Chiltern Lions Serving the Community The Grapevine Distributed Throughout Chiltern, Barnawartha, Springhurst & Indigo Valley Issue No 21 14th November 2014 Fortnightly Since 1976 Chiltern Monthly Market Resumes at Lake View The first Monthly Market to be held at Lake View was a great success on Sunday November 2, despite a rather cold wind that had everyone searching for an extra bit of clothing. Lake View manager Beryl Pickering was delighted with the response from both stallholders and the public and intends holding the market on the first Sunday of the month for the foreseeable future. Her first market had over a dozen stallholders, all of whom themselves were quite happy with the way it went off. They particularly mentioned how friendly the locals who patronised their stalls were. Chiltern Girl Guides provided a sausage sizzle for the hungrier patrons and were very happy with the support they received. They’ll all be back on December 7 and Beryl has already lined up additional stallholders, including cheese and goat meat vendors. A ‘petting zoo’ for children who come along with mum and dad on the day, and if she can sort out the insurance issue, pony rides are also on her agenda. The stalls are located in what is usually the car parking area at Lake View, which has its entrance just near the corner of Victoria and Wills Streets. There is plenty of shade and the house itself provides a lovely backdrop to the market. Beryl is hoping that as well as being something the town will benefit from, the monthly market will provide some much needed funds to assist with the never-ending maintenance requirements at Lake View. There will be a farewell afternoon tea at Lakeview for Dot and Graeme Charles. Sunday the 23rd November at 2pm The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 All are welcome to attend. Please ring Beryl on (03) 5726 1590 with numbers. Advertising in The Grapevine Advertising Rates Full Page Full Back Page Half page 12 cm x 12 cm 12 cm x 6 cm 6 cm x 6 cm $39.00 $45.00 $22.50 $19.50 $13.00 $6.50 Advertising Conditions All new advertisers must complete the ‘Agreement to Advertise’ form available at the Barnawartha Post Office or Chiltern Post Office. For casual advertising, payment is required at the time of lodgement. Accounts will be sent to permanent advertisers. Account enquiries to: Steve Woodburne (03) 5726 1442 Text documents via email are preferred in Word or Publisher format, artwork as a JPEG or PDF (high quality printing): [email protected] If submitting a hard copy of advert left at the Chiltern Post Office or Barnawartha Post Office - please ensure name and contact details are provided for verification purposes and that the envelope is marked Grapevine Article, P O Box 51. Subscription Enquires: John Flitton 03 5726 1764 Cost per year: $10.00 local delivery $35.00 for postal subscriptions Details to: PO Box 92 Chiltern VIC 3683 Free email reminders [email protected] Editor: John Flitton (03) 5726 1764 [email protected] Where to get The Grapevine Chiltern: Chiltern I G A, Chiltern Post Office, Grantees Milk Bar, W A W Credit Union, Chiltern Bakery, Chiltern Pharmacy, Telegraph Hotel, Taylor’s Produce Plus Barnawartha: Barnawartha Post Office, Barnawartha General Store, Star Hotel Indigo Valley: CFA shed Springhurst: Springhurst Post Office From the Editor The club had a very successful Melbourne Cup High Tea. Previously, for the clubs changeover, the wonderful ladies have provided their extraordinary High Tea’s. I am sure the club will do this again and I recommend it to anyone who would like a lovely afternoon. I have again included the call for volunteers for the Chiltern Athenaeum. The sudden passing of Rex, has made it difficult to cover all the hours, as he put so much time and effort in. It is not a demanding job, however very rewarding and you will learn so much about Chiltern and its people. John Flitton Grapevine Editor The Grapevine is online. Visit To receive a free email reminder send email to [email protected] Please note: Next Grapevine is Friday 28th November Copy deadline is Monday 24th November The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 2 Justices of the Peace Chiltern Tourism & Development Inc - New Resident Info Packs Anne Bould 0428500356 We would like to welcome all new residents to the Chiltern area. Reg Coysh 771 Old Barnawartha Rd, Barnawartha Nth 02 6026 7243 Free information packs are available from the Visitors Information Centre, 30 Main St Chiltern, or from the Chiltern Post Office Community Resources Margaret Dempster 185 Howlong Rd, Barnawartha 02 6026 7093 Linda Hall 25 Albert Rd, Chiltern 0409 138 430 Please call to make an appointment Vincent Shelley Old Howlong Rd, Chiltern 03 5726 1427 Margie Tickner 22 Stanley St, Barnawartha 02 6026 7086 Visitor Information: Chiltern Website This web site is provided by Indigo Shire and Chiltern Tourism Association Inc as a service to the community. Please contact Chiltern Tourism Association at [email protected], or call the Tourist Information Centre on 03 5726 1611 for more information. Chiltern Red Cross Unit Please save your stamps! Chiltern Library Conness Street, Chiltern 03 5726 1874 Photocopier / Internet / DVDs / books / magazines. Story time for children : Wed 10.30am Normal Hours: Wed 9.30am—12.30pm Thur 2 - 5pm Sat 9.30am -12.00pm (with a margin of paper round them) to help raise much-needed funds for the Red Cross. Leave them at the Chiltern Post Office. Enquiries: Heather Holden (03) 57261235 Chiltern Memorial Hall Committee of Management Enquiries: Secretary Patrick O’Connor 04 1983 2241 President Kevin Mayhew 0411 600 387 PO Box 54 Chiltern 3683 Bookings through WAW Credit Union Chiltern Articles submitted for publication do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Lions International or the editor. Red Cross Emergency T: 1800 232 969 The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 3 Community Groups Barnawartha CWA meet the first Monday of each month at the S.M. Hall, Barnawartha 1.00pm. New members most welcome. Enquiries: Lenore DeGaris 02 6026 7379, or Marilyn Ferey 03 5726 1968 Barnawartha Recreation Reserve Committee of Management meet the last Wednesday each month at 7.30pm in the Barnawartha Rec Reserve Community Centre meeting room. Enquiries Nerida Kerr 0419 899 024 The Barnawartha Development Association meet monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at Barnawartha Rec Reserve Community Centre at 7pm. Any Enquiries Jordan Clarke 0400083253 [email protected] Barnawartha Neighbourhood Watch meetings for 2014: First Thursday March, June, Sept & Dec At Barnawartha Memorial Hall. Enquiries: Carol White 02 6026 7284 Barnawartha Play Group meets every Tuesday during school terms 9.30—11.30am in the old