ST. MARY’S CHURCH, REDBOURN SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT 16th November 2014 WELCOME TO ST MARY’S A special welcome if you are new to our worship here at St Mary’s Church, Redbourn. We would like to get to know you as soon as possible. To help us, please fill in the slip provided in the holders at the end of each pew, and hand it to one of the clergy or sidespeople as you leave today. Thank you. All who normally take Communion, in this church or in any other church, are welcome to receive Communion here. Those who do not take Communion, be they young or old, should please come to the altar rail to receive God’s blessing. If you are a taxpayer, please would you consider putting your collection into a blue envelope and filling in the details required (available from a sidesperson or in the pews). The church can then claim back the tax on your offering to the church at no additional cost to you. Thank you. Those giving by Standing Order may use a yellow token in the collection plate. WILL VISITORS PLEASE NOTE that St Mary’s Church has an Amplification and Loop System. If needed, please switch your hearing aid to the T switch to make use of this. IN OUR PRAYERS We give thanks to God with her family for the birth of Scarlett Ward. The sick and suffering: Alex, Christopher, Lily Clark, Lilian Cowland, Carole Cull, Michael Darvell, Alex and Janet Duncombe, James Easey, Marlene Gibson, Patrick Hastings, Ron Henry, Victoria Holmes, Grace Hyde, Elizabeth Hynes, Ian, Ray Marsh, Jim Martin, Nicola Morgan, Dave Panton, Keith Poulter, Theresa Rae, Linda Smith, Sylvia, Celia Southern and Judith Steele and any others known to us in need at this time. The Departed: We pray for the repose of the souls of Anthony Chapman, Derek Crawley, Jennet Gaffey, Peter McCarthy, Bernard Ralph, Maureen Smith and all who have died recently. We remember those whose year’s mind occurs during this week and pray for God’s comfort for all who mourn for a loved one at this time. THE FLOWERS ON THE MEMORIAL STAND were given in loving memory of Jean Richardson from John. THE FLOWERS IN THE LADY CHAPEL were given in loving memory of Peter Hildebrand by Dian and the family. The Vicar: The Reverend Will Gibbs Tel No. 01582 791669 E mail: [email protected] You can find a full listing of news on our website: 8.00 am HOLY COMMUNION (Book of Common Prayer) Collect, Epistle & Gospel for The Twenty Second Sunday after Trinity – page 245 President: Canon Christine Farrington Collect: Lord, we beseech thee to keep thy household the Church in continual godliness; that through thy protection it may be free from all adversities, and devoutly given to serve thee in good works, to the glory of thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with the thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God now and for ever. Amen. Epistle: Philippians 1. 3-11 Gospel: Matthew 18. 21-end 9.30 am PARISH EUCHARIST (Common Worship Order One) We follow the service booklet. The Collect, Readings and Post Communion Prayer for today can be found in the insert to this Pew Sheet. President: The Vicar Introit: 85 Reader: Karen Doye Reading: Zephaniah 1. 7, 12-18 Gradual: Psalm 90. 1-8 Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5. 1-11 Gospel: Matthew 25. 14-30 Sermon: Canon Christine Farrington Intercessions: Mike Wood Offertory Hymn: 298 Communion Hymn: 533 Anthem: Jesu, joy – J.S. Bach Final Hymn: 139 PLEASE JOIN US for refreshments in the Transept Hall after this Service. Also our weekly Traidcraft stall will be selling excellent goods and foods. 11.15 am THANKSGIVING FOR THE GIFT OF A CHILD We follow a separate order of service 6.30 pm SUNG EVENSONG Officiant: The Vicar Psalm 89. 20-29 First Reading: 1 Kings 1. 15-40 Office Hymn: 63 Magnificat: Page 57 Second Reading: Revelation 1. 