November 2014 Cheshvan/ Kislev 5775 CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL KEHILA What’s Inside RABBI’S MESSAGE ........................................ ..3 CO-PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ......................... ..4 DIRECTOR OF JEWISH LIFE’S MESSAGE .... ..5 MESSAGE FROM GAN KESHET .................... ..6 SAVE THE DATES……………………………..7 SHMITA YEAR INITIATIVE……………….….12 SHABBAT FAMILY PROGRAMMING………....13 NOVEMBER CALENDAR……………………..16 SISTERHOOD…………………………………18 CLUBS & COMMITEES……………….…….19 COT SHELTER…….……………….….……..20 AROUND THE VALLEY…..…………….…....21 STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION UPDATE…....22 ADULT EDUCATION ....................................... .23 MINUTES…………………………...…….….24 DONATIONS .................................................... .27 YAHRZEITS………….……………………….29 ADS................................................................. .31 CONTACT INFORMATION COMMITTEE CHAIRS/COORDINATORS STAFF Rabbi Justin David [email protected] Executive Director Ben Cuperman [email protected] Office Manager Nanci Martine [email protected] Director of Jewish Life Rabbi Jacob Fine [email protected] Preschool Director Wendy Stein [email protected] Kehila Editors Gillian Murray Kendall [email protected] Ben Cuperman [email protected] Kehila Designers Brianna Maier [email protected] Nanci Martine [email protected] Building Manager Charles Bushor CBI/LGA [email protected] Custodians CBI/LGA Mark Shannahan BOARD OF DIRECTORS Co-President Co-President Treasurer Alan Berkenwald David Berkman David Cohen Hanneli de Vries Lois Dubin Joel Feldman Joseph Goldstein Chaia Heller Norbert Goldfield [email protected] Gillian Murray Kendall [email protected] Jim Sagalyn [email protected] Jennifer Hoffman Mordi Kamel Max Page Rachel Rubinstein Amy Siege Corrie Trattner Lauren Weinsier Stephan Wurmbrand The CBI newsletter is published 11 times per year, monthly except in July. ABUNDANCE FARM COMMITTEE Rabbi Jacob Fine [email protected] ADULT EDUCATION Barbara Lerner [email protected] Joshua Roth [email protected] BIKKUR HOLIM Norbert Goldfield [email protected] CEMETERY Edward Allen [email protected] CHEVRA KADISHA Cleo Gorman 584-4497 Edward Allen 586-7844 DUES & ASSESSMENTS Ben Cuperman [email protected] EDUCATION Amy Siege [email protected] Eve Weinbaum [email protected] ENDOWMENT MANAGEMENT Bruce Bromberg-Seltzer [email protected] FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT Mark Brumberg [email protected] FUNDRAISING Norbert Goldfield [email protected] GAN KESHET GOVERNING COMMITTEE Alison Berman [email protected] GOVERNANCE Bill Jolly [email protected] HOUSE & PROPERTIES/ AESTHETICS Stephan Wurmbrand [email protected] ISRAEL COMMITTEE Peggy Besht [email protected] Mordi Kamel [email protected] KITCHEN COMMITTEE Shelley Steuer [email protected] LANDSCAPE Mark Brumberg [email protected] LIBRARY Amy Wolpin [email protected] Diane Palladino [email protected] MEMBERSHIP Lauren Weinsier [email protected] PERSONNEL Carol Katz [email protected] RITUAL Rabbi Justin David [email protected] SISTERHOOD Connie Gould Janis Levy [email protected] VALLEY JEWISH SENIORS Peggy Besht [email protected] The next KEHILA is the December 2014 issue. FIRM DEADLINE: NOV 14, 2014 HELP US HELP YOU—PLEASE MAKE SUBMISSIONS BY THE DEADLINE Submit entries in person or via email: [email protected] & [email protected] Pictures and ads should be submitted in .jpeg format Cover photo credit: 2 CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL 253 Prospect Street, Northampton MA 01060 413-584-3593 [email protected] RABBI’S MESSAGE Over Rosh Hashanah, I gave a d’var Torah (soon to be available on the website along with others from the High Holy Days) in which I urged us to take on the work of peacebuilding. This may be a new term for many of us, so here is a handy definition, “…what happens to the human heart and mind under threat and in the midst of conflict, and what it takes to pry open the heart and mind to meet the other and to see him or her, as the Torah teaches, as ourselves.” It is “a framework, grounded in Jewish theology and practice, for the personal work of conflict transformation as a spiritual practice, in both interpersonal and group contexts.” These words are written by Rabbi Amy Eilberg in her book From Enemy to Friend: Jewish Wisdom and the Pursuit of Peace. Rabbi Eilberg will be our Rabbi Justin David scholar-in-residence the weekend of November 21-23, and her words have had a profound effect on me over the past several months. Her book has prompted me to keep in mind something timeless and timely: our micro interactions, even our very posture and inner attitudes toward other people, have a profound effect on the grand web of all relationships in which we find ourselves. We may not find ourselves in the situation rooms where agreements and treaties are pounded out, but we can soften ourselves and ease conflicts day to day, and these moments can become some of the most profound in our lives and in the lives of other people. Rabbi Eilberg’s time here will bring our community together in three unique ways for three distinct modes of inspiring reflection and learning. On Friday night, November 21, we will welcome Rabbi Eilberg with a rousing and musical Kabbalat Shabbat service where I will be joined by Felicia Sloin and David Weidenfeld. We will have Shabbat dinner, prepared by Bianca Cuperman and available to our community on a sliding cost scale (see flyer within). At the end of dinner, Rabbi Eilberg will share her personal encounters with Israelis and Palestinians committed to peace work. On Shabbat morning, Rabbi Eilberg will share some of the foundations of her reconciliation work that she finds in classical Jewish texts, both through a d’var Torah on the relationship between Jacob and Esau and during Kiddush as part of a more extensive text study and conversation. Sunday morning will be a culmination of her visit through a two-hour workshop on cultivating the inner qualities, or middot, of peace called “The Practice of Peace: Training the Heart and Mind for Peace.” I hope you will join us for all or at least part of this weekend. On a personal level, I can say that Rabbi Eilberg has articulated a way of being, thinking and feeling that has given me a profound sense of direction both in my work and in my life. In this vein, I also urge us to come hear Gershom Gorenberg on Sunday, November 9, at 11:45, after our CBI Cafe. Gorenberg is an American-born journalist, now living in Israel, who is committed to peace and has produced an impressive body of work that illuminates both the obstacles and opportunities within Israeli society. His book, The Unmaking of Israel, is a masterful portrait of Israel at a tipping point – compelling, deeply insightful and cautiously optimistic. It is a rare privilege to have him at CBI, and I hope many will come to hear him—a light lunch will be served. Our Fall is packed with opportunities to learn more about peacebuilding. Just as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur