Scripture Readings November 23, 2014

Saturday November 15
5:30 pm
Rupert Thompson
November 16 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 am
Our Parishioners
9:00 am
Sylvester Joseph
10:30 am Vincent and Phyllis Carey
12:00 pm Mary Kearstan
November 17 St Elizabeth of Hungary
6:45 am
Ramon Canedo
November 18
6:45 am
Souls in Purgatory
Wednesday November 19
6:45 am
Souls in Purgatory
Thursday November 20
6:45 am
Bernard Schnabel
November 21 Presentation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
6:45 am
8:00 am
5:30 pm
Noemi and Sergio Wong
November 22 St Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr
Robert Winslow
William Henningsen and Blanca Taylor
November 23 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
12:00 pm
Marie Dambach
Our Parishioners
Susan Maute
Int. of Robyn and Nicholas O’Sullivan
Please remember in your prayers the members of our
parish who are ill, especially Kristin Petrasek, Connie
Ingrassia, Jack Dolan, Martin Schwartz, Peter Burtis,
Dawn Badalamenti, Christopher Fraclose, John
Stringer, Kevin Cunniff, John Bracco, Arline Forte,
Nancy Huber, Rev. Brian Ditullio, Gene Caulfield,
Jeanine Niehoff, Saskia Kane, Lindsay Lampach, Joy
Skubic, Edward Sotelo, John Voorhees, Sr. Bernadette
Weller, Joan Kellenberger, Rev. Msgr. Francis
Matarazzo, Sandra Fittin, Marie Cardone, Giles Stuber,
Monica Brennan, Marie Mullaney, Fr. Kenneth Hewitt
and Fr. Christopher Muldoon.
In a Christian sense, a steward is the manager of the
affairs of God on earth. Everything we have is given
to us by God. Our offering is a symbolic act. Our
money makes it possible for the Church to pay its bills
and carry out its mission in Christ’s name.
Collection for November 9 $5,937.
Weekly operating expenses $9,968.
Shortfall $4,031.
God bless you for your generosity.
Scripture Readings
November 23, 2014
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
First Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17
This passage beautifully describes how the Lord God,
as shepherd, will tend his flock. He will rescue those
who are lost, bring back those who stray, heal the sick,
and “pasture” all.
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28
Paul once again stresses the significance of Christ’s
resurrection in the total divine plan, emphasizing that
Christ’s rising means that those who believe in him will
also rise after death. Christianity, he argues, is
meaningless if it concerns only this life on earth. In the
end, even death will be destroyed, and “God will be all
in all.”
Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46
With words both poetic and vivid, Jesus tells the
disciples that since he is present in all people, whatever
they do to “one of my least brothers” they do to him; and
whatever they fail to do to his “least,” they fail to do to
The parish library is now open Wednesdays
from 11:00 to 1:00. Come check it out!
Monday, November 17
CCD Grade 2
4:00 to 5:00pm
CCD Grade 8 Reconciliation
7:30 to 9:00pm
Tuesday, November 18
Moms and Tots
9:30 to 11:00am
CCD Grade 3
4:00 to 5:00pm
CCD Grade 6 Reconciliation
7:00 to 8:15pm
LTMTP group (library)
7:00 to 9:00pm
Wednesday, November 19
Library open
11:00 to 1:00pm
CCD Grades 1
4:00 to 5:00pm
CCD Grade 4 Reconciliation
4:00 to 5:00pm
CCD Grade 9 Reconciliation
7:30 to 9:00pm
Thursday, November 20
CCD Gr 1
4:00 to 5:00pm
CCD Gr 5 Reconciliaton
4:00 to 5:00pm
Mass of Remembrance
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Saturday, November 22
First Reconciliation
11:00 AM
4:00 to 5:00pm
Advent Family Gathering
3:30 pm
Haiti pasta dinner
Our bishop recently issued a pastoral
letter to all the faithful, religious, deacons and
priests. The pastoral addresses some important
concerns for each of us and I would like to
highlight them here this weekend.
Bishop begins by reminding us that
Christians from the early days of the church
followed the example of burying their dead found
in the Sacred Scriptures. How the holy men and
women in the Hebrew scriptures were all buried
and not cremated (see Genesis 23:1-20; Gen 25:9,
Gen 50:2, Numbers 20:1, Deuteronomy 34:5-8,
Joshua 24:30, 1 Samuel 25:1, 1 Kings 2:10) This is
also true in the Christian scriptures: burial of
John the Baptist (Mt 14:12), Lazarus (John 11:38,
Jesus (Mt 27:57-60; Mark 15:46; John 19:41-42)
Christians followed the Jewish practice of
burying the dead. Pagans were amazed at the
sense of joy and peace that surrounded Christian
burials. In fact Christians would give a decent
burial to the poor when families could not afford
the expenses. On human and spiritual levels,
ritualized mourning shares respect for the dead
and our funeral rites express our belief that in the
face of death a funeral offers healing and comfort
to those left behind. Unfortunately, today many
Christians are breaking away from traditional
Catholic funerals. The reasons are numerous:
The secularization of society – the
diminishing importance of faith in dealing
with death.
