An Epiphany Church tradition O ur 4th Friday get-together will be on hiatus until January. See you then. Compost your leaves at one of Denver Recycles’ LeafDrop sites. WEEKDAY (Monday - Friday) drop sites open October 1st and will stay open through November 30th. WEEKEND (Saturday & Sunday) drop sites will open starting November 1st for three weekends of November. By participating in the LeafDrop program you can make less trash, keep our streets clean and help to make compost for Denver Recycles’ Annual Mulch Giveaway & Compost Sale in May. http://www.denvergov. org/LeafDrop/tabid/... Annual Food Drive — November 2014 Social Ministry Committee Come, Lord Jesus, our guest to be And bless these gifts Bestowed by Thee. With Thanksgiving around the corner, we will begin our annual food drive on Sunday, November 2nd and continue three additional Sundays through November 23rd. This year, all of your gifts will go to FISH, our local food bank, with a goal of preparing Thanksgiving baskets with sides to accompany donated turkeys. Our FISH food bank is unique in the city with our partners across the park, the Washington Park United Church of Christ, for we are the only home delivery food bank in the Denver area. As such FISH fills a unique need in that it serves those who are so vulnerable and in need that they cannot visit any number of food banks in Denver. We welcome your gifts of canned goods and other non-perishables (such as, peanut butter, canned chicken & tuna, canned fruit, soup, ravioli, chili, vegetables, beans, and macaroni and cheese), which may be placed at the foot of the altar either prior to service or during the offering. Thanks in advance for your generous support. Thanksgiving Eve Who is the Coordinator for the Various Upcoming Activities? Caring for the Congregation – Leo Bruederle CROP Walk – Rachel Lund Fall Clean UP – Martha Fenger Fourth Friday Coordinator – Mary Knowles November Food Drive – Social Ministry Committee Colfax Cmty Network Gift Collection – Sarah Gall Cookie Walk – Cate Vanegas Growth Committee – Charlie Busch Investment Committee – Ron Rinkle, Nicholas Cheong, Miguel Vanegas, Alice Ireland Sunday School Lead – Rusty Morris Worship & Pot Luck Pie Fest November 26th, 6:30 Thanksgiving Worship & 7:15 Potluck Pie Fest Bring your favorite pie to share and enjoy a smorgasbord of pies. This is a good time to talk with other Epiphany members you might not have seen on Sunday. Congregational Meeting December 7th. Plan to attend and vote for council members. MANIFEST NOVEMBER 2014 A Message From Pastor Travis Johnson-Esparza Appoggiatura Reservation Deadline: Jan. 6, 2015 Performance Date: Jan. 27, 2015 Ticket Price: $35, Ricketson Theatre; By James Still Appoggiatura follow three closely related Americans, each nursing a hunger and a hard-to-heal wound, as they travel to the romantic city of Venice seeking solace. As time bends and magic beckons around every corner, this favorite of the Colorado New Play Summit weaves a quirky and Lyrical narrative exploring love, loss and the human soul. Make your reservations as early as possible, as seating is limited. Make your checks payable to “Rocky Mountain Synod.” Please note at the bottom of your check, “T&T: (name of play)”. (Once you have requested a reservation, you are obligated to pay for the ticket, even if you are unable to attend the play.) Leave your check with the church secretary, Diane Calkins, and your tickets will be ordered and ready for pick-up AT THE THEATRE, performance night. Dear Epiphany, 2 Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I was so deeply touched by your thoughtful expressions of gratitude, particularly on my last Sunday. As I reflect on that morning and the past few years we have been in community, I give thanks to God for the grace, the love, and the communion we have experienced together. I hold you in my thoughts and prayers. In Christ, Pastor Sarah Anderson On the third day he rose again…” - Apostles’ Creed Do you ever wonder about those three days? Of Jesus’ experience of this period, all four gospels are silent. Our mothers and fathers in the faith who sculpted the Apostles’ Creed some 300 years later declared that during those days Jesus “descended into hell” (or “descended to the dead”) and “ascended into heaven”. Such an description often invites more questions than answers, but they do offer some insight for how we experience the transition from death to resurrection in the here and now. Apparently, it wasn’t a peaceful transition, even for Jesus the Christ. It was instead a period characterized first by darkness and descent, a hellish movement downward into the formless void of a disorganized world absent from the presence of God. Then what followed was a glorious lifting up into a heavenly state of creative and new wholeness. I have to say, my experiences of transitioning between what feels like death and resurrection have often felt like a great and wild turbulence, until a moment when, quite unexpectedly, God’s Holy Spirit bubbles up in my soul to offer me new insight, new direction, and a way to move forward. It’s usually only afterward that I’m able to see that entering into the darkness of the void was the only way for me to recognize the light of God’s providence and creativity. Consider a death and resurrection in your life; a period during which you found yourself thrown into chaos and darkness, only to somehow be miraculously restored to wholeness by God’s grace. That’s what three days feels like. The three days literally bridge the distance between the two lines of the Apostles’ Creed, “he descended into hell,” and “he ascended into heaven.” The three days are an interim period. They are holy days. They are beautiful and wondrous and prayerful days. They are days when new life is incubating within us. I love the interim time, and as we enter these three days together, I hope you will come to love them too. I have much more to say on the matter, but let me leave it at this: The bible is replete with stories of God’s people in their own figurative “three days.” We are sharing their story now. The same God who led the Israelites through the wilderness of Sinai, the same God who led Abraham and Isaac up the mountain, the same God who saved Noah and his family from the flood, the same God who shepherded her children through the Egyptians and the Assyrians and the Babylonians and the Persians and the Romans; the same God who spent three days in transition buried in a tomb; that same God will lead us in transition now. For next time: If you have wondered what we are supposed to do together in this time, let me start by drawing your attention to another thought: How are we to be together in this time? Being and doing go together. Though we cannot control when and how we are thrown into the wilderness, and we may not always know what to do about it, we can behave in ways that make the wilderness a holy place. Does not even chaos belong to God? Your friend, your brother, your pastor, in Christ, Pr. Travis Preparing for a new pastor search….. We are happy to welcome Pastor Travis Johnson-Esparza, and his family, as he joins Epiphany as our interim pastor. Pastor Travis comes to us with a BA in Psychology, MS in Psychology, and Master of Divinity. He served at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Albuquerque both as an intern and Associate Pastor. Through the North American Lutheran Interim Pastor Training (NALIP), Pastor Travis has completed the first two phases of training and will complete phase three during the first week of November. Our first order of business is to establish a Transition Team to lead a self-study. The role of this team will be to reflect on who Epiphany as a congregation has been, who we are now and listen for where God is calling us. Other questions for this team to lead us in finding answers will focus on: • What our neighborhood is like? • What are our current assets, gifts and abilities? • Where are our blind spots? Gathering this information will help us listen to God as we work on answering the following questions: • How do we participate in God’s kingdom in this place? • How do we use our assets, gifts and abilities to make new possibilities? • Who is God calling us to be? We expect to identify the Transition Team (5-7 members) this fall and work out an action plan for steps to be taken, along with deadlines. Because we are headed into our busy