheran facilities. Contact Joy Webb (6392629) or Karin Langlois (672-0635) for more information. Thrivent Membership Breakfast The annual Thrivent Breakfast for the Racine County Chapter will be held on Saturday, November 22, at Infusino’s Banquet Hall (3201 Rapids Dr.) beginning at 8:30am. This year’s breakfast will feature a special guest speaker, Tasha Schuh. At sixteen years old, Tasha experienced a fall that left her a quadrapalegic. Tasha’s story of how her faith, resilience and honesty helped her to overcome this tragedy is an inspiration to all who hear her. The breakfast is free to all Thrivent members in Racine County. If you plan to attend the breakfast, please call Terri Tigges at 262-8849338 no later than November 19. Our Preschool & Child Care Could Win $1,000! Campbell’s is conducting the Grand Stand for Schools Sweepstakes! They’re giving $1,000 to 1,000 schools! It’s easy for us to enter. Every participating UPC and Beverage/Sauce cap submitted by 12/31/14 equals 1 entry for us. So, keep sending in those UPCs and caps – the more we submit, the better our chances. You can also help us by entering for free & read the rules at: http://bit.ly/TjOYpN. It’s Double UPCs promotion time! Every UPC and Beverage/Sauce cap we send in by November 17 will earn twice the points. Turn in what you’ve collected by reusing an envelope or baggie, mark it “Child Care,” and put it in the offering plate. If you happen to be going to the church office, you can also turn them in there. Thank you! TerraCycle® Update Focus: Oral & Personal Care Brigade Each year, the products we use every day to make our bodies clean, our teeth bright and shiny, and keep us smelling fresh, end up being thrown away after use and ultimately end up in landfills. Tom’s of Maine and Colgate have partnered with eco-innovator TerraCycle® to provide a second life for empty and used toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes, floss containers, mouthwash bottles, soap packaging, and antiperspirant and deodorant containers. Together we can convert these would-be waste materials into fun and unique products! Oral & Personal Care Brigade accepted waste: ANY brand of toothpaste tubes, toothpaste caps, floss containers, mouthwash bottles, mouthwash caps, deodorant containers and caps, soap packaging, and toothbrush and toothpaste tube outer packaging. Please note: This brigade does not accept aerosol deodorant cans. Turning in your collections is easy. A TerraCycle® collection box is conveniently located in the south entrance. Or, you can bring your collections to the church office and tell Jill or Kim you have a “gift” for Karin Langlois! Other A TerraCycle® Updates: Unfortunately, the Dairy Tub, Cheese Packaging, Hummus, and Hot Cereal Pouch Brigades have lost their corporate sponsors, so those brigades disbanded on October 31. TerraCycle® is looking for new sponsors, but until that happens, we are not collecting those items. THANK YOU for everything you collected! Some of those items can go in your regular recycling – please recycle them that way. We’ve added the GoGo SqueeZ Brigade to our list. We’re now collecting any brand healthy snack plastic pouches & caps. More information coming soon. Look for a new list of items we collect on the blue bulletin board in the south entryway. 10 | The Chimes Messenger A publication of Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church November Readings Nov. 02: All Saints Sunday 1st Reading: Revelation 7:9–17 Psalm: Psalm 34:1–10, 22 2nd Reading: 1 John 3:1–3 Gospel: Matthew 5:1–12 Nov. 09: 22nd Sunday after Pentecost 1st Reading: Amos 5:18–24 Psalm: Psalm 70 2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 Gospel: Matthew 25:1–13 Nov. 16: 23rd Sunday after Pentecost 1st Reading: Zephaniah 1:7, 12–18 Psalm: Psalm 90:1–8[9–11] 12 2nd Reading: Ephesians 1:15–23 Gospel: Matthew 25:14–30 Holiday Pie Sale Order Form Please help the youth raise funds for the National Youth Gathering with your purchase of a home baked pie! Pumpkin: $10.00 x quantity ________ = $_______ Apple: $12.00 x quantity ________ = $_______ Pecan: $13.00 x quantity ________ = $_______ Total pies: ________ Total $__________ Name: ______________________________________ Phone #: _________________________ Pick-up date: November 23rd Nov. 23: Christ the King Sunday 1st Reading: Ezekiel 34:11–16, 20–24 Psalm: Psalm 95:1–7a 2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11 Gospel: Matthew 25:31–46 Nov. 30: First Sunday in Advent 1st Reading: Isaiah 64:1–9 Psalm: Psalm 80:1–7, 17–19 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:3–9 Gospel: Mark 13:24–37 Service Times Vespers Service (Quincy) ........................................................................ Saturdays at 5:30 p.m. Sunday Service at Atonement (Quincy) …………………………................................... 9:15a.m. Confirmation (Quincy) ................................................................................................ 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service & Sunday School at Atonement West Sportsplex .....................…. 10:00 a.m. Atonement –Our Savior’s Church Office Hours (located at Atonement) Monday - Friday .................................................................. 