$1,000,000 Challenge Underway for Life & Legacy Campaign

w w w. b e t h e l - o m a h a . o r g • Cheshvan-Kislev-Tevet 5 7 7 5 • November-December 2014 • 402-492-8 550
$1,000,000 Challenge Underway for Life & Legacy Campaign
Beth El Synagogue is pleased to announce an exciting opportunity in the Life & Legacy campaign.
Recently, an anonymous congregant generously pledged a seven-figure gift, on the condition that we as
a congregation raise a minimum of $1,000,000 from other Life & Legacy donors by December 31,
2014. A legacy pledge can be made now and does not require any money today. After-lifetime,
Legacy gifts are typically a percentage of an estate and can be made in the form of life insurance,
retirement funds and/or other assets. This unique opportunity would mean the realization of a
$2,000,000 total gift to Beth El Synagogue’s endowment.
We are off to an amazing start. So far, Beth El is more than halfway towards this million-dollar goal,
having received a total of 15 gifts from the following donors (new donors are in bold): Rabbi Steven
and Shira Abraham, Deborah Denenberg, the H. Lee and Carol Gendler Charitable Fund, Marcel
and Ilse Kahn, Gloria Kaslow, Howard Kaslow, Carol Parsow, Alan Parsow, Marty and Iris Ricks, Carl Riekes, Zoe
Riekes, Margo Riekes, Steve Riekes, Lloyd and Debbie Roitstein, and Norman and Joodi Veitzer. We extend our deepest
appreciation to everyone who has helped to ensure the future of Beth El Synagogue, by leaving a legacy that will continue
beyond their lifetime.
Donors Gloria and Howard Kaslow shared their thoughts on participating in this important initiative. “The most
compelling reason for participating in the Life & Legacy campaign is stated quietly and unobtrusively at the top of the
Foundation’s form letter-of-intent. It says: ‘In the tradition of our Jewish faith, I wish to share my blessings by declaring
my intent to provide for the needs of future generations.’ That says it all: our Jewish values and traditions, our blessings,
our legacy. No matter how large or small the gift we can share, each one of us can demonstrate in an after-life gift that we
care about our synagogue and/or the other Jewish institutions that have been a part of our extended community. Most
importantly, along with our children and our grandchildren (and hopefully, our great grandchildren), we can continue to
nurture and to ensure the continuity of our Jewish community far into the future.”
Your Life & Legacy gift is so much more than a donation. This is your legacy – an opportunity to pay it forward and to
help assure the future of our synagogue for the next generation.
Life & Legacy Chairman Lloyd Roitstein explained why he wanted to head up this campaign for our synagogue. “A
strong Jewish family and a strong Beth El Synagogue are both vital for the future of Omaha's Jewish community. The Life
& Legacy Campaign helps provide funds needed to support the Jewish life of our families in the future. By making a
pledge to this campaign today, you will be helping secure Beth El's needs for future generations.”
Life & Legacy is a partnership of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation
that promotes after-lifetime giving to benefit the Omaha Jewish community. We hope you will consider making a gift to
Beth El; your generosity will benefit our synagogue for generations to come.
To become a part of Beth El Synagogue’s Legacy L ’Dor V’ Dor Society, contact Lloyd Roitstein at [email protected],
or Executive Director Larry DeBruin at [email protected]. Visit www.bethel-omaha.org to complete your letter of
intent online.
Jim & Esther Wax and
B’nai Mitzvah Class Honored
During Simchat Torah services recently, Beth El Synagogue was delighted to honor
dedicated congregants Jim and Esther Wax as Hattan and Kallah Torah and the
current eighth grade class as Hattan and Kallot Bereshit.
For years, Jim Wax served as President of Hazak, Beth El’s planning group dedicated
to programming for seniors. Esther was also very involved in program planning, helping
to ensure things ran smoothly. They are both regulars at minyan and services, and they
attend nearly every Beth El program.
Esther & Jim Wax
Jim recently accepted a nomination to Beth El's Board of Trustees in order to continue to represent the interests and voice
of an important segment of our congregation.
The eighth grade class exemplifies the term ‘shul kids.’
Not only will you find them attending, but also
leading portions of services and reading Torah. They
volunteer as Madrichim in our Talmud Torah and
their spirit can be seen in all aspects of synagogue life.
Each teen in this class is truly a ‘dugma,’ a role model
to young and old alike.
Joel Rich, president of the Board of Trustees, praised
both the Waxes and the teens. “We are so grateful for
the time and talent Jim and Esther Wax have shared
with our congregation,” he said. “We appreciate their
devotion to our synagogue.” Speaking about the
teens, he said, “The passion and spirit of these young
(From Left to Right) Front Row: Ethan Spivack, Devlin Smith, Zach Krausman
set a wonderful example for others, and we
Middle Row: Eadie Tsabari, Amanda Simon, Emily Kutler, Gabby Witkowski,
hope they continue their involvement with the
Hazzan Krausman; Back Row: Rabbi Abraham, Emma Klein, Lauren Kirk,
synagogue for many years to come.”
Sarah Schop, Isaac Kurtzman; Not Pictured: Lillian Cohen
Visit our website: www.bethel-omaha.org
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The Ritual of Lighting the Hanukiyah
by Rabbi Steven Abraham
Every Chanukah
Jews around the
world celebrate
one of the most
beautiful rituals,
that of lighting the
Hanukiyah. For
eight days, young
and old kindle lights to commemorate
a struggle that took place over 2,150
years ago and in many ways has
continued to this very day. It is a
struggle between a respect of our
past versus the hope for our future.