serve as inspiration for the ways in which we want to live in the coming year, so I hope that these classes and workshops, and particularly the visits of Ali Abu Awwad, Gershom Gorenberg and Rabbi Amy Eilberg, will open new doors for our reflection, learning and action in the months to come. Wishing everyone a season of health and peace, Rabbi Justin David 3 CO-PRESIDENTS’ MESSAGE Gillian Murray Kendall My Appeal to You Humans, we are told, are made in the image of God. This appeal, on the other hand, is made in the image of God’s primal act of fundraising. Co-Presidents Norbert Goldfield Gillian Murray Kendall “The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Tell the Israelite people to bring Me gifts; you shall accept gifts for Me from every person whose heart so moves him. And these are the gifts that you shall accept from them: gold, silver, and copper; blue, purple, and crimson yarns; fine linen, goats’ hair; tanned ram skins, dolphin skins, and acacia wood.” And that’s just the beginning. In that spirit, I’m going to ask you yet again, even though Yom Kippur is past, to give generously, then to give a little more, then to give until it pinches—just a little. Now is a time to support Congregation B’nai Israel. CBI is our extended spiritual family; we are a tightly knit community, and this year our focus is on achieving 100% participation in the year’s drive. We want all of you to give. We want a warm circle of community that is complete, that leaves no one out. And we need you. On Yom Kippur there’s a metaphor of gates that are closing and of the desire to be on the inside of those gates. Let me lift that wonderful metaphor out of context for a moment—an act that’s a little painful for an English professor, but, in this case, useful. There is a gate, or, perhaps an even better metaphor, a door, a door that is open now. We all walked through it on Kol Nidre and the day of Yom Kippur. In so doing, we made a movement towards the fact that we are all one. We passed through the door into community. But it’s important to remember that the door we passed through is not just metaphorical: it’s a literal…door. It has real, physical dimensions. It’s right out there in the lobby. You know the one—outside it there are some pumpkins and mums. Thank you Sisterhood. And that door, that physical somewhat aged structure is what has led you to the heart of our community. Keep that door open. By giving generously, keep that door open. When you remember those first thrilling deep notes of Kol Nidre, don’t forget the humble door that brought you to that moment. It’s an easy step from that door to making an appeal to support our aging structure, but your donations do far more than keep the rain out. They support programming that reaches out to all of us. CBI invites you in—it’s a welcoming place, our place, where we can nurture our intellects with classes and talks, our souls with various styles of services, and, with the delicious pastries at the CBI café, our bodies. But now there’s another, exceptionally important, reason to give money. We are working now on the implementation of the recommendations of the Strategic Planning Committee. The Strategic Planning Committee met for 11 months to research, discuss and create focused goals that will shape the future of CBI. From creating a culture of welcoming to inviting other Jewish institutions in the valley to engage in cooperative programming to starting a CBI Sunday Learning Café (CBI Café)—now a reality—the Strategic Planning Committee has been mapping out what lies ahead for this Congregation. But without funds, implementation is impossible. We are relying on you to take us forward. I want to end my appeal for your support by gesturing toward the very deep ways in which CBI is intertwined in our lives, or could be. At CBI we are named, bar or bat mitzvahed, married, educated, buried, mourned—and remembered. Let’s come together now, 100% in support of this wonderful community we have forged and which, in return, shapes our lives. L’Shana Tova, Gillian Murray Kendall Co-President 4 RABBI JACOB’S MESSAGE Judaism as a Meaningful Daily Practice I was a few months out of college and had just returned from a short hike with a new friend. We arrived back at his home and sat down with some glasses of Director of Jewish Life water. Before my friend took his first sip of water he closed his eyes and recited “Baruch atah A donai, Eloheinu Melekh ha’ol Rabbi Jacob Fine am, she’hakol niheyeh beedvaro.” This catch-all blessing is tra ditionally recited for all kinds of foods and beverages that do not require a more specific blessings—such as water. Roughly fifteen years later, I point to this (seemingly banal) moment as one of the formative experiences that led me to appreciate Judaism’s potential as a daily spiritual practice. It is not that I was unfamiliar with the tradition of food blessings in Judaism, because at some level I was. But this may have been the first time that I witnessed a peer utter a food blessing with strong kavanah (intention) in the daily flow of life—this wasn’t a Shabbat or a holiday meal. It was clear to me in that moment that, for this person, reciting food blessings was a regular, daily practice. He didn’t even drink water without first reciting a blessing that acknowledged the Source of this sustenance. Even though I was someone who had the blessing of having been brought up in a home that was rich with yiddishkeit, like so many Jewish born seekers in my generation, I turned to Eastern spirituality in my search for a deep, holistic spiritual practice. It took some time before I began meeting people who had discovered for themselves, within Jewish life and tradition, a vessel, and a path that gave meaning to the totality of our lived experience—to the seeming daily banalities as much as to life’s greatest highs. In naming our newly imagined youth and family program “ALMA” (which means “world” in Aramaic), we are indicating our commitment to teaching and modeling a Judaism that is deeply connected to our world. We are not interested in promoting a Judaism to the next generation that is grounded primarily on nostalgia for the past or a Judaism that is restricted to the synagogue or major holidays. Rather, we are seeking to create an environment where our students, youth and adults alike, experience the possibility, and the joy, of living a Jewish life that is fully integrated into what we do and who we are. In peace, Rabbi Jacob 5 MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESCHOOL An invitation to CBI families and their friends from Gan Keshet to join us for a night out (ADULTS ONLY): Wednesday, November 5, 2014, CBI LIBRARY-7:00- 8:30 P.M. First the Pants, then the shoes: Managing Preschool Behaviors from a Developmental Perspective. In this parent/teacher workshop, Dr. Sharon Saline, licensed clinical psychologist, will talk about the importance of understanding cognitive, psychological and social aspects of child development in daily parenting. Using humor, current research and her clinical experience, she will also address how parents can approach challenges with their children more effectively and how they can reduce their frustration at the same time. There will be ample time for questions and discussion as well. Gan Keshet will have its classrooms open for viewing by workshop participants at 6:30 pm (a half hour prior to the workshop). P.S. Our preschool open house is scheduled for December 1 from 9:3011:00 a.m.: Please come visit, meet our experienced staff and explore our program with your children. (Snow date: December 8). Hear about our events, become our Facebook friend. 