THE ANGEL BROUGHT ME BACK TO THE ENTRANCE OF TH E T^FLE, AND I SAW WATE R FLOWIN G OUT,..,, ALONG BOTH BANKS OF THE RJVER, FRUIT TRESS OF EVERY KIND SHALL GROW; THEIR LEAVES '• • -. . S H A L L N O T F A D E , N O R f ^ T H E I R F R U I T F A I L . EVERY ^ MONfTH T H E Y S H A L L B E A R F R E S H F R U I T , F O R THE Y S H A L L B E W A T E R E D B L I T H E FLO SANCTUARY. \ - Friday W FRd M tH E Mcu>6 Schedule Daily Mass 6:45 am 9:00 am Saturday 9:00 am Vigil 5:00 pm Celebration Choir Sunday Mass 7:00 am Cantor & Congrega tional Singing 9:00 am Con temporary Singers 11:00 am Cantor & Congrega tional Singing 5:30 pm Holy Fire Choir & Let us remember to pray for all of our faimful V departed, especially, Bruce Gregory and Jackie Patyk. May die Lord grant them eternal rest & may His light shine upon mem. Sunday, Novembe r 9 7:00 am Parishioner s of St . OdSlia 9:00 a m Christina-Taylo r Gree n f 1 1:00 am Willia m F. Patient, Jr. f 5:30 p m An n K. Korte f Monday, Novembe r 1 0 6:45 a m Al l Catechumen s & Candidates 9:00 a m Darre n Durha m f Tuesday, Novembe r 1 1 6:45 a m Al l Veterans READINGS for the week of November 9 Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9,12/1 Cor3:9c-ll, 1617/fn 2:13-22 Monday: Ti L1-9/1& 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8,11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti3:l-7/l± 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 Saturday. 3Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 rext Sunday: Prv 31:10-13,19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:l-6/Mt23:14-30 or 25:14 9:00 a m Willi e Coron a Wednesday, Novembe r 1 2 6:45 a m Cance r Patient s 9:00 ar n Michell e Schwartz Thursday. November 1 3 6:45 a m Volcan o Tragedy Victim s & Their Familie s 9:00 a m Homeles s Teens Friday, November 1 4 6:45 a m Richar d "Yogi" Wilson 9:00 a m Ca l Gosla f Saturday, November 1 5 9:00 a m Robert a Martinez 5:00 p m Willia m Patient, III f Sunday, November 1 6 7:00 a m T.J . Valacak 9:00 a m Parishioner s of St . Odilia 1 1:00 am Catherin e Kuhn f 5:30 p m Nicholou s Korte f We pra y for those in our community who ma y nee d extra prayers for any reason . Al l are prayed for a t daily Mass. William Patient , Michae l Kruzja , Richar d Holovnia , Edga r Munro, Belind a Yeoman , Ji m Rodgers , Gar y McCarthy , Jim Eley, Katie Culp, Daniel Nunez, Joseph Kobida, Hele n Kobida , Charles Kobida , Maryan n Lumsargis , Chri s Lumsargis , Cru z Alday, Inez Alday, Bea Kissinger, Carol Sanders Please Continu e t o pra y f o r; Dwight McCarty , Rober t Tucci , Eddi e Malacha , Joh n Hughe s Selena Duarte , Ryan Scot t Sheeley , Kathleen Ortega, Mar y & Lenny Schwartz , Alice & William Sutherland, Michael Andrews Dear God, We than k yo u fo r th e courage , devotio n an d orifices o f al l veterans . W e as k yo u t o ontinually bless , guide an d protect each and veryone o f them . W e ar e gratefu l fo r al l veterans, thei r servic e an d w e cheris h ou r freedoms. Hel p u s to alway s remembe r how blessed we are as Americans and that we live i n "Th e Lan d O f th e Free" . Hel p u s t o praise You and the work Yo u do through Your people. I n th e nam e o f Mar y an d Jesus , w e pray. Ame n FIRST HOLY COMMUNION & RECONCILIATION Students must hav e bee Formation the previous ni n Faith year & currently be in 2nd or 3rd grade. The children & their parents will need to attend additional preparation classes. RCIC — RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR CHILDREN RCIC is a process for young people from 4th grade through high school who have not been baptized and/ or who have been baptized but need to received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. For High School Students who are 16 years or in 10th-l 1th grade, the RCIC program will continue the following year with the Sacrament of Confirmation. CONFIRMATION It is required that students have been in Faith Formation classes the prior year, have a foundational understanding o f th e Catholic Faith, ar e participating i n service hours, and their families are registered members of St. Odilia Catholic Community. ^smmmammamammammaummmaasm NEED for CATECHISTS Would you like to grow in your own faith P Do you like to work with grade school children? St. Odilia. 