Judaism, from its inception, has
been a lens for Jews to understand
the issues of their time. Judaism is
the lens which we have used for
thousands of years to make sense of
the world around us. Judaism never
has been, nor will it ever be static;
we understand that the Judaism
preached and practiced by Moses
was not the Judaism of Hillel, which
was not the Judaism of Maimonides,
and is not the Judaism of today. Our
celebration of Chanukah gives us
two different paradigms for Judaism
as we look to honor our past while
preserving our future.
How did this come about, you ask?
The second century BCE, in Judea,
was a time of great change as the
outgoing leader, Alexander the
Great, who had started a policy of
pushing Hellenization (integration
of Greek Culture) within Judea, had
recently died. His successor was
Antiochus IV. While Alexander the
Great may have been a more passive
pursuer of Hellenization, Antiochus
was much more overt in both his
goals and in his policies. For many
Jews, the idea of becoming more
like the majority culture appeared to
be the right path. While for others,
the prohibitions against sacrifice,
circumcision, and Shabbat observance,
just to name a few, was too much of
a concession to make just to fit in.
And as we have learned time and
time again, it was the Maccabees led
by Matisiyahu and his son Yehudah,
along with his brothers who led a
revolt against Hellenization.
What has always caused me great
pain is that the Maccabees’ main
adversary was not the Hellenized
Syrians, but the Jews who had
chosen to conform to Greek culture.
The Maccabees understood they
were not part of the majority culture
or religion, but they resented the
fact that their fellow Jews gave up
their religious identity so easily. The
Maccabees had an unbridled
devotion to Judaism; they were in
fact zealots. The paradigm of the
Maccabees teaches us that while it is
ok to set up lines in the sand, to
acknowledge that our tent has
boundaries, you must always be
cognizant that to set up margins is
to leave some people on the outside.
On the other side were the Jews
who pushed their Jewish identity
aside to become part of the prevailing
culture: a group of people who valued
conformity over diversity and believed
that Judaism had nothing to say
about the world they lived in, around
the time of the destruction of the
temple. They saw their faith as a
hinderance to living a full life, not as
a means to living a full life.
It was a fight for the soul of Judaism,
a fight between those who thought
Judaism needed to remain exactly
as it was against those who thought
it needed to conform to the world
they lived in. The beauty is that
neither side was wholly right or
wrong. The Maccabees believed
they were doing what was right by
keeping the traditions and rituals
exactly as they had been passed
down. Yet what they forgot was that
Judaism is a religion that thrives in
its interaction with the modern
world. Interestingly, both the
Maccabees and those Jews who left
Judaism feared diversity. The
Maccabees wanted everyone to
observe and believe in the same way,
while those who left Judaism to
follow Greek culture believed that to
be different was simply too difficult,
so they assimilated.
The struggle that took place over
2,150 years ago still takes place in
the Jewish world, yet today more
than ever before we are up to the
challenge. As we light the Hanukiyah
with our children and grandchildren
by our sides, we recall the miracle
that took place when a small amount
of oil that was only supposed to last
one day, lasted eight. May the light
of the Chanukah candles remind us
to honor and respect our past, while
at the same time shine a light toward
our collective future.
Rabbi Steven Abraham
Celebrate the “Miracle of the Oil” by Lighting up your Taste Buds
What better way to celebrate Chanukah's miracle of oil than with an olive oil tasting party? Beth El’s Women’s Rosh
Hodesh Group invites all Beth El women [AND MEN] to this unique event. Yes, men are invited to join the women for
this delicious evening on Monday, December 22, at 6:30 p.m. at Old World Oil and Vinegar, 10920 Prairie Brook Road,
Rockbrook Village Shopping Center. In addition to learning about oils and vinegars, we’ll have the chance to taste-test
them as we go. Merchandise will also be available for purchase. We’ll learn a bit about Tevet and light candles for the
seventh night of Chanukah. There is no cost to attend, but space is limited so RSVP’s are essential. RSVP to co-chairmen
Wendy Furst at [email protected] or Gabby Blair at [email protected].
