THE GRAPEVINE THE NEWSLETTER OF OUR SAVIOUR LUTHERAN CHURCH NOVEMBER, 2014 In This Issue A Message from the Pastor Birthdays/Anniversaries….14 Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Commemoration Profiles …9 The Lord’s Prayer (Part III) Council Notes/ Finance/ Attendance ..………….4 This is the last of the newsletter series on praying the Lord’s Prayer in a contemplative manner. Remember, praying contemplatively means to take a small piece of scripture (like a line from the Lord’s Prayer) and just mull it over, focusing solely on it. When you find you mind wandering, just come back to that original piece and begin again. You might say it aloud, or imagine it written in front of you. Your mind WILL wander, but don’t beat yourself up; just come back to the original thought. Ministries ……………………….3 News ……………………..2,11-13 OSLC-WELCA………………...8 Photos ….……………………....15 Prayer Requests...…………..14 Thank You …………………….11 The Grapevine is a monthly newsletter published by the staff & members of Our Saviour Lutheran Church 1500 Sunset Blvd West Columbia, SC 29169 Phone: 803.794.8180 E-mail: [email protected] Website: The Rev. Lance Henderson—Pastor Brent Holcomb—Organist/Choirmaster Meredith Jones—Handbell Director Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us… Now is the perfect time to think about forgiveness. Forgiveness is one of those words we think we know what it means until someone asks us to explain it. We might ask ourselves what it looks like when God forgives us. Does that look like the sort of forgiveness we give to others? Ought it? What does it mean that this is the only line of this prayer that speaks to what we are obliged to do? Our forgiving and God’s forgiving are linked in some way—what way? Is it as straightforward as we might first think? And lead us not into temptation... Biblically speaking, God does not lead us into temptation, Satan does, but Satan obtains permission from God before doing so. (See Job 1 and Luke 22:31). What is the danger of cont’d on page 3 —> OSLC NEWS & NOTES NOMINATIONS FOR COUNCIL AMENDMENTS TO THE OSLC CONSTITUTON In accordance with the Synod, Council has reviewed and approved of the amendments made to The Model Constitution For Congregations as approved By The 2013 Churchwide Assembly and will present them at the November 16 Annual Congregational Meeting for Congregational Approval. Copies of the proposed amendments are available in the Narthex for your review and are also posted on the website at events.html. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Sydney Griffith, granddaughter of David and Linda Griffith, and the Chapin High School Band upon winning the State Title for 3A schools this past Saturday! COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE Our Community Thanksgiving Service with Trinity United Methodist Church will be held on Sunday, November 23 at 6:30 pm at Our Saviour Lutheran Church. Our offering of canned goods and money will be given to God’s Helping Hands. A lay worship leader is needed for this service. If you can assist with this, please contact Pastor Lance. It is, once again, that time of year to elect all kinds of officers. Very important to the progress of the church is its Council. This year there will be four positions open so we need at least four persons to "run" for those positions. Please say a prayer, think hard about it and then call any member of the council and volunteer your name to run for one of these positions. Of course if you do not have the time to look up a current council member's phone number, just call Don at 803606-1514 and he will be delighted to enter your name on the ballot! LOST EARRING This earring was found in the women’s bathroom at church. If this is yours, please contact Isma Boland. WE ARE DOG-GONE SORRY Many thanks to those who came out for the Blessing of the Animals on October 12. Special thanks to Loleta Keitt for preparing the snacks (for man and beast!). We had a decent turn-out and some neighborhood guests. Sadly, the pictures taken that day were lost We apologize because there were some awfully cute pets that came. Pastor Lance has a couple of ideas for next year’s celebration. If you would be interested in helping out in a bigger and better celebration on October 3, 2015, let Pastor know right away. It will take some planning. