% 10 % Measuring and Monitoring ts g en in ym ok pa nt* bo ** rd u ca isco d up unt o Gr isco d 15 A Practical Guide to Clinical Quality Clinical Quality Indicators Dashboards and Standards Tuesday 20 January 2015 ICO Conference Centre London Key Learning Objectives: • • • • • • • Measuring and Demonstrating Quality in Practice Demonstrating Quailty: Learning from the CQC Inspections Delivering exceptional quality Developing continuous internal inspection for quality and running mock CQC inspections Developing your Quality Dashboard Quality accreditation at ward level Setting the standards for Quality Supporting Organisations % 10 % Measuring and Monitoring ts g en in ym ok pa nt* bo * rd u ca isco p t* d ou un Gr isco d 15 A Practical Guide to Clinical Quality Clinical Quality Indicators Dashboards and Standards Tuesday 20 January 2015 ICO Conference Centre London “CQC is calling time on unacceptable variation in the quality of care...This variation in the quality and safety of care in England is too wide and unacceptable. don’t wait for a CQC inspection to get to grips with what ‘good’ care looks like.” Care Quality Commission, October 2014 “Quality is everyone’s responsibility… an effective early warning system for quality must begin within the organisation providing care... successful implementation will depend on the ethos, values and actions of people working across the system and at every level.” Quality in the New Health System This conference focuses on measuring and monitoring clinical quality through quality indicators, dashboards, standards and surveillance and learning from the Care Quality Commission Inspections to deliver outstanding care. “Our inspection teams can assess the quality of services to ‘get under the skin’ of the organisation. Importantly, we are already getting a clearer picture of quality in the NHS secondary sector than has ever been achieved. The range of quality between hospitals and within hospitals is far too wide and frankly unacceptable in a national health service. We have seen some truly outstanding services, but also some that are inadequate” Prof Sir Mike Richards, Chief Inspector of Hospitals, Care Quality Commission July 2014 Chaired by Moira Livingston, Clinical Director of Improvement Capability at NHS Improving Quality the conference will include national updates and practical case study sessions. Areas of focus include on measuring and demonstrating quality in practice, learning from the new CQC inspection process, delivering exceptional quality, developing continuous internal inspection for quality and mock CQC style inspections, board assurance for quality and developing an effective quality dashboard, moving from data to intelligent information, delivering ward accreditation for quality and setting the standard for quality. Follow this conference on Twitter #NHSquality Visit our website www.healthcareconferencesuk.co.uk or tel 01932 429933 fax 0208 181 6491 10.00 Chairmans Introduction: Quality National Update Moira Livingston Clinical Director Improving Capability NHS Improving Quality 10.25 Measuring Quality: Using Clinical Quality Indicators, Metrics and Dashboards to measure quality in your organisation Simon Swift Managing Director Methods Consulting 11.00 • prioritising and agreeing the clinical quality metrics to focus on in your organisation • what’s the difference between a metric and an indicator? • how many indicators or metrics should an organization focus on? • establishing and agreeing the individual metric limits and targets • integration into Clinical Quality Dashboards Setting the standard for quality Nick Baillie Health and Social Care Quality Programme Director National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence • setting the standard for quality: quality standard update • demonstrating quality against NICE standards • developing and implementing quality standards in your organization or directorate • quality standards in development 11.30 Question and answers, followed by coffee and exhibition at 11.20 12.00 Inspecting for Quality: how do you demonstrate Quality? Rona McCandlish National Professional Advisor Care Quality Commission 12.30 • the new inspection process and the 5 domains • what does outstanding look like? how do we inspect against quality • why is the effectiveness domain more difficult to assess? • how do you know if your trust/service is effective? • how can you prepare for inspection? • intelligent monitoring data for quality at ward, service & trust level • what have we learnt from the inspections to date? Developing your quality dashboard: from data to intelligent information and board assurance Andrew Cockayne Independent Consultant and former Head of Patient Experience Croydon Health Services • getting hard data from soft information • turning data into intelligent management information • communicating results to drive improvement • assuring the board on quality 13.00 Question and answers, followed by lunch and exhibition 14.00 EXTENDED SESSION: Developing continous internal inspection for quality and running mock CQC style inspections in house Dr Martin Farrier Clinical Director for Quality & Consultant Paediatrician Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust 15.00 14.45 • setting up a process of “internal inspection” along the lines of Keogh, making changes, to maintain standards, and assure that they are maintained even when the CQC and others aren’t looking • understanding the link between quality and mortality • mortality update: learning from the recent mortality review • setting up and running mock CQC style inspections in house Delivering outstanding quality and learning from CQC inspection Nicola Ranger Director of Nursing, Quality and Patient Services Frimley Park Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Frimley was the first UK trust to be rated Outstanding • deliver care which is safe, clean and personal every time • how we measure, monitor and demonstrate quality • how to reduce variation and ensure consistently high quality across all wards • advice for inspection preparation and our experience 15.30 Question and answers, followed by tea and exhibition 16.00 Quality accreditation at ward level Dr Shelley Dolan Chief Nurse The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust Clinical Director London Cancer Alliance 16.30 • setting up a ward accreditation programme • measuring and monitoring quality at ward level • changing culture and practice at ward level • improving quality at ward level through benchmarking Learning from what people tell us we get right!: Always Events Kath Evans Head of Patient Experience NHS England 17.00 Question and answers, followed by close • learning from what people tell us we get right • learning from compliments and positive areas of care • monitoring adherence to always events • examples of Always Events di ou sc p ou bo nt ok ** in g Ca di rd p sc a ou ym Gr nt* ents 15 % 10 % Conference Registration A Practical Guide to Measuring and Monitoring Quality Tuesday 20 January 2015 ICO Conference Centre London > How to book Book with credit card and www.healthcareconferencesuk.co.uk Fax the booking form to receive a 10% discount* 0208 181 6491 > Your Details (please complete a new form for each delegate. 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Date Tuesday 20 January 2015 Conference Fee £365 + VAT (£438.00) for NHS, Social care, private healthcare organisations and universities. £300 + VAT (£360.00) for voluntary sector / charities. £495 + VAT (£594.00) for commercial organisations. *Card Discount 10% discount when you book with credit card. This offer is exclusive to card bookings and cannot be used in conjunction with any other Healthcare Conferences UK offer. **Group Rates A discount of 15% is available to all but the first delegate from the same organisation, booked at the same time, for the same conference. Terms & Conditions A refund, less a 20% administration fee, will be made if cancellations are received, in writing, at least 4 weeks before the conference. We regret that any cancellation after this cannot be refunded, and that refunds for failure to attend the conference cannot be made, but substitute delegates are welcome at any time. The PDF will be sent out after the conference, please fill in the ‘Your Details’ section above for delivery, and the ‘Payment’ section. Accommodation On confirmation of your booking you will receive details of accommodation. Confirmation of Booking All bookings will be confirmed by email, unless stated otherwise. Please contact us if you have not received confirmation 7-10 days after submitting your booking. Exhibition If you are interested in exhibiting at this event, please contact Carolyn Goodbody on 01932 429933, or email [email protected] Credits CPD Certified. Recognised by the Good Governance Institute. The fee includes lunch, refreshments and a copy of the conference handbook. VAT at 20%. 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