's Faith Formation program /|| \ needs teachers on both Sunday and Tuesday who would like join us in helping young people deepen their relationship with Jesus. Our textbooks and resources offer solid support, and during this JubileeYear our children have monthly project connections wim direct help from ; •; ' ;_.;..\^1P THE CHURCH AND CREMATIO N As a Catholi c ma y I be cremated ? Yes. The Church's definit e pref erence i s for buria l o f th e body . However , sinc e 1 963 crematio n has bee n permitted , althoug h th e cremate d remain s wer e no t al lowed t o b e presen t durin g th e funera l mass . I n 1 997 th e Vatica n gave th e bishop s of th e Unite d State s permission to allo w th e celebration o f th e funera l mas s wit h th e cremate d remain s present , provided th e local bisho p permit s it. Do I need t o as k permission to be cremated? No, but it i s a goo d ide a to discus s your reason s with your pastor . For a funera l mas s with th e cremated remains present, the loca l bisho p need s to giv e hi s permission. Whe n shoul d cremation tak e place ? Th e Church strongl y prefer s tha t crematio n tak e place afte r th e ful l funera l liturg y wit h th e body . The presence of the bod y mos t clearl y bring s to min d the life an d deat h o f th e per son an d bette r expresse s th e value s tha t th e Churc h affirms i n its rites. This i s the bod y onc e washed in Baptism, anointed wit h the oi l of salvation , an d fe d wit h the Brea d of Life . This is the bod y whos e hands clothe d th e poo r an d embrace d th e sorrowing . .. . Thus , the Church's reverenc e an d car e fo r th e bod y grow s out o f a rever ence an d concer n fo r th e perso n whom the Churc h now commends to th e car e o f God . .. . However , whe n circumstance s preven t th e presence o f th e bod y a t th e funeral liturgy...i t i s appropriate tha t the cremated remains of th e bod y b e presen t for th e full cours e o f the funera l rites , includin g th e Vigi l fo r th e Deceased , the Funeral Liturgy, an d th e Rit e o f Committal . Th e funeral liturg y shoul d al ways b e celebrate d i n a church . (Reflections o n the Body , Cremation, and Catholi c Funera l Rites, Bishops ' Committe e o n the Liturgy) . Must cremate d remains be buried/entombed ? Yes . Respectful fina l disposition o f cremate d remain s involves interment o r entombment . Burial option s includ e a famil y grav e i n a cemeter y marked with a traditional memoria l ston e o r a n urn garden, a specia l sectio n in a cemetery wit h small , pre-du g grave s fo r urns . Wha t i s a columbarium? A commo n practice i s the entombmen t of th e cremated remain s in a columbarium . I as never been a n accepted practice , excep t i n extraordinary circumstances . - Information courtesy of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions. http://www.fdlc.orQ a group of volunteer helpers. Please stop by the Education Center Office on Sunday (10:15-1:30 am) or Tuesday (3:L5-4:30pm). Thank you for following the call of your baptism to bring Christ to the world. Of, *«. >i f amouacemt Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, especially during this "YEAR OF GRACE AND THANKSGIVING." This Sunday, November 9th, die whole Church celebrates the feast of the DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA of Rome, "on land owned by the Laterani family, by Pope St. Sylvester I, on 9 November 324; honored as the episcopal seat of me pope as bishop of Rome; according to an inscription which Pope Clement XII (reigned 1730-1740) placed on the facade, this basilica is die "mother and head of all churches of Rome and the world" ("omnium ecclesiarum Urbis