2013/2014 ANNUAL REPORT SUSTAINING A REGION THAT IS Since the Arts + Business Council’s founding in 1981, we have been fortunate to be an affiliate of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber provides muchneeded event and administrative support, without which the fulfillment of our mission would not be possible. For more information visit: GrowWithTheChamber.com CULTURALLY VIBRANT. ECONOMICALLY STRONG. VISION RIGHT BRAIN. LEFT BRAIN. MUTUAL GAIN. A thriving creative sector, including arts, culture and for-profit creative businesses, contributes to the economic prosperity and quality of life of Greater Philadelphia. Our creative sector is strengthened with capacitybuilding services provided by the business, legal and technology communities, while business professionals learn new approaches to creativity, leadership and innovation by working with the creative sector. MISSION The Arts + Business Council of Greater Philadelphia (ABC) strengthens our creative sector, including arts, culture and forprofit creative businesses, by engaging the business, legal and technology communities, providing capacity-building services, and serving as a thought leader and a convener. ABC, with the support of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, is uniquely positioned to actively connect the creative sector with the business, legal and technology communities. HOW WE DO IT The Arts + Business Council is in the fortunate position to be located at the intersection of creativity and commerce. We count among our constituents business, legal, technology and creative professionals; giving us the opportunity to explore new ways to bring valuable experiences and collaborative opportunities to these groups through our unique programming. VOLUNTEER CONVENE With our strong ties to the business community as an affiliate of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, we are able to dive deeply into companies to engage their staff on an individual basis. By providing rich professional development opportunities through our skills-based volunteering and leadership programs, we are not only building a workforce with the key competencies of creativity and innovation, we are developing the next generation of advocates for the creative sector. As we navigate our ever shifting world of work, where technologies and funding seem to change moment to moment, the Arts + Business Council is focused on the people that make our region an exciting place to live, work and play. By creating platforms for the exchange of ideas, be they global, local or organization-specific, we are ensuring that this region has a vibrant exchange across sectors. We are proud of all we accomplished in fiscal year 2013/14 and, as an organization that embraces the iterative processes of design thinking, we are looking forward to discovering the next big thing for 2014/15. COLLABORATE Karin Copeland Executive Director LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS BUSINESS ON BOARD The leadership programs of the Arts + Business Council, Business On Board and Designing Leadership, focus on building the volunteer and executive leadership of the arts, culture and creative communities in the Philadelphia region. Through interactive coursework and presentations from knowledgable speakers, attendees benefit from a shared learning experience with other highlevel professionals. Business On Board is the only comprehensive leadership development and board placement program focused on the unique needs of the Philadelphia region’s nonprofit arts and culture sector. Four classroom sessions emphasize a board member’s role in fundraising, planning, decision making and board development while the classroom learning is enhanced by observing a board in action throughout the training as either a prospective arts and culture board member or a current board member. In fiscal 2013/14: 54 BUSINESS, LEGAL + TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONALS participated in Business On Board in 2014; the largest class since the program’s inception in 1996 and a 10% increase over fiscal year 2012/2013. DESIGNING LEADERSHIP 24 CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS participated as professionals who currently sit on arts and culture boards; ALL 24 RECEIVED SCHOLARSHIPS for the program through ABC fundraising efforts. 