Distribution, phenology and habitats of the lesser dung fly (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) of Sweden and Norway, with notes from adjacent countries species FOLKE FLOREN Florin, F.: Distribution, phenology and habitars of the lesser dung fly species (Diptera. Sphaeroceri- dae) of Sweden and Norway, with notes from adjacent countries. [Hoppflugomas (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) utbredning, fenologi och habitatval i Sverige och Norg€, med spridda uppgifter fren angdnsande liinder,l Ent. Tidskr. I l0: l-29, Ume6. Sweden 1989. ISSN 0013-886x. - A total of 133 species of lesser dung flies (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) are hcrc recorded from Sweden and Norway. More than 35,000 spicimens. mainly preserved in alcohol, were studied. From this material, thi species Minilimosina hispidulo Roh6aek. 1988, and the subspecics Sphaerocera pseudomonilis hallux Rohiiek & Flor€n, 1987, were previously described. Four additional new species in the genera Trachyopella, Opacifrons, Minilimosina and Telomerina will later be described by J. Roh6Eek and S. A. Marshall. Other unidentified specimens are still being examined by specialists. This will probably increase ihe number of species known from this region to well over 140. Some spccics records are also given for Denmark, Finland and lceland. Recorded for the fi$t time are 62 spccics from Sweden, 25 from Norway, and one from lceland. For each species, information is provided on adult phenology, recorded habitats, and successful coli.cting methods. F. Florin, Service Center Jor Te\ofiomi( Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, P O. Bor 50007. S-104 05 Stockholm. Sweden. Introduction The Sphaeroceridae or lesser dung flies is a family of very common, usually small and dark, acalyptrate flies. They are distinguished from other acalyptrat€s by their short, thickened first segment of the hind tarsus (Pitkin 1988). Another diagnostic character is that some of the posterior wing veins frequently end at the posterior cross vein or continue to the wing margin only as faint traces. Most species are fully winged and capable of flight, but many of them fly only rarely. Instead they often move by running or jumping with their elongated hind legs. Most species of this family are generally considered to be saprophagous. Adults are often observed on animal droppings, dung hills and decaying vegetation, where they feed and lay their eggs. Quite a number of species have been recorded from runs and nests of small mammals. which often contain dung and decaying plant material. Most authorities consider the Sphaeroceridae to be closest related to Heleomyzidae. Trixoscelididade. Rhinotoridae and other acalyptrate flies. McAlpine et al. ( l9tl I ) classitied these families in the superfamily Sphaeroceroidea (Pitkin 1988). There are over 700 described species of Sphaeroceof which at least 290 are recorded from the Palaearctic region (Pitkin 1988). The Swedish lesser dung flies were previously studied by Fall6n ( 1820), Zetterstedt ( 1840, 1847, 1855, 1860) and above all by Stenhammar (1855). Among ridae the species described by these authors 26 are still valid. Subsequently, only scattered notices have been published, e.g. Wahlgren (1917), ArdO (1957) and Hackman ( 1967). This repon is based on work carried out at the Service Centre for Taxonomic 'Zoology, Zoo-tax, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm. From all specimens examined at this centre, 35,000 specimens of sphaerocerid flies from more than 40O localities and 6,000 catches, mainly from Sweden and Norway, were sorted out and used in the present study. Almost 70 collectors have contribuled with material. Besides the poorly studied boreal forest region in nonhem Sweden, the material gives a fairly good picture of the disribution of sphaerocerid species in Sweden. 2 Folke Florin A total of I 33 species were identified, all recorded from Sweden (62 tbr the firsl time), 37 from Norway (25 for the first time), seven from Iceland (one for the first time), three from Denmark and one from Finland. The species Minilimosinu hispidula Rohd' dek, 1988, and the subspecies Sphaerocera pseudo' monilis hallu.r Rohriiek & Flor6n. | 987, were both described from this material. Four additional new species will be described by Rohdiek and Marshall in the near future. Unidentified specimens representing some additional ten species, some maybe undescribed, are under examination by Roh6iek and Marshall. These studies will probably increase the total number of species in the studied material to well over 140. The Swedish species lisl will then approach 150 species, which is a high figure relative to other countries. Material and methods The main part of the studied material was collecled by the following persons and instilutions: Hugo Andersson, field catches with different methods from a large number of biotopes, mostly in prov. SK, HA' SM and nonhern Sweden and Norway: Hugo Andersson & Roy Danielsson. OL: Halltorps hage (1980), sweep-nettings and different kinds of traps: Lennan Cederholm, SM: Aseda Kullebo, cow house, window traps; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SK NB, fields cultivated with potato (Roland Sigvald 1987), oil seed crops (Johan Mijmer & Barbara Ekbom 1987), oats (Gdran Nordlander) and wheat (Hans von Rosen), yellow traps; Swedish Veterinary Institute, 6G-UP, cow house and pastures. window traps and sweep-nettings (Bech-Nielsen et al. 1982); G6ran Andersson & Jan Jonasson, LY: Ammarn?is, mouniain birch forest, window traps ( I982); Karl M0ller et al., AN: AngerAn, l-U: Messaure and TO: Abisko, river and lake shores with surroundings, differenl kinds of Iraps r I 970- I 9tl2)l Folle Florin. SO: Algit. grass compost, pitf'all traps and sweep-nettings (studied continuously between May-October during five years, yielding 67 species, some of them previously undescribed)i Sigmund Hlgvar, flies on snow from Norway, and Erling Olafsson & Thrdstur Erlingsson, flies from Iceland. Old material collected by Boheman, E. Haglund, Holmgren, Roth, Slenhammar and G. Hedgren, arranged by E. Wahlgren in 1927 and kept at the Entomological Department of Swedish Museum of Nalural History, Stockholm (tray l6:3 Borboridae) is also included in this reporl. Complete joumals with detailed biological and distributional data are available at the Department of Entomology, Swedish Museum of Nalural History, Stockholm. Location of specimens in museums and other collections is presented separately for each species. In the following list the information for each species is given as: ( I ) synonyms in brackets (the synonyms presented are those of Swedish authors or other synonyms of special interest); (2) selected references in parenthesis; (3) records fiom Sweden, Norway and adjacent countries (province, locality. date with 19 omitted, no. of males and females, collector)l (4) distribution with literature records for the Nordic countries; (5) biology followed by habitat data of the studied specimens and the methods with which they were collected; (6) total nos. of specimens studied of each sex, and range of collecting years and months: (7) museums and/or collections where the material is kept. The names of the most frequently mentioned authors are abbreviated (see below). others are given in full. Abbreviations for the provinces of Denmark, Norway and Finland are those used in Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, but those used for Sweden are according to Cederholm (1972). Locality data from Sweden are according to Svensk Onsfiirteckning (1974). When not otherwise stated Hugo Andersson is the collector with the following ex(eplions:6L: Halltorps hage, H. Andersson & R: Danielsson; SM: Aseda Kullebo. L. Cederholml SO: Atgii. F. Flordn: ,AN: Angerln and f,U: Messaure, K. Miiller et al.; LY: Ammarniis, G. Andersson & J. Jonasson; N Kongsberg at river Ligen in Norway, R. Hall; Iceland, E. Olafsson. AbbreYiations Authors: A = H. Andcrsson. D = O. Duda, F = C. F. Fallin. C = D. P. Gapasin. H = W. Hackman, K = C. K. Kim, M = S.A. Marshall. Ni = P. Niclsen. N = A. L. Nonbom. P = L. Papp, Pi = B. Pitkin, R = J. Rohridck, Ri = O. Ringdahl. Rs = O. W. Richards. S = Ch. Stcnhammar. W = E. Wahl $en- Z = l. W. Zetlersledt. Countries: according to lhe national signs used on cars. Collectors: AA = Anders Ahlstrand. HA = Hugo Anders son, KA = Kjell Ander, JA = Jonas Ardit, PA = Paul Ardii. JOB = Jan Olof Bjorklund. Bhn = Carl Boheman. PB = Pcr Brinck. Ch = Charpcnticr. RCD = Richard C:son Dahl. RD = Roy Danielsson. PD = Pcr Douwcs. BE = Barbara Ekboru. LE = Lennart Eksrraim. TE = Thri)stur Erlingsson. FF = l.olkc Florin, HF = Hcnrika Fkrrin, SG - Svcn Ccnlin, EG = Il. (irahn, UC = tllf G:irdcnli)rs. Hagl = Emil Haglund. The lesser dung flies of Su,eden ond RH = Ragnar Hall, CH = Christer Hansson. GH = Custav W. Hedgren. KH = Karl'Johan Hedqvist, Hgn = August Emil Holmgren, SH = Sigmund HAgvar, GI = Gunnar Israelsson, AJ = Anton Jansson, UJ = Ulf Johnsen, TK = nrrbjiim Kronestedt, JL = Jan Lundin, TL = Torsten Larsson, TEL = Tor-Erik t*ile r, CL = Carl Lindrcth, UL - Ulf Lundwall, TM = Tcresa Mirestriim. KM = Karl Miiller, JM = Johan Mrimcr. MN = Monica Niklasson, GN = Giiran NordIander, TN = Tord Nyholm, EO = Erling Olafsson, PIP = Per lnge Persson, JR = Jan Regnander, OR = Oscar Ringdahl, HR = Hans v. Rosen, Roth = Carl David Roth, CR = Gustav Rudebeck, NR = Nils Ryd6n, RS = Roland Sigvald, Sthr = Christian Stenhammar. BS = Bo Svensson. SVA = Sveriges Veteriniirmedicinska Anstalt, ES = Edvard Sylvin, MS = Michacl Siircnsson. BT = Bo Tjeder, TT = Tord Tjeder. MT = Mark Toneby, PWg = ps1", Wahlberg, HW = Henrik Walddn. Wc = Wcstesson, TW = Torbjiim Wallgren, BO = Bcmt 6darp. Collecting meahods: F = pitfall trap. Y = yellow trap, W = window trup, M = Malaise tmp, B = baited trap, P = picked on snou. S = siftcd, N = \*ecp-nenrng. Museums and collections: BML = British Museum (Natural History), London, IMN = lcelandic Museum of Natural History, NFI = Norwegian Forest Research Institute, JRO = coll. of Jindrich Rohddek, Opava (Czechoslovakia), NRS = Swedish Museum of Naturul Hisrory, Stockholm, sMo = Slezsk6 mrizcum Opava (Czechoslovakia),ZlL = Zoological lnstitutc, Lund (Sweden), ZIU = Z.oological lnstitute, Uppsala (Sv/eden). ZMH = Zoological Museum of the University. Hclsinki (Finland). List of species Sphaero,cera curvipeli [srr-illl arr aucr.]. (K 1968, Pi 1988). S: SK: Stoby Arkclstorp 550620 l?l Andersl<iv l. 750703 ld RDI Bosarp 'l lM22 16 RD: N Krankesj<in 2d; Lund ttl05 2d59: Lund Bot. garden 720503 2d RD: Mariannclund tll V VIll 2d 3 Vlsterplana I ? AA: 2d 1 9 Bhn. BO: Fiskebiickskil 240531 I ? GH. SO: Alstt 830710 1d.85 vt-x 3d.8606 2d5?. 87 VI-VII 2dl?. UP: Ed Antuna 79 V IX 22d159, 80 IV VIll 4d109 SVA; Faringe Erikslund 12d25I FF: Getingamii 79 VIII-IX 4d4 ?, 80IVVnI 3?,810717 1d SVA; Estuna Hov 8l V-X 14d239 770808 SVA; Vada MAlsta 800514 I d 3 I SVA; Stockholm Exp.fiiltet 2107 ld, 220515 l9 GH; Stockholm 29 GH; 3d39 Bhn; Svartsjai 2206 I ? GH. - VB: Rdbecksdalen tt006l2 l9 RS. tS: Leidv6llur 850620 I d EO & TE: Hlidarendi 840820 l 9. Cosmopolitan incl DK, S (F 1820 subsultans: Z 1840 shsltuni, SK-LY: Ri t94t, SK, HA; 1951, JA, LU; Ardd 1957, SK, HA), N (Z 1847 subsuhans), SF (H 1980) and IS (new). Wide ecological tolerance, larvac chiefly coprophagous (R 1984): cow houses, cow dung, pasturts, potato ficlds, maple in sap, grass compost, on ncttlcs. N F Y W. 351d44t9. 1954-87, rV X (NRS. ZIL. IMN), 9d149 Bhn, GH, der. Kim 1967 (NRS). 2. Sphaerocera monilis [rarsalis Wahlgren. l9 l8]. (K 1968, Pi 1988). S: SK: Stoby Arkelstorp 550620 I ?: Lund 54- Mariannelund 810720 I ? RS; I I Roth. HA: Sndstorp 550705 1?; Amilt 640720 1?. -SO: Atgo 8S vlIX 7d49. 86 V VII 8d39; 87 VI-IX 5d2?. - UP: Balingsta Eriksberg 7904 1? JM. Europe incl S (W l9l8 rarsalis, SK; K 1968, SK) and SF. Terricolous, occurring in decayed fungi and leaf litter (R 1980): grass compost, garden, potato field, meadow with bushes, dirch at a rye field, N F Y. 2l d l4 9. 1954 87. V tX (NRS. ZIL), 1 I Roth (NRS). 0903 I d: -i. Sphaerocera pseudomonilis hallux. (R & Flor€n 1987). S: SO: Algii 830628 2d , 850929 I d, 8510,06 i 9. 860629 ld S (new), the nominate subsp€cies only known from Japan. Biology largely unknown; grass compost, F. 4d I ?. 1983 86.VI X. Type material: 2d I I (NRS) ld (JRO). In the following list, data on all records of all identified species are presented. The used format is described above, and includes also information on habitats, adult phenology, collecting methods etc. A check list of the Swedish species of Sphaeroceridae is presented in Tab. l. that also summarizes the known records from Swedish provinces and from the other Nordic countries. 7406f -5 Nor*'ay 2 ? RS: Orup 80O618 I ? RS: Baldnngc Skogshejdan 690616 | d: Blenrarp Sram, penbackcn 690622 2d BS: Stenshuvud 740616 l? HA, 4. Ischiolepta ctenata l.oronata Zelterstedt. 18381. (Rs l9ltl, Pi 1988). S: UP: Stockholm 29 Bhn. (det. K 1967). North and Central Europe incl S (Z 1840 coroaala. AS type loc.; K 1972: 207 l9 type) and SF. Rare, collected in runs of small mammals (R 1984). 29 Bhn (NRS). 5. lschiolepta dentiatlala lparat'renata Duda. 1920]. (R & P l9ll4, Pi 1988). S: SK: N Krankesjdn 740730 | ?. - SM: ld l9 Bhn. OL: I dBhn; I ? Hgn. - OG: I 9 Sthr; ld Bhn. VG: Homborgasjain 870715 I 9. - UP: ld I ? Bhn: 49 PWg. Europe incl S (K 1972: 209) and SF (H 1967a). Takcn in snrall mammal burrows 1H 1967a) and in watcrhirds' ncsts (Rs 1938): sandy lake shorcs. N.29, 1974 tt7. Vll (ZIL).4d 89 Bhn, Hgn. Sthr, PWg patrrcrrrrro, det. Kim t967 (NRS). 6. Ischiolepla micropyga. ( Rs I93tl. D lg:Ut). S: SM: Slah) 19. SO: Algir 8o060li 19. l,U: Mcssaurc 71. 0lll9 l?, Ccntral Europe and S (ncw). A rarc tcrricoluus ld l9 RD: Siivdesjiin 560530 I d:Akarp-5505:?; ld Bhn. - llA: Amrlr 5504{)7 46d519 co* house.630602 ti5062q 5d29. lirrcsts (R 1984): pond with scdgc, grass compost. pincwtxxl by Lulc river, N F.39, l97l-116, Vl-Vlll (NRS, Ztt-). 81061,1 16.MO721 rd.66 l ?. 69062216.',1306 96 5 9. 730609 SM: Aseda Kullebo 7607 66d I ll 9: Trottcsliiv ld RS: Siiraby Vanorp 720501 I 9 RD: 2d Bhn. Ol,: ldl9 Bhn. 0(i: Bjiirka-Saby 79 V XI 4d69,llo V IX I l4d l2l I SVA: Htigsjii l9 TW; Kolmlrdcn 2(n8 l9 GH: Tiimcvalla Linghcm 791130 2d4?. l{0 V Vlll 10d79 SVA; Vist Stavsiircr 7905 l0d2l 9. 80 Vl Vlll 10d229 SVA: Vallcrstad 79 VIMII 2d SVA; l? Bhn. V(i: Hassliisa Ekg{rdcn l? RS: Kinnckullc ld Bhn: ttl0rSl() spccic's anrong decaying mattcr in boggy mcad{)ws und aldcr 7. lschiolepta nilida llcntiruluta aucl.l. (R & P l9tt4). S: SK: Viusjii V Briina 830529 ld; Forsukar tll{)t102 ld: Stcnshuvud l'i30614 ld RD;4d19 Rothr ldl9 Uhn. V(i: l9 Bhn. UP: Vada Milstt ll(X)s1.1 l? SVA: Sr(xit holnr l? Bhrr: Uppsald 320516 l9 Gll. North und Ccntrul F,uropc incl l)K ( I I l9lt6 B r\. crnr)m- ). 4 Folke FlorCn l. A check list of the Swedish species of lesser dung flies (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae), with records for the faunistic provinces SK-TO. Records from Denmark (DK), Norway (N), Finland (SF), and lceland (IS), are also presented. Records were classified as: (A) literature records, (B) ditto, specimens also examined by the author, and (C) previously unpublished records presented in this work. "Lapponia" denoles old records not possible to locate to province in Swedish Lapland. Tab. SK BL HA SM OL CO CS OG VG BO DS No. Species Sphaerocerinae , B 1 Sphaerocera curvipes Lateille, 1805 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 l0 S. monilis Haliday, S. ps?udomonilis .....,...,. . . .. . Rohiiiek & Flordn,1987. . . (Meigen, 1830). .. . . 1836 .... .. .. lallrt A B 1830). ......... C 1920). ...... B 1820) .............. B 1836). ......... C - Copromyzinae Copromyza horealis Tetterstedt, 1841. . . .. 12 C. equina Fall€n, 13 C. ncgletta (Malloch. 1sl3). 14 C. sinilis (Collin, 15 C. stercoraria (Meigen, 16 Lorophilo atra (Meigery 1830).. . . . ... .... ,... l7 Borborillus costalis (Zete$tedt, 1847)..... .... 18 B. fumipennis (St€nhammar, 1855) . . . . 19 B. sotdid.us (Zette$tedt, 184'1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 B. uncinatw (Duda, 2l B. viuipennis (Meigen, ... . . .. 22 Alloborborus pallifrons (Fall€n, 1820) . . ... . . .. 23 Crumomyia frmctaria (Me\gen, 1830). . . . . . . . . . 24 C. globrifrons (Meigen. 1830). 25 C. nigro (Meigen, 1830). 26 C. nnido (Meigen. 2'7 C. notabilis (Collin, 28 C. pcdcstris (Meigen, 29 C. pruinota (Richards. 1932t. . . . 30 C. rtrserli (Rondani, 3l C. se,itibialis (Spuler, . 1820. .............. 1930). ............. 1830). ........ .. ,. . ........... 1923) 1830) .. .. .. 1830) 1902). 1830). 1880). 1925) ........... ........... .......... ........... ......... . B B C B C A B A C B A B B B A C C Coproica acutangula (Zetterstedt, 1847).......... B C..ferruginuta (Stenhammar, 1855). . . . . . . . . . . . . B C. hinic:ula Collin, C C. hittula (Rondani, C . 1956 ....,........ 1880). ........... ......... B C. luguhris (Haliday, 1836).. 3'7 C. pusio (Zetterstedr. 1847).... ....... B ........... B 38 C. vagans (Haliday, 1833). 39 Philocoprclla ir.r/i( a (Deeming, l964) 40 P. qrudrispinu (Laurence. 195:). . . ... .. . .......... ............. 4l Eluchisoma ateftimum (Haliday, 1833) 42 E. pilosum (Duda, 1924) B C 41 ra(h!'op?lla (Nudopellat leu(optera (Haliday, 1836) .1 14 . (Mi usruld) minustula Collin, 1956. B - 45 7. (s.str).rrdrlr.J (Rondani, 1880) C 'l ............... 46 7'. (s.str.) hoyilla Collin. 1954 . . . . .. . .. . .. C 47 f. (..\tr.) !4trina 1Dtda. lq18). . . . . 48 7. (..slr.) Ixrr:(i (Dudd, Iql8) .. 49 7. (s.str.) linautions (Spuler, 1925). .. . . ... .. . . C 50 7. (s.str.) rncluniu lHaliday,1836). . .. . . ... .... .. C . . 5l lfutrurx huctu hruch"-stomu (Stenhammar, 5l /. r,trrr,.rtrr tSpulcr. 