ROTAS SERVICES Sunday 9 November 10-10.25am Prayer 10.30am Morning Service CA Theatre Wednesday 12 November 7.30pm Mission Prayer Meeting —————— Sunday 16 November 10-10.25am Prayer 10.30am Communion Service CA Theatre 6.30pm Evening Service Balloch Hall Wednesday/Thursday 19/20 November 7.30pm Home Groups 9 November 16 November Duty Deacon Craig Snitch Duty Deacon Craig Snitch Stewards Shona Snitch Rita MacDonald Stewards Shona Snitch Rita MacDonald Counting Team Tom Speirs Gordon McNeill Counting Team Anne Hughes Dolina geddes PowerPoint Ken Armstrong Anne Hughes PowerPoint Calum Murray David Sutherland Crèche Amy MacDonald Christina MacInnes Crèche Selina Dowey Isobel MacPherson Tea/Coffee Gordon McNeill Eileen McNeill Tea/Coffee Rita MacDonald Sylvia Thompson Flowers Eva Boag Flowers Fiona Prentice —————— CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBERS: RECORDINGS OF SERVICES Please speak to one of the sound team or download MP3 recordings from our website: REFRESHMENTS AND FELLOWSHIP Please join us for tea/coffee in the dining area after the service this morning. INFORMATION TABLE Why not take a little time to browse the Information Table while having your coffee/tea. Pastor: Kenny Ross - Tel. 01463 792833 Elders: Ken Oates - Tel. 01463 793301 Stewart Nicol - Tel. 01463 221801 Tosh Mackintosh - Tel. 01463 798487 Church Office: Ruth McGowan - Tel. 01463 794005 [email protected] Bulletin Items: Please send items for next week’s bulletin to the Church Office by Thursday. Pastor Kenny Ross Our Mission: ‘To live for Jesus and bring others to Him’ Sunday 9 November 2014 Scripture fulfilled in Christ Luke 22: 35-46 Sometimes things that are actually quite spectacular become unspectacular. They lose something of the wonder that they once had. It may not be that they have lost their wonder but rather we have grown accustomed to them. They don't seem ‘as spectacular’ anymore. I'm sure you all know what I mean. Well, what if that were also true about a person’s view of God. What if someone were to become so 'used' to Christ and the gospel that He didn't hold as much 'awe' as once He did in their opinion. I fear that at times the message of the gospel, message angels long to look into, is treated that way by many a believer. We become so accustomed to what the gospel is and what it means. So accustomed even to Christ and what He has done for us. It's not that familiarity has bred contempt, but rather just a sense of less awe, we are used to it!! My hope and prayer for all of us this morning is that God would astound us with the message of the gospel afresh. Let's hope. Registered Scottish Charity No SC027503 Kenny YOUTH FELLOWSHIP The YF will be meeting this evening, 9 November, 6.30 until 8:30pm, at the CYC. For more information please speak to Peter MacDonald or Stuart Prentice. PRAYER MEETING Wednesday, 12 November, in Culloden Academy Staffroom. LADIES FELLOWSHIP Thursday, 30 October, we will meet at Simpsons Coffee Shop around 10.30am. All ladies welcome. CAMEO CRAFT AND SALE MORNING 11.00am to 1.00pm on Saturday, 29 November, in aid of CBC Building Fund. See flyer for more information. FOOTBALL! Come along to Milton of Leys Primary School all weather pitch on Tuesday nights from 7 -8pm for football and a run about. All abilities welcome! Bring £2. Text/call Donnie Mackinnon for any info (07786 022749). A NIGHT OF GOSPEL PRAISE WITH MATTHEW JAMES MCKAY 7.30pm, Friday, 14 November, at Kingsview Christian Centre, Balnafettack Road. An invitation is given to come and enjoy an evening of praise and testimony with this young teenage Gospel Singer from Gardenstown. Also taking part will be the Moray Male Voice Choir leader, John Buchanan, who will compere this special concert, a freewill offering will be taken to support this young man with his Gospel Ministry and further training at Ben Speer Music School, Nashville, during July 2015. SUNDAY LUNCH CLUB FOR THE OVER 60S The monthly over 60’s lunch at the Royal Highland Hotel, organised by Liz Syred, takes place on Sunday, 16 November, at 1.00pm. Cost: £4.00 per person. Please let Ruth McGowan know by Wednesday if you would like to attend. A SERVICE OF REMEMBERING At Ness Bank Church, 16th November at 3.00pm. This will be a time for quiet reflection through music, readings and prayers, for anyone who wishes to remember someone who has died whether recently or long ago. Jesus said, ‘Blessed are they who mourn – for they shall be comforted’. CAROLS AT CULLODEN Carols at Culloden takes place at 6.30pm on Sunday evening, 14 December, this year. Invitation cards will be available nearer the time. Nativity Service - 21 December. CHRISTMAS LADIES NIGHT Alzheimer Scotland are holding a Christmas Ladies Night 7.00—9.00pm on Friday, 28 November, at Eden Court Theatre. Various stalls, and live music. Tickets £10, includes free Goody Bag, available from 07796 673130 or speak to Elma Mackay. PRAYER If you would like prayer or to talk with someone, members of our Prayer Team, which consists of all the Elders plus Trish Rigby and Stuart and Hannah Prentice, will be available at the front of this venue following the service this morning. SALVATION ARMY HOLDS HOME LEAGUE CAROL SERVICE An invitation is given to all women to attend this event, which will be held on Tuesday 9th December at The Salvation Army Hall, starting at 7.30pm. This will be followed by refreshments. Please let Ruth McGowan know if you would like to attend. INDUCTION AND ORDINATION AT THE BARN CHURCH The Induction and Ordination of the new Minister at the Barn Church – Mike Robertson – takes place on Friday, 14 November, at 7pm. There will be an official service led by Inverness Presbytery, followed by a more informal celebration led by the Session Clerk Douglas Wilby, including food and tea and coffee. ACCLAIM CHRISTMAS CONCERT In aid of Highland Hospice. Saturday, 13th December, in Dingwall Free Church. Mark it in your calendar, tickets will be available soon! CSW INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE PERSECUTED CHURCH 7.30-9.30pm, Friday 14 November at Perth Baptist Church Centre, Almond View, Perth PH1 1QQ. There is also one in Glasgow Finlay Memorial Church 2.30-4.30pm on Saturday 15th November. For more info please speak to Shona Urquhart. DINGWALL BAPTIST—INDUCTION The congregation of Dingwall Baptist Church warmly invites you to the Induction Service of their new pastor, Willie Miller. The service commences at 3pm on Saturday 15th November and will be followed by a buffet. MOVEMBER FUNDRAISING ‘I’m doing Movember to raise funds for men’s health, prostrate cancer, etc. You can go on to the Movember site - - to donate under my name or see me directly. Thanks, Craig Snitch.’ VACANCY AT BLYTHSWOOD An Area Fundraising and Events Manager-North of Scotland based in Evanton starting in January 2015. Job description and application form available by e-mailing [email protected] or contacting Barbara Grace on 01349 830777.closing date for applications is 14/11/14.
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