November 2014 Novemb <RXUYRWHFRXQWV 1RYHPEHU ! " #$% & ' % ( ) HEART OF TEXAS APARTMENT ASSOCIATION N HTAA EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER *#+,.! /"*#0#12*"/3 4"*#&+5 #67..8 **#89&.12*:! +#+'9#..*+#& ,8+% HTAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0+#;+* ,#,* &.#$$!' ,+#*+7 ,#&! 1+#*!*,! HTAA Product/Service Council .#.+,$ .#.#.!. /".#&!6!, ##2!#<,'+ 6+#+ < +0#,$ In This Issue Contents November Calendar .....................................5 New Members ..............................................6 Free Luncheon .............................................9 HTAA Christmas Installation Banquet ......11 Blood Drive................................................12 TAA’s News ...............................................13 Membership Meeting .................................15 Leasing 101 ................................................16 Gearing up for Winter ...................................17 HTAA Advertisement Information.............19 Just for Fun! ...............................................20 Product Service Members .................... 22-23 Membership Application...................... 25-26 HEART OF TEXAS APARTMENT ASSOCIATION 4201 W. LAKE SHORE DR., SUITE H WACO, TEXAS 76710 PHONE: 254-776-5451 FAX: 254-776-5877 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: HTAAONLINE.COM ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE Katie Peebles EDITOR Nicole Shelburne Check us out online! Heartoftexasapartmentassociation 3 TAA Delegates Danielle Duffey Asst. Mngr. at The Highland Cove Apt. Amy Hartstack Mngr. at The View on 10th Wyndi Daily Mngr. at The Residence Ferlisa Raglan Mngr. at Raintree Apartments Mike Smith Owner at M&S Properties Cathy Spinney Product Services at RASA Floors Elizabeth Bryant (Alt.) Mngr. at Quadrangle Apartments Russell Trippett (Alt.) Owner at Brothers Management Anne Rue (Alt.) Owner at Rue Properties PROGRAMS COMMITTEE Nicole Shelburne Mngr. at Pecan Ridge Apt.– Christmas Event Anne Rue Owner at Rue Properties– Christmas Event Gisele Alba RASA Floors– Casino Night (PAC Event) Jennifer Sykora RASA Floors– Casino Night (PAC Event) Christi Roe Sandstone Apt.– Casino Night (PAC Event) COMMITTEE CHAIRS EDUCATION COMMITTEE Ferlisa Raglan Mngr, at Raintree Apartments Vicki Woodard Blairs Cove Apartments Cathy Spinney RASA Floors– Casino Night (PAC Event) Lindsey Blankenship CORT Furniture– Casino Night (PAC Event) Joel Robison HD Supply– Casino Night (PAC Event) Charlotte Oliverio Mngr. at Madeira Apartments [email protected] 4 4 2014 Calendar of Events Product Service Luncheon w/MFI Membership Meeting (evening) 1HZ0HPEHUV Kelly-Moore Paints 4427 West Waco Drive Heritage Quarters Waco, Tx 76710 215 Washington Ave 254-772-8304 Waco, Tx 76701 254-752-3400 Do you know someone that is not a member of the Heart of Texas Apartment Association?! Give them an application today! What do you get from joining? Paying your dues gets you access to a broad range of exclusive services and benefits from HTAA, TAA and NAA. Getting involved in your association, attending meetings and working with other volunteers on association business gets you much more! You'll have the opportunity to develop relationships with other colleagues, find potential business partners and clients and make new friends. Our 200+ membership count consists of rental housing owners, builders, developers, property management firms and product/service suppliers. The owner / management company members of HTAA represent more than 17,000 rental housing units in the McLennan, Falls, Limestone, Bosque, Hamilton and Coryell counties! 6 From the HTAA Board Officers, and members~ We would like to wish you and your family a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving holiday! 