library at Barnawartha Primary School. Enquiries: Briony 0412 183 419 Barnawartha SM Hall Committee meets 8pm on the first Wednesday of February, April, June, August, October, and December. New members welcome. Enquiries: President Ray Fisher 02 6026 7376, Secretary Jan Baynes 02 6059 7265 Bookings at Barnawartha Post Office. Black Dog Creek Fishing Club Meet 1st Wednesday of the month 5-6pm Club Rooms Lake Anderson Caravan Park Enquiries Laurie Bould (03) 5726 1445 New Members Welcome Cavindew Scrappers meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:30pm for a card-making workshop in Barnawartha. Cost $10 includes all materials. Supper is also provided. Enquiries: Emma [email protected], or 0407 796 631. Chiltern Arts Society meets last Sunday of the Month from 11am in the Gallery (19 Conness Street, Chiltern). All art abilities welcome. BYO art project. Gold coin donation. Enquiries: Meaghan 0447 032 804 Chiltern CERT Volunteers with Ambulance Victoria, providing First Response to Ambulance calls For Assistance call 000 (Ambulance) Enquiries to Team Leader Bec DePiazza 0458 141030 or (03) 5726 1662 Chiltern Girl Guides Friday evenings 6.30 - 8.00pm Values based organisation for girls aged 7 - 18 yrs Enquiries Lynne Emblin 0357261591 Chiltern Line Dancing Every Monday 7-9p.m. Chiltern Memorial Hall Conness St Chiltern. Suitable for all ages. Enquires Rhonda 57261395 Chiltern Lions Club meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. Enquiries: Graham Hymus 03 5726 1250. Chiltern Playgroup meets every Thursday morning 9.30—11.30am at the Lake Anderson Scout Hall. For further details, contact: Erin Anderberg (secretary) 0408109874 Heather Hunter (treasurer) 0401486931 Chiltern Red Cross meet at 1pm at Senior Citizens Rooms, Conness Street, first Monday of each month. Enquires: Heather Stephens 03 5726 1256. Chiltern Senior Citizens Club holds its meetings at 1.30pm on the first Thursday of each month. Enquiries: Pat 03 5726 1459. Chiltern Singers meet each Monday 7.00— 8.30pm during school term in the Senior Citizens Hall. New members most welcome. Cost is $2. Enquiries: Pam McDonald 03 57261816. The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 4 Chiltern & Surrounds Carers Support Group Enquiries to Sharee Donegan at Upper Murray Family Care 02-60558000 Chiltern Spinning Group meets 7pm each 2nd & 4th Thursday night monthly at the Senior Citizens Hall. Beginners welcome. Cost $2. Enquiries: Sandy 03 5726 1570. Chiltern Tourism & Development meets every third Monday at the Old Court House, Main Street, 7pm. All are welcome. Enquiries: Secretary, Joanne Smith 0434 929 842. Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park Field days first weekend of each month Enquiries, Eileen Collins 03 57261 484 Mick Webster 0429 017229 Indigo Adult Riding Club meets on the first Sunday of each month. New members welcome. Enquiries: Katrina 0414 820 355. The Lifelong Learning Group meets each Monday 10am–12 noon at the Chiltern Scout Hall for a variety of activities and a social get together. Come & join us. Enquiries: Lois Hotson 03 57 261 358 [email protected] Men’s Shed Enquiries: President, Rod Wilson (02) 6026 7094, or c/- 11 Main St, Chiltern 3683. Opening Hours: Mon 1pm - 4pm, Wed 9am – 2pm, Sat 9am – 1pm The Shed may be opened by appointment, just call Alex on 0407 964 730 St Mary's Conference of St Vincent de Paul, Chiltern meets the fourth Monday each month, 10am at the Presbytery, North Road, Chiltern. Enquiries: 0407 686 400. Sunday Stitchers will meet first Sunday of the month in the Gallery (19 Conness Street, Chiltern) from 11am. BYO Knitting, Crochet or Embroidery project. Gold Coin Donation. Tea and Coffee provided. Enquiries: Meaghan 0447 032 804 Community Church Services St Andrew’s Uniting Church, Chiltern There will be no services held until further notice as we're in the process of calling a new minister. Enquiries: Heather Stephens (03) 57 261 256 or Ruth Owen (03) 57 261 296 Anglican Church St Paul’s Chiltern 1st & 3rd Sunday at 10.45am, and Wednesdays 9.00am All Souls’ Barnawartha 2nd & 4th Sunday at 10.45am Brown's Plains Chapel 5th Sunday at 10.45am Priest: Fr Peter Tinney 02 6032 9617 Catholic Church St Mary’s, Chiltern Saturday at 6pm. Parish Priest: Father Ware 02 6032 9468 Ironbark Christian Church Chiltern Memorial Hall. Sunday Service at 10am. Life Group Meetings each Tuesday at 7.30pm. All welcome! Enquiries: Pastor Greg & Gina Crossman 03 5721 2296 Cookinburra Christian Fellowship 1st Sunday each month at 7pm Corner of Church Road & Pooleys Road, Indigo Valley Enquiries: Carol 02 6026 7284 Chiltern Medical Centre 11 Main Street, Chiltern (03) 5726 1690 Under New Management Open 6 Days Monday - Friday 8.30am - 6.00pm Saturday 9.00am - 1.00pm Appointment & Walk-in Consultations Available The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 5 Barnawartha Primary School Dear Grapevine reader, we are thrilled to report that once again, we at Barny P.S. have had the opportunity to celebrate another advantage of being a small school. We spent the last day of October on our family excursion at the Werribee Zoo. It is not often that a school community can invite their families to participate in excursions, but being able to offer family involvement increased the enjoyment of the day for all and had the added benefit of strengthening relationships between parents, grandparents, students and staff. We made the most of the day by experiencing everything the zoo had to offer together. Our children represented us with pride and demonstrated our values of being safe, respectful learners at all times … and we loved their enthusiasm and appreciation, even after our long trips on the bus and the hot weather throughout the day. Don’t forget: We have a school app! We are now using an app to send instant messages, newsletters and notices. Search your app store for tiqbiz, download to your phone, tablet computer…or all of them and keep up to date with what’s on at Barny PS. Barnawartha Primary School, Stanhope St, Barnawartha Vic 3688, Acting Principal: Lisa van Noordennen Chiltern Senior Citizens Club Ph: 02 6026 7227 Chiltern Lions Club Melbourne Cup High Tea a Great Success The club would like to thank everyone who came to our Games/Luncheon Day The games were great and the luncheon even better. We rediscovered games that we had not played since childhood. It is anticipated that our next Games/Luncheon Day would be on 19.2.15, commencing 11.00am. Cost would be $10. On Tuesday 4th November the club put on its first High Tea, with 50 guests arriving dressed up to enjoy the afternoon and watch the cup. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the complimentary glass of champagne on arrival followed by a magnificent afternoon tea comprising savoury and sweet exquisite delights. All were able to go back as many times as they liked. Most people would have only required a snack and cuppa for tea. The club put on six $2.00 cup sweeps with all of the money being paid out for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and last place. With the cup over many stayed and enjoyed the afternoon in the Summerfield’s garden. A very big thank you goes t0 Hank & Carol Mechielsen and their daughters Raelene and Robyn for the wonderful food, teas and service. This will be confirmed closer to the date. The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 6 Chiltern Primary School Day for Daniel Thank you to everyone who supported our efforts to raise funds for the Daniel Morcombe Foundation but also to make our students more aware of keeping themselves safe. We raised a total of $100. New Old School Bell Members of the Chiltern Men’s Shed and the year six students presented the new OLD School Bell they created during the metalwork section of this year’s program, to the school yesterday. It will hang in the old bell stand. Make time to have a look at it. They have gone to a lot of trouble. Our thanks also to Upton Engineering in Corowa for donating the metal for our bell. World Teachers’ Day –Friday October 31st At Chiltern Primary we are extremely lucky to have dedicated and knowledgeable teachers such as Colleen, Felicite, Marelle, Kristie, Heather, Kathleen and Alice. Each and every week they carry out not only their allocated classroom and yard duties but also all of the extras that are necessary in a school, such as camps, sleepovers, excursions, sport, School Council, planning cultural performances, fundraising activities, and attending professional development. To all of our teachers, we would like to say a very big thank you!! Also, this year is a very special year for Colleen McQuillen. Colleen is celebrating her 40th year as a teacher for the Department of Education. This is a remarkable achievement. Throughout the years Colleen has taught at Wattle Glen, Watsonia, Southmoor, Mentone, Middle Indigo and Chiltern. Her ability to connect with kids and establish respectful relationships with them is truly something to be very proud of. Colleen works tirelessly each week for every student at Chiltern Primary School, not just those in her classroom. On behalf of every past and present student, teacher and parent I would like to congratulate Colleen, but most of all, say thank you Colleen for your dedication and all you have done for every student who has walked through your classroom door. Chiltern Goods Shed to get Makeover The Mayor of Indigo Shire, Cr Bernard Gaffney, has welcomed the announcement today of three significant grants that will raise the bar in tourism experiences in Indigo Shire and beyond. Cr Gaffney said the $150,000 to develop landscaping, car parking, security and an art hanging system for the Chiltern Goods Shed was a wonderful addition to this newly refurbished site in Chiltern. “This is a $200,000 project with a $30,000 contribution from Council and $20,000 in-kind support from the community. “The work will allow the recently transformed goods shed to become a central point for so many recreational activities including cycling, mountain biking, a road cycling stop, and meeting location. The art-hanging system is designed to protect the internal heritage fabric of the walls and will be a space for orientation and interpretative signage and art exhibitions. “This great project will mean a big boost to Chiltern township with a flow on effect in economic development.” said Cr Gaffney The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 7 St Joseph’s Primary School The children at St Joseph’s Chiltern have specialist Science classes throughout the year. This term in Science the children in P-2 are investigating ‘Air’. This has involved a lot of blowing bubbles, huffing and puffing into balloons and squeezing air out of plastic containers. It is important that future scientists enjoy their investigations and have fun finding the answer to their question or hypothesis. The Year 3-4 class are exploring the weight, force and resistance of air. They are looking forwarding to creating their parachutes, paper planes and kites and conducting flight tests: nothing competitive of course. Year 5-6 are having a focus on Earth Science this term as they compare and contrast plant characteristics and growth features. In doing this they are developing an understanding that plants live in environments that meet their needs. Observations have also been made that plants are more sustainable when they are placed in their native habitat. In inquiry last week the P-2 class worked in groups to design and develop their own creative communities using chalk and recyclables on the asphalt at the front of the school. The children individually and collectively demonstrated team work, organization and higher level thinking while having a lot of fun. It is important for children to be challenged to investigate their thinking and feel that they can arrive at their own answers. If they feel there is only one answer to a problem, we are not encouraging the creative thinkers needed today and in the future. Dedicated and passionate Kindergarten Educators providing quality education for children in Chiltern, Barnawartha, Springhurst, Middle Indigo & Browns Plains Wodonga Office: Kindergarten Administration Telephone: 6056 4399 Save the Date: Family Open Day 9th December: 9.00am - 11.00am 2015 enrolments forms for 4 Year Old funded Kindergarten & 3 Year old Kindergarten are to be received by CEYC no later than 7th November 2014 The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 8 Findlay Reunion. 18th 19th On the weekend October & a family reunion of the descendants of Thomas Gardiner Findlay & his wife Mary (Conheady) was attended by eighty family members, many travelling from Queensland, Perth, Gippsland & Melbourne to join a considerable number from Bright, Wangaratta, Corowa, Albury & of course Chiltern, where the family began in the 1850's. The main organiser was Alan Findlay, a great grandson of Thomas & Mary, also a son of Leo & Teresa Findlay, (both deceased) formerly of Chiltern, late of Moe. The family gathered in Albury on Saturday afternoon, where much memorabilia, photos etc. were eagerly viewed, while much chatter & catching up on the happenings of each of the relatives, was of great interest. The family history dated back to 1750 was brought along by Anne & Bernadette, daughters of Bill & Mary (Marengo) Findlay, much of the history was researched by Bill & Pat Findlay, then much more research by Anne & Bernadette, a continual project of theirs. On Sunday 19th the family came to Chiltern gathering near