Suggested Low-head Dam References & information Resources on Hydraulics,

Suggested Low-head Dam References & information Resources on Hydraulics,
Hazard Reduction Alternatives, and State/Federal Initiatives
1. Aadland, Luther, Reconnecting Rivers: Natural Channel Design in Dam Removals and Fish Passage,
Minnesota Dept. of Nat. Resources (MNDNR), Div. of Ecological Resources Stream Habitat Program,
First Edition, January 2010; electronic version of publication can also be found from website:
2. Borland-Coogan, Filmspace Productions, The Drowning Machine (video), 1980.
3. Canadian Dam Association (CDA), Guidelines for Public Safety Around Dams, publication/resources,
Canadian Dam Association (CDA), 2011,
4. Chow, Ven Te., Open Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill, Inc., Chapters 3 & 15, 1959.
5. Donahue, M. G. and T. A. Earles, Recreational Use Considerations in Planning and Permitting Low
Head Dams, Proceedings, Dam Safety 2003, Annual Conference Proceedings (CD), Minneapolis,
MN, Sept. 7-10, 2003, Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO), 7 pp.
6. Elverum, K., and D. Gauthier, Minnesota’s Response to Low-head Dams, Dam Safety 2003, Annual
Conference Proceedings (CD), Minneapolis, MN, Sept. 7-10, 2003, Association of State Dam Safety
Officials (ASDSO), 6 pp.
7. Elverum, K.A. and T. Smalley, The Drowning Machine, 8-panel pamphlet about dangers of, rescues
at, and information or low-head dams, Minn. DNR, 1997.
8. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Guidelines for Public Safety at Hydropower Projects,
Div. of Dam Safety and Inspections, March 1992, 21 pp. + 6 appdcs.
9. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Safety Signage at Hydropower Projects, Div. of Dam
Safety and Inspections, October 2001, 43 pp.
10. Gioia, G., P. Chakraborty, S. Gary, C. Zamalloa, and R. Keane, Residence Time of Buoyant Objects in
Drowning Machines, Proceedings, National Academy of Sciences, April 19, 2011, Vol. 108, No. 16,
11. Heinz Center for Science, Economics and the Environment, Dam Removal – Science and Decision
Making, 2002, 221 pp.
12. Hoogeveen N., The Drowning Machine, Iowa Outdoors, Iowa DNR, May/June 2009, pp. 36-39.
13. Hotchkiss, Roland, E. Kern, and J. Guyman, Fatal Submerged Hydraulic Jumps, Dangerous Currents
at Low head Dams, and Incident Reports, Brigham young Univ. (BYU) website:, Brigham Young University, Provo, Nov 2014.
14. Illinois Public Act 095-0020, Section 23b (615ILCS 5/23b new, Dams Signs and Buoys), Amendment to The
Rivers, Lakes, and Streams Act, Aug. 2, 2007.
15. Illinois Department of Natural Resources and CTE/AECOM, Evaluation of Public Safety at Run-ofRiver Dams, report submitted to Capital Development Board of Illinois, Project #102-000-061, July
2007, 131 pp
16. Iowa Senate File 2380, Act for Establishing a Low Head Dam Public Hazard Program, legislation
signed by Gov. Culver, April 11, 2008.
17. Iowa Water Trails Signage – Sign Manual, 2010, 40 pp
18. Knight, C., The Drowning Machine, Paddler Magazine, May-June, 2008, pp. 46-53.
19. Leutheusser, H. J., and J. J. Fan, Backward Flow Velocities of Submerged Hydraulic Jumps, ASCE, J. or
Hydraulic Engr., June 2001, pp. 514-17.
Tschantz, 2014
20. Leutheusser, H. J., Dam Safety Yes, But What About Safety at Dams?, Proceedings, 1988 National
Conference, ASCE, Hyd. Div., Colorado Springs, CO, August 8-12, 1988, pp, 1091-96.
21. Leutheusser, H. J., and W. M. Birk, Drownproofing of Low Overflow Structures, ASCE, J. of Hydraulic
Engr., v. 117, No. 1, Jan. 1991, pp. 205-213.
