BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 36 NORTH GRANT STREET WESTMONT, IL. 60559 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED THE PROCLAIMER NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID DOWNERS GROVE, IL PERMIT NO. 316 BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 36 NORTH GRANT STREET WESTMONT, ILLINOIS 60559 TELEPHONE: (630) 968-3232 FAX: (630) 968-2030 WWW.BETHELWESTMONT.ORG Time Sensitive Materials Worship Schedule Traditional Services Saturday, 5:00pm Sunday, 8:15am Family Joy Service Sunday, 11:00am Summer Worship Schedule Thursday, 7:00pm Sunday, 9:30am Communion Celebrated 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays & Sundays Of Every Month Sunday School & Adult Bible Class Sundays, 9:45-10:45am Rev. Paul J. Pfotenhauer Office (630) 968-3232 FAX (630) 968-2030 BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH NOVEMBER, 2014 INVESTING IN GENEROUSITY “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, were moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matt. 6: 21 Of all the investments we make in life there is only one that has eternal significance. That is the investment of our time, our talents and resources in the work of God's Kingdom. This investment we know will last forever. While the stock market and other investment avenues fluctuate up and down, of one thing we can be certain: The time and financial resources that we put into God's work will always fulfill their purposes. We thank God for the many blessings that He has put into our lives and we thank and praise God for all that has been invested in His work through your time and offerings given in His name. God has greatly blessed the work of this church in leading Christians to grow in their faith relationship with their Lord and with leading people into an eternal relationships with their Savior, Jesus Christ. In this upcoming month, we will again be given the opportunity to re-commit our time and resources to the Lord. What a special day it is when God's people join together to meet the challenges we face, and the challenges those around us face, as we seek to push forward with the eternal message of Jesus’ love for the world. As always, our motivation for giving back to God results from His giving to us. He has given EVERYTHING to us and most importantly, eternal life in Jesus Christ. We are now blessed with the opportunity to respond to His love. As we do, we will be the ones who will be blessed as we “Tell the story of Generous Living". A generous life gives even as we have received. This generous life invites us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices. Verse of the Month I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. Psalm 9:1 Listed below are ten scriptural points regarding our attitude in giving to God, whether it be our resources or ourselves. Please read through these, search the Scripture references and pray about them as you seek to continue to share God's good gifts with others. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Put Jesus Christ first. Matt. 6:33 Give ourselves to God before we give any material gifts. 2 Cor. 8:5 Give God the first and best of what we possess. Exod. 22: 29, Deut. 17:1, Mal. 1:6 Give voluntarily. 2 Cor. 8:3, 9:5 Give proportionately. 1 Cor: 2, 2 Cor. 8: 12 Give generously. 2 Cor. 8: 21, 9: 11 Give sacrificially. Luke 21: 3-4 Give spontaneously. Matt. 6: 2-4, 25: 31-46 Give humbly. Matt. 6: 1-4 Give in love. 1 Cor. 13: 3 The greatest investments in life are those that are dedicated to Jesus Christ for they indeed have eternal significance. Therefore, let us be people who are living out God's story in our day to day lives as we live a life of generosity, the full life that we have been given and the full life we can share..... On Thanksgiving Eve, and the weekend following Thanksgiving, each of us will have the opportunity to pledge our commitment to live out the out a story of gratitude to God as we look ahead to 2015. As we live a life of gratitude, we have God's promise that He will break into our day to day life so that He can work through people like you and me. A Proclaimer, Pastor Paul 2 BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH November 2014 No School 29 Worship*, 5pm 28 27 Thanksgiving Day 26 Staff Devotions, 8:30am Preschool Parents, 9am Thanksgiving Worship, 7pm BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 30 Worship*, 8:15 & 11am Kids Choir, 9am Senior High Breakfast, 9:15am SS, 9:30am Bible Study, 9:45am 24 25 Session 1 Little Ones Learn Preschool, 9:30am DIY Class, 6:30 22 MOB, 8am Worship, 5pm 21 Feed My Starving Children, 6pm 20 Thursday Evening Bible Study, 7:30pm 19 Staff Devotions, 8:30am Preschool Parents, 9am Confirmation Class, 4pm Wednesday Night Bible Study, 6:30pm 13 Thursday Evening Bible Study, 7:30pm 12 Staff Devotions, 8:30am Preschool Parents, 9am