1300 Saint Germain St. W Saint Cloud, Minnesota 56301 Tel. 320.650.2500 Fax 320.650.2501 Board of Trustees Meeting Tuesday, November 18, 2014, 7:00 p.m. Agenda Public Open Forum—Total time: 10 minutes, each person limited to two minutes, speakers must address library related topics not already on the agenda, board members will not interact with public speaker (concerns are referred to management for follow-up), and all parties are expected to display appropriate behavior. 1. Call to Order 2. Adoption/Amendment of Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes 3.1 September 16, 2014, Board Meeting 3.2 October 21, 2014, Board Special Meeting 4. Public Open Forum 5. Financials 5.1 Bills (emailed) and Addendum (on table) (Requested action – Approve) 5.2 Financial Reports (emailed) (Requested action – Accept) 6. Consent Agenda 6.1 CMLE Appointments – Joanne Kudrna and Cecilia Dwyer 6.2 Other 7. Communications 8. Staff Reports 8.1 Interim Executive Director’s Report 8.2 Management Reports 8.3 Building Reports 8.4 Statistics 8.5 Summer Reading Program Statistics 8.6 Library Impact Report 8.7 Fund Development Report 8.8 Staff Recognition Report 9. Committee Reports 9.1 Personnel Committee (verbal) (Requested action – Approve) 9.2 Other 10. Unfinished Business 10.1 Executive Director Search Consultant Selection (Requested action – Approve) 10.2 2015 Budget Ratification (Requested action – Approve) 10.3 Other 11. New Business 11.1 Arts & Cultural Heritage Amendment FY2014 Final Report (Requested action – Approve) 11.2 Storage Array Capital Expenditure Request (Requested action – Approve) 1300 Saint Germain St. W Saint Cloud, Minnesota 56301 Tel. 320.650.2500 Fax 320.650.2501 11.3 Request to Designate Funds for Express Checkout Stations (Requested action – Approve) 11.4 Request to Designate Funds for Temporary HRIS Specialist (Requested action – Approve) 11.5 Request to Designate Funds for Branch Development (Requested action – Approve) 11.6 Farewell to Departing Members 11.7 Other 12. Board Open Forum 13. Next Meeting: January 20, 2015 – Personnel Committee 6:00 p.m., Full Board 7:00 p.m. 14. Adjournment GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES September 16, 2014 A regular meeting of the Great River Regional Library (GRRL) Board of Trustees was called to order on Tuesday evening, September 16, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Cloud Public Library Mississippi Room with President Mark Bromenschenkel presiding. Members Present: Bernice Berns Dan Bravinder Mark Bromenschenkel Spencer Buerkle Laura Hayes Amy Hoagland Dave Kircher Louise Kuester Rachel Leonard Kevin Maurer Michael Messina Dan Rea Pat Sawatzke Jim Shovelain Members Excused: Jeff Bertram GRRL Staff Present: Julie Henne Sunny Hesse Stacy Lenarz Ryan McCormick Aron Murphy Karen Pundsack Jay Roos Jami Trenam Patricia Waletzko Staff Excused: Brandi Canter ADOPTION/AMENDMENT OF AGENDA Karen Pundsack, Interim Executive Director, requested the Oath of Office for a new board member be added to the agenda. Rachel Leonard moved to adopt the agenda with the requested addition. Seconded by Kevin Maurer, the motion carried unanimously. OATH OF OFFICE Karen Pundsack introduced Board member Dan Bravinder as the new citizen representative for Wright County. The Oath of Office was administered and followed by board member introductions. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board Meeting & Board Special Meeting Bernice Berns moved to approve the July 15, 2014, Board meeting minutes as presented. Seconded by Jim Shovelain, the motion carried with Mark Bromenschenkel abstaining. Laura Hayes moved to approve the August 19, 2014, Board special meeting minutes as presented. Seconded by Kevin Maurer, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM There were no speakers for the Public Open Forum. FINANCIAL REPORTS Bills Aron Murphy, Accounting Coordinator, asked the Board members to consider receiving GRRL bills, financials and board packets electronically. After some discussion, the Board agreed to begin receiving bills and GRRL Board of Trustees Minutes September 16, 2014 Page 1 of 4 financial reports via email. Their request for board packet delivery was to have a choice between email, local library pick up and postal mail. Laura Hayes moved to approve the list of bills for payment and the list of bills addendum. Bernice Berns seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Financial Reports Rachel Leonard moved to accept the financial reports as presented. Laura Hayes seconded the motion which carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA 2015 Board Meeting Schedule Karen Pundsack presented the 2015 Board meeting schedule and asked for feedback about continuing monthly meetings. Pat Sawatzke stated the monthly meetings were as needed for the Executive Director interim period and hiring process. Bernice Berns moved to approve the meeting schedule as presented. Rachel Leonard seconded the motion. Following discussion, the motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS GRRL 2013 Annual Report Julie Henne, Associate Director – Public Relations, presented the GRRL 2013 Annual Report which highlights the year and recognizes donors and volunteers. Jim Shovelain complimented staff for their work on the report. STAFF REPORTS Interim Executive Director’s Report In addition to the Interim Executive Director’s report, Karen Pundsack addressed the following items: Library Assessment Plan – Karen asked for direction from the Board with regard to its priority at this time. The consensus was to continue moving forward with work on the plan. Staff Communication Survey – Results were presented and discussed. Event Guide – The background for development and purpose of the guide was given; this format of regional and local program publicity will allow Public Relations to focus more on fund development. Patron Services Supervisor – Karen informed the Board that Stacy Lenarz has accepted a position with the Scott County Library and congratulated her on the new position. Fund Development – There is currently momentum for fund development. Karen asked the Board for feedback in moving forward and stated the need for support from the Board. Library Card Signup Month – The Board was given the opportunity to apply for or renew their library card. Management Reports Jay Roos, Associate Director – Information Technology, informed the Board regarding Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance and how it relates to GRRL accepting patron electronic payments. He added that GRRL is exploring what needs to be implemented to be compliant and will bring a proposal to the Board with required changes and associated costs. Direction and support from the Board were requested with regard to current patron electronic payment options. Following discussion, the Board consensus was to have staff take immediate steps to discontinue electronic payments at the circulation desk. Sunny Hesse, Associate Director – Human Resources, reviewed with the Board two proposals from consultant organizations for the Executive Director hiring process. She and Karen Pundsack also met with a former Board member that was involved with the last Executive Director search. Discussion took place regarding GRRL Board of Trustees Minutes September 16, 2014 Page 2 of 4 what would be expected from a consultant. Further information, including possible negotiable proposal services, will be presented to the Board in October. Patron Services Supervisor Ryan McCormick updated the Board on St. Cloud Public Library security. He gave an overview of calls made to the St. Cloud Police Department noting there has been a downward trend as GRRL staff have been proactive. Board members requested security awareness training be included for all new staff. Building Reports An update on the Eagle Bend library expansion project was given by Ryan McCormick. The Eagle Bend City Council is not moving ahead with the construction grant application at this time; therefore, they will not need a letter of support from the GRRL Board. Statistics The statistics were presented. Discussion brought about the suggestion to have GRRL move toward the future proactively. Library Impact Report Jami Trenam, Associate Director – Collection Development, added comments to the Library Impact report. COMMITTEE REPORTS Personnel Committee Karen Pundsack gave a summary of the actions taken at the Personnel Committee meeting: Service and Administration Policy 3E. Succession Plan – Approved including title change to Personnel Policy 4D.14 Executive Director Leave of Absence; Personnel Policy 5A. Grievances – Approved with timeline updates to be consistent with the Collective Bargaining Agreements; Executive Director Employee Review Process – Information being gathered from six (6) counties and Coldspring Human Resource Director; Executive Director Position Description – Approved with change to physical demands under driving automotive equipment requirement; and GRRL Position Descriptions and Physical Demands Annual Review – Approved the descriptions presented with change to physical demands under driving automotive equipment requirement. Jim Shovelain moved to approve the Personnel Committee items as presented. Seconded by Rachel Leonard, the motion carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2015 Budget Proposal Karen Pundsack gave an overview of the 2015 Summary of Budget Changes. Pat Sawatzke made a motion that library aide schedules do not exceed 28 hours per week to keep GRRL compliant with Affordable Care Act requirements. Rachel Leonard seconded the motion. Sunny Hesse responded to questions and further explained mandatory look-back periods for employee hours worked. Dan Rea made a friendly amendment to the motion so the wording “during a 90-day look-back period” is included. After acceptance of the friendly amendment, the motion carried unanimously. Karen Pundsack informed the Board that RLBSS funding was received in excess of what was originally budgeted for 2015. She reminded them the revenue portion of the 2015 Budget was approved in July. GRRL Board of Trustees Minutes September 16, 2014 Page 3 of 4 Bernice Berns moved to approve the 2015 Budget expenditures as presented. Seconded by Laura Hayes, the motion carried unanimously. Pat Sawatzke moved to amend the 2015 Budget revenues to reflect the increased RLBSS funding figure and remove the use of $25,000 from cash reserves. Spencer Buerkle seconded the motion. After discussion and agreement to leave the budget unbalanced, the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS 2014 Budget Projections & Request to Expend Unassigned Fund Balance Rachel Leonard moved to approve the 2014 budget projections and request to expend $348,630.55 to the unassigned fund balance. Seconded by Bernice Berns, the motion carried unanimously. Request to Designate 27th Payroll Funds Michael Messina moved to approve the request to designate the 27th payroll funds in the amount of $72.912.56. Louise Kuester seconded the motion. Jim Shovelain requested that the 27th payroll be a line item in future budget proposals so progress toward the expected payroll total is shown. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. RLBSS FY2014 Report of Results Dan Rea moved to approve the RLBSS Report of Results for fiscal year 2014. Seconded by Bernice Berns, the motion carried unanimously. GRRL Board of Trustees Bylaws Amendment Karen Pundsack explained that the amendment to GRRL Board of Trustees Bylaws Article VI. Committees is the result of discussion at the August Board special meeting. Jim Shovelain moved to adopt the amendment as presented. Seconded by Laura Hayes, the motion carried unanimously. BOARD OPEN FORUM Board members thanked GRRL staff for their hard work while being understaffed and stated the desire to move ahead in October with the Executive Director hiring process. Amy Hoagland commented positively on GRRL promotional items located at medical facilities. The Board also agreed on a special meeting in October rather than a work session. NEXT MEETING The Great River Regional Library Board of Trustees announced that the next Personnel Committee meeting will be Tuesday, November 18, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in the St. Cloud Public Library Mississippi Room. The Board of Trustees special meeting will be Tuesday, October 21, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Cloud Public Library Mississippi Room. ADJOURNMENT Dan Rea moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. Seconded by Laura Hayes, the motion carried unanimously. ________________________________ Mark Bromenschenkel, President GRRL Board of Trustees Minutes September 16, 2014 __________________________________ Dave Kircher, Secretary Page 4 of 4 GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES October 21, 2014 A special meeting of the Great River Regional Library (GRRL) Board of Trustees was called to order on Tuesday evening, October 21, 2014, at 7:02 p.m. in the St. Cloud Public Library Mississippi Room with President Mark Bromenschenkel presiding. Members Present: Bernice Berns Dan Bravinder Mark Bromenschenkel Spencer Buerkle Laura Hayes Amy Hoagland Louise Kuester Rachel Leonard Michael Messina Pat Sawatzke Jim Shovelain Randy Winscher-alternate Members Excused: Jeff Bertram Dave Kircher Kevin Maurer Dan Rea GRRL Staff Present: Brandi Canter Julie Henne Sunny Hesse Ryan McCormick Aron Murphy Karen Pundsack Jay Roos Jami Trenam Patricia Waletzko Staff Excused: ADOPTION/AMENDMENT OF AGENDA Rachel Leonard moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Bernice Berns, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM There were no speakers for the Public Open Forum. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Executive Director Search Process Sunny Hesse, Associate Director – Human Resources, opened the conversation by referring to the summary and proposals provided in the Board packet and stating several current circumstances for the Board to consider when making their decisions. She reviewed both proposals in Option 1 and the information presented in Options 2 and 3. Discussion took place in favor of Option 1. Bernice Berns made a motion to hire an outside Executive Director search consultant to be selected by the Board. Laura Hayes seconded the motion. Mike Messina asked the county commissioners to provide input with regard to their executive level hiring experience. Each responded with their respective county’s varied search methods. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. Laura Hayes suggested Sunny request a proposal from a Minnesota Executive Director search consultant firm. Sunny will do so and bring information to the Board in November. Jim Shovelain inquired about who would be on the search committee and added that staff should be involved. Amy Hoagland proposed the Personnel Committee members be included on the search committee. Discussion followed. GRRL Board of Trustees Minutes October 21, 2014 Page 1 of 2 Sunny Hesse asked the Board members if they would want to interview each Executive Director search consultant prior to accepting a proposal. The Board consensus was to receive a recommendation from Sunny rather than conduct interviews. NEW BUSINESS All Staff Day 2015 Karen Pundsack, Interim Executive Director, asked the Board for approval to close all GRRL libraries to the public on Monday, April 27, 2015, for an all staff training day. Rachel Leonard move to approve library closure for All Staff Day 2015. The motion was seconded by Louise Kuester. Following discussion, the motion carried unanimously. BOARD OPEN FORUM Laura Hayes shared her happiness to move ahead with the Executive Director search process. Jim Shovelain thanked the Board members for the evening’s good discussion. Mike Messina complimented staff with regard to Friday’s security incident. Louise Kuester complimented the current Board as being the best combination of members in her years of service. NEXT MEETING The Great River Regional Library Board of Trustees announced that the next Personnel Committee meeting will be Tuesday, November 18, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in the St. Cloud Public Library Mississippi Room. The Board of Trustees meeting will be Tuesday, November 18, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Cloud Public Library Mississippi Room. ADJOURNMENT Jim Shovelain moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m. Seconded by Dan Bravinder, the motion carried unanimously. ________________________________ Mark Bromenschenkel, President GRRL Board of Trustees Minutes October 21, 2014 __________________________________ Dave Kircher, Secretary Page 2 of 2 November 18, 2014 Item 6.1 CMLE Board Appointments As of December 2014, there will be two openings on the Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange (CMLE) Board from GRRL. Both members are eligible for reappointment and have agreed to be reappointed. The two CMLE Board members accepting reappointment are Joanne Kudrna and Cecelia (Seal) Dwyer. I recommend that the GRRL Board reappoint them both to the CMLE Board starting January 2015. November 18, 2014 Item 8.1 Karen Pundsack Interim Executive Director’s Report Communication Since the September Board report, I met with staff in Cold Spring, Paynesville and Upsala. In addition, I was able to attend the retirement celebration in Eagle Bend for Library Services Coordinator Ellen Peters. The staff I connected with are very invested in serving their patrons and communities and offered suggestions for improvement, particularly in areas around marketing and fund development. These ideas have been passed on to Public Relations for consideration in our communication and fund development plans. The Virtual Staff Suggestion Box has been revamped to be more accessible. We have also created a tracker to allow staff to see the progress of their suggestion. As the tracker grows, it will help to show all of the great ideas coming from staff at all levels throughout the region. In addition, it will help lend accountability and transparency to the process. It is important in creating an open and responsive culture that we have accountability on both sides - the person sending the suggestion and the person responsible for responding. Each suggestion will be assigned to a Leadership Support Team (LST) member or referred to another team for consideration. Staff will receive an email response when the progress of their suggestion is updated. LST members and I have been sifting through the comments received from the Employee Communication and Engagement survey. I am coding the comments to determine trends. We are crafting the responses based on these trends to protect the confidentiality of those who submitted comments. Leadership Support Team The Leadership team has begun monthly meetings to focus on strategic areas. Current projects in development include an internal and external communication plan, a fund development plan and a process to transparently track strategic plan progress. In addition, the group has discussed next steps for library assessment. Library Assessment In October, LST met to determine next steps for the Library Assessment Plan. I have reached out to two universities to see if we can collaborate on measuring current satisfaction with library services. We would like to have this information about both our county residents and our non-library cities. I am waiting to hear back on whether these institutions could assist us in obtaining this information in the most objective way possible. We are also compiling information about GRRL city contributions to have a clearer picture about the current contributions of each of our stakeholders. Minnesota Library Association Conference In October, I attended the MLA conference in Mankato. I presented as part of a panel on best practices in virtual reference. In addition, I assisted with organizing a panel discussion titled, “So You Want to be a Library Director” which featured directors who were new to their positions within the last few years. The Minnesota Library Legislative platform was approved at the meeting and will include requests for additional RLBSS, RLTA and Legacy dollars for public libraries. 1 November 18, 2014 Item 8.1 Council of Regional Public Library System Administrators Update I attended the October in-person meeting of the CRPLSA. We were updated on the progress of the statewide Legacy Once Upon a Reader program. The group also created clear standards for the statewide Youth Services Committee, which is an appointed subset of CRPLSA. In addition, we heard updates from other regional library systems and State Library Services. One of the current initiatives from State Library Services is the Libraries and Service Delivery Consultant Group. The group was appointed in the last legislative session to consult with representatives from libraries around the state. They are charged with discussing ways to increase service delivery and collaboration between libraries. So far the group has discussed e-book service delivery, library structures and library funding. The final report from the Commissioner of Education to the education and finance committees of the Legislature is due February 1, 2015. 