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING and STEWARDSHIP FESTIVAL, NOVEMBER 16, 2014!—Details on page 13 2015 Budget for approval—pages 5-7 2 NOVEMBER MINISTRIES Pastor’s Message (cont’d) temptation? How do we avoid falling into those things that would ensnare us in sin? What are the sins you are most easily tempted toward? I find it easy to use the classic 7 deadly sins as a way to mentally sort through this question—pride, wrath, envy, lust, greed, sloth, gluttony. Can we identify our weak spots? Do we really see them as a place we are tempted or just resign ourselves to saying, “well, that’s just me.” And deliver us from evil… This may also be translated as “deliver us from the evil one” and becomes closely related to the preceding. We have been tempted and fallen into sin. Now what? Pull ourselves up by our own boot straps? Reflect on that. Is that a temptation in and of itself? Consider those specific moments we have found ourselves trapped in a quagmire of sin. How did we really get out of that except by the grace of God? For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen. Perhaps this was or was not part of Jesus’ original prayer. If added, it was added very early in the life of the Church. It is called the doxology or “words of praise”. Why is it right to end our prayer in praise? Do your other prayers include praise— why or why not? Keep calm and pray on, Pastor Lance FLOWERS GREETERS Nov 2 9 16 23 Gerry Wiedeman Melanie Bouknight Sylvia Ford Virginia Karst Steve & Beverly Nivens David & Linda Griffith Mark & Ann Satterwhite Herman & Elizabeth Shealy Heyward & Doris 30 Available Wessinger WORSHIP ASSISTANTS NURSERY KEEPERS Nov 2 Alan Hunter Ann Satterwhite 9 Linda Griffith Kay Black 16 Charles Nicholson Sallie Hutto 23 Virginia Morris Marie Lybrand 30 Bill Aull Gail Marcum Nov 2 9 16 23 30 LAY READERS Ruth Nicholson Linda Griffith Charles Nicholson Ann Sattewhite Beverly Nivens CHAT & SNACK Barney & Loleta Keitt Available DeLeon & Jane Wallace Available NOVEMBER DECEMBER USHERS Mark Satterwhite, Chief Steve Nivens Heyward Wessinger Linda Griffith NURSERY MONITOR Beverly Nivens ALTAR GUILD Caroline Raszewski & Marie Lybrand ACOLYTE Linda Griffith CRUCIFER Charles Nicholson OFFERING PICKUP Linda Griffith TELLERS Horace Meetze & Doris Wessinger PROPERTY COMMITTEE Heyward Wessinger Wayne Lybrand, Chief Chris Boland Jason Powell Jean Hopkins Isma Boland & Melba Murphy Evan or Madison Dawkins Alan Hunter Open Open Open 3 COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS Ann Satterwhite, Council Secretary October 2014 A Stewardship Fair/Breakfast and the Annual Congregational meeting will be held on November 16th. The 2015 Budget was approved by the Council and will be voted on by the congregation during the Annual Congregational meeting. The budget will be available online and copies will be in the church office and narthex. The Memorials and Gifts team has been working to identify unused items in the sacristy. The All Saints Banner will be dedicated on All Saints Sunday, November 2, 2014 by the Gary Raszewski family in his memory. Pastor Lance will be holding confirmation classes twice a month during the Sunday school hour. AVERAGE ATTENDANCE From September 28 31 through October 26 Sunday School—20 Sunday Worship—89 STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE REPORTS 4 MAY Received Disbursed GENERAL 11653.57 15005.93 BLDG FND 4458.00 4700.00 OTHER 1440.37 250.00 JUNE Received 16232.00 5240.00 395.24 Disbursed 22893.89 4700.00 1464.38 JULY Received Disbursed 18209.00 14337.62 7640.00 5240.00 9.26 0.00 AUG Received Disbursed 11981.00 13150.18 4930.00 7640.00 1276.33 250.00 5 6 7 LYDIA CIRCLE COMMUNITY PROJECT President—Caroline Raszewski Secretary—Helen Puckhaber Treasurer—Ann Satterwhite Circles Cameron first Tuesday evening Lib White inactive Lydia second Monday evening Rebekah third Monday evening 2015 WELCA RETREAT Cameron Circle is excited to announce that the 2015 retreat will be held April 24-26, 2015 at Lutheridge, NC. Deposit of $50.00 was due June 1, 2014. 2nd payment of $50 was due October 5, 2014 and last payment is due February 1, 2015. Please make your check payable to OSLC WELCA, mark "2015 Retreat" on the memo line and give to Doris Wessinger. 