7 7 8 8 November Luncheon: (For apartment owner’s, manager’s and staff) 6SRQVRUHG%\ McMahan’s Flooring 'DWHNovember 13th 7LPH 12:00-1:00 pm /RFDWLRQ Pecan Ridge Apartments Come enjoy a free lunch! <RXPXVWPDNHUHVHUYDWLRQV Please fax or email your registration form to the HTAA office. Fax: 254-776-5877 Email: [email protected] Name:_________________________________________________________________ Company:______________________________________________________________ E-Mail:_____________________________ Phone:_____________________________ 215 Factory Drive Waco, Tx 76710 254-633-3119 9 866XSUHPH&RXUWDJUHHVWRKHDUFDVHFKDOOHQJLQJ ³GLVSDUDWHLPSDFW´ LQIDLUKRXVLQJ On October 2, the United States Supreme Court agreed to hear a case challenging “disparate impact” as an appropriate basis for making a fair housing claim. The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) appealed to the high court to review a case in which TDHCA was sued by a low-income tenant advocacy group that charged discrimination in the agency’s awards of tax credits based on a disparate impact theory. Lower court rulings allowed the case to proceed, accepting that the concept of disparate impact applies in fair housing. TDHCA challenged those rulings, and the Texas Apartment Association wrote a “friend of the court” or amicus brief supporting TDHCA’s request for U.S. Supreme Court review. Under disparate impact theory, a plaintiff can bring a claim, at least at the outset, solely on the basis of evidence that a practice or policy falls more harshly on a member of a protected class, even without evidence of discriminatory motive. The Supreme Court has twice before agreed to hear challenges to the use of disparate impact in fair housing, but the cases settled before the Court could rule. TAA will continue to be involved in the case to ensure the high court continues to hear the Texas multifamily industry’s perspective. Any ruling on the case would not be expected until sometime next year, possibly as late as next summer. 10 HTAA Annual Christmas Installation Banquet & Appreciation Gala OUR FINAL EVENT FOR 2014 is fast approaching. HTAA relies on our Product Service members for their support through sponsorships to ensure our events are successful. We are asking for your support, please be a sponsor for this event. The event will be December 9, 2014 at the Roosevelt Please mark your desired sponsorship level and return this form by fax (254-776-5877) no later than November 12, 2014. Sponsorship Levels: ______Platinum Sponsorship $300.00 ______ Gold Sponsorship $200.00 ______ Silver Sponsorship $100.00 (table sponsor) ______ I will provide a door prize Yes, I agree to be a sponsor of the above. Please bill my company, my check is enclosed. Company Name ________________________________________ Contact Name _________________________________________ Phone #______________________________________________ E-mail _______________________________________________ Your sponsorship will include signage at the event as well as recognition throughout the evening. 11 Tuesday, December 23, 2014 Noon to 4:00 pm The Heart of Texas Apartment Association (HTAA) 4201 Lakeshore Drive, Waco, TX 76710 All donors will receive a free movie ticket! For more info contact: 254-776-5451 [email protected] 12 13 14 14 NOVEMBER MEMBERSHIP MEETING Where: MICHNA’S BAR-B-QUE Address: 2803 Franklin Ave Date: November 13, 2014 Time: 5:30-7:30 At this meeting you will be voting in the new board of Directors for 2015 that will be working for you the members! This is an excellent opportunity for networking with other HTAA members! Please join in for an all you can eat Buffet! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cost $15.00 per person Guest $20.00 (guest will pay at the door) Yes, please register me for this meeting: _________________________________ Guest: (nonmember) __________________________________________________ Company Name: ____________________________________________________ Contact Information: _________________________________________________ If you are registering more than one person please list names clearly on a separate piece of paper. Please bill my account ________ Pay at the Door ____________________ HTAA -Fax: 254-776-5877 Cancellation must be received by e-mail or fax e-mail [email protected] No later than November 7th * No shows will be billed * 15 Wow. What a great class we had! If you or your staff were not in attendance then you really missed out on a great opportunity. Debi McKamey and Judy Merritt did a great job covering so many different leasing topics. They covered how to dress appropriately, how to get involved in associations, telephone techniques sparkle buckets, and much more! Start your day off with ‘Morning Mojo’*Take a deep breath, and think positive thoughts and have a plan of action! *Make your to-do list and list of goals for the day *Give yourself a high five! Sometimes it is easy to move on to the next thing without first telling ourselves “Good Job”. These steps are just a tiny example of things they covered in the class. Don’t let your staff miss out on the next class. 16 WacoMcLennanCountyPublicHealthDistrict EnvironmentalHealthDivision 225WestWacoDrive Waco,Texas76707 (254)7505464 Summerhasended,whichmeanscoldertemperatureswillbe heresoon.Preventavemaintenanceissllnecessaryevenif poolsarenotbeingused. x Regularmaintenancepreventspoolsfromdeterioraon inthepooloseason.Certaincondionscanreduce thelifeoftheequipmentduringthewintermonths. x Althoughpoolsarenotusedasoenduringthewinter months,poolwaterchemistryshouldbemaintainedto preventalgae.Stateregulaonsrequirechlorinetobe ataminimumof1partpermillion.Themaindrainsmustbeclearlyvisibleatthe deepestpartofthepoolatallmes. x Maintainingwaterchemistryhelpspreventpossiblemosquitobreedinginthe water.Inturn,thespreadofWestNileVirusisminimized. x Allpremisesshouldbemaintainedinsuchamannerastopreventthebreedingof mosquitoesonthepremises.Anycontainersholdingwatermustberemovedor empedtoeliminatemosquitobreeding. x Eventhoughpoolcoversarenotrequired,apoolcovercanhelppreventtrashor otherdebrisfromenteringthepoolandcanalsoreduce waterevaporaon. Allpumps,lters,disinfectantandchemicalfeeders, drains,ladders,lighng,ropesandappurtenantequipment usedintheoperaonofallswimmingpools,spas,diving towers,andwaterslidesmustbemaintainedinagoodstate ofrepair. x Circulaonsystemsmustrunconnuouslyallyearand laddersinthedeependmustremaininplaceatallmes. October1,2014 x Dear Valued Product and Service Members: As we enter the last quarter of 2014 and what will prove to be a busy time of the year, we want to remind everyone of the commitment to our partnership and to thank you for your support and loyalty to HTAA.. As a Product / Service Member, you are valued and we want to remind you we are here to find ways, that with your participation, will maximize the potential of your HTAA membership investment. Many of you are long term and very involved in HTAA and your efforts are greatly appreciated. At our network meetings you will find members that will share experiences and tips on how to really leverage your HTAA membership and we encourage everyone to attend. Joining HTAA is just the beginning of the journey. Real success depends on what you do proactively after you join. There are several steps and action that can help you succeed in this industry. Developing strong industry relationships is an important step and your involvement in HTAA will help you achieve that goal. We encourage you to attend every possible event and service council meeting . Networking with supplier members give you opportunities as well as learning about upcoming events hosted by the HTAA. Also, contact us to find out how your company representative can get involved in the association events. PARTICIPATION increases your company’s EXPOSURE, which creates OPPORTUNITY for new business. After all, isn’t that one of the reasons your company joined in the first place? We hope to see you at the next HTAA meeting or event. Working together, we will continue to explore and find creative ways to attract potential clients and customers thereby maximizing the return on your investment in HTAA. Please join us at our next meeting November 13, 2014 18 