ServicePRO Help Desk Software Key Points

ServicePRO Help Desk
Quick Sheet
ServicePRO Help Desk Software
Key Points
ServicePRO is one of the IT industry leaders of help desk management software. With
a client list that includes many manufacturers (e.g., Motorola, General Motors), service
organizations (e.g., FedEx, HBO), government organizations (e.g., US Navy, US Air
Force), and even educational institutions (e.g., John Hopkins University, Ohio State
University), it’s not surprising that Help Desk Technology International’s ServicePRO
won the Best Help Desk Software award. The Oklahoma City Public School IT
Department has updated to the newest version of ServicePRO to streamline the
technology request process and improve customer service.
Login to ServicePRO
Step by Step
The ServicePRO interface is located on the internet and can be accessed at any time.
1. Open your internet browser.
2. Navigate to the ServicePRO website.
3. On the Login Screen, type your User Name.
(first initial/middle initial/last name
4. Press tab and type your password. Your initial
password is helpstar.
5. Domain: ServicePRO
6. Click the Login button.
ServicePRO Help Desk
Quick Sheet
Changing User Password
Step by Step
The password provided to you is meant to be a temporary password. When you login
to the system for the first time, please change your password. You can go back into the
system as many times as you would like to change your password as needed.
1. Click the Account Information link.
ServicePRO Help Desk
Quick Sheet
2. If your email address is not listed, type in your email address. By providing your
email address, the technicians can email you questions and status updates so you
won’t have to keep logging into this site to check the status of your tickets.
3. In the Password box, enter your new password.
4. Type in the same password in the confirm password field.
5. Click Save.
6. Click Home, in the upper left of the window at any time to return to your
ServicePRO Home page.
Creating a Help Desk Request
Step by Step
Once a request is created, it is sent to a dispatch area and automatically distributed to
the appropriate department or team to resolve the ticket.
ServicePRO Help Desk
Quick Sheet
1. Click the New Service Request link
2. Select the select the appropriate End User Request type, and then click Select.
Information required for each User Request Type is found at the end of this guide.
ServicePRO Help Desk
Quick Sheet
3. From the New Request window, fill out all relevant fields.
4. Your username is populated in the requester field.
5. The request title needs to be a concise description of the issue you are
6. In the memo area, include a more detailed description of your issue.
Note: If an image will help clarify the issue, it can be uploaded to the Memo Area
by clicking the Insert/Edit Image button
7. Click the User Defined Fields tab and enter all required information (marked by
the *).
In order to save and submit your ticket, ALL required fields must be populated.
ServicePRO Help Desk
Quick Sheet
8. Click the Main Tab to return to the home screen.
9. Once all of the appropriate information is entered, then save the request by
clicking Save at the bottom of the screen.
Tracking a Request
Step by Step
All open requests are tracked on your ServicePRO user interface Home page.
1. Click the request to view further information.
2. To update the request, click the Update Request button
in the upper right of
the request screen.
3. To print your request, click the Print button
request screen.
in the upper right of the
ServicePRO Help Desk
Quick Sheet
Creating an Attachment
Step by Step
Requests are better understood with a screen shot of the error message or a picture of
the hardware issue. If a user is working in an application, you can press the key Prnt
Scrn (Print Screen) on the keyboard (located near the delete key) or Fn-Prnt Scrn on a
laptop. Open up MS Word and paste the screenshot on the page, and then save. A
digital copy of a Word document or a .jpg file on the computer can be attached to the
New Request window.
To add an attachment:
1. Click on the paper clip
located at the top section of the New Request screen.
2. The upload window will appear.
3. Browse to the location of the file.
4. Click upload.
5. Click close.
6. The window will refresh and add an attachment tab.
7. Save the request when all fields are filled out.
Logoff ServicePRO
Step by Step
From the ServicePRO window, click the Logout button in the upper right hand corner
of the screen.
ServicePRO Help Desk
Quick Sheet
FYI ServicePRO
User Defined Fields
Computer Support Request
Network Drop Support Request
ServicePRO Help Desk
Quick Sheet
Network Support Request
OKCPS 3rd Party Network Access Request
ServicePRO Help Desk
Quick Sheet
Printer Support Request
SAP Support Request
Tech Purchase Request (TPR)
ServicePRO Help Desk
Quick Sheet
Telephone/Voicemail Support Request
TERMS/SmartWeb Support Request
Theft Report Request
ServicePRO Help Desk
Quick Sheet
Video Security Support Request
ServicePRO Help Desk
Quick Sheet
Web Unblock Support Request