GATHERING LISTENING LIGHTING OF THE CHRIST CANDLE WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Happy Birthday to you. Happy Anniversary to you. May God bless and keep you another year through. Bach *HYMN Joyful, Joyful We Adore You #232 (VU) OPENING PRAYER (in unison) God of all time, faithful to each generation, We give You thanks on this Anniversary Sunday, Our praise is offered for all the work You have done, Our gratitude is given for faithful servants from the past, Your grace has guided and inspired this congregation, Your hope holds deep roots in this community, Our faith in the ministry of Jesus Christ brings trust, A trust that binds us to each other and Your witness, We pray with confidence for today and the future. We also pray for forgiveness, For words left unsaid or spoken too harshly, With actions that have hurt others or actions not taken, For things unresolved, we pray for understanding, In silent sufferings from years past, we pray for healing, We offer all of these into Your great care… WORDS OF HOPE AND HEALING THEME TIME Deep In Our Hearts #154 (MV) PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND LORD’S PRAYER (sung) BLESSING May God’s Sheltering Wings SCRIPTURE READINGS Ezekiel 37: 1-6 One: The Word of God All: Thanks be to God WELCOME If you are new to our community or church, we welcome you to our service this morning. We invite your suggestions for making our service and church life more meaningful for you and your family. Thanks for coming! Please sign our guest book in the narthex. John 7: 37-39a One: The Gospel of Christ All: Praise to You, O Christ QUIET MOMENT FOR REFLECTION Prelude in g minor HYMN PASTORAL CHARGE ANNOUNCEMENTS #214(MV) ANTHEM MESSAGE Canon of Praise THANK YOU to our greeter and ushers, Pat & John Tate, Jane & Ken Harlock, Jean Beaton for presenting announcements and Brenda Sharpe as our layreader. arr. Hopson TODAY WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR 161ST ANNIVERSARY SERVICE. A WARM WELCOME and thanks to Rev. Bob Johnston for sharing in our celebration. Everyone is invited to share in our special social hour following the service. SPIRITUAL BUT NOT RELIGIOUS? RESPONDING *HYMN I’ve Got Peace Like a River OFFERING OFFERTORY MUSIC Andante #577 (VU) Gluck OFFERTORY RESPONSE Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise God, all creatures high and low; Hallelujah x2 Give thanks to God in love made known: Creator, Word and Spirit, One, Hallelujah x5 *OFFERTORY PRAYER (in unison) Making an offering to You God, is a sacred act of hope. In what we make and give, we discover something of You. Bless what we offer so that it may be multiplied to bring Your goodness here and throughout the world, Amen. *HYMN The Church’s One Foundation #332 (VU) *SENDING FORTH AND BLESSING *CHORAL BENEDICTION POSTULDE (Amen sung three times) Ein’ Fest Burg Luther *indicates to please stand if you are comfortable doing so TODAY AND THROUGHOUT THIS WEEK we are called to pray for the members of Grace United Church in Caledonia. As we pray for each other and for the mission of Churches in the world including our partner church in Cali, Colombia, we remember our local churches by praying this week for St. Paul’s & St. John’s Anglican churches. THE PRAYER CHAIN is open to receive names of any person whom you feel would be upheld by prayer - we do not limit our list just to members of the congregation. Speak to Keith. Please know that all requests are held in confidence. THE TOONIE CHALLENGE is a way of reducing the shortfall in our 2014 budget for the General Fund that covers the operating expenses of the church. We encourage as many families as possible to participate in this challenge for the remainder of the year by contributing an extra Toonie each week in the small bowl on the offering plate (the cost of a coffee or a newspaper). Thank you! A THIRD BATCH OF NATURAL LAUNDRY SOAP was made this week and jars are available in the social hall - $5 for small, $10 for large jars. Thank you to the volunteers for making this another successful fundraiser for the General Fund. ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 at 3:30 p.m. there will be a Covenanting Service of Worship for (Rev.) Bonnie Holliday at Port Elgin United Church. Rev. Gerry Hofstetter will be guest preacher and a supper will follow in the Activity Centre. ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 AT 7 PM, please join us at St. Paul's Anglican Church for a reflective service in the style of Taizé. If you are interested in being part of an informal choir that evening, please arrive at 6:30 pm for a rehearsal. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28TH OUTREACH MEETING AT 7 P.M. THE FALL EDITION OF ‘CONNECTING’ is now available. A limited number of printed copies are available at the church, but to save cost, we encourage members to view online - While you are online, browse some of the other features, news, upcoming events, calendar and photo gallery. Thank you to everyone who contributed pictures and information for this edition. Also an extra special thank you to Larry LePage for compiling our newsletter. Feel free to share with your family, friends and neighbors. FINANCE REPORT FOR THE GENERAL FUND - at the end of September, when you compare our Total Income to our Total Expenses, there is a shortfall of $13,602. Offerings are our single most significant source of income. Thank you for your ongoing generosity in helping us to achieve our 2014 budget. 2015 BUDGET INFORMATION – Team Leaders please pick up your budget information forms in the mail room and submit completed forms to Sandy Ribey by October 30th. Thank you for your assistance. CHANTRY CENTRE – calling all 50+ seniors to have fun and meet new friends. Membership $20/year and delicious Tuesday lunches. See bulletin board for more details. CONGRATULATIONS to Lynne Ewing and Ken Inglis who were married by Rev. Keith on October 25th at Piper’s Glen. SWINGIN’ HYMNS AND GOSPEL JAZZ – this fundraising event for Southampton Untied Church on November 29th at 7:30 p.m. will provide an entertaining evening of favorite hymns and spirituals performed in exciting new styles by: Mary-Catherine Pizzano (jazz singer), Don Buchanan (pianist extraordinaire) and Mike Grace (the man with the bass). Tickets are $15 – available after October 31. SOUTHAMPTON UNITED CHURCH 161th ANNIVERSARY SERVICE October 26, 2014 HEAVEN IS FOR REAL – Tara United is offering a series of discussion groups based on the book. Wednesdays – Nov. 12, 19, 26 and Dec 3 & 10. Afternoons from 1:00 to 2:30 or evenings 7:00 to 8:30. To register contact Rev. Lynn Workman (519) 373-3083. UNITED CHURCH LAUNCHES EBOLA CRISIS APPEAL Please pray for all the people in West Africa and elsewhere who either are infected with Ebola virus disease or have lost loved ones. Any donations received and designated for “Ebola Crisis Relief” will be applied directly to support the work of ACT Alliance and United Church M&S partners that also are responding to the crisis. • Online via our secure donation page. • Phone 416-231-5931 ext. 3050 or toll-free 1-800-268-3781 ext. 3050 and use your Visa or MasterCard. • Send a cheque, money order, or Visa or MasterCard information with donation amount to: ◦ The United Church of Canada Philanthropy Unit—Emergency Response 3250 Bloor St. West, Suite 300 Toronto, ON M8X 2Y4 Please be sure to note "Emergency Response—Ebola Crisis Relief" on the face of your cheque. AFTER THE SERVICE please join us for a beverage and goodies in the social hall & enjoy a chance to visit and meet others. Volunteers for Social Hour are needed – please see signup sheet on the bulletin board in the Social Hall. Minister: Rev. Keith Reynolds Guest Minister: Rev. Bob Johnston Home: 519 797-1683 Email: [email protected] Ministry of Music: Doug Squire Office Administrator: Brenda Sharpe Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Treasurer: Sandy Ribey Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. Email: [email protected] Church Office: 519-797-3803 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
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