6 7 8 9 10 Friday Evening Peacebuilding Heroes in Israel and Palestine Engage with Rabbi Eilberg as she shares her personal encounters with Israelis and Palestinians committed to peace work. Join us for a Kol Shabbat musical service with Felicia Sloin and David Weidenfeld followed by Shabbat dinner and presentation. Kabbalat Shabbat service begins at 6:00pm. After services, join us for a beautiful Shabbat fish dinner prepared by Bianca Cuperman. Cost is on a sliding scale of $12-20/person. Rabbi Eilberg will speak at the end of the dinner, at about 7:45pm. RSVP for dinner required – please contact the synagogue office at (413) Sunday Morning ~A CBI Café Event~ The Practice of Peace: Training the Heart and Mind for Peace To quote from Rabbi Amy Eilberg’s book, From Enemy to Friend, we will explore “what happens to the human heart and mind under threat and in the midst of conflict, and what it takes to pry open the heart and mind to meet the other and to see him or her, as the Torah teaches, as ourselves.” All are welcome to join in this 2-hour workshop of study and reflection as we pay particular attention to our inner qualities, or middot, in the pursuit of peace. This workshop is offered as part of CBI Café, with delicious coffee and pastries available. 11 12 13 Join us each month at CBI SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 TEFILA IN MOTION, 11:15-NOON Judaism has a rich history of movement within her tradition. From the present-day shuckling (swaying) in shul, to Torah processionals, to the time when David danced half naked in front of the Ark and Miriam led the women into song and dance, movement and body consciousness have been a part of Judaism. In this monthly experience we will allow our prayers to move us and open us to embodying our prayers. How can our prayers be meaningful and movingful? We will also embody the stories of our ancestors, our weekly parashot, to learn more about our own lives as we learn about theirs. No movement experience is necessary—just an open heart, mind and body, and a willingness to surprise yourself and let your body speak to you. “Why am I moving my body? - it is because the Shekhinah is standing before me.” ~Tzava’at HaRivash, #68 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 TOT SHABBAT, 11:15-NOON Join us for a playful Shabbat morning service for young children (ages 2-5) and their families. We celebrate Shabbat through music, stories, dance and creative movement. All children must be accompanied by a parent, responsible family member or guardian. Led by Felicia Sloin and held at CBI. TORAH IMPROV, 11:15-NOON Torah Improv uses improvisational theatre games and activities as a method through which to explore and engage Jewish text and tradition. Our improvisational activities provide a safe, fun collaborative context in which Torah comes to life and new insights are sparked. Led by Heidi Haas in the LGA Multi-Purpose Room. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SHABBAT SING, 11:15– NOON Shabbat Sing is a celebration of Shabbat through joyous song for children and adults. At Shabbat Sing you will find more singing and less talking. Our Shabbat Sing songbook includes old and new favorites, from Shlomo Carlebach to Shefa Gold, from camp tunes to Chasidic chants. All songs in the songbook include both Hebrew and transliteration. Led by Joel Feldman and Pamela Schwartz. All are welcome. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 SHABBAT FAMILY JAM, 11:15– NOON Shabbat Family Jam is an exuberant musical service for all ages. We use singing and chanting, instruments, a participatory Torah reading, meditation and movement as pathways to experience Shabbat’s beauty and the power of communal prayer. All are welcome. Led by Felicia Sloin and Rabbi Jacob Fine and held at LGA. Open to all ages. 14 15 NOVEMBER 2014 SUNDAY CHESHVAN/KISLEV 5775 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 2 3 4 5 2:00 AM: Daylight Savings Time Ends, fall back one hour 8:00AM: TUESDAY MORNING STUDY WITH NANCY FLAM 12:15PM: TEXT STUDY WITH RABBI DAVID 5:30PM: WEEKLY MINYAN IN THE SANCTUARY 9:15AM: CBI CAFÉ (8) 12 NOON: CBI FOOD JUSTICE COMMITTEE EVENT 5:30PM: BEGINNING HEBREW FOR PRAYER & TORAH (15) 7:00PM: INTERFAITH SOCIAL JUSTICE MEETING 9 10 11 12 9:15AM: CBI CAFÉ (8) 11:45AM: GERSHOM GORENBERG-ISRAELI DOMOCRACY PRESENTATION (9) 5:30PM: BEGINNING HEBREW FOR PRAYER & TORAH (14) NO TUESDAY MORNING 5:30PM: WEEKLY STUDY WITH NANCY FLAM MINYAN IN THE 12:15PM: TEXT STUDY SANCTUARY WITH RABBI DAVID 16 17 18 19 9:15AM: CBI CAFÉ (8) 2:00PM: VALLEY JEWISH SENIOR OUTING TO ACADEMY OF MUSIC FOR ‘THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD’ 5:30PM: BEGINNING HEBREW FOR PRAYER & TORAH (14) 7:30AM SISTERHOOD BOOK CLUB 8:00AM: TUESDAY MORNING STUDY WITH NANCY FLAM 12:15PM: TEXT STUDY WITH RABBI DAVID 5:30PM: WEEKLY MINYAN IN THE SANCTUARY 23 24 25 26 9:45AM: FROM ENEMY TO FRIEND-THE JEWISH PRACTICE OF PEACE– BUILDING WITH RABBI AMY EILBERG (10) 5:30PM: BEGINNING HEBREW FOR PRAYER & TORAH (14) 8:00AM: TUESDAY MORNING STUDY WITH NANCY FLAM 12:15PM: TEXT STUDY WITH RABBI DAVID 5:30PM: WEEKLY MINYAN IN THE SANCTUARY 30 16 NOVEMBER 2014 THURSDAY CHESHVAN/KISLEV 5775 FRIDAY SATURDAY OCT. 31 1 5:27PM: SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 6:00PM: KABBALAT SHABBAT EVENING SERVICE 9:30AM: SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES Parashat Lekh-lekha 11:15PM: TEFILA IN MOTION (14) AFTER KIDDUSH: SECULAR OBSERVANCE WITH ILAN STAVANS 6:27PM: SHABBAT ENDS 6 8:00AM: LECHA DUMIYAH 7 8 TEHILLA MEDITATION 1:00PM: HEBREW CONVERSA– TION GROUP (23) 4:19PM: SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 5:30 PM: FAMILY KABBALAT SHABBAT EVENING SERVICE WITH POTLUCK DINNER AT LGA 9:30AM: SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES Parashat Vayera 11:15AM: TOT SHABBAT (14) 11:15AM: TORAH IMPROV (14) 5: 19PM: SHABBAT ENDS 13 8:00AM: LECHA DUMIYAH 14 15 TEHILLA MEDITATION 1:00PM: HEBREW CONVERSA– TION GROUP (23) 4:12PM: SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 6:00PM: SHIRA CHADASHA SHABBAT EVENING SERVICE WITH DAVID WEIDENFELD ON GUITAR 7:00PM: SPEAKER STOSH COTLER OF BEND THE ARC AND A FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER 9:30AM: SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES IN THE SANCTUARY Parashat Hayyeh sarah 11:15AM: SHABBAT FAMILY J AM (14) STOSH COTLER OF BEND THE ARC PRESENTATION AFTER KIDDUSH 5:13PM: SHABBAT ENDS 20 21 22 