Saint Bernard of Clairvaux A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust November 9, 2014 The Dedication of Lateran Basilica Sacrament of Holy Orders: Please contact Father Federline or Msgr. Larry Kulick at 724837-0901. Sacraments: For Baptism, Marriage, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, and funeral arrangements, please call the parish office at 724-465-2210. Wedding dates must be scheduled one year in advance. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: If you would like to join the parish PARISH STAFF Rev. Thomas A. Federline, Pastor Denise Swope, Principal Robert Padasak, Business Manager Becky Anne Hilditch, Director of Faith Formation Deborah Yarnell, Faith Formation Secretary Rosemarie Langham, Parish Secretary Maria Mihoerck, Financial Secretary Karen Marshall, Music Director James Rhoades, Cemetery Manager PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM PARISH CONTACTS Parish Office .............................................724-465-2210 [email protected] School Office ............................................724-465-7139 Faith Formation Office .............................724-465-2210 [email protected] Ext. 114 Cemetery Office .......................................724-465-4370 Music Director ..........................................724-479-9786 [email protected] Health Ministry .........................................724-465-2210 Ext. 127 Parish Website .................. E- Prayer Chain ……………[email protected] INDIANA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Chaplain: Reverend Timothy Kruthaupt ......724-254-3041 ........................................................ or 814-948-7253 call for a registration form or come in to the parish office. Anyone who needs a sponsor certificate must be registered. Please notify us if you move or will be moving out of the parish. BULLETIN DEADLINE: The deadline for bulletin announcements is noon of the Thursday nine (9) days prior to the weekend of the announcement. Mail or email the information to Mrs. Rosemarie Langham at the parish office. Watch the bulletin for holiday deadlines. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA): Those who are interested in learning about the Catholic faith are to contact the Faith Formation Office. St. Bernard of Clairvaux Mission Statement Our MISSION is to witness and share the tradition and beliefs centered in the celebration of Christ in the Eucharist and the other sacraments, and, to ensure their continuation through ongoing education and faith formation of the entire community, especially our parents and their children. We endeavor, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to increase the Kingdom of God through worship, education, and outreach. St. Bernard of Clairvaux Parish, a Catholic community, was established in Indiana, PA, in 1847, by a group of German Catholics. Our parish has grown and flourished in its celebration of faith through hundreds of families of diverse backgrounds. Our parish facility hosts St. Bernard Regional Catholic School. SACRAMENT OF EUCHARIST Weekdays ........................ Consult Mass Schedule Inside Saturday (Vigil) .................................................... 5:30 PM Sunday ................................................. 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 8:30 to 10:00 AM or by appointment 200 Clairvaux Drive • Indiana, PA 15701 "The Eucharist bathes the tormented soul in light and love. Then the soul appreciates these words, ‘Come all you who are sick, I will restore your health.’" - St. Bernadette Soubirous Come and be in the presence of Jesus at Eucharistic Adoration on Tuesday from Noon to 7:00 PM ! BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE! During the month of November, the church, in a special way, remembers in prayer those who have died. You are invited to write the names of your deceased loved ones in the Book of Remembrance that will remain in our sanctuary near the altar for the whole month. These intentions will be included in our daily prayers here at St. Bernard Parish. CD OF A MONTHLY MEETING Catholic Daughters Ct. St. Bernard #339 Indiana will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, November 13, 2014 with rosary at 6:30 PM and meeting at 7 PM in the St. Bernard's Social Hall. Chairmen are Julie Receski and Joan Zilner. Come join us! 2ND COLLECTION “THANK YOU”! Thank you! “We can certainly call you friends because of the way you care for our retired members,” writes a religious brother. Your gift to last week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious benefits some 35,000 senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. May God bless you for your generosity! GRANDMOTHERS CORPS : ADVENT CALENDAR Reminder: Children’s Advent Calendar November 15th from 9-11:30 AM in the Church Social Hall. For