St. Thomas More Church MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8-VIGIL 4:30PM - Priest’s Intention SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9-THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA +8:00AM - People of the Parish 10:00AM - Renee Ondrejech (30 Day) 12:00PM - Edward Kriausky (30 Day) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10-ST. LEO THE GREAT 7:00AM - Elizabeth & Edward Grombol 8:15AM - John Yambor, Jr. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11-ST. MARTIN OF TOURS 7:00AM - Frank P. Konopinski 8:15AM - Richard Regotti WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12-ST. JOSAPHAT 7:00AM - Edward & Gertrude Davison 8:15AM - Ethel Lapka THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13-ST. FRANCES XAVIER CABRINI 7:00AM - John Violini 8:15AM - John David Sidley FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14-WEEKDAY 7:00AM - Robert Campbell 8:15AM - Lamont Higgins - Student Liturgy SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15-ST. ALBERT THE GREAT 8:15AM - Loretta Grombol 4:30PM - People of the Parish SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16-THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00AM - Father’s Day Enrollment +10:00AM - Rich Augustine (30 Day) 12:00PM - All Souls’ Day Intentions +Cup Mass FINANCIAL Collection for November 2nd.…….....…..$10,262.25 Maintenance Collection………………….$1,689.00 Votive Candles…………………………...$154.00 Thank you and God bless you for your generosity. SEMINARIAN OF THE MONTH Our seminarian of the month is Brian Petro. Please keep him and all seminarians in your prayers as we continue to pray for vocations. To let him know that he is in your thoughts and prayers, send a card to him at 28700 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, OH 44092. BINGO AT STM ON WEDNESDAYS IN GYM Doors open at 5pm and Early Birds begin at 6:30pm. Brooklyn, OH 44144 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON: Robert Cepek SECRETARY: Mindy Molzan PPC meets on the second Monday of each month. Suggested agenda items must be in writing to the rectory by the 4th Monday of the previous month. All parishioners are most welcome to attend the council meetings as observers. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ DEVOTIONS: • Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena- Tuesdays following the 8:15 AM Mass • Rosary - Preceding 8:15 AM daily Mass BAPTISMS: Sunday: 1:30 PM or during any weekend liturgy. Prior to baptism of their first child, parents are required to attend a Pre-Baptism class. Please call the rectory at 216749-0414 to schedule an interview. MARRIAGES: Should be arranged with a priest by calling the rectory 6 months prior to the wedding date. Individual conferences, plus attendance at a pre-marriage program, are required for proper preparation. FUNERALS: Arrangements must be made at the rectory before any publication in the newspaper. REGISTRATION: Persons who live within parish boundaries should be properly registered. This includes all students in high school and college. Register with the priest after Mass. If you move out of the parish, please notify the rectory office. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA): Offered for those interested in the Catholic faith. These sessions begin in September and continue through May. For specific information, please contact the rectory office. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: PSR CLASSES: Grades 1–8: Tuesdays: 6:45-8:00 PM Email: [email protected] Youth Ministry (Grades 9–12): See bulletin for activities. HOMEBOUND COMMUNION CALLS: If anyone in your family is sick or homebound, please contact the rectory at 216749-0414 to arrange a visit. The Eucharist is brought to them on Sunday and/or First Friday. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ RECTORY HOURS Sunday 9am-11:30am Monday-Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 9am-1:00pm BULLETIN DEADLINE: MONDAY AT 12:00 PM READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 9, 2014͗ Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 1617/Jn 2:13-22 Monday: Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 Next Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:16/Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica FROM THE DESK OF THE PASTOR Now that it is November, there are a few special events coming up that I would like everyone to think about and may even want to attend. On November 16, 2014 at 2:00pm in Utopia Hall, Cassandra Zabor will once