O Come Sermon Notes Let us worship the Lord ... October 26th, 2014 11:00 AM Worship Service October 26th, 2014 9:00 AM Worship Services s Prelude CALL TO WORSHIP Praise and Worship Music Praise Band WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome & Opening Prayer WORSHIP TIME * Hymn # 514 Praise and Worship Music “When We All Get to Heaven” OPENING PRAYER CHOIR Bethel Adult Choir Praise Band Worship through Tithes and Offerings Offertory WE GIVE TO HIS WORK * Hymn # 537 “I Will Sing the Wondrous Story” Fellowship Time Offering Praise Band Children’s Sermon SPECIAL MUSIC * Doxology # 253 Special Music FELLOWSHIP * Hymn # 386 “The Family of God” Message Scripture CHILDREN’S SERMON Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14 (KJV) Rev. Larry Fraser WE HEAR HIS WORD Scripture Message Rev. Larry Fraser Scripture Invitation PRAYER TIME Praise Band Do You Need Answers For Your Life? * Hymn # 316 “Jesus Is Tenderly Calling” *Benediction Postlude * Congregation Standing Announcements Joey Geddings Understand you are loved – God loves you (John 3:16). Respond by turning from sin – Acknowledge your sin and willingly turn from it (Acts 3:19). Place your faith in Christ – We must individually embrace Jesus Christ as Savior and acknowledge Him as Lord (John 1:12). Pray for salvation – Lord Jesus, I need you. I admit that I am a sinner and ask you to forgive me. I embrace you as my Lord and Savior and commit to follow you. (Romans 10:9-14). Closing Prayer Invitation & Response Time: At the close of the worship service, we will sing an invitation song. This is an opportunity for you to respond publicly to the leading of the Holy Spirit. If you wish to profess Jesus as your Savior (Romans 10:9-14), be baptized by immersion, become a member of Bethel, volunteer for Christian ministry, rededicate your life to Christ or have someone pray with you, please come to the front and speak to one of the counselors. Recognize that all people fall short – Man is sinful and separated from God (Romans 3:23). Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for man’s sin (Romans 5:8). ethel Baptist Church www.Bethelbcsumter.org 2401 Bethel Church Road /Sumter, S.C. 29154 803- 481-2160 AT BETHEL … This Week ... Sunday, October 26th, 2014 First Worship Service Sunday School Second Worship Service WMU Leadership Team Awana Evening Worship Service Tuesday, October 28 Senior Adults Luncheon Church Visitation 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 11:00 AM 6:30 PM Wednesday, October 29 * Ladies Visitation 10:00 AM Bible Study 7:00 PM Mission Org., G.A.’s 7:00 PM Mission Friends, Acteens, and R.A.’s Choir Practice 8:15 PM Friday, October 31 * Fall Festival 6:00 PM And The People Gave 10/19/14 Weekly Budget Needs General Budget Oct. 05 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 28 Arise & Build Phase $ 6,718.00 $ 6,279.00 $ 6,153.00 $ $ $ 0.00 Pay down to Build Up And The People Came 10/19/14 Bible Teaching Program Main School Discipleship Training Morning Worship Services Deacon of the Week Mr. Joey Geddings 481-4853 Mr. John Bailey 481-9256 If you have a need this week, please contact one of the deacons listed above. Greeters & Ushers for Today Mr. Cecil Lamb Mr. Herbert Williams Mr. Ricky Barkley Mr. Michael Barrett Mr. James Beatson Mr. Thomas Geddings Mr. Rudy Williams Mr. Benny Barrett Mr. David Vaughn Mr. Kirby Ingram Mr. Robert Dyson Mr. J.G. Harvin Mr. Carl Perry Mr. Rusty Kolb Nursery Workers This Week Next Week 8:45 AM Infants 10/26/2014 Shirley Osborne 11/02/2014 Becky Driggers Toddlers Chrystal Dively Angela Jackson Karla Beard Kelly Geddings Toddlers Gail Geddings Tiffany Geddings 6:00 PM Nursery Lillian Garner Lucille Austin 10:45 AM Infants Rev. Larry Fraser Rev. Allan Glass Beth Barwick Pam Cox Senior Pastor Assoc. Pastor / Minister to Families Pianist Music Director Growing Together, One Heart at a Time, Through Worship, Service and Love. Fall Festival Please help us prepare for the Trunk or Treat, Friday, October 31, 6:00-8:00 p.m.! We need volunteers to decorate their trunks and pass out candy. We also need lots of candy. Last year we ran out twice! This is a great outreach opportunity that was widely attended by the community last year. It was a huge success! Please help us to make it even better this year! Senior Adult Luncheon The Senior Adults will meet Tuesday, October 28, in the Family Life Center. Please bring your favorite covered dish and or dessert to share and come expecting a wonderful time of fellowship, fun, and food. Brotherhood Annual Pig Pickin Saturday, November 15, 2014 Mark your calendars and make plans to come and enjoy lots of good fun, food, and fellowship. Associational Senior Adults Rally Pinewood Baptist Church will host the Associational Senior Adult Rally of Tuesday, November 4 at 12:00 noon. The cost is $5.00 for lunch. If you are interested in attending please be sure to see Ms. Dot Logan. Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer Pinewood Baptist Church will host the Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer of Monday, November 3, 2014. Registration begins at 6:30 p.m. We hope all the Ladies of Bethel can attend. Janie Chapman State Mission Offering Bethel’s Goal $1,500.00 Given to date $ 1,381.00 Please pray about what God would have you give. WMU Leadership Team Meeting The WMU Leadership Team will meet today at 4:30 p.m.
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