1925). lli-55). . C _; ; C cc __ CBBB_BBC c-c- C Limosininae 32 33 34 35 36 c- BC C- . lschiolepto ctenata l. denticulqto (Meigen, l. milopygu (Duda, I938). l. niti.lo (Duda, I. pusilla (Fall6n, I. scabri<ula (Haliday, I. vaporariorum (Haliday. l816r. ll NA CBC-BCA CCCC_BCC BC_C C_B__B c-ccC-ABB_ CBABBCA _B CA_BCC ,C a c c C _B - a_. _ BCBACCCCC-BC CCCCCC CC_CC_ CCCC_CC_ BCB-BBA_ BCCA_BC_ -C BCC_BCA_ cc-ccCCBC_C C C -cc CC_C CCC cccc a ACBC BCC C The lesser dung flies of Sweden and Norway 5 De svenska anema av hoppflugo$ (Diptcra, Sphaeroceridae) utbredning i de inhemska landskapen samt i grannliindema. Angiven fdrekomst baseras p6: (A) lineraturuppgift, (B) dito, aven kontrollerad av fdrf., samt (C) tidigare opublicerade fynd presenterade i fiircliggande uppsats. No. SO UP vS vR DR GA HS ME HR JA AN vB NB AS LY PI LU TO DK N SF IC C 2C C 3C 4B B 55C 't-B--A-A 8C C _ _ C 9C r0 - B II I2C 13 - B _ C t4- c c - c 15- c - - c l6C B C - t7- c IE - C I9_A_A-LAPPONIA 202t2223C 2425_ 26272829303l - c B B B B B C 3233C 34C 35C 36C 37C 38C 1940c 4t c 42C 43C 44C 45C 46C 4'! C 48C 49C C C C C C B C - - C C C - C A A _ C _ _ A _ A _ A A A - C C C - B C A B _ A _ A _ - A B - C A A A B A B - c c - c - A -A c c A - cC - c B C c -- A - A c _ C _ B B A _ A C A _ A - C - - c C C C C C C - C C - C - 50c B 5r - A 52- - C C C C C C C c C C - - cC c - - C C C - C C C - C - C B A C C C C - A IS C A A A A A A A A A A A A -B B B A A A B A A c A _ C A A A AAA_ A A A - A - A - C A - - A A A A A A C A A - C A A A - C A A - A C A - A C - - A - A - A - A C A C C A - A - A A A A A -- A - A - A - C - A C A c - -- A -c A A A - A 6 Folke FlorCn SK BL HA SM OL GO GS OC VC BO DS No. Species 53 f.:osterae (Haliday. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 6l 62 63 64 65 66 67 .. . . . . . Opocdrons crrata (Stcnhammar, 1855) . O. Jlutiluhris (Hackman. 1968). . O. hunidu (Haliday. 1836).. .. O. septentrbnalir (Stenhammar. 1855). Leptotera (s.str.) a/pira Rohriiek, 1982 L. (s.srr.) caeaoso (Rondani, 1880)... ... . .. ... .. .. . . . c-cc c-cc . L. (s.str.\ rtnalis (Collin, 1956) L. (s.stt.') fontina,lis (Fall6n. 1826). L. (s.str.) niRra Olivier, l8l3 . . . . ... . (s.str.) oldenbTei (Duda, l918) L. (Rachispoda\ ar(cpi (Stenhammar. 185-5) . , . . . . L. (R.) lzrelrteps (Stenhammar. 1855). 6E L. (R.) (ryptochaeta (Duda, l9l8). 69 L. (R.) Juscipennir (Haliday, 1833). . . . '10 L. (R.) limosa (Fall€n. 1820) . .. . 7l L. (R.) lueubrina (Z.etter,tedt, 184?).. '12 L. (R.) rrto.ra (Stenhammar, 1855) . . . 13 L. (R.) lutosoidea (Duda, 1938). 74 Limosirut s rutica Meigen, 1830... .. '75 Gisalimosino llaricepr (Zetterstedt, 1847)... . .. 16 Apteromyia .lat i enris (Strobl, 1909) 77 llerniosino hequaeni (Yillenewe, l9l7) ..... ... 78 'l'errilimosina rauttitzai (Bezzi, 19ll).. ..... ... 79 T. schmir:i (Duda, 19l8) 8O Minilimosina (Svrciella) splendens (Duda, 1928) . 8l M. (5.) mica (Papp. 1973). .... 82 M. (5.) r'arrxrn (Villeneuve, l9l7). . 83 M. (5.) t'itripetnis (Z€tlersledt, 1847). . . . .. . . . . 84 M. (s.stt.) Iungicola (Haliday, 1836) . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 M. (s.str.) gerzella Rohriiek, 1983. . . . . 86 M. (s.str.) hispidula RohAEek, 1988..... . . c- B C B C B ;a BB ;; _c __ c-ccc B_CC.C cccc-c CC B_ CC . . C c c 93 P. subtribrura (Rohiiaek, 197'l).... c . ... 1 92 P, kaszsbi Papp, 1973. . 94 Spekthia ( Eulimosina ) aciripcs (Meigen, 1830) ... belania Rohiiek, 1983.. ........ 95 .S. 96 S. s.str. hrs2rza Marshall, 19E5...... ... .... 97 S. s.sr. .amrriru (Richards, 1929).. .. ... 98 S. s.stt. claaipes (Mcigen. 1830). . .. . . ... . . .. 99 S. s.5tr. ibrida Rohddek. 1983. .. . . . ilahr is (Rondani, I 880) mari( ara (Richards. 19271 ....... nana (Rondani, 1880). 102 .s. parrxald (Richards. 1927) .. 103 .s. t 04 .s. 2.rppi RohriEek. 1983 . r05 s. s.stI parupuskt (Dahl, 1909) . .. ... 106 s. s.slr pseudontruli s (Dahl, | 909). r07 s. s.slr. pseudltsetanu tDuda. l91 8). 108 s. s.str. /ry'ilaDlis (Stcnhammar. 1855). .. . . . . . . IO9 S. 5.Str. talpdrum lRich'dtds, 1927 l. . . . llo s. Bifro sittd) rri'oas (Slcnhammar, I 855). . . . . . . lll Pullinosina (Dahlimosina) dahli tDvda. l9l8) . . I 12 P. (s.str.) ante atd (Duda, l9l8). ll3 P. (s.str.) hctcroncurd (Haliday, I836) s.str, s,str. s.str. s.str. C c- BC CC BA C_CC 90 Xcnolimosino setaria (Villeneuve, l9l8) ......... 9l Paralimosino fucdra (Rondani, 880) . . . . . . . . . . . . .s. cC cc cc cc c C_ i_ -_ C c c c c c _ '__ t: i_ _- B C C . 89 M. (Allolimosina) secundtria (Duda, 1918) s. s.str. BC BC BC CC- c--c cccc C_CC _B 1855) .. . .. ... c lm l0l c_ BBCBC BCCCB BB__B B_C_C c-c B_B B__BC A-c BCBCB cc B_CB BB-C- . t. 8'1 M. (s.stt.) parvula (Stenhammar, EE M. (s.str.) tenera Rohitek, 1983 . . . . c- B_ACC B_ B-CCC B_BBC B_CCC B-A_ 1833) ticorpus crihrutum \Villcne]ue, l9l8) . Pteremis fenesrrolr (Fall€n, 1820) . .. Punc NA I urc . . B c C -_ Cc aa -; c-cc B BC BCCBCC ;c cccccc CC B,CC C_CCC_ BCCCC BCCC A_ -ccc BCBCB_ B-cccB_CCC_ ccc BCC_C C i !_ c C C. C. _C aC BC ;_ cc BC c CC BC a : The lesser dung flies of Sweden and Norway 7 No. 56 UP VS VR DR GA HS ME HR JA AN vB NB As LY 53- C 5455C C 56C B 5758C B 59-C 606lc c 62C C 63C B 64C C, 6566867C A 686970- A 71 72C B 7374- B 7576C C 7',| 78- C 79C C 80c 8l82C C 83CC 84C C 85C 8687C C 8889m9l92C 9394BC-C 95 9697- 98C C ryc IOO C C 101 -c102-C103 104 105 106 107 108 109 C C - C C C C - - C C C C - - C , c C C C C C C - C PI LU To DK ABAA A_ A_A_ - c - c AA_ -AABAA A_A_ CACAA -cAcABBABBA AAAAA_ ; - - A AAACABBAA A_ A_A_ A-A_ C_A_AA AB A_ CCACAA -cA- -CACA_ CCACAA ACAA CCCA c-A- __ C C C C C C C C C - B c c c c 1r0 c c ll1 fi2C C C lr3 c c - N sF Is i_ _ -AABA_ A_ A-c-cA_BABAB -c-cACCACAB -cA-cA-AA_A_ _CA_A- c c C _;;;; -CCBBAB _CA_A AAA_ CA CA_A -A_AA _ 8 Folke Florin SK BL HA SM OL GO GS OG VG BO DS No. Species l14 P. (s.str.) meijerei ll5 (DwJa, l9l 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . P. (s.str.) ao?sra (Villeneuve. l9l7)............. 116 P. (s.str.) prilald (Zettersredt, 1847) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Chaetopodcllq scutcllaris (Haliday, 1836)........ ll8 Kimosina (Collimosina) spinosa (Collin, 1930). . . 119 K. (Alimosinq) empiica (HuttoD, l90l). ... 120 K. (s.str.) longisetosa (Dahl, 1909) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l2l (. (s.str.) plumosrla (Rondani, 1880) . . . . . , . . , , , . 122 Telomeriw eburneo Roh6(ek. 1983 . . . . ........... 123 T. flavipes (Meigen, 1830). 124 T. levifrons tSpuler, 1925) 125 T. pseudoleucoptera {Duda, 1924). . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 126 Opalimosina (Pappiella) /iftputaaa (Rondani, 1880) 127 O. ( Denrilim{)sina) denticulata (Duda, 1924)...... 128 O. (s.str.) calcarilera (Roheaek. 1975) 129 O. (s.str.) col/ini (Richards, 1929) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 O. (s.str.) mirahilis (Collin, l9OZ). . . .. . . . . . . . . . . l3l O. (s.str.) simpler (Richards, 1929)..... 132 Rudolfina ra.r/<osnri (Rohidek, 1975) . . 133 Halidayina spinipennis \Haliday,1836) . .. . .... .. C C B B c c C B C CC C B B B NA C__C c--c C_ . C c C C C . B c C C C CC CC -C C C B v-vlll 8.Ischiolepta pusilla. (R & P 1984, Pi 1988). S: SK: Stoby Arkelstorp 550620 ld; Bjiimstorp 880415 l9 MS; Ellestad 7m610 19,7,10831 Humlariidshus ltilad 850601 ld; Klostergrrden 730429 N Krankejiin 700503 I ?, 730701 1 d, 750620 I 9 ; Kullaberg 67041 I 1 d, 690804 l?,720809 ld, ?50807 2?l Kullen 590704 3d CL: LomLund 410803 t? KA,710801 4d39 ma'750526 ldl9: HA; Mariannelund El VI-VII 29 RS: Ringsibnns 650813 16: Ripa 831I l0 2d I MS;RlAvassar 610520 ldt Baldringe Skogshejdan 69 VI-IX 3 ?; Stenshuyud 820531 l9: Stivdesjdn 560530 l9:Vombsjon 1dl9: Akarp 550527 19. - HA: Rydbbruk 860811 l9 JA: Tdnnersa 800609 I ?.810?20 I RS: Amilr 55 lv-v l5d 129, I I 56t tv 2'16359,570@8 rd,630602 3d ,64042'l t6,661d 3 9, 690518 26.13vl l 2d5?:Snijstorp 55 V-VII 5d379. SM: l{elgesbo 850629 ld: Hyltebruk 860907 ld I 9 JA; Aseda Kullebo 7607 308d 10689; Skonit 850726 I 9 RD; Tagel190727 I d, 800?03 l9 RS: Tenhult 810704 l9 RS; iraryd 840630 19. - 6G: elartra-SaUy 7905 5d69,8005 90d185? SVA: Brynstorp 800807 ld, 820802 19, 830603 l9 RSi Taimevalla Linghcm 8(D5 73d509 SVA: Vist Stavsaler 7905 3d69. 8005 .5d109 SVA. VG: lll0728 I ? RS; Skara Viglunda 82 VI VII 29 RS. - SO: Rdsiing 8fi)8 I d JM: VingHassl<isa EkgArdcn vik 790? l9 JM; Algij,8l vl-vlll 48d489,82 Vll IX ll d l2 9,83 Vr-Vll r37d r9.84VII-Vrrr75d549. 8-s vt-x 94d119?, 86 IV-X r34d 1499, 87 VI-X dker - UP: Ed Antuna 79 V-lX 34d 319. 80508 SVA; Solna Bcrgshamra 1'1062'l l9 CN; Balirtgsta Erikshcrg 7905 Id JM; Faringc Erikslund 790{105 I d99 FF; Gelingarnii 79 Vlll lX 79d29,80 VII-VIII 2?,8107 954 1289- ld29 5d ll9 SVAI Esruna Hov Melsta 8(X)514 ll10907 l,J l9 8M-X SVA: Rimtx) ltlo6 RS. Vll: 2d69 SVA: Vada l? JM. Ritbiicksdalcn tt20624 I I - DR: C C C C CC_ C_ CC C ____ CC C S (K 1972: 209) and SF (H 1963), and AFG (P 1984). On a variety of dccaying matter in wet places, thyrphophilous (R 1984): wet deciduous foresl, cow house, horse droppings, (NRS, ZIL),5d59 Bhn. H N.3dl9, 1932-83, Roth, der. Kim 1967 (NRS). ldl?: HA,81052l ldl? C B C_ CC CC C ;- C c- . ldl9; C C c NAs RS; Umc{ C C ld CC ; C -C lsk 810712 RS. NB: Kengis urm.5507 29. -LY: Ammamiis 710616 | TO: Vittangi 550718 I d. N: B: Krokskogcn 6804l2 I9 SH.-MR: Aiesund 860626 Id| 9 HF & d UJ. Holarctic incl DK, S (F 1820, type loc.; Z 1840, SK-Lpl 1860, LY: Ri l95l SK'UP: H 1967a SK), N (Z 1855), SF (Z 1860) and IS (Ni er ar. 1954). Common, developing in various matter (R 1984): cow houses, dung hill, pastures, grass composl, urinal, maple in sap, wet meadows, lake shores. swamps, collected on snow, N F Y W P. 1289d 2r4r ?. r954-88, rV-X (NRS. ZrL). 9. Ischiolepta scabricula. {Pi 1988). S: SK: Orup.7408l I I RS. - OG: Vist S(avsAter 800513 I ? SVA. - SO: Algi; 85 tX-X 4d I I , 860629 I d. Europe incl S (new). SF (H 1980): Asia: AFG, J (Hayashi 1986): Afrotrop. and Oriental I Regs. Rare, collected on dung (Hayashi 1986). Possibly terricolous small eyes (Allen 1977): grass composr, potato - field, cow house, N Y W.5d39, 1974-{6, V X (NRS. ztL). 10. lschiolcpta vaporariorum. (R & P 1984. Pi 1988). S: 0(i: T6mevalla Linghem 800513 I d SVA. - UP: Stock- holm Exp.ftiltet 220515 I ?, 2209 262? GH, det K 1967. Europe incl S (new) and SF; AFG and N. Africa (P 1984). Coprophagous (P 1973b): cow house, W. 363 ?, 1922 '80, V-tX (NRS). L laporariorum and L pusilla are very much alike, but male cerci differ distinctly (Pi 1988 figs). IL Copromyzr borealis. (N & K 1985a). S: DR: Norslund 280610 BT. - TO: Karesuando 5507 2629; Soppero 5-50720 Lpl. in. 3d29 Bhn. N: F: Altafjordbotn 560704 3d 3 9; Tanafjord 560706 I 9. Scandinavia ro Siberia incl S (Z 1847, JA, LU, TO: N & ld l9i K l9ti5a, VB), N (new), SF (H 1965) and IS (H pen. comm.). Arctic to subarctic, collccted on cow and horse dung and in rodent burrnws: pastures, N. 6d89, 1928-56, Vl Vtl (NRS, ZlLt,3629 Bhn (NRS). 12. Copromyza equina. (N & K 1985a) S: SK: Briisarp 690615 I I i Bdkcbcrg 560t124 1d; Gantofra 810805 I d I ?; Klag$hamnsuddc 8l V-VI Linnebjer 410706 I9 ldl9l The lesser dung flies of Sweden arul Nor l4 C 15 C 116 C 7 C I I I I 120 t2t 122 r23 t24 t25 C C C C C C _: _{cc c--c-A _a C cc- CC CC_C l3l 132 - r33 BC-C B-C C- CC 126 127 128 129 C ll0 c ;- C _C -_ -c - _c - c-. KA: Mariannelund 810612 I 9, 830613 I d RS: Stenshuvud 820531 I ? HA. 8306 365I RD: Vitemtilla 840527 l9; 26 Bhn. - BL: Stubbcmala 850724 I I RD. - HA: Tiinnersa 820624 t d RS; Amitt 630602 1 9, 650528 1 9. - SM: RS. - oL: ld29 Bhn. - GO: Brynstorp 830630 ld; Tiimevalla Linghem791 130 I d SVA: Vist StavsiiterT905l l ld29:2d19 Bhn: I d I PWg. VG: Hassliisa Ekgirden 790626 I RS; Skara Viglunda 820719 ld RS: St Lund 830617 RS. BO: Fiskcbiickskil 1806 Id GH: Lyckoma 450702 19 GH. UP: Furusund ld 19 BT. SC): Nacka Tenhulr 83 VI-Vll 4d29 ld29 Bhn.-OG: I - ld l! I ld vI - ld JM: Stockholm 29 2d GH; SvanBhnt Stockholm Exp.fliltet 2205t5 1 9, sjii 2108 l9 GH: varmdii 250821 1? GH. TO: Vittangi 560704 ld I ?. N: F: Altafiord 560704 1d1?, 230805 GH: Rimbo 8105 2308 Almt-rst cosmopolitan incl DK (Z 1847). S (F 1820: Z ts40. As, Ly, To; 1847, sK, BL, SM.0L, CO,0G. vG, NA. UP, JAi Z 1855 v,ar. Juscinenis, SKI Ri 1921, SK; 1931. TO; 1939, JAi 1941, SK: Kim 1972 lectotype and paralectotypes). N (Z 1840). SF (H 1965) and IS (A 1967). Synanthropous, chietly coprophagous, on various kinds of droppings: cattle droppings, cow house, pasture, potato and rape fields, deciduous forest, N Y W. 19d239. l94l-85, V-lX (NRS. ZIL), l3d 149 Bhn, GH. PWe (NRS). Copromyza neglecta. (N & K 1985a). S: LU: Messaure 740715 l9: Gillivare Perka 740823 HW: Sitasjaure 740828 I HW. 'IO: Abisko Nuolja 830714 I ?; Abisko Marmorbrottet 830727 l9: Abisko Stordalen 750318 29 KM: Abisko Nat. Vet. Stn. 750922 I KM. N. Amcrica: CDN. USA: Europe: CS (R 1984 as parast?rutruria). S (ncw). A tcrricolous species close to C'. ,rrelcoraria, fourul in nrclcnt burrows, on cxcrcmcnt and carrion: mixcd pinc forcst by Lule river, mountain birch forest, peat 13. l? I I bogs, N F't-.99. 9 _A cc-c l8 t9 *-ay 1974-1J3, lll-lx (NRS, ZIL). CC_ - C- c- __ C- a- - C_ L 15. Copromyza stercoraria [nignlemoratus Macquart, 1935: tibralis Zenerstedt, 184'7: pallipe s Stcnhammar, I 855: .cttcrsrcdti tN ahl9ten, 19 l8t stcnhammori Wahlgrcn, l9l 81. (N & K 1985a, Pi 1988). S: SK: Heckeberga 820602 ld Kullaberg 870521 CH; N Krankesjdn 820403 120809 t Q ,740704 I 9, 750807 I 9; Lund 820703 I 9 CH: Orup 780810 RS; Cudmuntorp Riivarekulan 740901 I d: Dcgcbcrga Segeholmsan 830529 I d; Skaniir 560902 HA, 830611 1d RD: stenshuvud 650617 Vombsjdn 85070.1 I I : Akarp 5a0629 I d: Onncmo 820529 BL: Tjerii 670702 I 9. - HA: I d : Oste rliiv 631019 I Tdnnersa 780705 ld,830630 I ?'RS: Amilt 660831 19, SM: Getnabo 670325 26, '120327 16, 830802 l9: ld, ld ld ld l9; 9. ld. l9 RD; Trottesliiv 820708 ldlg RS: Areda 83070? ld RDi 19 Bhn pal,lrper paralcetutype. OL: Glaimminge 320713 | I .GH stenhammuri; Mitkelnrossen 780829 l9 ES e, a/. OG: Brynstorp 780717 ld RS: N Sturcfors slon 8-50,626 19. VG: Hassliisa EkgArdcn 830717 810820 I ? RS: Skara Viglunda 8207 ld l9 RS. - BO: I9 lectotype. UP: Solna Bergshamra 770713 1d GN: KolhammaE 7807 29 RS. DR: Falun Norslund 26062'7 19 BT. - AN: AngerAn 770620 ld. VB: Rdbiqksdalen 820622 16 RS. LY: Ammamiis 7107 2?. Bhn ,rdll?c.r [,U: Messaure 7l -lx 2d7 ?,74 VIl VIII 2d:Sitasjaure d HW. TO: Abisko Ridonjira 8.30722 I 9: AbiskoT5VIII-X 2dl9 HA,76 vl vlll ld29 KM; Vittangi 550717 ld. N; AK: Bacrum Dclivann 70l2ll l9 SH: Skulerud 741221 BO: Lyckoma A_ 3 ?: Vestenana 560706 2d4 Palaearctic, widespread incl S (new). N, SF (H 1965, Hcdstrtim & Nuoneva l97l) and IS (A 1967). Coprophagous. chiefly in dung from large mammals: horsc druppings, pastures, cow house. potato and rape field. on snow, N Y w P. 18d 179, 1945 88. IV-XII (NRS. ZIL, NFI). botn 560704 4d 8.10614 ld. A 450102 l6 BT. - UP: Estuna Betmanstom 81M29 4619 SVA. VS: Ridii 8106 I d JM. DR: Cyllc 701206 I I JOB. TO: Maunu 550124 16; soppero 550720 2d29. N: O: Rondane Furusjoen '13M21 1? SH. - i': Altafjord- 740825 2d RD. HA: Amilt 66- A_A_ C_ CCACAA similis [rii3rira Cimmertahl, 1847]. (N & K 198-sa, Pi l98ti) S: SK: HAllestad Crytangen IJ30606 1 d. 880418 2?r Mariannelund tt30606 ld RS: Stenshuvud 14. Copromyza AA CCAA ACA C_A_ A_AA ,A_A AAB A-A C-A_AA _ACA ACA_ -A - I l9 SH- R: Krokskogcn 740216 l9 SH. lO Folke Florin Sl': Sognefjell 860622 l? HF & UJ. DK: J: Nymindesgab 810526 29 RD; Husby Klit 810526 l9 RD: Husby 870610 ld RD. Holarctic incl DK, S (z 18.17 tibiatis, S 1855 pallipes, SM,0G, BO; Ri l95l nigrifemoraras, HR. NB, TO; N & K 1985a paralcctotype, SM), N (Ardit 1957) and SF (H 1965). Tcrricolous, often in wet biotopes, breeding in excrc- mcnl and rotting mattcr. Adults occur throughout the whole year (R 1984): dcciduous forest, wet paslure, peat bogs, mounrain birch forcst, rnixed forest by Lule river. potato fields. collected on snow. N F Y W P. 32d429, 1926 87. n XII (NRS. ZlL. NFI).3? Bhn. HC (NRS). 16. l,otophila alra I!?nirulatus auct.l. (N & K 1984. Pi 1988). S: SX: Stoby Arkelstorp 550620 lC: V. Brdna 830529 ld: Brdsarp 690615 9d59 pasture: Ballingesjiin 85061919:Bdkeberg59l00l I ?: Ellestadsjiin 680821 ld, 690616 ldl?. 700610 ld; Hasslemiilla 810-507 29, 820530 Hunrlarcidshus fiilad 850601 ld; Hiillcstad 7408 5d49,840519 ldl?,880418 l d: KlosrcrgArdcn 7-30509 ld; Kniibackshusen 810613 I d l9 RDt Kullabcrg - I9,720801 l?; Linnebjer 680928 2d; Lund'l2O115 lA HA, 820703 ld RD: Mariannelund 81 VI-VII 2d, 820814 19, ti30606 l9 RS: Orup 79 VI-VIII ldl?,80Vtl VIll ld 29 RSi Perslorp 631019 19; Rii vassar 610520 ld; l9: vl Baldringe Skogshejdan 69 TN: Stenshuvud 8306 l9 1629:2619 IX 10d49; Skiiralid 410620 5d6? RD; Vombsjiin ?50618 Bhn geni.uldtus. HA: Stjemarp 6107 ld PA: Tiinncrsa 780810 1d29,790808 19,80 vl-VIII 3d, 810720 1 d. 830704 l 9 RS: .Amilt 550704 1C. 56{J7 I d 3 9, ldl9, 710'125 16,7306 8d19. SM: Hylrebruk 860804 I I JA: Aseda Kullebo 7 60724 2? i Skonii 83623 I d RD; Tagel 780619 I ?: Trotteslijv 800804 ld.8l08 tdr?,lt2v vflt2d39,830613 l? RS: 2d29 Bhn genieiauts. OL: Halltorps hage 7608 2?. GO: Norrlanda Hamman 780818 t I RD: Ulla hau 1170827 rd Ms. - oG: Bjarru-saby 790809 29, 8005 29 SVA: O. Ryd Brxla 810714 l9 TW; O. Ryd Hagalund 8107(I) 27d J I cowpat TW: Tjiillmo Hindstorp 79 V 'VIl I d I ? 