Confirmation Bowling, 4pm Wednesday Night Bible Study, 6:30pm 11Veterans Day Session 1 Little Ones Learn Preschool, 9:30am DIY Class, 6:30 18 Session 1 Little Ones Learn Preschool, 9:30am DIY Class, 6:30 M&M Mtg., 7pm 15 Sock Drive Ends Breakfast & A Story, 9am Worship*, 5pm 14 Breakfast Set-up, 5pm 8 Thrivent Financial Event Worship, 5 pm 7 BELC Book Fair, 10am 6 Thursday Evening Bible Study, 7:30pm 1 $50 ASP Deposit Due MOB, 8am Worship*, 5pm Saturday Friday November 2014 23 Worship, 8:15 & 11am Kids Choir, 9am SS, 9:30am Bible Study, 9:45am 12:15pm Congregational Meeting all your cards and gifts and words of affirmation that you have shared with me and my family during Pastor Appreciation month. It has and continues to be a joy for me to serve you the people of Bethel Lutheran Church. I thank God for the blessing and privilege to be your Pastor and your friend. I love working together with you as we seek to be People Proclaiming the Promise. Again, thank you for all your kindness and generosity. Pastor Paul, Raechel, Micah, Kaleb and Eli. 17 Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I don't know what more I can say when it comes to expressing my gratitude for 16 Operation Christmas Child Blessing Worship*, 8:15 & 11am Kids Choir, 9am SS, 9:30am Bible Study, 9:45am and Dec. 17th and reorient your heart toward Jesus. This year, we will focus on real meaning of Christmas as we see again the great lengths our God went to make us His very own. Come and experience again the story of our loving and gracious God. In the upcoming of Advent, please take the time to prepare for the real meaning of Christmas – the coming of our Savior, who is the Child of Promise. 10 Advent Services Begin Wed, Dec. 3rd at 7pm Please join us on Wed, Dec. 3th and Dec. 10th Sunday worship. Invite a friend to join you! There will be a sign-up in back of church for soups and chili, salad, bread, and desserts this month, so please help out with bringing food for all to share. Monday Advent Soup and Chili Dinner Wed, Dec. 3rd at 6pm Enjoy a meal and time together before 9 Thrivent Financial Event Worship, 8:15 & 11am Kids Choir, 9am Fellowship, 9:30am SS, 9:30am Bible Study, 9:45am thanks to God for all the gifts that He has given you. Be a part of Bethel’s Thanksgiving Investment as you commit to living out God's story in your day to day life. 5 Staff Devotions, 8:30am Preschool Parents, 9am Confirmation Class, 4pm Wednesday Night Bible Study, 6:30pm Wed, Nov. 26th at 7pm Please join us for our Annual Thanksgiving Eve Service. Come and give 4 Election Day Session I Little Ones Learn Preschool, 9:30am DIY Class, 6:30 Elder’s Meeting, 7pm love with children in need throughout the world by filling a shoe box with things a child would love. Kindly include a check for $7.00 per box to cover shipping and bring your boxes to church for a blessing, before we send them to the kids. Annual Congregational Meeting and State of the Church on Sun, Nov. 23rd at 12:15pm We will gather together as a congregation to look to the future of our Church. We will look at WHAT is ahead for us at Bethel, determine WHO will lead us and HOW we will make it happen. 3 PADS, 5pm Operation Christmas Child Blessing Sat, Nov. 15th and Sun, Nov. 16th Please join us in sharing God’s 2 Daylight Savings Time Ends Commitment Forms for Children’s Christmas Pageant Due Worship*, 8:15 & 11am Kids Choir, 9am SS, 9:30am Bible Study, 9:45am LIVE THE PROMISE OF GOD Thursday --The Story of Generous Living ..... During the month of November, we will take a week by week look at how we have been blessed to be a blessing to others. We learn and integrate a simple lesson: “It's not what you have, it's what you do with what you have." Please join us as we discover how we are people living out God's story in our day to day lives because we have experienced God’s miraculous work in our lives and then share what we have been given with others. Wednesday SPECIAL SERMON SERIES Tuesday During the month of November, we focus our attention on the fact that, by God's grace, each of us has a story to tell about the generous nature of our God. On Thanksgiving Eve, and the weekend of Nov. 29th and Nov. 30th, we take the opportunity to show the world that Jesus breaks into our day to day life as we again pledge of ourselves – our time, talents, and treasures for the upcoming year. Again this year, we ask the Bethel family and friends to make pledges toward the regular "Operating fund" (Church expenses...lights, insurance, payroll) and also toward our special “Living the Life Fund”, which is used to support our desire to be a people "living out God's story”. This "Living the Life Fund" funds our the Early Learning Center, Bethel’s Ministry and Mission Coordinator, Raechel Pfotenhauer, and other ministry needs. Working as the people of God, we can be people who are Experiencing, Living and Sharing the Promises