2 November 18, 2014 Item 8.2 Management Reports Brandi Canter Patron Services Supervisor Library Service Coordinator (LSC) Small Group Meetings In October, we experimented with small-group meetings for LSCs. Ryan and I set up five meetings throughout the region, and these were each attended by four to seven LSCs. Either Ryan or I facilitated the meeting and Patron Services Specialist Beth Ringsmuth Stolpman was able to come along to some of them. It was good to have the opportunity to talk in more depth about some of the issues facing LSCs, get their input on programming and ensure that time cards are completed correctly and on time. The concerns I mentioned in my last board report are weighing even more on my mind. I believe that being understaffed for so long at the upper- and middle-management level has led to additional challenges for some of our LSCs. What I’ve seen happening is that our LSCs know that we are spread thin, so they don’t want to “bother us” with the “small things.” However, it is the nature of the world that some small things can grow large quickly. I am trying to find additional ways to check in with staff regularly, even if I cannot make it out to the branches as often as I would like. Public Services Team (PST) In part because of my upcoming medical leave, our October meeting was the last for this year. The team has attempted to continue our work by use of email and the team wiki for communication regarding different issues. However, this has been less successful than we had hoped. PST is charged with detailed, procedure-based tasks – updating procedures and answering questions about such things as what to do when patrons don’t bring their library card, how to handle suspected fraud, or concerns about lack of clarity or even conflicting instructions in procedures. As such, there is a significant amount of research and discussion that goes into almost all decisions. The last few months’ experience suggests to me that, to be effective, PST is a group that truly needs to meet in-person on a monthly basis. Email and wikis, while they can provide a framework of information to help maintain consistency and a historical record, cannot replace that in-person discussion and direction. I want to be clear there is no fault with any of the team members – I think the failure of PST to maintain direction and provide the level of support that GRRL needs is a result of the current understaffing at upperand middle-management levels. I am not able to devote enough time to set up, facilitate and follow up on a monthly meeting, and the team members, who by-and-large are not exempt employees, are generally not able to commit enough time between meetings to provide thoughtful, researched input in a written format, or to read the emails that other teammates provide. Thus, PST will suspend the majority of our tasks for the remainder of 2014. In the event we have an issue arise that cannot wait, I will work with Karen and our Patron Services Specialist, Beth Ringsmuth Stolpman, to provide answers and direction. We plan to restart our meetings in 2015 with the hope that a third Patron Services Supervisor hired and in place will allow me to lead the meetings on a monthly basis. However, I would anticipate that we will still need to limit any work on long-term projects until we have a permanent Executive Director once more in place. 1 November 18, 2014 Item 8.2 Julie M. Henne Associate Director – Public Relations Library Card Sign-Up Month September was Library Card Sign-up Month - a time to remind our communities a library card is one of the most important cards you can get. We prepared an attractive oversized poster along with a Library Card Application/Program brochure to encourage community members to apply for their library card. The brochure outlined the many benefits that are available through the library. By placing these posters within the GRRL locations, current card holders were be encouraged to spread the word about the benefits of having a library card. GRRL registered 1,402 new cardholders during the month of September! Winter Reading Program This winter, library patrons will be encouraged to read during the 2015 Winter Reading Program titled Drift Away With A Good Book. The program takes place January 2 – February 8, 2014. The Winter Reading Program materials have been created to include fun and games to keep the interest level high. A special GRRL prize will be a collectable ceramic coffee mug. Annual Appeal The 2014 GRRL Annual Fund Appeal is under way. The annual appeal was coordinated with Sunray Printing and mailed to 6,710 current, past and potential donors in October. Results from the 2014 appeal will be reflected in future reports. A reminder of our Annual Appeal will also be mailed this year at the end of November. Sunny M. Hesse Associate Director – Human Resources 2014 Benefit Enrollment We received 2015 renewal rates from our benefit broker which resulted in minimal changes to benefit plans, coverage or carriers. We spent many hours preparing ADP for tracking and reporting Affordable Care Act compliance specific to the transition period as well as ongoing. With assistance from our broker, we reviewed the requirements for compliance. At this time, reporting based on the transition period of April 3 – October 2, 2014, indicates by opening benefit eligibility to employees working 30 or more hours per week and adding six (6) benefit packages to the 2015 budget, we are compliant. Benefit open enrollment meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, November 12, 2014, for all benefit eligible staff (scheduled 30 hours or more per week) to discuss detailed information about the 2015 benefit options. Additionally, new this year, we are offering a similar meeting for staff working less than 30 hours per week to learn more about the voluntary benefits that are offered. Human Resources (HR) staff worked with ADP support staff to update and finalize the 2015 online benefit enrollment workflow. The online enrollment process will be ready for all staff to enroll/waive coverage beginning November 12. All employees, including part-time staff who are eligible for various voluntary benefit insurance, are required to complete the online benefit enrollment even if to simply waive all coverage. Enrollment must be submitted online by Saturday, November 29, 2014. 2 November 18, 2014 Item 8.2 ADP - Human Resource Management and Payroll System In late 2013, we implemented a new human resource and payroll information system. Since initial implementation, we have struggled with development and full implementation of the ADP system. We have experienced unexpected issues with the set-up and basic and customized functionality of the system. We have been working diligently with ADP Support to resolve these issues. Earlier this year, I contacted the ADP sales representative for our account requesting a credit to our account due to the inability to: • Fully utilize the functionality of the modules that have been implemented (recruitment, benefits, training, and reporting) • Implement additional modules (performance management, scheduling, workflows, etc.) Limited use of the system has negatively impacted our recruitment process, prevented the development of our performance management processes, and resulted in many adjustments related to benefit administration and payroll. On Tuesday, November 4, 2014, I received confirmation from the sales representative that we will receive a credit in the amount of $6,460 due to the extraordinary and outstanding issues we have and continue to experience. Executive Director Performance Evaluation and 360-degree Feedback The process for evaluating the performance of the Executive Director position has been somewhat confusing and cumbersome in past years. In preparation for hiring a new Executive Director, I am reviewing the current process for evaluating this position including the development of a method for gathering 360-degree feedback during the evaluation process. The development of a more effective evaluation process which provides useful results will enhance the overall performance evaluation system and, in turn, offer more valuable feedback to the individual who is responsible for leading the Great River Regional Library (GRRL) system. I have received feedback from representatives of the six (6) counties that GRRL serves as well as the HR Director at Coldspring regarding their process for evaluating executive level staff (department heads) and/or their use of 360-degree feedback in evaluating staff. I will continue to evaluate all feedback received and bring a draft recommendation to the Board for review and discussion in early 2015. Ryan McCormick Patron Services Supervisor Patron Services Workgroup With Stacy Lenarz’s departure, I am now serving as acting chair of the Patron Services Workgroup. This group, tasked with developing and implementing region-wide service initiatives, is currently deciding on programs and next steps for 2015. Among other things, we hope to offer staff training on passive programs, provide a series of “tech tips” for library staff and the public, and create activities for “Library Lovers’ Month.” We are always appreciative of any staff ideas and input. Hiring Cathy Perish, previously the Library Assistant in Eagle Bend, has been hired as the Library Service Coordinator for the Eagle Bend and Staples Public Libraries. With Cathy changing positions, we are reviewing the current 3 November 18, 2014 Item 8.2 staffing structure of these two locations and exploring the possibility of creating a blended schedule for staff. Jill Mertes has been hired as a Library Assistant in Buffalo after recently working at the St. Michael branch. Due to issues with ADP, there are a number of other openings waiting to be filled, including Aide positions in Royalton and Cold Spring and Assistant positions in Howard Lake and St. Michael. In addition to forcing these libraries to work short-staffed, these ADP issues will also likely create a workflow backlog down the road. Library Service Coordinator (LSC) Small Group Meetings I facilitated meetings in St. Michael and Pierz earlier this month. These meetings were an effective and efficient way to meet with staff and discuss any concerns. I feel they were very productive and a great opportunity for us all to learn from each other. I particularly valued hearing about libraries’ efforts to offer programs specifically geared towards different age groups. It is important, of course, that we strive to provide resources and services to all members of our communities and I enjoyed learning about the thoughtful consideration the LSCs put into doing so. Karen Pundsack Associate Director – Patron Services Read Down Your Fines Read Down Your Fines was offered again during Teen Read Week in October. This program focuses on encouraging children and teens to read in the library and get their library accounts back into good standing. Teen Read Week has been a successful time to offer the program because school is not in session during the last part of the week. We increased publicity around the event including reaching out to Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange to promote the event with school media specialists. Thirty libraries had participants during this round, a better turnout than last October. The total participation numbers and amount waived was a little higher: over 130 participants, average amount of time spent reading was 1 1/2 hours and an average of $5 waived per participant. Due to the high level of donor support for this effort, we will be offering it again in December during the holiday break. Library Service Coordinator (LSC) Small Group Meetings Vacancies in the Patron Services department have been a challenge these past two months. We have taken this as an opportunity to try small group meetings with LSCs in lieu of individual branch visits. While the majority enjoyed the opportunity to connect, several LSCs suggested that we use this format only a few times a year for a variety of reasons. With the upcoming Patron Services Supervisor leave, we will be testing conference calls as an option for more efficiently disseminating important information to our LSCs. Regional Staff Meeting Our regional staff meeting was held on September 23 for all library services and St. Cloud department coordinators. The meeting included a presentation by Brandi Canter on Intellectual Freedom and the Minnesota Data Practices Act. It was also an opportunity to discuss the current transitions and get feedback on how to move forward. Other topics included reader’s advisory and the Patron Services Workgroup. LSCs report they look forward to these meetings as a time to share ideas and strategies. Playful Learning in Libraries Mini-Grant Application Patron Services Librarian Connie Laing spearheaded a grant application to State Library Services for Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funding to improve our play spaces throughout the region. If awarded, GRRL will expand the use of “play” within our libraries as a support for early learning activities. Connie collaborated with other Patron Services Workgroup members to design a three-pronged approach, which 4 November 18, 2014 Item 8.2 includes educational play kits, environmental materials and play components for children’s programming. The project would begin in 2015. Jay Roos Associate Director – Information Technology Payment Card Industry (PCI) Scope Reduction and Compliance Since the Board last met in a regular meeting, we have taken several steps to reduce our PCI scope and work toward full compliance. The biggest step was to stop accepting credit cards over the circulation desk. We were concerned that this change would result in significantly reduced patron service for those who wish to pay electronically. So far this has not proven to be true. Since the change was made in September, staff across the region have kept a log of issues resulting from lack of in-library card payments. So far, we have discovered very few issues. Patrons are still able to pay from home through our web interface and those libraries with express checkouts can take payments at those machines. Of course, cash and checks continue to be accepted. We have also taken other compliance steps such as segregating our general network traffic from machines taking payment, improving various security settings and capturing log data from payment terminals centrally. We have placed an order with our current web payment vendor to move web payments from our server to their hosted service which they certify to be compliant. Content Filtering In recent months, patrons have reported many issues with our content filtering software. The browser would sometimes crash while viewing certain sites. We narrowed down the problem to the content filtering software. The issue results from the software not being able to handle certain encrypted web pages. As the trend moves toward more sites using SSL (HTTPS) connections to protect their users’ privacy, the number of occurrences increases. Information Technology (IT) staff have worked with the vendor to develop a temporary fix until their next generation software is released sometime in 2015. While the temporary fix was in development, they extended our subscription at no charge. As we wait for the next version, they will prepare monthly updates for us based on issues we report them. Although not ideal, it demonstrates they are responding to our need. SAN Replacement We have continued to explore and finalize our options to replace our 7-year old SAN array. Since the last regular meeting, we narrowed our options down to three and have settled on one very well performing and cost effective array. I am happy to report that it will be significantly lower than the $50,000 price tag mentioned in my September report. More information is included in the Capital Request. Jami Trenam Associate Director – Collection Development Collection Management Training In an effort to make sure staff has the best possible tools to help them maintain their local branch library collections, I have been offering some updated training sessions on collection management. St. Cloud Library Associates received an introduction to weeding in September and Circulation Assistants are receiving training in November. In the coming months, I will be visiting with Library Service Coordinators for refresher training on our CollectionHQ software as well as a chance to discuss collection goals and community needs in person. 5 November 18, 2014 Item 8.2 Visits are already scheduled for Albany, Becker, Clearwater, Cold Spring and Rockford for November and December. New Online Resources I am pleased to announce that GRRL will offer two new online resources in November. Ancestry for Libraries is a powerful genealogy research tool which will provide access to 7,000 databases and millions of unique, full-text primary sources and enhanced images. Due to licensing agreements, this resource will be accessible in our library buildings only. This tool will fit nicely with plans to offer both lifelong learning and digital literacy programming throughout the region in 2015. The second resource is an information literacy tool for students called ProQuest Research Companion. This tool is designed to guide students through the process of a writing a research paper. As GRRL continues to build strong collaboration with our schools, Research Companion is a resource intended to supplement learning and homework help outside the classroom. I hope it will also be useful to students participating in History Day. Collection Marketing As one of GRRL’s strategic goals is to increase awareness of resources offered by the library, a Collection Marketing group was formed in 2014. We had our second meeting at the end of October, and some exciting new initiatives are on the docket for 2015 including a program called “A Year in Reading” designed to encourage patrons to explore our collections and the resources GRRL offers. Other projects include updating the “New, Best, Fun” portion of the GRRL website and developing internal mechanisms for staff to share collection merchandising ideas such as displays. 6 November 18, 2014 Item 8.3 Building Reports Brandi Canter Patron Services Supervisor Delano Public Library The city of Delano is installing a new key-card lock system in the library. The internet access has been installed by the city, independent of GRRL’s equipment or access. The city also replaced the roof and trim, and resolved a drainage problem. Through the Delano Municipal Utilities project the city will be installing new lighting outside the library for greater security and access. We greatly appreciate the support and involvement by the city! Kimball Public Library It is time for driver’s education training again in Kimball, and once again the classes are held after school three days a week in the community room adjoining the library. As some trustees may recall, the city hall renovations carried out several years ago resulted in the removal of the hanging ceiling over the library. Now, only a partition wall separates the library and community room, and this wall stops several feet beneath the room’s ceiling. Thus, there is no meaningful sound barrier between the library and the wood-floored, wood-paneled community room. The Library Services Coordinator (LSC) wrote to me that the sound from the drivers’ education classes is “incredibly loud” and causing disruptions for patrons and staff. This highlights the concerns we have held for some time about the Kimball library facility. The lack of sound control means that classes or other events in the community room cause significant distraction for library patrons and staff. Even more concerning, the lack of a sound barrier also means a lack of privacy for library patrons, because conversations held in the main part of the library are easily overheard in the community room. Kimball City Clerk Nicole Pilarski has worked with library staff to try to limit the number of classes or meetings held in the community room during library open hours, however, such limitations are not always feasible. Rockford Public Library In early October, staff noticed a mold smell coming from the book drop in the library. The smell was bad enough that some staff experienced symptoms, and one aide’s symptoms were severe enough that she was unable to work her scheduled shifts. LSC Theresa Jacobs notified the city, me, and Human Resources immediately, and the city worked quickly to investigate the problem. The book drop area was cleaned and the space tested for mold. The city notified us that the mold tests showed levels of mold and other airborne pollutants were not above “normal” for public buildings, and they will be providing us with a copy of the report. In the meantime, we have requested that the carpet in the book return space be removed as staff believe this is where the majority of the smell is coming from. We very much appreciate the responsiveness of City Administrator Dan Madsen and the rest of the Rockford city staff. Ryan McCormick Patron Services Supervisor Little Falls Public Library Some shelving shuffling is under way in Little Falls. As the library is moving to self pickup of holds, the shelving units in the downstairs children’s area have been brought upstairs to serve as the holds pickup 1 November 18, 2014 Item 8.3 area. This change should make the process quicker and easier for everyone involved, and the library hopes to have it fully implemented by mid-December. Plus, moving shorter shelving units to the children’s area makes the books easily accessible and also opens up the space making it much more comfortable and inviting. St. Cloud Public Library The building’s fire alarm was activated the morning of October 30. A later investigation revealed the reason for the alarm was most likely a bad sensor in the sprinkler system. The sensor has since been replaced and the fire alarm allowed staff the opportunity to practice escorting patrons from the building, which they did swiftly and safely. On Saturday, November 1, library staff responded to a broken blower coil pipe in the upstairs Archive Room. Although hundreds of gallons of water were lost, the damage could have been much worse as the room housed scrapbooks and other artifacts from the old library as well as many financial records. Fortunately, nothing irreplaceable was significantly damaged, thanks in large part to custodian Dave Muehlbauer’s quick response and hard work. We are pleased to report the café in the lobby has reopened after being closed for a number of months. Waite Park Public Library A request for an interior book drop has been submitted to the city of Waite Park. We are very hopeful this request will be granted as weather and sidewalk conditions make emptying the current outside book drop difficult. 