63602 rd.680704 JM: O. Rld RAssla N 10714 2d TWr Id l9 Bhn jtailrrlatio. VG: Hasslosa Ekgerden 790702 I 9, 8108 2d RS; Gdte borg l9 BT. B0: Fiskebiickstil.24o8l5 I GH geri(ll/ata.r, 2?. Bhn Ncniculatus. l\A: Orebro Osct 410801 ld UP; Balingsta Erikshcrg TN. SO: Algd 860531 I 19. - ?905 ld JM; Gctingamd 79 VIII-IX 2?,800819 2d l9 SVA: Kolhammar TS VI-VIII 2d RS; Vada Melsu 800514 80d 149 SvA: Rimbo 8107 1d JM; Stocholm 3d l9 Bhn Bctic ulahs:yamdii 250806 I d GH. - DR: Floda Ringforsen 660620 l9 TT. LY: Ammamds 7M-VIt ldl9. TO: Abisko Jebrenjokk 760615 I d KM: Lpn.in. 2d I I Bhn. N: ST: Benna 860621 2d2? HF & UJ. - NS: Mo i Laksclv l-: Altafjord 56O7M Rana 560626 560709 I ?: Tanafjord 560706 I d. Holarcric incl DK (z 1847), s (z 1847. sK. BL. OC. JA: Ri 1s54. SK; Lundblad 1955, UPr N & K 1984. JA). N (Z 1847. N & K 1984) and SF (H 1965). Coprophilous, chiefly breeding in cow dung: cow houses. pasiures, nreadow wilh bushes. grass compost, fDtato lields, a watered pile of pulp wood. N F Y w. 205d949, l94l-88, tV-X (NRS, ZIL). ld. I ld99 ld: Bhn, CH (NRS). Borborillus costalis. (H 1965, Pi 1988). S: SK: Klostcrld: Stcnshuvutl 8306 5d:9 RD. IIA: Ensld! 56()7 l-5 I d. - SM: N. Areda 870620 2 ? R D. (X;: Hiigs1it 810709 I TWr ld I ? Sthr. NA: Orebro Mrrkk:irrcr 410728 l'N. - UP: Estuna Bitsmanstorp lil07 17. gerdcn 72071.5 I ld 47d 289 horse droppings SVA. - NB: Kengis 550730 l?. - TO: Abisko Stordalen 7503 I 9 pcat bog KM, N: F: Tana bru 560708 1d: Vestertana 560706 l9: Altafjordbotn 560704 I ? . (Z I847. Hafnia ryp€ loc.: Ardii 1957), LU: Ardii 1957, HA). N (new), SF (H al. 1954, needs reexamination could bc B. fumipennis). Coprophilous, larvae chietly in horse Palaearctic incl DK S (Z 1860, SK. LY, 1965) and IS (Ni d dung hcs, lP 1973a): horsc and cow droppingr. pastures. mrrs N L W. 57d379, ldl9 1941-87, III-VIII (NRS: ZIL). Sthr (NRS). Borborillus fumipennis. lH 1965). S: DR: Lima Bullll0816 l? BT. - LY: Sorsclc Alroken 63071 I :d. I-U: Messaure 710907 I d. TO: Abisko Nuolja rcg. arct. 18. hcrgcr 830714 I d I 9: Abisko Marmo.brottel 830?22 l9:Abisko Stordalen 75 19 KM; Soppero 550720 l?; l-pl. in. 3d29 Bhn lectotype and paralectotypes des. Norrbom l9tt4 ( N RS ). N: F: Vicksa reg. alp. 560705 I ?; 560709 I 9 . Recorded only from S (S 1855, LU type loc.: Ri 1931. TO; 1939, JA), N (new), SF (H 1965). lS (Lindroth 1931 misidqntified as B. rcstalls, E. Olafsson pers. cornm. 1988) and Svalbard (P 1984). Arctic to subarctic, close to 8. ('oJl r' /,.r. ld I collccted from a dead fox at Svalbard (D 1938): stoly shores by lakes and rivcrs, marshcs, pcat bo8, wet meadow. ditch, N F L.4d69, 1963-83, III-IX (NRS, ZIL), 2d29 Bhn (NRS). I 19. Borborillus sordidus. (H 1965). S: HA: ,Amilr l.?. OG: 56072.5 OL: Biida Kronopark 540704 I ? RGD: I d Hgn. ldl9 Sthr. Widespread in Europe incl DK (Ardi,.1957), S (Z 1841 typc loc: S 1855, OG. UP: Z 1860, SK. OL: Ri 1951. OG. UP. JA, Lpl; K 1972 types). N (H 1986 pers. comnr.) and SF (H 1965); also recordcd fmm Asia, N. Arnerica and Africa. On horse, cow and sheep dung (Hayashi 1986): wet meadows and marshes, N. 29. 1954-56, Vll (ZIL),2d l? Hgn, Sthr (NRS). 20. Borborillus unciratus. ld: (H ld 1965). S: SK: Kullabcrg 1965, Pi 1988). S: SK: RS: Skiiralid 650525 ld: Stenshuvud 830614 l9 RD. - HA: Tiinncrsa 810827 ld RS; Amilr 55052s Id, 640926 I 9, 65052t{ I9. - Ol.: VG:.Hassl0sa Ekgerden 79 Halltorps hage 760831 0824 ld, 800804 l9 RS. NA: Orebro Oset 410810 I d TN. - UP: Estuna Betmanstorp 810729 4d SVA. widespread in Europe incl S (P 1984 no loc.), N (P 1984, type loc.) and SF (H 1965); also rccordcd frorn Mongolia (P 1973a). On horse dung, sometimcs in mousc runs: horsc droppings, brook ravine, wet glen, lake shorc, porah ficld. N L Y. 13d49. l94r 88. IV rX (NRS, Z[-). 6707& Orup l3m80l 1d, 21. Borborillus vitripennis. (H d:Orup7808l7l9 RS. HA:Laxvik GO: 49 Bhn. OG: 2d l9 Bhn: 2d I I Krankesjiin 550830 I 8507 I ? PA. PWg. NA: 3d 29 Mark 410728 3d29 TN. UP: Stockholm Bhn. Eur(,f^.. incl DK , P 1984), S r Z I 847, SK. OC: 1860. GO. Ol., UP: Ri 1941. SK) and SF (H 1965): Sibcriu and Japan (Hayashi 1986). Nor common but takcn in various habi(als. mainly on dung: marsh, damp mixcd forcs(. garden, potalo field, N Y. 5d.59, l94l 85, VII-VIII (NRS. ZIL).7d89 Bhn, PWg (NRS). & K 1985b. H 1965). S: HA: Ensliiv.s607l8 ld. - SM: ld3y Bhrr. (iC: ld Bhn. VG: Kinnckullc ld I ? Bhn. - UP: Stockholm 4d 22. Alkrborborus pallifrons. (N llhn. The lesser dung flies of Sweden and Nonh and Ccnrral Europe incl S (F 1820 lectorype; Z 1847, SK, OG, GO. UP: Ri 1951. JA) and SF (H 1965). Commonly on horse dung: pasture, N. I d. 1956, VII (ZlL), 8d4I Bhn (NRS). 23. Crumomyia frmet*ia lsuillorum Haliday, 18361. (N & K 1985b, Pi 1988). S: SK: Arkelstorp 550622 l9; Bjdrk&rasjiin 8310@ MS: Biikcberg 840923 l9; Klagshamnsudde 820526 I d I Kliiva hallar 8207 I I I d : Kullabcrg l9 69- t6, 'l t0'l 26, 120809 ldl9. 7306 29: Norway ll r\ 27. Crumomyia roaabilis. & K 1985b). S: SK: Kullahcrg 730625 19, 81ft23 ldr Ahus 830715 3d4?. - DR: Falun Norslund 310222 16 BT. - TO: Abisko 75 II-XI 16612? ,'lgJzl ? mountain birch forest and peat bog KM. N: AK: Nordmarka 'l10221 l6 SH; Ostmarka 731226 l3 SH; Delivann 70ll18 ld,7l0ll8 ld.7ll2l5 29 SH; KolAsen 710124 ld ldl9 SH; VallcrT0lll9 l9SH:Skuckc- SH: Skulerud 741221 163?.750126 ld, 7 50222 I SH. - B: Krokskogen 7l 281 I 3 9, 7203 262 7204 1629,740 3 2dr 9.7402 rd29,860409 ld SH. - O: Ormstjcmkampen Nasj. Park 751023 SH. - R: Krokavann 701226 l9 SH. Nonh and Central Europe incl S (H 1967a, SK as g/acia/is), N (new) and SF (H 1980). Psychrophikrus, confirmcd to burrows of small mammals, cavcs and damp forcsts, lia 750325 I L Sknralid 630926 l?.670402 ld; SilvAkra Srensoffa 840916 2d: Gudmuntorp Raivarekulan 820708 I d: Tjitmarpsjirn 830)l I HA: Snitstorp 5505_30 Virsehau E60503 ld; Amilt 86O502 I ?. - S0: Algit 8a0805 I d I 9. 85 VII-X I d2 ?.86 v-vlll 87 VI-IX 8d7?. - UP: Vermdtt "865.9, 250801 I 9 GH. - AN: Angerdn 770620 I d. - LY: Ammarniis 7l VI-VII2d. - LU: Mcssaurc 69- | 9. 7t Vl-VIl 39. 730820 | ?. - TO: Abisko 75 V-lX 7 d l4 9. 76 v-vlll 24d369 mountain birch forest KM: Abisko Ridonjira 830722 ld: Lpl. in. I d I Bhn. N: AK: Skulerud 741221 I ? SH. - B: Krokskogen 841I I I I SH. - S'I: Benna 86062I 3d HF & UJ. - i': Adamsfjord 550705 I d. Widespread in Europe incl S (S 1855 .railloraa, SK. SM, UP, Lpl. in.: Ri I931, TO: H 1967a. SK), N (new) and SF (H 1965, Hedstrttm & Nuoneva l9?l). A polysaprophagous woodland species (R 1984): wcl dcciduous forcst, mountain birch forest, peat k)9, marshcs, moosc dung, trcc stump in sap, kitchen rcfusc, pasturc, on snow, N F L Y W P. 81 d 849, 19.55-87, tll-XII (NRS, ZlL, NFI), I d2? Bhn. cH (NRS). 28. Crumomyia pedcstris. (N & K l985ht. S: GO: Oja 690718 I d I 9 CL. Nonh and Ccnrral Europe incl DK. S (Dahl 1964, SK: H 1967a. SK) and N. Terricolous, mainly in lowlands on wet meadows, macroptemus form extremely mre: a dried up reedy canal. I d 19, 1969, VtI (ZIL). 29. Crumomyis pruinosa. (N & K 1985b). S: LU: Mcssaure 69- I d, 710720 1629,'llO8t9 6 9. - TO: Abisko Nar. Vct. srn.7507 7d119,750829 19,751020 KM: Abisko Srordalen 751023 I 9 , 760623 5 d 2 ? . 7608 ldl ? KMI Abiskojokk 850623 | TM. N: F: Vestenana 560706 24. Crumomyia glsbrifrons. (N & K 1985b, H 1965). S: SM: I 9 Bhn. - UP: Stockholm I ? Bhn. Europe incl S (Ri 1951, SK-TO) and SF (H 1965): Asia Minor and Central Asia. A highland species. collected on decayed vegetation and roe droppings. 2 ? Bhn (NRS). Nonhem Holarctic Reg. incl S (new). N (new) an(l SF. Collected from rodent bunows, decayed lcavcs and dung, also picked on snow: mixed forcst by slrcams. mountain birch forcst, pcat bogs, marshes. N, Ir, Y. 18d269, 1956 85, VI-X (NRS, ZtL). 25. Crumomyia nigra [rr(r"ni Collin, 19541. (N & K 1985b). S: OG: 2d I 9 Bhn. UP: Stockholm Exp.ftilrer 30. Crumomyia ld. ld: ld I 192205-06 ld29 CH. I DR: Nonlund 330312 ldl?BT. TO: Vittangi 550718 I 9. Europe incl DK, S (Z 1847, UP, JA: S 1855,0G: N & K 1985b. JA). N (Z 1847). SF (H 1965) and IS (H 1965 arrral): USSR, AFG and West Greenliurd. Common on dung fiom sheep, caltle and horse: cowpats, N. 26 59 , 1922-55. III-VII (NRS, ZIL\.3639 Bhn, GH (NRS). 26. Crumomyia nitid,a [nigriceps Rondani, 1880]. (N & K 1985b, Pi 1988). S: SK: Harliisa Borstabiickcn 8.50623 ld: Blentarp Bosarps giirdc 870903 ld l9: Kullabcrg ?30623 I 6 . 140'102 I C; Linncbjcr 680928 I ?: Degcberga SegelholmsAn 830529 ld; Blcntarp Stampcnhacken 69 Vl-Xl 3d 89 BS, Stcnshuvud 830i12 RD: Yddingesjtin 84092-l I 9: l9 Bhn. HA: Amih 501I 16 ld I !40619 I d. - OG: I PWg; I d Hgn. - VG: Hakansrorp 870715 l9: Ciitcborg BT; 3d Bhn. - BO: Ljungkile 450703 ld B'I'; ld PWg. UP: Stnckholm 7d Bhnl Vdmrdii 2-50{l I d39 GH. VR: Tdckslbrs 840611 l9 FF. - DR: Fltxla Singan 31M07 19 Falun Norslund 310222 l9 BT. N: O: Rondane Furusjtxn 730414 ld SH. Europe incl. DK. S (Z 1947, SK.0C. JA: Ri 1954. SK: H 1967a. SK), N (new). SF and IS. A wotxllanrJ spccics in shady places, adults occur during thc wholc ycar (R l9ti4): damp deciduous forcst, by strcams, w(xxlcd marshland, on snow.NFMP. l2d lll?. 192.5-87, ll-Xl (NRS, Zll., NI-'l), l-ld-5? liri4((Zr- Bhn, Hgn. PWg. GH (NRS). I - l? fi: l9 i. ld adults occur throughout the whole ycar (R 1984): mounrain birch forest, marshes and pcat bogs, on snow (all Non!,egian finds), N F L W P. 38d379. l93l 86. t Xll (NRS. ZIL. NFI}. ldl? I ld. romii. (N & K 1985b). S: SK: S Yddingcsjiin 840923 16. Europc (in Sourh and Ccntral Europe ar highcr altitudcs) incl DK (H 1986 pen. comm.) and S (new). Collcctcd on dccaying tungi. mouse droppings, in caves and in rabbir holes: wooded marshland, N. I d. 1984. IX (ZIL). 31. Crumomyia setitibialis [freyi Hackman. 19651. (N & K 1985b). S: SK: Hiiir 830911 ld. SM: Hylrcbruk 86081I 2d.860907 I d JA. Nonhcm Holarcric inclS (new) and SF (lieli). In Europe previously reponed only tiom CH and SF. Collected f'rom a cave in CH: watered pile of tinrber (both localities). N Y M. 4d, 1983 86, VIII-IX (ZtL). - 32. Coproica aculangula. (Rs 1960, Pi 1988). S: SK: HAl. lesrad Cryrangen 740831 I 9 I Kloster 540703 I d: Klostersrgen 810507 Lerberger 690813 ldr Mariannelund lll07 RS: Sandhammaren 530808 ld PA: Srenshuvud 1130614 2d l? RD. - HA: Tdnncrsa 790817 l9 RS. SM: Tenhuh 8307 ld | ? RS. OL: Hallrorps hasc 760tl3 t I I 9: .l d Hgn. VG: Hasslitsa Ekglrdcn 780707 I RS. NA: Kricklingc Tampalandct 7906 ld JM. LiP: Getingarnii 790801 I 9 SVA: Kolhammar 780lil0 I 9 RS. TO: Viuangi 550? llt I I . Holarctic incl Df (Ardii 19.57), S (Z I 1t47, SK rypc kr...: S lti5-5, SK, HA,6L. OC: Antii t957. s1. 114y 6'j s1, 111 l9tl0): Al()t()pical and Pacilic Rcgions (P 1979a). (irpro phagous. brccding in dung lnlm largc animals: cow houscs. horsc and cow (lroppings. pasturcs. nrurrh. polato ard rapc liclds. N Y W. lld 1953 lil. V Vlll (NRS. ZIL). ld Hgn ( NRS). ldl9 d l9; - ll9. - I - 12 Folke Florin 33. Coproica ferruginata. (Rs 1960, Pi 1988) S: SK: Kulla- berg 710616 810612 | l9: Linnebjer 680928 9; 820809 19. 830609 I d l9 8m630 ld ldr Maiannelund RS; Orup 7907 2d, RS: Cudmuntorp Rdvarekulan 651010 I d; td39 RD: Akarp 530-527 19. - HA: Laxvik 8507 I I PA: Sniisrom 55 V-Vll l0d ll 9; Tiinncrsa ?80616 19,8lJO62l l9 RS: Amilt 560715 ld 19, 73Srenshuvud 830314 19. SM: Bergkvara E50726 ld RD: Aseda Kullebo 7607 60d509; Tagel 790623 16 RS; Trottesldv 0612 I d 800625 ld, 830815 l9 RS. - Ol,:.Halltorps hage 760604 I 9. - GO: St Tollby 7E- | d RS. - OG: Bjiirka-S?iby 79 VVIII 12d26?, 80 V-lX l25d 1769 SVA: Brynstorp 820705 I ? RS; Tjellmo Hindstorp 7907 ld, 8007 ld JM; Ha,gsja, 810709 19 TW; Tiimevalla Linghem 80 VII-IX l-3d249 SVA; Vallerstad 79 VII-VIII 4d89 SVA. VG: Hassltisa Ekgrden 800829 ld,810825 RS: St Lund 830728 I d RS; Skara Viglunda 82 Vl-VItl 3d59 RS. NA: Krlcklinge Tampalandet 7906 I d JM. - SO: Hammar- l9 kath 830616 ld - MT; Algd 810802 2d19, 83 Vl-Vrl 18d129, 8408 2d19. E5 VI-IX l6d13?,86 VMtl lOd l0?, 87 VI-IX 25d359. - UP: Ed Antuna 79 V-lX 39766/.69,8m8 9d3? SVA: Gctingamii 79 VIII-IX 4dE9. 80 Vr-Vrrr r0dr79, El v-vrrr dl29 SVA: Estuna Hov 8l Vll-lx 16d89 SVA: Kolhammar 810720 1d RS: Fastema Mitrby 79 V-Vll 2d I ? JM: Rimbo 8106 2d JM. VS: Brunnby 8105 l9 JM: Ridij 8t06 1? JM. VB: Rtiblcksdalen 780621 16,800707 ldl?.810731 19, 820819 l9 RS, UmeA |sk.820819 l9 RS. - NB: Hdgsjdn 620805 I ?. - LY: Ammamiis '110629 19. - TO: Vittangi - 550718 | d. Cosmopolitan rncl S (S 1855, SK, OC: K 1972 synrypcsl and SF (H 1980). Common on decaying matler and excrement, synanthropic, but also in natural habitats: cow houses, cattle droppings. pasturcs. potalo and rape fields, grass compost, dcciduous forcst, mountain birch forcst, N F Y W. 776d l109. r95l-87, V-X (NRS, ZrL). hirticula. (Collin 1956, Pi 1988). S: SK: Orup 790820 I RS: Baldringe Skogshcjdan 690910 I 9. - HA: Tdnnersa 810707 td.820823-1 9:83072t t9 RS: Amilt 630,602 19. 7306 SM: Aseda Kullebo 7607 34d 25 9; Trotreslttv I d RS. - OL: Halltorps hage 760723 2d. - GO: st Tollby Rs. - OG: Bj?irka-Seby ld79 SVA; Brynstorp 82 Vn-VIll l4d9? RS; Jiimevid 800731 I d RSr vist Stavsater 800929 I SvA. VG: Hassliisa EkgArden 810810 RS: Viistcrplana 2d29 AA: Skara Viglunda 82 VI-VIII9d l2I RS.-SO:Algii8l08 lOd7?, 82071t f d.83 VI-VII 2476t469.8408t9 td, 85 VI-IX 34. Coproicz I 8d89. l9 l9 I - r0d249.86 Vl-rX 13d229.87 VI X 24d329. - UP: Ed Antuna 79 VI-Vtl I d I ?. 800807 2? SVA: Enkiiping l9 Brunnsholm 8007 BE: Getingamii 8l Vll-Vlll 3d4? SVA: Estuna Hov 8l vll-lX 29 SVA. - DR: OsterA 860728 ld l9 FF. - VB: Riibiicksdalcn 800728 ld. 810826 RS: Umcl lsk. 820?29 l9 RS. Probably cosmopolitan. reponed from Europe incl DK. S (new) and SF (P l9tl4): Japan (Hayashi l9tl6) and Australia. Common. chiefly coprophagous but also on carrion. and decayed vegetation (R 1984): cow houses. dung hill. pastures. grass compost. potalo and rape fields. maple in sap. N F Y w.3ll9d3l39. 1955 lt7. Ix (NRS, ZIL). One sirrglc cateh lrorrr lhe gruss conrpo\l al AlgO yielded ld v 24.5d r43 I . (i,proi(a hirlula.(Rr I960. Pr l98X). S: SK: Vomhsjiin 6506ll IY. ll^: Snii\rorp 55l)705 lJI?:Amrll 66-79: .15. Tiinncna 830610 l9 RS. - SM: Ascda Kullcbo 7607 56d51?: Troneslijv 830725 t9 RS. - OG: Bjarka-Seby 790809 2d I 9. 8005 l2d l7I SVA; Tiimevalla Linghem 8005 7669 SVA; Vist Stavs6ter 790516 29 SVA. - YG: Viisterplana 8207 I d AA: 6d9?, 800629 Skara Viglunda l9 RS. - SO; Algd 83 vl-VII 11d109.8408 vr-rx 4d39. E6 vr-vlrr 3d r 9. 87 vrr-vr 6679. UP: Faringe Erikslund 770805 2d6? FFI Ed 820715 l d 19. 85 VI-XI 6d49,80 II-VIII 29d48I SVA: Estuna Hov 8l VII-IX ld29 SVA. - VS: Brunnby 7906 l9 JM. - DR: N{s 820624 | 9 RS. - VB: Ritbiicksdalen 780713 I RS. - NB: Hiigstin 620E05 19. Cosmopolitan, in all pans of lhe Palaearclic Reg. incl S (new) and SF (H 1980). Connected with animal husbandry (P 1984): cow houses l45d 182?, potato and rape fields, grass composr, N F T, l67d2l19, 1955-87, IV-IX (NRS, Anruna 79 I ztL\. 36. Coproica lugubris [srcalraarnrari Zenerstedt, 18601. (RS 1960, R 1977, Pi 1988). S: SK: Ellestadsjitn 680821 I d i Hallestad Grytangen 740803 l9; 2d: N Krankesjiin 700503 730825 4629;76O424 39; Lerberget 690813 Id: Linncbjer -590E08 l d, 680928 l d : Mariannclund 820831 I 9. 830808 I RS: Baldringe Skogshejdan {90916 I d: N Verhallama 850704 Bhn. HA: Amih 56071E l5d 169 pasture, 7ffi21 261?. - SM: Aseda Kullebo 7607 49: Tenhult 8307 49 RS. - OL: Halkorps hage 76 VII-VIII I I d 16? moist meadows. - GO: St Tollby 7807 ldl? RS. - OG: Brynstorp 810720 I RS. - VG: St Lund 830722 1619 RS. - SO: Riisang 8OO7 | 9 JM; Algd 85 VII-IX ld l?. - UP: Fastcma Miirby 7908 l9 JM; Kolhammar 7E0626 I d RS. N: B: N Kongsbcrg Ldgcn 830730 I l?: ld - I r9. Palaearctic. in all pans ofEurope incl S (Z 186O stenhannrari, SK: R 1977 stenhummuri lectotype and paralectotypcs), N (new) and SF (H 1980). Pasture symbovilous: pastures. cow houscs, grass comfxlst, potato fields, N F Y w. 43 d 57I , l9s6-8-s, Iv-lx (NRS. ZIL), I d Bhn (NRS). 37. Coproica pusio lpseudolugubris Duda, 19241- {D 1924, P 1979b, R l98l and 1983: 159). S: SK: N Krankesjiin 750620 8OO8l-5 ld 19. l9 - HA: Ttinncna 780804 19, 790706 26. d. 730612 19.-SM: Tagcl RS; Amitt 560718 I VI-Vlll ld39 RS: Trotteslaiv Halhorps hage 760?2-l I OG: Brynstorp 810713 ld RS; Tjellmo Hindstorp 7907 ld JM: Jamevid 800703 RS: Vist Stavs?iter 800513 l9 SVA. VG: Hassl6sa EkgArden 780707 I ? RS; Viisterylana 8207 AA: St Lund 830722 I ? RS: Skara Viglunda 82 VIt 4669 RS. - So: A186 8l08 2d | 9. 84 Vllt-tx 6d 5 9, 85 lX-X 5d3I, 86 VI-VIII6d49. - UP: Solna Bcrgshamra 77081t l9 GN: Rimtx) 810-5 l9 JM. - VB: Ritbiicksdalcn 8207 29 RS: Umce lsk. 820723 I d RS. - LU: Mcssaurc '140527 19 . - 'l'O: Maunu 550724 3 9. Europe..incl DK. S (Z 1847. SK lype loc.: S 1855. SK, HA, OL, OC, VC, BO, UP; R 1983. lectotype) and SF: AFC 79- 8.10725 I RS: Tcnhult 83 d RS. 0L: d. l9 ld v and Mongolia. Chiefly on cattle droppings: cow houses, dung hill. pastures. potato and rape fields. Srass conrpost. maple in sap. N F Y W L.33d399, 1955-86, V-lX (NRS. ztL). ll3. Coproica vagans loparrr,/rr Slenhammar. 18551. (P SK: N Krankesjiin 750620 I d I 9; Ma. riannclund lll0730 ld.ti3VI VII 2d RS:OrupTliVI VII ld, 7q06l4 l? RS. HA: Ensltiv 690622 l9: Tiinnersa 7lr vt v I 2d5 ?. 7901106 I ?. 8m606 td. lt3072l td 1979b. Pi lgtll,t). S: Thc lesser dung Jlies oJ Su,eden and RS. - SM: Aseda Kullebo 7607 I l2 d 169 ?; Trottesliiv 80- 08ll I ?. 83 VII Vlll ld29 RS. OL: Halltorps hage 760723 l6i OG: Blarka-Saby 80 V Vll 6d3? SVA; Jar - VG: G<iteborg 5507O2 l9 BT: VHII 15d279 RS. - SO: Hammarl? MT: AISii 85 vl vlt rdt9. - UP: Ed nevid 800731 16 RS. Skara Viglunda 82 kdla 8-j06t6 Antuna 79 VI-VII I d2I SVA: Enkdping Brunnsholm 800626 ld BE; Getingamii 800625 19,8107314d19 SVA: Kolhammar 830722 l? RS. - VS: Ridi, 8108 l9 JM. VB: Rdbiicksdalen 790806 I d RS. Cosmopoliran incl DK. S {S 1855 /r/,a(11a. OG. CO.lypc Irrcs; Ardtj 1957, SK, HA; R 1983: 159 opatttlo lectotype and paralectotype!), N (Ardit 1957), SF (H 1980) and lS (Ni c, a/. 1954). On excrement and decaying matter: cow houses l23d 177 ?, pastures, grass compost, potato and rape - fields. N F Y w. 157d223 zlL). ?, 1955 45. vl-VIII (NRS, 39. Philocoprella italica. (Deeming 1964,. S: OL: Hcll1 d. Europe: CS, H, I and S (new); AFG and Mongolia (P 1984): wooded pasture land (oak trccs), Y. rd, 1976, Vr (ZrL). torps hage 760604 quadrispina. tLaurence 1952. Deerning 1964). S: SO: Algij 850706 ld. Europc: GB. H. CS (R ,10. Philocoprella 1988 pers, comm.), S (new) and SF (H 1980). Rarc, typc matcrial from cow pats: gmss composl. F. ld. 1985, Vll (NRS). 