VISIONGIVEUSPURPOSE On day six of the ill-fated mission of Apollo 13, the astronauts needed to make a cri cal course correc on. If they failed, they might never return to Earth. To conserve power, they shut down the onboard computer that steered the craE. Yet the astronauts needed to conduct a thirty-nine second burn of the main engines. This created a serious problem, how to steer? Astronaut Jim Lovell concluded that if they could keep a fixed point in space in view through their ny window, they could steer the craE manually. That focal point turned out to be their des na on-Earth. As shown in 1995's hit movie Apollo 13 Lovell focused on keeping the earth in view for thirty-nine agonizing seconds, and by not losing sight of that reference point, the three astronauts avoided disaster. In the hustle and bustle of life, even the life of the Church, we can lose sight of our reference points. All too oEen we become focused on self instead of God. And with the best of inten ons we replace God’s rescue mission for the world with ours. And when we do disaster is just around the corner. Evangelism is a vital reference point that we need to keep in focus. This is in fact our divinely commissioned purpose. We have been called to share the blessing of salva on with all those who are lost. Yet “the lost” is so generic it has become meaningless. So, let me be more specific. We have been commissioned to share Jesus with the lost of Desoto County. To be more specific s ll, it is your neighbor, your co-workers, your family, the checkout person at the store. The next me you look at a person see them with the love of Jesus, be concerned about their salva on. While some are of the opinion that a person’s salva on is a private ma;er, and is therefore none of our business. I disagree. I disagree because Jesus it made our business. Go therefore and make disciples of all ethnic groups, bap zing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Ma2hew 28:19 FamilyNews&Notes • • • James Eddlemon has been moved to rehab. Brandon and Laura Sing’s newborn daughter, Beckem is at LeBonheur. Carolyn Bullock has been moved to Delta Hospice Care. REMEMBERINPRAYER • SHUT-INS: Linda Arwood, Valeria Canada, Evelyn Fowler, Marie Gray, Irmagene Hall, Ka e Howard, Virginia LaCaze, Dot McEwen, Rick and Dorinda Murphy, Pauline Payne, Ruby Davis, Catherine Parker, Bob Weathers, Ann Woodson HEALTH ISSUES: Robert Benne;, Donyell Buckingham, Ruby Dickerson, Bill Newport, Banks Ready, Ki;y Ussery, LaTonya Wiggins FAMILY: Sue Archer, Sidney Carey, Tom Childress, Charles Hester, Ron Crutchfield, Bill Dixon, Helen Evans, Tam Griffin, Madie Hunsucker, Ka e Culley, Ka e Jarre;, Wanda Jenkins, Jesse Jones, Allyson Kelly, Sam Townsley, • YOU MUST MUTE YOUR PHONE • • WBS Connect, sharing the Gospel in Desoto County through the internet. El Salvador building modifica ons. A children’s home for orphans in Zambia. Various Preacher Training Schools directed by 21st Century Global Missions. The total amount required to address these needs is $30,000. This is about 50% above our typical weekly contribu on. Please prayerfully consider how to help meet these needs. SYMPATHY Our sympathy is extended to June Belew in the passing of her sister, Kerry Chumney. BABYNEWS Brandon, Laura, and Bronson Sing welcomed a new baby girl November 7. Beckem Reece Sing was 7.5lbs. Beckem is now at LeBonheur. This 5th Sunday will be our Mission Sunday, where our offering will go to the many missions we support. We will have a fellowship meal following the AM worship service. We will provide lasagna, we ask that you bring salads and desserts. YAC Lillian Williams has a new grandson. Emme; Cole Williams was 7lbs, 1oz and 20 inches long. Everyone is doing well. SHARE The Young Adults/College class will be hos ng a Ba;le of the Sexes Game Night, Sunday November 23 from 6-9PM. Our primary focus for this group is to become be;er connected with one another and build new rela onships. This is an open invita on to anyone between the ages of 18-29. There will be Free Fun, Free Food, and Friendly Faces. Please talk to Antoine2e if you are interested in coming. Share will meet at the Nursing Home at 3:45 PM TLC’s The TLC’s will meet at Hazel’s at 8:30 AM. CHILDREN’SEDUCATIONNEWS Thank you for the tremendous response we’ve had with Opera on Christmas Child. Approximately 60 shoeboxes filled with Christmas giEs have been completed