2014 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Action Community Growth Outreach Rebekah Lydia Cameron Lib White DATES TO REMEMBER: 8 December 11, 2014—Executive Committee Meeting, 6:00 pm April 24-15, 2015— WELCA Retreat, Lutheridge, Arden, NC. Our community project this year is to assist a Lexington 2 school, Davis Elementary. In speaking with the school nurse, it was found that there is a need for new (or very gently used) clean T-shirts, elastic waist sweatpants, and athletic shorts in sizes from 3/4 to 15/16 for students in Pre-K to 5th grade. Please check your local clearance aisles and sales. You may donate clothing by putting it in the box by the adult Sunday School room. The box is labeled “Davis Clothes”. CAMERON CIRCLE Cameron Circle will meet at the church at 7:00 Tues. Nov. 4th. Anne Moye is the leader and Elizabeth Shealy is the hostess. WISE WORDS ON GIVING THANKS “Each day two things I am very grateful for:the blessing of a new day and a successful ending of the day.” ― Lailah Gifty Akita “I've started to look at life differently. When you're thanking God for every little you - every meal, every time you wake up, every time you take a sip of water - you can't help but be more thankful for life itself, for the unlikely and miraculous fact that you exist at all.” ― A.J. Jacobs “Appreciate your mom. She is wiser than you think and stronger than you know. Be thankful.” ― Steve Maraboli “A thankful and a contented spirit is a continual feast. We ought to be contented, and we shall be contented, if we are in the habit of seeing God in everything, and living upon Him day by day. Oh, for a spirit of true thankfulness!” ― Ashton Oxenden, COMMEMORATION PROFILES Ruth Nicholson The Lutheran Church, as part of its worship, celebrates the lives of notable Christians of the past. Our hymnal provides a calendar (pp. 15–17) for us to follow which recognizes these individuals on the anniversary of their deaths. November 23 Clement, Bishop of Rome (died ca. 100 A.D.) Very little is known of Clement’s life. He is thought to have been the third successor to St. Peter as leader of the church in Rome. He is known chiefly for the letter he wrote, probably in 96 A.D., to the church at Corinth. It is a model of pastoral concern for a church troubled by discord. Clement was held in such high esteem that this letter was considered Scripture by some Christians until the 4th century. It is also responsible for his designation as one of the Apostolic Fathers of the church. Tradition has it that Clement died a martyr’s death. November 23 Miguel Agustín Pro, martyr (died 1927) Miguel Pro was a Jesuit priest in Mexico at a time when its government was very oppressive. Those who favored the overthrow of the regime accused the Catholic church of siding with the government, and so priests and parishioners were in constant danger. Pro conducted most of his ministry in private ways, concentrating on the poor and homeless. His martyrdom resulted from a false accusation that he and his two brothers had thrown a bomb at an official’s car. Miguel Pro shouted “Viva Cristo Rey!” (“Long live Christ the King!”) as he and his brothers faced death by firing squad. November 25 Isaac Watts, hymnwriter (1674-1748) Nonconformist minister Isaac Watts is often called the father of English hymnody. He wrote some of his best-known hymns while serving as pastor of a congregation in Mark Lane, London. Most of his hymns are based on psalms and reflect a calm, firm belief. Our ELW contains ten Watts hymns, including “Joy to the World,” “O God, Our Help in Ages Past,” and “Jesus Shall Reign.” Isaac Watts also wrote about philosophy, astronomy, and social issues of his day. ELCA PRESS RELEASES The ELCA issues several news releases every month. Below is a partial listing of the releases issued during the last month. The full story may be read at No web access? Contact the church office if a story interests you. 9/25 ELCA provides $100,000 to support containing Ebola 10/01 ELCA prayer revival service to address violence 10/09 ELCA bishops respond to various assembly actions, topics 10/13 ELCA provides 20 seminarians with scholarships 10/21 ELCA members raise awareness of suicide prevention ‘ 10/24 ELCA presiding bishop says land occupation is counter-productive to peace, two-state solution 9 GRAPEVINE QUIZ 5. In 1 Timothy 6, Paul uses this