41. Efachisoma aterrimum lnigerrimum Haliday, 18361. (P f971, 1983: Pi 1988). S: SK: Mariannclund 8lO'127 16 . ld 82 V-lX 3d29.830616 RS:Orup78 VI-VII ld 19, 790806 I d, 1100806 I ? RS: Baldringe Skogshejdan 69G)16 HA: Tiinnersa 790720 I ? RS. SM: Hyltebruk Id I 1t6081 I I JA: Aseda Kullebo 7607 l34d l9l 9: Tiottc.ltiv 80081 1.. I ?, 820812 I d RS. - OL: Halllorps hagc 760806 | 9. - OG: Bjarka-SAby 80 V-VIII 2d39 SVA: Brynstorp 79061| 29, 8106t8 I d RS; J?imevid 8fi)731 l9 RS: T6rnevalla Linghem 800513 2dl9 SVA: Vist Stavsater 800513 I d SVA. VG: Hasslitsa Ekgerden 800810 I 8l- 9. 0810 I l9 RS: Skara Viglunda 82 L VI-VIII 7d5? RS: ? AA. SO: Atgo at VII-VI[[ 3 d, 83VMI 32d 17 ?, 84 VtI-rX 6d9 9,85 Vr-X r8d 179, 86 V-X 8d5I, 8? VI IX 8d l3 9. - UP: Fa nge Erikslund 770805 5d13? FF; Cetingamti 790802 1?, 8107 1d39 SVA; Estuna Hov 8107 29 SVA: Fasrema Miirby 7908 1d Viisterplana 8207 I d I JM. ld. - VB: Riibecksdalen 8107 3I RS. NB: Pajala 560730 Palaearctic incl DK. S tS 1855 nigerrimun SK, HA,6G. BO) and SF (H 1980). On excrement from large herbivorcs in decaying vcgotation (R 1984): cow houscs 14162069, cowpat, dung hill, pastures, grass composr, oahcn trcc stump, N F Y W. 243d302?, 1955-87, V-X and (NRS, ZL). 42. !-lachisoma pilosum. (P 1971, 1983; Pi 1988). S; SK: ld; Mariannelund 820729 19 RS; Orup 780626 l d, 790625 l 9 RS. HA: Sndsrom 550705 l d Amilr 7406 29. SM.: Tagel 800718 l9 RSi Aseda Kulle. bo 7607 16d209. - OG: Tjiillmo Hindstorp 80O7 I ? JM. - VG: Viisterplana 8207 ld AA: Skara Viglunda 820715 ld RS.-SO: Algii 83 47 VI-IX 5d5?. UP: Ed Antuna 800807 ldlg SVA; F5fi6ge Erikslund 770805 3d FF: Dalby 740774 : Getingamd 810703 I ? SVA. VB: UmeA lsk 820729 l9 RS. Europc: GB. D. CS, PL, H and S (new): AFC. Coprobiont olicn together with E. aterrimum (P 1978): cow houscs N orway 13 2l d22 9. dung hill. potato and rape fields, deciduous forest, hill, N F Y w. 30C349, 1955 87, VI IX (NRS. ZIL). anr 43. Trachyopclla leucoptera. (R & M 1986). S: SK: MariRS; Orup 800728 RS. HA: annelund 810618 Ensliiv 740727 I 9: Troueslov 8i0609 I RS. SM: Aseda Kullebo 760721 43 29:Tagel 790626 I RS. OG: Bjar ka-Siiby 80 V VII ld6? SVA; Brynstorp 800621 1 9, 82(h28 I d RS: Vist Stavsiiter 790626 I ? SVA. VG: Hasslitsa Ekgaden 8l VII-VIII I d I 9 RS: Viistcrplana 8207 I ? AA. - SO: Algii 83 Vl-VII 2d3?. 85 vl-lx 4d 2 ?. 8607 ldl9.87 Vll IX UP: Ed Antuna 790608 29. 800807 2d SVA: Faringe Erikslund 770808 126'19 FFl' VIII 3d SVA: Cetinsamd 7908 2?,800725 ld I I l? - ld4?. 16,8MI 860728 ld FF. Cosmopoliran incl DK. S rS 1855. SK. OG: n & N4 tggn incl in matcrial abovc) and SF (H 1980). Polysaprophagous occurring in decaying vegetation, excremenr and refuse heaps: cow houses, dung hill. grass compost, pile of watered pulpwood.NFYW.34d38?,1974 86, V lX (NRS, ZIL). Estuna Hor 810816 l? SVA.-DR:Osrerl 44. 'l'rachyopella minuscula. (R & M 1986). S: SM: Aseda JA. SO: Kullebo 7607 l4dl89: Hvltebruk 860727 l9 Atgir 830628 ld,83070q is. tsost+ ld.8b062s l?. UP: Cetingamci 790903 1d, 800725 I d SVA. Europc: CB, H and S 1new. R & M 1986 incl in material abovc). Collected in cow houses and gaden refuse heaps: cow houses, grass compost, pile of watered pulpwood. F W M. 18d229, 1976-ri6, Vr-rX (NRS, ZtL). 45. Trachyopella atomus. (R & M 1986). S: SK: Kullaberg Orup 80O611 l? RS. SM: Ascda Kullebo ?607- 3 d.3 I OG: Tdmevalla Linghem 80O801 I d SVA. SO: Algit 820711 19.830710 l6dl0?.84U28 16. UP: El Antuna 790608 l9 SVA; 850706 1d,870905 Getingamit 810816 l9 SVA. - NBr Hdgsdn 620806 19. Tcnds to be cosmopolitan (spread by man), in Europc rccordcd from E, CB. D, CS, H. J and S (new. R & M 1986 incl in material above). Thermophilous, in various decaying malter: cow houses, grass compost 19d I I L potato fields. NFYW.24dl8?,1962 87, VI-IX (NRS, ZIL). Previous ly conlused wilh T. lineafrons. 690801 ld: . ld. & M 1986). S: SK: Orup 800723 l9 RS; Baldringe Skogshejdan 690916 29. - HA: Tdnnersa 810821 I d RS. - SM: Tenhult 830725 I ? RS; 46. Trachyopella bovilla, (R Trottesldv 820610 RS. - 56: RdsAng 19 RS. - OG; Brynstorp 820628 1d 8OO8 39 JM; Algi' 830628 2d, 8506 23 49.8507 29,860s31 r 9,8606 1d r 9. 870710 UP: Ed Anruna 790608 I ? SVA: Rimbq 8107 l9 ld 1d.- JM. VB: Rtjbiicksdalen 7807 1?,8107 RS. NB: Pajala 550724 13dl89. T0: Soppero 550720 361?, N: N: Narvik Citypark 850625 I ? TM. Europ: A, S (new, R & M 1986 incl in material above), N (new), SF and IS (Ni et a/. 1954); N. America: USA and CDN. Psychrophilous, on various kinds of decaying matter: pastures 13d20?, cow houses, dung hill, grass compost, potato and rape fields. N F Y W. 28d429, 1955-E7, V-lX (NRS. ZIL). 47. 'l'rachvopella coprina. tR & M ls86). S: SO: Algtr 8508 19.8509 ldt9,8510 r619,8707 19,8708 rd. South and Central Europe (s.lat.) incl S (new); N. Amcrica: USA. Thermophilous. on manurs and decayed vegetation: gra$s composi, F. 3d49, 1985-37, VII X (NRS. ZIL). Prcviously confused with T. lnrilla. 4li. 'l'rachyopella kuntz€i. (R & M 1986). S: HA: Tiinnersa 14 Folke Florin 8107 ld, 8108 ld RS; Tagel 800710 ld RS. SM: Tronesltiv 810817 ld RS. VG: Giitene Viglunda 820726 Rs. - SO: Rdsang 7907 I d JMi Algii 810727 I d I ?, 8108 5., I ?. 82071 I 6d 1 9. 810628 3d. 830710 I ?. 84- l9 0728 3d. 8408 6dl0?. 8506 63d54?. 8507 27d249, 86053r 2d r 9. 8606 19d279.8607 l2d89,8608102I. 860914 19, 8707 ld l ?, 870815 t 9. 870905 ld l?. DR: NAs 810907 l9 - RS. Europe: DDR, CS, H and S (new, R & M 1986 incl in material above); N. America: CDN. Mainly associated with decaying matler: grass-compost 148d 134 ?, potato and rape fields, F Y. l53d 1369, 1979-87, V IX (NRS, ZIL). 49. Trachyopella lineafrons. (R & M 1986). S: SK: Orup 7907 l9 RS. - HA: SniislorD 550705 I 9: Ttinnersa 790706 SM: Aseda Kullebo 7607 I 9 RS: Amilt 6807(J4 I 4716496?; Tagel 800718 ld RS: Trottesliiv .8008 I 1 ld, ?. ld Rs. - OG: Bjiirkad, 800528 I d, 800801 2 9 SVA; Brynstorp 820816 Id,830623 l? RS: Tiiillmo Hindsrorp 790'6 ltl, 820730 19. 830613 1?. 830808 Saby 790809 I ld RS; Tijmevalla Linghem 791128 46, tl005l3 I 9, 8(n801 I d I SvA: Vist Stavsater 800513 2 9. 800926 I 9 SVA: Vallerstad Tn'723 16 SVA. VG: Hassliisa Ekgerden8l0825 19 RS; Skara Viglunda 8207 2d3? RS. NA: Fjugesra Bersra ll207l9 lC RS. SO; Algo 810809 ld. 830710 38d35?. 8408 2d, 8506 1d29. 8-50706 ld. 86()629 4d1?.8607 5d4?.860829 19. - UPr Ed Antuna 790608 4d4?,800807 3d SVA: Faringe Erikslund ld l9 FF: Getinsamii 7908 1d2?,79@03 4d19,791014 ld' 80072-5 r d 3 ?. 8 l 07 5 c4 9. 8108 3 d 3 9. 8 I 0927 3 d SVA: Estuna Hov 8109 3d SVA; Kolhammar 810810 I d RS. 8007 I DR: Nederborg 8107 29 RS. I - - VB: Robiicksdalen 790709 RS. UmeA lsk 820729 I d RS. Widely distributed in the Holarclic Reg. incl S (new' R & M 1986 incl in mate al above) and SF. On various dccaying matter: cow houses 508d 524 ?. polato and rape ficlds. grass composr, N F Y W. 571d580?, 1955-87, V-XII I (NRS. ZIL). Previously confused with T. atonws. l9 - d. 51. Thoracochaeta brachystoma. idlg: ' 0718 ld. RS. t?: (M 1982a, Pi 1988). S: Lomma 720819 19.7-50906 HA: Tiinnersa 820816 l9 Malm0 731004 SM: Hvlrebruk 860907 I d JA: Aseda Kulleho 7fr' SK: Kullaberg 830823 19. ldl?. OL: Halhorps hage i6O7:3 Cosmopolitan incl DK. S (S 1855, HA, UP: K 1972 no syntypes) and SF (H 1980). On seashores. rarely inland: seashores with seaweed. polato field, pile of watered pulp' wood. cow house, N Y W.4d6?, lS72 86, VII-X (NRS' ztLl. dalsljorden 860626 1d 5d l? HF & (M ls8la). S; BO: BrofjorLE. N: MR: S Alesund Var UJ. N. America: CDN. USAi Asia: Japan (M 198? pers. comm.): Europe: S (ne$) and \i (new). Breeding in decaying seaweed on the driftline: seashores with seaweed and other Vll {NRS, ZIL). decaying matter, N F. 6d I 9. 1986-87, vl In N. America the most northemly of Thora(o(hQeta al cithcr coast. New for the W. Palaearctic Reg. z oslerae Lsetulosa Totterstedt, I 847. pi/igerc Stenhammar, 18551. (M 1982a). S: SK: Kullaberg 72080'7 236]r59,810624 3d69; Lomma 720316 ldl9; 53. Thoracochaeta Molle 810624 4d39: Orup 800707 ld RS. SM:.Aseda OL: Halltorps hage'760'123 19. Kullcbo 760721 4d SVA: Tcimevalla Linghem - 0G; njarka-Saby 800801 I d 800lJ0l I d SVA; Vallerstad '790'123 19. BO: Brofjorden 870703 I d LE. UP: Getingam6 810830 1? SVA; Estuna Hov 810828 I d SVA. N: TE: Straholmen 870717 1d LE. AA:'fromo 8'107 22 2 ? LE. TR: Cratangen 560630 19. Europe incl DK. S (Z 1847 serr,/osa, SK type loc.; S 1855, HA; Ardct 1957, SK; K 1972 serulosa syntypc), N (Adii 1957), SF (S 1855 piligera; K 1912 type material missing) and IS (Ni et a/. 1954); Asia: Japan: Nearctic Region (Hayashi 1986). On seashores. rarely inland: seashores wilh seawecd. cow houses. ptato fields, N F Y W. 4l d 32 ? , 195G 19. 87, I-V I (NRS, ZIL). Puncticorpus cribratum. (R & M 1982). S: SKr Orc? GI. Central Europe (s.lat.) incl DK and S (H 1967a. SK material above). Wet lowland fbrest. larvae develop in sporophores of fungi and mycelia in forest litter: in runs of small marnmals. ld 1?. 1960, X (ZMH). -54. torp 6010 I d | 55. Paeremis fenestralis [rrir,ali.r Haliday, 1833: paradon Stenhammar. 1855: subaptera Frey, 19471. (R 1984, Pi 1988). S: SK: Klostercegen 590808 1d19, 730326 39, 820417 l?.850421 1d: Kndbiickshusen 830613 ld RDi N Krankesjdn 690607 19,700503 2dl9; Kungsmarken Lund Stadsparken 770919 19: Linnebier 680928 730814 l9:Lund 8508 1? PA; Mariannelund 8107 39, ldl9t 50. Trachyopella melania, (R & M 1986). S: SK: Marian' nelund 810612 I d RS: Orup 7807 3d 19. 8m609 I 9 RS. - SM: Trottesliiv 8007 I d, 8008 I d RS. - OG: Brynstorp SVA. VG: 1110609 RS: Vist Stavsdter 800513 Ha\\liisa Ekgerden 810825 lC RS: Viisterplana 820? ld AA: Skara Viglunda 8208 3d 29 RS. SO: Algil 830628 5d, 830710 4d29. 84080s 1?, 850914 I ?, 860706 29. UP: Solna Bergshamra 770627 l9 CN: Ge860829 I tingamii 800717 29 SVA. TO: Maunu 550724 39, Probably widespread in the Palaearctic Rcg. incl S (S 1855, HA.0G, UP: R & M 1986 incl in malcrial above) and SF; the only extra-European record is from Mongolia (P 1973a). Breeding in various decaying matler: grass composr, potalo and rape fields, cow houses. dung hill, wer pasture, N F Y W. 20d 189, 1955 86, V IX (NRS. ZIL). ld 52. Thoracmhaeta seticosta. den Slaholmcn 870701 820801 I d RS; Ripa 831010 2d MS; Gudmuntorp Riivarekulan 810728 I d3 9. - HA: Tdnnersa 780822 I d, 790716 I d,800606 I 9, 8l vtt-vnl 1d 19, 830608 t d RS: Amilt 73C/22 19 .860502 I ?. - SM: Bergkvara 750321 I d3I RS. RD: Aseda Kullebo 760718 2?l Tagel 800703 GO: St Tollby OL: Miickelmossen 790415 I 6 ES er 780?03 I d RS. 0G: Brynstorp 790716 I 9, 810806 l9 RS; Tjiillmo Hindstorp 79 Vl VII 1 d 1 ?, 8007 l d JM. VC: Hassldsa EkgArden 790806- 1d, 800725 I RS: Skara Viglunda 820729.1d RS. - NA: Kriicklinge Tampalandct 7907 l 9 JM. - SO: Rdsiing 7905 I ? JM: Algij 850618 1L 86 V-VIII 2659, 87 VI-IX 1619. - UP: Solna BergsVtl 3 hamra 7708 3 9 CNi Enkijping Brunnsholm 80 BEi Balingsra Eriksberg 79 IV-V 2d79 JM; Getingamij 791014 l9 SVA: Kolhammar 780619 2?.820709 19 RS; JM; HR: Fastema Mdrby 7905 Lussinge 770813 Rimbo 8107 I JM. - VS: Brunnby 8107 I d JM. DR: NAs 8109O5 I 9 RS: Vansbro 780827 16 RS. Europe incl DK. S tF 1820 SK: S 1855 pararlora OC: H 1967a SK: K 1972 type marerial) and SF (Frcy 1941 subup' tera). Tenicolous. with wing dimorphism. brachypterous forms (l d4 9 in material atrove) common only in N. Europe: wet forest, marshes, peat bog, polato, whcat, oats and rap [icltls. cow houses. Srass composl. tree stump in sap. X (NRS, ZIL). N F Y S. 32d63?. 1959 87, l9 a/. - I I vl I ld l9 lll The lesser dung flies of Sweden and Norwat" (R 1975. Pi 1988), S: SK: Arild 2d: Arliiv 7310O4 l9: Baneback 690715 5d I 9: B,iilred 690625 2d: Harliisa Borstabecken 850823 2d I 9: 56. Opacifrons coxata. 820811 Brdsarp 6906 15 2 dI 9; Btimnge 830823 5 dI ldl9. 2d19. 57. Opacifrons flavilabris. (H 1968, R 1982b). S: DR. NAs 820624 I RS. - AN: Angeren 770630 I 9. NB: Hiigsiifier, den 560906 4o'2 ?. Only recorded from SF, USSR and S (new). In vegetation near water: lake and river shores. N F v . 46 49 . 1956-82. Vr. 5.50830 39,610603 ld3?: Ellestadsja'in 680821 690616 3d99.700610 2d I ?: Friinninge 810802 1?: Hiillestad Grytengen 710506 1 d. 7408 4d 1 9. 82061 1 l d l 9, 840519 19, 880418 3d; Hasslemdlla 810507 29i KlaSshamnsudde 810706 Klostergirden 730429 ld lg: Klosters6gen 681015 4d I ?; N Krankesjiin 550830 22 d 6I , 6d 149 : Kullaberg 6306 4d l0 9, 650806 I d I 9. 6807 8d39, 6908 42671?.7407 261?.750806 9d3 9. 830825 ld49: Linnebjer 59 vll-vlll 3d. 680928 29: Lund 720820 l9: Marian.elund 8l Vl Vlll 12d109. 82 VI-VIll ld59,83 Vl-vlll4dl I RS: Mjiinis 631019 ld: Mdlle 730624 ld; Nonvikens trgr 830922 ld: Orup 7.50620 780626 19.79 VIt VXr 2d19.80 VI-VIII 4dl9 RS: Ringsjdnes 6506t6 I I ; Gudmuntorp Riivarekulan 640812 l4d12? by a stream: Borrby Sandby mossc 850531 ld; Baldringe Skogshejdan 69 VI-IX 28d 29 9 moist grassland; Skiiralid 410620 19 TN; Blentarp Stampenbecken 690622 2 9 BSI Stenshuvud 820531 I 9: Silvlkra StensolTa tl3oti l0 1d59, 690514 1d,84@16 ld; Kivik Torup 820602 2d CHr Vombsrijn 750618 I d I 9: VArhallama 850704 I I : l9: l9: Yddingesjdn 5sl00l Akarp 540629 Onofta 610616 I 9: Ovedskloster 620920 I d I 9. - HA: Rydiibruk 86 VIII-IX l2d pile of watered pulpwood JA: Sndstorp 550705 I 9: Ttinnersa 80 VI-VIII 3 d 5 9. EM-VIl 3d3 9. 8207 29 RS; Amilt 55 V-VII 29,5607062d1?,680?04 I 9. 7 10621 1 - SM: Bolmen 43081 2 I d OR: Hvltebruk 830812 I d HA. 860817 I d JAr Aseda Kullebo 7607'40d 4291Tenhuh 83 VI-VIII 5d3I RS: Trortesliiv 8l vt-Vll i. -5d3?.82 VI-VIII I d3?, 83 vl-vltl 5d39 RS; Viixj0 Aryd 830706 l d RD: Almhuh 830709 2d l9 RD. OL: Halllorys hage 76 VI-V[ 42d579 moist meadow; Miic' kelmossen 780608 td29 ES er a/- -OG: Brynstorp 7807 49.81 l d r ?, 82 VrI-IX 2d 2 9. 83 VI-VII td t9 RS. Tjiif lmo Hindstorp 1901 l6 ,8006 I d JM; Jiimevid 80 I d69 RS. VG: Hassldsa Ekgirden 780714 ld, 79 VII-VIII .3d 2 ?, 80 VII-VIII I d 3I RS; St Lund 8107 4d l9 RSI Skara Viglunda 82 4d3? RS. BO: Srriimsrad Bijlskaren 87071216 LE. NA: Fjugesta Barsta lt2 VI-VIl 5? RS; Orebro Marklarret4l0728 ld TN;Ore bro Sommarro 410813 TN: Kriicklinge Tampalandet 7907 29 JM: Viiskdrr 82 VII-VIII 2d49.8307 29 RS.SO: Rijmora 870528 FF; Riisang 8007 ld JM. - UP: Solna Bergshamra 77 VII-VIII 3d39 CN; Enkiiping Brunnsholm 80 VI-VII I d I 9 BE; Balingsta Eriksbcrg 79 lV-V l6 I 9 JM: Kolhammar 78 VI-VIII 9d 109, E0 VIVtll2d,810806 I ?,820? ld I 9,83081s I d RS; Lussinge 77 VII-VnI I d3 9 HRI Rimbo 8lO1 2629 JM: Srockholm 2d Bhn. - VS: Brunnby 73 V-Vtl 1d I JM; Ridat 8107 Id JM. - DR: Karlsbyheden 480720 ld BT: Nes 8l Vlt VIII 2d2?.82 2d RS. - AN: Norrbyn ?707 2d l? KM. - V8: Riibacksdalen 7807 gI d I 9. 790808 I d. 80 2d I 9,8207 2d. 810818 I RS: Umei lsk 830808 I ? RS. NB: Hdgsitfjerden 6509 3619, 780730 Kengis 550710 ld: Riirbiick 720707 ld: Sunderbyn 5507 9d2? HA,720705 3d39 HA,8307 5d I ? RS- -T0: Karcsuando F. -550722 ld. N: B: N Kongsberg t {gen 8307-30 29. Altafiordbotn 5607M l9: Lakselv 5607(B 2d l9: Smalt'jord 560708 Holarctic incl S (S 185.s, SK, HA, SM. Oc, Up: X tqZZ VMr VMII VMll ld ld I VMI l?; - ldl9. type material not located), N (new) and SF Orienral and Afrotropical. Common in boggy and marshy habitats, larvae develop in mud (R 1984): wet meadows. marshy land, on river and lake shores, potato and rape fields. (NRS. cow houses. N F Y W.46764489, l94l 88, ZIL), 2d Bhn (NRS). 9 MS: Dalby ldl9: 710613 19, 73 tv-vln 176149.74 vrrr-rx 15 (H l9lt0); M I Opacifrons humida [pumilio Yerral| 1888]. (R 1982b, Pi 1988). S: SK: Harlijsa Borstbacken 85 - ld; Bnisarp 690615 I d 5 9: Bdrringe 830823 2d4 9 MS; Dalby 610603 2d59: Ellestadsjdn 690616 2d I ?, 700610 1?l Franninge -58. Granbacka 810802 2?; Hellestad Crytangen 710506 ld. 740831 8d2 ?, 820620 | 9; Hiickeberga 650816 I d: Klagshamnsudde 810706 I 9: Kloster 540703 I d: KlostersAgen 19; N Krankesj6n 550830 29,730430 3d. 8 I i Kullaberg 6306 l50d 187 ? by a stream,650806 ldl?,6707 l0d5?,6807 6d7?, 6908 276d4599 by a stream,7208 141d201 by a pool, 681003 2d 74J9O'l 46 l9 .'750620 I d I 55d709, 740'702 t36109,7508 4d59, 730625 760707 810625 6 ?, 3d2?.820802 29,8308 2d49: Nyhem Kegclln 800810 670712 l9: Lomma 591018 I Mariannelund 9699 ,710722163? ,780'72216 ,'7907301 d, E008t7 19: Hjamarp Margaretetorp 82 7d59 RS; Mdlle'130624 446 45 9: Norrvikens trgr 830922 2 d 3 9: Orup 780615 1d.800806 l? RS: Gudmuntorp Rtivarekulan 640812 6d 3 9, 690712 3 d, 740901 6d 2 ?. 81' 0728 I 9 : Sjtibo 690715 2 I : Baldringe Skogshejdan 69 VI X lld239,700627 t6; Skiirdid 47 - l9 PB,630926 ld HA: Blentarp Stampenbiicken 69 VI-X HA, 650201 ldl29 BS: Stenshuvud ?70814 2? .820531 l?: Silvikra d: 8l VI-vlI 4d69. vlMll ld Stcnsoffa 801005 ld; vombsjijn 750618 8M-Vlll l6l I ldl9: 5d39 HA: Tiinnersa 3?. 83 Vt-VIll ld59 Bhn. RS: ,{milt.55053l I d29,680704 I 9,730,611 19,810810 RD: Getnabo 830717 I SM: Bergkvara 830717 ld RD: Hvltebruk 630902 I d HA. 86 VIII IX 3d I ? RD: Aseda K;llebo 7607 18d529: Trottesldv 810723 ld, - L l9 830721 td RS: Almhult 81070q t? RD: ld Bhn. - OL: Halhorps hagc 76 VI-VIII 44d509. 0G: Blarto-Sit,y 790726 l6 SVA; Brynstorp 8l VII Vlll 2d l9 RS; Tj?illJMi ld Bhn- VG: Hassliisa mo Hindstorp 8007 RS: Skara Viglunda 82 Vl VIll F.kgerden 800829 qd99 RS.-NA:OrebroSommarro4l080q l9 TN. -SO: VingAker Vik7907 2669 JM. UP: Estuna Hov 800701 l9 SVA: Kolhammar 780718 1d RS: Rimbo 8107 I d JM. VS: Ridti 8107 2d JM. - VB: Riibiicksdalen 780727 I ?. 7907 1629 RS; Umei lsk 820805 l9 RS. - NB: Pajala ldl9 Id 5507 27d 27 RS. N: 9: Rirrback 720707 I d; Sunderbyn 830704 | d ld SH; N Kongsberg Ligcn AK: Skulerud 741221 I d. - SF: Strynsvatnet 860626 I d HF & UJ. Widespread in the Old World incl.DK (Z 1841 punilb\, S lZ l84O pumilio, TO: 1847, SK, OC, UP: 1860, LY). N lZ 1855 pumilio). SF (Z 186O punilio) and lS (A 1967). In tnggy placcs with pools, larvae dcvclop in subaquatic mud (R 1984): marshcs, wet mcadows. by lakcs and slreams. polalo fields, pile of watered pulpwood. cow housc. on snow, N Y W P. 925d 1292 9, l94l 116. lV Xll(NRS,ZlL. Ntrl).7d1? Bhn (NRS). 