Upcoming Common Core Events in California for November and a Report of the Battle Fighting Common Core in California As can be seen by the amazing events scheduled below, many people and groups are joining the battle to fight Common Core in our State and they are helping each other - bringing in special guests and sharing them with other groups across Southern and Northern California. Special thanks to Suzi Kahn and her group of Faithful Christian Servants who are responsible for the Dr. Duke Pesta speaking engagements and also convincing their Orange County School Board to finally allow them to have two different panel discussion “Putting Common Core on Trial.” Thanks to Gloria Pruyne and Jeanne Goodin of Long Beach Eagle Forum and their group of speakers to so many of those school board meetings as well. Thanks to Peggy Nichol and her sister Pat Bichnell for arranging the tour of Dr. Sandra Stotsky and Dr. James Milgram in Northern California and Darcy Brandon then bringing them onto Southern California. Thanks to the many other groups that have joined in hosting them. Thanks to Darcy, Orlean, and Gloria for arranging conference calls on Monday nights so we can stay abreast and connected with others across the state and nation fighting Common Core. We hear reports from leaders in California and special guests from other states such as Jenni White, who led the battle to throw Common Core out of the State of Oklahoma. If you would like to join those calls – email Darcy at [email protected] or Orlean at [email protected] and they will add you to the list. Thanks to many of you who have signed on to be the contact person for your school district by going to www.cuacc.org. Thank to so many of you who have signed the petition on the website or have downloaded it and have gotten signatures. There are presently 2330 signatures. More were turned into Assemblyman Tim Donnelly. Now that he is no longer going to be a state legislator, I have asked Shannon Grove to be our Common Core chief warrior. She accepted and we will start turning the petitions into her. Thanks also to the many groups that have formed on face book to fight Common Core such as Democrats Against Common Core, started by Sandra Smith and Californians Against Common Core started by Dominica Kristedja who has helped so many others form a similar group for their county. Thanks to so many of you who have signed resolutions and sent them to the state board, the governor and the superintendent trying to get them to say no to the new APUSH standards and to put it on the agenda for their next board meeting. If you have not yet signed the resolution go to cuacc.org. There are a few new events added to this list – especially notice the California State School board meeting in Sacramento on Nov. 13-14. We hope many of you can come and speak out against Common Core and the new APUSH standards. Date/Time Location Speakers/Topic 11/3 6:30-9:00 p.m. Community Day School 1800 Mathew Dr. Atwater, CA Dr. Sandra Stotsky Dr. James Milgram Kevin Snider Merced County Concerned Citizens Barbara Riis-Christensen [email protected] 11/5 7:00-9:00 Modesto Center Plaza 1000 L Street Modesto, CA Dr. Sandra Stotsky Dr. James Milgram Kevin Snider Citizens of Stanislaus County Against Common Core Pat Bicknell, [email protected] Register at https://modesto-unveilcc.eventbrite.com 11/6 6:30-8:30 p.m. Hanna Boys Center 17000 Arnold Dr. Sonoma, CA Dr. Sandra Stotsky Dr. James Milgram Kevin Snider Citizens of Sonoma County Against Common Core Peggy Nichols [email protected] Register at https://SonomaUnveilCC.EventBrite.com 11/7 7-9 p.m. Calvary Temple Church 4725 Evora Road Concord, CA 94520 Dr. Sandra Stotsky Dr. James Milgram Kevin Snider Contra Costa County Against Common Core Denis Pursche register at https://concordunveilcc.eventbrite.com 11/8 7-9 p.m. Lakehills Covenant Church Dr. Sandra Stotsky 7000 Rossmore Lane Dr. James Milgram El Dorado Hills, CA Kevin Snider Citizens of El Dorado Hills Against Common Core Melissa Wilson [email protected] 11/10 7-9 p.m. CUSD Trustees Mtg. Hall 33122 Valley Rd. San Juan Capistrano Californians Action for Public Education RSVP EventBrite: http://tinyurl.com/ConfrontReality-SJC Dr. Stotsky Dr. Milgram Bill Evers Sponsor_______ Cost/Contact_________ 11/11 7-9 p.m. Light on the Corner Church Dr. Stotsky 1911 Waltonia Dr. Dr. Millgram Montrose, CA 91020 Ze’ev Wurman http://tinyurl.com/unveilingCC2-0-LA 11/12 7-9 p.m. Town and Country Resort 500 Hotel Circle N. S.D. Mission Valley Dr. Stotsky Dr. Milgram Ze’ev Wurman [email protected] RSVP EventBrite: http://tinyurl.com/UnveilingCC2-0 11/ 13 6:30 – 8:30 VA Center 211 17th Street Marysville, CA Orlean Koehle former teacher author of CC books Yuba-Sutter Tea Party Bob Bagley 530-741-3565 11/13 7-9 P.M. Calvary Chapel Chino 4201 Eucalyptus Ave. Chino Hills Dr. Stotsky Dr. Milgram Ze’ev Wurman [email protected] RSVP EventBrite: http://tinyurl.com/Stotsky-Chino 11/13-14 It begins State Ed Hearing 8:30 a.m. both days State Education Building May speak on agenda 1430 N. St. Room 1101 Items. Open public Sacramento Comment on non-agenda Items – probably 10 a.m. Fri. Concerned Citizens Many different groups represented: www.cuacc.org; from around California [email protected]; [email protected]; 11/14-15 Yuba City Friday 5-9 p.m. Calvary Christian Center Saturday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Church of Glad Tidings CC Speakers: Orlean Koehle and Lydia Gutierrez Many other speakers 11/15 6-8 p.m. Dr. Stostky Dr. Milgram Ze’ev Wurman 11/16 3-5 p.m. Promise Church 25664 Madison Ave. Inland Empire Liberty Tour Two-Day Conference Paul Preston Call 888-857-6220 or register www.agenda21.com price $40 , $ 85, or $95 RSVP EventBrite: http://tinyurl.com/Stotsky-Murietta Peninsula Community Church Dr. Stostky Joan Davidson, Restore Palos Verde Education 5640 Crestridge Rd. Dr. Milgram [email protected] Palos Verdes Ze’ev Wurman http://www.eventbrite.com/e/unveiling-commoncore-20-the-unanswered-questions-rancho-palos-verdes-tickets-14126337255?aff=es2&rank=0 11/ 17 6-9 p.m. OCBE Board Room 200 Kalmus Dr. Costa Mesa, CA CC on Trial Round 2 Stosky, Milgram Ze’ev Wurman Dr. Karen Effrem Orange County Board of Education [email protected] ; http://OrangeCountyCCCC.com 11/ 18 7-9 p.m. Old World German VLG 7561 Center Ave. Huntington Beach Dr. Karen Effrem Pediatrician, expert researcher [email protected] RSVP EventBrite: http://tinyurl/DrEffrem-OWGV-HB “What is the Problem with Common Core?”
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