more information, call Dorothy at 724-463-9786 or Jan at 724349-1226. CDOF A BAKE SALE! Don’t miss the annual CDofA Bake Sale after all masses the weekend of November 22nd/23rd just in time for Thanksgiving! There will be cakes, cookies, pies, breads, candy, preserves and more!! See you there!! CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD: TURKEY DINNER! Church of the Good Shepherd, Kent will be having their annual Turkey Dinner on Sunday, November 9, 2014 from 11:30 AM until 2:00 Pm. Adults/$10.00, Children ages 6-12/$4.00, under 6/Free. The menu includes: Roast Breast of Turkey, Stuffing, Whipped Potatoes w/Gravy, Green Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, Salad, Fresh Rolls, Beverage and Dessert. Take out available! CDOFA EDUCATION CONTEST The Catholic Daughters of the Americas Ct. St. Bernard #339 would like to invite all students in grades 4-12 to participate in their 2014/15 Education Contest. The themes this year are “Love Your Neighbor As Yourself “or “Be a Good Neighbor”. The categories are Art, Essay, Poetry, Computer Art, Music and Photography. Students may enter more than one category, and cash prizes are awarded to the winning entries. For more information and contest guidelines, please see the info in the church Narthex on the table. Contest ends December 16, 2014. Don’t delay. Enter today. Fame and Fortune Await! SENIOR ENRICHMENT WORKSHOP Please join Catholic Charities Office for Pro-life and Social Ministry and the Office for Evangelization and Faith Formation in welcoming Deacon Gary & Mrs. Kay Aitchison to western PA for the fall Senior Enrichment workshop. The workshop begins with a presentation by the Aitchisons at 9 AM in the Bishop William G. Connare Center. Lunch will follow. An afternoon discussion begins at 1 PM led by Fr. Donald Conroy and member of the Grandmothers Corps of St. Bernard of Clairvaux Parish. The Grandmothers Corps will be in Greensburg to describe how the grandparenting model has taken shape in Indiana, PA. The lunch is free and the presentations are open to the public, but registration is necessary. Please contact Mary Ellen Pellegrino at 724-552-2605, by November 17th, for information and registration. 13TH ANNUAL WHITE MASS: FOR ALL HEALTH CARE PERSONNEL The Thirteenth Annual White Mass for all Health Care Personnel will be held on Sunday, December 7, 2014 at 11:30 Am at the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, 300 N. Main St., Greensburg, PA 15601. Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt will be the Main Celebrant. All health care personnel are invited to attend! BULLETIN ALERT: With the holidays approaching, we must submit the bulletins earlier than usual so that we will receive them on time. Please submit articles for the November 30th bulletin no later than November 19th; our December 21st bulletin no later than December 10th; our December 28th bulletin no later than December 15th and our January 4th bulletin no later than December 18th. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rose in the parish office. Thank you for your time and patience! ST. VINCENT DE PAUL THRIFT STORE St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store has Veterans Sale: RedWhite or Blue $2 this coming week. Where you can find something for everyone! Located in the BiLo Plaza on N. 4th Street, Indiana… Tues.-Friday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM; Saturday 10:00 AM-3:00 PM. CD OF A THANK YOU! A Special Thank You to those who worked, donated, played cards and attended the lunch at the Catholic Daughters Salad Bar Luncheon Card Party held on Wednesday, October 22. Over 120 joined us for a day of great fellowship and delicious food. Thank you again. See you in the spring! Chairman Josephine Valenti and Committee. ST. JOSEPH ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY The St. Joseph Altar Rosary Society in Derry will sponsor its second annual “Nativity Celebration” on Saturday, December 6 and Sunday, December 7, 2014, the second Sunday of Advent. The society will be showcasing the Nativity sets of parish members for the St. Joseph & St. Martin churches. Simple and unique Nativity sets will be displayed. The “Nativity Celebration” will be held in the St. Joseph’s Social Hall, 117 S. Ligonier St., Derry on Saturday, December 6 from 6-8 PM and Sunday, December 7 from 11:30 AM to 4 PM. Food, drink and raffles will be available. Also, a variety of Christmas items will be sold. (Cash or check only). Everyone is invited to attend this celebration and fellowship! Any questions please call Tish Rossi at 724-694-8309 or [email protected]. THAT MAN IS YOU! Men keep meeting every Saturday morning, now in its 8th session, we continue to examine how a man can posses himself so he can give himself away, just like Christ did. The way we see ourselves and others through a relationship