FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1650 Waddington Road, Nanaimo, BC V9S 4W3 Phone: 250-753-0241 · Fax: 250-753-0415 E-mail: [email protected] · Website: PRAYER CONCERNS THIS WEEK We extend a warm welcome to everyone worshipping with us today. Our prayer is that you experience Christ’s love in our worship and fellowship. Join us for tea and coffee in the Fellowship Café following both services. November 9, 2014 Worship Leader - Chris Gillespie 9 am Platform Leader - Jason Schmidt 11 am Platform Leader - Ian Smith Pray without ceasing. 1 Thess. 5:17 CHURCH MINISTRIES Elders & Deaconesses SPECIAL NEEDS Civic Election THOSE WHO ARE SHUT IN Doreen Attrell GLOBAL MISSIONARIES Ted Wall PRAISE God of Infinite Wisdom LOCAL OUTREACH Urban Outreach SPECIAL MUSIC - George Macdonald FAITH THAT WORKS THOSE WHO ARE SICK & RECOVERING Heather Schneidereit, Carl Bracken, Freddie Mitchell, Luke Chlysta Pastor Rob Daley Scripture: James 1:1-12 (Pew Bible - Page 854) PRAYER AND PRAISE CARDS In the pews are Prayer and Praise cards which we encourage you to use. Our church family’s needs are vital to us and our staff, Elders and Sunday Prayer Teams would be honoured to pray with you. Please place your completed cards in the offering bags or drop it into the Prayer Box on the Ushers’ table. NAME TAGS We encourage all regular attendees to pick up your name tag each week on the Name Tag Bulletin Board. All GUESTS are invited to pick up your name tag at the Welcome Center. Your participation helps us care for one another. GREETERS 9 am Maurice & Gloria Alexandre 11 am Irene Kidd Wilma Tydeman Next Week Youth PRAYER TEAMS 9 am Allison Rowell Myung Cook Lorna Brown Mabel Petrie 11 am Dilly Borgerson Wilma Tydeman Renate Morawietz Sandra Sharma Jane Splait Marilyn Fairman PRAYER CHAIN If you have a prayer request please email [email protected] or contact the Church Office (250-753-0241) and our Elders and Deaconesses will remember you in prayer. The Prayer Room is open following both morning services for those needing a quiet place to pray. Nursery (Ages 0 to 2) Preschool (Ages 2 to 5) Nursery (Ages 0 to 2) Preschool (Ages 2 to 5) Grades 1 to 6) THE GREAT BIBLE READING CHALLENGE THIS WEEK’S READINGS (87 & 88) 1 Timothy 6:3-21 & 2 Timothy 2 BE INSPIRED AFRESH BY THE BIBLE NURSERY TEAMS The E100 Bible Reading Challenge is an initiative to encourage you to be inspired to meet God daily through the Bible - not just for the period of the Challenge, but beyond. 9 am Fran Hawker Marion Ree 11 am Walter Heinrichs Louise Hoskin Before the service begins, please switch your cell phone to SILENT. Thanks! Required for November 47,080.00 Required for November 8,200.00 Received on Nov. 2 15,664.40 Received on Nov. 2 3,405.00 Received this month 15,664.40 Received this month 3,405.00 Required by Nov. 30 433,212.00 Required by Nov. 30 90,200.00 Received YTD 392,860.98 Received YTD 70,820.55 PLEASE CLEARLY MARK BUILDING FUND CONTRIBUTIONS RUN WELL/FINISH STRONG ENVELOPES AVAILABLE IN THE PEWS NOVEMBER 9 - 15 SUNDAY 9 am & 11 am PRAISE GOD FOR OUR VETERANS 9:15-10:15 am 10:15-10:45 a.m. 11:15 am-12:15 pm 12:15-12:45 pm 2 pm 6:30 pm Family Worship Service Nursery (Ages 0 to 2) Little Kidz Time (Ages 2 to 5) Fellowship Café Little Kidz Time (Ages 2 to 5) Fellowship Café Mixed Ensemble Practice Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer MONDAY 6 pm 6:30 pm Ladies’ Quilting Group JuBELLation Handbell Practice TUESDAY 6:15-8 pm LEST WE FORGET . . . On Remembrance Day, November 11, we remember our nation’s sons and daughters who have fallen on the battlefields of the world. The freedoms we enjoy today are made possible by their sacrifices. Let us remember as well those who serve today in the cause of peace and freedom everywhere. May God preserve their lives and bless them with wisdom and courage for each new day. Office Closed Awana Kids’ Club He shall have dominion from sea to sea. (Psalm WEDNESDAY 10 am - 12 pm 12:30-2:30 pm 6:30-9 pm Toddlers’ Playgroup Precept Upon Precept Bible Study Ladies’ Beth