About Oak Hills Church

About Oak Hills Church
We invite you to experience
the love of Christ’s
community here as you
explore the purpose of your
life with Jesus. Our staff is
available to serve you –
please connect with them in
person, by phone or e-mail.
Office Hours M-F 9-5
(503) 645-2245
2800 NW 153rd Ave
Beaverton OR 97006
Carl Leep, Pastor
[email protected]
Howard Spaan, Pastor
Curtis Holm, Youth Pastor
[email protected]
Sharry Kragt, Ministry Coord.
[email protected]
Please send bulletin
announcements to
Sheila Deeth at:
[email protected]
by Thursday at 5:00 pm
Just go to oakhills-church.org
and click on the MEDIA page
to access the messages. If you
would like a copy burned on a
CD, please contact Curtis
Holm and he will take care of
your request.
Pastoral Elders
Seth Atsma
Gene Dykema
Rosemary Dykema
Dave Slotemaker
Bonnie Yonker
Care Ministry
Rosemary Dykema
Leslie Kragt
Administrative Elders
Joey Kragt
Morgan Law
Jerry Yonker
Bev Baarspul
Susan Buchholz
Jeff Diephuis
Todd Veenhuis
Prayer Chain
Small Groups
Don Johnson
Dave Slotemaker
Evelyn VanderVeen [email protected]
Email Prayer requests: Nan Van Dyke - [email protected]
Sharry Kragt 503-645-9663
[email protected]
Building Use
Sharry Kragt 503-645-2245
[email protected]
Steve and Jan Michmerhuizen, Lupeni, Romania
Chris & Heather Enns, Tanzania
Minnie Hill, Manila, Philippines
Amy Lineburg, International Princess Club Ministry
Evy Smith
Today: 11:00 am: Sunday School, Adult Education
5:00pm: 3rd – 5th grade Laser Tag
Tuesday: 9:15 am: Coffee Break and ESL
10:15 am: Women’s Bible Study
Wednesday: 2:30 pm: Kids’ Club
6:30pm High School Laser Tag
November 22: 7 pm - Benefit Concert for World Renew/ Haiti
November 26: 7 pm – Thanksgiving Service
November 29: 9 am – Leaf raking ; mark your calendars
Living out our commitment to Love Jesus, Obey Jesus & Serve Jesus for God’s glory!
Welcome to Oak Hills
We’ve come to worship God together. We
hope you sense the Spirit of Jesus among
us and share the joy of praising God.
Please join us for refreshments after
worship and meet someone new.
Worship guests, please sign a guest card
found in the racks in the pew in front of
you, and place it in the offering plate.
Acts 17:16-21
A city visit offer sights of cultural beauty,
but how do you respond to evidence of
spiritual deception? What Paul sees and
feels on his visit in Athens instructs us why
so many people are desperate and why we
must bring them Good News.
Minnie Hill Presentation
Special Offering – Holiday Baskets
Acts 17:22-34
November 16th
Call to Worship - “Oh the Depths of the Riches”
Welcome & God’s Greeting
& Greeting One Another
Praising God Together
“Gather Us In” #529:1, 4
“Beautiful One” #607
“What a Mighty God We Serve”
Confessing our Faith in Our Triune God
“Spirit of God Who Dwells Within My Heart”
Ephesians 4:30-5:2
Bringing God’s Tithes and Our Offerings
1st offering - OHC Ministries
2nd offering- Holiday Baskets
Offertory - Minnie Hill ministry report
(Children’s Worship: age 2 – Gd.4)
Prayers of God’s People
Hearing God’s Word
Scripture: Acts 17:16-21
Bringing Our Worship to God
“He Is Lord”
Going Out to Serve
God’s Parting Blessing
Parting Praise: “May the Lord Mighty God” #940
The story of Jesus brings Good News to everyone who
hears what God is doing in the world. When the Good
News crosses geographical boundaries people from
different national, social and economic backgrounds
discover barriers broken down and new communities of
hospitality, service and joy emerge. We still spread the
Good News that changes local communities today
around the world!
Let us not become weary in doing good, for
at the proper time we will reap a harvest if
we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
General Fund $4,176.91,
Benevolence(Thanks baskets) $70.00,
World Renew $87.09
- Pray God’s comfort and hope for Dennis Widman
and Melissa Slotemaker and families in the death of
YTD offering: $ 97,657.23
their wife and mother, JeanAnn. As she is at home
YTD budget: $131,514.90
with the Lord, may God sustain them with his peace
and strength for each day. The family is planning a
service for the future.
the Thanksgiving basket. We are excited to
- Thank God for Minnie Hill’s home visit. She will be in
be able to bless 10 different family's this
our area November 11-27 and December 8-20. Minnie
Thanksgiving, Christmas and into next Easter.
presents her ministry update here today and other
It is exciting that in doing this we will
places where her supporters.
hopefully be able to build a relationship with
each of these neighbors in the Beaverton
- Continue to pray for the Bert Baarspul family, that
area. Will you consider helping with the
God's comfort sustains them with grace & hope.
giving of your gift towards the expense of
- Please pray God’s blessing on these OHC families this
putting these baskets of blessings together.
week: Brian Gustafson and the Helm family.