again be joining the Bereavement Team in sponsoring an afternoon on how to deal with the holidays after losing someone special. The holidays can be one of the roughest times to try and just get through, let alone put on a happy face when you are missing that someone special. I would like to invite anyone who lost someone this past year or someone who lost a loved one ten years ago and is finding it getting harder and harder each year. This is not just for St. Thomas More parishioners. We like to open it up to anyone you know who is struggling. Cassandra Zabor helps us give ourselves permission to change things up a bit or even turn it down a notch or two. If you know of anyone, Catholic or not, that could benefit from this presentation, I strongly encourage you to come. I promise, you will not be sorry. On Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 7:00 until 10:00pm in the gym, we will be having our annual Corks and Kegs evening. This is an opportunity to have a taste of different types of wine, beer and vodka. As the holidays are approaching, you may want to try and figure out something special and different to serve with your holiday meal. The Corks and Kegs event is just the place to find that special wine or beer. There are wonderful appetizers to munch on as you sample all the different wines, beers and vodkas. You can pick up a ticket after the masses in the vestibule or in the rectory or school office. On Sunday, November 30, 2014 at 2:00pm in the church, we will have our annual Anointing Mass. It is at this mass we invite all those who are suffering from chronic pain, terminal illnesses or any other physical or mental illnesses to feel the Lord’s saving power through the sacrament of anointing. Please remember this anointing is not for anyone suffering from a cold or flu. The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is truly for those who are suffering from chronic or terminal illnesses. Please know that a person cannot receive the sacrament in place of or for another person. The sick person must be present to receive the Sacrament. The Mass of Anointing will count for your Sunday obligation and we make the Church and the Liturgy user-friendly. In other words, we will come to you in your pew for both the anointing and Communion. If you have any questions about any of these events, please feel free to call the rectory and we will be happy to answer any of your questions. November 9, 2014 SAINT OF THE WEEK St. Godfrey was born at Soissons in France. From the age of five, he was raised in the Benedictine Abbey of Mont-Saint-Quentin where his godfather, Godefroid was the abbot. At the Abbey, Godfrey was immediately given a Benedictine habit and lived as a monk. The monks there educated him. When Godfrey became of age, he became a monk and then a priest. He was chosen to be abbot of the monastery in Champagne, France. The monastery was run-down and weeds had taken over. Only six monks and two children remained. The monks liked Godfrey. They realized he was a holy man and admitted that he could help them find the joy of a self-sacrificing life. Soon, the eager community attracted new candidates who joined them. The Abbey of Champagne became a center of prayer and spiritual joy. Then, Godfrey was made an archbishop. He was given the well-known diocese of Rheims, in France. He did not want to leave the small monastery, but knew, that the Lord wanted him to reach out to the people of Rheims as well. He still lived like a simple monk. His house was poor, but clean and his food was plain. Once in a while, his cook prepared food that seemed too fancy and rich. Godfrey would wait until the cook went out on errands and then he would call in the poor people who lived nearby and gave them the food to take home to their families. Archbishop Godfrey suffered because he was very strict and would not tolerate drunkenness or other wrongdoing by his parishioners. When Godfrey tried to correct these people, some of them began to hate him. One person even tried to kill him. It was then that Godfrey wondered if he was doing more harm than good. But people with goodwill appreciated and loved him. Godfrey longed to resign as a bishop and retire as a monk so he could live alone with God. But before he could resign, he died at the age of fifty. St. Godfrey’s feast day is November 8th. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Alysha Selesky and David Kupiec who were married at STM on November 1st. May God bless you both! Peace and Goodness, Fr. Bill Congratulations and welcome Molly Ann Jicha who was baptized last weekend at STM. God bless you! St. Thomas More Church DO YOU REMEMBER? FROM SISTER “ET” A few weeks ago we wrote about a plenary indulgence. This week, we will write about conditions for a partial indulgence. A partial indulgence removes part of the temporal punishment due for sins already forgiven. Several partial indulgences may be obtained each day under the following conditions: A. One must be baptized and in the state of grace. B. One must be inwardly contrite. C. One must have a general intention to gain an indulgence. D. One must fulfill the action prescribed in one of the following three general grants of indulgences: • Raise one’s mind in humble prayer to God while fulfilling one’s responsibilities and enduring the trials of life; • Or give oneself or one’s goods as a charitable act to assist people who are in need of spiritual comfort or instruction or those who are in need of material assistance (donation of time and resources to the church are, therefore, indulgenced); • Or voluntarily deprive oneself of what is lawful and pleasing, such as fasting or giving up dessert or a favorite TV program, while maintaining a positive attitude. PARISH PRAYER FOR PEACE All are welcome to gather in the Marian Chapel to pray the rosary for peace on Tuesdays at 7pm. STM PRAYER GROUP Our meetings are held every Tuesday, except the first Tuesday of the month, at 6:30pm in the church library. Please enter using the handicap entrance. PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Please remember Jim Skerl, Rudolph Flis, James Banasik and Helen Jean Demski in your prayers. God grant them eternal rest. ANOINTING OF THE SICK On Sunday, November 30th at 2pm, we will have our Mass of the Anointing of the Sick. If you or someone you know would like to be anointed, please plan on joining us. This Mass will fulfill your Sunday obligation. BULLETIN DEADLINE The November 23rd bulletin deadline is Friday, November 14th and the deadline for the November 30th bulletin is Thursday, November 20th at noon due to Thanksgiving. Thanks for your understanding. Brooklyn, OH 44144 MARY QUEEN OF PEACE: 216-749-2323 Saturday Night Concert-Join us on Saturday, November 15th after the 4:30pm Mass. The Franciscan University Choir will sing at the Mass and then inspire us with their beautiful voices after the Mass for a concert. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO: 440-884-3030 Holy Name Society-Please join the St. Charles Holy Name Society as we welcome Deacon Daniel Galla, a Theology teacher at St. Ignatius High School, on Thursday, November 20th at 8:05pm in the Parish Activity Center as he presents, “The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic.” Doors open at 7:45 and the event is free & open to the public with complimentary beverages, chips, pretzels and pastry. For questions, please call Fred Hollman at 440-884-6179. ST. LEO THE GREAT: 216-661-1006 Bus Trip-Join us on Sunday, December 7th as we travel to Mentor to the Performing Arts Theater to see The Lawrence Welk “Christmas Show.” We will also view the lights in Public Square and end the day with dinner at Antonio’s in Parma. Cost is $94 per person. Please call Joanne at 440-526-3505 for reservations. BIBLE STUDY- FAITH SHARING If you would like to join us, we meet in the rectory at 7pm on Mondays. We do not meet on the third Monday of the month. WOMEN’S GUILD The Women’s Guild will have a regular meeting on Tuesday, November 11th at 1pm in Utopia Hall. Our guest speaker is Sister Marie Manning, SND. She is the director of the Global Mission Office in India. Refreshments will be served. Please join us! HOLY NAME SOCIETY Our regular meeting will be on Tuesday, November 11th at 7pm in Utopia Hall. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. All Holy Name members are welcome. PARISH PRAYER O God, the Creator and giver of all things, bless this parish. Strengthen our faith; grant us the spirit of sacrifice and service so that, with Your grace, we may provide for the needs of our members, glorify You and sanctify ourselves. Through Christ Our Lord, Amen. PRAYER OF THE MONTH-NOVEMBER O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend you, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of your Grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! We recently registered the following people at STM during the month of October–Daniel, Michelle & Molly Jicha ◊ Christine Mullin ◊ Brittany Jicha ◊ Juan Crespo ◊ George, Christina, Domonic, Giana, Giovanni & Rocco