8:00AM: LECHA DUMIYAH TEHILLA MEDITATION 1:00PM: HEBREW CONVERSA– TION GROUP (23) 7:30PM: CBI BOARD MEETING 4:06PM: SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 6:00 PM: KOL SHABBAT EVENING SERVICE - A MUSICAL SERVICE WITH FELICIA SLOIN, RABBI DAVID & DAVID WEIDENFELD. PEACEBUILDING PRESENTATION BY RABBI EILBERG. DINNER TO FOLLOW (10, FOR MUCH MORE INFO) 9:30AM: SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES IN THE SANCTUARY Parashat Toldot 11:15AM: SHABBAT FAMILY J AM (pg 14) AFTER KIDDUSH: CONTINUATION OF PEACEBUILDING PRESENTATION BY RABBI EILBERG 5:09PM: SHABBAT ENDS 27 Thanksgiving 28 29 CBI OFFICE & GAN KESHET CLOSED CBI OFFICE & GAN KESHET CLOSED 4:02PM: SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING 6:00PM: KABBALAT SHABBAT EVENING SERVICE 9:30AM: SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES IN THE SANCTUARY Parashat Vayetse 5:06PM: SHABBAT ENDS NO MEDITATION TODAY 17 SAVED PAGE FOR SISTERHOOD 18 CLUBS & COMMITEES Sisterhood Book Club: Join us! November meeting: Book: Round House by Louise Erdrich Date: Monday, November 17, 7:30pm Place: home of Doris Cohen 92 Marian Street, Northampton 413-584-2005 December meeting: Book: The Light Between the Oceans by M.L. Stedman Date: Monday, December 15, 7:30pm The books for the rest of the year are: Dec 15, The Light Between the Oceans, by ML Stedman; Jan 26, to be decided; Feb. 23, The Age of Innocence, by Edith Wharton; March 23, either The Finkler Question, by Howard Jacobson, or Songs for the Butcher’s Daughter, by Peter Moriseau; April 27, My Promised Land by Avi Shavitt; May 18, we talked about picking the books for the following year at this meeting; June 8, The Invention of Wings, Sue Monk Kidd Valley Jewish Senior Luncheon The Seniors will be attending “The Yeoman of the Guard” on Sunday, November 16, at 2:00pm at the Academy of Music The next luncheon will be on December 17, at 12:30pm. Details concerning the speaker will be in the December Kehila. If you have any questions please call the synagogue office at 413 584-3593. “Combatants for Peace”, which was to be sponsored by the Israel Dialogue Committee for November 12, is cancelled. One of the speakers was unable to obtain a traveling visa. Hopefully there will be a Spring speaking tour in the United State. 19 COT SHELTER Northampton Homeless Shelter An Opportunity To Get Involved Within our Northampton Community there are men and women who are homeless. The Cot Shelter is a place where the homeless have a place to eat and sleep from November through April. CBI is responsible for one meal a month at the Cot Shelter The following is what is needed to make this happen November 26, 2014, is CBI’s first Cot Shelter meal of the season. We will need volunteers to cook part of a meal and to serve and clean-up. Please note the following instructions in how to sign-up to cook or to serve and clean-up: - Get onto the internet. In the address bar type in - Click on the sign in button which is on the far right. - When you see the sign in window enter [email protected] and the password is signupsheet. Click on the sign-in button. - Click on the file CBI Cot Shelter Sign up Sheet. This will take you into the sign up spreadsheet. - Select the month you wish to sign up for. Put your name and email alongside the item you wish to cook and/or if you wish to serve put your name and email in the Server section. -When you are finished please sign out. Go to the far right and you will see a sign out button. Click on the downward arrow and then click on the words sign out. That’s all there is to it. If you need help please contact Nanci Martine in the CBI office at [email protected] or call 413 584-3593 ext.0 Thank you for helping us to make this very important meal happen Please note the dates that CBI will be serving meals at the Cot Shelter: Dec. 24, Jan. 28 (Sisterhood will be serving), Feb. 25, Mar 25 and April 22 20 AROUND THE VALLEY Beit Ahavah Synagogue Presents: Still Tryin’ to Get it Right: A Jewish Woman’s Journey A Cabaret Performance by Sharon Saline to benefit Beit Ahavah Synagogue Saturday, November 8, 7:30 p.m. Beit Ahavah, 130 Pine Street, Florence, MA Beit Ahavah, the Reform Synagogue of greater Northampton, presents an original cabaret of stories and songs with local performer, Sharon Saline. With songs from musical theater, jazz standards, and rock, as well as hilarious and moving personal stories, Sharon weaves together a performance that has her audience laughing about life’s crazy moments and touched by its more challenging ones. Special guests include Clifton J. Noble, staff accompanist at Smith College, and Justina Golden, director of the Profound Sound Voice Studio, among others. Tickets are $18, available at and at the door. A Havdalah service and reception will follow the performance. “Still Tryin’ to Get it Right” is a benefit for Beit Ahavah. “Sharon has a refreshing ability to ‘tell on herself,’ to be utterly and hilariously honest about her dreams, her foibles, and her human flaws, through song and comedy.” Julie Waggoner “Sharon has the uncanny ability to be revealing while being honest, humorous, and poignant.” Heidi Haas ANNUAL RABIN MEMORIAL COMMEMORATION Sunday, November 2, 1:30-4pm at JCA, 742 Main St. in Amherst Join guest speaker Gershom Baskin, a distinguished activist in Israeli-Arab Peace Negotiations, and a panel including Howard Sumka, Micha Peleg and David Gurevich, as they discuss "Removing Obstacles to Peace Between Israelis and Arabs: How can hearts and minds be changes?" Refreshments are at 1:30pm after which, at 2pm, there will be a lecture and panel discussion-followed by a dialogue with the audience. The moderator is Rabbi Benjamin Weiner of the JCA. TUESDAY TEXT STUDY with Rabbi Justin David TUESDAY MORNING STUDY with Rabbi Nancy Flam Every Tuesday AT 12:15PM Every Tuesday AT 8:00-9:15 AM Join us weekly—or as often as you can— for an informal study of Jewish texts and lively discussion. Held in the CBI library every Tuesday. We'll be continuing our Hasidic text study from last year, working with the second volume of Speaking Torah, edited by Arthur Green. You can jump in this year even if you weren't able to join last year. Please bring your book to class. Registration is not required and there is no charge. Contact Rabbi Justin David for more information at [email protected] or call (413) 584-3593 ext. 208 There is no fee to participate, but students should consider making a monthly donation to the Rabbi’s Prayer Fund. 21 STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION UPDATE AUG. 2014 Strategic Implementation Update – August 2014 At present, based on the past 11 months of research, discussion, and planning, we have 7 major recommendations that we are continuing to hone. Where committees are called for, we are working or have completed outcomes metrics (e.g. #1, 4). Some we are already beginning to implement (e.g. #5). Recommendations: 1. We recommend the reconstitution of the Membership Committee and propose a new charge for the committee to reflect CBI's current needs. These needs include: a) Establishing a culture of welcoming for diverse community members. b) Creating a plan for repairing and upgrading existing space, thus making the building more inviting, and considering the possibility of professional assistance to help plan and execute goals. c) Exploring the idea of engaging in a membership drive and outreach to potential members. d) Taking an integrated approach to CBI beautification and maximizing the input of our congregants' artistic talents. OUTCOMES METRICS CHOSEN. CO-CHAIRS APPOINTED. PLEASE CONTACT LAWRENCE HOTT AND/OR STEPHANIE SILVERMAN, CO-CHAIRS FOR ANY INFORMATION OR QUSETIONS OR INTEREST IN JOINING THIS COMMITTEE. 