Moore Study THURSDAY 3:45-5 pm 7:15 pm 7-8:30 pm Kids’ Choir Practice DEACONESSES Youth Night FRIDAY 3:30-4:30 pm Children’s Chime Choir SATURDAY 7:30 am 3:30 pm Mr. Ken Naylor RAF (Occupational Forces, Germany) Mr. Harold Smoker - RCAF (Communications) Mr. John Van Ingen - Army (Indonesia) PARENT PANEL & YOUTH INFORMATION LUNCHEON Sunday, November 16th @ 12:30 pm Host - Pastor Randy Baker PARENT PANEL Q PURPOSES Evaluation Feedback Men’s Prayer Fellowship URBAN OUTREACH 2014/15 Ministry Game-plan Overview 9 am & 11 am FAMILY WORSHIP NURSERY (Ages 0 to 2) 9-10:15 am ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15-10:15 am PRESCHOOL (Ages 2 to 5) 10:15-10:45 am 11:15 am - 12:15 pm 12:15-12:45 pm FELLOWSHIP CAFÉ 12:30 pm YOUTH PARENTS’ LUNCHEON 2 pm MIXED ENSEMBLE PRACTICE Check out Soup, buns, veggies and drinks will be served. Childcare Provided Please RSVP to [email protected] FELLOWSHIP CAFÉ PRESCHOOL (Ages 2 to 5) KIDZ TIME (Grades 1-6) & A A panel of parents who have made it through the teenage stage will address pre-planned and open forum questions for parents with teens. PRIMETIMERS’ FELLOWSHIP All those 55+ are invited to a time of encouragement and fellowship Wednesday, November 19 @ 10 am Special Speaker - Dawne Anderson (Director of Salvation Army Kettle Campaign) Coffee, tea and light refreshments will be served. NANAIMO LIGHTHOUSE MINISTRIES We are collecting items again this year for the seamen who visit Nanaimo during the Christmas season. ITEMS Toques Toothpaste Men’s socks Pens/Pencils Toothbrushe Tracts Razors Envelopes Men’s gloves Chocolate Bars Writin g Donations for these gifts may be placed in the Christmas box in the foyer. Thank you so much! NEW MEMBERS The Elders are pleased to recommend JOHN & VIOLA COLYN and CATHLEEN HARTING for membership at First Baptist Church. If you are interested in becoming a member or have questions about membership, please contact one of our Elders or Pastors. . TALKING (WITHOUT HATING) ABOUT SEX Friday, Nov. 21, 7-9 pm Saturday, Nov. 22, 9 am -12 noon Maranatha Church Speaker - Prof. John Stackhouse free admission offering will be taken TEA TIME In one of F.W. Boreham’s books, he tells of an old Scottish woman living alone and very poor. But she carefully tithed what little she had and gave to the church. When unable to attend service, she expected a deacon to drop by and collect her offering. The deacon knew well she could not afford it, but knowing also that she would be deeply offended if he did not collect it, he was careful to stop by. It was late afternoon one day when he made his visit. Old Mary was sitting near a window having tea. “The tithe is on the mantel,” she said, greetings over. “Won’t ye sit and have a cup of tea?” The deacon sat, and when Mary passed him his cup, he looked down in surprise and exclaimed: “Why, Mary! It’s only water ye have!” “Aye!” said old Mary. “But He makes it taste like tea!” FOCUS ON THE FAMILY DOCUMENTARY: IRREPLACEABLE Irreplaceable is coming to TV on Sunday, Nov. 23. Join host Tim Sisarich on his journey as he talks to a variety of experts and delves into a range of topics to help you understand that a redeemed family is far better than a perfect family. Enjoy Irreplaceable by streaming online for free! For times and details check irreplaceable. (Recommended for ages 15 and up.) URBAN OUTREACH Be part of a team that reaches out to needy people in Nanaimo. Meet Sat. Nov. 15 at 3:30 pm at the church to go hand out sandwiches and juice in the downtown area. To get involved, please contact Kara Daley (250-751-1156) or email [email protected]. YOUTH ROOM FURNITURE The Youth Room is in need of some comfortable gently-used couches. If you have one or more that you would like to donate, please contact Pastor Randy (250-753-0241). Thank you. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes and the Good News of God’s love. This program of Samaritan’s Purse gives people of all ages an opportunity to be involved in a simple hands-on missions project while focusing on the true meaning of Christmas – Jesus Christ. BAPTIST WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Each year Baptist women around the world gather in November to pray for one another during the Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer. Here at FBC the Missions Commission and Baptist Women in Focus invite both men and women to pray for specific needs on each continent as well as our own Partners in Mission. Please join us TONIGHT at 6:30 pm in the Lounge. CIVIC ELECTIONS 2014 The 2014 Nanaimo General Civic Election will be held this Saturday, Nov. 15th. Eligible voters can cast their ballot for one Mayor, eight City Councillors and nine School District 68 Trustees. We encourage our church family to prayerfully participate in the election. HANDBELL CHRISTMAS CONCERT Sunday, Nov. 29th @ 7 pm JuBELLation Handbell Choir Children’s Chime Choir Vocal Ensemble PICK UP A SHOEBOX IN THE FOYER TODAY ! ! Please return your filled shoeboxes by Sunday, Nov. 16 CHRISTMAS CARD DONATIONS If you receive unsolicited packets of Christmas cards in the mail or have leftovers from last year, please pass them on to Gordon Loudon. He is collecting unused Christmas cards, envelopes and stickers to distribute to homeless people this Christmas. This may be the only Christmas card these folks will receive. Please leave them in Gord’s mailbox in the Foyer. Music for the whole family Silent Auction Admission by donation at the door Tea & coffee with Christmas goodies following the concert Morning Sermon Notes - November 9, 2014 JAMES A Faith that Works James is the name of several individuals in the New Testament and a form of the great Old Testament name, Jacob. One was James, the son of Zebedee and brother of John. Another was James, the son of Alphaeus. One of the Lord's disciples named Judas (not Iscariot) had a father named James. However, there is little evidence that any of these wrote the book of James. That leaves us with James, the brother of our Lord, as the most likely author of this letter. At first James along with his brothers and sisters did not believe in the divinity of Christ (Mark 3:31-35; John 7:5). Yet we find them in the Upper Room praying with the disciples in Acts 1:14. What brought about the change from unbelief to faith? 1 Corinthians 15:7 indicates that Jesus appeared to James after His resurrection. This convinced him that Jesus truly was the Saviour and he, in turn, shared this knowledge with his brothers. He later became the leader of the church in Jerusalem. Paul called him "a pillar" in Galatians 2:9. It was James who moderated the church conference described in Acts 15. We have no record in the Bible, but tradition tells us that James was martyred in A.D. 62. He must have been a deeply spiritual man to gain the leadership of the Jerusalem church in so short a time and his stature is seen in Acts 15, where he was able to permit all the factions to express themselves, and then bring peace by drawing a conclusion based on the Word of God. The letter of James is addressed to those Jews who had come to faith in Christ and were now scattered throughout the Roman Empire. As leader of the church at Jerusalem, James was also the overseer of Jewish believers everywhere, since they came from all parts of the Roman Empire to the great Temple feasts. Those who had turned to Christ were the targets of intense persecution and the purpose of James’ letter to them was twofold: first, to show that the trials and afflictions they were experiencing were designed to strengthen faith; second, to establish standards of Christian behavior. His letter is highly practical and insists that if faith is real it should work and be seen. That is, it should work in our lives and be seen in the works we do. FAITH THAT WORKS James 1:1-12 James was a practical man who wrote to people in need. He emphasizes in his letter that true faith works. God's message through him is needed today. But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. James 2:18
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