30 PROSPECTIVE BOARD MEMBERS participated, 14 of whom have already been elected to arts and culture boards; with many others serving on committees or are their way to being elected. “ BUSINESS ON BOARD EXPANDED MY KNOWLEDGE BASE WITH RELEVANT SPEAKERS & SESSIONS, GAVE ME REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS ABOUT BOARD SERVICE, AND WORKED HARD TO MAKE A GOOD BOARD MATCH FOR ME. “ LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT THROUGH BOARD SERVICE Four, full-day Friday sessions in 2014 #BusinessOnBoard2014 January 31 @ Philadelphia Museum of Art March 7 @ Philadelphia Center for Architecture April 11 @ The Curtis Institute of Music May 16 @ WHYY FRANCES SPERLING FELDBAUM, CPA, Principal, St. Clair CPA Solutions, Elected to the board of BalletX “ AS A NEWLY ELECTED BOARD MEMBER, PARTICIPATION IN THE 2014 BUSINESS ON BOARD CLASS PROVIDED ME WITH NECESSARY TOOLS WHICH ENABLED ME TO CONTRIBUTE AND ADD VALUE ALMOST IMMEDIATELY. “ BUSINESS ON BOARD “ THE PROGRAM WAS A GREAT TEAM-BUILDING EXPERIENCE THAT HELPED CREATE A SENSE OF COMMUNITY AMONG A DIVERSE GROUP OF LEADERS IN THE ARTS, CULTURE AND CREATIVE SECTORS. EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT FOR THE ARTS, CULTURE + CREATIVE SECTORS Five Sessions in 2014 #DesigningLeadership @ The University of the Arts ABC was excited to launch the region’s first leadership development program to focus on the emerging leaders of both the nonprofit arts and culture and for-profit creative sectors. This program was initiated when ABC was selected as one of the 2013 Knight Arts Challenge Philadelphia winners and received multi-year funding for the project from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The five-session curriculum, developed in partnership with IBM and The Wharton School, covered topics including foundations in leadership styles, leadership and collaboration, strategic sustainability, human capital and mentoring. In its first year, Designing Leadership engaged an enthusiastic cohort of creative leaders: “ SAUL A. BEHAR, Vice President + General Counsel, University City Science Center, Designing Leadership ‘14 “ “ IT WAS A WONDERFUL TIME TO GET TO KNOW OTHER BUSINESS AND ARTS LEADERS WHO ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT HELPING PHILADELPHIA THRIVE. BUSINESS ON BOARD PRESENTED A PICTURE FOR ACTIVE BOARD MEMBER PARTICIPATION AND THE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF BOARD MEMBERS. ANDREW TOWLE, Principal, The North Highland Company, Elected to the board of Bartram’s Gardens 29 EMERGING LEADERS in the for-profit and nonprofit creative sector graduated from our first ever Designing Leadership class in the Spring of 2014. 22 NONPROFIT ARTS + CULTURE and 7 FOR-PROFIT CREATIVE ECONOMY participants represented a wide variety of artistic and creative disciplines, including architecture, arts service, design, film, historic sites, theater and visual arts. 12 PARTICIPANTS WERE NEW to ABC programming. MINDY MAZER, Senior Manager, Corporate Staffing AMETEK, Inc., Participated as a current board member of Mighty Writers “ STEPPING AWAY FROM THE DAY-TO- DAY TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF RUNNING A MID-SIZED NONPROFIT THEATRE COMPANY AFFORDED ME SPACE FOR GROWTH AND PERSPECTIVE THAT I WOULD OTHERWISE NOT HAVE HAD. “ DESIGNING LEADERSHIP ANNELIESE VAN ARSDALE, Managing Director, InterAct Theatre Company, Designing Leadership ‘14 SKILLS-BASED VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS BUSINESS VOLUNTEERS FOR THE ARTS BVA TRAINED 26 NEW VOLUNTEERS in FY 2013/14 during the Fall, Winter and Spring half-day orientation sessions. 193 PVLA VOLUNTEERS worked on 217 PRO BONO PROJECTS to assist 139 INDIVIDUAL ARTISTS, 41 NONPROFIT arts and cultural organizations and 10 ARTS COLLECTIVES. ART CENTERS CRAFTS DANCE 8% DESIGN GUIDE US IN OUR LEGAL PROCESS. MELISSA CHOI, Designer/Founder, Senpai+Kohai on her experience with PVLA volunteer MEGAN CRIBBS, Associate, Reed Smith LLP PVLA registered 79 NEW VOLUNTEERS PVLA volunteers provided a total of 2,358 HOURS OF SERVICE valued at $965,578. 