Visit our website: www.bethel-omaha.org
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We Thank Our Yad Squad
Bar Mitzvah
The following members read
Torah/Haftarah for the High
Holidays and on Shabbat:
Simchat Torah
• Zev Krausman
• Spencer Gordman
• Zach Krausman
• Steve Riekes
• Hazzan Michael Krausman
• Laurel Krausman
• Ben Shapiro
• Haftarah - Zev Krausman
Rosh Hashanah Day 1
• Steve Wise
• Caryn Scheer
• Pam Friedlander
• Steve Denenberg
• Yonatan Feldstern
• Jerry Katskee
• Haftarah - Holly Weill
Rosh Hashanah Day 2
• Caryn Scheer
• Gary Nachman
• Steve Denenberg
• Alan Shulewitz
• Steve Riekes
• Jerry Katskee
• Haftarah - Jim Fried
November 15, 2014
Ari Saltzman
Son of
Kevin & Linda Saltzman
Yom Kippur Morning
• Steve Riekes
• Steve Denenberg
• Marty Shukert
• Jerry Katskee
• Haftarah - Nancy Rips
Bar Mitzvah
• Ben Shapiro
• Alan Shulewitz
• Michael Gerson
• Yonatan Feldstern
• Roni Reiter-Palmon
• Steve Denenberg
• Haftarah - Yonatan Feldstern
With 5-year Multiples
Sukkot Day 1
• Michael Gerson
• Hazzan Michael Krausman
• Ben Shapiro
• Zev Krausman
• Haftarah - Laurel Krausman
Shabbat Hol Ha Moed Sukkot
• Rebecca Murow Klein
• Sharon Brodkey
• Roni Reiter-Palmon
• Heather Kelln
• Josh Klein
• Ophir Palmon
• Marty Shukert
• Zev Krausman
• Haftarah - Steve Denenberg
• Hazzan Michael Krausman
• Gary Nachman
• Ben Shapiro
• Haftarah - Jim Fried
Yom Kippur Mincha
• Gabby Witkowski
• Zach Krausman
• Tomer Palmon
• Haftarah - Zev Krausman, Sam
Lieb, Elissa Wiener, Emily Kutler
Sukkot Day 2
• Michael Gerson
• Hazzan Michael Krausman
• Ben Shapiro
• Zev Krausman
• Haftarah - Ben Shapiro
Shmini Atzeret
• Ben Shapiro
• Michael Gerson
• Haftarah - Lisa Lieb
December 20, 2014
Ethan Spivack
Son of
Brent & Marcie Spivack
We Share Your Joy
Patti Adler • Howard Borden
Michelle Byrnes • Jack Cohen
William Cohen • Susie Drazen
Michael Friedman • Peter Gordon
Sandy Gordon • Sheryn Joffe
Peyton Kelln • Jacob Kirshenbaum
Joseph Kravitz • Carole Lainof
Gary Lerner • Steven Levy • Cindy
Morris • Alan Potash • Roni
Reiter-Palmon • Helen Rifkin
Joel Sandkovsky • Alex Scheer
Matthew Scheer • Noah Shrago
Maddison Skolkin • John Stern
Marilyn Tipp • Judith Tully • Lucy
Turetsky • Julian Witkowski
Robert Yaffe
On the Birth of:
With 5-Year Multiples
• Avery Thomas Miller, Grandson of Ron & Pam
Feldman, Great-Grandson of Lillian Feldman
On the Marriage of:
• Nathan Fineman & Brooke Badzin
Son of Hollie & Glen Fineman
Visit our website: www.bethel-omaha.org
Jill & Mark Belmont
♥ Karla & David Cohen
♥ Jane & Allan Murow
♥ Andrea & Michael Skolkin
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President’s Corner
In just a few weeks we will celebrate Thanksgiving and then two and a half weeks later the holiday of
Chanukah will begin. The Beth El family has much to be thankful for. We have so much to offer you
and your family. The wide range of activities and programs is amazing!
Torah Tots, Mini-Minyannaires, Kadimah, USY, BESTT, Hebrew High...the classes and events that are
available to our youth are truly amazing. The spirit shown by our kids is something to behold. We
can be thankful that so many take part. Please encourage your family to participate.
Wrestling with the Rabbis, Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class, Scholars in Residence, Sunday Scholars, Men's Club, Sisterhood...
Beth El is not forgetting programs for our adults. The variety available is something else we are thankful for.
The staff, following the leadership of our clergy, is helping to create new and exciting programs that will attract a wide
cross section of the Beth El family. We should all be thankful for the innovation shown by our staff.
Due to the foresight and caring of those who were supportive of Beth El, we now have an endowment that allows us to
do things for the Beth El family without having to raise dues significantly or charge large fees. We must thank those who
strengthened the future of Beth El.
At Chanukah, as we remember the miracle of one day's oil lasting for eight days during the rededication of the temple, we
think about how we can help Beth El grow. We can help by taking part in the events, programs and classes. We can also
help secure the future of Beth El by participating in the Life & Legacy program for legacy gifts to Beth El's endowment.
I hope the upcoming holidays of Thanksgiving and Chanukah will be enjoyable for everyone!
