www.facebook.com/eagleboltbar www.eagleboltbar.com MR. MINNEAPOLIS EAGLE (MME) CONTEST 1. CONTESTANT INFORMATION A. APPLICATION: In order to best simulate the actual International Mr. Leather contest, all MME contestants are required to complete Parts 1 & 2 of the actual 2014 IML Contestant Application. Completed applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, November 13, 2014. They should be e-mailed to both [email protected] and [email protected]. Please contact us if other arrangements need to be made for the delivery of the application. The winner (MME 2015) will have an opportunity to re-write the IML application after receiving his title and before it is sent on to IML. He will be encouraged to ask the MME judges for assistance. A network of former judges, titleholders, and contest staff member will arrange support during your title year. The Sponsor Intent section of the application must be approved by Ed Hopkins of the eagleBOLbar and before submission to IML staff. B. CONTESTANTS: Any member of the Minneapolis Eagle community (patrons, friends, and staff) is encouraged to enter the MME contest provided that they meet the current rules and requirements for IML (see application). Only 2015 MME judges and other current titleholders are ineligible to compete for MME 2015. Note that this is neither a beauty contest nor a leather-gear fashion show. Contestants are judged on poise, ability to think on their feet, community involvement, physique, stage presence, comfort using a microphone, leadership, fraternity and familiarity in the leather community, and over-all masculinity, among many other intangibles. Contestants are not exempt from the bar dress code and must comply: NO EXPOSED DICKS – NO JOCKSTRAPS C. WINNER – Mr. Minneapolis Eagle 2015: The decision of the judges is final and unchallengeable. PRIZE PACKAGE The winner will be provided with round-trip air transportation to and from Chicago, and 5 nights’ stay at host’s hotel for the 2015 IML contest. MME 2015 must be at the IML hotel no later than 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 20, 2015 and may not depart any earlier than noon, Monday, May 25, 2015. If MME 2015 wishes to be in Chicago any additional nights, it is encouraged but is at his own expense. Ed Hopkins will make the reservations for the required nights. All reservations and flights are to be coordinated through Ed Hopkins. The winner will have their IML registration fee covered by the eagleBOLTbar. The winner shall be provided with a MME 2015 leather vest. This shall be ordered after the winner is determined and the appropriate size is determined. Gregg White shall coordinate procurement of the vest. www.facebook.com/eagleboltbar www.eagleboltbar.com Other prizes may be made available as secured by sponsors. EXPECTATIONS OF THE WINNER Compete at International Mr. Leather (May 21-May 25, 2015 in Chicago). eagleBOLTbar will be your sole sponsor for IML and will complete the sponsor portion of the IML application. Partner with The Aliveness Project to host BINGO at least twice during your title year. BINGO is held every Thursday night at the eagleBOLTbar at 8 p.m. All proceeds benefit The Aliveness Project. March in the Twin Cities Pride parade (June 28, 2015). Maintain a positive attitude throughout your title year. As Mr. Minneapolis Eagle you represent yourself AND your sponsor, eagleBOLTbar. 2. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS – Tentative – this schedule may change as details are finalized. Please Note, REQUIRED contestant events will be both FRIDAY Night 11/14 and Saturday 11/15 (both day and evening events). D. GREET THE MEAT (Friday Nov 14): 10:00 p.m. – close, Minneapolis Eagle (Dress code enforced) The community is invited to come meet the Contestants, Judges, Titleholders, and other Special Guests prior to the contest. Contestants are introduced on stage and will draw numbers to determine the order of appearance during the interview and contest. E. PRE-CONTEST EVENTS – CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC (Saturday late morning/afternoon Nov 15): a) ORGANIZING MEETING Judges, coordinator, and wrangler review the plans for the day. b) CONTESTANT ARRIVAL All registered contestants must be on time for all contest events. Failure to appear shall result in disqualification. Coordinator and wrangler explain procedures of the day; conducts random drawing to determine order; answers any questions. c) PRIVATE INTERVIEWS, 0 – 200 points Each contestant will be given a 15 minute interview with the judges. d) REHEARSAL Immediately after the conclusion of the interviews and the preliminary scoring by the judges, there shall be a brief walkthrough of the public portion of the contest. This should conclude no later than 5:00 p.m. www.facebook.com/eagleboltbar www.eagleboltbar.com F. MME 2015 CONTEST – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (Saturday evening Nov 15) e) ARRIVAL Contestants, judges and wrangler arrive. A space in the BOLT bar will be used as the contestants staging and changing area. Contestants may store bags, gear, and changes of clothes in the contestant staging area. The Contestant Wrangler shall be posted in the Contestants’ Room all evening as a coordinator and security. He may also help the contestants move gear to and from the stage for the Erotic Fantasy. f) MIXER Contestants are encouraged to mingle with eagleBOLTbar patrons. They shall be provided with identification tags which shall also allow them complimentary beverages throughout the evening. (These are just for contestants and not for their friends or partners. Reminder: A sloppy contestant is not going to win). b) KEG-WALK, 0 – 100 points Each