Nesbits on the Beechworth Road, one of the previous homes of Thomas & Ita Findlay, & birthplace of Eunice De Piazza (Findlay). We than travelled round town viewing the former home of Joseph & Mary Findlay (now Milligans), then to where the home of William & Margaret Findlay once stood. We then travelled on to the cemetery, where we took a walk, our guide being John Sanders also a grandson of Thomas & Mary, & son of Ita & Norm Sanders (both deceased), formerly of Reid Street Chiltern. The family were very impressed with the beautifully kept condition of the cemetery, a big “thank you” to all those who give of their time to keep the cemetery in such great condition. After then viewing the site of the original home of Thomas & Mary. A few hundred metres before what was previously known as Wenke's Crossing, (near the railway underpass), we all adjourned to the home of Erin, Andrew & Jedd Dryden for a very enjoyable lunch, after which, most of the families began to make their way homeward, all very happy with the two days of catching up with each other, & hoping to do it all again in a few year's time. Eunice DePiazza DO YOU HAVE A FEW HOURS A WEEK / MONTH TO SPARE DO YOU ENJOY MEETING NEW PEOPLE / TOURISTS DO YOU WISH TO PROMOTE CHILTERN THE CHILTERN ATHENAEUM IS LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS TO MEET & GREET TOURISTS COMPUTER SKILLS WOULD ALSO BE AN ADVANTAGE Further enquiries please contact: Chiltern Athenaeum President, Bill Steele on 0407 515985 The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 9 From the Athenaeum Extracts from The Federal Standard Newspaper 120 YEARS AGO Friday, November 2, 1894 We are now close to our great annual sports gathering. We allude more especially to the sports which are to be held in the Chiltern Park on Friday, November 9th, under the auspices of the Chiltern and Rutherglen Branch of the A.M.A. The Prince of Wales Birthday is always looked upon as Chiltern's great gala day and the idea of holding sports at that time has been in existence almost ever since Chiltern was Chiltern. The Miners have now had control of the 9th November sports for some five or six years and the loyal manner in which they cater for the public cannot be too highly commended. This year they promise to give away some £120 in prizes for various events, the chief amongst the number being the Sheffield Handicap of £40, for which nominations have closed. Amongst the runners will be noticed some of the elite of the professional world, Sydney and Melbourne runners being well represented. A feature of the day will be the Punch and Judy Show, which the committee have engaged, and four free performances will be given throughout the day. Friday, November 16, 1894 The Minister of Railways proposed to make an important change in regard to the sale of tickets at all stations. In many cases, at present, if a traveller wishes to go from one part to another he has to purchase tickets at difference stages of the journey. Mr Williams says he does not see why a person should not be able to cover the whole journey on one ticket, and he proposes to see if such an arrangement cannot be brought about. 60 YEARS AGO Friday, November 5, 1954 BARNAWARTHA'S NEW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IS DEDICATED Following the destruction of the Barnawartha Methodist Church in the disastrous bush fires of January 1952, local Presbyterians, who had held their services in that building, decided to build a church of their own. A meeting was called by Mr. Eric Gowers, then Presbyterian minister, and a good attendance resulted. The late Mr. E. J. Baxter moved the motion that the building be gone on with, and Mrs. C. Holloway seconded. Immediate steps to raise finance were taken, and several trips made to Melbourne to interview the head of the Church, who granted approval. Mr. Ian Sproule, of Albury, was the successful tenderer for £2950. Gravel, etc., was carted by members of the congregation and the building was started in November 1953. A women's guild was formed, with Mrs. Harold Lobban as president, and Mrs. E. J. Baxter, secretary-treasurer, and a group of willing workers set to work to raise money for the furniture by stalls and other efforts. In two years with such events and donations £600 was raised. Donation of furniture: Pulpit was donated by Mrs. Baxter, Sen.; minister's chair by Mrs. B. Mills, Mt. Beauty; first elder's chair, Mrs. L. Ollson (S.A.); second elder's chair, Mrs. C. Eames; organ stool, Mrs. W. McRae; carpets and fencing material, Mr. and Mrs. P. Lade. Organ, Communion table and font were purchased with money raised by the guild. Many working bees by the men folk cleared the site, and since the building was completed many such have been held to put everything in order for the big day. At 2.30p.m. on October 28, visitors came from Albury, Bonegilla, Chiltern, Hansonville, Kergunyah, Moama, Katamatite, Rutherglen, Myrtleford, Narrandera, Yarrawonga, Howlong and surrounding districts, about 150 being present. The Interim Moderator, Rev. Stevens of Wangaratta, knocked on the door, and Mr. E. Baxter, secretary of the church, opened it from within. Then the ministers, presbytery and congregation entered and took their seats. Mrs. C. Holloway was organist, and the Moderator led in prayer. After the services all adjourned The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 10 to begithe S.M. Hall, where the afternoon tea was provided by the Ladies' Guild, thus bringing to a close a red letter day for Barnawartha Presbyterians, and a real "back-to" meeting for all old friends. On Sunday last Mr. Ron Wallace took the first service in the new church, and spoke in glowing terms of the honor bestowed on him. Quite a large congregation was present.Friday, November 12, 1954 OBITUARY - MRS. FRANCE C. S. HORN The death occurred on Monday November 8, after a protracted illness, of Mrs. France Sara Helena Horn, wife of Mr. John Horn at the age of 79 years. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Booth, deceased was born and educated in Chiltern, marrying John Horn in Chiltern where they lived the rest of their married lives and raised the following family: - Ann Isabell (deceased), Godfrey James (Eskdale), Vere May (Mrs. Kirby, Victor Harbour S.A.), Mary Frances (Mrs. Benham, Warrandyte S.A.), Arthur Wilson (Chiltern), Ethel Booth (Mrs. B. Fuge, Indigo), Joseph William (deceased), Eric Charles (Chiltern), Winston Anzac (Chiltern Valley) and Mavis Lillian (Mrs. Stan Everon). Deceased died at the home of Cr. and Mrs. Basil Fuge, and was laid to rest in the Chiltern New Cemetery on Wednesday. Father Goldsworthy read the burial services and Messrs. Lefoe and Todd had charge of the mortuary arrangements. £5 REWARD OFFERED On Saturday night a portable wireless and new overcoat were stolen from Mr. Alan Lea's car parked near the Chiltern Star Theatre. He is offering £5 reward for information leading to their recovery. The theft was a most audacious one as First-Constable Roberts was in, or close to, the theatre all night, and for the greater part of the night an exterior light was burning. On Thursday night hoodlums chocked the wheels of a certain Holden, and during the pictures a small stone was thrown and hit a patron. Neither First-Constable Roberts nor this paper will pull any punches when these hoodlums are eventually caught. So far, we have refrained from naming culprits, but from now on its boots and all. 50 YEARS AGO Friday, November 13, 1964 LOCAL CHILD BITTEN BY SNAKE Prompt treatment and a high-speed dash to Wodonga Hospital on Tuesday saved the life of a five -year-old girl who had been bitten by a tiger snake. The child, Laurice Margery, is now in a satisfactory condition. With her mother, Mrs. K. J. Margery, Laurice had walked a short distance to the gate of their Barnawartha farm to collect bread when the snake struck. The bread carter, who saw the snake, applied a tourniquet above the punctured area and the Wodonga ambulance was summoned. Mr. J. Jones, Wodonga Ambulance station officer, travelled at high speed to meet the parents, 7 miles out on the Murray Valley Highway. Wodonga Hospital was alerted and a doctor was waiting to administer tiger snake anti-venom when the child arrived at the hospital. GARDEN PARTY WITH A DIFFERENCE The Garden Party to be held at the lovely home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ashmead on Friday, November 20, promises something different in this form of entertainment. For the first time the livewire Infant Welfare Committee led by Mrs. Olive Nesbitt and a strong committee are conducting a Miss and Master Garden Fete Competition for children of pre-school age. Entry is free; independent judges have been engaged, and judging will take place at 2.30p.m. As on a previous occasion a lot of work has gone into making the garden and spacious lawns their best for the occasion. The sweeping, well-cut lawns will cater for the croquet competition and form a fine background for the colourful frocking promised for the occasion. With Christmas just around the corner there is now need to look for suitable Xmas Gifts. These will be found on a well-stocked stall at the fete. A lovely afternoon tea is promised for those on the cool or sunny parts of the verandah or lawns. There will be a lucky dip as well as other stalls to help raise funds for the new Infant Welfare Centre to be commenced very soon. Proceedings n at 1.30p.m., so go along and meet the best people in the loveliest frocks. The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 11 The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 12 Chilterns Fire Brigade Activities Marelle Whitaker CFA Media Relations Officer Are you aged between 11 and 16 years old? You may be interested in joining Chiltern Junior Fire Brigade. We will be holding a Juniors’ Demonstration before the FireReady Meeting. Come along for a try out and find out what it is all about. Bring the family and enjoy a sausage at the free Community BBQ Time: 5-6.00pm Demo 6.00pm BBQ 7.00pm FireReady Meet’g Date: Sunday 30 November Where: Chiltern Memorial Hall Fire Danger Period The Fire Danger Period is when CFA restricts the use of fire in the community. This is to help prevent fires from starting. Once the Fire Danger Period has been declared, fire restrictions come into force. This means you cannot light a fire in the open air unless you have a permit or comply with certain requirements. If you don't obtain a permit, you could be breaking the law and may be prosecuted. The Fire Danger Period in Indigo Shire is expected to begin on Monday 17 November 2014. Please listen to local media for confirmation. The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 13 Chiltern Football Netball Club SWANS 2015 COACHING PANEL The CFNC committee finalized all coaching appointments for 2015 last week and look forward to the season ahead with genuine excitement as we welcome a number of new faces to our coaching ranks. Shaping up as a big year for the club! 2015 CFNC COACHING PANEL Football Senior: Mark Doolan Reserves: Luke Brookes Thirds (U17): Cade O’Neill Fourths (U14): Mark Stephens Netball A-Grade: Shannon Terlich B-Grade: Lisa Beckett (Maras) C-Grade: Malorie Dishot 18&U: Jenelle Phibbs 15&U: Sally Twycross (Now Resigned) 13&U: Angie Peake Footnote: Sally Twycross was reappointed as 15&U coach for 2015. Sally has since informed CFNC that due to commitments at Wodonga Raiders she will be submitting a resignation from the 15&U position at Chiltern. The Committee shall reassess the coaching position. CWA CHAT We at Barnie have been busy with various things happening. A number of members have put entries in Wodonga and Rutherglen shows with a good deal of success. Also entries in the CWA State Exhibition - Tess received a 1st for her beautiful jumper, Noni received 2nd for her lovely hand-made patchwork and quilted knee rug. We also attended the Barnie Family Fun Day with a cake stall - we had so many cakes, slices, biscuits we couldn't display more than a quarter of them. A very good result and many people to talk to (and sell to). Across Victoria many members are currently writing notes about the late Valerie Fisher, including some of our members, together with photos all to be sent to Head Office to be collated and a book to be printed. The aim is to launch the book to coincide with a world conference of the Associated Country Women of the World, which is being held in Melbourne and it will be launched at Barnawartha CWA in February 2019, prior to the conference. Some of our branch participated in the Girl Guides Create-to-donate project by making slices with Guide biscuits, when they sold them in Chiltern at the kiosk near WAW. Prior to our October meeting, 2 members instructed us on flower arranging and members brought their own vases and flowers, and Lenore and Vera supplying lots of foliage and flowers too - they looked really fabulous. The AGM and regular meeting were held on 4th November with a share lunch and of course the cup sweep and hats too. Our new president is Noni, secretary Marilyn and treasurer Jan and we look forward to our December meeting followed by a Chrissy lunch in our hall. Greetings of the season to everyone in the "Grapevine" family, and a good safe holiday time . Until next year, Marilyn Monster Garage Sale 198 Howlong Road, Chiltern (on town garage sale map). Look for signs & balloons Furniture, Electricals, Kids Books & Toys, Scrap Metal, Farm Equipment, Saddlery, Something for Everyone. Farm Gate will open at 8.00am