Joel Rich
President, Board of Trustees
Thanks to these members of Beth El who attended at least one daily service between September 12 and October 27:
Rabbi Steven Abraham • Alvin Abramson • Brandy Bailey King • Diane Axler Baum • Jill Belmont • Wendy Berenson
Gabby Blair • Jason Blair • Michael Blatt • Sharon Brodkey • William Cohen • David Cooper • Judy Cooper • Sarita Cooper
Larry DeBruin • Cheryl Diamond • Richard Diamond • Jay Durmaskin • Stanley Edelstein • Harriet Epstein • Ronald
Epstein • Ronald Feldman • Yonatan Feldstern • Beverly Fellman • Richard Fellman • Glen Fineman • Hollie Fineman
David Finkelstein • Bruce Friedlander • Pamela Friedlander • Morris Friedman • Sanford Friedman • Michael Gerson
Donald Goldstein • Dolores Goodman • Michael Goodman • Jay Gordman • Miriam Gottlieb • Andrew Greenberg • Barton
Greenberg • Andrea Grossman • Jerry Grunkin • Lea Grunkin • Jon Lance Jabenis • Ilse Kahn • Marcel Kahn • Howard
Kaiman • Howard Kaplan • Jerry Katskee • Judith Katskee • Milton Katskee • Sindie Katskee • Helen Kay • Leslie Kay • Steve
King • Janet Klein • Ari Kohen • Lori Kooper-Schwarz • David Kotok • Shane Kotok • Laurel Krausman • Hazzan Michael
Krausman • Zach Krausman • Zev Krausman • Larry Kronick • Bruce Kutler • Carole Lainof • Wayne Lainof • Joan Latchaw
Steven Levy • Felicia Littky • Scott Littky • Scott Lustgarten • Joan Marcus • Myron Marko • Lynda Mirvish Allen • Morris
Anna Mosenkis • Igor Mosenkis • Andy Nathan • Carol Nathan • Marcy Noodell • Dennis Paley • Karen Pollak • Merle
Potash • Roni Reiter-Palmon • Amy Reynolds • Joel Rich • Mary Rich • Steven Riekes • Caryn Rifkin • Gary Rifkin • Nancy
Rips • Debra Roitstein • Lloyd Roitstein • Toni Rosen • Sidney Rosenblatt • Dorothy Rosenblum • Edward Schneider • Wayne
Schwarz • Benjamin Shapiro • Stanley Silverman • Tootie Simon • Harold Siporin • Nancy Skid • Jacob Spivack • Mort
Steinberg • Judith Tully • Stewart Tully • Phyllis Wasserman • Esther Wax • James Wax • Steven Wees • Audrey Wiener
Visit our website: www.bethel-omaha.org
Support the Buy Beth El Program
Men’s Club Corner Shalom Aleichem,
At times, life is a blur. Sometimes we have to slow down and recognize that even though we are
caught up in the storms of life, it is important to give thanks to those that help to calm the waters. To
all of the volunteers who helped during the High Holy Days, we all owe you a great deal of gratitude for
your service. Rather than risk potentially embarrassing these volunteers by listing their names, I would
like to point out that the volunteers that assisted with ushering and with the Sukkah were but a small
fraction of the congregation. However, the positive impact of their support was felt by all. Seeing everyone working
together for a common goal was very refreshing and inspiring. A big "Todah Rabah" to all who contributed big and small!
Over the past few months, I have seen many new faces walking the halls of Beth El. I am assuming some are new arrivals
to the community and others may have been members of the shul for years, but we only cross paths occasionally. To the
new members of our community, I want to personally extend an invitation to you to join Men's Club and get a little more
involved. New members to the shul receive a free one-year membership to the club. With that said, the membership fee is
just a nominal $36, so those of you who aren't new members to the shul, it's time to step forward and be a part of something
that exists for the betterment of our community.
Unfortunately, I was out of town when Sisterhood and Men's Club hosted a night out in the Krausman's Sukkah, but I
did hear that it was an enjoyable evening filled with friends and laughter. Hopefully, most of you reading this were able to
stop by the event and partake in the mitzvah of dwelling in the Sukkah. The club will be hosting Jews ‘n Brews during
November and December, but the details still need to be finalized. Look for the announcements of dates and times in
your email, on our Facebook page, or in the mid-month mailing.
One event that is currently on the schedule is our Annual Chinese Dinner scheduled for December 25th. This is a great
opportunity to showcase your culinary skills to the community. As usual, we will need volunteers to make this event a
success, so please contact me directly if you can assist. We will be looking for cooks, servers, dishwashers, and volunteers
to assist with set-up and break-down.
We are always brainstorming ideas to attract new faces and more participation from the community. The club welcomes
any idea that promotes community building, but our truly active members are a small number, currently less than 10% of
the men in our congregation. We need more of you guys to step forward with ideas of what can help us further our
mission, and tell us activities you want the club to sponsor. If you have an idea for an activity that you believe is a good
fit for the club, bring it forward and take ownership of the idea and turn it into reality. The community will appreciate it,
and we will support you! Be sure to sign up and join Men's Club online through ChaverWeb for the low cost of $36, or
drop a check by the synagogue, or mail one in. We need your membership, commitment, and support!
Jason Blair
President, Beth El Men’s Club
Your Chance to Pull a Switch This Year
Every December 25, members of the Jewish community
volunteer to take over a variety of duties at the Blumkin Home, so
that the Home’s Christian employees can take Christmas day
off. Beth El’s Social Action committee is offering our congregants
the opportunity to participate this year. You can sign up to help
out in a variety of areas from lunch escorting, activities such as
bingo and trivia games, memory care, laundry folding and
receptionist duties at the front desk. Only adults can cover the
front desk (includes answering phone); anyone 12 and older can
help out in the other areas. Sign up online to indicate your
preferred time slot and to select the areas where you'd like to
assist. Our thanks to Larry Kronick for chairing this effort.
Visit our website: www.bethel-omaha.org
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The Journey of Learning
BESTT Calendar
Mid-November - December 2014
By Eadie Tsabari,
Director of Congregational Learning
12 BESTT Hebrew School
4:15 - 6:15 p.m.
The school year is moving along splendidly with learning
BESTT High School
and activities galore. We are always excited to have so many
6:45 - 8:30 p.m.
people participating in the programming and opportunities
to learn at Beth El.
15 Bar Mitzvah of Ari Saltzman & Jr. Congregation
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Pre-schoolers have continued to join us for Mini-Minyannaires on Shabbat, and
Torah Tots with Savta Sindi and Morah Naomi. Our newest group of little guys
is a monthly playgroup called Babies, Bigger Kids and Bagels.