21 PVLA Volunteers worked on 18 LITIGATION OR INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS. 54 Volunteers worked on 26 TEAM PROJECTS. TECHNOLOGY CONNECTORS 14 TC VOLUNTEERS served 17 ARTS AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS. 668 HOURS OF SERVICE were donated by our TC volunteers with an estimated value of $106,800. Volunteers worked on a total of 20 TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING PROJECTS during the course of the year. Tech Connectors trained 2 NEW VOLUNTEERS and worked to more fully engage its current group of volunteers. “ DAN TOOK HIS BROAD EXPERIENCE AND OUTSIDER POINT OF VIEW AND QUICKLY ZEROED IN ON WHAT WE COULD DO TO IMPROVE OUR PUBLIC PRESENCE VIA OUR WEBSITE AND OUR BROCHURE/LITERATURE. BESIDES THAT, HE IS AS FUN AS HE IS SMART AND GENEROUS. CORINNE DIETERLE, Manager, Whitemarsh Art Center on working with their TC volunteer DAN ZUENA, Managing Partner, Gd64 12 of the clients were NEW TO THE PROGRAM. As is shown here, our five core programs serve a group of clients as diverse in artistic discipline as the creative sector itself. A CROSS SECTION OF THE REGION’S CULTURAL COMMUNITY 5% “ MEGAN IS GREAT AND HAS REALLY HELPED “ ARCHITECTURE PHILADELPHIA VOLUNTEER LAWYERS FOR THE ARTS “ MEANINGFUL MATCHES In skills-based volunteering the quality of the match matters. First and foremost, this is about the skills of the volunteer for the work that’s been defined in the assessment. After this, it is important to consider the “fit” with the arts group’s culture/style and practical considerations like location and the volunteer’s work schedule. When working in teams, the individual volunteers need to “fit” with each other, too. 3% SYDINA WILLIAMS, Operations Administrator, Simon Public Relations Group, Inc. on her BVA project with Sister Cities Girlschoir 22 of the arts clients were NEW TO THE PROGRAM PROJECT ASSESSMENT + SUPPORT For capacity-building consulting projects, it is important to have staff capable of providing an assessment and a well-defined scope of work before a volunteer (or a team of volunteers) is even approached for the assignment. This includes clarity around the work to be done, who on staff (or board) will be involved and attention to how ready the arts organization is to receive the help. Some groups need to start with a small, quick project to give them confidence that they can handle a consultant and a business process, then they can work up to more involved projects. Organizations often come to us with one project in mind and then, after a careful assessment from one of our program directors, find a larger, underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Ongoing support from our staff is crucial to ensuring a positive experience is had by both the volunteer and the arts client. Our staff not only facilitates the initial meeting,but they provide support to both sides of the equation throughout the project engagement; managing expectations and keeping the project moving. 5% “ Volunteers worked on a total of 60 MANAGEMENTCONSULTING PROJECTS ORIENTATION + TRAINING Most volunteers come to our programs with a personal interest in the arts and expertise to spare but few understand the intricacies of the creative sector. Sensitivities can arise around how a board works (or doesn’t), why vocabulary matters (both “arts speak” and “business speak” can be barriers initially), and why things sometimes happen more slowly than in the business world (board and collaborative decision making, and lack of resources). To bridge this divide, we provide our volunteer consultants with a half-day orientation session that features lessons from current clients and volunteers, a consultation case study and role playing and an introduction to the region’s creative sector. 1% GETTING THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE THE STORY OF SUCH A POWERFUL PROGRAM THAT HELPS SO MANY INSPIRING GIRLS. 