A strong sense of individualism – some
hold that every individual has total sayso over his/her life.
The removal of death from our view –
keeping death and dying at a distance (e.g.,
death in hospitals, nursing homes; use of
funeral homes); death is cosmetically
disguised; death and dying kept at a
The general decline in religious practice –
church attendance is down; children have
fallen away from attending Mass; parents,
regular church-goers in their time, now
denied a funeral Mass.
A loss of faith – with an increase in
materialism, people today have lost a
sense of transcendence; death is simply the
end, not a transition to life with God.
Catholic funeral rites offer the bereaved a
time to grieve and strengthen their faith – a way
to face death by celebrating life in Christ, a way
to remember and pray for the deceased and move
forward with hope. Through our funeral rites –
wake service, funeral Mass and burial in
consecrated ground – we show respect for the
person we loved and profess our belief in faith
and the Resurrection of the body. The Catechism
of the Catholic Church (2300-2301) reminds us
that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.
The wake service gives people who know the
deceased a chance to show their respect for the
person who has died and comfort the family by
sharing memories, happy moments and stories
about the deceased. The prayer service at the
wake turns mourners’ attention to God.
The Catholic funeral rite includes the Mass of
Christian Burial – this should never be omitted.
It is our greatest act of worship and praise that
we offer to God. The Mass remembers Jesus’
victory over sin and death and is the most
efficacious prayer we offer for the deceased.
Death separates us from those we love. The
Eucharist keeps us united. Our beloved dead
benefit from our intercessory prayers at Mass. We
should always pray for them and have Masses
said for them.
The growing custom of substituting prayers at
the funeral home or the gravesite for a funeral
Mass deprives the deceased and the living of the
spiritual benefits of the Eucharist. This should
not be encouraged.
The Committal Rite – Our bodies are sacred.
The body is not a mere husk to be cast away or a
useless garment to be discarded. If we treasure
and honor the pictures of our beloved dead, how
much more their very bodies. Because of this fact
the Church clearly prefers that the body of our
loved one be present at the funeral rites. Families
who opt for cremation should be strongly
encouraged to bring the body of the deceased to
the church for the Mass of Christian Burial.
Cremation best takes place after the funeral Mass
and Prayers of Committal. This order gives full
expression to our belief in the sacredness of the
body and the hope of the Resurrection. And so in
keeping with the church’s tradition of respect for
the body, even cremains should receive a proper
burial – not scattered over land or sea nor kept in
the home, nor split up among family members, or
encased in jewelry to be worn by loved ones. They
are to be reverently “deposited” in a cemetery or
mausoleum to await the Resurrection of the dead,
together with all who have gone before and after
them. The faithful are encouraged to contact a
priest before someone dies so the family member
can be properly prepared to die with the comfort
and strength of the Sacraments of Anointing of
the Sick and Holy Eucharist.
When we attend to those we love as they
make the transition from their earthly life to the
life of heaven, it is faith in action – we
accompany our loved ones with compassion and
charity at the moment they are called home to
For the entire text of Bishop Serratelli’s
pastoral letter, consult the diocesan website or
call the parish office.
In this month of the Holy Souls remember, it
is a healthy thing to pray for our deceased loved
God bless!
On Thursday, November 20th, a special Mass of
Remembrance will be celebrated at 7:30 pm for all
those who have died this past year. Anyone wishing to
include a loved one to be remembered in prayer at this
Mass is invited to do so. All are invited to share in this
special celebration of remembrance.
WHEN: Saturday, November 22
TIME: 3:30pm – 6:30pm
WHO: Students from Grades One through Six
WHAT: A day of ADVENTure
Learn about the true meaning of the Advent season.
The day will include three craft activities with a brief
catechesis of each, followed by the celebration of
Eucharist at 5:30pm.
WHERE: Parish Center / Church
COST: a FREE WILL offering
Limited to the first 30 children who sign up.
Contact the CCD office for more information or to
register at 973-334-5257 or
[email protected]
Please join us for a Pasta Dinner
Sponsored by the 10th Grade Confirmation Class
Saturday, November 22
6:30 - 8:30 pm
To Benefit our Sister Parish in Haiti
$10/person or $25/family
Tickets will be on sale after Mass
or RSVP [email protected]
Once again, we are asking our
parishioners to donate toys for needy
children. This year our gifts will go to
children in St. Agnes Parish in Paterson.