BESTT students are learning with their teachers and their parents. We are half
way through our first trimester, learning Hebrew, holidays and ethics. KEVAH
family programming has been a smashing success, and we are so happy that
parents have come to learn together with your children.
Middle and High School students have been the BESTT Madrechim ever, helping
our younger students in the classroom, being wonderful role models and planning
programming to be implemented at our Shul-IN overnight. Classes are well
attended on Wednesday evenings and the learning is marvelous.
16 BESTT Hebrew School
9:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Habbonim Program - Grades K-2
12:15 - 3:00 p.m.
19 BESTT Hebrew School
4:15 - 6:15 p.m.
BESTT High School
6:45 - 8:30 p.m.
22 Shabbat’s Cool - Grades K-7
10:00 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Shul-In - Grades 3-7
Saturday 12:45 p.m. - Sunday 9:45 a.m.
23 BESTT Hebrew School - Grades K-2 Only
9:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
And then there is Youth Group. BESTT Chaverim has been to the NCJW
Torah Tots
Chocolate Festival and a hayrack ride. Kadima and USY are busy with game
10:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
nights, Kinnus, Vala’s Pumpkin Patch and more. Our latest and greatest youth
group called Habonim is for our students in grades K-2. We like to start the kids November 26-30 Thanksgiving Break
early so they really have an opportunity to make and keep their Jewish friends.
When I think of my own Hebrew school experience or hear other people talk about
when they were at Beth El religious school, most of the time we talked about the
trouble we got in. We pushed the envelope with the good people in charge of teaching
us about our religion – and we just didn’t pay attention when we should have.
But today things are so different. At BESTT, we create more and more ways to
keep students engaged and allow the excess of noise and clamor to reach its full
potential. We like it like that and our kids are still well behaved and learn about
Judaism both in and out of the classroom.
So what’s the great magic trick to keep our kids at the synagogue? We strive to
engage and entertain while we educate. They learn as small children in Sunday
school, enter the middle grades and join BESTT on Wednesdays, and then stay
on after B’nai Mitzvah through Hebrew High. Even better for us, they stay on
as teaching assistants through high school.
3 BESTT Hebrew School
4:15 - 6:15 p.m.
B’nai B’rith Bible Quiz
7:00 p.m. at the JCC
6 Jr. Congregation
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
7 BESTT Hebrew School
9:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Torah Tots
10:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Kevah Family Program - Grades 5-6
11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
10 BESTT Hebrew School
4:15 - 6:15 p.m.
BESTT High School
6:45 - 8:30 p.m.
The connection is the key. Learning is the journey – and how it’s done is complex:
from classroom activities, to youth group, Jr. Congregation, class trips, and even 12 Tot Shabbat/Got Shabbat? - Grades 2 & Under
6:00 p.m. Service, 6:30 p.m. Dinner
life experiences. We can figure it out together and create new models with your
collaboration, but we need you to prioritize and encourage your students to attend. 13 Jr. Congregation
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
The central thread is the connection at the synagogue and to each other. Those
who do not participate lose that connection, but not just to the synagogue and
the school, but to youth group, camp, Israel trips, and mostly all contact with
Jewish friends.
And that is why students should and must stay in religious school all the way
through – to have the connection. So we can look at each other eye to eye, and
face to face, and keep the relationship strong.
Torah Tots
10:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
17 BESTT Hebrew School
4:15 - 6:15 p.m.
Chanukah Dinner
6:15 - 8:00 p.m.
20 Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Spivack & Jr. Congregation
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Eadie Tsabari
Visit our website: www.bethel-omaha.org
14 BESTT Hebrew School
9:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
December 21 - January 3 Winter Break
Support the Buy Beth El Program
Get Involved with YAC
Our Young Adult Committee is hard
at work filling their calendar with
activities for all 20’s and 30’s in the
Jewish community (single and married).
In the works are a comedy night at
Funnybone with preshow cocktails
at Brix and a game night this winter. In the spring, we’ll have a kickoff
event for our new playground
followed by a sand volleyball outing
at Schmidleys. We will also attend a
sporting event. And that’s just a taste
of what’s being planned! Want to get
involved? We always have room for
more volunteers. If you have an idea
for a fun event to add to this list,
contact YAC chairmen, Adam and
Abby Kutler. Abby can be reached at
[email protected] and Adam at
[email protected]. Beth El Cemetery Campaign Update
Construction continues to progress as the new area of the cemetery moves from the vision stage toward completion. As
Joel Rich, our congregation’s president, stated during his Kol Nidre speech, we have had about 25% of the congregation
donate toward this project. We are very proud of the fact that 100% of our Board of Trustees have also contributed
towards the completion of the cemetery.
There are still many sponsorship opportunities remaining for the multitude of needed improvements both in the current
and new sections of the cemetery. Please take a moment to consider a gift that will have a significant impact for future
generations. If you would like a personal visit to discuss these giving opportunities, contact Lloyd Roitstein at
[email protected], Gary Nachman at [email protected] or Larry DeBruin at [email protected].
