UMEÅ UNIVERSITY Department of Molecular Biology Eva-Christine Lundström 2014 Till kursen Cellbiologi, 15 hp, (3MB002 & 5MO021) Upprop sker kl.13.00, måndagen den 19 january i sal E04, vilken ligger i kulvertplanet i anslutning till byggnad 6A. Det enklaste sättet att hitta sal E04 är att först gå till sal 6A103 (”Astrid Fagreussalen”), vilken finns i byggnad 6A nära ingången till institutionen för immunologi (se pil på nedanstående karta). Där finns det skyltar som visar vägen till sal E04. (kartor över rum finns på ) Ett preliminärt schema är bifogat. Kursledare: Martin Gullberg, tel 785 67 03 E-mail: [email protected] Studieadministratör: Eva-Christine Lundström, tel. 090-785 2869 E-mail: [email protected] Litteratur: Alberts et al., Molecular Biology of the Cell Väl mött! Ingång till Sal ”6A103”, byggnad 6A. Här kommer ni att finna skyltar som visar vägen till sal E04, där vi kommer att vara fram till den 19 februari. UMEÅ UNIVERSITY SE-901 87 UMEÅ Tel: 090-785 2869 Fax: 090-77 14 20 Email: [email protected] The lecture hall is located in the hospital, which is across the road as compared to the University campus. An arrow indicates the location of E04 on the map over the hospital area. E04 is at the ground level at the tip of the arrow UMEÅ UNIVERSITY SE-901 87 UMEÅ Tel: 090-785 2869 Fax: 090-77 14 20 Email: [email protected] Schedule for Cell Biology, 15 hp, spring 2016 (3MB002 & 5MO021) Course time: January 19 – March 23, 2015. (version 8/1-15, note altered time & place for exam) Lecture halls: January 19 – February 20 Lecture hall E04 To find Lecture hall E04, go to Lecture hall 6A103 (“Astrid Fagreus salen”), located in building 6A close to the entrance of the Dept. of Immunology, where you will find signposts that direct you to E04. (see Laboratories: 6A109 Course leader: Martin Gullberg 090-785 67 03, [email protected] Course assistants: Faraq Salah (main responsible) [email protected], Behzad Khoshnood [email protected], Kristina Ruuth (consultant) Course secretary: Eva-Christine Lundström 090-785 28 69, [email protected] Literature/text book: Alberts et al., Molecular Biology of the Cell, (fifth edition) Mandatory exercises: “Practical Professional Training (PPT), 2 ECTS-credits, comprises oral presentation at four minicase de-briefing sessions. These are mandatory exercises and absence due to illness should be reported immediately to the course secretary. In case of illness at one occasion, a written report on study questions/mini-cases should be given to the course secretary. Both practicals (i.e. labs) and their introductions are mandatory and the associated reports have deadlines. Absence from lab course due to illness should be reported immediately to the course secretary. Week 4 (course week 1) Monday 19/1, 13.00-16.00: Roll call and introduction to study question/mini-case sessions Lecture 1: How to study cells Tuesday 20/1, 13.00-15.00: Lecture 2: Membrane biology and cellular organelles Wednesday 21/1, 13.00-16.00: Lecture 3: Cell organelles and intracellular trafficking Thursday 22/1: 13.00-15.00: Question time, study questions week 1 Time allocated to work on the study questions Friday 23/1, 13.00-16.30: De-briefing of study questions week 1 Week 5 (course week 2) Monday 26/1, 13.00-15.00: Lecture 4: Cellular communication I Tuesday 27/1 Uniaden/ Time allocated to work on the study questions Wednesday 28/1, 13.00-16.00: Lecture 5: Cellular communication II Thursday 29/1 13.00-15.00: Question time, study questions week 2 Time allocated to work on the study questions Friday 30/1, 13.00-16.30: De-briefing of study questions week 2 UMEÅ UNIVERSITY SE-901 87 UMEÅ Tel: 090-785 2869 Fax: 090-77 14 20 Email: [email protected] Week 6 (course week 3) Monday 2/2, 13.00-16.00: Lecture 6: Cell cycle I Tuesday 3/2, 13.00-16.00: Lecture 7: Cell cycle II and cell death Wednesday 4/2, 13.00-16.00: Lecture 8: Cytoskeleton I Thursday 5/2, 13.00-15.00: Question time, study questions week 3 Time allocated to work on the study questions Friday 6/2, 13.00-16.30: De-briefing of study questions week 3 Week 7 (course week 4) Monday 9/2, 13.00-16.00: Lecture 9: Cytoskeleton II Tuesday 10/2, 13.00-15.00: Lecture 10: Cell adhesion and ECM Wednesday 11/2, 13.00-16.00: Lecture 11: Cytoskeleton, cell cycle & disease Thursday 12/2, 13.00-15.00: Question time, study questions week 4 Time allocated to work on the study questions Friday 13/2, 13.00-16.30: De-briefing of study questions week 4 Week 8 (course week 5) Monday 16/2, 13.00-16.00: Lecture 12: Summary lecture with a tumor biology perspective Tuesday 17/2 Time allocated to final preparation before the exam / Sporting day Wednesday 18/2, 15.00-16.00 Question time Thursday 19/2 Time allocated to final preparation before the exam Friday 20/2, 09.00-15.00 Exam (theoretical part of the course): sal 1, Östra Paviljongen UMEÅ UNIVERSITY SE-901 87 UMEÅ Tel: 090-785 2869 Fax: 090-77 14 20 Email: [email protected] Week 9 (week 1 of laboratory course) Note – this is a preliminary schedule Monday 23/2, 08.00-09.00: Introduction to the laboratory course 09-00 - : Tuesday 24/2, 08.00 - : Introduction to Lab 1 Continuation of Lab I Wednesday 25/2: Lab report writing Thursday 26/2: Lab report writing 13.00 – 16.00 Karriärplanering för biomedicinstudenter, Mats Reinhold Friday 27/2: 08.00- : Introduction to Lab II 12.00: Deadline lab report I Week 10 (week 2 of laboratory course) Monday 2/3, 08.00 - : Continuation of Lab II Tuesday 3/3, 08.00 - : Continuation of Lab II Wednesday 4/3, 08.00 - : Continuation of Lab II Thursday 5/3, 08.00 - : Continuation of Lab II/Lab report writing Friday 6/3, 08.00 - : Introduction to Lab III Week 11 (week 3 of laboratory course) Monday 9/3: Continuation of Lab III Tuesday 10/3: Continuation of Lab III Wednesday 11/3, 08.00 - : Continuation of Lab III Thursday 12/3, 08.00 - : Continuation of Lab III Friday 13/3, 08.00 - : Continuation of Lab III. (17.00 Deadline lab report II) Week 12 (week 4 of laboratory course) Monday 16/3, 08.00 - : Continuation of Lab III Tuesday 17/3, 08.00 - : Continuation of Lab III Wednesday 18/3, 08.00 - : Lab report writing and Lab seminars Thursday 19/3, 08.00 - : Lab report writing and Lab seminars Friday 20/3, 08.00 - : Lab report writing and Lab seminars/ Cleaning of laboratory Week 13 (week 5 of laboratory course) Monday 23/3: 17.00 Deadline lab report III) UMEÅ UNIVERSITY SE-901 87 UMEÅ Tel: 090-785 2869 Fax: 090-77 14 20 Email: [email protected]
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