2 GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY - ONE LIBRARY 32 LOCATIONS Monthly Circulation Statistics September 2014 + + Video Month Total Circ/Hour Sept 2014 Circ/Hour Sept 2013 CPH % Change 1,899 5,874 38 37 72 1,134 4,269 40 2,082 84 1,529 5,625 67 350 25 487 1,890 664 2,890 134 6,212 1,398 5,620 976 301 Cokato 1,617 Cold Spring 2,574 Delano Location Adult Print Adult Media Juvenile Print Juvenile Media Albany 1,737 482 1,653 103 Annandale 1,542 267 1,254 Becker 1,446 484 Belgrade 446 Big Lake Buffalo YTD 2013 1.0% 56,588 54,527 3.8% 43 -6.4% 40,208 42,013 -4.3% 44 47 -6.7% 51,593 54,501 -5.3% 1,375 17 19 -8.0% 13,836 13,070 5.9% 1,338 6,916 65 69 -5.7% 64,320 70,183 -8.4% 303 4,130 17,663 87 109 -20.0% 174,757 201,397 -13.2% 888 37 663 2,865 33 37 -9.5% 26,210 30,014 -12.7% 255 2,047 156 1,178 5,253 45 51 -13.1% 47,728 56,210 -15.1% 525 1,855 83 2,079 7,116 50 62 -19.8% 73,655 90,413 -18.5% 2,410 922 5,054 98 3,095 11,579 68 70 -2.6% 108,017 112,080 -3.6% 739 60 438 13 782 2,032 23 23 -0.4% 18,409 18,231 1.0% Elk River 7,584 2,373 9,341 369 3,918 23,585 118 135 -12.5% 235,585 251,926 -6.5% Foley 1,358 307 1,832 78 1,781 5,356 36 36 1.7% 51,895 53,653 -3.3% 590 205 444 12 451 1,702 21 22 -1.0% 16,846 20,831 -19.1% 1,272 235 964 57 1,033 3,561 31 30 3.2% 35,171 41,115 -14.5% Clearwater + % Change YTD YTD 2014 Eagle Bend Grey Eagle Howard Lake Kimball 698 156 505 28 836 2,223 28 31 -11.4% 22,179 23,697 -6.4% Little Falls 4,210 925 1,976 115 2,985 10,211 56 66 -14.4% 107,602 110,240 -2.4% + Long Prairie 1,583 298 795 58 1,834 4,568 31 34 -8.0% 48,328 44,494 8.6% + Melrose 2,155 1,811 1,142 321 3,111 8,540 83 80 3.1% 73,609 64,295 14.5% Monticello 4,953 1,440 6,844 444 3,481 17,162 96 111 -13.5% 154,660 179,360 -13.8% + Paynesville 1,089 286 909 66 1,499 3,849 30 32 -5.2% 40,566 39,618 2.4% + Pierz 996 154 719 22 637 2,528 27 27 2.4% 25,749 23,089 11.5% + Richmond 451 117 463 60 515 1,606 18 20 -6.8% 16,105 15,828 1.8% Rockford 1,656 386 2,350 68 1,548 6,008 48 47 3.0% 57,621 62,490 -7.8% Royalton 421 93 282 9 410 1,215 15 24 -37.4% 16,259 18,617 -12.7% 27,076 9,053 20,371 1,057 13,959 71,516 290 333 -13.0% 682,826 755,490 -9.6% Saint Cloud GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY - ONE LIBRARY 32 LOCATIONS Saint Michael 4,291 912 7,345 327 2,299 15,174 81 76 6.9% 139,387 146,148 -4.6% Sauk Centre 2,282 1,772 1,539 137 2,498 8,228 61 51 19.4% 69,862 77,594 -10.0% Staples 2,116 419 1,562 78 2,578 6,753 46 44 4.0% 63,302 71,219 -11.1% Swanville 165 37 86 2 183 473 6 12 -48.8% 6,800 9,379 -27.5% Upsala 750 143 1,137 91 1,153 3,274 41 40 1.1% 31,147 34,108 -8.7% 3,818 1,062 1,852 160 2,920 91,103 27,609 86,589 4,667 67,943 eBook Audiobook + Digital 9,915 3,365 + Indicates an increase in monthly circulation total over last year 9,812 277,911 79 65 91 69 -13.2% -6.2% 93,193 2,664,013 102,844 2,888,674 -9.4% -7.8% 13,280 7,698 72.5% Waite Park Total 13,280 GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY - ONE LIBRARY 32 LOCATIONS Monthly Circulation Statistics October 2014 + + Location Adult Print Adult Media Juvenile Print Juvenile Media Video Month Total Circ/Hour Oct 2014 Circ/HourOct 2013 CPH % Change Albany 1,715 394 1,861 107 2,096 6,173 37 36 Annandale 1,534 271 1,085 55 1,144 4,089 37 Becker 1,356 433 2,245 88 1,528 5,650 Belgrade 612 147 655 18 587 Big Lake 1,945 643 2,959 167 Buffalo 5,622 1,545 5,931 997 420 Cokato 1,567 Cold Spring 2,731 Delano YTD 2013 3.0% 62,761 60,578 3.6% 39 -7.2% 44,297 46,741 -5.2% 42 44 -4.4% 57,243 60,640 -5.6% 2,019 21 19 11.1% 15,855 14,550 9.0% 1,703 7,417 62 69 -9.9% 71,737 78,090 -8.1% 337 4,103 17,538 81 93 -12.8% 192,295 224,112 -14.2% 921 57 680 3,075 34 39 -14.1% 29,285 33,374 -12.3% 267 1,687 116 1,210 4,847 38 49 -22.8% 52,575 62,597 -16.0% 594 1,726 63 2,232 7,346 47 58 -18.1% 81,001 100,585 -19.5% 2,725 1,135 5,289 130 3,567 12,846 72 68 6.2% 120,863 124,535 -2.9% 803 47 498 10 651 2,009 24 24 2.9% 20,418 20,237 0.9% Elk River 7,792 2,577 9,475 482 4,148 24,474 113 132 -14.8% 260,059 280,353 -7.2% Foley 1,456 332 2,056 79 1,789 5,712 36 38 -6.0% 57,607 59,541 -3.2% 509 215 476 11 462 1,673 19 23 -20.2% 18,519 23,075 -19.7% 1,165 224 885 42 961 3,277 26 29 -11.4% 38,448 45,720 -15.9% Clearwater + % Change YTD YTD 2014 Eagle Bend Grey Eagle Howard Lake Kimball 802 187 667 47 909 2,612 29 29 2.1% 24,791 26,405 -6.1% Little Falls 4,206 850 2,010 115 3,247 10,428 54 65 -17.8% 118,030 122,391 -3.6% + Long Prairie 1,838 367 1,183 68 2,083 5,539 35 33 5.1% 53,867 49,457 8.9% + Melrose 2,419 1,795 1,066 107 3,665 9,052 79 73 8.4% 82,661 71,381 15.8% Monticello 4,796 1,142 6,794 376 3,698 16,806 87 103 -15.9% 171,466 199,621 -14.1% + Paynesville 1,314 394 1,055 53 1,571 4,387 31 32 -4.5% 44,953 43,993 2.2% + Pierz 1,135 47 828 25 641 2,676 25 25 0.2% 28,425 25,663 10.8% 421 131 435 31 467 1,485 16 19 -15.5% 17,590 17,668 -0.4% Rockford 1,795 369 2,835 126 1,517 6,642 48 50 -2.7% 64,263 69,579 -7.6% Royalton 495 97 397 21 511 1,521 16 23 -28.1% 17,780 20,704 -14.1% Richmond GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY - ONE LIBRARY 32 LOCATIONS Saint Cloud Saint Michael Sauk Centre Staples Swanville 10,266 20,927 1,233 13,411 73,306 276 312 -11.7% 756,132 840,229 -10.0% 4,252 779 7,384 411 2,595 15,421 76 72 6.6% 154,808 162,661 -4.8% 2,524 1,802 1,437 199 2,561 8,523 58 54 9.1% 78,385 86,247 -9.1% 2,194 405 1,564 84 2,685 6,932 44 49 -9.6% 70,234 79,178 -11.3% 191 44 98 2 96 431 5 8 -43.4% 7,231 10,384 -30.4% Upsala 1,012 162 1,110 106 1,230 3,620 39 41 -3.6% 34,767 37,997 -8.5% Waite Park 3,900 1,146 2,312 172 3,088 10,618 79 87 -9.5% 103,811 -9.1% 93,292 eBook 10,301 29,227 Audiobook 3,665 89,851 4,938 70,836 288,144 68 76 -10.7% 2,952,157 114,174 3,212,46 0 13,966 7,698 81.4% Total + 27,469 Digital 13,966 -8.1% GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY YTD Monthly Circulation 450,000 400,000 Items borrowed 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Circulation 2008 278,193 270,186 295,094 293,641 268,937 318,141 354,696 287,977 281,321 326,119 299,378 285,662 Total Circulation 2009 310,693 302,855 359,469 329,904 305,333 396,712 413,088 374,945 336,246 343,483 322,090 303,383 Total Circulation 2010 304,380 308,481 371,322 318,604 310,306 404,865 398,502 381,566 333,793 335,925 320,633 307,582 Total Circulation 2011 332,316 322,315 374,767 344,208 321,371 401,259 389,381 401,564 329,055 334,252 330,793 302,262 Total Circulation 2012 334,372 329,923 364,184 321,016 331,176 384,665 396,554 372,799 303,467 344,976 313,382 275,988 Total Circulation 2013 326,090 301,071 326,418 326,435 310,085 346,668 384,398 343,211 293,150 319,093 290,491 253,551 Total Circulation 2014 286,488 261,410 304,373 283,113 280,400 331,575 353,313 306,633 280,508 290,686 Circulation is a measure of the total number of items borrowed. The total includes renewals of items, but does not include computer and wireless usage, downloadable materials activity, or digital library circulation. New Borrowers Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Digital Library Borrowers New New Registrations Month Registration 1,045 Jan 663 849 Feb 445 1,455 Mar 506 1,356 Apr 404 1,323 May 404 2,113 Jun 464 1,678 Jul 482 1,456 Aug 381 1,402 Sept 479 1,431 Oct 449 Nov Nov Dec Dec YTD2014 Borrower Activity 14,108 YTD2014 Borrower Count Active (Last 6 Months CKO) Borrower Count Percent Active in last 6 Months (CKO Activity) Total Digital Library Borrowers 124,874 52,452 42% 29,140 4,677 Registrations are the number of new library cards issued. Borrower count is the total number of library cards registered at Great River Regional Library. The chart “Digital Library Borrowers” reflects the number of patrons who have created Digital Library accounts. The category “Active Borrowers” is a measure of cards that have been used to check out materials. It does not include computer or wireless usage within the library, downloadable materials activity, or digital library usage. GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY YTD Checkout Sessions Checkout Sessions 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total CKO sessions 2008 48,291 47,021 51,333 52,604 48,194 56,185 62,449 51,333 46,012 58,312 51,242 47,519 Total CKO sessions 2009 54,114 53,473 63,048 59,474 53,711 69,979 72,502 65,846 58,229 59,269 54,575 50,450 Total CKO sessions 2010 53,407 53,864 66,888 58,465 55,944 73,083 71,436 68,981 59,495 59,280 54,735 51,518 Total CKO sessions 2011 56,225 54,389 63,600 59,012 55,069 70,475 66,056 70,282 56,888 56,362 55,257 51,822 Total CKO sessions 2012 55,884 54,421 60,703 52,952 54,774 64,803 64,845 62,538 49,322 56,362 50,483 43,520 Total CKO sessions 2013 53,435 48,523 52,537 53,133 51,481 57,604 63,375 57,433 48,116 52,858 46,703 39,087 Total CKO sessions 2014 45,807 41,452 49,428 46,466 47,010 56,195 58,850 50,876 45,832 48,101 Checkout sessions are a measure of the number of unique library cards used to borrow materials each day. Computer uses YTD Computer Usage 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2008 14,328 13,743 15,904 15,825 15,238 16,632 18,529 16,295 16,527 20,497 18,099 17,877 2009 18,739 18,744 22,040 21,689 20,461 24,953 26,344 25,080 22,409 23,215 21,189 18,927 2010 19,362 23,547 30,273 28,585 28,894 37,884 39,121 42,881 31,300 32,086 31,151 26,472 2011 28,028 26,078 31,490 28,517 28,022 36,691 35,533 28,034 21,505 21,358 19,788 19,113 2012 19,542 18,757 21,002 18,769 19,731 22,411 23,055 23,641 17,247 20,148 16,507 14,691 2013 16,932 14,765 16,197 16,955 17,509 19,068 22,191 21,929 17,763 19,231 16,374 13,330 2014 14,858 14,076 17,163 16,947 16,909 18,586 20,489 20,510 17,531 18,961 Computer usage is a measure of the number of times individual patrons access a library computer for Internet access or other computer programs. Statistics prior to 2011 were tabulated manually, and the method for automatic tabulation changed in the software program in September 2011. This chart does not include wireless access activity. GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY YTD Wireless Usage 8,000 7,000 Connections 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2008 104 559 943 1,129 1,363 1,641 1,863 1,811 1,827 2,013 1,779 1,841 2009 2,175 2,410 3,162 3,198 3,082 3,589 3,838 3,811 3,437 3,445 3,435 3,207 2010 3,301 2,963 4,169 3,961 4,103 4,605 4,436 4,463 4,137 4,084 3,684 3,165 2011 3,381 3,300 4,072 3,987 3,881 4,469 4,405 4,955 4,209 4,334 4,250 4,278 2012 4,660 4,483 5,201 4,631 4,824 5,150 5,152 4,933 4,196 5,007 4,286 4,020 2013 4,768 4,580 4,808 5,206 5,089 5,402 5,814 5,563 5,181 5,654 4,723 4,119 2014 4,633 4,385 5,183 5,404 5,614 6,632 7,289 6,790 6,818 7,113 Chat Reference Statistics Sessions with Our Patrons January February March April May June July August September October November December 2014 Totals Outside MN Our Sessions with Others' Patrons* Library AskMN GRRL patrons chat with GRRL staff GRRL patrons chat with other AskMN librarians Total AskMN's 18 14 11 10 6 8 14 4 7 13 4 14 9 13 10 11 16 12 7 11 47 46 56 45 46 39 56 49 30 48 69 74 76 68 62 58 86 65 44 72 105 107 462 674 GRRL patrons Total chat with Coop Questions librarians from GRRL patrons Outside MN Total Chats GRRL chats with Chats with GRRL patrons from with Coop patrons other AskMN patrons libraries 11 6 10 5 2 1 2 3 1 1 14 24 28 34 18 9 11 21 13 23 25 30 38 39 20 10 13 24 14 24 42 195 237 - Total Chats Total chats picked up by GRRL staff and patrons 94 104 114 107 82 68 99 89 58 96 911 GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Requests Placed 140,000 120,000 88,551 78,980 69,880 87,511 85,453 78,334 83,273 80,584 70,842 82,406 74,889 66,066 84,367 75,071 74,663 90,334 81,012 75,003 84,466 76,934 69,365 75,938 72,871 68,128 84,563 77,713 69,057 80,579 71,587 22,446 19,195 16,489 22,282 20,173 18,064 20,867 20,333 17,291 20,604 20,219 18,196 22,431 21,250 20,644 23,959 22,299 22,623 23,063 21,014 19,421 19,505 18,733 19,882 21,562 21,542 20,625 19,250 18001 16,208 14756 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 40,000 20,000 - Jan Feb Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Requests Placed in Library 2012 Requests Placed Online 2012 Requests Placed in Library 2013 Requests Placed Online 2013 Requests Placed in Library 2014 Requests Placed Online 2014 YTD Total Requests Placed in Library 2012 Requests Placed Online 2012 Requests Placed in Library 2013 Requests Placed Online 2013 Requests Placed in Library 2014 Requests Placed Online 2014 Mar Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 252,929 20,752 22,446 22,282 20,867 20,604 22,431 1,008,043 95,614 88,551 87,511 83,273 82,406 238,668 21,153 19,195 20,173 20,333 931,970 91,882 78,980 85453 191,520 18,285 16,489 724,071 82,733 69,880 Aug Sept 70,441 64,994 95,614 91,882 82,733 60,000 20,752 21,153 18,285 80,000 2012 2013 2014 100,000 Oct Dec Nov Dec 23,959 23,063 19,505 21,562 19,250 16,208 84,367 90,334 84,466 75,938 84,563 80,579 70,441 20,219 21,250 22,299 21,014 18,733 21,542 18,001 14,756 80,564 74,889 75,071 81,012 76,934 72,871 77,713 71,587 64,994 18,064 17,291 18,196 20,644 22,623 19,421 19,882 20,625 78,334 70,842 66.066 74,663 75,003 69,365 68,128 69,057 Website activity Number of page views for website Number of page views for catalog Number of page views for events page YTD 2014 thru 10/31/2014 2,261,555 12,771,860 YTD 2013 thru 10/31/2013 2,191,487 13,625,803 YTD 2012 thru 10/31/2012 2,264,453 14,659,169 159,831 208,154 187,313 Website includes activity for griver.org, visits to the library catalog, and Events page traffic. This figure does not include any Digital Library activity. GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Programs offered 450 Number of programs 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2010 147 206 210 178 141 214 214 126 220 230 188 108 2011 178 179 175 250 215 331 222 152 120 214 172 152 2012 171 214 207 189 143 378 329 146 161 268 227 160 2013 200 247 207 232 125 263 318 198 159 186 196 144 2014 171 166 243 261 154 299 386 217 213 297 Number of attendees Program Attendance 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2010 5,499 4,226 4,566 4,333 3,387 6,577 4,512 2,162 2,596 4,949 5,973 1,910 2011 4,099 5,387 4,618 8,918 4,263 11,942 5,197 3,253 2,519 6,356 4,750 3,566 2012 3,654 6,107 6,177 5,740 4,029 18,925 12,601 3,895 3,211 6,546 4,279 3,822 2013 5,072 6,517 4,582 5,771 3,703 14,696 10,657 8,888 3,814 3,832 3,689 3,667 2014 3,654 4,144 4,415 5,926 2,988 11,682 12,578 7,965 4,473 6,954 Programs offered to adults, teens, and children both inside and outside the library. Totals for attendance include Legacy programs but do not include school visits, class visits or library tours. So far this year, 2,407 programs have been offered to 64,779 attendees. GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY - ONE LIBRARY 32 LOCATIONS GRRL Digital Library Collection and Usage Statistics 11/1/2014 Collection Statistics Purchased Titles in Collection Audiobook eBook Purchased Copies in Collection Audiobook eBook Local Collection Titles in Collection Adobe PDF Cumulative 2012 4,665 1,747 2,918 Cumulative 2013 YTD 6,611 2,015 4,596 Cumulative 2014 YTD 7,253 2,140 5,113 Increase over 2013 YTD 642 125 517 5,679 1,883 3,796 8,309 2,221 6,088 9,456 2,411 7,045 1,147 190 957 2 2 2 2 2 2 - Circulation Statistics Checkouts Audiobook eBook 2011 34,214 16,380 17,834 2012 61,531 20,167 41,364 2013 111,257 27,097 84,160 2014 YTD 134,282 32,122 102,160 Holds Audiobook eBook 22,758 7,615 15,143 38,661 7,104 31,557 45,330 7,400 37,930 61,644 10,466 51,178 5,239 7,335 8,255 30,259 Unique Library Patrons Checking Out Titles 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 - Checkouts 2011 Checkouts 2012 Checkouts 2013 Checkouts 2014 GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY - ONE LIBRARY 32 LOCATIONS 2014 Summer Reading Program Statistics Baby Toddler Program finished Baby Toddler Program started Children's Program Sign-up Reading Records Returned Teens Registered Teen Coupons Albany 79 14 342 109 117 435 Annandale 22 4 216 62 28 176 Becker 20 3 293 66 38 188 Belgrade 4 2 61 8 6 6 Big Lake 25 11 326 69 52 226 Buffalo 20 3 475 86 92 524 Clearwater 4 1 78 16 14 69 Cokato 6 2 182 43 31 86 Cold Spring 29 9 328 123 181 771 Delano 65 16 864 311 125 682 8 4 54 38 17 61 102 41 995 298 183 570 16 4 219 49 31 138 3 2 40 18 19 102 Howard Lake 25 3 199 48 32 248 Kimball 21 8 114 33 25 83 Little Falls 25 4 250 52 44 154 Long Prairie 15 1 105 15 24 247 Melrose 24 15 181 70 24 230 Monticello 79 14 653 73 76 399 Paynesville 12 1 147 19 2 7 Pierz 23 9 171 110 21 83 Richmond 22 14 113 54 46 227 Rockford 30 7 265 74 67 263 Royalton 8 2 60 5 14 29 26 15 148 81 40 171 St. Cloud 171 26 968 178 137 1,072 St. Michael 135 14 651 124 170 646 25 5 106 31 18 70 6 0 37 10 11 52 Upsala 14 6 78 25 37 150 Waite Park 20 6 165 47 48 271 1,084 266 8,884 2,345 1,770 8,436 863 317 9,632 4,690 1,695 10,190 Eagle Bend Elk River Foley Grey Eagle Sauk Centre Staples Swanville 2014 Totals 2013 Totals SRP Year 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Total Started 9,968 12,190 12,870 12,264 11,985 11,497 GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY - ONE LIBRARY 32 LOCATIONS Library Impact Report GRRL BOT Meeting – November 18, 2014 New in November at all GRRL locations! Ancestry Library Edition & ProQuest Research Companion Ancestry for Libraries is a powerful genealogy research tool which will provide access to 7,000 databases and millions of unique, fulltext primary sources and enhanced images. The Ancestry Library Edition contains a special collection of records that will enhance the offerings of GRRL. Total Borrowers by County Reciprocal 4,949 Wright 36,316 Todd 5,549 Benton 9,845 Morrison 8,648 Sherburne 22,314 Stearns 41,387 PrQuest Research Companion is designed to guide students through the process of writing a research paper. As GRRL continues to build strong collaboration with our schools, Research Companion is a resource intended to supplement learning and homework help outside the classroom. Through October, 984,307 books, 916,746 children's books, 734,358 movies and 343,088 audio-books circulated throughout the region. 176,030 patrons have used computers in their libraries while 59,861 patrons made wireless connections. 62,811 patrons attended 2,301 programs throughout the region. 14,108 new borrower accounts were created. GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY - ONE LIBRARY 32 LOCATIONS Fund Development Report GRRL BOT Meeting – November 18, 2014 Campaign Annual Appeal Annual Appeal 2nd Mailing Currents Newsletter General High $5 In-Kind (Supplies, materials, incentives) Read Down Your Fines SRP (Summer Reading Program) SRP In-Kind Total GRRL Fundraising Snapshot 2010 2011 2012 $ 29,088.93 $ 33,270.00 $ 38,043.33 $ 24,359.27 $ 14,679.10 $ 99,536.27 $ 1,200.00 $ 25,522.26 $ 19,251.42 $ 90,724.49 $ 595.00 $ 18,400.72 $ 14,715.85 $ 82,285.89 $ 6,925.00 $ 4,130.01 $ 178,718.58 $ 5,795.00 $ 6,050.00 $ 181,813.17 $ 5,080.00 $ 9,595.31 $ 168,716.10 2013 $ 31,983.92 $ 16,937.00 $ 250.00 $ 28,961.21 $ 15,300.20 $ 78,886.36 $ 10,631.07 $ 4,010.00 $ 9,252.00 $ 196,211.76 2014 $ 11,725.00 $ 24,494.10 $ 13,058.62 $ 76,816.47 $ 9,992.44 $ 6,467.41 $ 5,032.50 $ 147,586.54 Annual Appeal: October – Mailed to all GRRL donors Currents Newsletter: June/November – Mailed to all GRRL donors High $5: March – Across the desk initiative Read Down: August – Mailed to all Friends of The Library members and current donors SRP: May – Mailed to local businesses 2014 YTD Donations Summer Reading Appeal $11,500 Read Down Your Fines $9,992 Annual Appeal $11,725 General Donation $24,494 High $5 $13,059 In-Kind $76,816 The Library WishList program is an online catalog of fundraising and volunteer opportunities. Patrons can browse the listings, make contributions, pay for an honorarium, signup to volunteer and donate online. We will be launching Wishlist in 2015! Great River Regional Library Staff Recognition Report - 2014 Quarter 4 October 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014 First Name Last Name Department Supervisor Shelly Angie Michelle Molly Wendy Leslie John Amy Anne Linda Beverly Kelli Patricia Rebecca Gretchen Kuelbs Mehr Wagner Wills Sykes Carter Hirdler Gosswiller Zabinski McNair Anderson Pidde Waletzko Aleckson Thompson Foley Branch Services Grrl-hr Sc - Circulation Monticello Branch Services Sc - Patron Services Delano Branch Services Grrl-it Cokato Branch Services Grrl - Cd - Ts Sc - Circulation Eagle Bend/staples Branch Services Cokato Branch Services Grrl - Administration Sc - Circulation Grrl - Accounting Weis, Judy Hesse, Sunny Blotkamp, Eric Luken, Debra Toland, Sandra Plocher, Carol Roos, Jayme Rieke, Sheila Getz, Christopher Strack, Sharon Peters, Ellen Rieke, Sheila Pundsack, Karen Blotkamp, Eric Murphy, Aron First Name Last Name Department Joyce Geer Buffalo Branch Services Ellen Peters Eagle Bend/Staples Branch Services Supervisor Wittmann, Amy McCormick, Ryan Staff Recognition Date 12/09/2013 11/08/2013 11/07/2013 10/14/2013 10/14/2013 10/07/2013 12/19/2011 11/07/2011 10/18/2011 12/21/2009 12/17/2009 11/02/2009 11/22/2004 10/21/2004 12/06/1999 Length of Service 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 5 5 10 10 15 GRRL Bucks $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 RETIREMENTS Prepared 11.05.14 smh Hire Date 1/2/1987 9/22/2004 Retirement Date 9/30/2014 10/11/2014 Retirement Length of Gift Service 27 Thermos 10 Picnic Cooler Page 1 of 1 Executive Director Search Process Submitted by Sunny M. Hesse, Associate Director - HR On October 21, 2014, the GRRL Board of Trustees approved the hire of an external consultant to conduct the search process for the Executive Director position. The Board requested a third proposal from a Minnesota-based search firm for consideration before deciding which consultant to retain. I have received full search proposals from three (3) search firms, including one (1) based out of Minnesota. A summary of each proposal is outlined below. John Keister & Associates – John Keister Executive Director Full Search Services Search process from initial client meeting to candidate offer and acceptance is generally about three and one-half (3.5) months. • • • • • • • • Initial Meeting – Consultant will meet with search committee and key constituencies to gain an understanding of the environment and to learn what is expected of the Executive Director. Strategy – Strength as a search firm lies in the personal contacts with individuals in the library field. Website – Consultant will design, develop and host a website specifically designed for the GRRL Executive Director search. Candidate Qualifying – Consultant will conduct in-depth interviews and a thorough evaluation of all viable candidates. Results will be shared with