Cimbalos ◊ Ricardo, Shannon, Mia & Ricky Almodovar ◊ Dan, Alyssa & Gracie Hatfield ◊ Joseph, Missy & Amari Santiago ◊ Joshua, Kelley & Isaac Brown ◊ Jillian Dworznik ◊ Eric Drellishak ◊ Fernando, Jenny, Jeffer & Jaaziel Torres ◊ Kenny, Janice, Shakyra, Paola, Christian & Cameron Cotto ◊ Sharinna Ortiz and Estelle Abel. Welcome to all of you! HOPE FOR THE HOLIDAYS The St. Thomas More Ministry of Consolation will once again offer a program to help all those who are hurting through the loss of a loved one, especially during the holiday season. Cassandra Zabor, of Zabor Funeral Home, will be our guest speaker on Sunday, November 16th at 2pm in Utopia Hall. This is open to ALL who are dealing with death and grieving no matter how long it has been. If you have any questions, please call Peggy at 216-402-2773. CORKS AND KEGS Join us for our 3rd annual beer, wine and vodka “tasting” on Saturday, November 22nd from 7-10pm. Tickets are $25 and will be available in the rectory and school office. There will be appetizers, music, raffles and side boards. THANKSGIVING FOOD COLLECTION Food will be collected for the City of Brooklyn Food Collection the weekend of November 15th-16th. This will serve the needy in our area. Please bring ONLY items that would be used for a Thanksgiving dinner, such as sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, potatoes, vegetables, desserts, etc. Donations can be dropped off in the church library. Thank you in advance for your generosity. THANKSGIVING MEAL PROGRAM The City of Brooklyn in conjunction with St. Thomas More is sponsoring its annual Thanksgiving meal program. If your family could use assistance this Thanksgiving, please contact the rectory at 216-749-0414. NOVEMBER MEMORIAL CANDLES In the month of November, we remember our beloved dead. This year, why not honor them with a Memorial Candle? This Memorial Candle will have their name inscribed on it and will be lit for the whole month of November. The cost for a Memorial Candle is $20. Forms are available at the rectory. November 9, 2014 TRAVELING MADONNA The statue is at the home of Peggy Palumbo this week. Please call the rectory to sign-up to host the Traveling Madonna in 2015. Please continue to pray for our host families as they share their home with our Traveling Madonna. ST. THOMAS MORE SENIOR ACTIVITIES For those 55 and over, come join us on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month from 11am-3pm in Utopia Hall (which is handicap accessible). There is a $2 fee for coffee and donuts. You do not just have to belong to St. Thomas More. Everybody is welcome. The yearly membership dues are $5. Occasionally, a lunch will be served. Twelve stamps will earn a free Christmas dinner at Holy Spirit on Snow Road in Parma. Please call May Hulvalchick at 440-845-4294 for more information. PRE-PLAN FUNERAL INFORMATION If you are interested in planning your own funeral Mass, please contact the rectory. Lisa will contact one of the members of the Ministry of Consolation and they will contact you to set up a convenient time for you. PrePlanning has many advantages. You are able to select your favorite readings and songs for your Mass. It also takes a lot of stress away from your loved ones. Please consider this option and call 216-749-0414. ADVENT GIVING TREE We are preparing once again to organize our Advent Giving Tree program. If you or someone you know who lives within the parish area is in need of assistance, please contact the rectory. The deadline to register is November 13th. Due to the overwhelming interest in this program, we will only be taking information for people in the parish area. The Giving Tree will be in the church library beginning on November 22nd. SOCIAL JUSTICE BY LILLIAN KASTELIC We have been helping African farmers by buying their crops, coffee and chocolate through Equal Exchange. It is both powerful and interesting to trace the help American workers received from the Catholic Church when the Agrarian period ended and the Industrial period began in the 1870’s. Pope Leo XIII responded in part to the workers’ problems when inspired by Cardinal Manning of England and Archbishop Gibbons of Baltimore, Maryland in 1891. The encyclical was Rerum Novarum in which Pope Leo called attention to the rights and duties of capital and labor, particularly stressing “a small number of very rich men have been able to lay upon the teeming masses of the laboring poor a yoke little better than that of slavery itself.” To be continued...
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