The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 14 26235 a small school where big things happen! * * * * * * * Faith and values based education Strong focus on curriculum Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program A KidsMatter School Reading Recovery – Literacy Intervention Enhancing Mathematical Understanding – Maths Intervention Social and Emotional Literacy -Educating the child for life in the global village. Taking enrolments throughout the year. Our 2014 fees are very reasonable: $1137 for the first child or $22 dollars a week Two children $25/week Three children $29/week Please drop in or call if you would like to know more. Phone: 57261388 ARfuels national HQ to move to Barnawartha Indigo Shire Council has issued a planning permit that will allow the national headquarters of Australian Renewable Fuels Ltd, currently in Melbourne, to move to Barnawartha where it operates a Biodiesel Plant. The application is to demolish part of the existing offices at the Barnawartha site and replace them with a smaller and more energy-efficient, contemporary office to accommodate staff. Indigo Shire Mayor Cr Bernard Gaffney said the head office relocation showed great confidence in Indigo Shire. “This project ticks all the boxes for us. It will provide corporate jobs for local people, which is a key concern, and the smaller building will be built on environmentally sustainable principles,” Cr Gaffney said. “The office and relocation of the corporate headquarters will, to our understanding, mean that Australian Renewable Fuels will be the only ASX listed company headquartered in the Indigo, Albury, or Wodonga Council areas.” Andrew White, CEO of ARfuels said, “ARfuels is pleased to continue and expand its association with the Indigo Shire and community. This relocation continues the work of the original project of Biodiesel Producers Ltd and includes the employment of an additional five staff at the Barnawartha site.” It is hoped that work will begin before Christmas. The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 15 Dear Editor, With it being the centenary of the outbreak of WWI, I just thought some people in Chiltern may like to read this letter from the Australian Ambassador in Belgium Regards Beryl Pickering The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 16 Vale - Tognella, Maureen Margaret (nee Shelley) Maureen was born at the Chiltern hospital 83 yrs ago and lived on the family farm at Indigo. She attended Cornishtown school and with her sister Claire helped her father on the farm and cared for her sick mother. While at school the pupils were involved in Junior Farmers which then became one of the first young farmers clubs in Victoria. Maureen contested and won Young Farmer of the Year. She endured a lot of heartache when her childhood sweetheart was thrown from a horse and killed. Finally she met and married Paddy Tognella and they moved to Oxford St where they raised their son Dean (and many of his friends) Dean has now married Sheridan and with their two children Lachlan and Alexrandra live in Hurstbridge. Maureen worked tirelessly for many organizations including the footy club, swimming club and St Joesph’s School. In more recent times she spent a lot of her time preparing the Catholic church for mass, funerals, weddings etc. Maureen also spent much of her time on her hands and knees in her beloved garden She was much loved and will be sadly missed after her unexpected and sudden demise. THANK YOU. Tognella, Maureen Margaret.(13/6/32 - 6/10/14). Brian, Dean & Sheridan wish to say thank you to the people of Chiltern and surrounds for their expressions of sorrow and help on this sad occasion. VALE - Heather Trigg 20/4/1930 - 5/11/2014 Heather was born at Warrnambool in 1930. Both her parents passed away in 1936 and Heather was educated at a Boarding School. Travelling to England in 1958 Heather met Pat Dow on the ship; the start of a friendship that only ended with Pat's death earlier this year. Heather and Pat spent two years abroad and on their return to Australia settled in Queensland. Heather assisted at Roseworld nursery at Redland Bay and also spent some time as a housekeeper at a Co-Ed College at Charters Towers. She was also employed as a telephonist at one time. Heather and Pat settled in Chiltern about 1986 and both became involved with the Chiltern Golf Club. Heather served as Ladies Handicapper for about 20 years and also had several terms as Ladies Captain. She held clinics for the local children and also organised Junior Competitions. She continued to play a weekly round at Howlong until her sudden death at the Albury Hospital. Heather will be sadly missed by all her friends. For Sale Tom’s Ute 1999 Toyota Hilux Dual Cab Ute with Canopy Auto, Petrol, 2 wheel drive, 197,250km’s, 8 months Rego: PZW:948 RWC $8,000ono Phone Coral 0427 261826 The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 17 Healthy Active Indigo North 11 Main St Chiltern Vic. 3683 03 57261405 VicHealth is encouraging Victorians to swap sugary drinks for water for 30 days. The H30 Challenge asks people to make a simple pledge to replace every sugary drink they would normally drink with water. 168 High St Rutherglen Vic 3685 02 06336200 02 60329133 Fax The aim of the challenge is to help establish healthier habits, with water becoming the main choice of beverage in the long term. Email: [email protected] If 30 days seems to long, over the next week thinking about what you drink. How many sugary drinks a day do you drink? District nursing services Personal care services Home care services Strength Training Life Ball Tai Chi Walking group –Heart foundation Activities Group Men’s Shed Chronic Disease Management Program Counselling Out of School Hours Care Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Podiatry Speech Pathology Visiting Services: Podiatrist Physiotherapy Counselling Disability Advocacy and Info. Service (DAIS) Training: Apply First Aid CPR refresher Anaphylaxis Asthma management External Automated Defibrillator Training First Aid Course Friday 21 of November st HLTAID 003 Contact Julie Berry for details: [email protected] $100 full course $90 for refresher. The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 18 The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 19 Full Page $39.00 Half page $22.50 12 cm x 6 cm $13.00 Full Back Page $45.00 12 cm x 12 cm $19.50 6 cm x 6 cm $6.50 Deadly Art Chiltern Lions Printing Service Selling original Aboriginal Art & Craft Open 7 days 9.30am to 4.30pm Jeff & Ursula Shop 2/47 Conness Street, Chiltern Ph 03 5726 1113 or 0423 303 341 No Job Too Small or Too Big! Documents, Photo Enlargement, General copying. Call John (03) 5726 1764 [email protected] The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 