GRRL during the candidate presentation discussion. Candidate Presentation – Consultant will present GRRL with resumes and additional information for the most viable candidates. Finalist Interviews – Consultant will provide customized support during this stage of the search process – suggest interview questions, facilitate the process. Verifying Employment Duties / Performance Levels – Consultant will interview references and present summaries of reference investigations to selection committee. Pre-employment Background Investigation – Consultant will assist with arrangements for preemployment background investigation for the final candidates. All-Inclusive fee for services - $19,500. Guarantee: If the new Executive Director leaves the position within the first year after acceptance, consultant will, on a one-time basis, reactivate the search upon GRRL request. The library will assume all expenses directly related to a reactivated search, but consultant will expect no additional search fee. Bradbury Associates/ Gossage Sager Associates – Karen Miller Executive Director Full Search Services A realistic date for the successful completion of the search process under the standard search process is three and one-half (3.5) months with the new Executive Director reporting four (4) to six (6) weeks later. • Four (4) meetings to include: o an initial meeting with the Board, Search Committee, Library staff and other constituents o a review of the qualified candidates with the Search Committee Great River Regional Library | November 18, 2014 Board of Trustees 1 • • • • • o participation in the semi-finalist interviews o participation in the finalist interviews Create and post the Executive Director position announcement; create a webpage devoted to GRRL Network within the library community to identify potential candidates – anticipate a pool of 15-20 qualified candidates meeting GRRL’s criteria Intake and evaluate all candidate information; interview all candidates and create a candidate matrix Check three (3) references for each finalist - up to four (4) per the standard contract Handle all details of the search process Services provided for a flat fee - $24,000 Guarantee: If the new Executive Director leaves the position – either voluntarily or involuntarily – within the first year after appointment, consultant will, on a one-time basis, reactivate the search upon GRRL request and screen a minimum of three (3) well-qualified finalists. Library Strategies – Sue Hall Executive Director Full Search Services The Executive Director search can be completed in three (3) to four (4) months depending on the availability of Search Committee members and the scheduling of interviews. • • • • • • • Library Strategies consultants will work with the Board of Directors and Human Resources to identify a Search Committee to guide the process. The Search Committee will meet with the consultants to identify the essential qualifications for the new Executive Director and address the following issues: o Create a timeline and benchmarks for the search process; o Create a position description; o Establish a salary and benefits package; o Determine the best outlets for posting the position (local, state, national); o Create a communication process for keeping the Search Committee informed. Library Strategies will advertise the position in appropriate outlets including the state and national media, the Public Library Association, and other outlets. Our consultants will receive applications and screen all candidate submissions. Once submissions are closed, our consultants will review applications and submit an initial annotated slate of eight (8) to ten (10) candidates to the Search Committee. The Search Committee will choose five candidates to be interviewed by Library Strategies consultants. Our consultants will conduct phone interviews with the initial candidates and recommend three individuals to be interviewed by the Board and staff. Library Strategies will prepare a set of recommended questions to be used in interviews and a scoring tool. Our consultants will schedule Board and staff interviews for the three final candidates and will be available for facilitating post interview discussions. Library Strategies will check credentials and references for the final candidates. If GRRL requires psychological testing, Library Strategies will coordinate testing and report results to the Search Committee. Library Strategies will communicate the results of the Executive Director search to all candidates who have participated in the search process. Consulting fees for the Executive Director search will not exceed $25,000, based on a daily rate of $1,500. Expenses will not exceed $1,450 and are based on two trips for Toni Garvey. Advertising and psychological testing costs are not included in this proposal and will be submitted for payment to GRRL as they are incurred. Great River Regional Library | November 18, 2014 Board of Trustees 2 A Proposal to the Great River Regional Library October 31, 2014 A Proposal to the Great River Regional Library Background The Great River Regional Library system (‘GRRL”) serves over 450,000 residents in a six-county region in central Minnesota. GRRL is a consolidated system headquartered in Saint Cloud, with libraries in 31 cities. GRRL is a member of the Council of Regional Public Library System Administrators. Recently, the Executive Director of GRRL retired from the system. An interim Director is in place but GRRL will be conducting a search to hire a new Executive Director to lead the library system. Library Strategies is proposing to coordinate the search for a new Executive Director. Library Strategies Library Strategies is a consulting group of The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library, formally established in 2007 to provide services to libraries and library organizations across the country and internationally. Library Strategies is the only consulting group in the country based in a library organization. Our consultants have worked with clients in 26 states and in Romania and Moldova. A partial listing of Library Strategies clients is attached. Our consultants are leaders in the national library community and other outstanding consultants who offer a wide range of practical skills and decades of successful experience in many areas including: all areas of fundraising, strategic and development planning, advocacy, staffing studies and space needs assessments, Board and organizational development, Friends and foundations, and many other services critical to the successful growth of libraries and library organizations. In the past year, Library Strategies has begun to provide services in the area of executive searches Library Strategies was created in response to increasing requests of The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library for advice and consulting support from libraries across the country. The Friends serves as the foundation for the Saint Paul Public Library in Minnesota. The Friends raises millions of dollars annually to support the Library. Because of its private fundraising, advocacy, public awareness and cultural programming, The Friends is recognized as a national model for providing unique and comprehensive support for the Saint Paul Public Library. Library Strategies Team Library Strategies consultants, Sue Hall and Toni Garvey, would conduct the executive search for GRRL. 2 SUE HALL is the Director of Library Strategies and a Principal consultant. Hall has designed and facilitated strategic and development planning processes for libraries and library organizations across the country and is also a frequent speaker at national and state conferences. In the past year, she has moved the consulting group into conducting executive searches based on Library Strategies’ extensive experience working with libraries and library support organizations across the country. She is also the project coordinator for the CRPLSA program, Once Upon a Reader. TONI GARVEY is a Library Strategies consultant and the former Director of the Phoenix Public Library. Garvey was the 2004 Library Journal Librarian of the Year and she was President of the Public Library Association in 2002. Garvey consults in a broad range of areas including organizational needs assessments - service and staffing models, strategic planning and facilities planning. Should GRRL choose to work with Library Strategies, Sue Hall will be the project manager and facilitator of the executive search activities. Library Strategies Approach to the Executive Search Hiring an executive director for a library system is critical to the growth and the reputation of the system. The chosen candidate must be an exceptional leader for the library system as a whole, and he or she must also work well with staff, Board and Friends organizations and be a collaborative member of the regional system administrators. Finally, the new Executive Director must be a strong voice for GRRL locally and in the state. Choosing a successful candidate requires a comprehensive search and vetting process, as well as a thoughtful and thorough interview process. To conduct a successful search process, Library Strategies would work with a Search Committee selected by the GRRL Board and its Human Resources staff. The search process should be broad enough to attract strong candidates who are a good match with GRRL’s needs – but focused so the process is completed in a timely manner. Recommended Executive Search Process Library Strategies recommends the following steps in the search process. 1. Library Strategies consultants will work with the Board of Directors and Human Resources to identify a Search Committee to guide the process. The Search Committee will meet with the consultants to identify the essential qualifications for the new Executive Director and address the following issues: - Create a timeline and benchmarks for the search process; - Create a Position Description; - Establish a salary and benefits package; 3 - Determine the best outlets for posting the position (local, state, national); Create a communication process for keeping the Search Team informed. 2. Library Strategies will advertise the position in appropriate outlets including the state and national media, the Public Library Association, and other outlets. 3. Our consultants will receive applications and screen all candidate submissions. Once submissions are closed, our consultants will review applications and submit an initial annotated slate of eight to ten candidates to the Search Committee. The Search Committee will choose five candidates to be interviewed by Library Strategies consultants. Our consultants will conduct phone interviews with the initial candidates and recommend three individuals to be interviewed by the Board and staff. 4. Library Strategies will prepare a set of recommended questions to be used in interviews and a scoring tool. Our consultants will schedule Board and staff interviews for the three final candidates and will be available for facilitating postinterview discussions. 5. Library Strategies will check credentials and references for the final candidates. 6. If GRRL requires psychological testing, Library Strategies will coordinate testing and report results to the Search Committee 7. Library Strategies will communicate the results of the executive search to all candidates who have participated in the search process. (Note: This is a recommended process that can be revised based on the needs of the GRRL Board.) Timeline, Project Budget & Deliverables The Executive Search can be completed in three to four months depending on the availability of Search Committee members and the scheduling of interviews. Consulting fees for the Executive Search will not exceed $25,000, based on a daily rate of $1500. Consulting Services Consultant Days* Initial meeting to meet with HR staff & select Search Committee Meeting with Search Committee to articulate qualifications and create position description Posting of position with media and other outlets Review & screening of applications Submission of slate of potential candidates to Search Team Scheduling/conducting phone interviews with candidates & preparation of candidate slate for Search Committee 4 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 Preparation for final interviews & facilitation of candidate review discussions Credential & reference review Project management (communication with Search Team, candidates ) Total consulting days – 16.5 @ $1500/day 3.0 1.0 2.5 $24,750 * One or 2 consultants may participate in tasks. Expenses Airfare (2 roundtrips – Phoenix - Minneapolis) Hotel Mileage Meals $ 900 250 150 150 Expenses will not exceed $1450 and are based on two trips for Toni Garvey. Advertising and psychological testing costs are not included in this proposal and will be submitted for payment to GRRL as they are incurred. Proposed Payment Schedule Library Strategies requires a $5000 retainer upon signing of a Memorandum of Agreement. GRRL will be presented with an invoice upon completion of the first round of interviews. The remainder of the fees and expenses will be invoiced upon completion of the executive search. Deliverables Library Strategies will provide the following deliverables from this project: • • • • Final version of Executive Position Description and advertisement posting; Questions for preliminary phone interviews; Report to Search Committee with annotated slate of preliminary candidates; Proposed questions and scoring tool for final interviews. Executive Search Experience Library Strategies began conducting executive searches a little over a year ago. To date, our consultants have facilitated, or are currently facilitating, the following searches: • • • Executive Director, Muscogee County Library Foundation (GA) Executive Director, Saint Paul Public Schools Foundation (MN) Capital Campaign Coordinator, Tulsa Public Library (OK) 5 • Executive Director, Houston Public Library Foundation (TX) Conclusion Library Strategies would be pleased to assist the Great River Regional Library in hiring a new executive to lead the library system. We believe that our rich experience working with libraries across the country, combined with our knowledge of regional systems in Minnesota, will prove extremely valuable in facilitating this process. For more information, please contact: Sue Hall 651-287-0060 [email protected] 6 List of Recent Clients American Library Association Anchorage Public Library Foundation (AK) Anoka County Library (MN) Appleton Public Library (WI) Bayport Public Library and Foundation (MN) Bozeman Public Library (MT) Bud Werner Memorial Library (CO) Cincinnati Public Library (OH) Commerce Township Public Library (MI) DeForest Public Library (WI) El Paso Public Library (TX) Friends of the Osceola Public Library (WI) Friends of the Inver Glen Library (MN) Frisco Library Foundation (TX) Houston Public Library and Foundation (TX) IREX – Moldova IREX - Romania James J. Hill Reference Library (MN) Lake Agassiz Regional Library (MN) Lake City Public Library (MN) Library Foundation for Sarasota County (FL) Library Journal/Reed Business Systems Louisville Free Public Library (KY) Louisiana State Library (LA) Madison Public Library Foundation (WI) Map for Nonprofits (MN) Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) Mendon Public Library (NY) Menomonie Public Library (WI) Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MN) Mid-Wisconsin Library System Minnesota Association of Library Friends Muskogee Public Library (OK) Muscogee Public Library Foundation (GA) Nebraska State Library New Hampshire Library Trustees Association New Jersey Library Association Norman Public Library System (OK) North Lake Library District (MT) Northeastern Pennsylvania Library Association Park Ridge Public Library (IL) Petersburg Public Library (VA) Public Library Association Texas School Library Summit/Reed Business Tulsa Public Library (OK) SELCO/SELS Regional Library System (MN) SOLINET (SE Regional Library System – US) Stark County Library (OH) St. Helena Public Library (CA) South Central Wisconsin Library System Stillwater Public Library and Foundation (MN) Traverse de Sioux Regional Library (MN) Tulsa Public Library (OK) Vaughn Public Library (WI) Washington County Library System (MN) Watertown Public Library (WI) White Plains Public Library (NY) Wilbraham Public Library (MA) Williamsport Public Library (PA) Wyoming Library Association (WY) Yonkers Public Library (NY) Additionally, Library Strategies is coordinating a multi-million dollar Leadership and Capacity Building Institute for small libraries and literacy organizations in Minnesota, Wisconsin & North Dakota. 7 John Keister & Associates Executive Search for Library Directors 374 E. Marseilles Street Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Phone: (847) 955-0540 email: [email protected] http://www.johnkeister.com Twitter: @jkaLibrary September 5, 2014 Ms. Sunny M. Hesse Associate Director, Human Resources Great River Regional Library 1300 W. St. Germain Street St. Cloud, MN 56301 Dear Ms. Hesse: We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal for executive search services to identify, evaluate, and recruit candidates for the position of Library Executive Director. Hiring a new Executive Director is one of the most important decisions a library board will make and we would be pleased to provide advice and assistance. In addition to conducting the search, we can facilitate the process, keep things on track, and help the library board reach consensus on the final candidates. Experience John Keister & Associates is a full-‐service, nationwide Executive Search firm founded by John and Beth Keister in 1987. Our firm has two practice areas: Public Library Directors and private sector Engineering Executives. With more than 27 years of work in executive search, diverse educational and professional backgrounds, and good listening skills, we are adept at understanding all sorts of situations and client needs. Our extensive experience enables us to identify and evaluate management and leadership traits in candidates, as well as the “soft” characteristics that indicate which candidates will be an ideal fit for a certain organization or position. We enjoy working with libraries because they are the heart and soul of their communities. Whether serving a small town, a densely populated region, an academic or special interest institution, a library represents the interests, passions and goals of a special group of people — its patrons. Each library has its own unique needs and goals. Rather than using a “one size fits all” approach, we customize our process to fit the situation at hand. Should you decide to work with us, we’ll ask the correct questions and help you hire the Director who is right for your library and right for your community. We are proactive in searching for and recruiting top candidates, rather than relying on passive approaches, such as job postings, to locate talented leaders. Our success is the result of networking and actively building long-‐term relationships with the best and brightest library leaders. Our firm is intentionally small, allowing us to remain flexible, highly responsive and able to adapt to any situation. We don’t delegate work to other offices or outside consultants. Since we believe quality matters more than quantity, we limit the number of searches that we conduct at any one time. We offer a smart and innovative approach to recruiting that helps us tailor our searches to fit our clients and their unique situations. Project Team John Keister is a Principal and Co-‐founder of John Keister & Associates. John is the primary consultant for most of our library searches. With more than 27 years of executive search experience, John has completed Page 1 of 7 John Keister & Associates Executive Search for Library Directors 374 E. Marseilles Street Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Phone: (847) 955-0540 email: [email protected] http://www.johnkeister.com Twitter: @jkaLibrary many searches for respected global corporations and public libraries. As a library advocate, John has extensive experience as an elected public library Trustee and library Board President. John also served multiple terms on the Board of Directors of the North Suburban Library System, a library consortium of academic, public, and special libraries in suburban Chicago. He has been active on behalf of libraries at the local, state, and federal levels and has raised community awareness of library issues through print and broadcast media, town meetings, focus groups and forums. John has successfully negotiated with third parties and local governments to solve community library challenges and is well acquainted with many ongoing library concerns such as budgets, technology, personnel, and issues of community standards. He has been an invited speaker at numerous library meetings and conferences. John holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with post-‐graduate coursework in business management and administration. Prior to founding the search firm, John was an engineer. He achieved recognition for leading innovative design teams and working with customers. Beth Keister is a Principal and Co-‐founder of John Keister & Associates. Beth handles many of the “behind the scenes” functions of our firm, designing and maintaining our databases and websites, conducting research for the search process, and using social media to create awareness. Previously, Beth trained the staffs of several libraries and library organizations on a variety of software packages and consulted with libraries on creating programs and reports that support daily operations. Beth holds a Master of Science degree in Statistics and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics. Prior to co-‐founding the search firm, Beth held technical positions with commercial and non-‐profit organizations, taught university level mathematics, and consulted with major educational publishers. Sarah Keister Armstrong is a key member of our team. Through her own firm, Turks Cap Consulting, Sarah specializes in providing community needs assessments and strategic planning services to libraries. Her awareness of library trends and issues, coupled with a keen understanding