www.oswlc.org • 703-858-9254 • 43115 Waxpool Road, Ashburn, VA • www.openarms-ccdc.org At Your Service… Pastor Bill Mann [email protected] Pastor Ralph Wiechmann [email protected] Pastor Eric Peterson [email protected] Tyson Labuhn [email protected] Lindsey Kilgannon Director, Open Arms [email protected] Raymond Dubert Director, Education, Family Life & Youth [email protected] Jim Merkle Operations Manager [email protected] Tom Deary, Church Administrator [email protected] Barb Yarbrough Faith Life Encourager [email protected] Nikki Deacon Fellowship & Women’s Ministry [email protected] Emily Sonstroem From The Pastor “The Best Is Yet To Come!” This book is the subject of our current sermon series. On Sunday, November 16th we will welcome the author of “The Best Is Yet To Come!—Pastor John Kieschnick to speak at each of our Sunday worship services. Following the 11 am service at 12:30 pm, join us for a Luncheon for the whole congregation in the Fellowship Hall. November brings Thanksgiving. Why not focus, this month, on developing an “Attitude of Gratitude.” Gratitude is a Godgiven gift to lead us to joy. Gratitude takes practice. Gratitude will make you a happier person. To nurture the spirit of gratitude I suggest that you counter every complaint with ten thank-you’s! If you get discouraged remember the words of this old hymn: Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And you’ll be surprised at what the Lord has done. [email protected] At the end of your day take an inventory of all the ways in which God has blessed you and let gratitude take hold of your heart. Dan Ehlhert In Christ’s peace, Minister to Youth & Young Adults Accounting [email protected] Pastor Bill Mann November 2014 EVENTS Holiday Worship Schedule Thanksgiving Wednesday, Nov. 27 7:00 pm Advent Wednesday, Dec. 3, 10, 17 Family Devotions @ 5:30pm Dinner @ 6pm Worship @ 7:00 pm Christmas Eve, Dec. 24 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 pm Christmas Day, Dec. 25 11:00 am Decorate the Church Saturday, November 29 8:00 am—12:00pm We need lots of help decorating the church for the Advent and Christmas season! Contact Doug Dreyer for more information. Doug Dreyer [email protected] Master Singers Concert Saturday, December 13 6:15 pm Pre-Concert Talk 7:00 pm Concert In the Sanctuary Sally Mann [email protected] Election of Officers The election of officers for 2015 is scheduled to take place at the Voters’ Meeting on Sunday, November 13, at 12:30 pm. For election: The President and Treasurer and two At-Large members for the Mission and Ministry Servant Leaders Group, plus members of the Board of Governance. The Nominating Committee has been collecting names and contacting those who have been nominated. If you are asked to serve please prayerfully consider sharing your gift of leadership and time. Mission and Ministry Servant Leaders Group (M&M’s) These individuals serve as the Our Savior’s Way Board of Directors. They are responsible for the long-range vision and planning for our congregation. The M&M’s is made up of nine voting members—five at-large members elected from the congregation and the four church officers. Board of Governance (BOG) The Board of Governance is responsible for maintaining the relationship between the congregation of Our Savior’s Way Lutheran Church and the Open Arms Christian Child Development Center. The Board sets the policies and works to fulfill the objectives of the Open Arms November 2014 Christian Child Development Center. The BOG is made up of no less than five and no more than nine voting members elected by the congregation. Grief Share—Surviving The Holidays Sunday, November 9 2:00—4:00 pm In the Library No matter how long it’s been since your loved one died, grief can make the holidays a painful time. But there’s hope. Join us for an encouraging seminar that will help you survive the holidays and discover new reasons to enjoy them again. Email Beth Anton to register or with any questions. Beth Anton [email protected] Christmas Piano Concert Saturday, December 6 at 7:00 pm In the Sanctuary Andy Nugyen will perform Classical & Holiday favorites and a Christmas Carol sing-along. The concert is free, but donations will be accepted for the OSW Grand Piano Fund. Sally Mann [email protected] EVENTS Robert George, author of Conscience and Its Enemies: Confronting the Dogmas of Liberal Secularism and professor of religious