with God can give meaning and purpose to our lives and make the difference in our families and society. Men...never too late to join us!! EVENTS IN THE FAITH FORMATION AND YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE FAITH FORMATION (grades K-5) SESSIONS WILL BE HELD on November 16 from 10:45 AM to 12:15 PM. If you have not registered yet, it is not too late. Please bring your registration form with you and your child(ren) to their first session. We are looking forward to a great year with your children and teens! SACRAMENT PREPARATION: There is a MANDATORY PARENT & CHILD Workshop for all parents and students preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Tuesday, November 18 in the Social Hall from 6:30-8:00 PM. This is the only time this workshop will be held – there will be no “make-up” scheduled. You must attend this workshop in order to ensure that your child will be able to continue with preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If you have any questions concerning this, please do not hesitate to contact Becky Hilditch at [email protected] or at 724-465-2210, ext. 114. Thank you. SENIOR HIGH Youth Ministry will meet on Sunday, November 9 from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in the Teen Room. We will discuss Judaism, Christianity, and Islam faiths in our upcoming sessions. Please feel free to bring a friend and any questions you may have concerning these different faiths. JUNIOR HIGH Youth Ministry will meet on Sunday, November 16 from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in the Teen Room. We will be learning about and discussing “The Church’s Calendar: Understanding the Liturgical Year”, which covers the Faith Learning component of your curriculum. ADULT FAITH FORMATION WILL meet on Wednesday, November 12. We will go over chapters 35 and 36, which discusses Prayer: The Faith Prayed. Please join us for this discussion to learn about this topic. We meet from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Brady Room. This is our last scheduled Adult Faith Formation class . We will begin a new session on January 7, 2015. All are invited to join us at any time! We welcome all to come and learn about and share our faith. Joy of the Gospel is once again being hosted by our parish for all adults 21 and over on Wednesday, November 19 from 7:00-8:30 PM. The topic of discussion is On the Journey: Living Out Catholic Social Teaching. Our speaker is Sister Christine Kiley, ASCJ. Please plan on joining us for refreshments and an evening filled with learning and sharing. Knights of Columbus Event Schedule Fr. McNelis Council 1481 Nov. 12...Council Meeting, 7 PM at the Lodge No 4th Degree Assembly Meeting ...Thanksgiving Holiday Dec. 12...Christmas Dinner Party at the Lodge, 6:15 PM Jan. 18…NFL Pig Roast, at the Lodge...time to be announced RCIA will meet on Saturday, November 8, at 3:30 in the Brady Room. Our topic of discussion is The Laity facilitated by Robert Turnbull with Breaking Open of the Word with Cathy Williams. THE THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 ACTIONS AND CONSEQUENCES Reading I Wisdom 6:12-16 (the availability of wisdom to those who seek) Reading II 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (resurrection of the dead) Gospel Matthew 25:1-13 (parable of the ten virgins) Key Passage Jesus said, “Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” (Matthew 25:13) Adult: We meet Christ sometimes when we least expect it. How can you be ready to see him in all ways he is present? Child: What are some surprising ways in which you meet Christ in your daily life? the In all three of today's readings, the Temple or an image of the Temple is dominant. Ezekiel speaks of streams of living water flowing out from the Temple, watering the desert, bringing life to all living things, offering fresh healing to God's people. Paul reminds the Corinthians that their faith rests upon the firmest of foundations, Christ himself. More than that, Paul reveals that those who follow Christ are themselves temples, temples of the Holy Spirit. That is, God dwells not only with them but in them as well. For the Jews of Jesus' time, the Temple had come to be identified with the presence of God and the only place where authentic worship of God took place. Jesus had a different perception. Jesus identified himself not with the Temple, but as the temple. By so doing, Jesus indicated a drastic shift in what it means to worship God, to be in God's presence. Jesus replaced a place as the focus of prayer with a person--himself. THE HOLY TEMPLE Sometimes reflection on God's word leads to meditation, sometimes to action, and sometimes to storytelling. This is one of the storytelling times. In ancient Israel lived two brothers who loved each other dearly. The older brother had no family. The younger did. As poor farmers, the