401 South Adams, P. O. Box 199, Rayne, LA 70578 November 9, 2014 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Rev. Kendal Faulk, Pastor Rev. Samuel Fontana, Assoc. Pastor Deacon Tommy Adams Deacon Daniel Besse Deacon Denis LaCroix Deacon Tim Ledet Office: 337-334-2193 Fax: 337-334-2199 Web: www.stjoerayne.org E-mail: [email protected] Youth Hall: 337-334-5991 Family Life Center: 337-334-5656 Weekly Calendar Monday, November 10 Rosary Group-9:00 am, Church Prayer for Priests-2:00 pm, Church Tuesday, November 11 Wednesday, November 12 Elderberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center Rayne Guest Home Mass-3:30 pm RCIA– 7:00 pm, Family Life Center Thursday, November 13 Babyberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center Catholic Daughter Meeting-5:30 pm, Family Life Center Annual Memorial Mass– 6:30 pm, Church Ultreya-6:30 pm, Church Cry Room Friday, November 14 Saturday, November 15 Sunday, November 16 Edge Spaghetti Dinner– 11:00 am-1:00 pm, behind Family Life Center Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm Sunday 7:00 am, 10:00 am & 5:30 pm Monday 6:30 am Tuesday 12:05 pm Wednesday 6:30 am Thursday 12:05 pm Friday 6:30 am First Saturday 9:00 am Parish Office Monday - Thursday Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 8:00 am to Noon Please pray for these parishioners & friends of St. Joseph Parish: Keith Alleman, Nicole Alleman, Josette H. Baker, Tommy Bearb, Dawn Bergeron, Betty Boullion, Earline Boullion, Cynthia Bourque, Dovey Bourque, Judy Bourque, Percy Breaux, Priscilla Breaux, Rick Briggs, Joseph “Blackie” Broussard, Paulette S. Butcher, Mona Carrier, Percy Castille, Karen Chargois, Joey Chatelain, Martin Chatelain Jr., Judy Chester, Kinley Comeaux, Earlis Cormier, Louise Cormier, Vinson Credeur, Jack D’Aquin, Judy DeValcourt, Gloria Doucet, Kathy Duhon, Robert J. Dupre, Frannie Dupuis, Priscilla Dupuis, Ella Mae Foreman, Jan Fusilier, Bud Gautreaux, Loretta Girouard, Doris Granger, Lynette Guidry, Mike Guidry, Mona Guidry, Ronald Hanks, Karen Hebert, James Hodges, Leo LaCroix Jr., M. J. LaCroix, Christine LaSalle, Erica Latiolais, Olivia Grace Latiolais, Deanna Lavergne, Jimmy Lavergne, Alfred “Popcorn” LeBlanc, Faye Ledford, Leola Leger, Willie Leger, Bailey Leon, Bridget Lonseth, Edna Lopez, Jeanne Louviere, Doug Marshall, Crystal May, Laura Meaux, Daynon Melancon, Pat Melancon, Troy B. Menard, Heather Menier, Randall Monceaux, David Moore, Joseph Ortego, Frank Privat, Margie Ray, Delia Richard, Holly Robinson, Gene Romero, Jimmy & Bertha Romero, Shirley Romero, Damion Royer, Dot Royer, Tammy Saltzman, Melvin Savoie, Edith Seaux, Crystal Simoneaux, Jerome & Hilda Simoneaux, Vernice Sonnier, Tony Spaetgens, Annie W. Spell, Tammy Stelly, Beverly Terro, Alyssa Thevis, Marcia Trahan, Cindy Vondenstein, Jessie Zaunbrecher Perpetual Lamp in our sanctuary burns constantly to proclaim the real presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle. This week we dedicate the flame to: Glenn Zaunbrecher, Jody D. Constantin and Wilbert “Sam” Wingate Sacrament of Baptism is held the 2nd Sunday of each month after 10AM Mass. Contact the Parish Office 4 to 6 months before to schedule Baptism Preparation. Classes are held the 4th Sunday of the month after 10AM Mass. Sacrament of Marriage: Call the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance of desired wedding date to schedule an appointment with Father in order to set the wedding date & begin the preparation process. Sacrament of Reconciliation: 30 minutes prior to Mass or any other time by appointment. Communion for the Shut-Ins: Please contact Deacon Tommy (334-8453) to schedule visits by a Minister of Communion. Funerals: Families should contact the Funeral Home to make all the necessary arrangements. Parish Membership: Every family in St. Joseph Parish is asked to register with the Parish Office by filling out a census form. If you have moved, changed your phone number or family information, please update your records. Census forms may be obtained at the Parish Office, on our website www.stjoerayne.org or in the lobby of church. Readings of the Week Monday: Tuesday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] Sacrament of Baptism We welcome those who have entered our Catholic faith through the waters of Baptism: Aubree Lynn Richard and Gracelyn Clare Suire Sacrament of Marriage We joyfully share in the union of: Lance Dupuis and Madeline Gardiner “What God has joined together, let no man separate.” Mark 10:9 Little Blue Advent Books are in and available at the Parish Office for $1.00 each. They contain six-minute meditations for each day of the Advent Season. THANKSGIVING MASS SCHEDULE Thursday November 27th 8:00 AM (No Noon Mass) The Parish Office will be closed on November 27th & 28th. HAPPY THANKSGIVING Parish Stewardship Offerings for week ending October 26 Electronic Funds Average operating required per week (does not include deferred maintenance, repairs or capital improvements) $ 9,502 -0$ 12,211 Building & Maintenance Donations $ Thank you for your generosity. 55 Returned to Our Lord Our faith community remembers in prayer: Earl Boudreaux We pray that he will find joy & peace in the Lord’s presence. We extend our sincere sympathy to his family and friends. We give thanks to the Lord for you on this the day of your birth and always. Making mention of you in our prayers, remembering your works of faith, labors of love and dedication to our Lord Jesus. Layni Boudreaux, Jacob Cantrell, Mark Castille, Sidney Credeur, Megan David, Amber Faulk, Kyler Habetz, Kole LaGrange, Nell Menard, Joan Roberts, Gail Vasseur, John Arceneaux, Marty Bergeron, Mona Campbell, Brad Cormier, Emily Courville, Ted Fontenot, Bryant Gilbert, Kaden Granger, Emma Guidry, Dunphy Hamlin, Kaleb LaGrange, Philip LeJeune, Jacob Menard, Jeanne Monteilh, Hilton Nero, Terral Prevost, Cortay Schexnyder, Josette Venable, Garrett Bergeron, Deynoodt Besse, Tyler Binder, Sarah Boudreaux, Martin Dischler, Melisssa Dooley, Amanda Faulk, Amber Gary, Gracie Jolivette, Charlene Leger, Amber Menard, Sabelle Menard, Melissa Quebodeaux, Todd Reed, Joyce Richard, Abigail Savoy, Amanda Soileaux, Jared Thibodeaux, Kathy Trahan, Kathy van Pelt, Jeromy Veillon, Kimala Abshire, Ray Campbell, Larry Comeaux, Karon Cook, Melody Daigle, Adley Dudding, Blaine Hooper, Alexandra LeBlanc, Gregory Mier, Anna Marie Primeaux, Brenda Saltzman, Tiffany Trahan, Ashley Abshire, Caleb Bergeron, Shayla Bergeron, Phyllis Castille, Alison Chaisson, Joseph Comeaux, Dolores Deville, Mallorie Dupont, Quincy Emmons, Romona Foytlin, Paul Gauthier, Garrison Gautreaux, Fred Girouard, Jared Lawless, Steven Lopez, Haynen Menard, Jordan Richard, Mallorie Richard, Willie Etta Servat, Zona Terro, Ty Thibodeaux, Steve Trahan, Bernice Breaux, Ashley Cormier, Tanner Crooks, Clara Daigle, Vernal Daigle, Ashley Davidson, Helen Foreman, Claudia Kibodeaux, Patrick Pellerin, Alayna Reaux, Lathen Richard, Martha Ross, Collin Soeseno, Tommy Thibodeaux, Karl Fusilier, Ethelene Ledoux, Betty Mendoza, Shannon Roche CDA Court Rayne #844 Fall Salad Bingo An Annual Memorial Mass will be celebrated THIS THURSDAY November 13, 2014 at 6:30 pm in honor of the Catholic Daughters, Knights of Columbus, Lay Carmelites and Altar Society members who have returned to the Father during the past year. A reception will follow in the Family Life Center. Everyone is invited to this moving tribute to those who have so lovingly served St. Joseph Parish. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS’ MONTHLY MEETING WILL BE HELD IN THE FAMILY LIFE CENTER ON NOVEMBER 13TH JUST PRIOR TO MASS Monday, November 24th in the Family Life Center Meal served at 6:00 pm Bingo begins at 7:00 pm Your $12.00 ticket includes meal, dessert, drink and a bingo card. Advance ticket sales only. Tickets available at the Parish Office or from any Catholic Daughter. Tiger 8th Grade Class Bake Sale Sunday, November 23rd after 10:00 am Mass in front of Church Proceeds to benefit students’ educational trip to Washington DC Contact Andrea Gautreaux 654-3366 or [email protected] Veterans Day - November 11th In honor of the men and women who served our country as well as those who are on active duty, St. Joseph Church bells will ring for one minute at 11:00 AM on Tuesday, November 11th. Please set that time aside as we pray for our Veterans. Fr. Kendal For God, Country and Family We are one nation under God! Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser Sunday, November 16th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Pick-up behind the Family Life Center $6.00 per ticket Tickets available from any Edge student or at the Parish Office. Proceeds to help fund the Edge Spring Retreat and additional program activities. Next Edge Night Nov. 30th after 5:30 pm Mass in the Youth Hall A faith-filled, fun hour for parents, grandparents, caregivers and children 0 to 5 years old. “Designed by God, so I must be special” Thursday, November 13th at 9:00 AM in the Family Life Center Christian –based recreation for 6th, 7th & 8th graders who attend RCE and Edge and are parishioners of St. Joseph Parish Friday, November 21st 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm in the Youth Hall For more information or to volunteer call Georgette at 334-2193. St. Joseph Parish is bringing back the tradition of the Vocations Chalice. Each week at 10:00 AM Mass the chalice along with prayers to be said for vocations to the religious life, will be given to a different family. Please call the Parish Office (334-2193) if your family would like to host the Vocations Chalice for a week. Life Teen will be on Fall Retreat November 15th & 16th. Please pray for our teens and leaders who will be in attendance. There will no Life Night on Sunday, November 16th because of retreat. For all future and upcoming events please see the Live Teen Calendar at http://stjoerayne.org/religious-ed Thoughts on Veterans Day This Tuesday, our country observes Veterans Day, dedicated to all the men and women who have served our country in the armed services. We are encouraged to thank our veterans, as we are mindful of all their sacrifices on our behalf. This is a good and worthy thing. And yet, any student of history cannot pass this day without noticing a certain irony: today we honor those who continue to fight, but originally November 11th celebrated the end of fighting. On November 11th 1918, an armistice was declared in Europe, effectively ending the most brutal and widespread war in recorded human history. This “Great War” was the “war to end all wars”—it consumed Europe and spread to all corners of the earth (a “world war”). Over 12 million people lost their lives. The First World War has been called Europe’s “failed suicide attempt,” because while Christian civilization survived the war, what emerged was horribly disfigured and poisoned. When the bells rang out over the world on that November morning, no one understood the extent of the damage; all that mattered was that the fighting had come to an end. From our vantage point a century later, we can see the tragedy of that day: there was only an armistice (a cease-fire), not a real and lasting peace. This was not the “war to end all wars,” nor the war to “make the world safe for democracy” (as Woodrow Wilson told our Congress). This was only the beginning of a whole century of violence, aggression, betrayal, and fear. The ceasefire of 1918 and the unjust peace of 1919 gave birth to both Soviet Communism and National Socialism (the Nazi Party of Germany). For this reason, to anyone who understands the history, November 11th cannot but have an ominous or tragic feeling. How can we celebrate the end of war, knowing that that end was in fact only the beginning? It is telling that in 1954, prompted by veterans returning from the Korean War, President Eisenhower changed the name of this holiday from Armistice Day, a day to celebrate peace, to Veterans Day, a day to celebrate those who fight. Some may object: why bring all this up at all? Why not just leave the past in the past and be thankful to our many veterans? Certainly it is our patriotic duty to honor those who have fought. But it is also our Christian duty to see things in the light of faith. How does a Christian view issues as war and peace? How can a Christian see the events of the 20th century and not feel a certain aching sickness at the absolute failure to make peace. We believe