2,295 HOURS OF SERVICE were donated by these volunteers with an estimated total value $367,200. The Arts + Business Council of Greater Philadelphia has the privilege of providing volunteer service opportunities within the creative sector to the region’s business, legal and technology communities through our three skills-based volunteer programs: Business Volunteers for the Arts (BVA), Philadelphia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts (PVLA) and Technology Connectors (TC). The idea is simple: a business, legal or technology professional puts their current skill set to work to build capacity in the creative sector. The execution, however, is multidimensional and often complex. OUR CLIENTS “ THE BEST PART OF THE PROJECT WAS 64 BVA VOLUNTEERS served 54 ARTS AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS. 4% HISTORIC PRESERVATION 9% MEDIA ARTS 16% MUSIC 11% OTHER 5% PHOTOGRAPHY 11% THEATER 13% VISUAL ARTS WORKING WITH A CREATIVE REGION CITY OF PHILADELPHIA Our services reach not only a diverse audience in terms of creative discipline, they also touch a broad geographic area. We serve the entire 11-county Greater Philadelphia region with 33% of those served working outside the Philadelphia city limits. MAP KEY BUSINESS ON BOARD Each dot on these maps represent one of the 290 DESIGNING LEADERSHIP creative-sector clients served by one of our five core programs. GREATER PHILADELPHIA BUSINESS VOLUNTEERS FOR THE ARTS BUSINESSOn ONBoard BOARD Business Philadelphia Volunteer PHILADELPHIA LAWYERS FOR T Lawyers for the VOLUNTEER Arts DESIGNINGLeadership LEADERSHIP Designing TECHNOLOGY CONNECTORS Technology Connectors Business BUSINESSVolunteers VOLUNTEERS FOR Multiple THE ARTS MULTIPLE PROGRAMS Programs for the Arts PHILADELPHIA VOLUNTEER LAWYERS FOR THE ARTS MERCER OUT OF REGION 1% BUCKS 2% TECHNOLOGY CONNECTORS 7% MULTIPLE PROGRAMS MONTGOMERY COUNTY 12% These dots represent the artists served by PVLA in the City of Philadelphia who use their home address as their business address. CHESTER 3% PHILADELPHIA 67% OUR PROJECT WITH THE ARTS + BUSINESS COUNCIL WAS LIFE CHANGING FOR OUR ORGANIZATION. ALYSIA LEE, Executive Director, Sister Cities Girlchoir DELAWARE 5% BURLINGTON 1% CAMDEN NEW CASTLE <1% A TALE OF TWO COUNTIES 1% SALEM 0% GLOUCESTER <1% Sister Cities Girlchoir (SGC) came to the Arts + Business Council seeking marketing and public relations support for their first major fundraising concert in Philadelphia. We matched SGC with Business Volunteers for the Arts volunteers Sydina Williams of Simon PR and Heidi Siegel of GSK. This team of PR pros leveraged their skills and resources to drive ticket sales to this event through a full-scale social media campaign (provided pro bono by Simon PR) and other support. By disseminating their message, our volunteers helped to sustain this important community resource that empowers at-risk girls by building resilience, leadership, mastery and connection through music in both Philadelphia and Camden counties. CONVENING AROUND GLOBAL IDEAS GIVE AND TAKE WITH ADAM GRANT THRIVE WITH ARIANNA HUFFINGTON Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Suzanne Roberts Theatre #GiveAndTakePHL 249 REGISTERED ATTENDEES Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Hyatt at the Bellevue, Grand Ballroom #Thrive #PHL Adam Grant, the youngest tenured professor at Wharton, and a member of Fortune 500’s top 40 Business Professors under 40, spoke about themes from his new book, Give and Take, which details his research on reciprocity in the workplace. Following his keynote, Grant moderated a panel of local experts. PANEL: Dan Calista, Founder + CEO, Vynamic; Raymond Carballada, President, ShootersINC; Natalie W. Nixon, PhD, Director, Strategic Design MBA, Philadelphia University; Don Smolenski, President, Philadelphia Eagles. 438 REGISTERED ATTENDEES LEADERS EAT LAST WITH SIMON SINEK REGISTERED ATTENDEES This sold-out event featured renowned leadership expert and best-selling author Simon Sinek, as he discussed his latest book, Leaders Eat Last. Sinek’s TED Talk on the subject became the 3rd-highest viewed on TED.com, and his keynote with ABC received a similar reaction with a standing ovation. The event concluded with Sinek joining a panel of experts to discuss themes from his book. PANEL: Skip Massengill, Senior Vice President, Robert W. Baird + Co.; Natalie Nixon, PhD, Director, Strategic Design MBA, Philadelphia University (Moderator); Bud Tyler, Vice President, The E F Precision Group. Arianna Huffington spoke about her latest book, Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder, challenging our historic definition of success and encouraged attendees to revolutionize our thinking, our workplaces, and our lives. Huffington gave a brief keynote and was then interviewed by Maiken Scott, Behavioral Health Reporter for WHYY. PANEL: Tami Bogutz Steinberg, Shareholder, Flaster/Greenberg PC (Moderator); Teresa Bryce Bazemore, President, Radian Group, Inc.; Nancy Dunleavy, Founder + CEO, Dunleavy + Associates; Anne Gordon, SVP of Media + Communications, Philadelphia Eagles. UNCHARITABLE WITH DAN PALLOTTA Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Four Seasons Hotel | Philadelphia #EatLast #PHL 447 In fiscal 2013-2014, the Arts + Business Council brought four global thought leaders to the region to discuss our changing world of work. Wednesday, April 23, 2014 National Museum of American Jewish History #UncharitablePHL 282 REGISTERED ATTENDEES This event featured pioneering social entrepreneur Dan Pallotta, discussing his book Uncharitable. Dan gave a keynote that outlined an alternative philosophy to assist nonprofits in eradicating great problems which was followed by a panel discussion from experts on different ends of the charity spectrum. PANEL: Steven N. Haas, Esq., Co-Chair, Corporate Practice Group, Cozen O’Connor (Moderator); Jill Michal, President and CEO, United Way of GPSNJ; Mitchell Stoller, Executive Director, American Association for Cancer Research Foundation; Lansie Sylvia, Director of Communications + Engagement, Here’s My Chance; Paul Wright, Director, Local Media Development, Comcast. 16% 38% UNKNOWN OUR AUDIENCE C-SUITE + VP 14% ATTENDEE BREAKDOWN BY SECTOR OUR AUDIENCE ATTENDEE BREAKDOWN BY TITLE OTHER ABC events convene diverse communities of business, legal, technology and creative professionals. The chart along the bottom details the attendee breakdown by sector for all four speaker events combined. This diversity means that you’ll always meet someone new at an ABC event. 3% CONSTRUCTION + MANUFACTURING 14% FINANCIAL SERVICES 19% FOR-PROFIT CREATIVE 4% HEALTHCARE 5% HIGHER EDUCATION 16% MANAGER Our speaker events attract high-level decision makers. The chart to the left shows the attendee breakdown by title of all four speaker events combined. Of the 84% of attendees who have identified themselves with a business title 83% are manager level or above. 15% DIRECTOR 6% LEGAL SERVICES 8% NONPROFIT ARTS + CULTURE 16% NONPROFIT - OTHER 2% OTHER SECTORS 1% PHARMACEUTICALS 12% PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2% REAL ESTATE 5% RETAIL + HOSPITALITY 4% TECHNOLOGY GALLERIES AT THE CHAMBER YEAR-ROUND INITIATIVE WITH JUNE 17, 2014 OPENING RECEPTION • #ARTatGPCC ABC launched its second exhibition of artwork in the conference center at the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce (GPCC) with a preview reception party on June 17th. This twelve-month exhibition, curated by the Center for Emerging Visual Artists, displays over 40 pieces of artwork from 11 regional artists. The June opening welcomed 202 REGISTERED ATTENDEES for a first look at the new artwork. BUSINESS BACKSTAGE: PHS PHILADELPHIA FLOWER SHOW AWARDS 2014 FEBRUARY 28, 2014 • PA CONVENTION CENTER + THE CENTER FOR ARCHITECTURE ARTS + BUSINESS COUNCIL AWARDS CELEBRATION 2014 129 REGISTERED ATTENDEES enjoyed this year’s Business Backstage at the PHS Philadelphia Flower Show where they explored the theme of ARTiculture. Business Backstage provides attendees with the exclusive opportunity to tour the Flower Show before doors open to the public. The program also provides prospective volunteers with an introduction to ABC’s core programs and mission. On May 13, 2014 the Arts + Business Council of Greater Philadelphia held our annual Awards Celebration at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. After 29 years, this was the first time the Awards event was held at a cultural venue; giving the event and our organization an even stronger connection to the creative community of Greater Philadelphia. NONPROFIT SERIES FALL AND SPRING WORKSHOPS CO-PRESENTED WITH GPCC TAKING THE LEAD ON LEADERSHIP SUCCESSION NOVEMBER 14, 2013 • UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS, TERRA