830730 (H l96ll. R l9ll2b). S: SK: N Krankesjiin 730t125 19,750620 1d19.750703 1d29. 59. Opacifrons septentrionalis. ll10707 ldl9: Osbysjiin 690611 ld:Ringsiiiniis 650616 16 Folke Florin 2d, 650812 I d, 650813 I9 I d. DR: Floda SAngen 710903 Europe incl DK. S (S 1855, SK, HA. Lpl: K 1972 synrypcs) and SF. Occurring on sandy shorcs (H 1972): sandy Iake shores. N. 8d69. 1965 {1, VI-IX (\RS. ZIL). 60. l,eplrrcera alpina. tR 1982c1. S: HA: Arnilr 72031? I d. Knou,n only from Europe: A, CS. BG and S tncw). Oligostenothermous, in moufltain areas in Central EuroJrc: mixed forest r,r'ith lingonberry and various mosses, N. ld. 1972,111 (ZlL). A Central European vicariant of the Nonh Europcan L. /iaalrs. 61. Leplocera caenosa. (R 1982c. Pi 1988). S: SK: Kev- linge 710608 24d21? poultry farm We; Lund 710901 4dJ9 ch. HA: Tcinneisa 830801 2d RS: Arnilt 700830 I d I ?. - SM: Aseda Kullebo 7607 2 d. GO: StTollby 7808t2 1d RS. -oG: Bjafka-Saby 80 III-V 8d29 SVA; Brynstorp 780724 l9 RS. - VG: Hassliisa Ekgedcn..790703 I RS: Skara viglunda 820715 ld RS. - SO: Algii 840902 19.8509 2d19,860921 ld. - UP: Ed Antuna 800410 1d SvA. JA: Ostersund 740'712 2619 F.G. LU: Messaure 140722 19. N: ST: Benna 880623 I ? llF I - & UJ, Cosmopolitan incl DK, S (new), N (new), SF (H 1963) and IS (Ni et al. 19541. Synanthropic. brceding irr hunran sewage: latrine, cow houses. poultry farm. potato ficlds. grass composr. N F L Y W. 49d349. l97l-88, Ill-lx (NRS, ZL). L. caenosa has yellow brown swollen palps. Li[iE"., finalis. (R I982c). S: SK: EllagArd 680519 I d; Hellesrad 88O418 ld:NKrankcsjonT10613 1d.7304 02. l6l9 ,71M21 I d: Gudmuntorp 2d: Riivarekulan 640812 ld. - HA: Amilr 650528 2C. - SM: Troltesla'iv 8l vll-VIII 1d19.820722 l? RS; Vdxjii Trummen 690626 ld . - OG: Tjallmo Hindstorp 7907 1619,8008 ld JM: Jiimevid 800714 ld RS.-VG: Baldringe Skogshejdan 690916 Hassliisa Ekgirden 800704 I d RS: Skara Viglunda 82 Vll VIII 3d I ? RS. - NA: Fjugesh Barsta 82 VI VIII 2? l9 RS: Orchro Oscr 410801 l9 TN: Vhstkarr 8208 RS. S0: Riimora 870528 3d FF. - UP: Solna Bergshamra 77 VII VIII 14d99 GN; Enkiiping Brunnsholm 80 VII-VIII 3? BE: Balingsta Eriksberg 7905 l9 JM: Kolhammar ?80709 ld,800710 ld RS: Lussinge 7107 2619 HR; Rimbo 8l vll-VIII 1d l9 JM. VS: Ridii 8107 3d I ? JM. DR: vlll 262? Nls 780702 I 9 RS. AN: Norrbyn '7't KM. - VB: Riibecksdalen ?8072 4 1 6 , 150'7 16 19,790718 19,790821 1d,8207 ld!? ldl9: 1d.74 TT. yl - RSI Umei lsk 8207 2d RS. l9; Smcdsbyn NB: Hdgsitn 'l2O7O1 1?: Pajala 5507 ld 6307 26. LY: Ammames 710625 1d. - TOr Abisko Jebrenjokk 760804 I d. KMt Karesuando 5507 7d 3 ?: Masugnsbyn 550718 I 9 ; O. Soppero 550720 I d. N: 0: Rondanc Furusjnen 68M20 26 SH. TR: Bardu 550706 2d. F: Vertenana 550607 ld. Only known from Europ€ incl DK. S (ncw), N (new) and SF (H t967b). Rather common in Fennoscandia (H 1967b): wet meadows, marshcs, lake shores. subarctic mcadow birch tbrest, lields with frotato, rapc and oats, on snow, N F Y W P. 70d19?, l94l 88. IV IX (NRS, ZIL. NFI). Easily conlused with the closely rclated L. J'onti olis. l-eptocera fontinalis. (R 1982c). S: SK: Allcrums nros lolto5 f ?: Arild 820810 2?; Bjiirred U0629 19,740627 l9: Blcntarp Bosarps gdrdc 870903 l9: Dalby 6l0fr{)3 2d: S. Sandby Flgelslng li5 V Vll 2d l9: Ccntofta V-VIII 8108()5 ld: Hallcslad Crylengcn 15o12l I d I ?: Hasslcnriilla 13105(,7 ld: Klagshamnsuddc lllOT()6 6-1. se lt ld,lil KlosrcrgArden 730429 tv IX 2d29,810806 l9: N Krankesj<jn 730410 ld; Kullaberg 570815 lc9. d. 650806 r d. 6707 5629 .6807 22d49. 6908 216169. 7tO7 9C99. 7208 5d3?. 7106 16. 7401 r8dl09, 7508 763?,760701 l?. 7707 2dl?. 8106 1d29, 8208 49, 830923 l9: Linnebjer 68 IX X 2d69; Lomma 59 VII-VIII 5d3 9. 720316 1d I ?: Lund 830703 ld: Margaretetorp 650624 4d. 670712 ldl9: Mariannc- 630607 I lund 810807 I I ? RS: Miille 730624 l3d 3I marsh: Orup 3d; Gudmuntorp Riivarekulan 6,1081 2 5 C5 9 HA. 690'7 t2 1 6 69 HA, 740901 9d l7 ? HA, 810728 2d HA, 74090 | 2 ? BT; SilvAkra 820526 I d 800721 I RS: Pelsjd 610611 CH; Skrylleglrdcn 820919 ld: Skeralid 410620 ld TN, 670401 2e HA:lmyge87040l ld MN: Silvlkra Stcnsoffa 6q0514 4d l9r Akarp 5.50527 l9: Jd Bhn. BL: BrJknc Hobv 850718 ld:Torsds8707068d169 RD. HA: Tainncrsa 78 VII-VIII ldl9.810?07 2d RS: Arnilt 540411 3d, 560715 t9,620'107 ld r?,630602 t6.640',12'7 263? . 650528 17d29 al a stream, 6705 1d I ?, 700830 I d, 7l0726 I d | 9, 720810 I 9. 740807 I 9, 830802 1 9: Vi$chatt RD: Ascda SM: Cetnabo 830717 860503 Kullebo 7607 l5 d49I : Pataholm 850624 I d : Skonii 830623 I d RD: Trottesliiv 810813 I 9. 830721 I d RS: I ? Bhn. - OL: Gliimminge 320824 l6 GH; Halltorps hage 76 VI-VIII 7d79 marsh andmoist woodland: Mdckelby Jord- l9 ldl9. torpsAsen 1350612 RD. l9 2d GO: St Tollby 7807 1 d l 9 RS: Ljugam 26071{ GH. OG: pja*a-Saby 8005J8 ld39 GHI ld SVA: Brynsrorp 810806 RS: 0819 1d GH: 2d I ? Bhn. - VG: Rebiick 870714 I d: V:is tcrplana 8207 ld99 AA: l9 Bhn. - NA:drebro Hjiilmar hcrg 510721 I d NR: Orebro Martkdrret I TN; MullhytTN: Onbro Oset 410816 ld TN: Orebru lan 4l07ll sommarro 4108 t3 I TN. - 56: Algat 8506 2 ?. 860-531 I d. 87 Vl Vll I d I UP: Ed Anruna 800528 I d SvA: Solna Bergshamra 770708 4d 8I CN: Balingsta Eriksberg 7904 19 JM: Stockholm Exp-fiihet 22 V-lX 2 d | ?. 2708-10 VI Vll 2 GH: Kolhammar 790713 I ? RS: vemda, IC Munkii 790606 I d l9 FF: Rimbo 8105 1? JM; Stockholm Id Bhn: Svartsiii 2106 I ? CH; Viirmdcj 250806 I ? CH: Srnckholm Alkisran 7tr0515 2d FF. DR: Karlsbyhe- ld Aby I l9 I 9. I 3I 19.5006:l ld BT: Mora Krikbcrgsrn;ran BT: Falun Norslund 310705 I9 BT. - A\: AngerAn 770?10 VB: Rdb?icksdalen 78 Vl-Vlll 3d 109, 79 VII-VIIr 7d r 19, 80 Vl Vlll 7d l0?. 83 l ? RS; UmcA lsk 8207 29,830721 ld RS. - NB: Hdgsdn 6.50906 2 9, 720701 l9 ,780703 I d; Kengis 5507 162 ?: den 480728 550817 ld l? 3?. Smcdshyn 630702 I d; Sunderbyn 820705 ld HA, 830725 l9 RS. LU: Antajaure ?,10829 ld HW: Giillivarc -5507 I d3 9: Messaure 7l vll Ix ld I 9. - TO: Karesuando 550722 l6 Virangi 550719 ld. N; TR: Djupvik 560703 ld: Gratangen 5606 2d39: MAlselv 560701 29.-F: Kl3 d; Tana bru 560708 llord 560704 I d : Langfjord 560704 ld. SF: l.l: Enarc trdsk 560710 19. Widcsprcad in Europe incl DK, S (F 1826, SK type loc.: Z 1840. LY, TO: 1847, SK, BL, SM, OC, UP, HR, JA. NB, LY. TO: R 1982b. LU, TO), N, SF and IS: also recorded from Tunisia, Ccntral Asia. Far East. thc Ncarctic, Neotrcpical and Afrotropical Regionr. Common in wct shady places. probably polysaprophagous: a varicty of weI shady placcs. grass compost. maple in sap, cow housc. cowpats, potat() lields. N F Y W. 313d3199. l93l-87. III x (NRS, ZIL). l2d l5? Bhn. Hagl. GH (NRS). 64. l,epioc€ra nigra [r'lnincn,rs. Stenhanrmar, 1855]. (R l9tl2c). S: SK: Alnarp 540628 I ?: Billebjcr 760425 l d I ? : Thc lesser dung flies of S$'eden and ldl9: ElBj?ined 640625 I d.731004 ld: Dalby 610603 lestadsjdn 690616 2d: S. Sandby FAgelsing 610430 I 9 PD: Hiillestad Grytiingen 710506 1 9, 740831 4d9 ?. 840519 l6l ?. 880418 I d I 9. Hasslemdlla 810507 I d: Helmenhus 63l0l9 2d.5 I ; KbstersAgen 681015 I 2d l4 9 , 850421 Klostergerden 73 IV-V 4d19: N Krankcsj<in 710613 ldl ld. 73 72d509, 't4 rv -tx 39, 75 vlt vl vl-vll l1 d 5 9: Kullaberg 570815 1d, 680725 1d 1 9,6908 2d 2 ?, 710702 19 .730624 66 ,740708 r 9,7508 6d49,800812 I 9: Linnebjer 680928 2 9; Lomma 591007 2d I ?: Lund 6105ll r6,'120715 16,73 III-VIr 1dr9,740608 ld: Mariannclund 8308 2? RS; Maille 730624 8d891 Orup 3d RS: Gudmuntorp Riivarekulan 740901 bo 690715 Baldringe Skogshejdan 690116 780810 l9; 2d:Sjiil3dE9; Silvekra Stensotfa 690514 I ? : Stivdesjtin 560530 I d : Ku lBL: Briimsebro 870704 l? turens Ostarp 730706 19. RD; Tjiirii 670?02 I 9. - HA: Tijnnersa 760807 I ?, 78 VIvnt 669 9, 790725 19,800606 1d,8108.1d.82083d2?, - VI-VIII I - RS; Amilt 670515 19, 720513 19. SM: Bergkvara 810717 ldl9,RD: Cetnabo 810707 l9 RD; Hyltebruk 86U81I l C JA: AsedaKullebo76074dl9: Skorrii 830623 5d5I RD; Tenhult 830630 I d RS; Troltesliiv 820621 19. 83 VII. vlll 29 RS. OL: Halhorps hage 83 .5d I 7608 l7d9 ?. - GO: Norrlanda Hammars 7808'18 I d RDI Sundrc Maskmyr 780815 19 RD; St Tollby 78 Vll-VIll 2d RS. - OG: Brynstory 810716 1 9 RS; Tjiillmo Hindstorp 7907 l? JM. VG: Hassliisa Ekgerden 7807 2? RS; St. Lund 81072-5 RSI Skara Viglunda 820812 29 RS. NA: Fjugesra B5rsra 830805 1? RS. SO: Algii 810727 I d I ?: 84 VII-VIII 2d4 UP: Solna Bergshamra 79 VI-VIII ld3? GN: Kolhammar 780819 49 RS. Temperate areas of Jhe Palaearctic Reg. incl DK and S (S 1855 crrnilen,r.r, OL type loc., iype material lost: R 1982c. SK. OL neotype). Thermophilous, common in damp places: wet meadows, marshes. grass compost. maple in sap, cow house, potato and rape tields, N F Y W. 2203 1929 , 1954-88, IV-X (NRS, ZIL). No records nonh of Stockholm. l9 - 9. 65. Leptocera oldenbergi. (R lq82cl. S: SK: Kullaberg Oved 820530 l9 CH. Known only from Europe incl DK and S (H 1967a SK). A rare terricolous species occurring in damp places, larvae probably phytosapnrphagous: damp deciduous forests, N W. 2d 29, r963-73, VI (NRS, ZrL). 630606 1d.130624 16l 9: 66. Leptoc€ra anceps. (D 1938) S: SK-UP. Known orly from Europc: D, CS, H, USSR, and S (S 1855, SK, OL, 0G. VG, UP; K 1972, no syntypes found). A poorly known spccics casily confused with L. breli.cp.r. Larvae develop in various kinds of mud (P 1976): marshes, by slreams in deciduous forests. lake shore. wheat andrapefields. N FYW. l2d8?. l97l 80,V Vlll (NRS. ZIL). All material above as well as the closely related L. breticcps and L. cr)ptochqcta has been sent to Rohii.ek. who is working on a revision of the sg. Rachispocla. T'he outcorne of his investigations could bring about some chan ges in the species identifications. Locality records will be given more exuctly in Roh6dek's report. 67. l-€ptocera breviceps. (D 1938. Pi 1988). S: SK-VS. Central and nonh Europe incl DK (P 1984). S (S 185-5, OC, UP: Ardd 1957. SK: K 1972, syntypes), N (Ardii 1957) and sF (H 1980). Found behind sea wall and among grass roots. larvae develop in rnud: rnuddy sea and lake shores, marshes, at a stream in dcciduous fbrcst, rape field near the sea. N F Y. 12d27?. re55-75. V-VIII (NRS, ZIL). Noru'ay 17 (D 1938. Pt 1988). S: SK, OL. Known from Europe: GB, D. H and S (new). Rare, 68. Leptocera cryptochaeta. poorly known, found in wet places in coastal as well as in inlantl habitats: marshes and wet meadows. N F. 4d39. r968-73, Vr-VIII (ZIL). 69. L€plocera fuscipennis [oe,ldfldi( a Stcnhammar, 1855], (D 1938, Pi 1988). S:.SK; l-omma 720819 4d49: Malmti 731004 15d89. OL: Halltorps hage 760604 2d19, 4d. GO: Nonlanda Hammars 160123 21 6 2l I , 76083 1 780818 I ? RD. Widely distributed in the Holarctic Reg. incl DK (P 1984). S (S 1855 oe,/andira, OL type loc.; Ardi, 1957, SKI K 1972 syntype) and SF (H 1980). Common. halophilous, larvae develop in saline mud (P 1973a): seaweed on seashore, salty marshes and meadows behind sea wall. N Y. 46d35?, 1972-78, Vt X (ZtL). 70. Leptocera limosa. (D 1938. Rs 1930, C & K 1972, Pi 1988). S: SK: Aditv 731004 I d 1 9: Ellestadsjiin 690616 I d I 9 : Klostenigen 681005 2d : N Krankesjiin 550830 3 9, 580830 1d,690805 19.700503 td,730825 94d1119 sandy lakeshore, 75 VI-VII 83d6?9 (do.); Kullaberg 690805 I 9; Lomma 730819 3d I Luad7207 l5 2629;Mariannelund 820801 I I RS; Mitlle 730624 2 9; Sjitbo 690715 19: Baldringe Skogshejdan 690916 2d29: Trolleniis 830721 2d l9 RD: Vombsjiin 750618 2d69: Ystad 540720 ld:2d Bhn. SM: Aseda Kullebo 7607 ld?9:Viixjii Trummen 690626 1dl2dl9 Bhn. - OL: Mdckelby Jord RD: Mijckclmosscn 780808 ld ES torpsAsen 850612 et ol. - OG:2d -. - VG: Skara Viglunda 820701 I RS. ld I N: B: N Kongsberg Ligen 830730 4d29. Widespread in the Holarctic and Afrotropical Rcgions incl DK, S (F 1820, SK type loc.; Z 1840, SK, CO. oG, TOi 1847, SM, UP, LU; Ri 1941, SK: 1951, LY; Persson 1983, OL: incl in material above; C &K 19'72 lectotype and paralcctotypes), N (new) and SF (H 1980). In various wet and boggy places, sometimes on manure, larvac develop in mud and wet soil: on sea and lake shores, wct mcadows behind sea wall, damp deciduous forests, polalo fields, cow houses (inland). N F Y W. 211620'19. 1954 85, lV-X (NRS, ZIL, NFI), 6d I ? Bhn, (NRS). No modem linds from northem Sweden. 71. Leptocera lugubrina. (D 1938, R 1988 pers. comm.) S: OI-: Miickclmossen 780620 4d 5 ES ct al. Only known from,S (Z 1847, SK, GO typc ktcs; Pcrsson 1983 as breviceps, OL material above). Biology unknown: on wet ground at sea shore with sedge. F. 4d59, 1978. VI (NRS). RohriEek has studied the syntypes and fbund thar I thcy belong to t. (Rachispoda) and not to the genus lror4cochaeta. He also identified the material above, previously rccordcd as L. breticeps (R 1988 pers. comm.) 72. Leptocera lutosa. (G 820810 4d: Arltjv &K 731004 Arild 640625 16. 1972. Pi 1988). S: SK: 3d; Bjrined d; Ellesradsjiin 680821 I d, vtu 8d5?. 2629.7s0703 3d39,160424 700610 I Hallestud Gryungen 7105064d.740821 ld; Hiiiir 83091I I d I 9: Klagshamnsudde 820526 l9i Klosters{gen 681005 l5ldl309: N Krankesjiin 550830 320d2159 muddy laka shorc, 7l Vll740901 VMII t6, 39. 650806 2d 19, 6707 3d29, Kullaberg 57 6807 88652? muddy pool, 6908 9d139, 710704 ld, 7407 96 49 .'1508 21616? .'760701 I ?. tl30ti23 l9: Mariannclund 810706 I 9.82 VII-VIII 2d I ? RS; Miille 810624 TNI Ottarpsjiin 410625 ld29; Osby 69061 Ringsjiin 560803 2d29: Cudmuntorp Riivarekulan 610812 I ld: ld 18 Folke Florin 296409, 740901 5d39, 821003 ld: Sjitbo 69071s 95d399: Skeralid 410620 I d TN, 650525 I d HA: Blen- tarp Stampenbecken 690907 ld BS; Stenshuvud 830810 l9; Silvf,kra Stcnsoffa 690601 1d l9; Sturup 810710 ld: Tjdmarpsjiin 830911 ld; Vombsjiin 560805 19,740724 I d. 750618 ll[,: Brdmsebro 870704 6d39 RD. HA: T<lnnersa 820726 l6 RS. - SM: Bergkvara 830717 I d RD; Getnabo 870704 I d RD: Hyltebruk 830812 3d2 9l Tenhult 83 VII-VIII 1d I ? RS: Trottesliiv 80 VII-VIII 29, 19. - vl I VUI l0d7 ?: 820819 I RS. - OL: Halltorps hage 76 Miicke lmosscn 780620 I 9 ES et a/. - GO: Norrlanda Hammars 780818 | I d 7 9 RD: Fole St Olofsholm 780817 I ? RD. - 6G; Brynsrorp 8208 2d29,830616 ld RS: 3d39 Hgl. - VG: Skara viglunda 820816 I 9 RS. - BO: Grimmerird 450703 I d BT. - NA: Fjugesta Biirsta 830723 I d RS: Orcbro Sommarro 4lO8 ld2? TN. - SO: Trosa Arkii 84060-5 l9 FF. - UP; Solna Bersshamra 770803 l9 GN; Kolhammar 7807 29 RS: Srockh;lm Alkisran 760825 ld FF. - I)R: Lima Bullbergel 310826 19 BT; By AriingsAn 470804 I ? B'I': Limedsforscn 3108 I d29 BT. - NB: Sunderbyn 720705 I d. N: F: Altafjordbotn 560704 29; Bjatm- I9:Lakselv 560709 39r DK: NEZ: NivA 610929 I 9. nes 560709 Tana bru 560608 II. Holarctic, irrcl DK, S (S 1855. SK. HA. BO. VG. OG. 1957, SK;.c & K 1972 lecrotype and paralectotypes; Persson 1983, OL: incl in material above). N (Ardit 1957), SF (H 1980) and IS (A 1967). In various wct and boggy places, larvae develop in mud: marshland with pond, muddy sea and lake shores, by streams, grass compost. potato ficlds. N F Y M. 834d586?, l93l-87, V x (NRS. ZIL), 3d3? Hgl (NRS). Go,0L, uP: Ardd 73. Leptrrcera lutosoidea. (D 1938, G &K 1972, Pi 1988). Arlijv 7310O4 4d l9; Ellsradsjatn 680821 ld; Hallestad Grytangen 710506 2d: Klostergardcn 730415 ld: Klostersigen 681005 1d1?: N Krankesjiin 5508-i0 S: SK: 446269,?30825 l?: Kullaberg 720802 ldl9: t-omma 720316 I 9; Gudrnuntorp Rijvarekulan 640812 I 9. - Bl,: d. Brtimscbru 870704 I GO: Norrlanda Hammars 780818 RD. Holarctic incl S (ncw) and SF (H 1980). In wet and boggy placcs. larvac dcvclop in mud, lowland oriented: muddy sea and lake shores, by streams, marshes with pools, N. 56d329. r955 87, lrr X (NRS, ZIL). ldr9 74. Limosina silvatica. (R 1983). S: SK: Blentarp 690622 1 BS: Sandby Flgelsing 850703 1d; Maltesholm 840508 I ld MS. - HA: Ensliiv 550407 ldl?,560104 ldl9: Amilr 710?16 19. SM: Id Bhn. - CO: Id Bhn. - OG: 3d2? Bhn: l9 Hagl. Viirmdii 250808 l9 UP: Srockholm 6d49 Bhn; GH. Widcspread in Europe incl. DK, S (Z 1840. LY: lll.l7. SK. GO, OG. VC, UP, HS. JA: H 1967a. SK) and SIrr rccords also from Tunisia: L. siltatica does nol occur in N. Amcrica: all rccords are based on misidentified Leptoccro (s.srr.) (M p,crs. conrm.). Chiefly phytosaprophagous. deve loping in dccaycd vcgetation in woodland areas: by streams in Jamp dcciduous forcst, N M S.4d59, 1925 84, (NRS, ZIt,), ild89 Bhn, Hagl, CH (NRS). Ml 75, Gigalimosina flaviceps. (R 1983, 1984). S: SK: SilvAkra 820526 2? CH; Hariing 84081I l9 MS, 3d,19 tlgn. Ccntral Europc (s.lat.) incl DK, S (Z 1847, SK lype loc.: S 1855. SK; H 1967a, SK; R 1983 type material lost) and SF'(H 1986 pcrs. comm.). Psychruphilous, anrong decaying lcavcs in ravincs and ro,ck slots: shady deciduous tbrest (l"dgus silnli@ dominating), N M. (ZlLl. 36 49 Hgn (NRS). -l I 1982-84, V-VIII 76. Apteromyia claviventris. (R 1983). S: SK: Kullaberg 660821 19,710712 16,120802 l6: Sitvdc 871031 l9 MS. HA: Amirt 51016 2?,7t0411 ld,'720327 16, 3?.860502 1?. S0: Algii 850714 1d. 850907 1d.860517 ldl?.860719 ld.870913 2?. UP: Ed '130422 Antuna 8fi)508 1d SVA; Solna Bergshamra 170829 l6 GN: Kolhammar 790713 l6 RS. LU: Messaure 710722 16 29 . Europe incl DK, S (H I967a, SK). SF and tS (H 1986 pcrs. comm.): N. America: CDN (M & R 1982). Polysaprophagous. connected with damp and shady habitats such as cellars. caves, runs of small mammals and shady wtxrds: damp mixed deciduous forest. elk droppings in mixcd worxj, various tree stumps in sap (spruce and alder), grass compost, potato and oats fields, co'* houses. N F Y W. l3dl39, r95l 86. I IX (NRS, ZrL). 77. Herniosina bequaerli. (R 1983) S: VGr Hasslitsa Ekd RS. IS: Htidarendi 84080-3 I d I 9; InnriNjardvik 850702 I I i Skagastrijnd 850718 I d: Neskaupsradur 860120 I d. Widespread in Europe incl S (new), SF and tS (Ni cl a/. gArden 790626 I 1954). Cavemicolous, living in caves, cellars and burrows ofvarious marnmals (R 1984): potato ficld,Y.7 629 ,1979(NRS, rMN). 