18 We caught you looking! Heart of Texas Apartment Association ADVERTISING RATES Newsletter (Member Rates Only) Size of AD 3Months 6Months 1Year Business Card $55.00 $91.00 $163.00 ¼ Page $85.00 $145.00 $265.00 ½ Page $160.00 $280.00 $520.00 ½ Page/Cover $175.00 $307.00 $571.00 Full Page $220.00 $388.00 $724.00 19 -XVW)RU)XQ Thanksgiving became a national holiday thanks to this tireless magazine editor? A)Sarah Parker B) Mary Lincoln C) Abraham Lincoln declared the Holiday D) Sarah Hale Please e-mail your answer to Katie @ [email protected]; You could win a $25.00 gift card! This Months’ Gift is Sponsored By: Update Your Information. Property Name:__________________________________________________________ Management Company:____________________________________________________ Manager Name:___________________________________________________________ Leasing Agent(s):____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:__________________________________________________________________________________ Email addresses ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number______________________________________________________ Fax Number_________________________________________________________ Please email or fax your update to us as soon as possible. 20 AUTUMN LEAVES FALL 3XPSNLQV CAMPFIRES APPLES ,QJUHGLHQWV SCARECROW FLANNEL FOOTBALL HAYRIDES ACORNS BLUE JEANS SDFNDJHVRIFUHDPFKHHVHR] HDFKVRIWHQHG CHILLY &,'(5 HARVEST Jalapeno Popper Dip FXSPD\RQQDLVH SLHFHVRIEDFRQRSWLRQDO FRRNHGDQGFKRSSHG VPDOOFDQFKRSSHGMDODSHQRV \RXFDQXVHIUHVKMDODSHQRVWRR DQGNHHSWKHVHHGVLI\RXZDQWLW VSLFLHU FXSVKUHGGHGFKHGGDU FKHHVH FXSVKUHGGHGPR]]DUHOODFKHHVH 7233,1*,1*5(',(176 Pumpkin Cream Cheese Dump Cake Ingredients 8 oz. cream cheese 3/4 C. powdered sugar 2 tsp. milk 1 can (29 oz.) pumpkin puree 1 can (12 oz.) evaporated milk 3 eggs 1 1/4 C. sugar 1 tsp. salt 1 Tbsp. pumpkin pie spice 1 yellow cake mix (dry) FXSFUXVKHGULW]FUDFNHUV FXSSDUPHVDQFKHHVH VWLFNPHOWHGEXWWHU ',5(&7,216 3UHKHDWRYHQWRGHJUHHV) &RPELQHDOOWKHWRSLQJUHGLHQWVDQGPL[WRJHWKHUZHOO 3RXULQ[JODVVGLVKRUVRPHWKLQJVLPLODU ,QDVHSDUDWHERZOFRPELQHDOORIWKHWRSSLQJLQJUHGLHQWV 3RXURYHUWRSMDODSHQRPL[WXUH %DNHIRUPLQXWHV %URLOIRUPLQXWHVXQWLOFUDFNHUVDUHEURZQHGDOLWWOH 6HUYHZLWKFKLSVRUFUDFNHUVZHORYHLWZLWKSLWDFKLSV (QMR\ 1/2 C. butter, melted 1 Tbsp. cinnamon sugar mixture, optional For more recipes please visit, whipped cream Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9 X 14 pan. 2. Using a mixer (a KitchenAid or hand held) combine cream cheese, powdered sugar and milk until smooth. Set aside. 3. In a large bowl, combine pumpkin puree, evaporated milk, eggs, sugar, salt, and pumpkin pie spice. Pour into prepared pan. 4. Put cream cheese filling into a small ZipLock bag, and snip off the tip the make a mini piping bag. Then pipe over the pumpkin filling (see photo). 5. Pour the dry cake mix over the cream cheese layer then poke holes using the end of a wooden spoon or a table knife through the cake mix until you hit the filling (not to the bottom of the pan). 6. Pour melted butter over the dry cake mix. 7. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar over the entire cake for extra flavor and crunch. 8. Bake for 40-50 minutes or until the top is browned and an instead knife comes out clean. 9. Let cool and serve with whipped cream! (Store in fridge) 2.6 Copyright © YourCupofCake 21 Auto-Out/Warren Watts Tech. 817-924-1370 [email protected] ABC Supply, Inc. 254-757-2111 800-359-0978 [email protected] Advanced Foundation Repair, LP 254-235-4922 [email protected] APAC-Texas-Wheeler Companies 512-563-0215 cell [email protected] Apartment Guide 979-492-9454 [email protected] 512-364-8226 [email protected] Rent 254 (formerly Apartment Locator) 254-307-0440 [email protected] Circle Hardware & Lumber 254-754-5658 [email protected] Coinmach Laundry 800-492-5370 ext. 51544 [email protected] Commercial Insurance Solutions 214-420-0320 [email protected] Comark Direct 254-761-9900 [email protected] Discount Vacuum & Appliance 254-756-1738 [email protected] Enviro-Serv Restoration & Cleaning 254-776-1877 [email protected] Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. 