2. As we implement our strategic plan, we will need increased assistance from our congregants. Therefore we recommend a survey of our congregants to identify their interests and skills, to enable us to update our membership database, and to endeavor to pair our members with meaningful volunteer opportunities. This kind of congregant assistance will help CBI move forward with its strategic planning goals. NOT STARTED 3. We recommend the creation of a new standing Stewardship Committee to cultivate and steward donors. The charge for that Committee will be to work with donors in order to meet CBI's ongoing need to maximize annual and capital funds. The committee should also consider the efficacy of securing professional consultation. IMPLEMENTATION BEGUN. CHAIR: NORBERT GOLDFIELD. CONTACT NORBERT WITH ANY QUESTIONS, IDEAS 4. We should invite other Jewish institutions in the Valley to join in an ad hoc Inter-institutional Committee to advance cooperation and collaborative programming. The Committee will also be authorized to further examine the viability of an integrated, multi-organization Jewish campus in the upper Pioneer Valley. OUTCOMES METRICS CHOSEN. IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE CONSTITUTED. CHAIR: MORDY KAMEL. CONTACT MORDY FOR ANY INPUT ON HOW CBI SHOULD BE ENGAGED WITH OUT SISTER INSTITUTIONS. 5. We support the continuation of a strong Jewish Preschool at CBI. To that end, we recommend the establishment of a Gan Keshet Task Force to conduct a comprehensive review of the preschool, its current operations, finances, and goals; its potential to serve young Jewish and non-Jewish families; and its valuable role as a portal to CBI membership and lifelong engagement for Jewish families. The committee should report its findings to the Board by April 1, 2015. COMMITTEE WORK BEGUN. SHORT TERM COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENT COMPLETED. LONG TERM COMMITTEE HAS BEGUN WORK AND WILL FINISH THIS CALENDAR YEAR IF NOT BEFORE. CHAIR STEPHANIE SCHAMESS. 6. We should authorize the Adult Education Committee, chaired by Barbara Lerner, to: 22 STRATEGIC PLANNING CONTINUED create a pilot program for a Sunday Learning Café that will consist of two 7-week programs for the Fall, 2014 and Spring, 2015 terms. In selecting a theme for the Café, the committee should consult with Alma, Gan Keshet and other program providers. IMPLEMENTATION BEGUN. FIRST MEETING OF THE CAFÉ HAS OCCURRED WITH ALMOST 50 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE (SEE WEB SITE ). For year two, the committee should coordinate with all entities at CBI that do learning-programming in order to present a coordinated calendar that will be made available to the congregation in a timely fashion. 7. We recommend authorizing the Rabbi and others to continue developing Friday night events, as well as Shabbat—and other—programs, as we further explore the idea of a Spirituality Institute. Because of overlap, we recommend that exploration of a potential Spirituality Institute, as proposed by the Spirituality Task Force during the Strategic Planning Process, be closely coordinated with the similar goals of other Task Forces. Working together a common annual theme and programming for that theme can be established. WORK BEGUN AND NEW PROGRAMMING – “SHABBAT WITH A TWIST” IS SCHEDULED AND WILL BEGIN SHORTLY. PLEASE SEE WEB SITE FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS 8. Establish a new, standing Communication Committee that will be responsible for developing and establishing a cohesive approach to CBI's public relations, branding, and engagement with social media. NOT BEGUN THOUGH WE HAVE DISCUSSED THIS AT STAFF MEETINGS. ADULT EDUCATION Hebrew Conversation Group: Beginning Thursday, Nov. 6-Dec. 11, 2014, 1:00—2:00pm If you would like to practice speaking Hebrew please join us on Thursdays at CBI. [You should be able to converse at least on an intermediate level.] There is no charge to join the group, however, any donation to the synagogue would be appreciated. Henia Lewin will be the group facilitator. 23 MINUTES OF THE CBI BOARD CBI Board Meeting: August 28, 2014 7:30-9:00 Attendance: Norbert Goldfield, Gillian Kendall, Rabbi Justin David, Ben Cuperman, Jim Sagalyn, Alan Berkenwald, Joseph Goldstein, Mordechai Kamel, StephanWurmbrand, David Berkman, Corrie Trattner, Max Page, Lois Dubin, Amy Siege, Jennifer Hoffman 1) D’var Torah: Rabbi Justin’s message to the board was for the upcoming year: the goal will be “Peace-Building” amongst the board as well as the entire congregation —n light of the issues occurring with Israel and Gaza. 2) Norbert: Notice of Nisa Zalta no longer on board. Expression of sincere thanks given for Nisa’s service on the board. 3) Ben reviewed the financial information stating that the total membership is 341, with five new families joining. Please see handout for names and financials. Motion was made to accept the new members and the board approved. Discussion occurred from Ben stating the collections were a little slower (forms went out 2 weeks later than usual). There was also discussion regarding security for the High Holidays as well as daily security for CBI and Gan Keshet (GK). Sisterhood donated $2,500 for renovating the library. New floor to be placed as well as beautification of the blackboard area. Additional $650.00 will be going to the kitchen committee for Kiddush. Norbert emphasized to the board the importance of reassuring our community that we are safe and that security is not an issue and that security is important to us. If congregants still have issues after reassurance, please refer them to Ben for clarification. Ben and Erica Kates are forming a committee Mordi discussed possibly implementing a “TEXT SYSTEM” so all on campus can communicate with each other in case of an emergency. Ben will examine this idea. 4) Norbert welcomes Mordi Kamel to the board. Mordi is currently chairing the Community Relations Task Force. 