86, MII 78. Terrilimosina racovitzai. (R 1983, M 1987). S: SK: Mariannelund 810615 I d RS. SM: Tronesliiv 800721 I d RS. UP: Ed Antuna 790608 SVA. Widespread in Europc incl S (new) and SF (H 1980): also reponed from N. Amcrica. Polysaprophagous, in caves, cellars and mammal bum)ws: poralo fields, cow housc, Y W.3d, 1979-81, vl (NRs. zrl). ld - 79. 'ferrilimosina schmilzi. (R 1983, M 1985a. M 1987). S: SK: Forsakar 820709 I I : Hasslemiilla 720528 I 9: Klit' va hallar 820711 ld; Kullaberg 720809 1d,730621 1d, 1401M l6 l9 ,760713 l6 ,'1807221 d : Gudmuntorp Riivarckulan 690712 l?; Skiiralid 670402 291Siivde 871031 ld l9 MS. Bl,: Br^iiknc-Hoby 850718 ld. - HA: Rydd hruk 860817 l d JA; Amih 6.s0528 I 9,7107 2d,73 VI-VIl 1629.74Ob24 ld. 8605 29. - SM": Hyltcbruk 830812 I d I 9 HA. 116 Vlll lX 4d 19 JA; Ascda Kullcbo 7607 7d239: Trotteslitv 830704 ld RS. - BO: Brofjordcn 88- 0803 I d LE. NA: Fiugesta Biirsta 820tt23 I v d RS. ?. - SO: lx 2d5 9. 8708 r d l up: Ed Atgti teotrz r 9. 85 Antuna 790603 16 SVA: Kolhamm ar ?90717 I ? RS. AN, Norrbyn 77 vl X I d I KM. LY: Ammamas 7107 29. - l.U: Messaure 740606 ld. - TO: Abisko 760721 ld KM; Masugnsbyn 550718 l9; Vittangi 550717 I ?. N: HF & UJ. - TR: MAlsclv 560701 S'l': Benna 116062 I | l9 rd. Holarctic incl DK. S (new), N (ncw), SF and IS (H 1986 oers. comm,). Common on roning litlcr in damD f()rrst (R 1984): cow houses, sheep droppings, damp deciduous forest with running water, boggy pasture, a watered pilc of pulpwood, potato fields, N F Y W. 38d53 9. 1955 8tt, V X (NRS. ZtL). 80. Minilimosina splendens. (R l9l{3). S: SK: N Krankesjdn 690607 I d.7401103d: Kullaberg ?10712 l?. 80081-5 | ? : Stenshuvud 770814 I d ; Silvekra Slensofla 1t409 I 6 I 9. - HA: Amilt 5708M I ?:7i0725 19. ?20810 16.140624 ld. OL: Hrllto.p. hagc 760806 ld29 S0: Alga The lesser dung flies ol Sweden and rd.850618 I ?. Central Europe (s.lat.) incl S (new). Uncommon, living 840728 in damp forest and meadows on decaying rnatter (R 1984): damp deciduous fbrest, marsh, lake shores. grass compost, N F W.7d89, 1957-85, VI-VIII (NRS, ZIL). 81. Minilimosina unica [hackmani RohSdek. 1977]. (P 1973a, R 1983). S: VR: Skallberg 770626 1d29 JR. LY: Ammamas 710626 16, 710701 ld. - PI: Pieljekaisc 810703 l9 TEL. TO: Abisko 570'112 19, 5'10'l 13 13 PIP; Abisko 750630 I d 19, 750707 I ? KM. Known from Mongolia, SF and S (ncw). Biology unknown, female recorded new: mountain birch forest, spruce forest (Axelsson 1982, Lundberg 1979) and peat bogs, N L W. 5d 6 ?, 1957-81, V-VII (NRS, ZtL). Malerial above has been studied by Rohddek and Marshall in connection with their work on Minilimosina (S.) of the world (in press). 82. Minilimosina a-atrum. (R 1983). S: SK; Hasslemiilla 7205 ld; 362?: Kullaberg 650806 19, 710704 19,71062'1 Margaretetorp 670713 ld: Gudmuntorp Riivarckulan ld;Tvedijra 690510 lg. - HA: Amik 7ll Vt-lX 1629.74062? 16,750621 1d. -SM: Tenhult 830606 l9 690712 ld RS, Trotteslaiv 820701 ld. 830818 RS; Glrdsby N. 'hage Areda 830707.1 9, 870620 I d RD. - OL: Halhorps 760806 I I OG: Jhmevid 800630 I 9 RS. VG: Hassltisa Ekgerden 800815 l d RS. So: A196 810809 l g. - uP: Solna Bergshamra 770824 I ? CN: Kolhammar 820706 I d RS. VS: Arsbiicken 810729 UG. VR: Ekshlrad Skallberg 770523 2I JR. - PI: Pieliekaiss 810703 I TEL. - TO: Abisko Nuolja 570713 ld PIP. N: N: Dunderland 561)627 19 TR: Gratangen 5@729 29 ,560730 1.9. F: Lakselv 560709 I d: Vestenana 560706 I I . Central and Nonh Europe incl DK, S (new), N (new) and SF. Boreo-alpine, collected on peat bogs and in mixed forests (R 1984): damp deciduous forests. marshes and peat bogs, muddy lake shores. potato and wheat fields, grass compost, pile of warered pulpwood, N F Y W. 15 d22I, 1956-87, V-Lx (NRS. ZIL). . l? - I . - 83. Minilimosina vitripennis. (R 1983). S: SX: Hiillcstad Grytiingen 7,10803 I d; HumlarMshus flilad 850601 | d: KlostersAgen 85042 | ldl9:N Krankesjtin 70O503 ldl ?, 760424 l?, Kullaberg 720801 I ?: Mariannelund 810710 RS: Ringsjiin 650616 l?:Cudmuntorp Rcivarekulan 651010 I 9.690916 2d2 9 r VArhallama 850704 2d: Akarp 550527 I d. - HA: Tdnnersa 810820 Id RSr Amih 550528 ld I d, 6G 16, 710121 l?,730612 1619. - SM: Bcrgkvara l9 RD; Aseda Kullebo 7607 l2?; Troucsliiv 820610 I RS. - GO: Sr Tollby 780t, 2d RS. - 0G: Bryn,tory 810716 l9 RS: Bje*a-Seby 800528 l? SVA. - UP: Balingsta Eriksberg 7905 l? JM: Octingamii ti(n725 l9 SVA: Kolhammar 780611 l? RS. VS: Ridii 8107 I ? 8507t8 I JM. VB: Raibecksdalen 790127 1d. tam7l0 ld. tll07l0 ld RS: Umetr lsk 8206 2d RS. l,Y:Ammames71064?. - LU: Messaure 74 Vl VII 2?. TO: Abisko 760623 2I KM,830718 l9 HA, IJ50623 l9 TM; Soppero 55072 | 1?. N: 'l'R: Djupvik 560703 ld. l': Altaljord 560704 I ?. Holarctic, widespread in Europe (M 1985b) incl DK, S 184?. SK rype loc.r S 1855. SK. OGr H 1967a, SK: R 1983. SK lectotype and paralectotypes, LY), N (ncw), SF tZ and IS. [n woods and woodland mcadows, in Ccntral Eunlpc restricted to mountains: mounlain birch forcsls, damp daciduous forest, lake shorcs. moorland, gardcn, cow housc. potato and rapc ficlds, maplc in sap, N t, Y W. 24d39?, t955 85, V-X (NRS, ZIL). Norway 19 84. Minilimosina fungicola [e.ri3ra Rondani, 1880]. (R 1983, M 1985b). S; SK: S. Sandby F6gelsing 850621 16; Hasslem<jlla 720528 I d I I i N Krankesjitn 730825 2 I I Kullaberg 630606 I d I 9, 670? I I 3d, 690805 3d29, 710710 ld, 7208 5d59, 730618 l ?, 7s08 2dr ?, 760707 ld; Linnebjer770918l di Lund sradsparken 710802 ld:Mariannelund 810803 I ?, 820811 I RS; Orup 78 VI VllI 3d, 80 VIl-Vltl 2d 19 RS: Gudmuntorp R<ivarekulan 740901 I d: Sjr,bo 690715 I d : Ortofta 610616 I 9. - BL: Kristianopel S Brdms 810706 46 RD. - HA: Tijnnersa 79 VI-VIII ld29 RS: Amilt 670515 19, 690622 le, 700830 29, 710724 19.120121 26. - S!I: Bergkvara 8-s0726 ld RD: Aseda Kullebo 7607 lld4l?:Tagel 780626 lQ RS: Trorteslajv 8208 5d39, 83 VII-VIII 39 RS. - GO: St Tollby ?80812 1? RS. OG: Brynstorp 780810 16 RS; Tjallmo Hindstorp 7907 39 VG: Hassliisa.EkgArden 7908 1d 1 9, 800722 I 9, 810820 1d 1 ? RS. - SO: Algd 8l vll I JM. IX 368?,82071t td!9,83 VI-VII 4639,84 Vrr-rx 2l d 169.85 VI-X 69d 122 ?,86 V X 12d209,87VI-VIr 9d 8 UP: Ed Antuna 790906 2? SVA; Solna Bergshanra 770727 ld GN; Cetingamd 800625 ld SVA; Kolhammar 780814 I d, 790731 l9 RS. - VS: Ridit 8108 I ? JM. - VR: Eksharad Skallberg 770525 l9 JR. - DR: Nrs 780802 l9 RS. - NB: Pajala Jupukka 5-50728 I ?. N: B: N Kongsberg LAgen 830930 I d. Holarctic, common in the northem regions incl DK, S (new), N (new), SF and lS (N ct a/. 1954 and A 1967 need to be confirmed). Synanthropous, chiefly phytosaprophagous, in spite of its specific name rarely on fungi: meadows, deciduous forests, by sre ns, grass compost ll9dt789, cow houscs, potato and rape fields, pile of wood in coniferous forcst, N F Y w. 180d2689, 1955-87, III-X (NRS, ZIL). Easily confused with closely relaied species, previous rccords thcrcforc nccd recxamination. 9. 85. Minilimoeina gemella. (R 1983, M 1985b). S: SK: Baldringe Skogshejdan 690916 I d I 9; Mariannelund 8208ll l9 RS.-HA: Tiinncna 820802 ld RS. -SM: Trotteslov 82O722 l9 RS. - 6G: Brynstorp 820531 19 RS. VG: Skara Viglunda 820617 ld RS. SO: Riishng 7906 l d JM: Algii 810727 I d. 850624 3d3 L 860531 1 d. 860 614 I d I ?.860625 I d,870905 19. - LY: Ammamiis 7106 - 3dt9,7t07 tdl9. Europre: A, CS, GB (Pi 1988) and S (new); N. America: CDN and USA. [n borco-alpinc habitats i.a. among dung cnrichcd substratcs: grass compost, potato and rape fields, mounrain birch for€st, pasture. N F Y W. l4d I I 9, 1969 tl7, V-lX (NRS, ZIL). Easily confused with M. fungicola. This material is now in the hands of J. Rohritek tbr revision purpose. 86. Minilimosina hispidula. (R I988). S: I-Y: Ammam?is 710631 f d. - l,U: Mcssaure 740624 l6 holotypc (ZlL). A ncw spccics known only from S (R lgtill incl in material abovc). Probably borcal likc irs Nearcric listerspecies M. :?da. fiixcd mounlain birch and spruce tbrest, pinc tbrest hy l-ulc rivcr, t. W. 2d, l97l 74, Vl (NRS. ZIL). 87. Minilimosina parvula. (R 1983. M 1985b). S: SK: Kullaberg 63fi507 I d. 7l 07 2 9, 720801 I d2 9. 810623 I I : l.und stadsparkcn 7 l()ti()7 I d : Mariannclund 1t307 1,1 I d | 9 RS; Osby ti50l{llt 3d RS; Stcnshuvud 770ltl4 HA: Hyltc 710?24 l?: T(rnncrsa lil0lt24 ld RH: Amilr 710724 ld. 5d59. 13d259. SM: Ascrlu Kullcbo 7fl)7 7110626 ld RSlTcn. RS: T()lrcsliiv 8(n,714 RS. (il.: Hxll. 720327 7d69;Saltvik tis0ll4d59 1L;Tagcl hulr t(-10714 ld l! 20 Folke Florin - torps hage 760'123 \ ? . - GO: Sr Tollby 780812 I d RS, 2I AJ. OG: Brynstorp 780803 GS: Gotska Sandcjn I d, 820802 ld RS; Jiirnevid 8fi)714 l9 RS. NA: Fjuge,td, sta Barsta 820730 RS. SO: Algo 8l 820711 rd, 830628 ld3?, 84 Vrr-Vrrr 6d89, 8506 2'162',7I ,850'7 5d r0 9, 8-508 2d4 9, 8509 I d4 ?, 86 VVII 2362'19,87 VI-IX l4d 199. - UP: Balingsta Eriksberg 7905 1d1? JMi Kolhammar7808l4 l9 RS; Fastcma Mirrby 7905 19 JM. - VS: Brunnby 79 VI-Vlll 2d JM. DR: OsterA 860728 I d FF. - VB: Raibiicksdalen 790709 I 9. 820622 19 RS: UmeA lsk 820712 I d RS. - LY; Ammarniis 7106 4d. - PI: Pieljekaise 8106 2d I TEL. - LU: Mes- 54 l9 vll-vlll I saureTl vl-VII 7d8?.73 vl-VII 29.74 V-VII 35 d45 9. TO: Abisko 540731 49 NR, 750623 I d29 KM. Europe incl DK. S (S 1855. HA. OG: R 1983 lecrorype and paralectotype) and SF: N. America: CDN and USA. Necrophagous, also on excrement, rotting fungi and decayiog vegetation; pastures, mixed forcst, pcat bog, grass compost, birds' nests (Parus caentkus, Prunella modularis), clk droppings, cow housc, potaro and rapc ficlds. N F Y W E. 2l I d 2399. 1954-87. III-IX (NRS. ZIL). Prcviously confused with M. Jirngicola. 88. Minilimosina tenera. (R 1983). S: LU: Mcssaurc 710902 ld. Only known from Europc: CS, S (new) and SF (H pers. comm.). The only previous record is liom decaying fungi on a peat bog in CS: mixed coniferous forest with lingonbeny by Lule river. F. 1d, 1971, IX (ZIL). 89. Minilimosina s€cu[daria. (R 1983). S: SK: Baldringe Skogshejdan 690916 I NA: FjuSesta Bnrsta 830705 I d RS. Known only from Europe: GB, H, DDR (P 1984) and S lnew). Very rare, taken on a window and on a boggy meadow: wet pasture, potato field, N Y. 2d, 1969-83. VIIIX (NRS. ZL). Male (material abovc) prcviously unknown will be described by Rohddck. d. 90. Xenolimosina setaria. (R 1983. M 1985a). S: SK: Silvllra Srensoffa 8010O5 ld. Restricted Atlantic distribulion: GB, B, DDR and S (ncw). Vcry rarc, collcctcd on decaying fungi: damp deciduous woodland. N. I d, 1980, x (zlL). 91. Paralimosina fucata. (R 1983). S: SK: Kullaberg 68- 600915 ld. 750526 Ringsjain 630926 l?l Mariannelund 810716 9 : Skanijr 560902 l9: l9 RS: Baldringe Skogs hejdan 690916 12d209 pasture: Stenshuvud 590915 ld; Asljunga 590719 2 9. 600605 ld l9: Osterlov 631019 19. - HA: Enslijv 550529 I 9, 5607 2d; Amilt 5-50706 I ?, 66 1 - 29,7N-VII ldl9, - SM:Getnabo 830717 ldl? RD: Ascda Kullcbo 7607 59d469: Tenhult 83 VI-VII I d I I RS: 3I Bhn. 6L: Halltorps hage 76 vl-Vtl 2d I 9. G0: Hellvi 780817 I ? RD, St Toltby 780812 1? RS. OG: Blarha-SiiUy 800801 I I SVA; Brynstorp 78 VI-VIII 1639,790716 19,80 V-VI ldl9 RS; Vist Stavsater 800508 I I SVA: 2d PWg. - VG: Kinnekulle I d5I Bhn; Osterplana hed 780819 ld BO. BO: Havstensund 5606 2d I 9. NA: Adolfsberg 410722 2d TN: VastkAn 82 Vl Vll 5dl9 RS: Orebro 52 l9 NR. UP: Enkiiping Brunnsholm 800626 I d I I BE; Getingamii 80 VI-VIII 1d49,8MI-VIII ld79 SVAI Estuna Hov 810703 l9 SVA, Lussingc 770728 l6 HR; Stockholm 3 9 Bhn. - VS: Ridij,8l07 ld JM.-DR:Nds820719 l9 RS; Rattvik qtby 73t)904 i9 TT; Vansbro 790625 l9 RSi ld Bhn. AN: Hampnes 540617 ld NR. VB: Ritbacksdalen 7907 29. 8207 ld3? RSt Umeelsk 820727 29 RS. NB: Bergviken 65$102 I d: Benniiset 560712 I d I 9: Hiigs6n 720706 lg:' Kengis 5507 2d2?: Smedsbyn 630702 1d. N: B: N Kongsberg Llgen 830730 2 9 . - N: Mo i Rana 560704 2I ; Rdsiing 560627 19. 560706 | 9. - F: Altafjordbotn 560704 29: Vesterfjo.d Holarcric incl DK. S (Z IE40. LY. TO; 1847. SK, OC, GO. UP, NB, LY: Ardii 1957. HA), N (Z 1855) and SF (H 1980). Typical meadow sprcies living under grass: meadows and pastures, manhes. by streams and rivers, cow houses and cowpats, potato, whcat and rape fields, N F Y W. 125 d l.l4 9. lS4l-83, II-X (NRS, ZL), 3d l0 9 Bhn, Pwg (NRS ). 95. Spelobia belsnic a. (R 1983). S: SK: Klagshamnsudde 820526 I VB: Ri,biicksdalen 830811 1? RS. Known only from Europe, CS, DK (allotype) and S (new). Biology unknown, holotype from runs of MicrotrJ a/rzli.r: wet pasture. potato ficld. N Y. 29, 1982-E3, V-VIII (NRS. ZIL). Thc fcmalc allotype fmm DK with abdomen lost. ?. 0121 19,760713 I dt Stenshuvud 770814 ld. Widcsprcad in Europe incl. DK and S (new), records also from N. Africa. In woodland on excrement, fungi and litter: mixed deciduous forest. damp deciduous forest with pool. N.2dl9, r968-77, vrr-VIII (NRS, ZIL). 96. Spelobia bispina. (M 1985c). S: LY: NNE Tdmasjdn Dakkcjaurc 630? l6 I d (Rohdaek det.). N. America: CDN: Europe: S (M 1985c. LU): Siberia (R 1987 peIs. comm.). Biology largely unknown: creek wilh sedge, N. I d. 1963. 92. Paralimosins kaszabi llatiqctw Rohdaek, 19771. (R 1983). S; OG: Tjiillmo Hindstorp 7905 I d JM. VG: Ha'sl<isa Ekgirdcn 780714 l?.790716 lgRS SO:Vrngfiker Vik 7907 I 9 JM. - VB: Umea lsk 820830 ld RS. 97. Spelobia cambrica. (R l98l). S: SK; Sloby Arkelstorp HA: Hjdmarp_ Margaretetorp 670712 550620 SM: Breared 810810 ld: Amilt 6705 2d.830801 Europc: D, CS and S (new); Mongolia. Poorly known. in Central Europc ar high altitudcs, rccords from hay and peat bog meadows: potato and rapc ficlds, Y.2d.39, 1978-82, V VIII (NRS. ZIL). t.l. Paralimorina subcribrata. rR lq8.rl. S: SK: Ored 820530 ld CH. Known only from Europe: CS. A. Hm YU and S (ncw). Morphological fcatures indicate lerricolous litt-habitr beech tbrcst, N. ld, 1982, V (ZIL). 94. Sp€lobia ochripes. (R 1983, M 1985c). S: SK Briisarp 690615 id29;Dalby 550830 ld I ?: FlackaD 6U)630 ld; Klostcrslgcn 62092{) 19,730126 l9.li50421 2d; N Krankcsjiin 5,5olt1() l.r,700503 2d.740421 l?.750903 ld. 161424 I 3: Kullahcrg 7201t09 2d; Lorrrrna .550621t I <i I ?. vfl (zrl). l?: ld. ld. I d RS. VS: Arsbiicken 81U29 26 AN: Docksta 540618 I ? NR. - NB: Pajala 55o721 I d I ?. - TO: Abisko Ridonjira 830722 I 9. N: ST: Benna 860621 ld29 HF& UJ. TR: Cratangen 560630 1d19. Trotresldv 820819 UC. - Probably borco-alpirrc, known from mountains in Central Eunrpc and from North Europc incl S (new), N (new) and SF. Polysaprophagous in wrxrds and on peat bogs (R 1984): dccirlutrus forcsts and ra!inc{ with strcaminp water. mountain birch forests. marsh with sedge, kilchen compost, shccp droppings, porato fields, N F Y. l0d7?, 195-5 86, V vlll (NRS. ZIL). Spelobia clunipes Un,8a(a Zetterstedt. 19381. (R 1983. Pi 1988). S: SK: Stoby Arkelstorp 550620 ld; S. Sandhy Figclslng 610430 I ? PD: Hasslemijlla 7205 3 ? ; 9l'1. M 198.5c. The lesser dung flies of Sweden and Norway 2l l9l N Krankesjcin 730825 19,7409 ldl9l .7604212d; Kullaberg 610514I9,680721 ld. 7 lO7 M I 6 I 9, 7208 4 6 29, 1 4O'l 07 I d ; Linnebjer 68 I 0l 3 tmmeln631019 '750'703 | 6 Lomma 720316 19.740811 l9; Lund 720820 ld: 9dll9,82 VI-VIII ld5?,83 Mariannclund 8l 2d; VHII Vl-vlll 4d69 RS; Mjatnas 631019 l9; Orup Vl-vtll 4d ll? RS; Revinge 740820 I d RD: 7907 2d, 80 Gudmunt()rp Riivarekulan 740901 29: Baldringe SkoSshcjdan 690916 2C l9; Skaralid 670402 2? HA,410620 I d TN: Blentarp Stampenbdcken 690622 2q BS; Stenshuvud 83 VI-VII .ld19 RD: Srurup 8lQ7l0 ld: Torup 820601 CH: Vomhsjiin 140124 l6t fuarp 550527 2d 29. - Bl.: Brtmsebro 8707 lCl ? RD. HA: Snitstorp 550705 l9:Titnncrsa 780810 1d19,8006 ld39,8l Vll Vllt 2d l 9, 83 VIvIII 9d7? RSi Amilr 550?05 4d 4 9. 5706 7 d l ?, 620701 1 d. 630602 I ?, 6407 3 ?, 650528 2d l 9, 670515 2 6 29 . ld 7m830 tdl9,7l vl-vr ld SM; Bcrgkvara 850615 09 I 2649,'17 3d4?, 't sM26 2629,780716 0609 I [I-VI 6d129,73ld, 830801 r 9. - RD:Getnabtr8307l7.l9. 8506- RDr Aseda Kullebo 7607 20ld 1009: Tagcl 7qftr'29 vl-vul 12d279 RS: 19, 10618 ldl9 RS; Tenhulr 83 Tronesliiv 800811 19,8l Vl VIll td3?,82 V Vlll 8d 12?,83 VI-VIII 7d 12? RS: N Areda 870620 ld RD. 6L: Halltorps hage 76 VII-VIII 6d 199; Miickclby Jordtorpsfrscn 850612 69 RD; Kastliisa 70)624 ld; MiickclGO: Ulla hau 870827 l9 MS. mossen 7808 2d ES et OG: Biarka saby 80 vl vfll 2I svA: Brynstorp 780810 al. 26.1906 39.80 V VII-VIII 80O6 2 79 1 d 3I V t 2d8?.81 Vr VIlr 5d79.82 VMI 8d6 9. VM ld29 RS: Klosterorlunda RS: Tjiillmo Hindstorp 79 d JM: Jaimevid 80 V-VII 2d29 JM. -VG: Hasstiisa EkgArden 80 VI-VIII 2d5?. 8l VI-VII ld29 RS; St Lund 83 VI-VII ld29 RSI Skara Viglunda 82 Vl VIII l5d 169 RS. - BO: Brofjorden 880803 l? LEI Havstensund 56O609 ldl9.-NA: Fjugesta Barsta 82 Vl VIll ld39 RS: Tysslinge Larorp 51062J I ? NR: Orebro Markk:irrel 410728 I ? TN: Mullhynan 52 VI-VIII 1d2? TN:Orebro Oset 410801 ld TN; Kriicklinge Tampalandet 7906 I I JM: Vastkiilr 8207 I d I I - sO: Ats.r 8 r0727 r?.82v[-rx 2d r9.830628 l?. 840728 r9,8s Vr-rX lsd239, 86 V-tX 4d r09,87 VrVIII 7d59. UP: Ed Antuna 790608 ld SVAI Adelsat Bjiirkit 820602 29 FF: Balingsta Eriksberg 79 IV-VIII 3d39 JM: Faringe Erikslund 770805 ld3? FF: 6etingamd 79 VIII-IX 3d89,8008 5d69, 8l vI-X 5? SVAr Estuna Hov 810830 l9 SVA; Kolhammar 80 VI-VII ld2?, RS. 8 r vt-vtl 261? ,82 VII-VII 1 d2 9, 83 Vrr-VIIr 5d7 ? 8l V-Vll Ild79 JM; Ultuna 830707 ld RS: - VS: Brunnbl 7905 I d JM: Arsbiicken 8 10729 I d UG. DR; NAs 8MI-VIII 29. 8207 1629 RS. - VB: Vindeln RS: Rimbo Hiillnes 3904l2 I d KH: Ritbacksdalen 7907 2d 5 ? . 800821 19, 8l vrr-vrrr 3d69, 82 vrr-vrrr 29, 8308 I d3I Rs: UmeA lsk 82 VI-UII I d3 9 RS. - NB: Hogsdn 620805 I ?: Kengis 550730 7d6?t Pajala 5507 3d69; Storsund 630630 I 33d d; Sunderbyn 830721 I9 l3?; Viuangi 550718 9. ld. RS. -TO: Maunu 5507 N: B: N Kongsberg Ligen ST: Benna 860621 I 9. 