of our God. *Communion “The Story of Generous Living” 11 "Bethel Early Learning Center News" The Foundation for Christian Education 630-968-3232 PRESCHOOL UPDATE October Wrap Up Beautiful autumn has arrived and the preschool children are becoming much more comfortable with the daily routines in their classrooms. We wish to extend a huge thank you to Joanne Gaudette for volunteering in the three’s classroom two mornings each week. Having extra adult hands in the room has given us more opportunity to assist our young learners individually as they develop new skills. Our units on God’s Creatures were a big success as the children enjoyed learning about farm animals, pets and forest friends. We were pleased to welcome Karen Ritter of “Karen’s Nature Tales, Inc” and her presentation of “Spiders”. While studying animals, the children had the opportunity to learn new concepts such as large, medium and small, animal habits and characteristics, animal sounds, habitats, counting, and the autumn colors red, yellow, orange, brown, black and white. We also focused on the story of Noah’s ark; hearing the story and learning about animals in pairs (an important math concept). Our table prayer for the month of October was: By His Hand all are fed. Thank You for our daily bread. Amen. 201 1 2 2 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 13 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 27 28 30 Rachel Oldham Jonathan Gorecki Zachary Michalak Margaret Vernon Cheryl Burrows James Oldham Michael Vasich Cortland Johnson Bob Wootton Frederick Johnson Pamela Vermeulen Leslie Johnson Payton Oldham Daniel Frega Kathleen Scheel Sharon Schwieger Rylee Sharkey Irv Hibler Cami Ward Cassandra Niewold Joseph Zahalka Noah Garcia Judy Reedy Kirk Nix Harvest Time NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 4 10 13 24 26 William & Mildred Sells Michael & Julianne Confalonieri Robert & Victoria Gorecki William & Anela Krejci Carolyn West & John Benitez Barefoot Books Fundraiser The Early Learning Center loves to promote literacy for children and families! Throughout November, Bethel friends and families will have the opportunity to order amazing children’s books. On Friday, November 7 from 10 a.m. until noon, a representative from Barefoot Books will be selling exceptional quality children’s books and gifts in the west basement. Please come and shop for these beautiful gifts for your children or grandchildren, as BELC will receive 20% of all sales. You may also order online or check out specific book titles at (through November 21st. Orders are guaranteed to be Christmas Family Advent Night On Friday, December 5, Bethel will host a family night of fun and fellowship beginning at 5:30 p.m. Please Help Us Host This Event by helping us plan the meal and organize activities for the evening. This is an opportunity for you to meet and show our preschool families a warm Bethel reception. Past Advent Nights have included pizza dinners, stories, songs, craft-making, family devotions and visits from Santa. We welcome your new ideas to make this an exceptionally fun and memorable night for all of our preschool and young Bethel families. Please let Julianne know your availability as soon as possible (630-968-3232). Judy Brockhoff gave a gift to the Organ Fund in memory of her parents. 10 What better theme for November than Inside God’s Garden at Harvest Time? The children will explore the gifts of autumn, Thanksgiving and sharing with others as we focus on cultural diversity among people. All children will study apples and pumpkins, collect autumn leaves and hear stories about early Native Americans, the people who gave us the gift of corn and the first Thanksgiving. They will also learn about nutrition, dental care and healthy eating habits. Children in the 3’s class will study the classic book, The Little Red Hen illustrated by Lucinda McQueen. The Enrichment Class will dive into cooking and become members of the two-bite club (try it, you’ll like it). Pre-K students will have a special opportunity to live like BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH November 2014 Dear Bethel Family, The staff of Bethel Early Learning Center would like to extend to you our heartfelt wishes of gratitude for your partnership with us throughout the year and a Happy Thanksgiving Day. We pray that you and your family will experience all of our God's abundant blessings at this special time of year! November 2014 BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 3 Bethel’s Annual As we enter November, plans at Bethel for this upcoming Advent and Christmas season are beginning to take shape. We’d love for you to get a glimpse of what is going on, so that as you enter into conversations and begin planning, you have a sense of what is happening at Bethel. We invite and challenge you to be intentional in how you spend your time next month so