We thank those who have contributed to the synagogue expansion project (new donors in bold):
• Howard & Gloria Kaslow
• Tuffy & Helen Epstein
• Neal & Jody Malashock
• Stanley & Evelyn Mitchell
• Gary & Lisa Epstein
• Harold & Linda Mann
• Richard & Beverly Fellman
• Allan & Jane Murow
• Paul & Sandy Epstein
• Allan Noddle
• Glen & Hollie Fineman
• Steve & Patty Nogg
• Steve & Elaine Epstein
• Gary & Sheila Nachman
• Shirley Goldstein
• Bob & Donna Olesh
• Carol Gendler
• Bruce & Anne Shackman
• Robert & Barbara Goodman
• Jeff & Sandy Passer
• Herbert Goldsten Trust
• Milton & Maxine Simons
• Jay & Allison Gordman
• Joel & Mary Rich
• Howard & Sharon Kooper
• Norm & Joodi Veitzer
• Miriam Gottlieb
• Lloyd & Debbie Roitstein
• Joseph Moglia
• Irving & Gail Veitzer
• Zevie Gottlieb
• Michael & Marina Sadofsky
• Alan & Carol Parsow
• Steve & Kathleen Zalkin
• Andrew & Carole Greenberg
• Kevin & Linda Saltzman
• Carl & Zoe Riekes
• Jerry & Lea Grunkin
• Marc & Caryn Scheer
• Steve & Margo Riekes
• Rabbi Steven & Shira Abraham
• Bruce & Margie Gutnik
• Ed & Carol Schneider
• Jerry Turner
• John Atherton & Marti
• M’Lee Hasslinger
• Ben Shapiro & Amy Reynolds
• Sylvia Jess
• Nancy Skid
• Sandra Belgrade
• Donald & Diane Baum
• Richard & Fran Juro
• Barry & Fran Snyder
• Francis Blumkin
• Ellie Batt
• Robert & Roxanne Kahn
• Carolyn Stern
• Tom & Darlyn Fellman
• Mike & JoAnn Blatt
• Myron Kaplan
• Judith Stern
• Steve & Gail Friedman
• Jason & Gabby Blair
• Beatrice Karp
• Stewart & Judy Tully
• Sandy & Amy Friedman
• Ron & Beth Brodkey
• Leslie & Helen Kay
• Mary Lou Walker
• Donald Goldstein
• David & Karla Cohen
• Steve & Brandy King
• Phil & Jan Wayne
• Barton & Caryl Greenberg
• David & Sarita Cooper
• David & Shane Kotok
• David & HollyWeill
• Gerald Gross
• Judith Cooper
• Bruce & Pam Kutler
• Jim & Sally Zipursky
• Marcel & Ilse Kahn
• Don & Marlene Dandy
• Lisa Lieb
• Morley & Charlotte Zipursky
Visit our website: www.bethel-omaha.org
Support the Buy Beth El Program
Sisterhood Scoop
Our year is already under way! Our sincerest thanks to everyone who has hosted or taken part in an event
or activity this year. We are not successful without an active and present membership body.
Andrea Grossman headed up honey sales again this year. Through her organization and your honey
purchases, we were able to raise over $1,200 and provide 65 bottles of honey to Jewish Family Services for
disbursement to members of our community. Thank you to Helen Epstein, Alice Kosowsky, and Nancy
Skid for coordinating the High Holy Days phone calls for this year. We thank the Krausman family for
hosting the October joint Dames & Drinks/Jews ‘n Brews in their sukkah again this year. Many thanks also
to Sally Zipursky for hosting the Rabbi Naomi Levy Rosh Hodesh event for Cheshvan.
We have a new group of women organizing our Rosh Hodesh events for this year. Liz Feldstern, Cheryl Lerner, Nancy
Skid, Aveva Shukert and Alice Weiss have put much effort into making sure that you are offered a meaningful experience
each month. If you would like to be involved in the Rosh Hodesh programming, please contact one of them.
As always, we strive to ensure that Sisterhood provides something for everyone. If you have program ideas, please do not
hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected]. Here’s a sneak peak of some of the programs still to come:
November 20 – Dames & Drinks Hunger Games: Mockingjay Sneak Preview, hosted by Marla Hockfeld
December 22 – Rosh Hodesh Tevet at Old World Oil & Vinegar, hosted by Gabby Blair and Wendy Furst
January 25 – Member Brunch
January 31 – Sisterhood Shabbat
If you have not already paid your Sisterhood membership dues for 2014-2015, please do so now. Membership to our
organization is $36 annually and the monies raised are used to provide programming and grant support. You are able to
pay your dues online using ChaverWeb or by sending a check made payable to Beth El Sisterhood. If you have questions
about dues, please feel free to contact me or our new Treasurer, Danni Christensen. We are both excited and looking
forward to an amazing year.
Without you, we cannot succeed!
Hea!er Kelln
President, Beth El Sisterhood
Saturday, Nov 22 - Sunday, Nov 23
Open to Students in Grades 3-7
Cost: $20 per person
Spend Shabbat with your friends and enjoy
fun activities all day. After Shabbat’s Cool,
we’ll eat lunch, enjoy music and hang out
with our friends. On Saturday night we’ll
have Havdalah, prepare a time capsule and
watch a movie. On Sunday, we’ll enjoy
breakfast and play games before heading
home. There will be no BESTT for students
in grades 3-7 on Sunday. Register online at
Visit our website: www.bethel-omaha.org
Support the Buy Beth El Program
This Kol lists contributions
received by October 28, 2014.
Donations received after that
date will be listed in the
January edition of the Kol.