20 R & J Zani Earthmoving & Garden Supply Bobcat Excavator Grader Water Cart Tractor & Slasher Garden Soils Pine Bark River Stone Road Base YES WE DO DELIVER! General Earthmoving Tree Removal Trenching Demolition Drive ways Grass Slashing Phone: 0412866552 - 0260329407 1491 CHILTERN – RUTHERGLEN ROAD RUTHERGLEN Outside the Box! Kids Yoga Fun & Fitness Classes 60 Conness St Chiltern Now Open 60 Conness St Chiltern 3683 Rainbow Warrior Class 3-5yo Thursday mornings 9.30-10.15 Maximum 10 in this class PERSONAL TRAINING AND Jelly Beans Classes 5-8yo Thursday Fitness 4.00-4.45 Thursday Yoga & Relaxation 4.55-5.40 Maximum 12 per class Banana Benders Classes 8-12yo Tuesday Fitness 4.00-4.45 Tuesday Yoga & Relaxation 4.55-5.40 Maximum 12 per class Please feel free to call me to enrol your child 0407 531 510 GROUP CIRCUITS Now Open Please feel free to call me if you want to join in or if you have any questions on 0407 531 510 A YEAR FROM TODAY YOU WILL HAVE WISHED YOU STARTED NOW The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 21 BARNAWARTHA STORE LUCKY 7 NOW AVAILABLE WE ACCEPT STAR CARD MOTOR PASS FLEET CARD MOTOR CHARGE CALTEX PREMIUM FUEL 98 UNLEADED FUEL 91 DIESEL PH OPEN 7DAYS 0260267827 The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 22 Chiltern Lions Printing Service No Job Too Small or Too Big! Documents, Photo Enlargement, General copying. Call John (03) 5726 1764 chilternprint@ The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 23 Local Heroes plus IGA LIQUOR We Here At Chiltern IGA Are Trying Something A Little Bit Different We are offering 2 choices of takeaway on Friday and Saturday nights. November 14th and 15th Lasagna Lge $9.99 Sml $8.50 Chicken Carbonara Lge $9.99 Sml $8.50 Greek Salad $14.99kg Our Pizzas are also still available On both nights Check our Liquor Department For some great prices And YES we are open til 7pm Saturdays now. November 21st and 22nd Beef Green Thai Curry Lge$12.50 Sml$10.50 Chicken Satay Lge $12.50 Sml $10.50 Fried Rice Lge $8.00 Sml $6.00 36 Conness St, Chiltern 0357 261471 fax 0357 261211 JOIN THE LOCALS SERVING LOCALS Please note: Copy deadline is Next Grapevine is 28th November 2014 Monday 24th November 2014 Sue Robbins Hair and Beauty Specialising in over 35 years of experience in the Hair and Beauty industry, offering you just what you need. Hi everyone, just letting you all know Sue Robbins Hair and Beauty has moved to a new address and a new phone number all services are still available looking forward to seeing old and new faces please contact Sue on 0357261821 or 0429656306 to make an appointment 30 Gibson Street Chiltern The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 24 BROWN’S EARTHMOVING SAND, SOIL & HARDWARE SUPPLIES 27 Mackay Street, Chiltern Phone (03) 5726 1203 or Mob 0409 037713 Find us on Facebook; Under Variety Tools For all your Sand, Soil, Conmix, Mulch and more. Plus, Garden Mulch / Straw & small Square Lucerne Bales. For all your Concreting needs we have Cement, Rapid Set and Lime. Now in stock: Rio Mesh for concreting (62 & 72) Don’t forget our large range of Hardware & Auto. Stihl & Husqvarna - Chains from $25 & Bars from $60, Wheelbarrow Wheels, Hand Trolley Wheels, Jockey Wheels & Caster Wheels & 90mm & 100mm Storm Water Pipe Machinery Bobcat / Augers 200/300/450 Excavator 7.5 tonne Excavator 2.5 tonne Grader (small) Trencher Rotary Hoe Wacka Packa Tractor Slashing 3 Tonne Tipper 8 Tonne Tipper 8,000 litre Water Truck Cool Room Hire Trestle Table Hire Also chairs for hire The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 25 Open 7 Days a week Open Wednesday to Sunday 8.30am to 4.30pm 7am – 4pm Hot Breakfast Available on Weekends till 10.30am Dine In or Take Away Phone orders welcome 03 5726 1000 NATHAN ATTERIDGE CARPENTRY BAS Garden & Landscape Maintenance ABN 77660306193 ABN: 81 655 740 231 0407 163 336 [email protected] General Garden Maintenance, Property Maintenance, Hedges Trimmed, Trees Trimmed, Garden Makeovers, Landscaping, Pergolas, Decking, Paving, Fence Screens, Rubbish Removal For a free quote, please call Craig 0401 297100 Specialising in all domestic construction, renovations, new dwellings, pergolas & robes–no job too small! The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 26 In Stitches Andrew Lockett This Space Now Available $6.50 Sewing Service Quality Garment Alterations Kim Collins 0414 569 800 Chiltern Electrician Vic REC-23548, NSW-266937C 2091 Indigo Creek Rd Indigo Valley 3683 0499 551422 Lockett Electrical No job too big or small [email protected] MUSIC TEACHER Experienced teacher currently taking private piano / keyboard, voice, theory of music, guitar and recorder lessons. Pam McDonald 03 5726 1816 Call David Ross on 0407 946 871 For all Advertising Enquiries Please Contact or email John Flitton on (03) 5726 1764 [email protected] Barny Bill’s Produce B & D Ellison Cabinet Makers Ph 0417 491696 Bulk Pet Meat 10kg With over 30 years experience - servicing Eldorado, Wangaratta, Chiltern, Beechworth and surrounding areas. Horse & Dog Products Rapidvite, Redlands, Spectrum, Kohnke’s Own ABN 86994145180 Brian’s Yard Care ABN 15 941 829 925 Wide range of affordable Services Pensioner rates Insured Brian McVean 03 5726 1898 0400 261 898 Quality Custom Made + Free Design & Quote Kitchens/Robes/Laundries & Vanities/Bookcases etc. Contact BRIAN on 03 5725 1683 Workshop at 72 Mackay Street, Eldorado,VIC The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 27 Mon^& Tues Lunch 12noon - 2pm Dinner 6pm - 8.30pm $4.50 Schooners all day long!! Wednesday Lunch 12noon - 2.00pm Dinner 6.00pm - 8.30pm 5.00pm - 6.00pm $15 Pot n Parmy Thursday Lunch 12noon - 2.00pm Dinner 6.00pm - 8.30pm 5.00pm - 6.00pm $15 Steak Night Friday Joker Poker & Raffle Night Come in and enjoy delicious meals in our Bistro For Lunch & Dinner on Sat & Sun 12noon - 2pm & 6pm - 8pm ~ Choose a nice Cold Beer in our Bar or from our selection of Local Wines ~ Call Wayne to organise your next private function at our Friendly Hotel 03 5726 1470 ~ Check out our website: The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 28 ABN 36-187-498-592 Corner Conness and All Mechanical Repairs Main Streets, Free Pick Up & Delivery Chiltern, 3683 Tyres, including puncture repairs Phone 03 5726 1572 Trailer & Horse Float Repairs & Rebuilds Bockman’s ACDelco Batteries Swap & Go Gas Over Christmas and New Year we will be closed 25th, 26th, 27th & 28th December and 1st, 2nd & 3rd January. We will be open 29th, 30th & 31st December & resume normal Trading hours from 4th January Full Page $39.00 Half page $22.50 12 cm x 6 cm $13.00 Full Back Page $45.00 12 cm x 12 cm $19.50 6 cm x 6 cm $6.50 CHILTERN PHARMACY Pharmacist: Michael Benjamine 24 CONNESS STREET T: 03 5726 1660 HOURS OF