that peace is a fruit of justice, not the result of so much violence. Peace cannot be won, it must be built. And so, for the Christian, there must be a certain bitter sadness about a day such as Veterans Day. We should honor and thank those who serve, but on a much deeper level, we must pray and work for peace, not settling for cease-fires, but yearning for a lasting peace. —Fr. Fontana _|àâÜz|vtÄ `|Ç|áàxÜá áxÜä|Çz tà à{x _ÉÜwËá gtuÄx Date Time Lectors Deacons Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Nov. 10 6:30 am Clinton Boullion Betty Bellard, Brenda Hooper, Barry Leblanc Brenda Hooper Nov. 11 12:05 pm Margaret Young Peggy Lake, Dean Thibodeaux, Charmin Broussard Margaret Young Nov. 12 6:30 am Betty Bellard Barry LeBlanc, Keith Vienne, NEED HELP Robert Simoneaux Nov. 13 12:05 pm Dolores Deville Peggy Lake, Charmaigne Lawless, Dean Thibodeaux Charmaigne Lawless Nov. 14 6:30 am Clarence Arsement Betty Bellard, Jonathan Boutin, Liz Deaville Flo Broussard Nov. 15 4:00 pm Debra Reed, Charmin Broussard Deacon Dan Lyn Guidry, Denise Constantin, Diana Duhon, Dr. Neal Duhon, Zubaida Elahi, Jimmy Fontenot Elise Anne Gossen Gil & Mary Cormier Nov. 16 7:00 am Joseph Swinkey, Janet Bertrand Deacon Denis Dean Thibodeaux, Mike Bellard, Betty Bellard, Randy Bertrand, Jonathan Boutin, Sylvia Alleman NEED HELP Flo Broussard 10:00 am Jared Lawless, Luke Beslin Deacon Tommy Faye Jeffers, Margaret Young, Hubert Matte, Mike Ortego, Nathan Mouton, Peggy Deville, Thomas Hebert Allie Gray, Boyd Gray Jude & Cynthia Beslin 5:30 pm Leah Guidry Deacon Tim Beth Goins, Bryan Guidry, Russell Menard, Nancy Sarsfield, Eva Simon, Erin LeBlanc Gabriel Luke Mire, Emma Landaiche Flo Broussard, Eric Mire Nov. 17 6:30 am Clinton Boullion Brenda Hooper, Barry LeBlanc, Keith Vienne Brenda Hooper Nov. 18 12:05 pm Charmin Broussard Dean Thibodeaux, Margaret Young, Mary Guidry Margaret Young Nov. 19 6:30 am Jeanette Leger Keith Vienne, Betty Bellard, Barry LeBlanc Flo Broussard Nov. 20 12:05 pm Peggy Lake Margaret Young, Charmin Broussard, Daniel Habetz Helen Boudreaux Nov. 21 6:30 am Betty Bellard Barry LeBlanc, Dr. Neal Duhon, Keith Vienne Flo Broussard Nov. 22 4:00 pm Clarence Arsement, Mary Comeaux Deacon Tim Clara LeBlanc, Josette LeBlanc, Larry LeBlanc, Gale Prejean, Barry LeBlanc, Connie Miller Jack Himel, Peyton Menard Cathy Breaux Nov. 23 7:00 am Betty Bellard, Dan Landry Deacon Dan Becky Miller, Pat Miller, Georgette Richard, Mona Vienne, Keith Vienne, Brunella Reed Alaysha Dupont, Ivy Credeur Brunella Reed 10:00 am Margaret Young, Debra Reed Deacon Denis Jonathan Boutin, Jonathan Broussard, Liz Deaville, Linda Arceneaux, Janet Bertrand, Randy Bertrand, Eva Simon Hayden Thomas, Alli Mouton Melinda Leger 5:30 pm Peggy Lake Deacon Tommy Mike Abshire, Leah Guidry, Bryan Guidry, Denise Breaux, Denise Constantin, Jimmy Fontenot Caleb Calhoun, Gabriel Luke Mire Flo Broussard, Eric Mire Please pray for a Priest each day Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. November 10 November 11 November 12 November 13 November 14 November 15 November 16 Rev. Brian Taylor Rev. Alphonse Thainese Rev. Mark Thibodeaux, SJ Rev. Paul Thibodeaux Rev. Jude Thierry Rev. George Thychery Rev. Thomas Tierney Altar Servers Sacristans Pope Francis “In light of the word of Jesus, love is the measure of the faith, and faith is the spirit of love. No longer can we separate a religious life from service to our brothers, to those concrete brothers we meet. No longer can we divide prayer, the encounter with God in the sacraments, from listening to others, from closeness to their lives, especially to their wounds.” Sunday Angelus address Vatican City, Oct 26, 2014 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Church #467550 401 S. Adams Avenue Rayne, LA 70578 TELEPHONE 337-334-2193 CONTACT PERSON Linda Ancona SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER HP 2420 TRANSMISSION TIME Friday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION November 9, 2014 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 THROUGH 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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