/15 General Relativity, TC1, Prof. Dr. V. Mukhanov, WS 2014 •

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
General Relativity, TC1, Prof. Dr. V. Mukhanov, WS 2014/15
• Dr. Alex Vikman (Tuesday, 2-4 pm, Theresienstr. 37, A 449, Wednesday 2-4 pm, Theresienstr. 37, A 450),
• Dr. Ted Erler (Thursday 2-4 pm, Theresienstr. 37, A 450),
• Dr. Paul Hunt (Thursday 4-6 pm, Theresienstr. 37, A 450)
Problem Sheet 4 (discussion 10.11-14.11.2014)
4.1 Locally Inertial Reference Frame
α has the value (0) Γα and is symmetric (0) Γα =
Suppose the Christoffel symbol1 at a point x(0)
α can be constructed by defining new coordinates ξ α such that
locally inertial system at point x(0)
ξα (x) = xα − x(0)
(0) Γα
1 (0) α µ
Γµν x − x(0) xν − x(0)
Prove explicitly that the Christoffel symbol for the new coordinates vanishes at the origin ξα = 0 correα .
sponding to the point x(0)
4.2 Geodesics
a) Show that the geodesic equation can be written in the following form
d uα 1 ∂ gβγ β γ
u u = 0.
2 ∂xα
b) What happens, if the metric does not depend on a coordinate, say on x1 ?
c) Show that gαβ uα uβ is a constant along the geodesic.
4.3 Minimal Length and Maximal Proper Time
Derive the geodesic equation from the requirement that a spacelike geodesic is a curve of extremal (usually minimal) spacial distance between two points, while a timelike geodesic corresponds to the extremal
(usually maximal) proper time between events.
We use the term ‘Christoffel symbol’ for the components of any connection, not only for the components of the Levi-Civita
connection as it is done in some textbooks.
4.4 Commutator of Covariant Derivatives
Show that
uα;β;γ − uα;γ;β = Rαδγβ uδ ,
where the Riemann tensor is defined by
∂ Γαδβ
∂ Γαδγ
+ Γασγ Γσδβ − Γασβ Γσδγ .
4.5 Parallel Transport and Riemann Tensor
Consider a vector Aα parallel-transported along a small closed curve xµ (s) . Show that the change in Aα after
the parallel transport can be approximately expressed as
xβ dxγ ,
δAα ≡
Γαγ (x)Aβ dxγ ≈ Rδαβγ Aδ
where it is assumed that the area within the closed curve is very small.
Hint: Use a locally inertial coordinate system where Γαβγ = 0 at one point. Also, show that
x dx = −
xβ dxα .
4.6 Riemann Tensor
a) Using the symmetry properties of the Riemann tensor Rαβγδ , compute the number of independent
components of Rαβγδ in an n -dimensional space (n ≥ 2 ).
b) Prove the Bianchi identity
Rαβγδ;σ + Rαβσγ;δ + Rαβδσ;γ = 0.
c) Compute the Einstein tensor Gαβ in an arbitrary two-dimensional space.
Hint: First determine the independent components of Rαβγδ .
4.7 A Useful Operator
Consider an operator which depends on two vectors a and b
Oˆ (a, b) = [∇ a , ∇ b ] − ∇[a,b] ,
where ∇ is the covariant derivative / Levi-Civita connection, so that ∇ a = aµ ∇µ , [∇ a , ∇ b ] = ∇ a ∇ b − ∇ b ∇ a
and [a, b] = ab − ba. Show that this operator defines a tensor. Find components of this tensor.