title for Jesus. Answers on page 10 November 23 we celebrate Christ the King Sunday. Lots of Kings in the bible, let’s look at a few. 1. In Genesis 14, this priest-king brings bread and wine to Abram (Abraham) and blesses him. We hear his curious name again in Psalm 110 and again in Hebrews. A. Gog b. Lot c. Melchizedek d. King Vitamin 2. In I Samuel 9, this handsome young man is selected to be Israel’s first king. a. b. c. d. Samuel Saul David Brad Pitt 3. In Luke 14, Jesus gives a brief parable wondering about a king who makes an important evaluation before doing what? a. b. c. d. Going to war Selecting a queen Taking the crown Investing in stocks vs. bonds 4. In Matthew 27 (and other Gospel accounts) , the cross bears the sign of the charge against our Lord. It read simply “Jesus, King of ___”. a. b. c. d. 10 The world The gentiles The Jews Pop a. b. c. d. King of Kings and Lord of Lords King of all peoples King in the lineage of David King of all media BONUS Occasionally we sing as a postoffertory hymn a selection from the With One Voice hymnal which draws its lyrics from the book of Revelation. It says “just and true are your ways, O ruler (king) of all the nations”. What is the name of this hymn (the first 5 words)? FUN FACTS ABOUT THE FIRST THANKSGIVING The Plymouth Pilgrims were the first to celebrate the Thanksgiving in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The Wampanoag Indians were the people who taught the Pilgrims how to cultivate the land. The Pilgrim leader, Governor William Bradford, had organized the first Thanksgiving feast in 1621. He invited the neighboring Wampanoag Indians to the feast. The first Thanksgiving celebration lasted three days. Mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, popcorn, milk, corn on the cob, and cranberries were not foods present on the first Thanksgiving's feast table. Lobster, rabbit, chicken, fish, squashes, beans, chestnuts, hickory nuts, onions, leeks, dried fruits, maple syrup and honey, radishes, cabbage, carrots, eggs, and goat cheese are thought to have made up the first Thanksgiving feast. The pilgrims didn't use forks; they ate with spoons, knives, and their fingers. FOR ALL THE SAINTS Pastor Lance, A special “thank you” for your visit and prayers during my hospital stay. Your care of all your “flock” is a blessing to Albert and me and to all of our church family. We are truly blessed to have you as our Pastor. In Christian love, Sue Drafts I want to thank all Elderberries for their hard work in planning, decorating, and serving on this year's Homecoming Committee. It just goes to show that a dedicated team can work to make a very special day 'special' to so many. We appreciate all the charter members coming and hope that you'll come back. If you are not active at Our Saviour, please contact Mary in the church office if you'd like to continue receiving our newsletter as we added all charter members to the list this summer. Again, thanks to everyone for your support. Linda Griffith, Chair Dear Friends at Our Saviour, On November 6, 2014, Camp Kinard will hold be hosting their “Laugh, Learn, & Lunch event”. For this event they are glad to welcome Christian Priesmeier, a 13th generation grandson and direct descendent of Martin Luther and Katherine von Bora. Priesmeier currently serves the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany as a seminary trained, licensed Lay Minister. He also serves as Secretaryof the governing board of Lutheriden-Vereinigung, a genealogical society of documented Luther descendants, dedicated to preserving the history and legacy of Martin Luther. The schedule of events for the day is: 9:30 am: Registration 10:00 am: Devotions by Rev. Tommy Lineberger 11:00 am: Presentation by Christian Priesmeier 12:30 pm: Lunch 1:15 pm: Craft time 2:30 pm: Hayride 3:00 pm: S’mores & Hymns For more information contact Elliot at 803-532 -2235 or at [email protected]. A registration form is posted on the bulletin board in the Cameron Hallway. “SHARING OUR STUFF” DAY I would like to express my appreciation to all of you for the many acts of kindness shown me during the death of my dear husband, Craig. For the cards, visits, food, calls, flowers, and for your love and prayers, I am so grateful. I ask that you keep me in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church, located