5) Gan Keshet (GK) Gillian: provided an overview of GK issues. Lean year financially. Spoke of the discussions in the short term committee on GK, such as a future vision of GK, restructuring and branding of GK. She emphasized that the short-term committee is not looking at who’s fault or what could have been done differently. The committee is looking at now and the future. Gillian reviewed two documents that the short-term committee is dissecting and trying to make sense out of. Norbert reminded the board that the next meeting is 9/18 and the GK short term committee will have more to present at that time. Mordi stated LGA spoke to the community relations task force and LGA was hoping have a much greater role in administering Gan Keshet. Norbert explicitly stated that in the short term committee process only has CBI evaluating. However, the short-term committee charge was discussed with LGA and the long-term committee will include LGA (with Lou Davis, president of the board nominating). The first committee was to get our minds wrapped around the issues. 6) Norbert welcomes Corrie Trattner to the board as a new member. 7) Strategic Implementation (see handout) - Shabbaton: many options on coming, day trip, overnight, just for Shabbat. Location is 30-45 minutes away. Can call Amy for details. Spread the word. Norbert: Stephanie Silverman gave an excellent presentation during the annual meeting . It had two parts. (a) welcoming the individual (b) upgrading space. Penina approached another co-chair regarding beautification of space. (Need to set guidelines on the type of art we put on the walls). Stewardship committee: Norbert will approach 1-2 on board. Possibly work with Jewish endowment foundation. Mordi discussed how his group was working in the community (i.e. Beit Ahavah) to become more unified. 8) Please see #6 on handout. - Norbert: Discussion of the $10,000 gift received. Suggestion made to donate $3-4,000 on new Sunday café adult education program. Ben requested it wait till the next meeting so the FOC can review the budget. - Mordi states he feels the adult education is a big draw for the congregation. - Jen feels $5,000 should be placed in a savings (since CBI has budgetary issues), and the rest of the money not just freely spent. - David agreed and feels the FOC should review it. -Joe feels money should be given—enough so the café starts off strong and well prepared. More people will come and stay if it looks professionally done. - Many discussed issues regarding this money and bringing the middle-aged community together (Max, Lois, Alan, Stephan, Gillian and Rabbi Justin). - Norbert handed out a letter from Bill and Carol Jolly on issues pertaining to the dues and concerns on dues increase. 9) High Holidays 24 MINUTES OF THE CBI BOARD - Norbert thanked Alan for threading the needle and working hard to get the information together Alan: Worked with Ben and Norbert. Please review Alan’s two handouts. FOC recommends charging for tickets. There are two parts and a vote needs to happen. Policy about tickets. If a member, dues include tickets. If additional family is coming to services, there will be a charge. Nonmembers will be charged. Community support display board. This board will be up now until sukkot with individual names posted (not the amount of money given). Suggested so people will be driven to donate if they see others are. Discussions occurred: clarification if fees were in dues, who would execute collecting tickets from people Board approved both parts. 10) Fall Fundraiser - Last year auction raised $17,000. There are plans for another auction, which will only included the items that sold well as well as something else to add on. Norbert will send an email to board for ideas. 11) Conclusion of meeting. Next meeting 9/18/2014 Handouts- Prior to meeting FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR BOARD PREPARED BY BEN CUPERMAN 8-28-14 MEMBERSHIP: TOTAL HOUSEHOLDS: 341 FAMILY: SINGLE PARENT FAMILY INDIVIDUAL LIMITED 1 LIMITED 2 HONORARY LIFETIME SPECIAL 177 23 95 16 16 7 4 3 TOTAL 341 NEW MEMBER APPLICATIONS Tina and Evan Cwass Gail and Aaron Lansky Yael Petretti Naomi Tannen and Joseph Mahay Florence and Eugene Yoss RESIGNATIONS: Phillip Allen Valerie Gintis and William Sweet Rebecca and Michael Ray Virginia and Joel Schulman Aug 26, 2014 Aug 26, 2013 14/15 13/14 Budget 14/15 BILLED TO DATE COLLECTED TO DATE ABATED TO DATE WRITTEN OFF $521,303 $113,229 $ 59,288 $ 1,117 $518,840 $132,571 $ 59,936 $ 3,000 ALL DUES OUTSTANDING $370,371 $343,665 TOTAL AR $403,009 $387,163 TOTAL FUNDS $107,184 $ 96,365 25 $520,783 $393,141 $102,202 $ 25,440 DECEASED: Bruce Bokor Florence Bond Eugene Yoss MINUTES OF THE CBI BOARD SECURITY: -I take advantages of as many resources as I can to keep our building secure. Yesterday I attended a SCN (Secure Community Network) afternoon session at the Federation building in Springfield. They are a good resource and I hope will play a bigger role in the weeks and months to come. -I also work very closely with the Northampton Police Dept. At our request They have increased their patrols since the Gaza conflict began. They are also donating a squad car for the High Holy Days for additional deterrence. I hope to get one of their officers to come down shortly and go over some procedures, especially one that Wendy has requested (lockdown). -Some recent security changes: Front door is now locked 8:30am-5:00pm Monday to Friday Portable communication (walkie talkies) networks : CBI staff and GK staff Additional deadbolt hardware for the Gan Keshet classrooms Gan Keshet security was donated by a CBI member Some additional projects that I am currently working on are: Side door electronic entrance lock as as well as CCTV monitoring ( as at LGA) A farm update from Rabbi Jacob: -it has been a totally transformative summer on the farm and it is really thriving. please take a few minutes and stroll through the farm to see for yourself! -each of the 3 production zones are doing well. we have over 20 different varieties of vegetables currently growing including tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, misc. herbs, cukes, zukes, carrots, beets, kale, cabbage, etc -we are harvesting produce and beautiful cut flowers at least 2x weekly for donation to the Survival Center -we have also been harvesting small amounts of produce for the CBI community that has been given to the kiddush cooks for use in the shabbes kiddush and/or in a donation box in the front office -we are very excited that 5 college students can now receive college credit through the Stockbridge School of Agriculture for internships at the farm. we are currently accepting applications for interns and promoting widely in the 5 colleges. -we now have a 8' deer exclusion fence up around the food production zones -we received a $10,000 sponsorship from Baystate Health towards the fence construction -we are currently constructing a beautiful shed under the leadership of Emmett Leader. this shed will house all of our tools/supplies and also double as a meeting spot with slate boards on the inner walls. it will be completed in the next 2 weeks -we have done a lot of work cleaning up and landscaping the area at the back of the farm towards the woods and the bike path. this area is looking really beautiful now. -since June we have been having 2x weekly volunteer work parties on Tuesday and Sunday mornings. these work parties will continue through October. -the farm has also