135 Strathcona Ave. N. Hamilton, Ontario L8R 3C2 Phone: 905-527-4070 Fax: 905-527-6563 Email: [email protected] www.hcfchurch.ca HAMILTON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP OUR VISION: “To welcome the Presence of God in its fullness, to honour His Word, and to serve His purpose in and from this Place” (Partners-in-Harvest: “To spread the fire of God’s Love, Presence, and Healing throughout the Nations”) Senior Pastor: David Cummings HCF Elders: Anne Jones Hans and Shelley Veenvliet Robert Cowling Sunday School: Katy Bennett Director of Prayer and Worship: Gillian Owensby HCF Directors: Rosanna Megna Vince VanderVeen Evelyn DiFrancesco Tracy Van Dijk November 16, 2014 “You don’t know where the wind blows. And you don’t know how a baby grows in its mother’s womb. In the same way, you don’t know what God will do—and he makes everything happen.” Ecclesiastes 11:5 Welcome to all who are attending Hamilton Christian Fellowship this morning. May you find His Presence here. Congratulations to Andy Luchies and Jessa Kuyvenhoven on the birth of their first baby – Wynona Belle Luchies – born Nov. 13. Welcome little one and be blessed. Andy Groen will be bringing us the message this morning and we look forward to hearing what the Lord is saying to him today. Next Sunday our guest speaker will be Peter Scheller. He's the national planning & development director for Operation Exodus USA, & pastors Destiny Christian Fellowship in Madison, Wisconsin. He's also the son of the founders of Ebenezer-Operation Exodus, Gustav & Elsa Scheller. Back in the spring, Donna White joined a mission team to India that Peter was leading, & he & Pastor Dave were guest speakers at the recent OE conference in Monterrey, MX. 2014 DATES: Sundays - Preparedness Peace course 1-3pm in the Fellowship Hall Mondays - Prayer for Justice 8-9pm in the Prayer building Tuesdays Prayer for Government 7-8pm in the Prayer Building Wednesdays – Operation Exodus/Aliyah Prayer 10-11:30am in the Main Building Wednesdays – Kids Prayer 4 - 5pm in the Prayer Building Third Wednesday of the month – Corporate Worship and Prayer 7-8:30pm in the Sanctuary Thursdays - Prayer Room Watch coffee in the Fellowship Hall then prayer in the sanctuary 10am- noon Thursdays – Preparedness Prayer 1-2pm in the Prayer Room Thursdays - Band of Brothers (men’s group): 7pm in the Prayer Building Every other Thursday (next meeting Nov. 27)- City Wide Corporate Prayer and Worship Event Location TBA Fridays – Men’s prayer 5:45-6:45 am Fridays - Worship With the Word 7 – 8:30pm in the sanctuary Wednesday, Dec. 17 Hanukkah evening celebration Sunday, Dec. 21 HCF Christmas gathering Volunteers Needed VON, the Victorian Order of Nurses is in need of volunteers to help deliver meals to seniors and people with physical disabilities with their Meals on Wheels program. Volunteers are needed to either drive or serve, one day a week during lunchtime, 10:30-1:00. Additional drivers are needed to drive our new VON Meals on Wheels Truck. For a rewarding volunteer experience and to help people in need, please call Mary Catherine Ker at 905-522-0053 PRAISE REPORT – Do you have a praise report of what the Lord has done in your life recently? We would love to hear it and add it to the bulletin each week. We know that He is working in our lives in large and small ways so let’s share the good news and encourage others. Email the office or add it to the pink Fireline sheet and specify that it is for the Bulletin. HOUSEKEEPING AND FYI FRIENDS…if you sense you have a word of encouragement from the Lord or something from the Scriptures that you feel is appropriate to be shared publicly, please submit it first to the person overseeing the meeting. Just a caution… we would advise against allowing someone you don’t know, or is not a member of our prayer ministry team, to pray for you or prophesy over you. If someone insists they have an important word for you from God, we would suggest you refer them to one of the elders. CAREGIVERS: Please supervise your children throughout the entire service, ministry and fellowship times. TITHES AND OFFERINGS Two baskets are placed on the platform stairs to receive our tithes during worship. We invite you to come forward and worship by presenting your tithes and offerings to the Lord or an usher will pick it up from you after the worship. May we honour Him with liberty, joy and thanksgiving! PRAYER REQUESTS AND PRAISE REPORTS Each week you’re invited to fill out a pink Fireline prayer request sheet and drop it into the offering basket so our prayer team can pray for those you put on the list. If you would like to be part of the Fireline Prayer Team, please let Pastor David or Scherrie or the office know. Pass on your unused items on our SWAP SHOP board in the foyer. Fill out a card, and then those interested in what you’ve posted will contact you. For caregivers with babies and toddlers: there is a washroom in the foyer and, if that is occupied, there is a nursery downstairs with a change table and children’s washroom and a monitor so you can also hear the worship service. HCF is committed to aligning ourselves with God’s will re Aliyah, and Pastor Dave is the national director of Operation Exodus Canada. To support the work of Aliyah on-line, go to www.operationexodus.ca and click on the link for “Canada helps”. You can make your tax receiptable “investment” securely on-line, with assurance you are cooperating with God’s end-times purposes! Aliyah means “to go up” a Hebrew word describing the ingathering of the Jewish people to their Land … “going up” to Zion. Contact [email protected] or the HCF website www.hcfchurch.ca to hear previous Sunday morning messages. Our LENDING LIBRARY is in the copier room downstairs and is open to all. There are amazing books and DVD’s free for you to borrow and some are also available to keep. We are grateful for donations; however, we cannot use any Non- Christian materials, so preferably donate those elsewhere. Any cassette or VHS Tapes will be listed as free or donated to Christian Salvage Mission. CSM is a worthy cause and your cassettes and VHS go to a good place to encourage and teach others who do not have access to the wealth of Christian materials we enjoy in Canada. Thanks MINISTRY TIME! Prayer ministry is available after the morning meeting at the front of the sanctuary every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month. Prayer ministry teams will be wearing name tags and are on hand each week to pray for you, to encourage you, to agree with God on your behalf, and to minister to you His saving grace and healing love. Please take one of the designated seats at the front and the prayer team will call you forward in turn. Also, please be respectful of those receiving prayer and refrain from gathering in that area after the service. Except for Communion items and water, please do not bring any food or drinks into the sanctuary. Enjoy your coffee and tea in the foyer or downstairs and then join us in the sanctuary. This will keep our carpets clean and save maintenance and repair costs. Contact the church office at [email protected] to be included in our Directory, update your information, have this bulletin emailed to you, or for any additions or changes to next week’s bulletin. PARKING! PARKING! Unless you’re a senior, please park in the Realtors Assn. parking lot at York and Strathcona. Please consider ‘Paying it Forward’ with an offering into our Healing of the Heart benevolent fund. This is to provide a means of supporting individuals who need financial assistance for long-term counseling and ministry with someone who does this vital work for a living. Make cheques payable to HCF with a note specifying ‘Pay it Forward’. The LOST AND FOUND box will be emptied each month and leftovers donated to a local charity; so please check it often.
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