880623 I d HF 830730 8d I & UJ. N: Mo i Rana 560626 I d I 9. - TR: Cratangcn 56(h 2d: MAlselv -560701 2d I F: Vestenana 560706 2d: Lakselv 560707 ld29.IS: Suduneykir l9; Thykkvibaer lt50624 | ?. - ?. Widesp.ead in ihe Holarctic Reg. incl DK. S (Z 1840 pr,4rrrrr. TO. LY type loc.: 1847: SK. SM. a)C: Gaunirz l95l , OG: Persson 1983, OL incl in material above: R 1983 no synlypes). N (Z 1847: Ard0 1957), SF and IS (A 1967). Common. polysaprophagous with wide ecological tolerance: cow houses, dung hills. cow and shecp droppings, faeoes, pastures and meadows, potato fields, ant hill, tree stump in sap, rotting apples, N F L Y W B. 6l5d 514 9. l94l -88, III X (NRS, ZIL, IMN). S. clrarpes seems variable in its morphological characters and is therefore difficult to distinguish lrom its closest congeners. 99. Spelobia ibrida. (R 1983). S: SO: Algit 840819 19, LY: Ammamas 850803 ld. 870606 ld. 870710 19. 710630 I 9, 7lO7 2629. -TO: Abisko 540724 l9 NR, KM. N: TR: Gratangen 5707 10d69 PlP. 750721 - l9 560630 1d: MAlselv 560701 1d. Only known from Europe: CS, S (new), N (new) and SF (paratypes). Most type specimens \rere collecled on peat bog meadows; mountain birch forest and meadows, peat bogs, grass compost, N F L W. l6d l4I, 19.54-87, VI-VIII (NRS, ZIL). Closely related to S. rufildbris. lfi). Spelobia luteilabris. (R 1983, M 198.5c). S; SK: Briisarp 690615 ld; Hiillestad Gryhngen 710506 ld, 740831 ld I ?, 880418 ldl Hasslemiilla 810507 I d; Klagshamnsuddc 810706 I d: N Krankesjitn 730825 2d2 9,750703 1 9: Kullaberg 6306 1d 1 9, 680721 19,69083d,71073d3?, 72 Vlll lX 7669,730624 l6l?,160'113 1d; Lund 7l 0807 1d,720715 16,13M29 1dl Mariannelund 8l VII- VIII 4 9. 82 VIMII VIII 2d1? RSI 2d l9 RS, Orup 7907 1619,80vII- Cudmuntorp Rijvarekulan 740901 ld: Baldringe Skogshejdan 690916 3d: Smyge 870401 ld MN. - BL: Kristianopel S Briims 870706 2d RD. - HA: Tainner' sa 8l Vll-vllt 1d39,820815 16, 83 Vl vlll 262? RS; Amilt 560715 1d,690521 l?,700830 ld,730612 1?. 750,627 l? . SM: Hyltebruk 860907 I d JA; Aseda Kulle- l9 RS: Troucsldv 800724 ld.8l08l7 1d.820708 l9 RS. OL: Halltorps hagc 760'123 l?t Miickelby Jordtorpsfrsen 850612 lQ RD. - bo 7607 92652?;Tagel8l0622 GO: St Tollby 780622 I d RS. OGr Bjarka-Seby 79 v-X 2d39. 80 lv-vlll 16d259 SVA: Brynstorp 790724 16, 80 VII VIll 3 9. 82 VII Vlll 3d2 ? RS; Tjellmo Hindsiorp 7905 I d. 8007 4d I ? JM; Tdmevalla Linghem 80 VIII-IX 86129 SVA. VG: Hassliisa EkgArden 780714 19, 79 VII-Vlll 4d 19,8008 3d, VIn 29 RS; Skara Viglunda 820819 I d RS. - NA: Fjugesta Bersta 820705 ld, 830705 I RS; Krbcklinge Tampalandet 7907 2d I 9 JM. SO: VingAker Vik 7907 I 9 JM: Algii 830628 I d, 85 Vt lX 8MI I 19d409,86 Antuna 79 v Ix 21d179, 87 V-lX 2'126142? ,80 VI-IX 7d89. - UP: Ed I V7d159 SVA; Enkti- ping Brunnsholm 80 VII-VIII 11d49 BE; Faringe Erikslund 770805 5dll9 FF; Getingam6 8l VII-VIII ld69 SVAI Kolhammar 780707 I d RS. - VS: Brunnby 79 VIIvlII ld39,8l vll-vlll 1d29 JM; Ridd 8107 ld JM. DR: By Bjiirka 640717 BT: trksand SAqgAn 730721 ld I I TT. Vansbro 78 Vll VIll 2d I ? RS. - AN: Norrbyn 770710 VB: Riibiicksdalen 790704 RS. NB: RAneA Bergviken 650902 1?; Pajala 550731 ld. l9 l9 KM. l9 - LY: Ammam6s 71062639. LU: Messaure 140708 16. - 'I0: Abisko '750721 19 KM; Karesuando 550722 19lMaunu 550724 ld. N: B: N Kongsberg Ligen 8-30730 I d I ?. ST: Strynsvatnet 8@626 26 HF & UJ. - N; Mo i Rana 560626 I d . - TR: Gratangen 560630 | ?. IS: Haf- ld: ld: Vaglaskogur 840719 Nupur Hlidarvatn 870719 t?. Widcspread in N. America and Europe incl DK, S (new). narfiiirdur 830501 850717 l9: N (ncw), S F and IS (N i er ai. 1954). PolysaprophaSous, wide ecological tolerance, with synanthropic as well as wild populations: cow houses 4(X d 279 9, pastures, potato and rape fields. grass compost, meadow with bushes, meadow birch 22 Folke Fktrtn forest, marsh, lake and sream shores, N F L Y W. 535 d4l3 ?. 1955-88. l-lx (NRS, ZIL. IMN). The femalcs of S. luteilabris ard S. ibrida are very similar but the spermathecae permit a safe identification. l0l. Spelobia manicata. (R 1983). S; SK: SilvAt<ra 68051I Id:Kullabers 710707 I9.730620 Id.750806 HA: Ttinnersa 810817 le RS: Amilr 670504 19. - SM: RD. UP: Kolhammat Hiilgaryd GArdsby 730407 I 780814 l9 RS. -TO: Abisko 750707 ld KM. Known from GB, S (H 1967a, SK). SF (H 1980) and IdII I - Central Europ€. Microcavemicolous, in runs and bunows of small mammals (R 1984): manhes, mountain birch foresl, sandy lake shore, tuft with ants, marl pit, potato fields' H L Y W. 4d69. 1967 81. Iv vlll (NRS, ZIL). S. manicata, with shonened wings, could bejust an ecomorph ofS. c/uai zer. RohdEek treats it as a separale spccics. 102. Spelobia nana. (R 1983). S: l9; SK: Ellestadsjiin 700610 Hiillestad Gryt?ingen 740831 710613 l9; ldl9; N Krankesj<in Kullaberg 570615 19,660821 2d I ?,720801 ld: SilvAkra Stensoffa 680602 l9: Akarp 55 IV-V 26. HA; Rydii bruk 86081? ld JAI Ttjnriersa 790627 19, 800612 1-? RS: Amilt 6?0515 td, 6e0521 ld, 7.106 29.-SM: Hyltebruk860817 2d I I JAr Trotleslijv 8J071I I d RS: Vaxjd Aryd 830?09 ld RD. OL: Halltorps hage 76 Vl-vlll 2d29. - OG: Brynstorp 800825 I d RS. UP: Alunda 7909 I I SG. - TO: Karesu4d; Lund 590523 all,do 55O'722 I d; Soppero 550720 2 ?. Known from Central and Nonh Europe incl DK, S (R 1983, LY) and SF. Little known polysaprophagous meadow species: wet meadows. marshes. peat bog, a walercd pilc of pulpwood. alder forest, maple in sap. Potato fields. emcrgcd irom dead beetle (HvloDiro drriere.t ). N Y W E. 22d 189. 1955 {6. V-VrIl (NRS. ZIL, ZIU). 103. Spelobia palmata. (R 1983). S: SK: Stoby Arkclstorp 550620 4d29; Billebjer 770515 ld: Bjaned 640612 ld; HassleHallestad Grytangen 810620 1d,880414 miilla 720528 2d: Kullaberg 650806 2d,670714 19. 6807 ldl9: 690805 26.1l0't 3629,1208 7d5?, 73 V VIII 56 5? .7407021 ?. 750806 I d; Lomma 590730 I d; Mi,lle 2d. 730624 I d: Cudmuntorp R6varekulan ?4090 | I d; SilvAkra 820526 I d CH: Blentarp Stampenbacken 69 VI-[X 3 9 BSi Stenshuvud 7?08 2d l9; Silvikra Stensoffa 840916 Bl,: Briimsebro 870704 td RD. - HA: Amilr 550529 19, 690521 3d. 700830 r d 1 9, 71 IV-VIII 3629.72 ttt-V 2319 . 730422 2d29. SM: Diiderhult Riidsle ld.- 5d29. slott 850626 ld. OL: Halltorps hage 76.VI-Vlll 5d29. VMII OG: N SO: AIgd 85 VI lX ld19' Sturefors 860531 ldl?.870614 19. Known only from the W. Palaearctic Rcg. incl DK, S (H 1967a, SK) and SF (H 1963). Common, chiefly necrophagous: damp deciduous forest with pools and sircams, meadow wilh bu\hes. marl pil. rotting apples, tree stump in sap. grass compost, elk droppings, N F W. 63d34?. 1955-88, lll-lX (NRS. ZIL). The records are rcstricted to southem Swedcn. lO4. Spelobia p8ppi. (R 1983, 72070i l9; M 1985c). S: NB: Hijgsirn Kingis 550705 l9: Sundcrbyn 720'lOS 19. Europe: CS, DDR and S (new); N. America: CDN Confined to moorland habitats. tyrphobiont (R 1984): marshes' N. 3 9, 1955-72. Vrrt (NRS, ZIL). l0-5. Spelobia parapusio. (R 1983). S: SK: Bosarp Blenrarps uim. 870903 1 ?: Veberiid Ljungen 820-530 I 9: Lund stabsparken 7108 49: Kullaberg 670713 ,19, 6807 -3?. 7107 49.750808 t9.'110'119 19.800815 l?: Silv{kra RD. BL: Stensoffa 801005 19: Stenshuvud 830612 StubbemAla 850?24 I ? RD. - HA: Amilr 570804 I ?, 6? V-VII 29, 710726 I ?. - SM: Hyltebrut 860727 I JA. VG: Vasterplana 8207 I ? AA. - SO; Algii 85 VI-IX 69, 86 V-VI I I 9. 8706 4 ?. - TO: Maunu 550124 19 . Europe incl DK. S (H I967a. SK) and SFI Tunisia and Madeira. Confined to woodland regions, develops in fungi (obligate fungivore), parthenogenetic reproduction dominates: trecs affected by fungi, tree stump affected by Phallus impudi(us, pile of wood, damp deciduous forest. marshes, peat bog, grass compost, N F Y. 50?, 1955 87, V X (NRS, ZIL). No males found. l? I - 106. Spelobia pseudonivalis. (R 1S83). No new Iinds. Known from Central Eurcpe (s,lai.) incl S (H 1967a, SK). A microcavemicolous species with reduced eyes and wings, incapable of flight, collected in runs and nests of small mammals. 186819, 1959-60, I-XI (ZMH). 107. Spelobia pseudos€taria fpenetralis Collin, 1925] (R 198-1. M 1985c). S: BL: Kristianopel S Brdms 870706 HA: Amrlr 740808 I SV: A:eda Kullebo 760? RD. 8d8?. ld ?. OG: Titmevalla Linghem 8005131d Hassldsa Ekglrden 8t0820 ld SVA. VG: RS; Gellstad62ll14 39. - sO:Argi,ssvI x r669,860614 1?,870702 19,-uP: Faringe Erikslund 770805 2d29 FF. NB: Hijgstjn 620805 9. - LY: AmmamAs 710709 I ?.IS: Surtsey 710627 1d; Sudurreykir 770826 I 9: Hafnir 830718 1 d: Gljufur 840609 1d: Hlidarendi 840803 I d l9: Laxholt 850505 I 9: Sanda 2 l9: Skagastrtind 850718 1dl9: Ingolfshdfdi 850728 19. Widespread in the Palaearctic Reg. incl DK, S (R 1983, LY), N. SF and lS (Ni et dl. 1954). Polysaprophagous, synanthropous, often indoors: cow houses. grass compost, potalo ficlds, deciduous forest, meadov birch forest, on cheesc, N F Y W. lgd3r ?. 1962-87. V Xl (NRS, ZIL. IMN). sel 850620 108. Spelobia rulilabris. (R 1983). S: SK: Vittsjai V Britna 830529 1 d : Hasslem6lla 730526 1 9, 810507 l d; Hallestad Grytiingen ?4083 I 3 d, 840831 I d. 88041 8 6d 3 I I Klosterg6rden 730509 I d; N Krankesjijn 74 IV-IX 2d2 9; Kullaberg 570614 I d, 630607 I d, f 107 3d, 720801 I d, 7306 2d,750806 Id39; Kulturens Ostarp 730706 1 9; Linnebjer 680928 Id.770918 1?; Mariannelund 820823 ld; l? RS: Stenshuvud 820531 ld59; SilvAkra Stensoffa 840916 1d19: Tvediira 690-510 1d;.{sljunga Bhn. BL: Briimsebro 870704 ld RD. 590719 - HA: Trinnersa 810827 I RS: Amilr 480730 I 9,541228 l 9, 550.528 1d,650528 t6;6'105 46 ,'7 to'124 19,'720s12 SM: Bergkvara ?5033 I I d, 73 IV-VI 36 , '150426 1 d l9 RD: Gctnabo 8-1071? Id RD: Tenhult E307& ld RS: Tmnesliiv 8.10606 I 9 RS: N Areda 870620 ld RD. Ot,: Hallrorps hage 7608 39. - OG: Brynstorp 810609 49 RS; Tiiillmo Hindstorp 8006 l9 JM; l9 Bhn. - VG: Hassliisa EkgArden 800804 I d, 810825 ld RS. - BO: Stenungsund RGD. NA: Orebro Oset 410816 I d TN. 550?10 UP: Rimbo 8108 I JM: Uppsala - I d -. - VS: Ridii 8108 tQ JM. - DR: NAs 780825 1? RS. - NB: Pajala 550'72'7 ?. - LU: Giillivare 55ld. - LY: Hemavan 56O624 0714 I d. - TO: Karesuando 5507 2d t I ; O- Soppcro 5507 I d29 I Vittangi 550716 I d. N: TR: Cralangen 560629 | I : l-: Laksclv 5607 Mllselv 560701 2d: Siirkjos 56O703 5d I 9; Langfjord 560704 I d: Vestenana 560706 3d i 9. DK:.,ulland 5608 I ?.IS: lngolfshiifdi 850728 ld 19. Eurosiheria rncl DK, S (s i855. SK. HA. Bo. OL. OG. Silvlkra 801005 ld:ldl? I . l9 I ldl 19. - The lesser dung flies of Sweden and Norway 23 UP: R 1983 lectotype and paralectotypes). N, SF and tS (A 1967). In wet and shady places under decayed vegetation: damp deciduous forests, wet meadows, marshes, peat bog, potato lields, cowpats, maplc in sap, N Y W. 67d509, l94l-88, nl-Xll (NRS, zll, IMN),2d29 Bhn (NRS). 109. Spelobia talparum. (R 1983). S: SK: Klostergarden V 2?:820703 1d; N Krankesjon 690607 l9: Kullaberg 570615 2 ?. 750806 I d; Linnebjer ?70918 I d I Mari73 tV annelund 8 M-Vll 3d, 820628 I 9 RSI Orup 78 VII-VIII 4d3?.80 VI-VIII 3d69 RS: Stenshuvud 830612 l9 RD. - HA: Tiinncrsa 78 VII-VIII 2d I 9, 790808 I d. 80 Vl vllt2?.81 vll-vlll ld49.83vt vlll ld3? RS: Amilt 67032s r9, 800802 19. 810814 19. 830802 19. - SM: Troneslov 820731 RS. OL: Halltorps hage 760':.23 I d. - Oc: Brynstorp 8MI-VIll 2d 19, 8306i6 | d RS; Tjiillmo Hindstorp 79 V-Vll 2d, 8007 I d I 9 JM; Jiimevid 8008 2d RS: Klostcrorlunda 79 V-VII 2d4 9, E0 VI-VIn 2d29 JM. - VG: Hassl6sa EkgArdcn 7807 3d,79 VI-Vll 5d 19. 80 VI-VIII 3d39 RS: Skara Vislunda 82 VI-VIII 4d l9 RS. - NA: vesrken 820712 rg RS. - SO: ROsang 7906 29 JM: A196 830808 19.86 v-vr 2d2?. - Up: Solna Bergshamra 77 VI-VIll GN; Enkiiping Brunnsholm 8fi)5 2? BE: Kolhammar 78 6649. 790728 RS; Lussinge 7708 49 HRt Rimbo 8106 Id JM. VS: Brunnby 79 VI-VII 2d, 8107 l9 JM. - DR: Nis 78 VII-VIII 2d 39,19002 I RS. - VB: Rirbicksdalen 82 VI-VIII I d l9 RS; Umci lsk 820819 ld RS. - l,Y: Ammamds 710627 l9 . - T0: Abisko Jebrcnjokk 760623 29 KM. Widespread in Eumpe incl DK. S (H 1967a. SK) and SF (H 1963). Exremal European records probably refer to diffe- ld 4dll? l9 VMII I rent species. Microcavemicolous, polysaprophagous. Gravid females frequently collected during migration searching for ncw burrows for ovip<lsition: potato, wheat, oats and rapc ficlds. mountain birch forests, deciduous forests. wet meadows and marshcs. heather, moss, ruderal land, N F Y W S. 67d819. r9s7-87. rV-rX (NRS. ZtL). i 10. Spelobia bifrons. (R 1983, M 1985c). S: SK: N Krankesjrln 750620 Kullabcrg 570615 l9: Omp 7806 l d l 9, ?m? 16 1 9, 80 VII-Vnl 3 9 RS. - HA: Sntisrorp 55 V-VII 4d9?: Titnnersa 780719 ld, 8l Vtl Vltl 39 RS: Amilr 7.106 14d39 maple in sap. 740626 I ?. - SM: Aseda Kullebo 7607 21d45 ?: Tagel 790713 l9 RS: Trortesliiv 8007 2d l9 RS. - OL: Halltorps hage 76 VII-VII| ld2?. oG: Bjarka-saby 79 v-vltt 39, 80 v-tx 14362799 SVA: Brynstorp 79 VII-VIII 1d19.80082.5 I d, 820715 l 9 RS: Klostcnrrlunda 7906 l 9 JM: Ttimcvalla Linghem 80 V-Vnl 17d279 SVA: Visl Stavsiirer 790516 19, 80 V-VIII I d3.59 SVA: Vallersrad 79 Vll-Vtll 3d29 SVA. VG! Hassliisa Ekgarden 780626 RS: Skara Viglunda 82 VII-VIII ld I 9 RS: Vaslerplana t{207 2d AA. - SO: Vrngakcr Vik 7907 l9 JM;Algd'8t Vl VI 69. 83 VI-VII .r5d20?. 84 V -VIII t2d 179. 85 VI-tX 80d989,86 Vr-rX 8d 169. 87 Vt-rX t33 d 148 9. - Up: Ed Antuna 79 Vl-VIl ttd89 SVA: Faringe Erikslund 770808 3d4? FF: Ccringamd 79 VIII IX 7d 19?. 80 VIIVIll 13d329.81 VI|-VIII ld I I 9 SVA: Estuna Hov 8108 ld I ? SVA: Kolhammar 780703 ld RS: Rimbo 8105 l9 J M: tilruna tt30tt02 I RS. - VB: RobAcksdalen 810717 I l9; - ld - I I RS, Cosmopoliran incl DK. S (S t855. SK. OC; Z 1860, SK; 1972 no syntypcs). N (Ardit 1957) and SF. Polysaprophagous. synanthropous, frequcntly found in pilcs of dccaying vcgctation and in manure pilcs: cow houscs and grass K compost (accounting for over 90 o/c of the material), potato and rape fields, maple in sap. H F Y W. 521d7959, 195587. IV-IX (NRS. ZtL). Pullimocina dahli. (R 1983, 1984). S: HA: Ensldv - LY: Juktin 610706 19. -TO: Najakajaurc 830718 19. Boreo-alpine, known from Europe: CS, DDR, D, SF. USSR (Karclia) and S (new). Confined to mrxrrland biotopcs (thyrphobion$: marshcs. N. 1639, r9s7-83, Vlt-VIII (ZIL). 1ll. 570804 I d I 9. l12. Pullimosina antennala. (R 1983). S: HA: Tdnnersa 810730 ld RS. - SM: Tagel 790623 I ?, 800718 l6 RS; Tmuesldv 80073t t9, 810723 I d Rs. - OG: Brynstorp 7808 r0 l d, 79 vt-vll l d2I, 80 vn-vIII r d2 9, E r vlVll I d49 RSI Tjiillmo Hindstorp 79 vl-VII 2d, 80 Vl- Vltl2d39 JM: JAmevid 80 ld39 - Vll-Vlll ld29 RS: Klosteror- VG: Hassliisa EkgArden 7807 5d 19.79 Vll-vlu 4d49. E0 Vrr-Vr[ 3d29.8M-vrll I d49 RS: Skara Viglunda 82061? I d RS. - NA: Fjugesta Biirsta 8207 I d29, 830705 l9 RS: Kriicklinge Tampalandet 79 VI-VII 4d l9 JM: Vestkarr 820?05 l9 RS. - SO: Riisiing 79 Vl-vlll 4d29,80 VII-VIII 2d JM; VingAkcr Vik 7906 I I JMI Algii 850720 I 9. - UP: Solna Bcrgshamm 77 VU-VIII 2d29 GN: Balingsra Eriksberg 79 IV-V lunda 8U)7 Jm. 6d4 9 JM: Ceringamd 800725 I 9 SvA: Kolhammar 78 vvlll 31d259.7908 49.800? 1d49.81 Vll-V t 8d3 9. VII-vlll 3d49.8306 29 RS; Fasrema MdIby 79 vlVII I d39 JM: Rimbo 8M-Vlll 10679 JM: Ultuna 8308 82 2d RS. - VS: Brunnby 7907 ld,SM-V[ll 4d29 JM: Rid6 8106 39 JM. - DR: Karlsbyheden 480725 I d BT: NAs 78 VI-VII 29.79 VI-VIII 5d2?.8l VI-VII 4d49. a2O7 tZ v[-v l9 RS. - VB: Rdbacksdalcn 7E VI-VII 3d39,79 l 29,80 VII-VIII 2d29,81 V -VIII 3d,82 VIt- RS. Umei lsk 82 Vl-Vlll ld39 RS. - NB: Sun830707 I 9 RS. - LY: Ammamiis 740619 I ?. LU: Messaure 74 V VI ld 19. Probably widely distributed: in Europe recorded from D, CS. CB (Pi 1988), USSR (Ingria), DK, S (ncw) and SF: N. America: CDN, USA (M 1986). Tcrricolous, probably polysapnrphagous; most specimcns wc.c collcctcd by yclbw traps in cultivatcd ficlds: garden, grass com6rst, mixcd fo- VIll 4d der[n resr, mounlain birch forest and cow house arE other habitats, N F Y W. l30d 124 1948-85, lV-VIll (NRS, ZIL). Easily confused with P. aocsla. previous records need reexami- L nation. ll3. Pullimosina heleroneura. (R 1983). S: SK: Bjlirred 731()().4 I ?: N Krankesjiin 730825 261?; Kullaberg 76' ld: Linnebjer 680928 ld: Lund 840916 ld GR: Mariannelund 810727 l ? .8207 2 9, 830704 l 9 RS: Orup 7608r? ld, ?8 Vrr-vrrr 2d49,80 vr-vru 7d.s9 Rs: Osby 850805 2d l9 RH: Skiiralid 630926 ld; Svanchall 720805 I d. - HA: Sniistorp -55 V-Vll 2d I ?: Tiinncrsa 78 vu-v l 69,7908 39.800710 rd.810824 td,8208t2 l9 RS. - SM: Ascda Kullctxr 76O7 36d289:Tcnhuh 830719 ld RS: Trottcsliiv 80 Vll-Vlll 2?.8208 2d2? RS. 0707 - GO: Sr Tollby 780622 ld RS. - OG: Bjarka-Seby 79 VVIll 29, 80 V-Vlll ll d69 SVA: Brynsrorp 7tt0tll4 I d. 8001t25 ld, tll VII Vlll 2d29 Riimora tl6l0l9 4d79 FF; Alsit 820q26 3?.114 Vll-Vlll vl X 2d69. tl7 Vll-lx 1d49. LJP: Erl 79 VI-lX l2l d 202 ?. ll0 V-VII .1d4 9 SVA: Fa- RSI Hindsrorp 7907 ld JM: Tiimevalla Linghcm tlO V .lX ld l9 SVA. Vc: llassliisa Ekglrden ll )tl2d 19, tll0ti25 ld RS: Skara Viglunda ti207l5 ld RS: Viisterplana 11207 l? AA. S0: 36d669.115 Antunu 24 Folke FlorCn 29 FF; Gctingamij 790903 19,80 V-VII 2d69, 8l V-VI 2d29 SVAI Estuna Hov 810731 l6 SVA, Kolhammar 78 Vll-Vlll 39, 820812 l9 RS. - ringe Erikslund 770805 VB: RtibAcksdalen 790821 I I,810717 1d RS. - NB: Htig- siiljarden 65@06 19. Cosmopolitan incl DK, S (S 1855, SK, 6C: tt tgOZa, SK), SF and IS. Polysaprophagous, dcveloping in various decayed vegetation: cow houses and grass compost (togcthcr 253d3949), dung hill. kitchen composr, potaro and rap€ fields, lake and sea shores, bird's nest (Prunclla,rbdularis). on dung beetle (Aphodiut sp.), N F t955-87, V-X (NRS, ZIL). Y W E. 28l d4l 1 9, I14. Pullimosina meijerei. (R 1983). S: SK: Bjiimstorp 880415 r9 MS:S6vde871031 rd MS.-So: Alsii870812 I d. Ccntral Europc (s.lat.) incl DK and S (ncw). Tcnicolous. phytosaprophagous, occurring in deepcr laycr of leaf liner and decayed grass: stump of alder tree, grass compost (in deeper layers), F S. 2dl?. l9E7-E8. Vllll-X (NRS, ztL\. I15. Pullimosina moesta. (R 1983). S: SK: Hasslemiilla 810507 l?: N Krankesjtin 73 vll-VIII 2d29: Kullaberg 630606 l ?. 650806 19. 6707 3d | 9, 68072r r d r ?. 