HALL 76 REGISTERED ATTENDEES received vital advice on succession planning. KEYNOTE: Priscilla Rosenwald, Founder + Principal, Leadership Recruiters. PANELISTS: Valerie Gay, Executive Director, Art Sanctuary; Patricia, Hamill, Board Member, PathWays PA; Alexander L. Hoskins, President + CEO, Laurel Hill Cemetery; Jeffrey Lutsky, Managing Partner, Stradley Ronon. CHANGES IN CHARITABLE GIVING JUNE 12, 2014 • UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS, TERRA HALL 154 REGISTERED ATTENDEES discussed the changes and challenges to the charitable giving landscape over the past few years. FEATURED SPEAKER: Debra A. Kahn, Executive Director, Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia. PANELISTS: Romona Riscoe Benson, Manager, Corporate Relations, PECO; Frances Sperling Feldbaum, Principal, St. Clair CPA Solutions; Carol de Fries, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development, Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation; Ana Lisa Yoder, Community Impact Manager, The Philadelphia Foundation. CREATIVE OPEN HOUSE SERIES TWO WORKSHOPS THAT EXPLORED AREAS OF THE FOR-PROFIT CREATIVE SECTOR FASHION THINKING NOVEMBER 7, 2014 • PHILADELPHIA FASHION INCUBATOR AT MACYS #COH #FashionThinking 100 REGISTERED ATTENDEES were given the tools and mindset of the fashion industry to help reinvigorate their business models. The session began with Wendy Wurtzburger, Head Curator for Anthropologie Brands, as she discussed how she uses the power of story in their retail marketing. This discussion was followed with an interactive workshop using brainstorming sessions and case studies for tangible results. FACILITATORS: Johanna Blakley, PhD, Managing Director + Director of Research, The Norman Lear Center, University of Southern California; Valerie Jacobs, Vice President + Managing Creative Director of Trends, LPK and Natalie Nixon, PhD, Director, The Strategic Design MBA at Philadelphia University. GAMING + GAMIFICATION FEBRUARY 26, 2014 • ANTOINETTE WESTPHAL COLLEGE OF MEDIA ARTS & DESIGN, DREXEL UNIVERSITY#COH #Gamification 82 REGISTERED ATTENDEES focused on the theories and tactics behind the gaming industry. Our expert panel, moderated by CEO + Co-Founder of Here’s My Chance, David Gloss, discussed the tools and tactics behind gaming to drive success from within each business or organization. PANELISTS: Melissa Morris Ivone, Design Overlord, Curalate; Dr. Frank Lee, Associate Professor, Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts + Design; Charles Palmer, Associate Professor, Interactive Media, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology. Paige West + Alfred P. West MAY 13, 2014 • PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM OF ART • #ABCAwards2014 The Museum, which hosted OVER 600 ATTENDEES, was the perfect setting to honor the incredible organizations and individuals of the evening, all of whom received a beautiful piece of artwork made by Isaiah Zagar, the prolific artist behind Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens. Lee Daniels Throughout the ceremony audience members were treated to short videos showing the honorees at work, highlighting their devotion to the arts and creativity, their professional aspirations and the Philadelphia region. Among the winners, Lee Daniels, Philadelphia native and director of Lee Daniels’s The Butler, was awarded the Anne d’Harnoncourt Award for Artistic Excellence for his full body of work. Al and Paige West of SEI and the West Collection received the G. Fred DiBona, Jr. Individual Leadership Award for their dedication to the region’s creative sector. After the ceremony, guests were treated to a reception where new connections were made across communities, sectors and generations. The Philadelphia Museum of Art graciously kept its “Treasures from Korea” exhibit open as well, where many attendees were inspired by the remarkable craftsmanship and skill from the Joseon Dynasty. The event featured world-class entertainment from local artists including a pre-event performance from Magdaliz and Her Latin Ensemble Crisol and a roaming reception performance from the West Philadelphia Orchestra. During the awards program attendees were treated to improvisational