played host to a number of wonderful community potlucks this summer -on the programmatic front for the coming year, LGA 5th and 6th science and Judaics curriculum is being designed for sustained farm based work in both the fall and spring. the LGA Kindergarten class will also be using the farm and plans to plant a butterfly garden. -the farm will play host to a weekly LGA afterschool program this fall. -this fall we will be launching a farm based teen internship called "The Shefa Internship: Sustainable Living Skillbuilding" -the Sukkot Harvest Festival will take place on Sunday, October 12th. please be there. Those’re just the highlights. Rabbi Jacob Fine, Director of Jewish Life and Director of Abundance Farm ALMA – an update from Rabbi Jacob -we are excitedly gearing up for the year -we are kicking off the year with the CBI Shabbaton at Camp Ramah Palmer Sept 12-14 -our first day of ALMA is Sept 20 -we have recruited a wonderful group of teachers for the coming year -Felicia Sloin will be returning and shifting her role to work with each of our classes as a music educator -we are excited this coming year to start using Hebrew through Movement as a new Hebrew teaching modality 26 DONATIONS ABUNDANCE FARM Wendy & Freeman Stein John & Shelley Schieffelin ANNUAL FUND Morris Gould EDUCATION FUND In memory of John Mangaw, father of Marta Lev. From Donald Matlin and Cordelia Marks GAN KESHET APPEAL Peggy Fiddler & Nick Fleisher Steven & Susan Kates In honor of Peggy Walker. From Jacqueline & Erica Kates To Wendy Stein, with gratitude for your 13 years of dedicated service to our community’s children and young families. From the Weinsier Family In honor of Peggy Walker. From Jacqueline & Erica Kates In honor of Peggy Walker. From Joan Schaffer & Alan Berkenwald ISRAEL FUND Morris Gould KURIAN KIDDUSH FUND Marcia Burick Stephen Arons & Ada Medina Arons Shelley Steuer & Jeffrey Korff Iris & David Berkman Larry Hott & Diane Garey To Larry Hott & Diane Garey, may Katia & Eddie enjoy a life of wonderful moments. From Veronica Darmon KITCHEN FUND Morris Gould KOL NIDRE/HIGH HOLIDAY APPEAL Susan Sprung & Jim Mueller Rachel & Icek Aizen Bill & Joan Handler David & Doris Cohen Joann Kobin Liz Freidman & Peter Kassis Howard & Libbie Parad Susan Elkins Kathy Goos & Barry Werth Barbara Black Mark & Judith Bercuvitz Suzanne Forman Jayma G. Hall Herbert & Janet Hodos Stephen Arons & Ada Medina Arons Linda & Keith Minoff Ira Lee & Ellen Sorkin Scott Barton & Randi Klein Debra Bercuvitz & Kris Tomson Joanne Gold Arthur Stein Roberta Fox Duprey Beth & Marta Lev Werner & Lottie Hess Vivian Bresnitz Arthur & Sylvia Stein Judith & Eugene Pogany Lew Cohen Ellen Bernstein Dan Plotkin & Sheri Katz Laura Pravitz & Seymour Rosen Lynne Davis Salley Jane Heit Nancy Kalin Heidi Creamer Cathy & Sam Topal Lesley & Ivan Oransky Minda Goss Darren Port Laura Wetzler Deborah Sperling Jennifer & Josh Schimmel Jonathan Ginzberg & Lisa Harvey Susan Mosler & Alan Peterfreund Tom & Connie Gould William & Jennifer Howard Jan Hackman Gary & Minda Goss R.M. Kanig & D.F. Sperling Lois Dubin & Ben Braude Tamar & Rob Fields 27 Bruce Rubin & Lisa Quinones Bruce Finke & Elizabeth Coates Lauren & Steven Weinsier Leslea Newman Roberta Pato Alisa Ainbinder & Theodore Leventhal Nancy Sternbach George & Sally Newman Eleanor Rothman Nancy August Alvin & Shirley Cohen Maria Estela Harretche Joel Feldman & Pamela Schwartz Dianne Sagner & Julius Menn Henry Rosenberg & Katherine Hicks Edward & Joyce Allen Barbara Fink Matilda Friedrich Jane Goldfield Joseph & Jessica Bacal Penina & Mickey Glazer Betsy Eisendrath Jeffrey & Ann Caplan Robert & Virginia Rechtschaffen Nancy Felton & Joel Dansky Sandra Dennis & Martha Knieriem Richard Fein & Rhoda Frankel-Fein Marcia Burick Rosalind Torrey Irving Rothberg Alison and Joe Morse Adele Oppenheim Debra Hertz Esther Budgar Bill & Carol Jolly Sue Kurian Miriam & Paul Slater Larry Hott & Diane Garey Janet & Al Chevan Sheron Rupp Linda Tropp Jason Goldstein Carol & Brad Katz Cathy & Joseph Cohen Barry & Deena Sarvet Jane E. Stein John & Shelley Schieffelin Ron Ackerman Cleo Gorman DONATIONS William & Margo Cooley Jules Chametzley Shari Brunell Bob, Mary Anne, Adam & Ian Fishman Eileen K. Burke Jeff Schrenzel & Beth Rosen Naomi Tannen & Joe Mahay Amy Jacobson & Lynn Zashin Marci Yoss & Barry Feingold Anne Kornblatt & Deborah Stier Alice & Rich Szlosek Tzivia Nancy Gover Myles Jacobson Abbie Steiner Carole & Leslie May Greta Kessler Stephanie & Gerald Schamess Jake & Lucy Greenburg Carl Sesar Eric Roth & Anne Werry Justin Cammy and Rachel Rubinstein Michael & Ellen Wolfson Elaine B. Ulman Veronica Darmon Morris Gould Debbie Krivoy & Jennifer Einhorn With much gratitude for all the generosity of spirit and leadership of Rabbi Justin David, the Board and all of CBI, thank you. From Becky & Emmitt Leader. PRESCHOOL EDUCATION FUND To Wendy Stein, with gratitude for your 13 years of dedicated service to our community’s children and young families. From the Weinsier Family PULPIT FUND Leslie & Janet Fraidstern RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Debra Bercuvitz & Kris Tomson Paul & Miriam Slater To Ron Ackerman, in appreciation for all the care and help he gave to the congregation during the High Holiday Services. From Barbara & Joseph Goldstein TZEDAKAH-CHESED FUND Morris Gould In honor of our wedding. From In memory of Goldie Keehn. Your Abbie Steiner and Myles Jacobson congregation meant so much to her over the years. Thank you for In memory of my mother, Adele providing a loving community for Fishman whose Yahrzeit was on Goldie. Shalom, Nancy Goodman Tishri 25. From Bob Fishman To Carol Costin, in memory of To Morton Katz, in loving memory Charles Costin. From Leslie & Jaof Linda. From Sally & Hyman net Fraidstern. Edelstein To Rose Krieger, in memory of your sister, Ida. From Leslie & JaSISTERHOOD ALL OCCAnet Fraidstern SION FUND Mazel Tov to Sherry & Art Hyman on the birth of your granddaughter VALLEY JEWISH SENIORS Faye Dyash Hyman. May she be Morris Gould blessed with a long and healthy life. From Bill & Carol Jolly In memory of William Pressman. From Howard Pressman To Maxine Stein & Henry Simkin, sincere condolences on the loss of Maxine’s mother, Sylvia, clearly In memory of Florence Ruth Press- an extraordinary woman. From man. From Howard Pressman Carol & Bill Jolly LIBRARY FUND In memory of my parents Liliana and Albert Goldfield. From Jane Goldfield Ben Braude, thinking of you on the death of your brother, our condolences. With care sympathy, Cleo and Ron TIKKUN OLAM FUND Morris Gould To Maxine Stein, sincere condolences on the loss of your dear mother, Sylvia. From Eileen Rutman 28 YAHRZEITS November 1 / Heshvan 8 Esther Fannie Allen* Dagmar Clark Abraham Isaac Kramer* Doris Cynthia Jaffe Rothenberg November 13 / Heshvan 20 Abraham Gelfman Anne Gilbert Clara Klein* Rita Lieberman* November 2 / Heshvan 9 Gabriel Katz November 15 / Heshvan 22 Sadie Aronson* Samuel Bloch* Gertrude Duby Saulbert Gottesman Bruce Hertz November 3 / Heshvan 10 Daniel Meltzer Dora