As you begin your Christmas shopping,
please keep these children in mind. Tags will be
available on the giving tree at the back of the
church the weekend of November 22/23. Please
return the gifts no later than December 7. We ask
that you spend no more than $40 on a gift. No clothing
please. Thank you for making a child’s Christmas a little
Ladies of the Parish
The Annual Women’s Benediction & Ornament
Exchange will be held
Wednesday, December 10th.
More details to follow!
Gifts from Bethlehem, olivewood and mother of pearl
handcrafted art from the Holy Land, will be available
after Masses in the gym this weekend after all
Masses. The handicrafts trade evolved as a cultural
tradition of Christians in the Holy Land for centuries.
This indigenous form of art has since become an
industry of great importance to the local people of the
Holy Land who rely on it for livelihood. More than 65%
of the income of the community in Bethlehem comes
from this work. Thank you for your vital support of a
Christian tradition and in protecting this important
culture and industry.
Next weekend, November 22/23, there will be a
special collection for Catholic Home Missions. This
collection supports dioceses in the United States and its
territories that lack the resources to provide basic
pastoral ministry to their people. These dioceses often
compete with high rates of poverty and a lack of
educated pastoral and lay leadership to serve the
community. The Catholic Home Missions funds
catechesis, seminarian education, lay ministry training,
Hispanic ministry, and other pastoral programs in needy
dioceses. Your support will make a world of difference
in the lives of the faithful throughout the United States.
Thank you to those parishioners who served 147 meals
on November 10th to the working poor and homeless at
the Community Soup Kitchen in Morristown. St.
Catherine's serves the second Monday of each month.
To learn more or to volunteer contact Denise Ramirez at
973-299-1554. We’d like to thank our parishioners who
served: Angela Bloshuk, Katherine DiRicco, Jane and
Rudy Katzenberger, Frank and Pat Kelleher, Carol
Kennedy, Karen LaRocco, Valerie Leahy, Dom and Pat
Miliano, Joe and Olga Panetta, and Carmella Wilce.
Bishop Serratelli will be celebrating a Mass for the
Unborn on Saturday, November 22 at St. Ann Parish
in Parsippany at 10:00 am. This Mass is sponsored by
the Paterson Federation Knights of Columbus Councils.
There will be light refreshments following the Mass.
Morris Catholic High School will be hosting their 1st
Annual Cabaret Night at 7:00 pm Saturday, November
22. Headlining singer Patsy Palma, dancing, music
trivia, a hot buffet, 50/50 raffle. BYOB. Cost is $40 per
adult/$25 per student. Please email Fran Tuite at
[email protected]
“O Holy Night” – make plans now to join Bishop
Serratelli at the annual diocesan Christmas Concert on
Sunday, December 7 at 4:00 pm at St. Peter the
Apostle Church in Parsippany. It’s a beautiful venue for
celebrating the great mystery of the Incarnation
together, in song, as a diocesan family!
Sacred Thread Ministries continues its retreats at St.
Mary's Abbey, on the campus of Delbarton School,
Morristown, 230 Mendham Rd., with an Advent retreat
on Thursday, Dec. 11 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 pm.
Entitled, "Advent… the Pause that Refreshes",
presenters Kathleen Detlet, DMin. and Anita Constance,
S.C. will guide retreatants through reflections and
conversations to counter the busy holiday schedules.
Donation of $45 includes hot lunch. Please call
Kathleen Detlet at 973-701-1836 for registration and
Young men ages 15-25 are invited to an evening of
vocational discernment Monday, December 15 at
Morris Catholic High School, Denville, from 7pm –
9pm. The evening will consist of a welcome and
reflection by Bishop, followed by prayer and discussion
exploring God’s action in our lives. The evening will
conclude with pizza and fellowship. If you are interested
in attending, please contact the Vocations Office at
[email protected] (Fr. Jared Brogan) or
[email protected] (Fr. Edgar Rivera), or by
phone at 973-777-8818 extension 711.
A Catholic pilgrimage to Rome, June 8 – 20, 2015,
features Papal general audience, the shrines of Italy
including Montecassino, Padre Pio, Assisi, Lanciano,
Padua, exposition and viewing of the Shroud of Turin
and the Passion Play in Sordevelo, Italy. Nonstop air
from JFK. For more information, please call Michael
Milano at 800-773-2660.
The CatholicTV Network, America’s Catholic Television
Network®, is now available to cable and satellite
providers in our area. Please help provide this upbeat,
youthful and exciting Catholic network and a powerful
resource to the people of our area and the entire nation.
To help, simply visit as an easy
way to petition your cable or satellite provider. If you are
unable to access the internet please follow up with a
postcard or letter to your provider.