interludes from Philadelphia jazz icons Jimmy Heath, Larry McKenna and Diane Monroe. AWARDS CELEBRATION 2014 HONOREES Anne d’Harnoncourt Award for Artistic Excellence LEE DANIELS G. Fred DiBona, Jr. Individual Leadership Award ALFRED P. WEST, Jr., Founder + CEO, SEI and PAIGE WEST, Curator, The West Collection PNC Arts Alive Award for Innovation in Honor of Peggy Amsterdam INLIQUID Business + Arts Partnership Award: Large Business with an Arts and Cultural Organization ART AT THE AIRPORT: Philadelphia International Airport + Regional Artists and Cultural Organizations Business + Arts Partnership Award: Small Business with an Arts and Cultural Organization THE RESOURCE EXCHANGE + REVOLUTION RECOVERY Creative Economy Award for Distinction in a For-Profit Creative Field EX;IT + J2 DESIGN PARTNERSHIP Business On Board Volunteer Leader of the Year Award ANDREA WIKERD, Senior Manager, Ernst + Young LLP Business Volunteer for the Arts Volunteer of the Year Award DAVID OTHMER, Retired Station Manager, WHYY Philadelphia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts Volunteer of the Year Award JAMES HOLMAN, Partner, Duane Morris LLP Technology Connectors Volunteer of the Year Award RICARDO TORRES, Senior Manager, North Highland and Creative Arts Ambassador Photos: Awards 2014, Simon Sinek, Arianna Huffington + Dan Pallotta by Lyle Zacka Most icons adapted from flaticon.com FUNDERS + PARTNERS PRODUCER CIRCLE SUPPORT Producer Circle Supporters sustain the Arts + Business Council of Greater Philadelphia by contributing $15,000 or more in underwriting, program and event support. Dunleavy & Associates PIDC Archer & Greiner PC Flaster/Greenberg PC Practical Law Fisher & Phillips LLP Radian IBM Robert W. Baird & Co. 57% Jeffrey Fuller Fine Art, Ltd. ShootersINC Lagos Stradley Ronon 17% 9% 2% LevLane TD Bank PROGRAM FEES IN KIND Littler Mendelson PC Team Clean Inc. Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey Ballard Spahr LLP Beneficial Bank CO RP O EVENT TICKETS + TABLES BDO 30% RT PPO SU The fulfillment of our mission would not be possible without the support of the community in which we work. Whether it’s corporate sponsorship, foundation support, ticket revenues or program fees; every dollar earned or contributed supports the work we do. Thank you to all of those who gave their support to the Arts + Business Council during fiscal 2013/2014. American Association of Cancer Research Badley, Sloan & DiGenova PC E AT R SOURCES OF REVENUE FISCAL 2013/2014 CORPORATE, LAW FIRM + SMALL BUSINESS EVENT SPONSORSHIP 1% INDIVIDUAL Brandywine Realty Trust Cross Atlantic Capital Partners, Inc. CRW Graphics Neumann University DLA Piper NovaCare Rehabilitation Duane Morris LLP Vynamic Philadelphia University FOUNDATION + GOVERNMENT 3% GOVERNMENT 11% FOUNDATION 9% CORPORATE CONTRIBUTIONS 7% CORPORATE UNDERWRITING 11% CHG Charitable Trust PA IOLTA The Philadelphia Foundation PROGRAM SPONSORSHIP Connelly Foundation Pennsylvania Council on the Arts PHL Airport Dolfinger McMahon Foundation Philadelphia Bar Foundation Quaker Chemical Foundation Governor’s Woods Foundation Philadelphia Cultural Fund Samuel S. Fels Fund Philadelphia Center for Architecture Philadelphia Theatre Company at the Suzanne Roberts Theatre John S. and James L. Knight Foundation VENUE SUPPORT Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design at Drexel The Curtis Institute of Music Philadelphia Fashion Incubator at Macy’s Four Seasons Hotel | Philadelphia Philadelphia Museum of Art University of the Arts WHYY National Museum of American Jewish History INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTIONS Alex Abelson & Family Mark Dichter Ricardo Maldonado Robert Solomon Robert Baron, Jr. Eric Freed Dane Ochis-O’Neil Marc Sonnenfeld Jamie Bischoff Jeffrey Fuller Roseann Oleyn Lyn Pierce Strickler Craig Blackman Linda Galante Festo Okidi Frederick Strober Brendan Bovaird Valerie Gay Ellen Owens Michael Untermeyer Michael Coleman Steven Haas Joseph Ronan Deb Weinstein Peter Cronk Leslie John Dan Rottenberg Christopher Wilhelm Gerald Guarcini Andrew Kampf Richard M. Ross Karen Zinn John Darden Jonathan Lichtenstein Mark Sheehan Carol de Fries Kelly Lyman Richard Slavin BOARD + STAFF ADVISORY BOARD KELLY