10:00am-12:00 noon, 1:00-3:00 pm Atonement Our Savior’s Staff Senior Pastor ............................................................................................... Dr. Warren Williams Associate Pastor ................................................................................... Rev. Denise M.H. Mbise Associate Pastor ............................................................................................ Rev. Dana O’Brien Administrative Secretary (Atonement) ......................................................................... Jill Steiner Administrative Secretary (Our Savior’s) ................................................................Cathi Webster Secretary/Child Care Bookkeeper ......................................................................... Kim Saunders Senior Choir Director ..................................................................................... Dimitri Shapavolov Organist /Pianist ....................................................................................................Jill Wanggaard Organist /Pianist ........................................................................................................... Tina Perri Organist Emeritus ................................................................................................... Fred Hermes Pianist................................................................................................................... Tina Tempesta Part time Maintenance (Atonement) ...........................................................................Ron Eckert Part time Maintenance (Our Savior’s) ..................................................................... Mark Heinen Part time Janitorial ................................................................................................... Ollie Nielsen Senior Friendship Center Director ............................................................................ Vicki Siefert Nutrition Site Supervisor .....................................................................................Shirley Johnson Parish Nurse .............................................................................................. Joannie Williams, RN Chimes Messenger Editor ................................................................................. Diane Thygeson NOVEMBER 2014 ∙ Volume #1, Issue #11 Atonement Childcare Center Staff Child Care Ministry Director .................................................................................... Angie Molina 4K Teacher ........................................................................................................ Tammy Groenke 4K Assistant ................................................................................................................Maria Cruz Day Care Teacher ........................................................................................... Julia Witherspoon Day Care Teacher ................................................................................................. Karin Langlois Cook/Breaker .......................................................................................................Dovie Sumerall Custodial ......................................................................................................................Jay Martin Staff E-mail addresses Rev. Denise Mbise ......................................................................... [email protected] Dr. Warren Williams ................................................................. [email protected] Rev. Dana O’Brien ................................................................................ [email protected] Jill Steiner .............................................................................................. [email protected] Kim Saunders ........................................................................... [email protected] Joannie Williams ................................................................................joanniecaritas@gmail.com Angie Molina, Director CCM………………………………………………[email protected] General Church E-mail address Atonement Church .................................................................. [email protected] Atonement Website ............................................................................ www.atonementracine.org Atonement West Website .................................................................... www.atonementwest.org Atonement Facebook .....................................................www.facebook.com/AtonementRacine Our Savior’s Church ......................................................... [email protected] Our Savior’s Website ........................................................................ www.oursaviorsracine.com Our Savior’s Facebook....................................................................... http://tinyurl.com/OSLC-fb Atonement Childcare Center Website ....................................... www.atonementracine.org/ccm Atonement Childcare Facebook .........................................................http://tinyurl.com/ALCC-fb 11 Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 2915 Wright Avenue Racine, WI 53405-5094 Published Once a Month RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED ATONEMENT OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH NOVEMBER 2014 VOLUME #1 • ISSUE #11 Joint Council Announced Why Money is a Spiritual Concern Brown Bag Sunday Youth Gathering - Holiday Pie Fundraiser Cookie Walk News
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