Rosenkrantz November 4 / Heshvan 11 Eilas Alberts* Samuel Budgar* Jenny Rothberg Edith Stern November 5 / Heshvan 12 Ida Black* Sydney Selesnick Rose Tarshus* Ursula Zadik November 6 / Heshvan 13 Abraham Aaron Aronson* Lester Fine Jack Levine Michael Lipman Aaron Milgrim* November 16 / Heshvan 23 Ida Prouser November 17 / Heshvan 24 Sally Kirsner Balin* Norman Winston November 18 / Heshvan 25 Anne Ruth Feldman* Lawrence Fink Morris Gold Lillian Shapiro Bella Steiner Leo B. Wigdor November 19 / Heshvan 26 Virginia Alberts Daniel Levin November 23 / Kislev 1 Pauline Schwartz November 24 / Kislev 2 Arnold Cook Max Fraidstern* November 25 / Kislev 3 Josef Ehrlich Caroline Elinsky* November 27 / Kislev 5 Irving Blatt Simon Olim* Anna Pomerantz* Isaac Smargonsky* November 28 / Kislev 6 Morris Bonfield Dorothy Silverstein November 29 / Kislev 7 Israel Grossman Myer Arron Michelman* Ellinor Norden Ada Stern Celia Stricker November 30 / Kislev 8 Simon Burick *Denotes plaque on Yahrzeit board November 7 / Heshvan 14 Edward Yoss November 8 / Heshvan 15 Ruth Friedberg Cohen Jack Frankel* Ruth Levin Grace Shulman Levine November 10 / Heshvan 17 Sydna Budnick* Joseph Grife* Joseph Sol Marcus* November 11 / Heshvan 18 Louis Budgar* Joseph Haskell November 20 / Heshvan 27 Rose August* Philip Goodman Lillian B. Miller November 21 / Heshvan 28 Minnie August* Bessie Olim Herman* Ruth Krosnow Harry Michelson Sara Miller November 22 / Heshvan 29 Hal Felton Daniel Stephen Goldstein* Vera Schonbach Morris Stern 29 CBI FUNDS ABUNDANCE FARM FUND Funds support the creation and maintenance of an innovative food justice farm & outdoor classroom on the 1 acre piece of land between CBI & the Dept. of Public Works. We produce healthy, fresh produce for donation to the Northampton Survival Center while serving as an outdoor classroom & community building space for the broader community. ANNUAL FUND Funds will be used for the synagogue’s most pressing needs. Enhanced dues are a part of this fund. Please send d o natio ns to CBI. BENJAMIN GOLDSMITH FUND Used for the learning disabled in the Religious School. BIKKUR HOLIM FUND Donations for this fund are used for gifts from the whole congregation for members of the congregation who are fighting illness. Check s may be made payable to CBI with “Bikkur Holim” in the memo line. CEMETERY FUND Funds are used for cemetery maintenance & related activities. CHEVREI MITZVOT FUND Funds are used towards gem ilut hasad im , to honor Bar and Bat Mitzvot, and to fund worthy endeavors. Please se nd d o natio ns to CBI. COMMITTEE FOR JEWISH CONNECTIONS Funds provide for programming to celebrate and promote the practice of Judaism. Please send d o natio ns to CBI. DANIEL & SHIRLEY LEVIN EDUCATION FUND Money will assist qualified families with Religious School Tuition. Check s m ad e payable to “Levin Education Fund” should be mailed to CBI. DIVINE FUND An endowment used to attract and retain outstanding religious school educators for our Religious School. Please send d o natio ns to CBI. EDUCATION FUND Donations help support all educational activities and programs for children and adults at CBI. Please send donations to CBI. ENDOWMENT FUND Minimum Contribution is $10.00. A $600 contribution or more is necessary for a plaque to be affixed in the main lobby. Principle stays intact; interest earned is used to defray general operations of the synagogue. Please send donations to CBI. HOUSE/PROPERTIES/AESTHETICS FUND Funds will be used to beautify the synagogue. Please se nd d o natio ns to CBI. THE ISRAEL FUND Funds used to support CBI sponsored trips to Israel, Yom Ha’atzmaut events and other activities in celebration of Israel. Please send donations to CBI. KITCHEN FUND Donations for this fund will be used for purchases and maintenance of CBI’s Kosher Kitchen. Please send d o natio ns to CBI. LANDSCAPE FUND Funds used to beautify and maintain synagogue grounds. Please send d o natio ns to CBI. LEONARD AND BERNICE ALBERTS PRESCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND $10.00 minimum contribution. Fund assists qualified families with Preschool tuition. Please send donations to CBI with “Alberts Fund” in the memo line. LIBRARY FUND Money in this fund will go towards the purchase of CBI library books. Please send donations to CBI. PRESCHOOL EDUCATION FUND Money from this fund will go to the preschool for equipment and teaching materials. Mak e check s payable to CBI w ith “Preschool Fund” in the memo line. PULPIT FUND Funds used to procure necessary items that are not covered by the operating budget. These funds will be used to enhance our services. Please send donations to CBI. RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Ple ase send donations to CBI. SANDRA GOLDSMITH ENDOWMENT FUND Donations are used to endow activities for Tikkun Olam. Please se nd d o natio ns to CBI. SAM & MILDRED WOLFE BAR/BAT MITZVAH FUND All students studying for Bar/Bat Mitzvah require a private tutor. This fund offsets tutoring costs for families. We encourage all families, friends and relatives to contribute. Minimum contribution is $10.00. Make checks payable to CBI with “Wolfe Fund” in the memo line. 30 SHABBAT CHILD CARE FUND Money from this fund will go towards providing quality child care to all who need it (at no charge) during Shabbat services. Please send donations to CBI. SISTERHOOD ALL OCCASION FUND Minimum contribution is $5.00. Money is used for specific synagogue needs voted upon by the Sisterhood membership. Mail checks made payable to “CBI Sisterhood” to Cleo Go rm an, 32 Winthrop St., Northampton, MA 01060, 413 584-4497. A card will be mailed for any occasion. SUE KURIAN KIDDUSH FUND Donations will be used to enhance our Shabbat services with festive Kiddushes. Please send donations to CBI. TIKKUN OLAM FUND Funds are used to benefit programs that help people in need in the Northampton-Amherst area, in Israel, and, occasionally, when catastrophes strike in other parts of the world. Please send donations to CBI. TORAH CHAI FUND Donations to this fund assist the restoration and repair of Congregation B’nai Israel’s existing Torah scrolls, and have made possible the purchase of a new Torah. Please send donations to CBI. TZEDAKAH-CHESED FUND Fund for engaging in acts of tzed ak ah (charity and generosity) for the benefit of CBI members. Please send donations to CBI. VALLEY JEWISH SENIORS Fund to help support seniors’ activities through CBI. Please send d o natio ns to CBI. WOMEN’S FUND A $5.00 minimum contribution. Funds are directed to women in need in our community. Send checks payable to Sisterhood Women’s Fund to: Jan Hackman, 37 Prospect Heights, Northampton, MA 01060 YOUTH FUND Donations will be used to help fund activities for our youth programs. Please send donations to CBI. YAHRZEIT (MEMORIAL) PLAQUE $200 donation for each name. Please m ak e checks payable to “CBI Cemetery Fund” and mail to CBI. ADS 31 Congregation B’nai Israel 253 Prospect St. Northampton, MA 01060 Dated Material– Do Not Delay 32
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