Unit 2: It was a terrific football match

Unit 2: It was a terrific football
terrific [tərifik]
match [mtʃ]
fan [fn]
against [əenst]
as usual [əz juuəl]
won [wn] (win)
of course [əv kɔs]
mate [meit]
me and my mates
went [went] (go)
the local [ləυkl]
something to drink [driŋk]
celebration [seləbreiʃn]
bet on
deny [dinai]
a couple [kpl] of
pint [paint]
gang [ŋ]
ran [rn] (run)
onto [ɒntə]
pitch [pitʃ]
half time [hɑf taim]
policeman [pəlismən]
went after
fight [fait]
hurt [ht]
carry [kri] off
heard [hd] (hear)
shout [ʃaυt]
great fun [fn]
violence [vaiələns]
pick fights
reason [rizn]
at all
excitement [iksaitmənt]
cheer [tʃiə] up somebody
blood [bld]
hour [aυə]
baked beans [beikt binz]
famished [fmiʃt]
Stepping Stone 2 (3:e uppl) - ordlistor med fonetik
Kopiering tillåten © Författarna och Gleerups Utbildning AB.
Unit 2: Later the same evening
wake [weik] up
report [ripɔt]
telly [teli]
hooligan [huliən]
gosh [ɒʃ]
go berserk [bəzk]
shut [ʃt] up
the police [pəlis]
arrest [ərest]
came [keim] (come)
black eye
wild [waild]
animal [niməl]
youth [juθ]
release [rilis]
questioning [kwestʃəniŋ]
caught [kɔt] (catch)
train [trein]
for fun
look forward [fɔwəd] to
team [tim]
...didn’t we?
Stepping Stone 2 (3:e uppl) - ordlistor med fonetik
Kopiering tillåten © Författarna och Gleerups Utbildning AB.
Unit 2: Are you a football fan?
modern [mɒdən] modern
began [bin] började
Eton [itən] känd internatskola
association [əsəυsieiʃn]
control [kəntrəυl] kontrollera
rule [rul] regel
amateur [mətə] amatör
professional [prəfeʃənəl]
professionell, proffs
each [itʃ] varje
competition [kɒmpətiʃn]
cup [kp] pokal
final [fainl] final
Wembley Stadium [wembli
steidiəm] fotbollstadion i
league [li] serie
Wales [weilz] Wales
division [divin] division
premier [premiə] här topp,
championship [tʃmpiənʃip]
another [ənðə] ett annat
yet [jet] another ännu en
pick up plocka upp
goal [əυl] mål
rather like ungefär som
Australia [ɒstreiliə] Australien
New Zealand [nju zilənd]
Nya Zeeland
South Africa [sauθ frikə]
France [frɑns] Frankrike
popular [pɒpjυlə] populär
national [nʃənəl] nationell
sporting occasion [spɔtiŋ
əkein] idrottsevenemang
season [sizn] säsong
until till
Stepping Stone 2 (3:e uppl) - ordlistor med fonetik
Kopiering tillåten © Författarna och Gleerups Utbildning AB.