et Orbis mater et caput"); residence of the popes from the 4tli century until their moving to A vignon (1309); site of five ecumenical councils; Pope Innocent X commissioned the present structwe in 1646; beneath its high altar rests the remains oftlie small wooden table on which, according to tradition, St. Peter celebrated Mass; dedicated to the Savior, later to St. John the Baptist. " (ORDO, November 9, 2014) The liturgical readings give us the following for our reflections: "The waters flowing from me temple, die dwelling place of the Lord, bring forth life and growth. Jesus is the living sanctuary, and we his living body in me Spirit." (ibid.) The homilies during this weekend will touch on the teachings of the Church on "body burial and cremation." You will find in anotticr paii ofdus weekend's bulletin about "WHA T THE CHURCH SA YS PARTICUI^RLY ABOUT CREMA TION." I hope tliat tliis will help you in understanding me dignity of the body and how to treat the remains of our loved ones. St. Odilia, interecede for us. God's continued blessings be upon our community. In die spirit of me Jubilee Year, Fr. Miguel Mariano, Pastor MASS INTENTION S Give you r love d one s th e "highes t form o f prayer" , th e EUCHARIST . Mass Intention s ca n b e requeste d t o celebrate a n event, honor accomplish ments and/o r commemorat e a love d one. Visi t th e Paris h Offic e fo r you r requests. Mass Cards are available . THE CHAPE L I S BEING PAINTED The bulleti n boar d i n th e chape l wil l b e removed fo r th e paintin g o f th e chapel. Pleas e take awa y an y item s that yo u s o kindly share d with th e congregation . Than k you . Go d bless . ADVENT PENANC E SERVICES Advent Penanc e Service s wil l b e Friday , Decembe r THANK YOU! Your donatio n t o th e Interfait h Communit y Service s Foo d Bank ha s made a difference in the live s of thos e i n need in our community . Thank yo u fo r you r generou s and continue d support . W e wis h yo u man y blessings! Sep t 201 4 — Estimate d Amount: 426 Ib s mmmmmmmiimmiimnmimmmmmmmiiiiiiiiimimmmmi^^ 1 2 a t 4:0 0 p m an d a t 7:0 0 pm . Th e services will b e accompanied by musi c with a Cantor. iCatholic Men's Conference Saturday, Nov. 22 i DA Y OF REMEMBRANCE 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM A specia l Mas s wil l b e celebrate d i n commemora - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, School Gym 8650 N. Shannon Rd. tion o f ou r decease d love d ones . St . Odilia Parish ioners, i f yo u hav e los t a lov e someon e thi s year , please cal l th e Paris h Offic e an d leav e you r love d one's name . The y wil l b e honore d an d praye d fo r at this special Mas s o n November 29 a t 9:00 am . > Tn fn unify ' Mis JUt- JUBILEE YEA R NEW S CORNER The Jubile e Committe e i s stil l i n nee d o f volunteers. D o yo u wan t t o sin g i n th e choir, wor k i n th e churc h or office , teac h Faith Formation ? Ther e ar e man y need s YEARS to b e fille d a t St . Odili a Parish . Th e good wor k yo u d o i s nearly immediatel y >m/?/*m KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS NEWS CORNER Please joi n th e Knight s o f Columbu s fo r a pancake breakfas t followin g Mas s thi s Sunday, Novembe r 9t h i n th e Paris h Hall . The nex t busines s meetin g wil l b e a t 7:0 0 pm o n Wednesday , Novembe r 1 2th i n th e Paris h Hall . I f you ar e a Catholi c gentleman , 18-years-ol d o r older , please conside r joining th e Knight s o f Columbus . You can rewarded — I know, a s my heart ha s been touche d an d contact th e counci l Communication s Officer , Tod d Mencke , yours will a s well. The committee i s in need o f a Restora - at [email protected]. The annua l DONATIO N AN D EMERGENC Y FOO D DRIVE wil l benefi t th e St . Vincent De Pau l Society . Th e St. Odilia Knight s o f Columbu s wil l b e handlin g th e DONA TION an d FUN D DRIVE . Th e driv e i s schedule d fo r the 22n d an d 23r d o f Novembe r after al l masses , wher e the Knights