liberty, constitutional interpretation and civil liberties at Princeton University; EVERY. LIFE. MATTERS. That’s why we’re taking a stand, speaking out on behalf of the 2,900 children who are aborted every day right here in America. And we’re counting on you to stand with us in January by attending the 2015 LCMS Life Conference. THIS is the year. This is YOUR time to stand! Won’t you join us? Three days of theological motivation, practical know-how and valuable time with Lutheran pro-lifers from across the country. You’ll learn how to speak up for life issues, receive encouragement and theological motivation to be more vocal about the importance of life, and discover how to exercise your vocation as a citizen when it comes to this issue. Held in conjunction with the 2015 National March for Life on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., the conference is located at the Crystal City Hilton. We have the biggest names all in one place! Lila Rose, pro-life activist and the founder of the pro-life group Live Action; Men’s Breakfast Saturday, November 8 8:00 am In the Fellowship Hall Please join us for food, fellowship, and bible study in the meeting hall downstairs. Greg Lynch [email protected] Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life committee; Dr. Donna Harrison, director of Research and Public Policy of the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG); The Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs, professor at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis; Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, pro-life journalist; and Laura Davis, director of Youth4Life. The March for Life and how you can participate with Our Savior’s Way Online registration: www.regonline.com/2015lifeconference. Carl and Karen Cecil 703 598-9367 LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison; November 2014 Thanksgiving Worship November 26, 7:30 pm In the Sanctuary Come and celebrate with us the blessings of God during the past year. There will be no Choir/ Bells practice or Music Potluck on 11/26. Did You Know? How to Become a Member of Our Savior’s Way Lutheran Church Start by worshipping with the people of Our Savior’s Way on Sundays at 8:00, 9:30, or 11:00 am. Attend a FirstConnect class to learn more about OSW and its ministries. Sunday, November, 2 12:30pm Then, attend a FaithConnect class to learn some of the basics about the Lutheran faith. Please schedule an appointment with Tyson. Or, Transfer from another Lutheran Church, by having a transfer letter sent from your former church congregation. Then, attend a FirstConnect class to learn more about OSW and its ministries. And then, join a “Doing Life Together” small group so that you might begin to connect with more people in your new church family. If you are a new Christian, please speak to one of the Pastors about the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Thanksgiving Dinners for Interfaith Relief We are collecting food for Thanksgiving Dinner meals that will be distributed through Interfaith Relief. Members of OSW and OA will collect Thanksgiving dinner items including canned vegetables, fruits, boxed instant potatoes, gravy or chicken stock, bread item (rolls, muffins, cake mix), jello, pudding, canned milk, pumpkin mix, sweet potatoes or any other regular item such as cereal, hearty soups, etc. Please make sure all items are peanut-free. These will be divided into bags to make complete dinners for those who might not have a dinner for which to give thanks. Watch for details on helping to assemble the dinner packages. Last year we distributed 350 bagged meals for over 4,300 lbs. of food and 286 Giant grocery gift cards for families to purchase turkeys and other perishables. Each bag is designed for a family of four. If you choose to give a cash donation, please indicate Thanksgiving meals on your check and envelope. Grocery gifts cards may also be donated in denominations of $10 each. For more information, please contact Social Ministry at our new e-mail address of [email protected]. Stop Hunger Now Thanks goes out to the entire congregation for supporting the Stop Hunger Now Event on October 5! We packed over 34,000 meals on Sunday with over 222 volunteers! With your generous donations of over $9,000, we were able to cover the cost of all the meals - thank you! Columbarium Update The final design for the Columbarium will be