Geohazard Solutions / Year end Newsletter 2012 Geobrugg exhibits its expertise in Dam Safety Conference, Denver Geobrugg exhibited at the ASDSO An- Over 60 projects have been success- Falls (Boundary Dam). Our reference nual Conference in September this fully completed for end users that own list of protection systems for dam sites year, bringing a project list spanning 22 or manage dams: including Portland was a broad-ranged representation at years of jobs highlighting dam protec- General Electric, Hydro Quebec, US Bu- this conference. tion for various hazards. While hydro- reau of Reclamation, USACE, Seattle electric dams were well represented, City Lights, PacifiCorp Energy, Nan- Geobrugg has also done a number of tahala Power & Light Company, Pacific dam projects that were constructed for Gas & Electric, British Columbia Minis- flood control purposes; and protection try of Transportation and Arizona Dept for headworks, fish ladders, spillways, of Transportation. drainage systems, hydraulic structures, access tunnels and wastewater treat- The most notable sites have been Hetch ment facilities. Our history of dam Hetchy Reservoir, Santeetlah Power- safety applications covers thirteen U.S. house (Alcoa), Hoover Dam, Portuguese states, Canada and Puerto Rico. Dam (Ponce, Puerto Rico) and Metaline Easy installation saves in labor and material costs in earthen dam stabilization project. 2 Reference List (from 1990-present): Roosevelt Dam Horse Mesa Dam Revelstoke Canyon Dam French Meadows Hydro Parker Dam Hetch Hetchy Reservoir Tiger Creek Powerhouse San Vicente Dam Folsom Dam Gross Reservoir Arenal Reservoir Hungry Horse Dam Nantahala Dam Abiquiu Dam, USACE slope stabilization and rockfall project in 2011. Santeetlah Powerhouse Union Valley Powerhouse Navajo Dam Abiquiu Dam Jemez Canyon Dam Lake Mead Powerhouse Hoover Dam Mount Morris Dam Dalles Dam Cougar Dam Ross Dam Prospect Dam River Mill Dam Bull Run Powerhouse Round Butte Dam Portuguese Dam Hydro Quebec Station Calderwood Dam Diablo Power House Boundary Dam Roza Dam Swift Dam Prospect Dam Blue Stone Dam Sandstone, shale and mudstone posed a risk to a service road and was mitigated by draped netting. 3
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