22. Miami Conservancy District, The Great Miami River - Play It Safe, Boating Map & Guide; brochures,
publications, and videos for safety at low-head dams, 2011.
23. Mills, G. E., Operation, Maintenance and Inspection Manual for Dams, Dikes and Levees, Ohio Dept.
of Natural Resources (ODNR)Div. of Water, Dam Inspection Sect., November 1983, p. 50.
24. Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR), Boat and Water Safety Section, Boat & Water Safety
Brochure: The Drowning Machine (Kim Elverum, Tim Smalley, since early 1980s); 3 videos: Water
Rescue (#387), Water: the Timeless Compound (#150), and The Drowning Machine (#172), St. Paul.
25. North Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources and Community Development, Dam Operation
Maintenance and Inspection Manual, November, Div. of land Resources, Land Quality Sect., 1985,
p. 50.
26. Ohio Dept of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Soil and Water Resources – Ohio Dam Safety
Program, Lowhead Dam Location/Removal, Information and resources website and links,
Information resources,
27. Pennsylvania Act 1998-91 (“Act 91”), Run-of-River Dams, Statute & Regulations, Hazard Warning
Requirements – Signs, Buoys, Exclusion Zones, June 19, 1998.
28. Rao, N.S.G., and N. Rajaratnam, The Submerged Hydraulic Jump, J. of Hyd. Div., ASCE, Jan. 1963, pp.
29. Schweiger, P. and M. Morrison, Saving Lives at “Killer Dams,” Improving Public Safety at Low Head
Dams, Annual ASDSO Conference Dam Safety 2006 Proceedings, Boston, Mass, Sept. 10-14, 2006.
30. Schweiger, P.G., Saving Lives While Improving Fish Passage At Killer Dams, ASDSO J. of Dam Safety,
v. 9, Issue 2, 2011, pp. 8-16.
31. Schweiger, Paul G. and Bruce A. Tschantz, Identifying Hazards and Improving Public Safety at Low
Head Dams, ASDSO Webinar, hosted by CommPartners, LLC, November 12, 2013.
32. Tschantz, B. A., The Hazards of Low-Head Dams: (How) Can We Make Them Safer?, Annual
Conference Proceedings (Abstract), National Association of State Boating Law Administrators
(NASBLA), Chattanooga, TN, Sept. 11-15, 2004, p. 18.
33. Tschantz, B. A. and K. R. Wright, Hidden Dangers and Public Safety at Low-head Dams, ASDSO, J. of
Dam Safety, v. 9, Issue 9, 2011, pp. 8-17.
34. Tschantz, B. A. Public Hazards at Low-Head Dams: Can We Make Them Safer?, Low-Head Dams =
Drowning Machines Session Introductory Remarks, 2003 Annual ASDSO Conference, Minneapolis,
MN, 4 pp.
35. Tschantz, B. A., What we know (and don’t know) about Low-head Dams, ASDSO, J. of Dam Safety, v.
12, Issue 3, 2014, pp. 8-17 (in print).
36. U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Dam Safety Inspection Section, Public Safety Around Dams and
Reservoirs, An Interim Working Guide, Oct. 1992, 24 pp. + Appdcs A, B.
37. Virginia Acts of Assembly, 2007 Session, Chapter 664, An Act to amend and reenact § 29.1-509 of
the Code of Virginia, Duty of care and liability for damages of landowners to hunters, fishermen,
sightseers, etc., relating to Low-head Dams, Sect. F, Approved and signed by Gov. Kaine, March 20,
2007, eff. Jan. 1, 2008.
38. Wilkinson, J., Swiftwater Rescue, Iowa Outdoors, Iowa DNR, March/April 2008, pp. 42-51.
39. Wright, K. R., T. A. Earles and J.M. Kelly, Public Safety at Low-Head Dams, Proceedings, Dam Safety
2003, Annual Conference Proceedings, Minneapolis, MN, Sept. 7-10, 2003, Association of State
Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO), 14 pp.
Tschantz, 2014