voted on at the Nov 9th Voter's meeting. Construction is due to begin in Spring of 2015. Reservations and deposits will begin to be received after the final plans are confirmed in November. Please plan to join us for information and discussion. Linda Merkle [email protected] Tyson Labuhn 703-858-9254 [email protected] November 2014 Did You Know? Thank God for Mission POSSIBLE! Did you know that in next month, Our Savior’s Way will celebrate an important anniversary? It seems rather incredible that in December of 1994, the mission of Our Savior’s Way began. The mission of this church, over the past 20 years, began with a meeting in the Mann’s living room. From those humble beginnings it moved to worship services at Broad Run High School and the acquisition of land and construction of the first church building. The mission focus for the first building was 3 -fold--(1) Establish a physical presence in the community; (2) Begin serving families through the Open Arms Christian Child Development Center; and (3) Provide a center for worship and outreach. This successful beginning quickly led to the need to expand, not once, but twice as the ministry continued to grow. Today, the need to share the Gospel of Jesus with the community and world around us is greater than ever. In the past year, a Missions Committee was formed at Our Savior's Way. Using the words of Our Savior to show them the way as found in Mark 16:15, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.” the Mission Committee made their focus 1) to promote further awareness of the on-going mission work of Our Savior's Way; 2) to prayerfully support mission work here and abroad; 3) to facilitate, where possible additional missions; and, 4) to encourage every member of the congregation to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This mission work is currently being accomplished by: 1) supporting our Seminarian – Dan Trempala; 2) supporting our Missionary in Ghana - Dale Kaster; 3) supporting Yvette Moy and the Muslim Mission Society; 4) supporting hurricane relief work in Crisfield, Maryland; 5) supporting the missionrelated work of our Southeastern District; and 5) supporting the mission work of organizations such as the Orphan Grain Train, Lutheran World Relief, and World Missions. As we look forward to the future, the Missions Committee also takes note of the demographics and continuing population growth of our community here in Northern Virginia. With this growth in mind, the Missions Committee also plans to respond, mis- November 2014 sionally, to the spiritual and physical needs of our community. As such, there has been an effort to investigate and recommend new church mission starts in our area, as we continue to see growth in our area and there is so much more that we can do. Our congregation began 20 years ago as a mission church. The great work of mission and ministry, the work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave this work to the church at large, and to you and me and this congregation, remains to be done until He returns. He has promised us the power of the Holy Spirit to do this work through each of us as individuals and the church. And making a lasting Christ-centered change in the hearts of people, for the sake of the Gospel, is the Great Commission of everyone. The Missions Committee and I invite you to support and contact us to keep the mission-centered momentum alive and thriving. The founders of Our Savior's Way committed their time, treasure and talent to God and God blessed their efforts. Then as now, the Holy Spirit continues to work through each of us for the sake of the Gospel. Take a step of faith--contact me about your passion and interest in mission. Tyson Labuhn [email protected] 703-858-9254 Did You Know? COMING IN DECEMBER Family ADVENTures Wednesdays Dec. 3, 10, 17 5:30 –6:15 pm In the Sanctuary Please join us after worship for dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Our theme this year is “Comfort and Joy” Each service in the series focuses on a selected portion of Isaiah 40 that captures one of specific aspects of the comfort Christ comes to bring, which are peace, pardon, and presence. children to learn that “church” is for them, not just ‘big people’! December 13 10:45 am-Noon: Go to http://tinyurl.com/ FamilyADVENTures to sign your family up for a worship part. December 14 9:30 am WORSHIP SERVICE- "COMFORT AND JOY" 