holiday season, we are expecting the major work of the Transition Team to start in January. If you are interested in serving on this Transition Team, please notify me in person, by phone (303-744-2946) or by email (jodysmith14 After the work of the Transition Team is completed next year, the report will be given to the Rocky Mountain Synod, our partner in this transition, who will help with screening available pastoral candidates who seem to meet our needs. An internal Call Committee will proceed with interviewing candidates until they feel confident of making a recommendation to us as a congregation. If you are interested in serving on the Call Committee (5-7 members), please let me know. We will develop more than one way to keep you apprised of the progress of this transition throughout the next few months. In the meantime, we plan to continue the work we already do in a variety of ways to grow spiritually, support congregational members and contribute to our local community. Blessings! Community Shopping Benefit 2626 E. 3rd Ave December 3, 2014 from 5pm-7pm When you shop at Ten Thousand Villages on December 3, 15% of your purchase will be donated to Urban Servant Corps! This is a great way to support the powerful mission of Urban Servant Corps and check off your holiday shopping all in one stop! Ten Thousand Villages is a fair-trade shop for unique, hand-made gifts from around the world including fair-trade baskets, jewelry, crafts and other items from international artisans. Called to be a Public Church This year, elections will take place at the local and state levels. How are we called to be a public church in this important time? As a public church called to witness to God’s love for all God has created, the ELCA affirms the importance of participation in society by all people, including people of faith. Voting is one of the most important ways Americans can be involved in our representative democracy. Scripture reveals God’s presence in all realms of life, including political life. This church understands government as a means through which God can work to build a more peaceful and just social order in a sinful world. The electoral process is one way in which we live out our affirmation of baptism to “serve all people, following the example of our Lord Jesus,” and “to strive for justice and peace in all the earth.” Want to learn more about Advocacy and the ELCA? Visit to join the ELCA Advocacy Network! Church Council vacancies to be filled…. Two members of our current Council team are unable to continue in 2015. We need help and ask you to prayerfully consider this need. If you are interested and have questions, please contact Jody Smith or any other Council member. These positions need to be filled by the end of November. 3 We received a $117,000 grant from 2014 Denver Bacon and Beer Festival November 16, 2014. Presented by: Eat Boston and Denver Off The Wagon The Denver Bacon and Beer Festival is coming back for Year 3! On Sunday, November 16th from 2:30pm to 5:00pm at The Curtis, @eatboston and Denver Off The Wagon will once again bring together area restaurants and breweries to offer creative bacon-based dishes and fine brews. Proceeds from #DenverBaconAndBeer will benefit Metro CareRing and Project Angel Heart. The Details What: Bacon and Beer Festival 2014 When: Sunday, Nov. 16, 2:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Where: The Curtis Address: 1405 Curtis St., Denver, CO 80202 Cost: $46.50 Why: Portion of sales donated to Metro CareRing. Contact: or 303-860-7200 for ticket info. Did You Know? • There are 89 health clinics in Colorado who help under-served populations with health care needs. ICHC joined the other clinics across the state for the 5th Annual Safety Net Clinic Week in August to spread awareness for why these clinics are essential in our current-day health care system. During this week, tours were given to elected officials, candidates for office, and other Colorado leaders to give them an opportunity to learn about the 332,000 Coloradans annually who seek medical help at safety net clinics. The Colorado Health Institute offers an interactive map listing all of Colorado's safety net clinics: http:// coloradoshealth-care-safety-net