Kurslitteratur kurs 1 H15

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Kurskod (2015-06-17)
Specialpedagogik: Introduktion till autism, utvecklingsstörning och
beteendeanalys I. 7.5 hp
Specialpedagogiska institutionen
Denna litteraturlista är fastställd av prefekten på delegation av
institutionsstyrelsen 2015-06-17 och gäller fr.o.m. HT15.
Obligatorisk litteratur
Bölte, S., & Hallmayer, J. (Eds). (2011). Autism Spectrum Conditions: FaQ on
Autism, Aspergers Syndrome, and Atypical Autism answered by International
Experts. Massachusetts, USA: Hogrefe Publishing.
Cooper, J., Heron, T. & Heward, W. (2007). Applied Behavior Analysis (2nd ed.) New
Jersey: Pearson Education.
Ramnerö, J. & Törneke, N. (2006). Beteendets ABC. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Bannerman, D.J., Sheldon, J.B., Sherman, J. A., & Harchik, A.E. (1990). Balancing
the right to habilitation with the right to personal liberties: The rights of people
with developmental disabilities to eat too many doughnuts and take a nap. JABA
Bryson, S., Zwaigenbaum, L., Brain, J., Roberts, W., Szatmari, P., Rombourgh, V., &
McDermott, C. (2007). A Prospective Case Series of High-risk Infants who
Developed Autism. Journal of Autism Developmental Disorder, 37, 12-24.
Bölte, S., Ciaramidaro, A., Schlitt, S., Hainz, D….Walter, H. (2015). Traininginduced plasticity of the social brain in autism spectrum disorder. The British
Journal of Psychiatry. Advance online publication. doi:
Stockholms universitet
Specialpedagogiska institutionen
106 91 Stockholm
Frescati Hagväg 10
Telefon: 08–16 20 00 (vxl)
Telefax: 08-12076420
E-post: [email protected]
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Kurskod (2015-06-17)
Gillberg, C. (2010). The ESSENCE in child psychiatry: Early Symptomatic
Syndromes Eliciting Neurodevelopmental Clinical Examinations. Research in
Developmental Disabilities; 31, 1543-1551.
Greenspan, S. (2006). Functional concepts in Mental Retardation: Finding the natural
essence in an artificial category. Exceptionality, 14(4) 205-224.
Herbrecht, E., Poustka, F., Birnkammer, S., Duketis, E., Schlitt, S., Schmötzer. S., &
Bölte, S. (2009). Pilot evaluation of the Frankfurt Social Skills Training for
children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. European Journal of
Child Adolescent Psychiatry. DOI 10.1007/s00787-008-0734-4
Huerta, M., & Lord, C. (2012). Diagnostic Evaluation of Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Pediatric Clin N Am, 59, 103-111.
Rogers, S. (2009). What are infant siblings teaching us about autism in infancy?
Autism Research, 23, 125-137.
Zander, E., Sturm, H., & Bölte, S. (2015). The added value of the combined use of the
Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised and the Autism Diagnostic Observation
Schedule: Diagnostic validity in a clinical Swedish sample of toddlers and young
preschoolers. Autism, 19(2), 187-199.
Zwaigenbaum, L., Bryson, S., & Garon, N. (2013). Early identification of autism
spectrum disorders. Behavioural Brain Research, 251, 133-146.
Valbar litteratur
Karlsson, P. (2010). Beteende stöd i vardagen: Handbok i tillämpad beteendeanalys.
Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.
Mayer, R, Sulzer-Azeroff, B., Wallace, M. (2014). Behavior Analysis for lasting
Change. New York: The Cambridge Center- Sloan Publishers.
Ytterligare vetenskapliga artiklar tillkommer.