of each library’s unique circumstances and demographics, helps us focus our efforts on the type of leader who will be most effective for every library search we undertake. Sarah holds a Master of Public Policy and Administration degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Sociology. Her past experience includes working in a variety of nonprofit organizations, government offices, and private industry. Sarah is a Public Library Trustee and serves on the Board of RAILS (Reaching Across Illinois Library System), one of two regional library systems in Illinois. She is an active member of the American Evaluation Association, American Library Association, and Illinois Library Association. Sarah also serves on the Leadership Lake County (IL) Task Force. Search Process We have the resources in place and are prepared to initiate the search upon selection by the library board. John Keister will be the primary contact representing our firm and conducting the search. Throughout the search process, we will keep in touch with you or your designated contact so that you know where we are in the process. Though each search is unique and presents its own characteristics, we find that the search process from our initial client meeting to candidate offer and acceptance is generally about 3½ months. Since we would tailor the search to meet your needs and deadlines, it would be premature to provide a very specific Page 2 of 7 John Keister & Associates Executive Search for Library Directors 374 E. Marseilles Street Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Phone: (847) 955-0540 email: [email protected] http://www.johnkeister.com Twitter: @jkaLibrary timeline prior to our initial meeting with the search committee (please see below). We’d be happy to work out a mutually agreeable schedule with you after such a meeting takes place. Initial Meeting Our first step is to thoroughly understand your needs. John will meet with the search committee and key constituencies to gain an understanding of your environment and to learn what is expected of the new Library Director. This will help us understand your distinctive organizational culture, mission, and current concerns. Such knowledge will be useful when forming interview questions and evaluating candidates within the framework of your organization and setting. We will also review and discuss the current job description during this meeting, offering suggestions on revisions if we deem them helpful or necessary. In addition, we have found it is advantageous to have a current organizational chart available along with the position description. Together, the position description and organizational chart give candidates a good basic understanding of how your library functions. Strategy Our strength as a search firm lies in our personal contacts with individuals in the library field. In addition to attracting candidates through traditional advertising and use of a custom website designed for the search, we will carry out an extensive networking and social media effort to identify outstanding candidates who do not normally respond to ads or announcements. We have discovered that many excellent people are interested when approached by a respected recruitment firm. With this multi-‐pronged approach, we will ensure that we locate the best candidate(s) for your position. Website for the Library Director Search We will design, develop and host a website specifically designed for the Great River Regional Library Executive Director search. This comprehensive website will include information on the position, the library, and the local community. We prefer using a website over traditional materials such as written brochures and job postings because it allows more flexibility for updates and offers easy access to information for potential candidates. Examples include the websites for our recently completed search for the Allen County Public Library (www.johnkeister.com/allencounty) and our in-‐process search for the Beloit Public Library (www.johnkeister.com/beloit). Candidate Qualifying Once we have identified candidates, we conduct in-‐depth interviews. When possible, these conversations will be in person. If circumstances prevent an in-‐person interview, we will conduct detailed Skype and telephone interviews. Either way, we will thoroughly evaluate all viable candidates and will share the results of these interviews with you during our candidate presentation discussion. We like to have multiple conversations with the candidates under consideration so we can thoroughly understand their personality, work ethic, and how they may fit into your particular library. Page 3 of 7 John Keister & Associates Executive Search for Library Directors 374 E. Marseilles Street Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Phone: (847) 955-0540 email: [email protected] http://www.johnkeister.com Twitter: @jkaLibrary Candidate Presentation After the interviewing/qualifying work has been completed, we will present you with resumes and additional information for the most viable candidates. We’ll also be ready to discuss each individual in some detail, and to answer any questions from the search committee. This approach allows for valuable give-‐and-‐take of information with you and/or other decision makers, and allows you to further reduce the list, if desired, to a feasible number of semi-‐finalists or finalists. Finalist Interviews We will provide customized support during this stage of the search process. If desired, we will suggest interview questions, provide advice on questions to avoid for legal reasons, and discuss tips on approaches, techniques, and potential pitfalls. We can also make suggestions from a recruiting standpoint on how to handle salary negotiations and benefits questions, deal with relocation issues, and “close” the most desired candidate. In short, we will help with whatever you need during the crucial time when key decisions must be made. We have found it is very beneficial for John to be on-‐site at the library during the finalist interviews to answer questions, make suggestions, and generally facilitate the process. Verifying Employment Duties And Performance Levels We will interview references, by telephone, for final candidates and will present summaries of the reference investigations. We believe that phone references provide a more accurate assessment of candidates than do prepared written statements since people are often more comfortable disclosing information conversationally than in writing. Our phone reference interviews enable us to present you with more realistic impressions of the strengths and weaknesses of finalists. This method also provides an opportunity for selective probing as necessary. Pre-‐Employment Background Investigation If the library does not have a pre-‐employment background investigation process in place, we can assist with such arrangements for the final candidate. This investigation should include verification of credentials and should be completed by a law enforcement agency or professional firm with expertise in this field. Background investigations include examination of professional, personal, financial, and criminal records. We do not recommend the many instant background check options available on the Internet. Fee Our all-‐inclusive fee for search services is $19,500. Part of this fee ($6,500) will be payable upfront, to help us defray our search expenses and to initiate the search. A second payment of $6,500 will be due upon your acceptance of a slate of candidates. The balance of the fee will be billable upon selection of the new Library Director, and payable within 30 days after acceptance of the offer by the new administrator. Our professional fee includes: • Design, development and hosting of a custom website for the Great River Regional Library Executive Director Search Page 4 of 7 John Keister & Associates Executive Search for Library Directors 374 E. Marseilles Street Vernon Hills, IL 60061 • • • Phone: (847) 955-0540 email: [email protected] http://www.johnkeister.com Twitter: @jkaLibrary Advertising expenses All consultant expenses, including travel, for on-‐site attendance at two library meetings Unlimited “virtual” access via Skype or audio calls at other meetings, as needed Additional in-‐person meetings with the Great River Regional Library Search Committee and/or Board may be included, if desired, at $750 per visit. Not included in our fee are costs incurred by candidates who are asked to interview in-‐person with the library. The cost, if any, for a pre-‐employment background investigation by a professional firm or law enforcement agency is also not included in our fee. Guarantee: If the new Library Director leaves the position within the first year after acceptance, we will, on a one-‐time basis, reactivate the search upon your request. Such a reactivation must assume that we will be allowed to pursue our own approach to achieve the reasonable results you anticipate. The library will assume all expenses directly related to a reactivated search, but we will expect no additional search fee. We thank you for your interest in John Keister & Associates. Please contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you. John Keister & Associates John W. Keister President If these terms are acceptable, please sign this letter and return one copy to us. Thank you. Great River Regional Library By: ________________________________________ Title: _______________________________________ Date: __________________________ Our firm is committed to Equal Employment Opportunities, and will not discriminate against any candidate because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation. Page 5 of 7 John Keister & Associates Executive Search for Library Directors 374 E. Marseilles Street Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Phone: (847) 955-0540 email: [email protected] http://www.johnkeister.com Twitter: @jkaLibrary References Wheaton Public Library Wheaton, Illinois www.wheatonlibrary.org Ms. Jeri Ramp Board of Trustees Phone: 630-‐668-‐5927 [email protected] Wheaton Public Library serves 55,000 residents with a 124,000 sq ft building and an operating budget of about $3.8 million. The search was conducted due to the retirement of the former Director who served for 47 years. Mead Public Library Sheboygan, Wisconsin www.meadpubliclibrary.org Ms. Maeve Quinn Board of Trustees Phone: 920-‐457-‐9426 [email protected] Mead Public Library serves 69,000 residents with an 88,000 sq ft building and an operating budget of about $3.2 million. The search was conducted due to the retirement of the former Director who served for 21 years. Davenport Public Library Davenport, Iowa www.davenportlibrary.com Ms. Susan Anderson Operations Manager/HR Phone: 563-‐326-‐7838 [email protected] Davenport Public Library has a 63,000 sq ft main library and two branches serving 100,000 residents with an operating budget of about $5 million. The search was conducted due to the retirement of the former Director who served for 10 years. Allen County Public Library Fort Wayne, Indiana www.acpl.lib.in.us Mr. Martin Seifert Board of Trustees Phone: 260-‐426-‐0444 [email protected] Page 6 of 7 John Keister & Associates Executive Search for Library Directors 374 E. Marseilles Street Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Phone: (847) 955-0540 email: [email protected] http://www.johnkeister.com Twitter: @jkaLibrary Allen County Public Library has a 367,000 sq ft main library and 13 branches serving 355,000 residents with an operating budget of about $25 million. The search was conducted due to the retirement of the former Director who served for 28 years. Joliet Public Library Joliet, Illinois www.jolietlibrary.org Ms. Nancy Henricksen Board of Trustees Phone: 815-‐744-‐3244 [email protected] Joliet Public Library serves about 150,000 residents with a 74,000 sq ft main building and a 36,000 sq ft branch library. Operating budget is about $6.5 million. The search was conducted due to the retirement of the former Director who served the library for 24 years. Page 7 of 7 1 BRADBURY ASSOCIATES/ GOSSAGE SAGER ASSOCIATES Sunny Hesse Associate Director of Human Resources Great River Regional Library 1300 W. St. Germain St. Cloud, MN 56301 Proposal: Executive Director Search Thank you for contacting us about the possibility of Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates assisting the Great River Regional Library in its search for your new Executive Director. We are pleased to submit the attached proposal for the Board’s consideration. We think you will find us a great match for your Executive Director search. In order to help you quickly evaluate our services and the services you are seeking, I have addressed key search components below. Our full proposal outlines our services much more completely. • Marketing your position, the library, and the community We tailor each search to the specific library and its community. Our first step is to visit St. Cloud, conduct focus groups with the library staff and other key stakeholders (Friends group members, volunteers, community members, etc.), meet with the Board and Search Committee, tour the libraries, and tour the communities you serve. We recruit and build our candidate pool from scratch beginning with developing the advertisement, posting the position electronically, creating a website devoted solely to the Great River Regional Library and prospecting one-on-one for your unique position. We anticipate a pool of 15-20 qualified candidates meeting your criteria. • Evaluating and recommending the list of qualified candidates Once a candidate has officially applied for the position by sending us a cover letter and resume, we ask that he/she complete a questionnaire for us and we have a brief prescreening phone conversation with a prescribed list of questions. In addition, if the candidate meets the qualifications, we talk with people who know the candidate to get “a sense” of him/her. When the position closes, we use Dropbox to share the cover letters, resumes, and a matrix comparing the candidates’ qualifications with the Search Committee. We then meet with the Search Committee to “present the pool.” At this meeting, we share our phone conversation notes and what we have been able to learn independently about the candidate. We also facilitate a process helping you to narrow your selections to 6-8 semi-finalists for the first round of interviews. • Reference checking and background checking Once a candidate has been selected as a finalist, we ask for three references: (1) someone they work with in a collegial capacity; (2) someone who reports to them; and (3) someone they report to. We have phone conversations (we do not accept letters of 2 reference) with each reference and prepare a written report for the Board/Search Committee prior to the final round of interviews. We also “ramp up” our street reconnaissance to check with people who are not listed as formal references. In addition, we do electronic checking viewing social media sites and information found via the Internet. We recommend as a final step of due diligence that, when an offer is made, it is contingent on a successful background check. We contract with a third party company to complete this. It usually takes five days to complete. • Coordinate and assist with the interview process Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates becomes your staff team. We are there to facilitate the logistics of both the semifinal interviews and final interviews. We handle the scheduling of the interviews, prepare draft questions, evaluation forms, notify all candidates of where they are in the process, and—if you wish--we are happy be your media contact as needed. • Coordinate and assist with job offer and compensation negotiation We are frequently called upon to do this. Since our bid is a flat fee, there is no conflict of interest as there might be with a firm working for a percentage of compensation. Too, at the beginning of the search, we can help you establish a hiring range consistent with libraries in your region serving populations of your size. Our proposal is intended as a starting point only. It summarizes our experience and qualifications, describes our typical services and methodology for a standard search, explains our fee structure, and includes recent references. We have outlined our full service search, but we can usually tailor our services and fees to meet the needs and budget of most libraries. The search schedule outlined is illustrative only to give you a sense of the time frame required to complete a successful search. This proposal is the quoted fee for the outlined scope of service including advertising costs and a single background check and is valid for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of this letter. Thank you again for the opportunity to submit the attached proposal for your consideration. Please feel free to contact us at your convenience to discuss how our firm can best serve your needs. Sincerely, Jobeth and Dan Bradbury (Electronic Signature) 4545 WORNALL ROAD, SUITE 805 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64111 PHONE/FAX: 816-531-2468 W W W .G O S S A G E S A G E R .C O M 3 BRADBURY ASSOCIATES/ GOSSAGE SAGER ASSOCIATES GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY (MN) – EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SEARCH PROPOSAL FIRM BACKGROUND AND QUALIFICATIONS: Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates (Bradbury Associates LLC dba Gossage Sager Associates) is owned and operated by Dan and Jobeth Bradbury. The firm was originally established as Gossage Regan Associates in 1983 and became Gossage Sager Associates, LLC (an Illinois corporation) when Don Sager assumed ownership of the firm in July of 2000. During the last quarter of 2006, Dan and Jobeth Bradbury PARTIAL LIST OF PAST CLIENTS assumed ownership of the firm and New Haven Free Public Library (CT) reorganized as a Missouri LLC. Don Greenwich Library (CT) Sager continues in an advisory consultant New Canaan Library (CT) capacity. Legally, the firm qualifies as a Wilton Library (CT) WBE (Woman-owned Business Fairfield Public Library (CT) Enterprise). Crandall Public Library (NY) Under its former name (Gossage Regan), the firm successfully completed more than 60+ executive searches for academic, special, and public libraries during its first 17 years of existence – more than any other library executive search firm. During the past ten years, the firm has successfully completed more than 100+ additional searches for libraries of all types and sizes. We are currently working with the Muskegon Area District Library (MI), Crown Point Community Library (IN), Petoskey District Library (MI), Iowa Library Services/State Library of Iowa, Metropolitan Library System (OK) and the Berkeley Public Library (CA). Please see complete list of clients. In each of these engagements, we have performed a scope of work similar to that which is proposed for the Great River Regional Library. Providence Public Library (RI) Mid-Hudson Library System (NY) Boulder Public Library (CO) Anythink-Rangeview Library District (CO) Sonoma County (CA) Library Henderson (NV) Libraries Tulsa City-County Library District (OK) Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning County (OH) Des Moines Public Library (IA) Houston Public Library (TX) Omaha Public Library (NE) Reaching Across IL Libraries (RAILS) Downers Grove Public Library (IL) Illinois Heartland Library System (IL) Rock Island Public Library (IL) Brown County Public Library (IN) Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library (IN) Vigo County Public Library (IN) Whatcom County Library System (WA) Walla Walla CO RFLD (WA) Gwinnett County Public Library (GA) Winter Park Public Library (FL) Kent District Library (MI) Mobile Public Library (AL) 4 SCOPE OF SERVICES AND METHODOLOGY: If Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates is selected to assist you in your search for a new Executive Director, our first step is to understand your needs as thoroughly as possible. We will meet with the Search Committee to gain an understanding of the organizational setting and to learn what is expected of the selected candidate. In addition to meeting with the Search Committee, we will meet with the Library Board, staff, and, as desired, affiliate groups representing key library stakeholders, to hear their recommendations and to learn more about the library. These meetings allow us to understand your library’s distinctive organizational culture, mission, and present concerns. Such meetings are not only valuable in framing interview questions and giving us a sense of the library and its setting, but these meetings involving key personnel in the process also serve to strengthen acceptance by staff and affiliate groups of the eventual appointee to the position. We will also conduct a self-directed tour of the library and the community. If desired, we can provide a salary/benefits survey of neighboring libraries of like-size in population served, physical space, and funding based on the national Public Library Data Service annual survey. SEARCH SCHEDULE: Our second step is to review our procedures with you to determine whether any changes to our initial proposal may be needed to satisfy specific requirements. We will then review and finalize with you a draft search schedule that lists the key tasks and proposed completion dates. Our typical executive search process is a two-step process for the Search Committee to interview selected candidates and requires three to four months to complete. As part of our service, Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates designs the announcement/ad (to be approved by the Search Committee) and places it throughout the electronic library community. Assuming that selection of the search firm is finalized, a contract awarded and a preliminary meeting with the Library mid-September 2014, a realistic date for the successful completion of the process under the standard search process would be January 2015 with the new Executive Director reporting four to six weeks later. However, we can generally customize the search schedule to have your new Executive Director “on board” at the appropriate time. A sample schedule illustrating the major steps conducted over the proposed time frame is attached. MARKETING: Once the search schedule is determined, we will, with your input, finalize a marketing plan to stimulate greater awareness of the opening. We begin each search as a blank canvas and generate a fresh list of prospective candidates. The general marketing plan will include preparation of a detailed announcement of the position, plus strategies for effectively utilizing electronic media and networking. Based on our familiarity with the profession, we will recommend the most effective placement of 5 advertising on websites. We will also post the announcement in appropriate electronic discussion lists and professional job lines. Currently, we place electronic announcements on 40+ sites. Many of these are free or nominal in cost. We also create a dedicated page for the position on Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates with links to the Library’s website, library documents and the St. Cloud community. RECRUITMENT STRATEGY: More important than attracting candidates through electronic advertising, we will carry out a regional and national networking effort to identify outstanding candidates who do not normally respond to ads or announcements. Many excellent people in the library management profession ARE interested in challenging jobs when approached by a respected recruitment firm. We start with a network of outstanding members of the library profession whom we know; and based DIVERSIFYING THE APPLICANT POOL on their suggestions and nominations, we broaden our search. Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates knows the library profession and we realize that both females and minorities are under-represented in senior management positions. Consequently, we make strenuous efforts to assure that both females and minorities are represented in our candidate pools. We place announcements in a number of culturally diverse library-related websites and/or listservs—BCALA (Black Caucus of the American Library Association) website, REFORMA, APALA (Asian Pacific American Librarians Association), CALA (Chinese American Librarians Association), etc. and actively seek leads and recruit both minorities and females. We are typically successful in producing a pool that includes both females and minorities. For each engagement, we work very closely with the Affirmative Action Officer (or equivalent), participate in discussion of the importance of the EEO compliance requirements with the Search Committee and cooperate Equal Employment with the Library or City’s Opportunity/Affirmative Action Office as needed and distribute candidate intake forms for statistical reporting, if this is part of the Library’s process. If a prospective candidate declines our invitation to apply, we will ask him/her to identify other individuals who have the required qualifications. We have found this process is important regardless of the size or type of library organization— and it is particularly important for identifying and attracting culturally diverse candidates. Announcements in the library media start the process, but the best candidates usually must be asked. In our previous searches, we have personally contacted 300+ potential applicants for positions resulting in 15-20 qualified candidates for each position. COMMUNICATION: Throughout the search—and especially during the candidate identification phase--we will send regular, complete updates on our progress to the Search Committee. We’ll share candidate feedback, adjust our search strategies as needed, convey challenges and share any additional information gleaned during the process. 6 SCREENING BY IN-PERSON INTERVIEWING: Based on the results of our recruiting efforts and the announcements, Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates interviews all qualified candidates as part of the initial screening process. If candidates are clustered regionally or if we can take advantage of national or major state professional conferences, we may arrange face-to-face interviews. If that’s not practical, all viable candidates will be interviewed via Skype or by phone and the results of these interviews shared with the Search Committee. While this step is time consuming and is often omitted by other search firms, we consider it essential to being able to stand behind every individual we refer to you for a semi-finalist or finalist interview. At this point, we upload all candidate documents and a qualifications comparison matrix to Dropbox for the Search Committee. We then meet with the Search Committee to present a list of recommended candidates and discuss each individual in some detail. Working with the Search Committee, a number of semi-finalists are selected and invited either in person or via Skype (we’ve used this method effectively with searches and it both saves money for the Library and enables you to see and hear a broader range of candidates) to St. Cloud for a preliminary round of interviews. We normally advise our clients to see as many as feasible (generally 6 to 8) so that they have a sense of the scope and diversity of candidates actively interested in their position. CANDIDATE ASSESSMENT—SEMI-FINALIST AND FINALIST INTERVIEWS: As noted earlier, we recommend a two-step interviewing process; the first round usually consists of the Search Committee interviewing six to eight semi-finalist candidates and then selecting three or four finalist candidates to be interviewed again by those involved in the final decision making process. The finalist interviews usually occur two or three weeks following the semi-finalist interviews. The inclusion of two rounds of interviews represents our standard search process; however, if the Search Committee wishes to move more quickly based on the strength of the pool, the semi-finalist round of interviews may be eliminated and only a single round of finalists’ interviews can be held onsite. During the endgame of preparing for, and then carrying out, the interviewing of selected candidates, we give a variety of customized support, such as suggesting interview questions that might be used, types of questions to avoid for legal or quasi-legal reasons, and hints regarding approaches, techniques and possible pitfalls. Then we are present as technical search experts during interviews, contributing to discussion of candidate strengths and weaknesses relative to the client’s perceived needs and making suggestions from experience in respect to negotiating salary, benefits, and relocation expenses with the chosen finalist. In short, we interact with you in whatever ways you find helpful during the critical time when key decisions need to be made. Selecting your new Executive Director is a crucial decision that could well affect the Great River Regional Library and the St. Cloud community for many years to come. 7 CHECKING REFERENCES: Once the preliminary round of interviews is completed and the finalists selected to be interviewed by the final decision-making body, we conduct reference checks for the finalist candidates. (If no preliminary round was held, this reference step would occur prior to the interviews with the finalists). We will interview up to three references by phone for up to four finalist candidates. We believe that oral interviews with a candidate’s references are far superior to written references provided by a candidate in advance. We will prepare brief reports paraphrasing reference-derived information. Nuances and “reading between the lines” gives BACKGROUND CHECKS our clients more realistic impressions of the strengths, and possible weaknesses, of finalist If you wish to have a pre-employment background candidates. check conducted on a finalist, we will engage an Because we maintain active contacts within the profession and many of our associates are working professionals, we are often able to provide less formal assessments (street reconnaissance) of a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses and any areas still in need of development. Such informal reports are often vital to the decision-making process. experienced investigative firm to conduct a credit check, verify academic credentials, and review driving records, and research county and federal district court records for prior or current criminal or civil cases. This will require a release by the candidate(s). Generally, background checks cost $350-$450 per person, depending upon the period and the number of jurisdictions to be researched. We will work with the agency and provide a written report of the research findings for the Library. HANDLING THE DETAIL WORK: Throughout the recruitment and selection process, Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates handles almost all of the detail work—and there is a substantial amount, considering that there are commonly 20 to 30 or more potential candidates for an attractive position. We are your staff team throughout the process. We recommend that all application materials be addressed to Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates so that consistency and comparability can be established and any omissions can be identified—we assume the responsibility to see that everything is done completely and correctly. We will acknowledge receipt of all applications and provide copies of all the documents to you at a scheduled time. As noted above, we will schedule and conduct screening interviews with all candidates who meet the basic requirements determined by the Search Committee and coordinate with Library staff to make arrangements for finalist interviews and be a part of that final process. We are also frequently asked to conduct final negotiations on behalf of the Library -- and we are pleased to do so. We will notify candidates not selected at the appropriate time(s) during the process. We keep in touch periodically with your designated contact person so that you know where we are in the process. Also, we will submit written progress reports throughout the process and at the end of major stages in the search—after the intake closing date; after the interviewing/screening work has been accomplished and after a preliminary list of the most viable candidates is determined. 8 OUR GUARANTEE Once the new Executive Director is selected and appointed, if he or she leaves the position—either voluntarily or non-voluntarily—within the first year after appointment, Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates will, on a one-time basis, reactivate the search if you request it, and will screen at least three well-qualified finalist candidates. You will assume all expenses for a reactivated search, but we will expect no additional fee. Such a reactivation of the search must assume that the search firm will be allowed to pursue its own methodology to achieve the reasonable results that you want. ABOUT THE CONSULTANTS AND OFFICE LOCATIONS: One of the major advantages in engaging Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates is that we bring a team of library professionals with search firm expertise to the process. If selected to assist the Great River Regional Library in its search for a new Executive Director, the following consultants would be engaged in the project. Their roles and a summary of their qualifications follow: Karen E. Miller serves as co-project director and primary contact for the engagement, developing the search proposal, identifying qualified candidates and conducting pre-screening interviews and participating in site visits. Karen most recently worked as Associate Director at Stark County (Ohio) District Library and served as Interim Executive Director for SCDL in 2012. Karen has over 20 years of wide-ranging public library experience, from rural library directorships to branch management to administrative responsibilities in a county district library and in an urban metro library. Karen has demonstrated excellence in strategic planning, staff management and development, successful levy campaigns, event planning, fundraising, and public speaking. She is a member of the Ohio Library Council, American Library Association, and Public Library Association, as well as a member of the Plain Township Rotary, and a volunteer for the Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival held each year in Canton, Ohio. Jobeth Bradbury, President/Owner, serves as co-project director and alternate contact for the engagement assisting with identifying qualified candidates and conducting pre-screening interviews and, depending on scheduling, may assist during site visits. She has worked as a search consultant for the past seven years, and was, most recently, the Library Director at the North Kansas City Public Library/High School Media Center. During her ten years at North Kansas City, she was the project colead in the Library’s Building Project (the Library expanded from 5,000 sq. ft. to 32,000 sq. ft.) and also one of the Project Managers in facilitating the Combined Public Library/High School Media Center Project. She also worked closely with elected officials and with the business community. Prior to coming to North Kansas City, she served as Library Consultant, Northeast Kansas Library System; Adult Services Department Chair, Kansas City, KS Public Library and Associate Director, Rolling Hills Consolidated Library, where she participated in a successful tax levy campaign. In addition to her public library experience, Jobeth taught for the University of Missouri’s Masters in Library Science program—courses included Collections Management, Public Libraries, and Reference. 9 Dan Bradbury, Managing Partner, serves as consultant for the engagement assisting with identifying qualified candidates and conducting pre-screening interviews and, depending on scheduling, may assist during site visits. Dan has worked as a search consultant for the past ten years and previously has over 30 years of successful experience as a library director, including nineteen years as Director of the Kansas City (MO) Public Library District. During his tenure in Kansas City he reorganized/rebuilt the branch system, established two public/private partnerships for the creation of new facilities and initiated a successful capital campaign and construction projects for a new Central Library. Prior to coming to Kansas City, he served as Director of the Janesville (WI) Public Library and the Rolling Hills Consolidated Library (a two county system) in St. Joseph, Missouri; he also served as Associate Director for Branch and Extension Services at the Waco-McLennan County Library in Waco, Texas. He received a Distinguished Graduate Award from Emporia's School of Library and Information Management in 1985; Library Journal named him as Librarian of the Year for 1991; the University of Missouri-Kansas City granted an Alumni Achievement Award to him in 2001; and the Greater Kansas City Council on Philanthropy named him Non-Profit Executive of the Year in 2003. ASSOCIATE CONSULTANTS: One or more of the following consultants (depending on the final schedule and availability) will be utilized to help support specific tasks during the project or utilize their special skills: Joey Rodger serves as senior consultant assisting with identifying qualified candidates and conducting pre-screening interviews and, depending on scheduling, may assist during site visits. She has more than 30 years of library experience—the most recent 18 of which were as the head of national public library organizations. Until 2004, she was President and CEO of the Urban Libraries Council, a professional association whose members include 150 major urban libraries in the United States and Canada, the corporations which serve them, and affiliated organizations; and from 19861992 she was Executive Director of the Public Library Association, a division of the American Library Association and responsible for developing useful services and meaningful participation for its 10,000 members including national conferences, publications, research projects, and tools for evaluating library services. Since 2004 she has been serving as a consultant to library and non-profit organizations. Previous experiences have included serving as a bookmobile librarian for outreach services to preschoolers in rural Maryland, a jail librarian, and urban public school teacher. She has also been a Regents Lecturer at University of California, Berkeley, a Research Associate with King Research, and has a prestigious list of publications and presentations. She has been a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Institute for Learning Innovation (Annapolis, MD) since 2003. Thomas Dillie serves as co-project director and alternate contact for the project, developing the search proposal, identifying qualified candidates and conducting pre-screening interviews and participating in site visits. Tom is currently Director of the Minerva Public Library (Ohio). Tom’s earlier experience as a book store employee in Urbana, IL led to the completion of a Master’s in Library Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His first professional library position was as Adult Services Librarian, Wadsworth Public Library in Ohio. He was subsequently hired as a 10 branch manager for the Greene County Public Library, Xenia, Ohio and became Assistant Director in 2006. Tom joined the Minerva Public Library in 2008 as Director. Tom is a member of the SEO (Serving Every Ohioan) Library Consortium Advisory Committee. He brings a variety of experience in both single-building and multi-branch libraries in both rural and urban settings. Susan McBeth serves as an associate consultant assisting with identifying qualified candidates and conducting pre-screening interviews and, depending on scheduling, may assist during site visits. Susan has been the Library Director for eight years at the Nevada Public Library, Nevada, and Missouri. Prior to that appointment, Susan had twelve years of progressively responsible experience as Executive Director of a large non-profit organization, The National Conference of Christians and Jews—currently known as The National Conference for Community and Justice. Susan has demonstrated excellence in executive board development, staff management and development, seminar design, grant writing, fund development, event planning, and public speaking. She has twenty years of experience in training and development in human relations. Susan is a member of the Missouri Public Library Directors and served as President of the statewide organization in 2004. She is also a member of P.E.O. and Rotary serving as Rotary secretary. OFFICE LOCATIONS AND CONTACT DETAILS: Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates has consultants and offices in the following cities: Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates 4545 Wornall Road, Suite 805 Kansas City, MO 64111 816-531-2468 Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates 1730 Hinman, Suite 4E Evanston, IL 60201 847-475-5740 Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates 3513 E. Harvard Blvd. Canton, OH 44709 FEE PROPOSAL AND OPTIONAL BILLABLE EXPENSES: Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates’ total fee for executive search services (including all consultant expenses) in traveling to St. Cloud and any travel to interview prospective candidates is a flat fee of $24,000. A retainer of $6,000, which helps defray our up-front expenses, will be paid to us upon approval of the agreement. This will be subtracted from the invoice at the end of the search. This amount will be invoiced upon completion of the search, payable within 30 days of the selected candidate’s acceptance of the client’s offer. 11 • Expenses included within our fee: (1) All transportation, including lodging and meals, for the assigned consultant(s) to travel to St. Cloud for meetings with the Library staff and others (up to four trips for assigned consultants, depending on scheduling and availability); (2) all expenses for consultant attendance at appropriate professional conferences (ALA or elsewhere) for scheduled interviews with promising candidates; (3) all consultant pre-screening interview expenses, including travel; (4) phone/videoconferencing charges; (5) all standard office expenses (clerical support, local telephone, supplies, etc.); (6) advertising costs based upon our marketing plan which provides excellent exposure to the library community; and (7) a single background check ($350-$450) on the chosen candidate. • Optional billable expenses—Additional Consultant Services: In some prior executive searches, Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates have been called upon to facilitate staff or community forums for candidates, conduct surveys or focus groups, coordinate informal meetings between candidates and Search Committee members, participate in conducting tours, etc. Any and all such services are available, but to the extent that they are outside the normal scope of services as outlined in the proposal and/or cannot be accomplished within a scheduled overnight stay, such additional time is billable at a rate of $1000 per day per consultant inclusive of travel expenses. • Adjustments/Discounts: The proposed fee covers the outlined scope of services and deliverables contained in this proposal. If you do not wish to have Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates’ participation in either the semi-final or finalist interviews, or if you decide not to conduct a semi-final round of interviews, then the final fee will be reduced by $1,000 per interview round. We would, however, recommend that you include the full scope of services outlined, as this has proven to produce the most satisfactory results in previous engagements. Other modifications to the scope of services are possible and negotiable with fee adjustments being made accordingly. • Candidate expenses: It shall be the client’s responsibility to reimburse candidates they have selected for an interview(s) in St. Cloud for their travel expenses. Candidate expenses will vary considerably depending on point of origin, length of stay and the amount of lead time allowed for booking airfare—a reasonable estimate might be $600-$1,000 per candidate inclusive of airfare, meals, hotel expenses, and rental car. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates is devoted exclusively to executive searches in the library field and utilizes library professionals with strong backgrounds in library administration and human resources. Five consultants are regularly engaged in the executive search work of the firm and special consultants are utilized to respond to the requirements of a specific engagement. In all engagements, Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates works exclusively for the client library/system, never on behalf of a candidate. No known conflicts of interest exist with respect to the firm, management, agents of the firm, or other persons relative to the services to be provided. If any such actual, apparent, or potential conflicts arise, they will be immediately disclosed. Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates carries Recruiters Professional Liability insurance, Business Liability (including Hired/Non-Owned Auto Liability) and Workers Compensation coverage sufficient to satisfy most municipal and state vendor requirements for executive search services. We believe, by our site visits, learning about the community and the institution, and working closely with the key stakeholders, we bring value to the search process and have achieved a very high success rate. Our consultants remain active in the American Library Association and the Public Library Association and routinely work with ALA, PLA, and ACRL (American College and Research Libraries) leadership. Because our firm is known and respected—as are our consultants—our library colleagues respond and return our calls and emails when we start prospecting on behalf of a client. We have a specialized knowledge of libraries and an entrée to library leaders that generalist firms simply cannot provide. 12 FORM OF FINAL AGREEMENT: Typically when we receive word that an engagement has been awarded, we allow our proposal to stand as the basis of our agreement, and then amend any of the details that need to be changed with the simple agreement addendum (see Attachment III). In addition to specifying any changes in scope or approach a client may desire, our professional liability insurance carrier requires us to include paragraphs 4, 5, and 6 in any agreements or contracts we execute—and paragraph 7 should give ample assurance to the client that the Library is in the driver's seat. (As a point of information, paragraphs 4-7 have never been invoked on any prior engagement.) Our client’s satisfaction is our bottom line—and we are willing to stake our reputation and our fee on ensuring that level of satisfaction. CONCLUSION: We look forward to the possibility of working with the Great River Regional Library to help you find your next Executive Director. If you have questions or need clarification on any aspect of the proposal, please let us know. BRADBURY ASSOCIATES/GOSSAGE SAGER ASSOCIATES Daniel J. Bradbury (Electronic Signature) Managing Partner Jobeth Bradbury (Electronic Signature) Owner We hereby accept the foregoing proposal (pages 2 – 12). By___________________________________________ Title_______________________________ Date_________________ The final schedule and specific details of this engagement may be modified by an addendum to this agreement. 13 ATTACHMENT I: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SEARCH TIMELINE – GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY (MN) Please see below our estimated timeline for your Executive Director search process. If we are selected to help you find your next Executive Director, we will establish a firm search schedule during our first meeting with the Search Committee. It is our intent to conduct the search within an appropriate timeframe to allow us to find high-quality candidates for you. Our standard search takes approximately 120 days once we begin the process. The following timeline represents an illustrative search schedule based on approving the contract in September 2014. The actual target dates will be determined and approved by the Great River Regional Library Search Committee. Activity Consultants make first visit to St. Cloud; meet with Board/Search Committee and staff; tour the library and the community; establish definitive work schedule and marketing plan Advertisement is approved by Search Committee Post ads, actively recruit candidate pool Target Date: Sept 18 & 19 2014 Oct 4 2014 Oct 5 –Nov 30 2014 Applications Close Nov 30 2014 All candidate documents sent to Search Committee Dec 2 2014 All pre-screening interviews (by consultants) completed Dec 7 2014 Meet with Search Committee and present the pool of candidates; select 6-8 semifinalists Dec 9 2014 Semi-final Interviews on Site or via Skype w/search committee Dec 18 & 19 2014 Reference Reports to Board Jan 3 2015 Final Interviews on Site Jan 8 & 9 2015 Negotiations Completed Jan 16 2015 New Executive Director Start Date TBD 14 ATTACHMENT II: CURRENT REFERENCES New Haven Free Public Library (2014) 133 Elm Street New Haven, CT 06510 Dave Greco, Trustee/Search Committee Chair [email protected] Martha Brogan, City Library Director [email protected] Bibliomation, Inc. (2014) 32 Crest Road Middlebury, CT 06762 Lynn White, Board Member/Search Chair [email protected] Peter Ciparelli, Board Member/Search Committee [email protected] Romeo (MI) District Library (2014) 6821 Van Dyke Ave. Romeo, MI 48095 Elizabeth Miller, Search Committee/Board Chair [email protected] John McNaughton, Incoming Director [email protected] Linda Sickles, Interim Director [email protected] Ohio Township (IN) Public Library (2014) 4111 Lakeshore Dr. Newburgh, IN 47629 Blake Larson, Search Committee Chair [email protected] Trista Smith, Incoming Director [email protected] Colette McNeely, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Sonoma County (CA) Library (2014) 211 E. Street Santa Rosa, CA Tim May, Commissioner/Search Committee Chair [email protected] Patrick Preston, Human Resources [email protected] Brett Lear, Incoming Director [email protected] Decatur (IL) Public Library (2014) 130 N. Franklin St. Decatur, IL 62523 Teena Zindel-McWilliams, Board Chair & Search Committee Chair [email protected] Rick Meyer, City Librarian [email protected] Boulder (CO) Public Library (2014) 1001 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 Jane Brautigam, City Manager [email protected] David Farnan, Library & Arts Director [email protected] Providence (RI) Public Library (2013) 150 Empire Street Providence, RI 02903 Rob Taylor, President & Search Committee Chair [email protected] Jack Martin, CEO [email protected] Walla Walla County (WA) RLD (2013) 37 Jade Avenue Walla Walla, WA 99362 Andrea Berglin, Search Committee Chair/Trustee [email protected] Aletha Bonebrake, Interim Director during Search [email protected] Mid-Hudson Library System (2013) 103 Market St. Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Peter Hoffman, Board Chair/Search Chair [email protected] Tom Sloan, System Director [email protected] Southern Tier (NY) Library System (2013) 9424 Scott Road Painted Post, NY 14870 Maija DeRoche, Search Committee Chair [email protected] Brian Hildreth, Executive Director [email protected]; 607-962-3141 The Whatcom County (WA) Library System (2013) 5205 Northwest Drive Bellingham, WA 98226 Deb Lambert, Search Committee Chair [email protected]; 360-815-5770 Christine Perkins, Incoming Executive Director [email protected]; 360-594-2142 15 Crandall (NY) Public Library (2013) 251 Glen Street Glens Falls, NY 12801 Sandy Berman, Search Committee Chair [email protected] Kathy Naftaly, Library Director [email protected] Gwinnett CO (GA) Public Library System (2013) 1001 Lawrenceville Highway Duluth, GA 30046 Dick Goodman, President & Search Committee [email protected] Charles Pace, Executive Director [email protected] New Canaan (CT) Library (2013) 151 Main Street New Canaan, CT 06840 Lydee Conway Hummel, Search Chair [email protected] ; 203-219-3797 Christine Yordan, Board President [email protected]; 203-972-3713 Lisa Oldham, Incoming Director [email protected] Rye (NY) Free Reading Room (2013) 1601 Boston Post Road Rye, NY 10580 Fran Rodilosso, Search Chair & Board President [email protected]; 914-450-7399 Chris Shoemaker, Incoming Director [email protected]; 347-880-1200 The Winter Park (FL) Public Library (2013) 460 E. New England Avenue Winter Park, FL 32789 Bruce Douglas, Search Committee Chair [email protected] Shawn Shaffer, Library Director [email protected]; 312-213-8535 Vigo County (IN) Public Library (2012) 1 Library Square Terre Haute, IN 47807 Hank Metzger, Search Committee Chair [email protected]; 812-235-3243 Kristi Howe, New Library Director [email protected]; 630-569-5569 The Mobile (AL) Public Library (2013) 700 Government St. Mobile, AL 36602 Helene Hassell, Board Chair [email protected]; 251-605-6624 R. Scott Kinney, Director [email protected]; 307-631-3671 The Rock Island (IL) Public Library (2012) 401 19th Street Rock Island, IL Cindy Lukasik, Search Committee Chair [email protected]; 563-505-7733 Angela Campbell, New Library Director [email protected]; 563-940-7844 Waukesha (WI) Public Library (2012) 321 Wisconsin Ave. Waukesha, WI 53186 Paul Kasprowicz, Board President [email protected]; 262-524-0300 Cynthia Deatrick, HR Committee Chair [email protected], 262-574-1404 Reaching Across IL Libraries System (2012) 125 Tower Drive Burr Ridge, IL 60527 Alan Davidson, Search Committee Chair [email protected] Dee Brennan, Executive Director [email protected]; 630-734-5146 East Baton Rouge (LA) Parish Library (2012) Stanford O. Bardwell, Board of Control Member/Search Committee Chair; [email protected] Mary Stein, Interim Co-Director, [email protected]; 225-939-3643 Spencer Watts Director, [email protected]; 225-231-3700 City of University Park (TX) Public Library (2012) Bob Livingston, City Manager; [email protected];214-987-5300 Luanne Hanford, Human Resources Director; [email protected]; 214-987-5305 Sharon Martin, Director; [email protected] Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning CO (OH) (2012) 305 Wick Ave. Youngstown, OH 44503 David Ritchie, Board Chair and Search Committee [email protected] Heidi Daniel, Director [email protected] Stark County (OH) District Library (2012) 715 Market Ave. North Canton, OH 44702 Steve Pittman, Search Committee Chair [email protected]; 330-497-2000 Tena Wilson, Director [email protected]; 330-354-8013 16 The Wilton (CT) Library (2012) 137 Old Ridgefield Road Wilton, CT 06897 Judy Higby, President-Board of Trustees [email protected]; 203-246-7057 Kathy Welling; [email protected]; 203-856-5439 Downers Grove (IL) Public Library (2011) 1050 Curtiss St. Downers Grove, IL 60515 Kathleen DiCola, Board/Search Chair [email protected] 630-510-1300 Rick Ashton, Director, [email protected] The Indianapolis Public Library (2011) 2450 North Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN Tom Shevlot, President-Board of Trustees [email protected] Jackie Nytes, Chief Executive Officer [email protected]; 317-275-4001 Illinois Heartland Library System (2011) 607 S. Greenbriar Rd. Carterville, IL 62918 Karen Bounds, Board Chair [email protected] Leslie Bednar, Executive Director [email protected] Richmond (CA) Public Library (2011) 325 Civic Center Plaza Richmond, CA 94804 Bill Lindsay, City Manager [email protected] Leslie Knight, Assistant City Manager [email protected] University City (MO) Public Library (2011) 6701 Delmar Blvd. University City, MO 63130 Susan Glassman, Board/Search Chair [email protected] David Stokes, Board President [email protected] Tulsa (OK) City-County Library System (2010) 400 Civic Center Tulsa, OK 74103 La Verne Ford Wimberly, Board President [email protected] Charles Meyers, Personnel Committee Chair [email protected] Des Moines Public Library (2010) 1000 Grand Des Moines, IA 50309 Susan Voss, Board President/Search Chair [email protected] Jule Thorsen, Board Member [email protected] Greg Heid, Director; 515-283-4288 [email protected] Kent District Library (MI) (2010) 814 West River Center Drive NE Comstock Park, MI 49321 Charles Myers, Board President [email protected] Shirley Bruursema, Search Chair [email protected] Lancaster (PA) Public Library (2009) 125 North Duke Street Lancaster, PA 17602 John McGrann, Board President 717-397-5264/[email protected] Jim Daugherty, V-P/Search Chair 717-291-2594/[email protected] 17 ATTACHMENT III: SAMPLE ADDENDUM AGREEMENT BETWEEN BRADBURY ASSOCIATES/GOSSAGE SAGER ASSOCIATES AND GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY (MN) By signed proposal dated ______, 2014 and acceptance by the Great River Regional Library (hereinafter called Library) has entered into an agreement with Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates (hereinafter called Consultant) to perform an executive search for a new Executive Director. That agreement is hereby amended to contain the following provisions, which shall, to the extent they are inconsistent with the terms of the _______, 2014 proposal, supersede the prior provisions: 1. All work performed under this contract shall be performed by or under the direct supervision and control of Karen Miller and Jobeth Bradbury as project co-directors. 2. The search schedule as outlined in the original proposal dated ________, 2014 will be superseded by a final schedule to be developed after the_______ 2014 meeting with the Library and mutually agreed to by both the Library and the Consultant. 3. (Add other relevant elements you wish to specify or change and adjust numbers accordingly.) 4. Regardless of which party hereto retains responsibility for conducting criminal and financial background checks on prospective candidates under the agreement, the Library and Consultant will defend and indemnify each other from all claims, lawsuits, administrative actions, and other causes of action arising from the negligence or misconduct of a party hereto in conducting such background checks and/or from the misuse of information obtained from such background checks by either party, its officers, directors, agents, servants, or employees. 5. The Library and Consultant each agree and warrant to each other that (1) any such background checks will be conducted solely for the purposes of evaluating prospective candidates’ suitability for employment; (2) before a background check is conducted, the prospective candidate will be provided with and sign a clear and conspicuous written disclosure informing him/her that a criminal and/or financial report may be obtained for employment purposes; and (3) information obtained as a result of such background checks will not be used in a manner that violates any state or federal employment laws or regulations. 6. If a dispute arises between the parties relating to this Agreement, the parties agree to participate in good faith negotiations to resolve the dispute for a period of up to thirty (30) days. If the dispute is not settled during such period, the parties agree that the matter shall be settled by non-binding arbitration held in accordance with the commercial rules of the American Arbitration Association, by a panel of three (3) arbitrators. The parties shall each choose an arbitrator who will then agree on a neutral arbitrator. 7. The Library may terminate this contract at any time with 30 days of advance notice. If the Library terminates the contract as a result of being dissatisfied with the quality or amount of services provided by the Consultant, the Consultant will rely on the collective good judgment of the Library to determine what represents a fair and appropriate level of refund/rebate/discount for the work performed under the agreement. WHEREFORE, the parties have set their hand this ___ day of ______ 2014. BRADBURY ASSOCIATES/GOSSAGE SAGER ASSOCIATES GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY By__________________________ by __________________________ 2015 Approved Budget Revenue Budget Approved 7/15/14 Expenditure Budget Approved 9/16/14 Great River Regional Library Board of Trustees Operating Revenue Budget 2012 Actual County Benton Morrison Sherburne Stearns Todd Wright 504,353.00 437,572.00 1,228,203.00 2,075,180.00 309,385.00 1,708,932.00 Subtotal - Signatory $ 2012 Actual Non-Signatory FY 15 State Aid - RLBSS State Aid St. Cloud Reimbursement Miscellaneous Receipts Interest PERA Aid Staples Interlibrary Loan MnLink Gateway Fund Development Cash Reserves Revenue Fund 1,536,214.00 169,200.00 88,421.00 459,092.00 26,613.00 17,151.00 6,869.00 8,736.00 54,718.00 54,718.00 Sub Total - Non Signatory $ Operating Revenue Total 6,263,625.00 Dollar Change Percent Change $ 2,421,732.00 Dollar Change Percent Change 2013 Actual 500,398.00 441,967.00 1,221,183.00 2,055,511.00 303,515.00 1,741,053.00 $ 6,263,627.00 $ $ 2.00 $ 0.00% 2013 Actual 1,562,846.00 59,700.00 89,157.00 431,377.00 23,775.00 17,151.00 6,869.00 6,500.00 63,696.00 50,000.00 $ 2,311,071.00 $ $ (110,661.00) $ -4.57% 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 8,685,357.00 Dollar Change Percent Change $ 8,574,698.00 $ $ (110,659.00) $ -1.27% 2014 Budget 2015 Budget Request Signatory Share 492,767.00 453,707.00 1,236,823.00 2,070,394.00 315,785.00 1,819,424.00 514,013.00 471,948.00 1,256,039.00 2,196,414.00 325,397.00 1,921,087.00 6,388,900.00 $ 125,273.00 $ 2.00% 6,684,898.00 295,998.00 4.63% 2014 Budget 2015 Budget Request - NonSignatory Share 1,562,800.00 89,200.00 417,700.00 35,000.00 17,200.00 6,900.00 3,000.00 8,700.00 55,000.00 31,400.00 55,000.00 1,526,544.11 95,000.00 400,000.00 28,000.00 17,151.00 6,869.00 1,800.00 6,150.00 53,750.00 28,400.00 2,281,900.00 $ (29,171.00) $ -1.26% 2,163,664.11 (118,235.89) -5.18% 2014 Budget 8,670,800.00 $ 96,102.00 $ 1.12% 2015 Budget Request 8,848,562.11 177,762.11 2.05% Capital Revenue Budget 2012 Actual County Benton Morrison Sherburne Stearns Todd Wright 2013 Actual 4,436.00 3,849.00 10,803.00 18,252.00 2,629.00 15,031.00 Capital Revenue Total $ Operating & Capital Revenue Total $ 55,000.00 Dollar Change Percent Change $ $ 2014 Budget 2015 Budget Request Signatory Share 4,394.00 3,881.00 10,723.00 18,049.00 2,665.00 15,288.00 6,664.00 6,136.00 16,726.00 27,998.00 4,271.00 24,605.00 6,951.00 6,382.00 16,986.00 29,703.00 4,400.00 25,980.00 55,000.00 $ $ 0.00% 86,400.00 $ 31,400.00 $ 57.09% 90,402.00 4,002.00 4.63% 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 8,740,357.00 Dollar Change Percent Change $ 8,629,698.00 $ $ (110,659.00) $ -1.27% 2014 Budget 8,757,200.00 $ 127,502.00 $ 1.48% 2015 Budget Request 8,938,964.11 181,764.11 2.08% Operating Expenditure Budget 2012 Actual 4100 Personnel Subtotal Personnel $ Total - Personnel $ 4200 Services and Contracts 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 6,786,365.00 $ 6,741,207.00 $ 6,786,365.00 $ 6,741,207.00 $ 2012 Actual 2015 Budget Request 2013 Actual 6,927,100.00 $ 6,927,100.00 $ Dollar Change $ Percent Change 7,084,465.00 7,084,465.00 157,365.00 2.27% 2015 Budget Request 2014 Budget 210 Regional Board Meetings 211 Staff Development Svcs. (Strat. Plan) Committed Staff Training 213 All Staff Day Training (Strat. Plan) 220 Library Memberships 235 Patron Contact Svcs. 2,647.00 15,835.00 18,000.00 3,732.00 67,367.00 3,708.00 4,425.00 2,226.00 66,732.00 3,700.00 14,000.00 3,500.00 75,000.00 3,400.00 29,950.00 6,829.00 3,000.00 62,000.00 240 GRRL Building Maint. (Contractual) 246 Insurance (Mandated) 248 Catalog Svcs. 250 Audit (Mandated) 253 Public Licensing Svcs. 260 Telephone Svcs. 265 Delivery Svcs. 271 Equip. Rental & Repair 280 Public Relations 285 Recruitment Svcs. 288 Sales Tax 290 HRIS/Payroll Svcs. (Contractual) 291 Legal Svcs. 293 System Directors Fund 75,000.00 37,737.00 33,209.00 13,425.00 3,450.00 12,567.00 1,923.00 9,689.00 31,149.00 611.00 2,793.00 52,980.00 54,076.00 5,033.00 95,000.00 40,949.00 84,232.00 13,695.00 3,450.00 55.00 1,934.00 10,039.00 22,285.00 182.00 3,250.00 41,048.00 54,823.00 6,565.00 60,000.00 35,000.00 85,000.00 13,700.00 3,500.00 200.00 2,000.00 11,000.00 31,000.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 77,200.00 35,000.00 6,000.00 89,900.00 41,000.00 85,000.00 14,600.00 3,450.00 150.00 1,950.00 11,200.00 31,000.00 500.00 2,472.00 77,200.00 40,000.00 6,000.00 Total Services & Contracts $ 441,223.00 $ 454,598.00 $ 459,800.00 Dollar Change Percent Change $ $ 509,601.00 49,801.00 10.83% Operating Expenditure Budget 2012 Actual 4300 Commodities 310 Supplies 330 Postage 340 Management Software Inactivate for 2015-Shifted $4000 to Auto Software Total Commodities $ 420 Vehicle Gas 430 Vehicle Insurance 440 Vehicle Repair & Maintenance 450 Vehicle Tires & Miscellaneous 460 Vehicle Mileage Total Vehicle $ 4500 Library Materials 66,356.00 16,097.00 77,000.00 20,000.00 60,000.00 16,000.00 5,209.00 995.00 6,000.00 - 89,669.00 $ 27,683.00 3,492.00 5,669.00 726.00 19,489.00 57,059.00 2012 Actual Total Library Materials $ 950,000.00 83,448.00 $ 2013 Actual $ 53,925.00 $ 47,100.00 Dollar Change Percent Change 27,100.00 3,400.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 9,500.00 $ $ 880,000.00 Dollar Change Percent Change 46,500.00 (600.00) -1.27% 2015 Budget Request 530,000.00 40,000.00 210,000.00 100,000.00 $ 76,000.00 (27,000.00) -26.21% 2015 Budget Request 2014 Budget 560,185.00 59,526.00 198,198.00 119,249.00 937,158.00 $ $ 28,000.00 3,600.