Jessica Goldstein Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Guinter Kahn
Lee Jane Parsow Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Cantor Rafael Edgar
Recovery of: Judy Tully
Contributions to Named
Endowment Funds
Linda H. Lynn Kahn Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Guinter Kahn
21st Century Endowment Fund Yahrzeit of: Rosaline Epstein
Recovery of: Laura Bair • Yahrzeit of:
Annie Rosenberg, Marvin Sadofsky
Arnold Stern Endowment Fund Magda Fried Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Marty Lehr • Recovery
of: Judy Tully
Barbara & Dean Frankel Endowment Fund Yahrzeit of: Jeanette Desnick
Celia and Ben Schwartz Transportation
Endowment Fund Recovery of: Nancy Friedland
David & Ida Potash Endowment Fund In Memory of: Guinter Kahn • Yahrzeit
of: Helene Wasserman, Janis Yale,
Joseph Potash
David S. & Esther Zorinsky Rice
Endowment Fund Yahrzeit of: Esther Rice
Drazen Family Summer Experience
Endowment Fund Lucille White Kitchen Endowment Fund
Yahrzeit of: Magda Fried
Jay Parsow Endowment Fund
In Memory of: LeAnn Kelberg
Milton Marcus Instrumental Music
Endowment Fund
In Honor of Birthday of: Howard Kaiman
Rita & Harold Novak Endowment Fund
Recovery of: Marcel Kahn
Saul Z. & Lorri Anne Davis Fund In Memory of: Roni Jacobson, Ronnie
Davis • Yahrzeit of: Dora Davis, Joe
Milstein, Max Shrago, Sam Shrago,
Miriam Shafer
Selwyn Roffman Endowment Fund Recovery of: Lloyd Roitstein
In Honor of Marriage of: Jessie and
Britain Jorgenson • Yahrzeit of: Ronni
General Endowment Fund
Stephen R. Skid Endowment Fund In Memory of: Florence Shrago Rose,
Guinter Kahn • Recovery of: Ben
Shapiro, Laura Bair
Harold & Etta Epstein Endowment Fund
In Honor of: Gary & Lisa Epstein and the
Epstein Family • Yahrzeit of: Edna
Gorelick, Jack Epstein
Hechtman Endowment Fund
Yahrzeit of: Abraham Kirshenbaum
Ida & Sam Geifman Endowment Fund
Mitzvah Meals Fund
In Memory of: Steve Lustgarten
Playground Fund
In Honor of Birth of: Zoey Nath Aryal
Programming Fund
Recovery of: Judy Tully
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
In Memory of: Dick Rosen, Guinter
Kahn • Yahrzeit of: Abraham
Kirshenbaum, Beatrice Freund, Vivan
Schwarz & Walter Schwarz, Elmer
Klein, Eugene Forman, Harold
Cooperman, J. Harry Kulakofsky,
Joseph Belmont, Marvin Sadofsky,
Mary Wine
Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Birthday of: Marla Cohen
In Honor of: Hazzan Krausman, Rabbi
Abraham • In Memory of: Guinter Kahn
Recovery of: Judy Tully • Yahrzeit of:
Donald Silver, Julius Friedman, Reva
Chapman, Robert Pappenheimer, Rosa
& Moritz Stern
Torah Repair Fund
Recovery of: Judy Tully
In Memory of: Guinter Kahn • Yahrzeit
of: Fayga Rosenberg
Willis Epstein Endowment Fund USY Fund
In Honor of: Gerald Hoberman • In
Memory of: LeAnn Kelberg • Yahrzeit
of: Pauline Hoberman, Willis Epstein
Jerome Zeffren and Andrea AlterZeffren Endowment Fund In Memory of: Guinter Kahn, Michael
Yahrzeit of: Sam & Ida Geifman &
Stephen Falk
Contributions to Named
Synagogue Funds
Ilse and Marcel Kahn Endowment Fund
Liturgical Book Fund
In Honor of Birthday of: Andy Greenberg,
Linda Abrams Tederman • In Honor of:
New Home of Mary Lou Walker • In
Memory of: Guinter Kahn • Recovery of:
Judy Tully • Yahrzeit of: Helen Siporin
Rosaline Epstein • In Memory of:
Marty Lehr • Yahrzeit of: Arthur Adler,
Frances Batt, Steve Lustgarten, Fred
Ostrow, George Cohn, Herman
Kaplan, Irving Forbes, Joseph
Freeman, Louis Passer, Murray
Borden, Robert Pappenheimer, Simon
May, Sol Yaffe
Yahrzeit of: Ben & Ida Zoorwill,
Isadore Blumkin
Cantor Berkovits Music Fund
Yahrzeit of: Dave Hahn
Yahrzeit of: Rebecca Abramson
Youth Education Fund
In Honor of Anniversary of: Shelly
Lerner & Lourdes Secola • In Honor
of Birth of: Son Lucas • In Honor of:
Bev & Dick Fellman • In Memory of:
Florence Shrago Rose, Jack Katz,
Martin Lehr • Recovery of: Judy Tully
Yahrzeit of: Esther Spar Graetz & Saul
M. Graetz, Esther Snyder, Kenneth
Weiner, Mitchell Gordon
Beth El extends profound
sympathy to the family of:
Isaac H. and Ruth S. Friedman
Endowment Fund
Cemetery Improvement Fund
In Memory of: John Shooter
Yahrzeit of: Abraham Epstein, Ben
Sutin, Lawrence Batt, Milton Moskovitz
Jacob & Ida Bernstein Endowment Fund
Forrest Krutter Memorial Garden Fund
Naomi Arav
Reva Chapman
Bernice Riseman Kaplan
General Fund
May the All-Merciful comfort and
Recovery of: Ben Shapiro
Jerold I. Rosen Endowment Fund
Yahrzeit of: Forrest Krutter
In Honor of Birthday of: Ann Belmont
In Memory of: Brother of Jan Harris,
sustain them in their sorrow.