9:00 Arrive in classrooms for final preparations. To help with overall coordination of the FamilyADVENTures program, contact Barb Yarbrough [email protected]. GRACE PLACE CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS SERVICE December 14, 9:30 am Service Grace Place children will again be leading Christmas Worship for Our Savior's Way. Grace Place Christmas Party All children will be learning the music during Sunday mornings and can participate. Besides classroom music participation, children may also sign up for speaking parts, non-speaking acting parts and worship assistant duties. For more information and to sign up: Go to: http://tinyurl.com/GPChristmas Parent Participation is also needed for the Program and the party after the dress rehearsal on Dec 13. Please use the link above, and let’s get everyone involved! Barb Yarbrough [email protected]. IMPORTANT PROGRAM DATES: November 9: Designed especially for families, ADVENTures includes guided activities and worship with family participation, that all generations can enjoy as you celebrate the coming Christ. How can you be a part? Come join us!! Plus, families are encouraged to help guide participants in the opening activities, as well as serve as ushers, readers, and prayer leaders. This is a wonderful way for Deadline to sign up for speaking, acting parts. (Sign ups after this date will not be guaranteed placement) November 2-December 7: Sunday mornings during classesclassroom music practice November 22 9:30-10:30 am: Speaker/Actor Rehearsal December 13 9:00 am-10:45 am: Dress Rehearsal for ALL PARTICIPANTS, ALL AGES November 2014 OSW Logo Shirts for Sale The Praise Band is selling OSW logo shirts to raise funds to improve the Sanctuary sound system. A collection of white short-sleeve polo shirts and grey tshirts are available in the Narthex on Sunday or from the Business Operations Manager, Jim Merkle, during the week. You may also place orders for other colors on Sunday. Jim Merkle [email protected] Did You Know? UNITE Sunday Nights, 6:30 – 8:00 pm In the Great Room Nov 2— Pumpkin Hunt Nov 9—Small Groups Nov 16— Worship Nov 23—Small Groups Nov 30—Christmas Party Youth Board Meeting November 9, 12:30 pm In the Library Workcamp Meeting November 23, 5:00 pm In the Great Room This meeting is for all registered Workcamp participants and their parents. Baltimore Youth Quake Middle School Youth Conference January 9-11, 2015 This is a transformational youth conference for grades 6-9 where lives will be renewed and faith will become real! The deadline to sign up is November 30. Download the Registration Form for more information at http://tinyurl.com/ OSWLC2015QuakeForm Ray Dubert 703-858-9254 [email protected] Emily Sonstroem 703-858-9254 [email protected] A Stewardship Thought “Do Your Best” Rev. Dr. Eric G. Peterson Growing up my father taught my sisters and I that we ought to put our best efforts into whatever we were doing. He expected all the Peterson kids to do their best. We may not have all the same skills and opportunities but we all can pour ourselves into whatever God gave us to do. My father, agreed with St. Paul, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 3:22-24). Because God loves us, He gave us His best. He sent Jesus Christ, His own son, to be our Savior. If we love God then our love for Him compels us to give our best efforts to live for Him. Love compels the best that is in us. November 2014 Stewardship Involves All of Life During the month of November we will be asking you to adopt as your life’s model the “7 Doors of Spiritual Growth” from the book “The Best Is Yet To Come. We want this to be the model of our life together as members of Our Savior’s Way. The “7 Doors” are: WITNESS—The Door of Opportunity • WORSHIP—The Door of Wonder • CONNECTEDNESS—The Door of Encouragement • PRAYER—The Door of Intimacy • BIBLE STUDY—The Door of Insight • SERVICE—The Door of Fulfillment • GIVING—The Door of Authentic Faith These are the 7 Doors to Spiritual Growth. Let them be a description of your life as you serve your Savior. Did You Know? Small Group Ministry at OSWLC Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Course I hope that you will check out our new OSWLC website and the updated information that is available about our small group ministry at OSWLC. I want to personally thank Darren Broemmer, David Kayden, Tyson Labuhn, and all the other people who have