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 9,000.00 2013 Actual $ 103,000.00 Dollar Change Percent Change 2014 Budget 33,095.00 3,321.00 7,255.00 1,384.00 8,870.00 541,256.00 60,941.00 222,773.00 125,030.00 510 Print 520 Periodicals 540 Media 560 Electronic Svcs. 2014 Budget 63,104.00 21,356.00 2012 Actual 4400 Vehicle 2013 Actual 2015 Budget Request 530,000.00 40,000.00 210,000.00 100,000.00 $ $ 880,000.00 0.00% Operating Expenditure Budget 2012 Actual 4600 Equipment 2013 Actual 9,969.00 7,177.00 610 Operating Equipment 630 Small Equipment Total Equipment $ 17,146.00 2012 Actual 4700 Contingency Total Contingency $ 2,508.00 8,825.00 13,000.00 7,000.00 $ 2013 Actual 2,508.00 910 Contingency 2014 Budget 6,532.00 2,293.00 $ 14,384.00 20,000.00 Dollar Change Percent Change 8,000.00 3,000.00 $ $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 Dollar Change Percent Change 11,000.00 (9,000.00) -45.00% 2015 Budget Request 2014 Budget 14,384.00 $ 2015 Budget Request 1,782.00 $ $ 1,782.00 (1,018.00) -36.36% Operating Expenditure Budget 2012 Actual 4800 Automation 98,962.00 106,325.00 8,329.00 17,300.00 932 Maintenance 933 Equipment 935 Professional Services 936 Software 984 Committed Computer Fund Total Automation $ Total Operating Expenditure Budget 2013 Actual $ 230,916.00 8,574,886.00 2014 Budget 91,131.00 104,007.00 5,484.00 17,475.00 $ 2015 Budget Request 100,000.00 121,000.00 10,000.00 - 100,000.00 103,000.00 2,000.00 11,000.00 - 218,097.00 $ 231,000.00 Dollar Change Percent Change $ $ $ 8,511,642.00 $ 8,670,800.00 $ Dollar Change Percent Change $ Revenue Budget Expenditure Budget Out of Balance $ $ $ 216,000.00 (15,000.00) -6.49% 8,825,348.00 154,548.00 1.78% 8,848,562.11 8,825,348.00 23,214.11 Capital Expenditure Budget 2012 Budget 5000 Capital 2013 Budget 45,000.00 10,000.00 710 Automation 720 Branch Development 730 Equipment 740 Vehicle Total Capital $ Total Operating & Capital Expenditure Budget $ 55,000.00 8,629,886.00 2014 Budget 45,000.00 10,000.00 $ 2015 Budget Request 76,400.00 10,000.00 80,402.00 10,000.00 55,000.00 $ 86,400.00 Dollar Change Percent Change $ $ 90,402.00 4,002.00 4.63% $ 8,566,642.00 $ 8,757,200.00 Dollar Change Percent Change $ $ 8,915,750.00 158,550.00 1.81% Revenue Budget Out of Balance $ $ 8,938,964.00 23,214.00 2015 Signatory Share Factor Table 1.046330054 Formula: 1/3 Population 33% 1/3 Registered Borrowers 33% 1/3 Net Tax Capacity 33% Operating $ 6,684,898 County Benton Morrison Sherburne Stearns Todd Wright Population 38861 33049 89457 151591 24526 127133 Total % Population Share 8.36% 7.11% 19.25% 32.63% 5.28% 27.36% 464617 2012 33.33% Weight 100% $ Population Registered Share Users $ 186,377 9816 158,503 8617 429,035 22143 727,029 41248 117,626 5535 609,729 35843 $ 2,228,299 % Users Share 7.97% 6.99% 17.97% 33.48% 4.49% 29.09% $ Users Share $ 177,538 155,852 400,491 746,034 100,109 648,276 % Net Tax Capacity Net Tax Capacity Share $ 26,852,183 6.74% 28,193,147 7.07% 76,302,085 19.14% 129,405,556 32.46% 19,260,352 4.83% 118,623,666 29.76% 100% $ 2,228,299 $ 100.00% $ 2,228,299 $ Users Share $ 2,401 2,108 5,416 10,089 1,354 8,767 % Net Tax Capacity Net Tax Capacity Share $ 26,852,183 6.74% 28,193,147 7.07% 76,302,085 19.14% 129,405,556 32.46% 19,260,352 4.83% 118,623,666 29.76% $ Net Tax Capacity Share $ 2,030 2,131 5,768 9,782 1,456 8,967 $ $ $ 123202 1/1/2014 33.33% 398,636,989 2013 33.33% $ Net Tax Capacity Share $ 150,098 157,594 426,513 723,351 107,661 663,082 % Total Share 7.69% 7.06% 18.79% 32.86% 4.87% 28.74% 100% Budget Per Shares Capita $ 514,013 $ 13.23 471,948 14.28 1,256,039 14.04 2,196,414 14.49 325,397 13.27 1,921,087 15.11 $ 6,684,898 $ 14.39 Levy Rate as share of Tax Capacity 1.91% 1.67% 1.65% 1.70% 1.69% 1.62% 1.68% Capital $ 90,402 County Benton Morrison Sherburne Stearns Todd Wright Total County Benton Morrison Sherburne Stearns Todd Wright Population 38861 33049 89457 151591 24526 127133 % Population Share 8.36% 7.11% 19.25% 32.63% 5.28% 27.36% 464617 100% $ Population Registered Share Users $ 2,520 9816 2,143 8617 5,802 22143 9,832 41248 1,591 5535 8,246 35843 $ 30,134 2015 Operating 2015 Capital 2015 Total $ 514,013 $ 6,951 $ 520,964 471,948 6,382 478,330 1,256,039 16,986 1,273,025 2,196,414 29,703 2,226,117 325,397 4,400 329,797 1,921,087 25,980 1,947,067 Total $ 6,684,898 $ 90,402 $ 6,775,300 % Users Share 7.97% 6.99% 17.97% 33.48% 4.49% 29.09% 123202 100% 30,134 398,636,989 County 2014 Operating 2014 Capital 2014 Total Benton $ 492,767 $ 6,664 $ 499,431 Morrison 453,707 6,136 459,843 Sherburne 1,236,823 16,726 1,253,549 Stearns 2,070,394 27,998 2,098,392 Todd 315,785 4,271 320,056 Wright 1,819,424 24,605 1,844,029 Total $ 6,388,900 $ 86,400 $ 6,475,300 100% 100% Budget Per Shares Capita $ 6,951 $ 0.18 6,382 0.19 16,986 0.19 29,703 0.20 4,400 0.18 25,980 0.20 90,402 $ 0.19 Operating Capital County Change Change Total Change Benton $ 21,246 $ 287 $ 21,533 Morrison 18,241 246 18,487 Sherburne 19,216 260 19,476 Stearns 126,020 1,705 127,725 Todd 9,612 129 9,741 Wright 101,663 1,375 103,038 Total % Change 4.312% 4.020% 1.554% 6.087% 3.044% 5.588% Total $ 30,134 % Total Share 7.69% 7.06% 18.79% 32.86% 4.87% 28.74% $ 295,998 $ 4,002 $ 300,000 4.633% Levy Rate as share of Tax Capacity 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 2015 Unassigned Fund Balance (Cash Reserves) Spending Recovery Plan Unassigned Fund Balance @ 12/31/13 3 Month Minimum Unassigned Fund Balance $ 3,278,231.00 2,167,701.00 Unassigned Fund Balance in Excess of 3 months expenditures @ 12/31/13 2014 Revenue Allocation $ 1,110,530.00 63,700.00 Available Balance 1/1/15 $ 1,046,830.00 2014 Revenue 2014 Cash Reserves $ 2015 Cash Reserves Total $ Projected Ending Balance $ 31,400.00 - 2015 Revenue $ - 2016 Revenue $ 18,000.00 - 31,400.00 $ $ 1,015,430.00 $ 1,015,430.00 $ 2017 Revenue 2018 Revenue $ 12,000.00 $ 6,000.00 - 18,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 997,430.00 $ 985,430.00 $ ***Note: Ending Balance does not take into account any new funds going into or out of the Unassigned Fund. 2019 Revenue $ - 6,000.00 $ 979,430.00 $ 979,430.00 Regional Library System: Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund Library Legacy Regional Library Systems Final Report – Executive Summary Reporting Time Period: State Fiscal Year 2014: July 1, 2013– June 30, 2014 Submit one scanned PDF of signed original with required signatures by September 30 or 90 days (whichever comes first) after the completion of spending of the state fiscal year allocation. Jennifer Verbrugge Minnesota Department of Education State Library Services [email protected] PH: 651-582-8356 1. Regional public library system name and address: Great River Regional Library 1300 West St. Germain Street St. Cloud, MN 56301 2. Name, title, phone, and e-mail address of regional public library system administrator: Karen Pundsack Interim Executive Director/Assoc. Dir. Patron Services (320) 650-2516 [email protected] 3. Name, title, phone, and e-mail address of Legacy Program Coordinator: Beth Ringsmuth Stolpman Patron Services Specialist (320) 650-2510 [email protected] AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES We, the undersigned, certify that the data given in this application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. ___________________ __________________________________________ Date Chair, System Governing Board ___________________ __________________________________________ Date Regional Public Library System Director Page 1 of 5 Regional Library System: Great River Regional Library Legacy Highlights Reporting Time Period: State Fiscal Year 2014: July 1, 2013– June 30, 2014 Summary Data: Total number of activities, programs, and/or events: 435 Total attendance: 23,903 Total number of partnerships: 124 Highlights: Briefly describe two to three activities (programs) sponsored locally that can be used as exemplary examples in a statewide report. Please list outcomes, partnerships, unique locations, great stories, quotes, etc. Also, include any extraordinary outcomes not previously reported from Legacy activities/programs/events. Based on the success of previously branch-planned holiday concerts, a region-wide Holiday Concert Tour was launched in November/ December 2013 with Legacy funds. GRRL partnered with three local musicians to offer 19 concerts during the holiday season. Harpist Andrea Stern, jazz pianist/vocalist Andrew Walesch, and musical stringman Paul Imholte delighted library visitors with holiday music. Patrons particularly enjoyed these concerts and “music in the library” events, and found them a relief from the hustle and bustle of shopping and other errands during the holiday season. A total of 889 people enjoyed these concerts. Page 2 of 5 Regional Library System: Great River Regional Library GRRL hired the Dancing Scientist for Summer Reading Program performances at 16 locations in June 2014. The Summer Reading theme was “Experiment with Reading” to promote reading and science. Jeffrey Vinokur is both a PhD candidate at UCLA and an accomplished “pop and lock” modern dancer, and he combines these two skills to demonstrate and involve kids in both science and the arts. A total of 941 children, teens, and adults attended these performances. Jeffrey Vinokur “The Dancing Scientist” demonstrates the power of chemistry with ink that turns invisible. Page 3 of 5 Regional Library System: Great River Regional Library A major successful regional partnership program was with the Great River Educational Arts Theatre (GREAT) to bring the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Big Read program to the region for Harper Lee’s classic “To Kill A Mockingbird.” GREAT applied for a grant from the NEA to provide thousands of copies of books and reading discussion materials to people in the library region, as well as offer free tickets to a production of the theatrical version of “To Kill A Mockingbird” which was presented in January and February of 2014. GRRL used Library Legacy funding to offer free tickets to the production, and used in-kind staff time to lead 12 book discussions and other events, including a showing of the film version of “To Kill A Mockingbird.” The St. Cloud Public Library partnered with the area Community Book Read Committee to offer book discussions and a conversation with the cast of the play. Around 370 tickets were used at two productions of the play, and 551 people attended book discussions or film showings. Atticus Finch talks to Scout in the theatrical performance of “To Kill A Mockingbird.” GREAT promotional piece. Page 4 of 5 Regional Library System: Great River Regional Library Atticus Finch defends Tom Robinson in the theatrical performance of “To Kill A Mockingbird.” Page 5 of 5 title body field_citation field_funding_amount field_direct_expenses field_measurable_proposed field_measurable Outcomes Branch planned programs – authors, performers, presenters GRRL will continue to have branch staff plan and implement programs for their individual branches to meet community interests. Each branch will receive funds to hire authors, performers, presenters, or exhibitors which meet the Arts & Cultural Heritage definitions. Laws of Minnesota for 2013 Chapter 137, Article 4, Section 2, Subdivision 4 66974.23 GRRL will partner with musicians and music organizations Music performances and to offer high quality musical performances and education to all ages. workshops Laws of Minnesota for 2013 Chapter 137, Article 4, Section 2, Subdivision 4 34024.23 GRRL will partner with various theatre and drama organizations, including, but not limited to, Great River Educational Arts Theatre (GREAT), the Guthrie Theater, Mixed Blood Theatre, and Paramount Theatre, to bring theatre performances and drama education to all ages. This could include drama workshops and theatre performances at GRRL branches or partner locations, busing patrons to performances at theatre venues like the Guthrie Theatre in Theatre performances and Minneapolis and the Paramount Theatre in St. Cloud, and tickets for performances at various theatres. workshops Laws of Minnesota for 2013 Chapter 137, Article 4, Section 2, Subdivision 4 58213.72 GRRL will partner with artists to offer a variety of art workshops, continue Artists-in-Residence programs, in which one or more artists are contracted to create and present art workshops and other art events/opportunities at various branch libraries and partner locations. This may Art programs or art include exhibits, presentations, or any other art-based workshops project or program which meets the grant requirements. Laws of Minnesota for 2013 Chapter 137, Article 4, Section 2, Subdivision 4 30080 “[Learned] how to be creative with everyday objects.” “Difference between quilts--the fabric used in north and south states.” “Learned how to draw figures better.” “A little of Norwegian culture.” “We visited his home in Norway but learned more about Grieg from this program!” Attendees will be able to identify one “Learned this history of and names for instruments around the world.” “Learned about the early life of fur traders.” new concept or fact learned about writing, history, art, etc. [knowledge] or “Great review of Civil War history! Col. Kruge did an excellent job. Excellent collection of artifacts.” “Loved the way they explained to the girls about manner and how to behave at a tea party. Just a have an increased positive attitude wonderful experience to share with the girls. A life experience that I think they will always remember. My about live music performance 14744 [concerts: attitude]. girls had smiles on their faces the whole time. They already asked if they could do it again!” “The kids had never seen a harp played. It was beautiful and educational as something new.” “Such a soothing sound at a stressful busy time of year. Beautiful!” “I learned the story, the history, of the harp being played. The music was extraordinary! Heartwarming and moving! Andrea is a real talent!” “Great to have kids be exposed to the harp! Something they just don’t see!” “Such lovely music--it brought tears to my eyes. I got to sing with Paul Imholte, and he let me play his dulcimer!! Wow!” “[We learned the] history of Tchaikovsky, Ellington’s music. We liked the compare and contrast between Attendees will be able to identify at least one new idea or concept learned jazz Nutcracker and classical Nutcracker.” [knowledge] or have a richer cultural “[Learned] how the oboe was constructed.” “Learned the history ofg some favorite Christmas carols.” 5533.1 life [concerts: attitude]. g p “[I learned] that life truly was unfair back then. It kinda makes you think about how it would feel if you were them.” “I learned how the bus boycott took place.” “Great program! [Professor Marvel] was engaging. Got all kids excited. We brought 23 kids and they were so excited to be able to attend.” “Makes kids want to do science!” “It was probably the best library we’ve seen. It’s hard to get kids excited about science, but this did!” Attendees or their parent/caregiver will “Informative and fun. A hypothesis is an educated guess!” be able to identify one new concept or “[Learned] how an air vortex works--amazing to see in the fog rings from the airzooka!” technique learned [workshops: “American Sign Language helps deaf people express themselves more deeply.” knowledge] or have an increased “[This program] exposed our children to American Sign Language and excellent theatre!” positive attitude toward theatre “[We learned that] the toaster and rollerblades were invented in Minnesota.” 9466.87 [performances: attitude]. “Such a treat to watch the kids enthusiastically interacting with the show/puppets.” Attendees will be able to identify at least one new learned skill or increased positive attitude toward art and/or writing [workshops: 4891.69 knowledge/attitude]. “I haven’t sewn in years and I felt like I improved my sewing skills and built confidence in designing and crafting a bag.” “How to make use out of things you might throw away!” “Learned how to mosaic and terms associated with the art.” “[Learned] that a mosaic is a photo made up of tiles.” “Really enjoyed creating a necklace. Something I would not usually do!” “How to re/upcycle jewelry into new pieces. [Learned] a new hobby, had a wonderful time and learned about steampunk jewelry.” “I learned how to make a leather bracelet.” “[Learned] how to work with leather, how to put snaps together.” Statewide Project contribution GRRL will contribute a percentage of overall Legacy funds to the statewide project, administered by SELCO. This includes History Day and other activities. Laws of Minnesota for 2013 Chapter 137, Article 4, Section 2, Subdivision 4 22508.73 Comments from students were not collected for the History Day Hullabaloo at the St. Cloud Public Library, but the Minnesota Historical Society collected the following data from the students who completed surveys: -39 students from 5 different schools -Buffalo Community High School -Foley High School -North Junior High School -Salk Middle School -Sauk Rapids High School Feedback from these students resulted in the following: -86% of students rated their overall experience as either excellent or very good (43% each) -38% of students said that finding new sources was the most helpful during their library visit -49% of students said that this library greatly improved their ability to do research Attendees will be able to identify one -100% of students said this library was either helpful (43%) or very helpful (57%) -57% of students said they plan on visiting the library more than they expected after the day's visit new concept or fact learned about history or culture [knowledge] or have -83% of students said they feel more comfortable doing research in a library as a result of this visit -78% of students said that they talked to a librarian and found them either helpful (27%) or very helpful an increased positive attitude about (51%) 3660.43 history or culture [attitude]. November 18, 2014 Item 11.2 Capital Automation Request Storage Area Network Array Jay Roos, Associate Director - Information Technology Background A storage area network (SAN) is a dedicated network of storage devices that provides consolidated access to one or more servers. At GRRL our SAN is primarily used by our servers to store files and data essential to server operations. In 2007, Great River Regional Library purchased its first Storage Area Network (SAN) array. That first array is now 7 years old, has reached its official end of life and support can no longer be obtained. Today, the second of our two arrays is reaching maximum capacity and can’t meet all of our storage needs. The first array needs to be replaced with a higher capacity, better performing array. Information Technology staff have engaged multiple vendors and have reviewed options for adding storage to our environment. We have identified an array that has excellent performance and at a significantly better price than similarly performing arrays. That increased performance will allow our servers to respond quickly to staff and patron requests and provides enough overhead for future expansion. Request Please approve an expenditure of $38,000 from existing Automation Capital for a new Storage Area Network (SAN). November 18, 2014 Item 11.3 Request for Dedicated Funds Express Checkout Stations Jay Roos, Associate Director - Information Technology Background Great River Regional Library has operated express checkout (self-checkout) stations since 2008. In 2013, we added four (4) additional stations by using decommissioned equipment from Ramsey County. Today we operate a total of 8 express checkout stations in 7 locations. The approved 2015 budget was set on the assumption that at least two additional express checkout stations will be used to enhance patron service and offset at least some staffing needs. The two (2) locations identified to receive express checkout stations are Becker and Staples. This will bring us to 10 stations at 9 locations. We are currently evaluating additional locations where express checkout stations make sense and will improve patron service. Since we have ceased taking credit cards over our patron service desks, the express checkouts have the added benefit of accepting electronic payment within those libraries that have them installed. During the budget process, we expected the stations to run $15,000 each. The latest quote we received show them costing just over $11,000 each. Requests There are two requests to consider: 1. Please approve an expenditure of $23,000 from the 2014 operating budget toward the purchase of two additional express checkout stations. 2. Please designate $45,000 from remaining 2014 operating budget dollars toward the future purchase of additional express checkout stations. Request for Dedicated Funds – Temporary HRIS Specialist Sunny Hesse, Associate Director – Human Resources Background In late 2013, GRRL implemented a new human resource and payroll information system. Since initial implementation, we have struggled with development and full implementation of the ADP system. We have experienced unexpected issues with the set-up and basic and customized functionality of the system. We have been working diligently with ADP Support to resolve these issues. However, with limited staff time to devote to addressing these issues it is taking longer than anticipated. This is negatively impacting areas such as recruitment, performance management, and benefit administration. Furthermore, our current HR staffing levels limit the time available to develop and troubleshoot additions to the system. Request We are requesting to designate funds from the 2014 operating budget for temporary hire of an HRIS specialist who can devote time specifically to system maintenance, administration and development. ADP recommends 10-15 hours of dedicated staff time per week for this purpose. To successfully resolve the current issues, develop and implement the outstanding modules, and adequately train staff, we request up to 20 hours per week for up to 2 years. Quick salary research indicates an hourly rate of $20$25. On our current 2014 Pay Range, this equates to pay grade 22. Please authorize up to $52,000 from the 2014 operating budget toward retaining a part-time, temporary HRIS specialist for up to 20 hours per week through 2017. Great River Regional Library | November 18, 2014 Board of Trustees 1 November 18, 2014 Item 11.5 Request for Dedicated Funds Branch Development Karen Pundsack, Interim Executive Director Background Between 2005 and 2010, GRRL regularly committed capital funds averaging $15,000 annually to the Branch Development Fund. This fund is designated for the purposes of expanding future library buildings or services. GRRL has not designated dollars to this fund since 2011. Library Assessment has been a topic of discussion throughout 2014. In addition, discussions have taken place with the city of Sartell about possible future expansion. We know additional dollars will be needed if library services or alternative services like a bookmobile or locker systems are offered at additional sites. It would be beneficial to set aside funds for these future needs. Request Please designate up to $70,000 remaining from the 2014 operating budget toward the committed capital Branch Development Fund.
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