LYMAN, Vice President, IT, PECO Exelon Corporation STAFF CHAIR: STEVEN HAAS, ESQ., CoChair, Corporate Practice Group, Cozen O’Connor RONALD B. MATTHEW, JR., Head of Commercial Credit Management, Metro PA/NJ, TD Bank, N.A. KARIN COPELAND, Executive Director ANDREA ALLON, Chief Operating Officer, Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce DIANE M. MELLEY, Vice President, Global Citizenship Initiatives, IBM ROBERT BARON, ESQ., Partner and Vice Chair, Ballard Spahr LLP ARTHUR BIRENBAUM, Executive Vice President, The Bancorp SEAN BUFFINGTON, President & CEO, University of the Arts REGINA E. CANFIELD, Senior Vice President, Director, Client and Community Relations, PNC RAYMOND CARBALLADA, President, ShootersINC CAROL J. DE FRIES,Vice President, Marketing and Business Development, PIDC JEFFREY FULLER, President, Jeffrey Fuller Fine Art, Ltd. LINDA ANN GALANTE, Partner, Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP DARIUS GAMBINO, Partner, DLA Piper SARA GARONZIK, Executive Producing Director, Philadelphia Theatre Company VALERIE GAY, Executive Director, Art Sanctuary JANE GOLDEN, Executive Director, City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program DAVID GREED, Partner, KPMG LLP LORI ARMSTRONG HALBER, Partner, Fisher & Phillips LLP MARSHA MOSS, Public Art Curator & Consultant JULIE A. NATALE, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers FESTO OKIDI, Senior Business Partnership Specialist, Philadelphia Youth Network - YPN Liaison TOMMY BUTLER, Programs + Community Coordinator EILEEN CUNNIFFE, Director, Business + Technology Services MIRIAM DECHANT, ESQ., Director, Legal Services KARINA SIBATA, Marketing + Communications Associate ANNA STOKES, Director, Marketing + Operations ROSEANN OLEYN, VP, Institutional Advancement, WHYY, Inc EMILY SULLIVAN, Development + Administrative Coordinator ELLEN OWENS, Merle-Smith Director of Learning Programs, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology IN MEMORIAM DINA WIND – 1938-2014 STANLEY PAYSON, Senior Vice President, IT and Facilities, Nutrisystem ALLEN SABINSON, Dean, Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts and Design, Drexel University MARK SAMUELS, Corporate Marketing and Communications, SEI LYN PIERCE STRICKLER, Executive VP/ Managing Director, Harmelin Media RICHARD VAGUE, Chairman, The Governor’s Woods Foundation JAY WAHL, Artistic Director, Programming & Presentations, Kimmel Center, Inc. DEB WEINSTEIN, VP, Human Resources, GlaxoSmithKline Global Franchises MARK WEISS, President, CRW Graphics GAIL HARRITY, President & COO, Philadelphia Museum of Art CHRIS WILHELM, Vice President, The North Highland Company HEATHER HUNTER, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, Vice President, Corporate & Public Affairs, Independence Blue Cross JAMES KELLER, Partner, Saul Ewing LLP DINA WIND, Artist & COO, Wind Associates Inc. BRUCE LEV, Chief Creative Officer, LevLane PAUL WRIGHT, Director, Local Media Development, Comcast Corporation JEFFREY A. LUTSKY, ESQ, Managing Partner, Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP LISA P. YOUNG, Partner, Ernst & Young LLP Since 2010, Dina Wind served as a bold advocate for the region’s arts and cultural community as a member of the Arts + Business Council’s Advisory Board. Dina’s guidance and care for the arts helped to shape the Arts + Business Council’s presence and impact in the cultural community. An artist at heart, Dina was best known for her sculpture, but her artistic abilities extended to painting, paper creations, and installations. Dina’s work can be seen in many public and private collections including the West Collection in Oaks, PA. The Arts + Business Council was fortunate to have known Dina and will continue to honor her legacy as an artist, a patron and a leader. Board list as of June 2014 Staff list as of October 2014 PARTNERS IN IMAGINATION www.artsandbusinessphila.org Printing of this report is provided through the generous support of CRW Graphics. The Arts + Business Council is an affiliate of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce 200 South Broad Street, Suite 700 | Philadelphia, PA 19102 | 215.790.3620 | @ArtsBusinessPHL
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