contestant walks through the crowd carrying an empty beer keg. This is your introduction to the contest audience and chance to show off your physique. c) Onstage Questions & Answer, 0 – 100 points Each contestant answers a question from the interview and a randomly chosen question presented him by the MC. d) Erotic Fantasy, 0 – 100 points Each contestant has up to five(5) minutes to present a personal erotic fantasy. This is a time to show off your personal kinky, erotic, fetish, or just off-the-wall skills and fantasies. This may be live-action on stage, a reading (original or other), a mini-play, or anything else. Props, including humans, may be used. Large props may be moved in Saturday afternoon, but must be picked up on Sunday. The only limitations are the time-limit and NO EXPOSED DICKS – NO JOCKSTRAPS e) Points are tallied. f) Midnight: Presentation of MME 2015! www.facebook.com/eagleboltbar www.eagleboltbar.com Contestant Application (Part 1) Please email this page of your application as soon as possible. _____________________________________________________________________________ RULES AND REQUIREMENTS Congratulations and welcome to the MME family! We hope you are excited about competing, and we’re glad you’ll be part of MME. Once you have read this application carefully and you have provided all of the information requested, email the application to both [email protected] and [email protected]. Now: for a little housekeeping: 1. International Mr. LeatherTM (IML) Contestants MUST be (i) the winner of a bar, local, or regional leather contest which awarded the winner entry into the IML contest (a “preliminary contest”);OR (ii) be sponsored by a bar, business, club or organization that specializes in the levi/leather, uniform, SM, western, gear or related lifestyles. These are your Primary Sponsors, and each such business or organization may only sponsor one (1) Contestant per IML. 2. To compete at International Mr. LeatherTM, contestants must be male and 21 year of age or older as of the date that you register for IML in Chicago. In order to verify this eligibility, you are required to bring with you a copy of your government issued photo identification (driver’s license, state ID, or passport). We will make a copy of this document, and it will be placed with your application during the Contestant Registration in Chicago. 3. Contestant Applications must be received at the IML office as soon as possible, but no later than May 1, 2015. Upon receipt of your full and completed application (3 parts), IML will send you a confirmation email advising you when to register with the IML Officials at the host hotel in Chicago. You will receive other detailed information at that time. 4. MME Contestants are required to provide all information requested on this application. Use the space as provided, and do not reformat this application. If you have additional information that you would like the judges to have, you must bring 10 copies of each page with you when you arrive at Contestant Registration. While at Contestant Registration, you will be required to sign and date your Contestant Agreement and Contestant Photo Release form (these may be viewed online), stating that you will appear at all official IML events, including – but not limited to – Contestant Registration, Contestant Orientation, Opening Ceremonies, Preliminary Interviews, Physique and Stage Presence event, photo sessions, rehearsals, and the IML Contest on Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. Failure to appear as scheduled may result in disqualification. IML reserves the right to remove any Contestant from the completion at any time, and for any cause. CONTESTANT INFORMATION PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY OR TYPE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contestant Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Current Title ________________________________________________________________ Address Apt/Suite/Unit ________________________________________________________________ City State Postal Code Do you need a language interpreter? (Check one) YES __ NO __ Country What language, including ASL? _________________________________ Phone Number _________________________________ E-mail Address _________________________________ www.facebook.com/eagleboltbar www.eagleboltbar.com Contestant Profile (Part 2) Contestant # (Office Use Only) This page must be received at eagleBOLTbar no later than Thursday, November 13, 2014 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Please Type! This is the ONLY portion of your application the judges will be given. Do not use “see attached.” If you have additional information for the judges, you must bring NINE COPIES (one for each Judge) as a handout, and give them to the Judges Coordinator during your registration/orientation meeting. Name: ________________________________________ First ____________________________________________ Last __________________________________________________________________________ Current City/State of Residence ________________________________________________________ Current Profession ____________ Height _________________________ Date of Birth ____________ Weight _____ Age ________________________ Hair/Eye Color _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other titles held (title/year) Community Involvement (Please give a brief description from the past 3 years only) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Club Memberships/Affiliations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hobbies/Skills/Interests _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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