at 1000 B Avenue, West Columbia, is having a “Sharing our Stuff” day on Saturday, November 8 from 9:00 am-11:00 am. This is a free yard sale for the community. Thanks to Pastor Lance for your visits, support, love, prayers, and words of comfort. LEXINGTON COUNTY CHORAL SOCIETY You truly are a special congregation of loving, caring people. God’s Blessings and Peace, Margaret Jumper and Family The Choral Society’s schedule for its 19th season is posted on the bulletin board in the Cameron Hallway. These concerts are performed at Saxe Gotha Presbyterian Church, 5503 Sunset Boulevard, Lexington, SC. 11 MORE OSLC NEWS & NOTES RAZBERRIES The Razberries culinary tour continues! Last month Germany, this month Italy! Please join Ann and Mark Satterwhite at their home on Saturday, November 8th at 6:00 pm. Lasagna and salad will be provided. Please bring your favorite Italian appetizer or dessert. Contact Ann by Wednesday, November 5th at [email protected] or 254-9934 if you are planning to attend. GOD’S HELPING HANDS Pantry needs are for boxes of cereal, evaporated milk and peanut butter. Items may be brought to the church and placed in the boxes, which are located in the Cameron Hallway. As you are considering your end of the year donations, please remember God’s Helping Hands. If you would like to give a monetary donation for heating assistance, please note that on the “memo” line on your check. Checks may be given to Virginia Morris, Anne Moye or sent in directly to God’s Helping Hands. ELDERBERRIES The November outing for the Elderberries is our annual trip to Transfiguration to share in their Thanksgiving meal. We'll let you know the date and time as soon as we have it. Check the bulletin board and bulletin for an update. 12 COMMUNITY LUNCH Please note the change fro the community lunch this month. We will be serving on Wednesday November 19th instead of the last Wednesday. This change is to accommodate the SRAA chorus who will perform at 12:30 pm on the 19th. Please make a special effort to come and enjoy this treat. There will be n o community lunch in December. HEALTHY SNACKS We continue to support SRAA's Healthy Snack in Pack Program. This program provides weekend snacks put in backpacks for needy children such as individually packed fruit cups, dried fruit, jello, crackers, Granola bars, and juice boxes. Snacks are collected on the first Sunday of each month at Our Saviour as part of our Community Outreach. A box will be in the Narthex on that Sunday; if you bring them at another time during the month the box is kept in the handbell room against the wall. Just place your items in there and they will be taken the next month. Thank you for your support. RECYCLE DAY Lexington County is sponsoring a recycle day on November 15 at Springdale Baptist Church (357 Wattling Road). They will accept old pain, household items, including electronics. They will not be shredding paper. The items must be delivered to them and there is a limit of eight large items. CHAT & SNACK There are many Sundays during the upcoming months that are available. If you can contribute snacks for this important time of fellowship, please sign up on the sheet posted on the bulletin board in the Cameron hallway. THE UNOFFICIAL AGENDA FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 STEWARDSHIP FESTIVAL & CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Before 9:00 AM—Team Leaders have your posters ready 9:00 Stewardship Festival Begins in Fellowship Hall—Sign up for a new ministry, select the dates you want to serve, choose to be a team leader! 9:15 No Sunday School—Breakfast is served courtesy of your current Council and Kitchen & Fellowship 10:30 Congregational Meeting begins. Nominations for Council are closed. Voting takes place. 