brothers shared the same field. At harvest, they shared the wheat they had grown, each one receiving an equal share. Each would gather his pile of wheat and place it in a sheaf outside his house. But one day, after the harvest, when the two had divided the wheat, the older brother woke up in the middle of the night and thought to himself: "My brother has more responsibilities and mouths to feed than I." So, night after night, he took some of his wheat and added it to his brother's share. Meanwhile, the younger brother, too, could not sleep. He thought: "My brother has no sons to care for him in his old age as I do." So, night after night, he took some of his wheat and added it to his brother's share. Each morning, the brothers were surprised that their heaps of wheat had not grown smaller. At last, one night, the brothers caught one another carrying a bundle of wheat to the other's house. Realizing what had been happening, the brothers rushed to embrace one another with great brotherly love. God saw what the two brothers had done and said, "Blessed be the field where these two brothers are standing and embracing." Many years later, King Solomon built the holy Temple on the very same ground where these two brothers had embraced, and the holy Temple became a place of love and blessing to all people everywhere. HOLY PEOPLE HOLY PLACE God's Temple - God's church - is built on the care, support, and love of its members. Where people embrace, where people gather in God's name, God is present, uniting them to one another, making them and the place holy. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Daily Readings—Week of November 9, 2014 Sunday: Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time; The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Monday: St. Leo the Great Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: St. Martin of Tours; Veteran’s Day Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: St. Josaphat Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: St. Fances Xavier Cabrini Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: St. Albert the Great 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 Liturgical Ministry Schedule for November 15/16 Altar Servers: 5:30 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM Bobby K. Jim H. Paul B. Branden K. Vincent B. Nathan B. Cantor: Linda Tom Elise EME: Tish R. Anthony B. Roberto T. Peggy S. Brenda B. Claire V. Patti A. John B. Pat W. Ruth B. Nikki C. Ray Y. Cathy W. Corrine H. Marge A. Barbara F. David H. John A. Don F. Len K. Lisa A. Bill H. Nancy K. Christina B. Vicky N. Becky T. Jim V. Lector: Offertory Counters for November 15/16 Team #2 Offertory for October 25/26, 2014 St. Bernard of Clairvaux Liturgy Schedule Week of November 10-16 Monday, November 10 St. Leo the Great 7:30 AM +Sam & Catherine Adornato (Bob & Connie Stewart) Tuesday, November 11 Veteran’s Day St. Martin of Tours 7:30 AM +Irvin Schroth, Jr. 12-7 Eucharistic Adoration (Family) Wednesday, November 12 St. Josaphat 7:30 AM +Bernard E. Fay (Sabena, Edward Fiala & Family) Thursday, November 13 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini 7:30 AM +Deceased Members of the Krynock Family (Krynock Family) Friday, November 14 7:30 AM +Frank Pounds (Joe & Janice Filipovich) Saturday, November 15 St. Albert the Great 8:30-10:00 AM Confessions 5:30 PM +Sueanne Budash (Budash Family) Sunday, November 16 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM For Our Parishioners 9:30 AM +Eileen Horvath (Barb Mongomery, Patricia Presto & Joy Askew) Offertory $ 10,325.00 Maintenance $ 5.00 All Saints $ 121.00 Accent $ 4.00 Seminary/Clergy $ 10.00 Monday, 11/10 5:45 PM Legion of Mary (Brady Rm.) Mission Sunday $ 137.00 Tuesday, 11/11 Noon - 7 PM Eucharistic Adoration Diocesan Poverty Relief $ 5.00 Schedule of Events Wednesday, 11/12 1. 6 PM SVdP Meeting September/October 2014 2. 6:30 - 8 PM Adult FF (Social Hall) (Brady Room) St. Bernard School Support $ 1584.00 Thursday, 11/13 7 PM CDofA Meeting (Social Hall) St. Bernard Cemetery UpKeep $ 676.00 Saturday, 11/15 3:30-6:30 PM RCIA (Social Hall) Sunday, 11/16 1. 10:45-12:15 PM FF & JHY (Social Hall) 2. 6:30 PM Cantor Practice (Church) Liturgy Schedule St. Thomas More University Parish Week of November 10-16 Monday, November 10 12:10 PM Mass Tuesday, November 11 12:10 PM Mass No Confessions Wednesday, November 12 7:30-8 AM Confessions 12:10 PM Mass Thursday, November 13 No Mass Friday, November 14 12:10 PM Mass Saturday, November 15 4:00 PM Mass Sunday, November 16 10:00 AM Mass 7:00 PM Mass The Sanctuary Lamps burn in memory of Jim McGinnis From Carol Boone Thank you to our advertiser: Indiana Audiology for advertising on our bulletin. Please patronize these sponsors. It is through their support that this bulletin is made possible!
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