BUSINESS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9.30am—5:30pm SATURDAY 9am—12.00 noon Christmas Gifts are Now Available new range of earrings - watches - cosmetic bags - nail polish hand creams - perfumes luxury soap - aromatic candles and diffusers The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 29 ALLWERX PLUMBING Vic Lic. 36347 D&K CLEANING SERVICE STUART DYE Plumbing 56 SCHOOL ROAD, SPRINGHURST VICTORIA 3682 plumbing & gasfitting split system installation NSW Gold Lic. No. 7418C, Vic. Lic. 28350 NSW Gold Lic. 7418C Vic Lic. 28350 PHONE 03 5726 5346 FAX 03 5726 5146 MOBILE 0427 265 346 EMAIL [email protected] Cleaning services we provide: solar hot water installation 46 READ STREET, HOWLONG NSW 2643 Carpet steam cleaning with accredited firm status lic. no. 106773 in inspection & restoration carpet cleaning hot water service replacement bathroom renovations All our cleaners have police + working with children checks backflow prevention & service drainage We are insured, and all employees have Workcare Water & Sewerage Connection Roofing Drainage Servicing all country areas All Maintenance jobs No job too small Gas fitting (Natural & LP) Mobile 0428 678 772 CONCRETOR CONTRACTOR Specialising in all types of Concrete Work roof repairs Windows cleaning After-build cleans bushfire sprinkler installation Floors stripping and resealing Supermarket cleaning compliance certificates Pressure washing School cleaning General cleaning End of lease cleans ♦Slate Impression ♦Stencil & Colour Domestic cleaning Subcontractors for blind cleaning Craig Saville Only use a licensed plumber—call John on M: 0418 350 917 Office cleaning ♦Driveways/Paths ♦Shed Floors ♦House Slabs ♦Exposed Aggregate Mobile 0409 946 192 AH 02 6032 7482 For all Advertising Enquiries Please Contact or email John Flitton on (03) 5726 1764 [email protected] The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 30 Simon A. de Garis FAPI Land Valuer Property Consultant Fine & Decorative Art Gallery Unique Craft & Gifts Handmade Vintage Style Clothing Creative Kids Classes Knitting Yarn & Patterns T/F 02 6026 7379 M 0400 367 516 [email protected] Barnawartha VIC 3688 19-21 Conness Street Chiltern MUSIC TEACHER Massage Therapist Lynne Emblin Therapeutic, Relaxation, Sports injury, Deep tissue 21 years experience For an appointment Telephone: 03 5726 1591 or 0408708946 Registered for Work Cover & some Health Funds Want to learn to play the piano, violin or flute? I have years of experience and successful teaching all ages, from beginner to advanced. Play for pleasure or work towards AMEB exams. Sally Ross B.Mus., B. A., Dip. Ed Springhurst 0414 468 521 Please note: Copy deadline is Next Grapevine is 28th November 2014 Monday 24th November 2014 Licensed Plumber – Drainer – Gasfitter – LPG - Roofer OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE LIC NOS. 48838 (VIC) 59152C (NSW) We are able to offer a FAST and RELIABLE service to meet all clients needs Specialising in: ◘ All General Plumbing ◘ Gas, electric & solar hot water systems ◘ Leak location & problem solving ◘ Irrigation &pump systems ◘ Roof repairs & maintenance ◘ Renovation &maintenance work ◘ Water tank installation & maintenance ◘ Accredited Enviro Plumber ◘ Drainage, septic & air-rated systems ◘ Commercial and industrial work 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE NO JOB TOO SMALL CALL LANCE ON: 03 5726 5554 or M: 0405 686 929 The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 31 Indigo Glass foster carers come from Total glass and glazing service Contact us on: 0419 385 697 03 5726 1982 all walks All types of glass replacement Glass and mirrors cut to size Leadlight built to order Etched and sandblasted glass Glass for solid fuel heaters of life What’s Stopping You? CALL US NOW 02 6055 8000 For all Advertising Enquiries Please Contact or email John Flitton on (03) 5726 1764 [email protected] Chiltern Post Office • • • • • • • • • • • • 54 Main Street T: 03 5726 1300 All Postal Services OPENING HOURS Banking – Personal & Business (over 70 financial institutions including CBA, NAB, St George) Bill Payments (over 1000 bills accepted, including Rates) Phone credit for all providers (including Telstra, Optus, Virgin, Vodafone etc) Discounted overseas calling cards 9.00am - 5.30pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday Open to 7.00pm every Thursday night Passport interviews ID Photos (8 digital photos for $14.95) Working with Children Checks VIC ROADS Agency Work Safe Licences Learner Permit Tests Heavy Vehicle Work Diaries Post Office Boxes Number Plate Returns Faxing & Photocopying Greeting Cards & Wrapping Paper (great range and quality—only $1, printed in Australia) Unregistered Vehicle Permits The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 32 This Space O’NEILL AND TODD Funeral Director Established 1937 is Now Available Just $19.50 For courteous and dignified service at all hours Seven days a week Servicing Chiltern, Rutherglen & Barnawartha District Pauline Lappin Chiltern 03 5726 1302 Benalla 03 5762 2461 Pre-paid Funeral Plan Monumental Services Terry Feehan (Proprietor) Member A.F.D.A. Full Page $39.00 Half page $22.50 12 cm x 6 cm $13.00 Full Back Page $45.00 12 cm x 12 cm $19.50 6 cm x 6 cm $6.50 ELDORADO PLUMBING Servicing the North East ☺ General Maintenance ☺ Hot Water Services ☺ Spouting Renewals ☺ Blocked Drains ☺ Water Tanks ☺ Septic Installations ☺ No call out fee ☺ 35 years exp Darryl Hawkins Electrical Contractor Lic No Vic 19441 NSW 93609C Commercial & Domestic Installations & Maintenance Repairs [email protected] Mob: 0458 406545 Simon Knowles Kay Lavender Emma Knowles 76 Conness St Chiltern Telephone: 03 5726 1286 Phone Graeme on Mob 0407 353537 Hm (03) 5725 1383 Lic 19183 The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 33 Please note: Copy deadline is Next Grapevine is 28th November 2014 Monday 24th November 2014 BARNAWARTHA POST OFFICE AND NEWSAGENCY ABN: 94 150 215 049 Your One Stop Shop A great range of cards and gifts for you to choose from For all occasions along with all of the usual Australia Post Services including mobile phone recharges, bill paying & banking facilities. Contact details: Licensees; Glenn & Katrina Smith, 37 High Street Barnawartha Vic 3688 Ph. & fax: 02 60 267 202 E-mail: [email protected] Opening Hours: Mon – Fri: 6.00am to 5.00pm Sat: 6.00am – 12.00pm 8.5 KG bottles only $35.00 Elgas Swap & Go, gas refills for smaller gas bottles as well as delivery of 45kg cylinders to Barnawartha, Chiltern & immediate surrounding areas The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 34 The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 35 The Grapevine 17th October 2014 Edition 19 36
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