10:40 Worship 11:45 Congregational Meeting resumes Election results Discussion/Approval of Budget Discussion/Approval of Amendments CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA December 14, 2014 Everyone is invited to our Church family’s Christmas celebration, complete with music, stories, plays, a few surprises, and even a visit from a familiar old favorite festive fellow from the WAY UP NORTH! And to make our celebration even more like a down-home family Christmas party, we’ll sit down to a good old-fashioned Christmas covered dish dinner, showcasing the incredible culinary skills of the many talented cooks that grace our covered dish dinners at Our Saviour. Festive, holiday baked ham will be provided by our extraordinary Kitchen and Fellowship crew, so be sure to bring all of your Christmas finest side salads, side dishes, and festive desserts for this Yuletide FEAST! Our Christmas festivities will begin promptly at 5:00 pm. Be sure to get there early to get a good seat…you won’t want to miss a minute of the incredible entertainment in store for you at the 4th ANNUAL OUR SAVIOUR CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA! 13 PRAYER REQUESTS Those listed below have special prayers needs at this time. We keep the entire congregation in our prayers at all times, but sometimes special prayers are needed. If your name is on the list or you have added someone’s name and they no longer need to be on the list, please contact the church secretary so the name cam be removed. Ilmars & Faith Birznieks Robin Blocker Jesse Corbett Julie Corbett Katie Doble Raymond Eargle Margaret Ford (Oakleaf Village, Apt. 335) Mickey Golden (cousin of Linda Yonce) Clara Gregory (Harbor Chase, #203) Kelly Hallman (friend of Steven & Kathy Hutto) NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS Theresa Garner Clara Gregory Tyler Loftis Linda Crapps Margaret Ford Padget Satterwhite Grant Karst . Michaela McElveen Phyllis Calamas Dan Hanfland Andrea Patton 11/03 11/13 11/08 11/16 11/17 11/18 11/22 11/23 11/24 11/29 11/29 Evelyn Lybrand (Presbyterian Communities, Room 217) Savannah McRae Pearl Richardson (The Heritage at Lowman) Marie Shealy (Morningside Ret Ctr Apt 131) Carolyn Smith (mother of Alan Hunter) Cambridge Stone (father of Rod Stone) Vera Summer (Oakleaf Village, Room 214) Mae Wicker NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Floyd & Shirley Hanna, Jr. Horace & Betty Meetze Carroll & Kay Kester 11/21 11/22 11/27 Please Note: if there are any errors or omissions in birthdays or anniversaries, notify the church office. We want to make sure our records are GRAPEVINE ARTICLES If you have articles, reports and/or pictures that you or your group would like printed in the August Grapevine, please send them to the Church Office on or before Friday November 21. Answers: 1. C. Melchizedek; 2. B. Saul; 3. A. Going to war; 4. C. The Jews; 5. A. King of Kings and Lord of Lords’ BONUS “Salvation Belongs to Our God” 14 HOMECOMING 2014 Do you really believe that charter member Raymond Eargle and his daughter Gail Marcum are as choosy as they are acting for this picture? PICK SOMETHING! It’s ALL GOOD! We would never get any parties done around here if it weren’t for our Kitchen Fellowship team. Thank you all! Someone said Heyward is the new kitchen supervisor. Or maybe he might just be there to snack a bit early (wink, wink) Great turn-out for this annual event! Around 140 people came. Young & old, near & far. Thank you Elderberries for another great Homecoming celebration! SC Synod Council Vice President Lexanne Graves was the guest speaker at the Saxe Gotha LMM Banquet hosted here at OSLC on October 27. If you think Lutheranism is losing energy in SC, then you have not met Lexanne. She is a dynamo and made a great presentation at this highly attended event. 15 Our Saviour Lutheran Church 1500 Sunset Blvd. West Columbia, SC 29169 x NON-PROFIT ORG. U. S. POSTAGE P-A-I-D COLUMBIA, SC 29292 PERMIT NO. 160 Address Service Requested living in the light of our Saviour x POINSETTIAS FOR CHRISTMAS The Worship and Music Committee would like to request your assistance this year by asking you to lend a poinsettia for our Christmas Services at a cost of $13.00 (includes tax). Your check should be made payable to the church and marked for POINSETTIA. Please indicate in the space below the information you would want printed in the Christmas bulletin. Please place in offering plate or mail to the church with your check BEFORE December 15. I desire the Worship and Music Committee to order _____ poinsettia(s). I desire the following information printed in the bulletin: Given ___ IN MEMORY OF or ___ IN HONOR OF or ___ OTHER ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By ___________________________________________ Please attach check. 16 x
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