4-18 Nunc Dimittis: Page 59 Hymn: 380 Sermon: The Vicar Hymn: 475 NOTICES FOR INCLUSION IN THE CHURCH NEWS should be passed in written or printed form to The Vicar by Wednesday pm. Please forward church diary entries and rota amendments to Mark Cresswell. ([email protected]) NOTICES FOR THE COMING WEEK SLEEP OUT: Lucy and Jamie Davis will be sleeping rough overnight on 5th December to raise funds for DENS, our local homeless charity. It promises to be cold, wet and miserable, but your sponsorship will ensure that people who are homeless can be supported and helped to a new life off the streets. Please sign the sponsorship form at the South Door. Thank you SUNDAY 7th DECEMBER: Our First Sunday Family breakfast will be cereal and bacon rolls. Please come along at 8.45 am to share breakfast with the church family. Please sign the form at the back of church or see Sandra. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY CLUB: On December 20th from 10 am till 3 pm we invite all children who are in reception or above to come to church and have a fun filled day ending with party games. During the day we will prepare for the children’s presentation on the 21st at the 9.30 service. Children please get your grown ups to sign a form and adults if you can help speak to Sandra. This is for church family children and there is no charge. Advent Quiet Day - Saturday 6th Dec from 10 am to 4 pm Please sign up on the list at the South Door LIFTS TO CHURCH: We would like to try to recruit some new drivers before the new rota is compiled at the end of the month. Drivers are invited to state the dates on which they are available before the rota is drawn up and typically would be involved with this important assistance in our church once every four weeks. Please speak to Stephen Gell with offers of help. NEXT SUNDAY: 6.30 pm SPOTLIGHT SERVICE ‘I CANNOT COME TO THE BANQUET’ An informal service involving members of our Spotlight groups reflecting on the richness of God’s welcome to us. All very welcome. Refreshments afterwards. POSADA: On Advent Sunday our travelling crib will begin its journey around Redbourn, spending a night in a different home each night. If you would like to host the crib, then please sign up on the list at the South Door. ADVENT CAROL SERVICE Sunday 30th November at 6.30 pm Our choir presents Readings and Music by Candlelight for Advent Sunday Followed by Mulled Wine – All welcome THE WEEK AHEAD Every day, Monday to Friday, we offer: 9.30 am Morning Prayer 5.00 pm Evening Prayer In addition, the following services and events will take place this week: Mon 17 Nov 3.20 pm Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, 1200 eXplore Messy Church – at Redbourn Junior School Tues 18 Nov 2.30 pm Elizabeth of Hungary, Philanthropist, 1231 Funeral Service – Maureen Smith RIP Wed 19 Nov 7.30 pm Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680 Holy Eucharist Fri 21 Nov 10.30 am Bears and Prayers – in the Transept Sun 23 Nov 8.00 am 9.30 am 11.15 am 1.00 pm 6.30 pm The FEAST of CHRIST the KING Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Parish Eucharist with Children’s Groups Morning Praise with Holy Baptism The marriage of Rosamund Cranmer and Martyn Sands Spotlight Service NEXT WEEK’S DUTY ROTAS Servers: Weds: Sue May 8.00 am Penny McAdam 9.30 am: Peter Hansford, Saxon Aldred and Shirley Holtey Sidespeople: 8.00 am: Lilian Cowland and Janet Biggs 9.30 am: Angie and Alan Simkins and Julie Henman 6.30 pm: Grace Sawyer Flowers: Janet Biggs, Bryony Aldred, Ros Glover, Edna Lindfield, Margaret Metcalfe and Margaret Willekens Cleaning: L Andrews, M Johnstone, R Hinde, A Davie and G Sawyer Churchyard: Operation Churchyard Lifts: M Tillyer (8 am), D Swift, R Hinde and S Gell Reader: Ken Smith Intercessions: Ken Smith Mini Church: Claire Gibbs and Sue Field Junior Church: Louise Edmiston and Wendy Setchell PALs: Louise McPhee Coffee: Margaret Jewel and Pat Lacey Traidcraft: Liz and Mike Wood
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