Prayer Requests: You will find Prayer Update cards in the attendance pads and on the information table. If you have a Prayer Request for the morning service, please fill out a card and hand it to Pastor Jill Forton before the service begins. Contemporary Worship: Do you have an interest in creative and contemporary worship? A group is being formed to brainstorm and help plan our 9:30 Contemporary Service and we need you! Please contact Gayle Stasiak at 616-7068955 or [email protected] to offer your gifts. Sunday School: 9:30: The Preschool-5th grades are to go to worship with their parents and will be dismissed to Sunday School following the Children’s Moment. The 6th -8th grades should go to the 9:30 service with their parents and will be dismissed to Sunday School following communion. Adam Homan is in need of some adult volunteers to help with Middle School summer events. Please contact Adam for details. 11:00: The Preschool-5th grade children are to go directly to Sunday School in Rooms 222-223. The High School Sunday School will meet in Room #206 at 10:45 am. There is an Adult Class in the Conference Room led by Brian and Doris entitled “Work in Progress”. Summer Sunday School Volunteers Needed! If you have been thinking about teaching Sunday School, here is the perfect chance to give it a try. This summer we will be having one large group Sunday School for Preschool through 5th grade and teachers are needed by the week. If you can volunteer for one week or more, please sign up in the narthex of the Sanctuary or Chapel, or upstairs in the Sunday School room. Thank you. Please Pray For: Ken & Joanne Parker in the death of Joanne’s father; Rita Dyhouse—recovery from knee surgery; Barb Mac Inness—at Porter Hills for rehab; Ed Swanson—has cancer and is under hospice care at home; Eric Ott, Lisa Dean, Dorothy Rieger and Ella Kimble - dealing with cancer and cancer treatments. Worship Services 8:00 Traditional (Chapel) 9:30 Contemporary (Sanctuary) 11:00 Traditional (Chapel) Sunday School Crib Room (infants-3 year olds) - 9:15 - 12:15 Located in Room 109A in the Education Building Preschool-5th Grade Upstairs in the Education Building at 9:30 & 11:00 Middle School (6th-8th grades) In the Lodge (#207) after communion at 9:30 High School (9th-12th grades) Following the 9:30 service in the HSYR (#206) Adults Classes at 9:30 and 11:00 in the Conference Room Church Staff Pastor: Jill Forton Interim Associate Pastor: Armand Aronson Children’s Ministry: Hannah Schneider Middle School Youth: Adam Homan WORSHIP Sunday, May 31, 2015 8:00 am Service—46 9:30 Service—160 11:00 Service—45 Total—251 Pastor Jill Forton “Warnings & Promises for a Banged Up Life” High School Youth: Bill & Jodi Schaefer Ezekiel 34:11-16 Office Manager: Holly Brandsma 8:00 and 11:00 Chapel Services Business Managers: Chuck Snow & Lois Slack 9:30 Sanctuary Service Director of Maintenance: Mel Behm II Maintenance: Mel Behm and Jane VomSteeg FINANCIAL UPDATE Last Week Year to Date Budgeted $9,519 $456,912 Given $12,088 $458,658 +$2,569 +$1,746 Sunday, June 7, 2015 Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00-12:00 & 1:00-4:00 Closed on Friday 2829 Thornapple River Drive SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 616.949.1360 8:00 a.m. Chapel Order of Worship Sunday, June 7, 2015 Welcome - Jerry Fellinger *Opening Hymn #63 All Creatures of Our God and King *Invocation and the Lord’s Prayer *Glory Be to the Father #813 Morning Prayer Communion Invitation Communion Hymn #624 His Eye Is on the Sparrow Communion Meditation and Prayer Words of Institution - Shirley Folkertsma Communion - Partake as trays are passed. Gluten free available on bread trays. Offering Invitation – Gladys Fletcher Offering *Doxology (#815) Offering Prayer Scripture: Ezekiel 34:11-16 (page 1341) Message ............................... Pastor Jill Forton “Warnings & Promises for a Banged Up Life” *Hymn of Invitation #686 O God, Our Help in Ages Past *Benediction *Closing Hymn #232 God Be With You *Postlude *Please Stand Organist: Nancy Gaskell 9:30 a.m. Sanctuary Order of Worship Sunday, June 7, 2015 Welcome - Joe Dykhuizen Opening Songs Stronger One Thing Remains Children’s Moment - Hannah Schneider Greeting Morning Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Sound of Melodies Communion Invitation Communion Meditation and Prayer Words of Institution Brian Burgess Communion by Intinction Come forward and dip bread in cup. Roamer trays have gluten free wafers. Offering Invitation and Prayer Darlene Scharfschwerdt Scripture: Ezekiel 34:11-16 (page 1341) Message............................... Pastor Jill Forton “Warnings & Promises for a Banged Up Life” *Closing Song Beautiful Things *Closing Prayer *Please Stand Music Leader: Rebekah Rhys 11:00 a.m. Chapel Order of Worship Sunday, June 7, 2015 Welcome - Rick Powers *Opening Hymn #63 All Creatures of Our God and King *Invocation and the Lord’s Prayer *Glory Be to the Father #813 Morning Prayer Communion Invitation Communion Hymn #624 His Eye Is on the Sparrow Communion Meditation and Prayer Words of Institution - George VanZwalenberg Communion - Partake as trays are passed. Gluten free available on bread trays. Offering Invitation - Jane VomSteeg Offering *Doxology (#815) Offering Prayer Scripture: Ezekiel 34:11-16 (page 1341) Message .............................. Pastor Jill Forton “Warnings & Promises for a Banged Up Life” Hymn of Invitation #686 O God, Our Help in Ages Past *Benediction *Closing Hymn #232 God Be With You *Postlude *Please Stand Organist: Carol Rienstra
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