Recovery of: Judy Tully • Yahrzeit of:
Marty Lehr • Recovery of: Judy Tully
Ellan Thurmond, Eva Ziegman
Visit our website: www.bethel-omaha.org
Support the Buy Beth El Program
Visit our website: www.bethel-omaha.org
Support the Buy Beth El Program
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:00 am - Shacharit Service
10:00 am - Torah Study
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
4:15 pm - BESTT
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
5:30 pm - Pre-Dinner Magic
Show for Grades 2 & Under
6:15 pm - Chanukah Dinner
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 pm - Board of Trustees
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
10:00 am - Wrestling with
the Rabbis
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
16 Chanukkah 1st Light 17
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
4:15 pm - BESTT
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
6:45 pm - Hebrew High
7:00 am - Morning Service
11:30 am - Nebraska AIDs
6:00 pm - Kabbalat Shabbat
9:30 am - Shabbat Services
10:45 am - Mini Minyannaires
4:45 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:30 am - Bar Mitzvah of
Ethan Spivack
10:00 am - Jr. Congregation
10:45 am - Mini Minyannaires
4:45 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
Register Online by November 15
Roots - Grades 10-12
Explore your Heritage in New York City
May 28-31, 2015
Holocaust Studies - Grades 7-9
Visit the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center
Sunday, March 29, 2015 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Teen Learning Opportunities
9:00 am - Shacharit Service
9:00 am - Switch Day at the
Blumkin Home
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
6:00 pm - Men’s Club Annual
Chinese Buffet Dinner
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
1:30 pm - Chef’s Demo at
the Blumkin Home
6:00 pm - Kabbalat Shabbat
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:30 am - Shabbat Services
10:00 am - Jr. Congregation
10:45 am - Mini Minyannaires
4:45 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
6:00 pm - Tot Shabbat/Got
Shabbat? & Dinner
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
Our Shabbat Tables Dinner
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
4:15 pm - BESTT
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 pm - B’nai B’rith Bible Quiz
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
1:00 pm - Learn to Play
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:30 pm - BESTT
Committee Meeting
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
11:00 am - Wonderful World
of Jewish Music
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:30 am - Shabbat Services
10:00 am - Jr. Congregation
10:45 am - Mini Minyannaires
4:45 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
6:00 pm - Kabbalat Shabbat
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
6:30 pm - Women’s Rosh
Hodesh Group at Old
World Oil and Vinegar
9:00 am - Shacharit Service
10:00 am - Torah Study
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:00 am - Shacharit Service
9:45 am - BESTT
9:45 am - Babies, Bigger Kids & Bagels
10:00 am - Torah Study
10:15 am - Torah Tots
11:00 am - Adult B’nai Mitzvah
11:00 am - Sunday Scholars Series
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
6:00 pm - USY/Kadima Program
9:00 am - Shacharit Service
9:45 am - BESTT
10:00 am - Torah Study
10:15 am - Torah Tots
11:00 am - Sunday Scholars Series
11:00 am - Adult B’nai Mitzvah
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
6:00 pm - USY Interfaith Program
December 2014
Beth El Staff
Steven Abraham ................................Rabbi
Michael Krausman ..........................Hazzan
Larry DeBruin ................Executive Director
Eadie Tsabari..............................Director of
Congregational Learning
Margie Gutnik ..................Program Director
Betsy Goodman ...................Youth Director
Melissa Massey .......................Comptroller
Laura Bair ........................Kitchen Manager
Judy Tully ...........................Office Manager
Cait Leff ........................................Secretary
Jeanne Shechet..............BESTT Secretary
Joel Rich .........................Beth El President
Jon Jabenis .........................Vice President
Ari Riekes ............................Vice President
Jim Zipursky ........................Vice President
Jay Gordman ...............................Treasurer
Caryn Scheer ...............................Secretary
Lloyd Roitstein.....................Past President
Lisa Lieb .................................BESTT Chair
Jason Blair ...............Men’s Club President
Heather Kelln ............Sisterhood President
Elissa Wiener ...................U.S.Y. President
Friday Evening
Candle Lighting Times:
Service Schedule:
November 14......4:47 p.m.
November 15 ....5:00 p.m.
November 21......4:42 p.m.
November 22 ....4:45 p.m.
November 28......4:38 p.m.
November 29 ....4:45 p.m.
December 5.......4:37 p.m.
December 6 .....4:45 p.m.
December 12......4:37 p.m.
December 13 ....4:45 p.m.
December 19......4:39 p.m.
December 20 ....4:45 p.m.
December 26......4:43 p.m.
December 27 ....4:45 p.m.
Weekday Services at 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Sunday Services at 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
The KOL is Sponsored by
T h e Be t h El Judai ca Shop
Gift Certificates Available
Judaica Shop Hours: Wed. 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. & Sun. 10:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.