the Caring for Colorado Foundation, part of which funds the purchase of a much-needed digital X-ray system for our dental department. Dr. Marilyn Ketchum, dental director at ICHC, said this will allow ICHC to include patient's X-rays into one digital chart, rather than continuing to keep separate paper charts as well as digital, and will greatly simplify the billing process so we can better-help Medicaid patients. She said some of the money will also go to refurbish the current dental stations. We launched our Electronic Health Record system on August 26th. ICHC has been working on this immensely large behind-the-scenes project for two years. Sean Schowdoski, ICHC's IT manager, said the project included a complete overhaul to ICHC's IT system through the implementation of a new server, greater storage and firewalls, and the replacement of all of ICHC's computers. This update allows ICHC to ensure our patient's receive the top quality of care. If you would like to volunteer, we could use your help! Do you have talents in administrative work, maintenance, or the health field? Would you be willing to represent ICHC at city events? Do you have other ideas for using your particular gifts? Contact us at 720-833-5093. Bethany's Operation One Nation (Veteran and Military Member support team) 4 is hosting a Veterans Appreciation Dinner on November 22 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in Bethany's Fellowship Hall, catered by Romano's Italian Restaurant of Littleton. The dinner will be spaghetti and meatballs, with salad, breadsticks and cookies. The cost for the meal is "freewill" with the only requirement being that people make advance reservations to Janet Mortinsen at [email protected] or (303) 300-3317. Immediately after dinner at 7 p.m., Country Artist and fellow Lutheran, Michael Peterson will be performing in Bethany's sanctuary as a fund-raiser for the three Veteran and Military helping agencies Operation One Nation supports -- Project Sanctuary, Centus Counseling and This Able Vet. Again, the concert will be a "freewill" offering event. For more information concerning the three agencies where dinner and concert monies will go, you may view the websites of Project Sanctuary, Centus Counseling and This Able Vet. Warren Miller, Operation One Nation Bethany Lutheran Church, 4500 E. Hampden Ave, Cherry Hills Village, CO (303) 794-9568 NOVEMBER 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 9 - Choir 10 - Worship 3 4 11– Fellowship & Adult Forum with David Janvis—Rainbow Trail 9 - Choir 10 - Worship 10:45 - 11:30 - Sunday School 11– Fellowship & Adult Forum with Lutheran Family Services 16 9 - Choir 10 - Worship 10:45 - 11:30 - Sunday School 11 10 18 17 9-11 - Get Moving 7– 9 Musicians of St. Clare 7- Depression Glass 12 - Noon Bridge 6 - Harmony 12 13 6:30 - Council Meeting 11– Fellowship 7– Master Gardeners First Sunday in Advent 9 - Choir 10 - Worship 10:45 - 11:30 - Sunday School 11– Fellowship Remember to Fall Back November 2nd. It’s the end of Daylight Savings Time! 14 15 20 19 6 - Happy Hour Chamber Concert All Welcome 21 22 9-11- Get Moving 6:30 - Worship 7-Harmony Board 27 6:30 - Worship 7- Pie Fest Fellowship 7– 9 Musicians of St. Clare 6 - Semplice Ensemble Chamber Concert 29 28 Office Closed Happy Thanksgiving NOVEMBER WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS 30 ct) Bill West; dr) Ellen Tieberg 12 ct) Susan Hahn; dr) Matt Molberg 19 ct/dr) Jerry LaChance 26 ct) Erin Cox dr) Jerry Arnett 6:30 - Worship 9-11- Get Moving 6 - Harmony FISH: 9-11- Get Moving 26 25 24 8 6:30 - Worship 7– 9 Musicians of St. Clare 6 - Harmony 7 9-11- Get Moving 9-11 - Get Moving 10:45 - 11:30 - Sunday School 5 Veterans’ Day 9 - Choir 10 - Worship Susan Hahn coordinates 6 7– 9 Musicians of St. Clare 6 - Harmony 11 - Fellowship 23 5 9-11 - Get Moving 10:45 - 11:30 - Sunday School 9 Election Day Please arrange for a substitute if you are unable to serve on your assigned day and then notify the office. THANKS! ASSISTING MINISTER: WORSHIP PREPARATION: SUNDAY SCHOOL STAFF; 2 9 16 23 26 30 2 yk: Stacey Appelt; Ellen Tieberg 9 yk: Stacey Appelt; Aidan Schlue ok: Joe Schlue 16 yk: Kristin Stork; Charlie ok: Joe Schlue 23 yk: Soren Gall; Sarah G ok: Rusty Morris office coordinates Betty Arnett coordinates ACOLYTE: USHERS/GREETERS: 2 9 16 23 26 30 Andrea Kidd Susan Hahn Russ Pierce Mo Molberg TG– Karmen Carter Wendy Worley office coordinates 2 9 16 23 30 Oliver Molberg Aidan Schlue Adrianna Appelt Alex Molberg Joseph Lash LECTOR: Wendy Worley coordinates 2 9 16 23 26 30 Rachel Lund Tom Corona Kevin Lash Joe Schlue TG– Tari Ensign Matt Gesualdi Joan McCracken Nita Jean Molberg Darlene Runge-House Judy Molberg Jerry Arnett Nita Jean Molberg Jerry Arnett coordinates 2 9 16 23 26 30 Matt Gesualdi & Tari Ensign Joe & Aiden Schlue Sigfried & Stacey Appelt Susan Hahn & Russ Pierce Kristin Stork Matt & Oliver Molberg BREAD AND WINE: office coordinates 2 9 16 23 26 30 Ruth Marshall Russ Pierce Gayle Rodgers Randy & Debbie Johnson TG- Alice Ireland Cathy Runge-House Rusty Morris coordinates COFFEE: Gayle Rodgers coordinates 2 9 16 23 26 30 Stacey Appelt Alice Ireland Mary Knowles Judy & George Roth Potluck Pie Fest-Marianne Molberg Susan Hahn. COUNTER: Council coordinates 2 Alice Ireland & TBD 9 Rusty Morris & John Pughes 16 Susan Hahn & A McLane 23 Susan Hahn & Jerry Arnett 30 Charlie Busch & Jerry Arnett 5 “Keep Moving” Senior Trips Our friends, “Keep Moving”, who meet here on Tuesdays and Thursdays, have a number of Senior Rides planned and are inviting all interested persons over 60 to join them. Nadyne Leedom and Marjory Nash lead these group activities to various venues meeting at designated spots and then traveling via chartered RTD Buses. Keep Moving Senior Rides meets for bus pick-up at Walgreens, 1235 East Evans Ave. Thursday, November 6, Isa Morada Fish Company, Lunch Menu Sunday, November 16, Anything Goes, Town Hall Arts Center, $23 Saturday, November 22, Denver Concert Band, Loan Tree Arts Center, $13 Tuesday, November 25, Traveling The Silk Road, Museum of Nature & Science, $8 Wednesday, December 4, Hammond’s Candies, Golden Corral, $7.79 Sunday, December 6, Mountain Aires Barber Shop Chorus, Arvada West High School, $8 Wednesday, December 10, Charter trip to Georgetown, $35 To register or obtain more information please contact Nadyne Leedom, 303-757-7054; or Marjory Nash, 303-722-1453. The Keep Moving Exercise Class Meets at Epiphany Lutheran Church, 790 So. Corona St., Tuesday & Thursday — 9:00am to 11:30am. NOVEMBER 2014 Birthdays 11/2 Carol Chapman 11/4 Sarah Born 11/8 Ella Newton 11/8 Wendy Worley 11/9 Ann Lash 11/13 Joe Schlue 11/26 Charity Van Buren 11/29 Joan McCracken 11/30 Gioia Salvatore 11/30 Michael Salvatore IV Anniversaries 11/26 Randy & Deborah Johnson, 2 11/28 Jody Smith & Ed Calmus, 16 ‘LET US COME BEFORE HIM WITH THANKSGIVING’ Psalm 95:2 Thanksgiving is a special time to reflect on all of our blessings. If you’d like to make the most of your God-given gifts of time, talent and treasure Thrivent Financial can help. We offer: • Grassroots opportunities for members to help their churches, nonprofit organizations and people in need. • Opportunities for members to help decide where and how to assist others or just to get together. • Financial solutions to help families protect what they value, leave a legacy and amplify their charitable giving. What better time of year to follow your heart? Find out how we’ve been helping families be wise with money and live generously for more than 100 years. Contact: Dean Fritz, Financial Associate [email protected] 303-451-7297 ELCA members advocate for action on climate change Hundreds of ELCA members were among the more than 400,000 participants in the People's Climate March in New York City on Sept. 21. The Lutheran delegation joined the People's Climate Interfaith Contingent, one of the largest groups in the march. - See more at: Epiphany Manifest is the monthly newsletter of Epiphany Lutheran Church, 790 S. Corona St., Denver, CO 80209 ► 303-722-5311 ► ► e-mail: [email protected] ►Sunday’s Worship: 10:00 am ►Wednesday’s Worship: 6:30 pm ►Children‘s Sunday School: 10:45-11:30am-September thru May Office Hours: M Thru Th: 8 to 1:30pm ► F: Closed ► Pastor, Sarah Anderson ► Director of Music, Alfred Born ► Administrative Assistant, Diane Calkins ► Custodian, Diane Morgan
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