will be in front of th e church to accep t our foo d and mone y donations . Novembe r 8t h an d 9th , 1 5th an d 1 6th th e Knight s wil l b e handin g ou t th e grocer y pape r bags to al l parishioner s with a lette r o f wha t is needed for this annua l drive . Th e mone y donation s (highl y encour aged) ca n be mad e out to th e Knight s o f Columbu s with a memo—St. Vincen t D e Pau l Foo d Drive , a s mone y dona tions g o furthe r fo r th e Societ y t o bu y muc h neede d typ e of foo d bein g requeste d b y Catholi c churche s i n poore r communities. S t Vincent De Pau l Societ y i s grateful t o th e parishioners o f S t Odili a Catholi c Communit y as wel l a s the Knight s o f Columbu s fo r thi s effor t i n making the holi days a bi t easie r to our families in need. tion Chai r Perso n an d Entertainmen t Chai r person . Also , please loo k t o th e bulleti n wall s outsid e th e Churc h fo r upcoming events . If yo u hav e an y idea s you' d lik e fo r us to consider , pleas e cal l Norm a Jea n at: 520.390.0591 FALL HOL Y DA Y at Redemptoris t Renewa l Cente r "Service to the Marginalized: A Scriptur e Perspective" Saturday, Novembe r 22 , 9:0 0 a m 4:00 pm . Th e focu s wil l b e o n th e actual word s o f Scriptur e in bot h th e Old & Ne w Testament s whic h hav e motivated Pop e Francis ' life. For info: 520.744.3400 o r [email protected] SUNDAY-November 9 7:00am - Mass-CH 8:00am - KOC Pancak e Breakfast - PH 9:00am - Mass-CH ll:00am- Mass-CH 2:00pm - Baptism Class - P O Librar y 4:30pm - Holy Fire Choir Rehearsa l - CH 5:30pm- Mass-CH MONDAY - November 10 6:45am-Mass-CH 9:00am -Mass-CH 10:00am - Bible Study - R E A Conf Rm TUESDAY - November 1 1 6:45am- Mass-CH 9:00am - Mass-CH 2:00pm - Faith Formation - CT G Rm C 6:30pm - Rosary Group - R E A Conf Rm 6:30pm - Confirmation Class - CT G Rm 8 WEDNESDAY - November 12 6:45am- Mass-CH 9:00am - Mass-CH 4:30pm - Baptism Class— CT G Library 4:30pm-RCIC-CTG Library 6:OOpm-RCIT-REA THURSDAY - November 13 6:45am-Mass-CH 9:00am -Mass-CH 7:00pm - Contemporary Choir Rehearsal - CH FRIDAY - November 14 OFFICE CLOSED 6:45am - Mass-CH 9:00am - Mass-CH SATURDAY - November 15 9:00am- Mass-CH 9:00am - RCIA - R E A Conf Rm 10:15am - Baptism Class — CTG Library 3:30pm - Celebration Choir Rehearsa l - CH 5:00pm - Mass — CH 6:30pm - Confirmation Class - CT G Rm 8 SUNDAY - November 16 7:00am - Mass-CH 9:00am- Mass-CH ll:00am- Mass-CH 12:00 p m - Confirmation Class — CTG Office 2:00pm - Primavera Sunday - PH 4:30pm - Holy Fire Choir Rehearsal - CH 5:30pm- Mass-CH GRATITUDE FO R YOUR GENEROSITY Thank yo u fo r you r support ; it i s evidenc e o f you r faithfulness t o Go d a s yo u hel p build His Kingdom. Collection Information ; Oct. 25-26 : $ 7.318.21 November 1-2: Regular Offertor y $ 10.390,6 8 Building Fun d $1,110,00 All Saint s $ 1.11T.O O TOTAL: $ JL3L4LL4I Weekly need o f ou r Parish : $ 13.000 St. Vincent $1,216.0 0 3fi& * s ? ysr sf® ji * We welcome each other with open arms. We accept & celebrate our diversity. We listen to each other with open minds. We share with each other our common faith. We love each other with open hearts. We recognize & respond to the Lord's call to disciple ship and mission. We provide a safe environment for all of our Faith Community. Office Hours : Monday—Thursday , 9:30am - 5:00pm Phone Number: 520.297.727 1 Fa x Number: 520.297.824 7 CLERGY PARISH STAF F Rev. Mr . George Scher f Parish Deaco n Fr. Frank Cady Parochial Vicar Fr. R. Miguel Mariano Pastor 1 Paris h Deacon & I Yout h Minister Rev. Mr . Scot t Picket t OFFICE & PARIS H • Offic e Manager & ff Compliance Officer Felicia Corona Plant & Maintenance Anne Ferr y Compliance Team Antonio "Tony" Martinez Supervisor Vanessa E . Corona I Bulletin Edito r Jonathan "Jon" Rumb a 1 Maintenance I FAITH FORMATIO N Director Pau l Scalise Rose Campbell IJHYG Rev. Mr . Scot t Picket t I Lif e Teen Director Anne Ferr y I RCI A & RCI T Peggy Mclaughlin _ Principa l Paul Scalis e Liturgist Website: g E-mail: [email protected] t F A I T H F O R M A T I O N ; Fait h Formatio n program s includ e Spe cial Education , Elementary , Junio r High , Hig h Schoo l & Adul t Educa tion. S A C R A M E N T O F B A P T I S M ; Baptism s are celebrated durin g the weeken d Masses . Pleas e cal l th e Paris h Office t o mak e a n ap pointment wit h th e F.F . Director a t Ext . #206. The process includes a special blessin g & preparatio n classes. S A C R A M E N T O F R E C O N C I L I A T I O N ; Saturday s a t 4:0 0 pm and b y appointment . S A C R A M E N T O F M A R R I A G E ; Fou r month s advance notic e is requeste d t o ensur e adequate tim e t o prepar e properl y fo r th e sacrament. M I N I S T R Y T O TH E S I C K & H O M B O U N D : Pleas e call the Parish Offic e i f yo u o r someon e yo u kno w i s sick, i n the hospita l o r unable t o atten d Mass . Eucharisti c Minister s ar e availabl e t o brin g Holy Communio n t o homes . Arrangement s fo r th e Sacramen t o f th e Sick ca n also b e made ; this includes: Anointing , Blessing, Communion , Confession and/or Genera l Conversation . WE P R A Y FO R E V E R Y O N E : W e welcom e you r call s to tell us who needs prayers . A s a community , w e pra y fo r eac h othe r an d at th e daily celebratio n of th e Eucharist, we remembe r thos e peopl e needing extr a prayers . Than k you for you r car e of others . Parish Pastora l Council — Marlen e Calhoun, Presiden t CHURCH MINISTRIE S Diane Simons Music Director Homebound & Hospital Jim Sigler Larry Dembowsk i - - Jame s Tress Al Hes s Erik Patterso n - - Trevo r Cymbalu k Pau l Nzom o Deacon Scot t Picket t - - Fr . R. Miguel Mariano Kare n Czech Janice Tres s - - Mike Gardner Parish Finance Council Dee Lytl e Altar Server Board o f Director s Anne Ferr y Kathleen Middleton Gregory Heise y Dee Lytle & Bereavement Mary Stanford , Secretary Sister Alice Martinez , IHM Pam Xeele Coordinator Fr. R. Miguel Mariano, President Fr. R . Miguel Mariano Peace & Justic e Mike Galvin, Treasurer Msgr. Alfred Schifan o Bernie Frankiewicz Bishop Gerald Kicanas When you don't knowcuftot fa BULLETIN ARTICLES (Holiday Sched.) Next due date: Nov. 12 for Nov. 30 submit to: [email protected] » » » »*r ^DAIR Jack Furrie r AMBER LIGHTS I TIRE & AUT O CARE I ^^^^9 L:aj^^^^^^^^^^^^^L^3£8 Funeral Homes AN SRG SENIOR LIVIN G COMMUNITY | Parishioner discount & El Encaato Memorial Crematory, Inc. on Auto Repairs Independent and Assisted Family Owned and Operated Call 547-4737 for store nearest you! Serving Southern Arizona Comfort Control Corp Since 1956 Air Conditioning & Heating Service & Installation Avalon Chapel Family Owned & Operated 8090 N. Northern Ave. (520) 791-759 1 742-7901 Living Residences Breakfast , .i Dinner Catering 6231 N . Montebella Road 10% off Entire bill with this Ad Tucson AZ 85709 Ristorante Italiano 10325 N. La Canada Dr. , Suite 151 Ore Valley, AZ 85737 P (520 ) 297.3777 • F (520) 297.1817 Call toda y (520) 395-9616 dish Make the Switch to DISH Today and Save Up To Your comfort. Our privilege. 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(520) 547-446 0 HELP PROTECT YOUR FAM LY&HOME CALL NOW ! 1-888-891-6806 FOR AD INF O CAL L DEBR A TYRRELL AT 1-800-950-995 2 • M AUTHORIZED DEALER HOME SECURITYTEAM ST. odiiia CHURCH, Tucson, AZ B 2 C 05-037 9 10-27-2014 10:59:2 5 is NEW and IMPROVE D GIVE, and 405 West Coot Drive #103 Tucson, Arizona 85704 M 520.297.7100 • Ta x Preparation Accounting Services Show them your support! • Estat e Planning Now it's even easier to shop these advertisers. Business Consulting AMERICAN FAMIL Y -Luke 6:38 Donate online to St. Odiiia Catholic Communit y LIVING TRUSTS WILLS POWER O F ATTORNEY Monica B . Salazar parishioner Offi«. 520-797-01 51 &».• 520-820-513 5 200WMogwRd,St«130 Tw»n,AZ 85704 fmaii [email protected] m BRAKEMAX.COM Protecting your real assets Call for a free evaluation! 520-381-0080 10529 North Oracle Rd. Alison P. 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