that you and others in your life can experience God’s Kingdom drawing near with the birth of our Savior, Jesus. At Bethel, we’d love to help you REORIENT your hearts and minds to the presence and mercy and love of Jesus Christ. Each year, Bethel gathers together just ONCE for a congregational meeting. Because of Bethel’s policy-based governance, we only need one of these meetings a year; Bethel’s Ministry & Mission Council works throughout the year on all that is happening here at Bethel (unless something BIG comes up and then we’ll let you know). The M&M Council seeks God’s leading for Bethel, makes decisions, brainstorms on direction for Bethel, and provides feedback on what is going on. If you have ideas or input for Bethel, talk to someone on the M&M Council – John Berghorst, Bob Scheel, Lu Sworst, Sandy Smith, Sharie Schwieger, Tom Harrington, Charla Englebretsen, Dan Graziano, and Wendy Wilson – and they will bring your ideas or input to the whole council. As M&M Facilitator, Raechel Pfotenhauer puts YOUR ideas and input into action here at Bethel. The ONE and ONLY congregational meeting for this year will be held on Sun, Nov 23rd at 12:15pm and we invite you to be a part of it, to have a voice in what is happening at Bethel, and to hear about where we believe God is leading us as the body of Christ in this neighborhood. We hold these annual meetings because it is our collective responsibility and privilege to decide HOW we are going to be involved in God’s Kingdom work here in Westmont. As a congregation, you all have a voice in WHO helps set the direction of our church and has regular input in the month to month happenings at Bethel through the M&M Council. You also will have the opportunity to pass a budgets, which is HOW Bethel, as the body of Christ in Westmont, makes things happen. WHY do we do all this? Well, we gather to experience the presence and grace and love and fellowship of Christ, so we can go be People who are Proclaiming the Promise of God in our homes and families and places of work and schools and communities! You are very important to the body of Christ here at Bethel! Each person matters, and it makes a difference to have you know what is happening and the direction that we are going in together. The more we understand what we are about and why, the more aligned we are as a congregation on how to work together to nurture people in their faith walk with the Lord. We invite you to be a part of this congregational meeting, to ask questions, and to give your input. We invite you to have an attitude of grateful responsibility for what happens here at Bethel and be a part of the annual congregational meeting on Sunday, November 23rd! 4 BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH November 2014 ADVENT WORSHIP COOKIE WALK Set aside time during the full weeks of December to reorient your heart and mind towards Jesus’ mission of grace and truth! Worship together with the family of God at Bethel on Wednesday nights in December at On Sat, Dec 13th, after the Christmas Pageant, and again on Sun, Dec 14th, throughout the morning, stock up from a wide variety of creative, delicious, and home-baked Christmas cookies! We appreciate your support for Bethel’s Youth to attend the National Youth Gathering in July 2016. ADVENT SUPPER rd On Wed, Dec 3 at 6pm, come and enjoy a meal and time together before worship. Invite a friend to join you! There will be a sign-up in back of church for soups and chili, salad, bread, and desserts this month, so please help out with bringing food for all to share as you are able. CHRISTMAS FAMILY ADVENT NIGHT Join families from Bethel’s Early Learning Center on Fri, Dec 5th from 5:30-7:30pm for an Advent Family Night where you’ll share a meal, experience an Advent devotion, create simple crafts, and sing carols. Please join us for this wonderful time together and spend time with other families from the Early Learning Center and Bethel! FESTIVAL CHOIR and CHAMBER ORCHESTRA You are invited to be a part of Bethel’s Festival Choir or Chamber Orchestra during December to bless Christmas worship! Not only is the music a BEAUTIFUL and INSPIRING, but it actually is a lot of FUN too! Come sing or play your instrument! You’ll be SO glad that you were a part of it. All are welcome and no prior experience is needed! Talk to Christian or Janet to be a part of Bethel’s music this Christmas. CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PAGEANT On Sat, Dec 13th at 5pm, experience the story of Christ’s birth from Bethel’s children’s hearts. You’ll be SO blessed by their faith and joy! NEIGHBORHOOD CAROLING In December, join with people from Bethel and spend a couple of hours caroling to bless both young and old alike with Christmas carols and joy! You’ll giggle and sing and have a whole lot of fun! No singing experience required. Look for a date in the next few weeks and be a