worked so hard to make our new website an effective means of communicating information about our small groups and a great tool for helping people get connected. I hope you will take a look: www.oswlc.org. When you get to the website click on CONNECT and then Small Groups. The next Dave Ramsey "Financial Peace University" (FPU) class will begin on January 13, 2015 -- just in time to help you carry out that New Year's resolution to get your financial affairs in order. The course consists of 9 classes that will be held on Tuesday evenings beginning at 7:00 pm. Child care will be available. Additional information on the subjects that will be covered can be found in the "Small Group" section of the materials displayed on the wall in the "coffee room," just off the lobby. Glenn Schleede 571-215-4299 [email protected] Small Groups are a vital part of OSWLC ministry because Christ has called us to live in community. Community is vital to the Christian faith like team is vital to baseball. You just can’t play baseball alone and you can’t grow spiritually in isolation. St. Paul describes the Church as ONE BODY. Each of us are vitally connected to each other. We are designed by God to help and support each other in the faith and in mission. It is no wonder that Jesus said that if we want to find Him we need to be in community. “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them”(Matthew 18:20). The focus of our small group ministry is “doing life together.” So this is why we chose “Doing Life Together” as the name for all of our small groups. In small groups we strive to grow in faith together and together we strive to apply the teachings of our faith to our daily life. Rev. Dr. Eric G. Peterson [email protected] Tuesday, November 12 at 12:00 pm At Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Herndon, VA. Mike McCarey will describe what it’s like to write a novel and why Mike wrote An American Atrocity. His novel is based on Mike’s experiences prosecuting war crimes while serving with the Marines in Vietnam. Atrocity is a war story, a lawyer story, but in essence, a story about a struggle to hold onto Christian values in a world where the most important value was survival. Bring your own bag lunch. Dessert, coffee and soft drinks will be served. RSVP by November 7. 703 385 9766 or [email protected]. November 2014 Did You Know? November Birthdays 11/1—Debra Lair; Olive Anders; Rick Burtner; Chelsea Horton; Jason Bean; Jordan Quinlivan 11/2—Cheryl Richardson; LeslieOwens 11/3—Ruth Pownall, Miles Dorre, Carter Spritzer, Claire Leidinger 11/5—Elena Tranchitella; Addison Shuster; Colin Anderson; Nicole Bono; Jane Heo; Quinn Dubert; Janet Montagne 11/6—Michael Duellman 11/7—Jeffrey Huth; Jacob Hibbard; Kevin Osborne 11/8—Lindsay Bonner; Nicholas Duellman; Micah Piotter; Dean Kaelber; Lexie Kaelber; Luke Putman 11/10—Jacob May; Kenneth Troxell; Kylene Stelma; Kellan Flick; Landon Martinez; Kristin Cornely; Mark Stavish; Darrin Benhart; Jack Kaelber 11/11—Adelyn Flick, Andrew Temme, Susan Roudebush 11/12—Charles Heinemann, Alex Walter 11/13—Scott Novak, Gary Cummings, John Horner, Sam Johnson, Thomas Zickel, Kirsten Dalton 11/14—John Senft 11/15—Emily Fisher, Jonathan Darnell 11/16—Jeff Ludwick, Sylvia Mello, Laura Erickson, Lucas DiPietro, David Strom 11/17—Sarah Fisher, Malia Pownall, Nancy Mohler 11/18—Keith Reed, Elissa Seweryniak, Charlie Eastin, Betty Jane Eastin 11/19—Shelby Tanner, David Wilkens, Emily Heenan, Peggy Reid, Dan Koborg, Jennifer Hartmann 11/20—Lauren Hancox, Susan Thistlethwaite, Megan Sawyer, Wilma Gouge, Emily Wood, Theodore Streaker 11/21—Sarah Sawyer 11/22—Miriam Boysen, Jane Hunt, Kyle Lynch, Angel Klevenhagen, Madeline Folta, Grace Scraggs, Mike Germinario 11/23—Jessica Salomon, Charles Eastin 11/24—Nancy Benedict, Alexander Crabb, Tyler Albus, Zach Apecechea 11/25—Mark Harding, Lynn Lynch, Siena DiPietro 11/26—Luke Walter, Orion Kilgannon 11/28—Melissa Mueleners 11/29—Eric Kayden, Noah Ecton, Logan Graves 11/30—Avery Tully, Luke Zanardi November Anniversaries 11/2—Gus & Lisa Schumacher Andrew & Belinda Haagsma 11/7—Peter & Julie Oswald 11/8—Chad & Melissa Ramsey Joseph & Krista Kumke 11/9—Gary & Sarah Christian Stephen & Connie Odenheimer 11/12—Matthew & Jennifer Wiechmann 11/16—Eric & Julia Hols 11/17—Ronald & Catherine Dorman 11/18—David & Beth Maddens 11/19—Jeff & Carmela Ludwick Dennis Greenwood & Carol Genseal 11/27—John & Erika Horner 11/28—Bill & Sally Mann 11/29—Jon & Debbie Scaggs November 2014 Did You Know? Consecration Sunday Is Coming November 16 As the leaders of OSWLC reflected on this past year of growth, two things in the area of stewardship became apparent. The first was that God has continued to bless us with an increase in attendance over the past year. The second was that the percentage of giving by our membership has decreased. Therefore this year’s Fall Stewardship emphasis will not be about simply paying bills, but rather it will address the ways in which each member of OSWLC can: • • • Spiritually grow in their relationship with God. Actively participate in our church’s mission and ministry, through a percentage based income contributions. Gain a better understanding of the biblical idea of stewardship through which God continues to grow the mission and ministry of OSWLC. OSWLC has witnessed God’s rich blessing through the significant giving of time, talents, and treasures which have been contributed by many people in our congregation over the past 20 years. In preparation for our fall stewardship campaign in 2014, Our Savior’s Way Lutheran Church is using the a new Consecration Sunday Stewardship Program to teach the biblical and spiritual principles of generous giving in our stewardship education emphasis this year. This new Consecration Sunday campaign is based on the biblical philosophy of the need of the giver to give for his or her own spiritual development, rather than on the need of the church to receive. Instead of treating people like members of a social club who should pay dues, we will treat people like followers of Jesus Christ who want to give unselfishly as an act of discipleship. And it encourages people toward proportionate and systematic giving in response to the question, “What percentage of my income is God calling me to give?” Sunday, November 16, 2014 is Consecration Sunday. During morning worship on Consecration Sunday, we will be asking the congregation to make their financial commitments to our church’s ministries in this community and around the world. It is our prayer that every person completes an Estimate of Giving Card during our morning worship on Consecration Sunday. Even if you do not feel completing a card, we hope November 2014 that you will participate in our Consecration Sunday. In order to remind and encourage your participation, a team of people has voluntarily given of their time and talents in order to make this day a success. Please make every effort to stay informed, inspired, and committed to attend Consecration Sunday worship on November 16. Thank you in advance for your faithful participation in our Consecration Sunday program. Tyson Labuhn [email protected] OSW Piano Fund Our goal is to raise $40,000 for a new piano in the sanctuary. At present we have over $18,000 in the piano fund. Please consider a donation! There are 88 keys on a piano—you can buy a key for $455. So far we have over 40 keys covered by our piano fund. A donation of any size is appreciated. To donate, please write a check to OSWLC with "piano fund" in the memo line, then place it in an offering plate or mail it to the church. If you wish to dedicate your donation in memory of someone, please attach a note to your check. Sally Mann [email protected] Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Dulles, VA 43115 Waxpool Road, Ashburn, VA 20148 Permit No. 751 Return Service Requested ! Dated Material ! Do Not Delay Sunday Service Times Communication Submissions 8:00am Traditional 9:30am Traditional First and Third Sundays of the Month 9:30am Contemporary Second and Fourth Sundays of the Month (Alternating on the Fifth Sunday of the Month) 11:00am Contemporary Please use our online web form for all requests for publication (bulletin, mid-week email, newsletter). Sunday School and Adult Classes at 9:30am Holy Communion is celebrated at all Sunday morning worship services. A nursery is available on Sunday mornings from 7:45am-12:00pm. Hover over the “Members” tab and choose “Submit an Article/Event” or go to www.oswlc.org/submissions Please don’t hesitate to contact the Communications Team with any questions or suggestions. The Communications Team 703-858-9254 [email protected] November 2014 www.oswlc.org • 703-858-9254 • 43115 Waxpool Road, Ashburn, VA • www.openarms-ccdc.org
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