- Please pray for Gretta Bouwman, Earle McLain and
others from our church family struggling with on-going health issues.
- Pray for troops and their families; pray for all those who live in countries where war and terror are a
constant threat.
- PLEASE JOIN THE 641 CLUB by praying at 6pm every day for one minute for the men and women
fighting for the cause of freedom and our country. Also, please pray for the efforts of World Renew.
See Don or Earle for information.
FREE "Listening Prayer" Webinar - On Nov. 19 with presenter Mary Sterenberg, you'll learn how to
recognize the voice of God and what comprises "listening prayer". We will explore some of the many
ways God speaks in scripture and still speaks today. For details and free registration for the one-hour
event visit crcna.org/webinars.
THANKSGIVING SERVICE – Please plan to join us for a special Thanksgiving Service on Wednesday,
November 26 at 7 pm.
LEAF RAKING – We’re planning our annual big leaf raking day for Saturday, November 29 at 9 am. We
will join Troop 728 to clean out all the bark beds and lawn areas around the church and get the leaves
to the street for pick up the following Monday. Please bring leaf blowers, rakes, tarps and anything
else that might be helpful for the job. We will provide some refreshments for the work crew and
hope it can be fairly quick if lots of help shows up. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us!
ADULT EDUCATION: Please come and be edified in
our study of the Heidelberg Catechism at 11am.
NURSERY Beth Spaan, Mindy Feinauer,
EXPLORING MEMBERSHIP: As a new or regular
Brookelyn Feinauer
worshipper here at Oak Hills Church, you may want
COFFEE HOSTS: John & Shauna Westra
to explore what our church believes and practices
and what it means to participate as a member.
GREETERS: Joey & Leslie Kragt
Please sign up on the bulletin board by Pastor Carl’s
USHERS: Don Johnson, Gretta Bouwman
study and indicate which times you would be
available on a Sunday afternoon/evening from 3:30 CHILDREN’S WORSHIP LEADERS
6:30 pm..
Room 1: Myrna DeMots
EARLE SEZ: Thanks again for a job well done. Last
Comm. Room: Sharry Kragt, Jennifer Atsma
week, for Veteran’s Day, you send 40 cards of
Fireside: Allison Bates,
thanks and encouragement to lonely hospitalized
Marilyn Duistermars
men and women in the Veteran’s Administration
LEADER: Beth Andrè
hospital in Roseburg, Oregon, 80 more to Honolulu,
MUSIC: Instrumental
and 159 to Portland; a total of 279 cards (99 more
than ever before). Thanks and carry on!
Serving Next Sunday
LIBRARY: Kevin Schut presented a January Series
NURSERY Melissa Hoekert, Jordyn Feinauer,
lecture on a Christian exploration of the
Brad Buchholz
proliferations of our “video-games” and evaluation
COFFEE HOSTS: Brian & Sharry Kragt
of the impact on us. We now have his book Of
GREETERS: John & Shauna Westra
Games and God in which he gives an exploration of
USHERS: Dave Kline, Rick Duistermars
the phenomenon from a Christian viewpoint.
FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring
Room 1: Shauna Westra
Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws,
Comm. Room: Sharry Kragt, Jennifer Atsma
blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging
Fireside: Allison Bates,
articles and devotions at familyfire.com. Subscribe
Marilyn Duistermars
for regular email updates and connect with our
Family Fire community on Facebook.
CAMP CALVIN 2015 DATES are now set for Monday-Friday, July 6-10, 2015 at Lost Creek Village.
Please put this on your calendars as you make your plans for your families. Thank you.
WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT EBOLA? The world is experiencing the worst Ebola epidemic in history. In
the midst of this darkness, God’s light is shining. Join Christian Reformed World Missions and World
Renew in praying for those infected and those on the front lines of caring for them. CRWM is working
with the Timothy Leadership Institute to train local pastors to face the Ebola epidemic with a
Biblically-minded approach. World Renew is working in Liberia to provide training and medical
supplies to 18 health centers through its local partner, the Christian Health Association of Liberia.
They also work through partners in Sierra Leone in Ebola “hot spots” to train community members on
what Ebola is and how to respond, including distribution of sanitizer, bleach, and hand washing
stations. Support CRWM and World Renew with gifts marked “West Africa Ebola Response”. To learn
or donate, visit worldrenew.net/ebola.
YOU ARE ALL INVITED to a concert at OHC Saturday night at 7pm November 22, to raise funds for
World Renew in Haiti. This event brings together my passion for music and for helping hurting
people in Haiti. It will include mostly my own original music, but also a Duke Ellington song called
Come Sunday and two songs accompanied by an extraordinary Portland pianist, Jonathan Swanson.
These songs are by Joaquin Rodrigo and Gabriel Faure, but I sing them with new lyrics. Bring
friends. Love, Candace Weber