254-761-1700 [email protected] First National Bank of Central Texas 254-761-6124 Authentic Contracting Solutions 866-788-0768 [email protected] FSI Construction, Inc. 972-239-4374 [email protected] B & C Pest Control 254-399-6637 [email protected] GRANDE Communications 254-235-2040 [email protected] Bear Bills 254-230-0199 877-453-6951 [email protected] H & M Landscape & Sprinkler Co. 254-716-5958 [email protected] Belfor Property Restoration 254-799-8400 877-453-6951 [email protected] HD Supply Facilities Maintenance 254-248-2352 (Joel cell) [email protected] CORT 9821-A North IH 35 Austin, TX 78753 512-551-0549 Higier Allen & Lautin PC 972-716-1888 [email protected] Century A/C Supply 713-516-1901 [email protected] [email protected] Image Carpet and Flooring 972-245-0414 [email protected] Impact Fire Services 254-857-4990 R.O.I. Windows and Doors, Inc. 254-836-1667 [email protected] Innovative Painting 817-532-7137 [email protected] Sanders Insurance Agency 254-235-8185 [email protected] Kelly-Moore Paints 254-775-8304 Sherwin Williams 254-741-0003 [email protected] Lake Air Pool Supply 254-754-4551 [email protected] Maintenance Supply Headquarters 866-630-6747 [email protected] MFI-McMahan’s Flooring, Inc. 214-631-0600 [email protected] Miracle Method 254-399-0299 [email protected] Multifamily Utility Company, Inc 800-266-0968 [email protected] National Tenant Network 210-590-0280 [email protected] Rasa Floors 254-714-2480 866-601-6667 Reliable Carpet Care 254-339-4346 [email protected] ResMan 972-349-1406 [email protected] Roadside America Auto Club 972-647-0051 [email protected] Surface Connection 866-507-8202 [email protected] Summer Energy 713-375-2764 [email protected] Target Restoration Service, LLC 254-741-9026 [email protected] Texas Professional Restoration, LLC 713-865-6547 cell [email protected] Texas Coin and Commercial Laundry 214-634-2080 [email protected] Time Warner Cabel 254-761-3753 [email protected] Waco Tribune Herald 254-757-5757 [email protected] Waco Apartment Shoppers by E-Stream 888-767-7799 817-975-7799 cell [email protected] Wilmar Industries 817-475-2399 cell [email protected] Support HTAA Product Service Members! 23 Get The HTAA Member Logo Show your company’s continuing involvement with HTAA. Use our logo on your letterheads, websites, business cards, and any other communication outlets. Show your support for the Heart of Texas Apartment Association! For more information contact HTAA at: 254-776-5451 or email: [email protected] Support HTAA Advertisers! Please support the companies that advertise in HTAA Home Times. Their advertising dollars are critical to HTAA’s operations to support our owner/management company ompany members. For more information on advertising, contact Nicole Shelburne at (254) 757-3226 or [email protected] HTAA’s publication is ONLINE! Go to to view the online version of Home Times! One more way HTAA is reaching out to you, our members! 24 2222 23 We can Take Care of all Your Printing Needs ! For over 40 years Comark Direct has been providing quality commercial printing. We take pride in our craftsmanship...which results in only the highest quality finished piece. We have a wide range of capabilities that include: Creative Offset Printing Layout & Design 1-8 Color Process Digital Printing Aqueous and UV Coating Color Copies Wide Format Print on Demand Posters Variable Data Banners Direct Mail Strategic Services Addressing Email Blasts Sorting Text Blasts Inserting Landing Pages Tabbing Social Media Mailing Automated Communications Mention this ad and receive 10% off your 1st order. Call Patty Short at 888-742-0405 This newsletter was printed by Comark Direct. Heart of Texas Apartment Association 4201 W. Lake Shore Drive. Suite H Waco, Texas 76710 3OHDVH'LVWULEXWH WR6WDII0HPEHUV 24
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