at this me. Your support of the families par cipa ng in Basic Training will make an impact not only in our children’s lives, but in the lives of children around the world. Sunday, December 7 will mark the beginning of a new quarter. Parents, our children will con nue to study the life of Christ. Students in our elementary classes will receive workbooks en tled, “The Cross and the Empty Tomb,” to take home and u lize in weekly lesson prepara on. YOUTHNEWS Building Devo Tonight immediately following services there will be a teen devo and games, led by Aus n and Cassie Walker, here at the building. It is a brown bag event so bring your own dinner. There will be a van that will take teens to get food. We will end at 8pm sharp. If you have ques ons, please see Jared. NURSERYWORKERS Sunday Conference call: To listen to our Sunday morning service live, call 1-877-380-7755 followed by 4651356 5thSUNDAYFELLOWSHIP Sunday November 30 is our next 5th Sunday. As you know our 5th Sunday contribu on is not apart of our yearly budget. This allows us to use the contribu on to meet special needs. The 5th Sunday contribu on in November has been designed Missions Sunday Contribu on. We have four missions that need support. November16 10:00 (0-24 mos) Crystal Haney, Donna Thompson, Cassie Walker (2 years) Rhonda Fowler, Catherine Davis 5:00 PM: Susan Brownfield November23 10:00 (0-24 mos) Christy Zarski, Cissy Kuntz, Jordan McMillen (2 years) Kimberly King, Carolyn Miller 5:00 PM: Gwen Coker FOODPANTRYNEEDS: Jelly, SpagheM, Tuna, Pancake mix, tuna helper, spam, beef ravioli, fruit cocktail, rice beans, oatmeal Area Wide Our next area wide will be December 7 in Senatobia. If there are any parents that can help with this event please let Jared know. Winterfest Winterfest is around the corner. If you plan to go, you need to get your $40 registra on fee to Jared. The non-refundable $40 registra on fee is what gets your name on the list. There are 30 spots available and it is first come; first serve. WELCOME,GUESTS! Today’sSermonbyDr.DerekMcNamara You honor us with your presence and your willingness to join us in worshipping God today. An a;ended nursery for 0-24 months is available in the foyer, 2 year olds meet in room 5. Children ages 3-5 will be dismissed aEer the Lord’s Supper for Children’s Church. Hearing assistance is available at the sound booth. Dangerous Evangelism Acts 9:1-19 If you are a member of the Church of Christ and are looking for a place to worship and serve, please consider placing yourself under the oversight of our shepherds and becoming part of our family in serving the Lord. If you are not a member of a church and would like to learn more about the Church of Christ, we would be honored to answer any quesons you may have. Please fill out an ivory visitor’s card and drop it in the offering plate. If you would be interested in a home Bible study please call Derek McNamara at 662-349-3600. MINISTERS OFFICESTAFF Dr. Derek McNamara offi[email protected] Senior Minister [email protected] Antoine2e Jones Antoine;[email protected] Ma2hew Crowe Associate Minister Ma;[email protected] Alan Underwood Raynee Randolph [email protected] Minister of Children’s EducaAon [email protected] Jared McCormick Youth Minister Office Hours: Mon-Thur: 8AM-12PM and 15PM Fri: 8am-12PM and 1-4PM [email protected] Phone: (662) 349-3600 _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ GoodmanOaks ChurchofChrist 11-16-2014 Vol. 3 No. 44 ORDEROFWORSHIP November 16, 2014 Singing - Todd Co2rell 611 “Heavenly Sunlight” Welcome - Derek McNamara “At The Name Of Jesus” “There’s A SArring” Prayer - Bill Phillips 129 “Amazing Grace” The Lord’s Supper and Offering Mike Heard “I Love The Lord Messiah” 508 “A Wonderful Savior” Message - Derek McNamara Dangerous Evangelism Acts 9:1-19 InvitaAon Song: 628 “Will You Not Tell It Today” Shepherd’s Prayer - David Butler MEETINGTIMES THEWEEKLYRECORD SHEPHERDS Phil Anderson Marty Brownfield David Butler Randy Denton Jimmy Eddlemon Tim Mobley Gordon Schmi2ou Jerry Winstead [email protected] ContribuAons: Sunday Offering Weekly Budget A2endance: Bible Class Morning Assembly Midweek Class $21,234 $22,900 337 574 208 Sunday: Bible Class Morning Assembly Evening Assembly Wednesday: Bible Class 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 1700 Goodman Rd. E • Southaven, MS 38671
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