part of a caroling group! November 2014 CHRISTMAS EVE Wed, Dec 24th at 7pm ~ Candlelight Worship CHRISTMAS DAY Thurs, Dec 25th at 10 am ~ Worship with Readings, Carols, and Holy Communion BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 9 Calling all Singers and Musicians Let’s prepare music for Christmas! Christian David, Bethel’s Minister of Music, and Janet Perryman, Bethel’s Festival Choir Director, warmly invite singers and musicians (junior high and up) to be a part of Bethel’s Festival Choir and Chamber Orchestra so that together we can bless our Christmas worship with beautiful music. Chamber Orchestra will be able to pick up their music beginning Sun, Nov 16th, so that you will be able to practice before our first rehearsal. Here is the schedule of rehearsals... Thanksgiving Worship Service Wednesday, November 26th Wed, Dec. 3rd and 10th—8pm—Festival Choir Only Sun, Dec. 7th—12:15pm—Chamber Orchestra Only Sun, Dec. 14th —12:30pm—Festival Choir Only Wed, Dec. 17th—8pm—Combined Festival Choir and Chamber Orchestra Sun, Dec. 21st—11:00—Combined Festival Choir and Chamber Orchestra Worship with us and give thanks to God for all your blessings! Invite a friend and share the joy of giving thanks to God with someone Christian and Janet look forward to working together with you! KINGDOM QUEST KIDS FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN Pack food. Have fun. Make a difference. Here’s a bit about Feed My Starving Children… It’s a lot of FUN, you get to work and hang out with other PEOPLE, and you’ll feel like you are part of something BIGGER THAN YOURSELF. So, come pack with us at Feed My Starving Children (555 Exchange Ct, Aurora) on Friday, Nov 21st from 6-7:30pm! Afterwards, have dinner with other packers from Bethel at a nearby Portillo’s (59 and Liberty). Sign up at the back of church to reserve one of Bethel’s 40 spots for that night. Invite a friend to come with you so they can experience what it is like to work together in God’s Kingdom with other people! 8 The Heat Is On Boiler Fund Campaign Bethel’s kids are setting aside November as BRING A BOX OF CEREAL and a TOOTHBRUSH month to help local food pantries and PADS. You all are welcome to join them in this way to serve God’s people all around us. BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH November 2014 What a blessing to have a warm building to gather in for worship, learning and service! We’re making progress—let’s finish strong on paying off the boiler before the New Year! November 2014 BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 5 BRE AK FAST & A Saturday, November 15, 2014 Breakfast 9:00am—10:00am Story 10:00am—11:00am Anthony Acevedo, a former Latin King gang member, shares his life story of how God has worked powerfully, wonderfully and miraculously in his life. This event is for all ages, including children! Anthony’s story will inspire you – if God redeemed his life and transformed him into an entirely new man, then imagine what God could do in your life too! Invite someone to join you for a great breakfast & a fascinating story. Grab a flyer from the back of church to invite someone. Sign up at the back of the sanctuary or register online at so we can prepare a great breakfast for you! It’s all about helping people stay warm... SOCK DRIVE Junior High Youth Senior High Youth Junior Bible Study Sundays 9:30– 10:45am The Lounge Senior Bible Study In the Youth Room Sundays 9:30-10:45am Confirmation Wednesday 4-5:30pm No Confirmation on Wed, Nov. 26th Bowling at Suburbanite Bowl Wed, Nov. 12th 4-5:30pm $10 per person Drop off at Bethel and Pick-up at Suburbanite Bowl Youth ASP Registration 2015 $50 Deposit due by Sat, Nov. 1st Help at PADS Mon, Nov. 3rd 5-6:15pm First Congregational Church Downers Grove Sr. High Breakfast Sun, Nov. 30th 9:15-10:45am Meet at Bethel November 1st—November 15th Bethel’s Drive for NEW SOCKS will help keep some folks in need just a bit warmer this winter. Help deliver SOCKS to People’s Resource Center in Westmont, CareNet, and Pillars! You’ll be so glad that you did. BLESS THE TOOTSIES! Talk to Raechel Pfotenhauer to be a deliver socks the week after Thanksgiving to PRC, Pillars, and CareNet. 6 BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH November 2014 YOUTH ASP MISSION TRIP A youth team from Bethel will head to Kentucky next June 14-20, 2015 to serve God’s people in Appalachia by making their homes warmer, safer, and drier… all in the name of Jesus! A $50 non-refundable deposit is due no later than Sat, Nov 1st. To all youth in 8th -12th…we’d love to have you be a part of this team and feel free to invite a friend too! Adults with construction experience… we NEED you to go with our youth team. Please talk to Raechel Pfotenhauer if you are interested. November 2014 BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 7
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