690804 I ?,7t07 3d4I,'72082629.1306 39,740709 19, 8d 149. E207 830803 Mariannelund 2d 19, 83 vl-VIII ld59 RS; Orup 78 VII-Vlll 3d39, 80 VI-VIII 4d69 RS; Gudmuntorp Rdvarekulan 550529 l9 PA;690712 ld,E2l003 l9: Sjiibo Siivdc 6m715 t9 HA. 871031 l9 MS. HA: Tdnnersa 78 VII-Vnl 3d 19, vlll ldl9,83800815 t 9,81 vrr-vlfi 6d l0?.82 0709 l 9 RS; Amilt 550528 I 9 . - SM: Hyltebruk 8608 2I JA; Teohult 830801 I RS; Trottesliiv 80 vll-vlll 5d l5 ?, 8107 4d99. 82 vll-vlll 9d 129 RS. 0G: Brynsrorp 7808 l d l 9,790716 19,80088d79,81 VII-VIII5dl59 RS: Tjlillmo Hindstorp ?905 I 9, 80 vll-VIII l0d 169 JM; Jiimevid 8fi)8 5d 9 9 RS. - VG: Hassliisa EkgArden 780721 ld: SMMll vll I I 9, 79 VII-VIII 13d25 ?, 80 VIt-V[r 22dr99.8M1- VIII 57d639 RS: St Lund 83 vl VII ldl9 RS; Skara Viglunda 820617 l9 RS. - NA: Fjugesta Barsta 830705 I d49 RS: Kracklingc Tampalandet 79 Vl-vll I d29 JM. - SO: Riislng 8008 ld I JM: Vingiker Vik 7m7 ld I t 5 d.19. 84 VII-VIII 2 d 9 9. 85 VI-IX JM: Atgd Et vlll 5d6?. - UP: Kol7d89, 86 v-x I I d l3 9. 87 hammar 790728 19, 800718 19, E2 Vll-Vlll 2d39, 830U0l I d RS. - YS: Brunnby 7905 ld I ? JM; Ridit 8107 ld JM. - DR. Nes 810824 I d. 830905 I d RS. Sccms to bc widcspread in Europe incl DK, S (new) and SF. Terricolous. probably phylosap(rphagttus: potato and rape fields (together 179 d 262 9 ). gmss comFlst, damp dcciduous lbrest with stream, stump of alder trcc, H F Y. 223d3169, 1955 87, v-X (NRS. ZIL). Easily confused wilh P. u lennltla, previous records need reexamination. P. mnesta has a morc southemly distribution in Sweden than P. an,enrvta. v -v I 16. I I Pullimosira pullula. (R vll 198:11. S: SK: Bjbmsrorp 88- 0415 l9 MSi Hallcstad CryUngen 840519 l9: Kullaberg 750810 | 9 i Lund 710925 I 9; 720715 I 9: Mariannelund 8Ml-Vlll I I 9,112 V-vlll 39,83 VII-VIII 59 RS: Orup 19, ?9 VII-VIII 3? RS; Ripa 83lll0 l9 MS: Gudmuntorp Rdvarekulan 640lil2 I?: Silvlkra Stcnsoffa l{(x)920 I ?. tl4()9l 6 I I : Akarp 55(1527 I 9. - HA: Ti,nncrsa 79 Vll Vlll 4?. ttm8l5 49. tll Vll-Vlll 69,830707 I 9 RS. - SM: Aseda Kullebo 76071lt I 9: 'l'agcl 8fi)609 l9 RS: Tcnhuh tl307l I I ? RS: Trottcsliiv ll(Xlllll 29, 8l 71t0717 v v I 9?.82 Vu-Vut t0?. 830707 t9 RS. - oL: Halltorps hage 76 VII-VIU 4 9. - GO: St Tollby 780812 2 9 RS. -OG: Brynstorp 780821 I 9, 7907 2 ?, 80 vll-vlll 3?. 8Ml-VIII ll9.82V Vtll 4? RS; Tjellmo Hindstorp 80 V-Vll 89 JM: Jiimevid E0 Vl-Vlll79 RS. - VG: Hassliisa Ekgerden79VIMII5?,80V VIII 109,81 VI-VIII 189: St Lund.830725 l9 RS: Skara Viglunda 82 VI-VIII 39 RS. - NA: Fjugcsta Barsta 8206 29, 8307 49 RS; Kriicklingc Tampalandct 7907 I 9 JM. - SO; Riiseng 7907 I 9. 8008 39 JMr vingeker Vik 7901 29 JM. - UP: Solna Bergshamra 77 Vll VIll 3 ? GN: Enkiiping Brunnsholm 80 VI-Vlll 109 BE; Balingsta Eriksberg 7905 I ? JM: Kol- hammar T8 vl-vlll 5 9, 790728 1 9, 8107 3 9, 820802 l 9 RS: Tiiby Mdnsjiin 830523 l9 TK: Rimbo 8M-VIl 29 JM. - VS: Brunnby 790.5 29, 8Ml-VIII l9 8l V-VII 29 l9 JM. - DR: Nederborg 39, 830818 RS. VB: Rirbiicksdalen 810812 RS: UmeA lsk 820621 RS. NB: Hiigsarfjerden 65$106 I I . - LU: Messaure 740624 I ?. - TO: Maunu 550724 19. Widespread in Europe incl S tZ 1847. SK type loc.; S 1855, SK, OC; Lindroth 1943, UP), N and SF: N. Amcrica: CDN, USA (M 1986). Tcrricolous, chicfly phyrosaprcphagous; most populations ar€ panhenogenetic: potato and rape fields (together lE69 ), meadows and pastures. marshes. by streams, coniferous lbrcst with lingonberry by Lule river, cow house. N F L Y W. 205 9, 1955-88, lV XI (NRS. ZIL). Most finds are from late summer with a peak in August. No males lound. - l9 - l17. Cha€topodella scutellaris. (R 1983). S: SK: Dalby 550830 ld, Hallestad Grytiingen 740831 l2dll9 moist grassland: Hasslemdlla 72O5O'l I d; N Krankesjiin 710807 I ?,73 VII-VIII3d 2 9; 740915 l9: Kullabcrg 720801 2d; Linncbjcr 680928 | d; Lund stadsparken 730E14 I 9: Orup 790820 RSi Gudmuntorp R6varekulan 74UJ0l l9: Baldringe Skogshejdan 690916 l9: Yddingesjbn 591001 I ?: Akarp 550527 19. HA: Tijnnersa 810810 l6 RS: Amilt 560718 l7d 109 pasturc, 7m830 29.7106 1d 29. 76M12 26 . 860502 I 9. - SM: Hyltchruk 86081 I I d JA: Ascda Kullebo 76071 8 I 9: Traryd 840610 I d I 9: TmIreslitv 810817 19,8205.11 ld.830El8 ld RS. OL: Drriis. tory 7E08 ES a/.; Halltorps hage 76 VU-Vtll 24<J299 oasture and moist erassland. G0: Nonlanda Hammars 780818 I d RD; St Tollby 780819 | RS. - OG: Brynstorp 780814 I 9, 8m623 I 9, 8M-VIII ld 19, 82 V-VII 2d29 RS: O. Ryd Hagalund 810709 l9 TW; Tjrllmo Hindsrofp 8007 2d VG: Hassliisa Ekglrden Vll-Vlll 2d l9 RS. 8llJ825 I ? RS; Skara Viglunda -E2 SO: Vingeker Vik 7907 I d JM: Algi, 810727 I 9. 85 VI. X 962'19,86 V IX I I d 109,87 VIII-IX 1d29.-UP:Getingamti 800819 SVA; Rimbo 8107 | JM. NB: Pcndsjiirvi 510728 KA. N: B: N Kongsbcrg Ldgcn ld - ld 4 I JM. l9 ld I - I 830730 | d. - ST: Bcnna 880624 3 HF & UJ. . Widespread in Europe incl DK. S (Z 1E47, SK, HA, SM, OC, UP), N (new) and SF; also recorded lrom AFG and Africa. Common. chiefly coprophagous, classilled as pasture symbovilous: pasture lands. cow houses, lakc and river shores, damp deciduous forest, grass compost, potato and rape fields, tree slump in sap. N F Y W. l02d 120 9. l95l 88, V-X (NRS. ZIL). Most specimens were collecled on grazed meadows. Kimosina spinma. (R 1983). S: DR: NAs 820624 ld Only known from Europc: GB. CS, H, USSR (NET), S (new) and SF. Probably tcrricolous and incapable oI llight, prel'erring boggy lowland mea- ll8. RS. - l,U: Mcssaurc 7307 ld. The lesser dung Jlies of Sweden ancl Norway 25 dows: potato field. damp mixed forcst by Lulc rivcr, L Y. (NRS. ZrL). 26, 1973 82. SVA; Faringe Erikslund 770805 ll9. I VMr Kimosina empiricz llarriniJ'errz Villcncuvc. l9l8l. lR lq83). S: SM: Aseda Kullebo 7607 2d I 9. - OG: BjirrkaSaby 790514 1? SVA. UP: Ed Antuna 790514 19, '790608 26 6 7 ?, 7 9ti926 2 d 5 ?, 8002 I 8 2d. 8m4l I 2 d I 9. 800508 26d369, 800708 l d l 9, 800806 I d SVA: Estuna Hov 810816 1d SVA. Cosrnopolitan incl DK, S (new), SF and IS (Ni ?r al. 1954). Necrophagous, associated with human settlements, sexual wing dimorphism: cow houses, W.64d539, 197681, rr-IX (NRS, ZIL). Kimosina longisetosa. (R 1983). S: SK: Ellestadsjdn 690616 1 d: Hallestad Grytiingen 710506 I 9; N Krankesjdn 700530 19.71 vr vllr 3d19.730701 16.760424 19 120. Kullaberg 750810 I d: Baldringe Skogshejdan 690916 ld; S0vdesjdn 560520 I ?. - SM: Tagel ?80619 19, 810625 l? RS: Trouesl0v 830616 l9 nS. - Ot-: Halltorps hage 76 3d; Miickelmossen 78 VI-VII 12d209, 790430 ES er al. OG: Brynstorp 820621 RS: liillmo Hindstorp 7905 I JM: Jiimevid 800619 | 9 RS. AN: Nonbyn 7'7O't lO 26 KM. NB: Hiigsiin 630628 I d. LY: Sorsele Jukten 610706 I ?. Widespread but rare in Europe incl DK, S (R 1983 no loc.: Persson 1983, OL incl in material abovc) and SF. In damp deciduous forcst and meadows. undcr cut scdgc, in runs and nests of small mammals: damp woodlands and vMll ld - ld I - ldl?,80 vll-VIII l9 FF; Getingamti 790801 1d29,8107 59 SVAr Rimbo 8107 d JM. - IIR; Ncdcrborg 810831 I I RS. VB: Riibiicksdalen 800612 1d. 82 VMII 3d29 RS. - LU: Gellivare 5507r4 ld. ..Cosmopolitan incl. DK. S tZ lq47 minutissima. SK. OG. JA; S 1855 rn inaris.rima, OL), SF and IS (A 1967). Common, chicfly nccrophagous but also on excrcments: cow houses and grass compost (logether 878d777?), bird's nest (Fi.edula hypolcuca), latrine, urinal, deciduous forest, potato field, N FY WE, 898d790?, 1955-87, III IX (NRS,ZIL). I24. Telomerina levifrons.lantonini Roh6dek, 19831. (R 1983, M & R 1984). S: SO: Algii 850907 ld. Holarctic, widely dislributed but wirh very few records. in Europe recorded from CS and S (new). Occurring on excremenl. manure and decaying vegetation: grass compost, F. ld, 1985, rX (NRS). 125, Telomerina pseudoleucoptera. (R 1983). S: SK: Ma riannelund 820902 I d, 830613 1d RS: Orup 780619 1 ?, ld RS: Gudmunlorp Riivarekulan 640812 ld; HA: Tdnnersa Baldringe Skogshejdan 690916 830613 I ? RS. SM: Aseda Kullebo 7607 I d I 9: Tagel RS; Tenhult 830630 ld RS: Trotlesliiv 80 VI-VII 790813 ld2!. ldl? 8t0803 t9,820S02 td,83 Vt-V l 3d29 RS. 6L: Hallrorps hage ?60811 6d 9 9 moist clearing. - OG: Jiimevid 800731 RS. - VG: Hassliisa EkgAnien 800815 I ? RS: Skara Viglunda 820608 I d RS. - NA: Fjugesm Bersh RS. SO: Algti 850706 ld.860810 ld,87820823 UP: Ed Antuna 790608 ld. 8(x)4l I l9 SvA. 0710 I l9 ld d. Ratbacksdalen l2l. Kimosira plumosula, (R 1983). S: SK: Kullaberg - DR: Nederborg 810831 I ? RS. VB: 820812 l6 RS. - NB: Pajala 550731 19. N: ST: Benna 120802 16.740630 19,750806 ld: Mirlle 730624 ld: 880623 19. 880624 2629 HF & UJ. Gudmuntor? Rdvarekulan 640812 ld. - HA: Ryddbruk Ccntral and N. Europe incl DK, S (R 1983), N (new) and meadows. reeds along lake shores. marshes, potato and rape fields. N F L Y. 2'7 6319, 195G82, IV IX (NRS. ZIL). 830817 I d. - VG: Vasterplana E207 l9 AA. - SO: Al80 840812 I ?. lS: Vaglaskogur 840719 19. Widespread in Europe incl DK. S (Lindroth 1943, UP), SF and IS (H 1986 pen. comm.); Non European rccords need reexamination. Not common, occurring in damp placer under decaycd vegetation: damp deciduous fbrest. marsh, grass compost. dung hill, N F. 5d4?. 19& 84, VI-VIll (NRS. ZL. IMN). eburrea. (M & R lq84). S: OG: Brynsrorp 8207 lCl9,8208 4d49 RS. VG: Hassliisa Ekgerden 800815 2d RS. SO: Algd 850624 ld4?. UP: Ed Antuna 790608 I d SVA; Enkiiping Brunnsholm 800724 122. Telomerina I I I BE. Kolhammar 820809 ?. 8r073r r9 JM. I d RS. - VS: Brunnby 7906 Only known from Europe: CS, DK. S (ncw) and SF. Probably necrophagous like its congcncr f. Jlut'ipes'. ralxt fields, grass composl. cow house, N Y W. 9 d I 3 L l 979-85, Vl VIII (NRS. ZIL). very lew specimens recordcd. 23. Telomerina flavipes [riinrrtissinrr Zetterstedt, I 847]. (R 1983, M & R 1984). S: SK: Hddr Briinnestad 850329 UL; S. Sandby FlgelsAng 850703 ld: N Krankesjiin 710803 ld; Kullaberg 7107 3?, 720801 8d29: Kullen -590704 I CL: Mariannelund 830718 2I RS. - HA: Sniistrrm 5.s0705 l9: Amrlt 690622 ld. ?10714 1d49. - SM: Aseda Kulleho 76(l? 2lld 1e49. d( ' Bjirka-Slhy tt005 I ld I 3dl? SVA: Brynstorp32Vll Vlll 1d29,1i30623 l9 RS. !G: Skara viglund; x20715 ld RS. SO: AlE.t xl vlrx ld3?.li3vt vllt75d54?.t14vt v I 7d69.85vI. x24262t',7?. rJ6V X6rdl01 9.87 Vt VIII51d46?. UP: Ed Antuna 79 VI IX 204d 1079. 80 IV Vll 10d29 SF. Common on dung from largc herbivores: potato fields, pastures, cow houses. cow droppings. faeces, grass compost, N F Y W. 2'1d26?. t955 88. IV tX (NRS. zll). I 26. Opalimosina lilipulana Lappe,tdic ulata Villeneuve, (R I 983). S: SK: Hiillestad Grytiingen 74083 I I d I I : N Kriukesjiin 730825 I 9; Kullaberg 630606 I ?. 750807 l9: Lomma 720316 Mariannelund 820603 Id RS: qrup 800714 RS. -" HA: Snaisrorp 55 V Vlt 2d2?: Amilr SM: Aseda Kullebo 7607 1.t9d4569. Oc: nlarra-seuy ?90809 I 9, 800528 2d5I SVA: Tj:ittmo Hindstorp 7907 2 d JM; Tomevalla Linghem 791 130 2d 3 ?, SVA: 80 V-VIII 3d29 SVA: Vist StavsAter 790926 Vallcrstad 79072-3 I d SVA. - VG: Hassltisa Ekgirden 780707 l9 RS. - 56: Riisiing 7905 l9 JMi Alsd 82 vll IX td 19,8.106 r6d239,8408 3d29,85 Vl X 29d 199,86 Vl-X 47d159. 87 VI-X 23d UP: Ed Antuna 79 Vlll-lx 2d I 9, 1t0070ll 2 ? SVA: Faringe Erikslund 770I9 I 81. l9 66 19. ldi ld I19. 805 2d29 5d SVA: FF-: Ceringamai ?9 Estuna Hov 810?03 VIII-IX 16d99,80 l9 VIMII SVA. N; B: N Kongsbcrg Ligen 830730 19. Known only from Europe incl DK, S (new). N (new) and SF. Polysaprophagous, common on composts, dung heaps and on excrcmenl: cow houses and grass compost (together 493 d.576I ), potato and rape fields, alder forest, lake shore, N F Y W.499d-5849, t955-87, IV-XI (NRS, ZIL). 127. Opalimosina denticulala. (R lq8.l). S: SK: HelmersSM: Aseda Kullebo6?07 10d69. OL: HLrlltorps hugc 75()8.r I UP: Ed Antunr 7q0608 I hus63l0l9 SVA. 19. I d. I 26 Folke Flortn Only known f'rom Europe incl S (new) and SF (H 1980). Coprophagous, in Central Europe otien at higher allitudcs: Cow houses 10679, garden, damp meadow. N Y W. d89, 1963-79, Vr-X (NRS, ZIL), 128. Opalimosina calcarifera. (R l9tl3). S: DR: NAs RS. Only known fiom Europe: CS, H and S 780711 (new). Probably coprophagous: potato tield, Y. ld, 1978, ld vrr (NRS). 129. Opalimosina collini. (R 1983). S: SK: Halle stad Gryl- ld; Mariannelund 810612 I ? RS: Orup ?8RS; Baldringe Skogshejdan 690916 2d I 9. - HA: Tiinnersa 780807 I d. 790808 I ?, 800606 I ? RS. SM: Tagel 790612 RS; Trottesltiv 820624 I d, 830818 I d RS. - OL; Halltorps hage 1607 26 ,7608 OG: Brynsrorp 8201116 I ? RS; Tjiillmo Hind$torp 7907 I d l9 JM. SO: Riisang 8fi)8 ld JM; Algii 850618 1d2 9, 8507 l d l 9, 860?06 1 9. - tJP: Solna Bergshamra iingen 740831 0619 19, 800616 l9 l9 16. 'l'7O824 l6 GN:Kolhammar7807l3l9.790728 ld RS. - VS: Ridii 8107 l9 JM. Known only from Europe: CB, CS. H. S (new) and SF (H 1980). Strictly coprophagous, developing in excremenl from various herbivorous marnmals; potato and rape flelds, (together l0dl09), pasturcs. grass coDrpost. N F Y. l5d l5?, 1969 86, VI-VIII (NRS, ZtL). 130. Opalimosina mirabilis. (R 1983). S: SK: Stoby Arkelstorp 550620 l9; Hasslemdlla 720507 l9; N Kranke- ld. 730701 2629; Kullaberg 570625 l?, 670711 l ?. 690809 ld. 7 t\',to1 29,140707 1?,170710 ldl?.790731 ld: Lomma ?50906 ld: Liibcritd 710806 ll2 vl-Vll ldl9, ld: Mariannelund 8l vl-VII 830609 I d RS; Orup 780602 I d, 790730 I d 2 9. 8m609 l9 RS: Sjiibo 690715 I d ; Baldringe Skogshejdan 69()6l6 1d 1 9. - BL: Kristianopel S Brttms 870706 l 9 RD. - HA: Sniistorp 550705 2 d 3 9; Tiinnena 79 Vll Vlll4 ?.81 VIIvlll 3d. 820705 I I , 830704 2 9 RS: Amilt 620707 I 9. HA, 860817 12d39 JA: SM: Hyltebruk 830812 Aseda kullebo 7607 168d1899: Trottesliiv 80O8ll 2?. RS: N 8t08 tdr9.82 vrr-vrrr rd19,830630 Areda 870620 I d RD. - OL: Halltorps hagc 760806 I d: Mockelmossen 78071I I ES ?, a/. - GO; St nlllhy 7807 2d RS. - oG: Bjiirka Siiby 79 v Vlll I d3I, 80 V-Vlll Vlll 2d RS: 'Uiillmo 25d409 SVA: Brynstorp Vlll Hindstorp 7907 7d49 JM; Tcimevalla Linghem 80 8d 109 SVA: vist Stavsater 8005 29 SVA: Tl{em 83@20 3rJ JL: Vallerstad 190723 2619 SVA. VG: Hassliisa Ekghrden 19O7O2 29 RS; Skara Viglunda 82 VI-Vlll 4d89 RS; Vastcrplana 82O'l 3629 AA. - NA: Fjugesta Bersta 820624 I d RS. - SO: Hammarkiilla 830616 I MT: vingaker Vik 7907 l JM; Algii 81 vll-vlll 5 ?, 820926 sjiin 690607 ldl9. ldl9 rdl? I 8M v - t9, 83 vr vrr I I 128d1039. 8408 llde9. 8s vl-X - UP; 33d279.86 V-tX 33d369,87 Vt IX r8d 179. Ed Antuna 7906 40d199, 800807 3d49 SVA: l"aringe Erikslund 770805 I d 23 l9 FF: Getingarnii 79 Vlll IX l7d 9.80 VII-VIII l6d l5 9,8l V VIIlld14?SVA: Kol- hammar 79081I 19, 800710 I d RS: Lussinge 77 Vt Vlll 29 HR. - VS: Brunnby 7906 1d JM: Ridd 8107 ld JM. DR: Nds 79 VI-VIII 2d RS. - VB: Riibiicksdalen 790815 ld RS; UmeA lsk lt208i2 ld, 830815 l9 RS.-NB:Htigsitn 620t{05 l?: Pajala 550727 I 9. Cosrnopolitan incl DK. S (new; Persson l9tl3, Ot- incl in material above) and SF (H l9tl0). Polysapnrphagous chiclly coprophagous: cow houses 296d3209, dung hills. grass compost. polato and rape fields. wooded marsh ltnd, emer- gcd frum rccds, N F Y W E. 591d589?, 1955-87. (NRS, ZIL). VX l-11. Opalimusina rimplex. (R l98l). S: dL: Halhorpi hage 760806 Id,760831 2d. Known only from Europe: CB, CS, S (nsw) and SI.'(H l9lJ6 pers. comm.). Coprophagous, also in decayed vegetation: wet glen with Carer, Y. 3d, t976, V t (NRS, ZIL). 1.32. Rudolfina rozkosnyi. (R 1983. 1987). S: TO: Abisko Jchrcnjokk 760804 I d KM. Only known from Europe: CS, A. USSR ( Kola) and S (new). An arctoalpine coprophagous mountain species: ntountain birch forest, W. I d, 1976, VIII (zlL\. 133. Halidayina spinipennis. (R 1983. M 1982b). S: SK: Ellestadsjdn 700610 1 d: Toma,Hellestad 880418 I 6; Kullaberg 69080,1 I ?. 720801 4d, 750618 1 d, 770710 t d I g ; l?: Mariannelund 8106 ldl9,82 V-VI ldl9 RS; Orup 780615 1d,790625 19, 80 VI-VII 2? RS: Ringsjiiniis 650616 l9; Gudmunrorp Rdvarekulan 651010 l9: Sjdbo 690715 ld; Stenshuvud tt306ll I I RD: Trollcnes 8-50721 I d: Vomb 740?24 1?: Lund 810521 ld l9, 830613 Akarp 550527 19. - HA: Sniisrorp 550705 1d 19; Tiinner sa78vl-VII 1d19,790701 I ?.80VI Vlll6d39.8M VIII 29, 830704 ld RS: Amilt 560718 ld, 66 - 466?. 6'10224 19,690521 ld. 7306 3d39., SM; Bergkvara 850726 ld RD: Aseda Kullebo 7607 172162021?: Tagel 7906 2d. 800609 I d RS: TenhulL 8308 2d RS; Trottesliiv vu-v l rd3?.82 vr-vrrr rd39.83 vt vrr 4d3? - OL: Hallr('rp.i ha8c ?607 3 d. GO: Ulla Hau 870817 ld MS. - OG: Bjiirka-Seby 790809 ld I 9. 80 V vllt 5l d64 9 SVA; Brynstorp 7806 I d I 9. 80 V-vl 4 ?. 8106 3d49,82 v-VI 2d3?.83 vl vll ldl? RS: Tjellmo 80 RS. tlindstorp 7907 2? JMI Jemevid 80 Vl Vll 2d2? RS: Tiimevalla Linghem 791025 19.80 V lX 5d4 ? SVA:Vist Slavsete.8005l3 SVA: Vallerstad 790723 ld SVA. VG: Hasslitsa Ekglrden 800704 I d. VII 2C RS; Sr Lund 83 ld 19 RS: Skara Viglunda 82 VI VIII 26d 29I RS: Viisterplana 8207 2d5 ? AA. -NA: Fjugesta Biirsta 820805 I RS. - SO: Hammarkiilla 830616 I d MT: lJ 8M VMt I Atso 8l vll-tx 8d r4?. 82 vrr-rx 5d49, 83 vr-vrr 22462599,84 Vrr-Vrrr .I d 409, 85 vr-xr 68d 869, 86 Ed Antuna 79 SVA: Faringe Erikslund V-Vl 72d1029.87 VI X 63d63?. UP: Vl lX 63d39?, 800716 4d59 367I FF: Getingarnii 79 VIll IX l4d l2?,80 vI- 77O8O7 Vlll 6d29 SVA: 8l VII X 15d 179 SVA; Fastema Mrirby 79 Vt Vlll 2d JM: Rimbo 81 V-VII 8d59 JM. DR: 820628 l9 RS; Vansbro 7808 RS. - VB: Riibacksdalen 780713 19,810814 1d,820723 ld RS; Umel lsk 820726 19 RS. - NB: Hiigsiin 620805 3d49; Kcngis 550730 19. - l,U: McisaurL 7.1061.1 ld. -TO: Vrrrangi 55{)?18 -td 109. N: MR: Alcsund l{6(J6lt l9 HF & ljl Holarctic incl DK. S rcaunitz lt)51, OG: R 1q83. SK,. N (new). SF and IS (Ni er dl 1954). Common. polysapro Nederborg 810717 ld I ?. 79 I?, VI-VII 2d I I phagous: cow houses (11191d2187?). dung hills and grass compost, reluse dump, pastures, latrine, potato and rape Iields, maple in sap. lake and sea shores. N F Y W. 2468d 2865?. 1955 ti7, XI (NRS. ZrL). Acknowlcdgements I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the following persons lbr loan of type and/or comparative material The lesser dung flies of Sv"eden and Norway 27 and for provision of valuable data and information: Dr. H. Andersson. Dr. L. Cederholm and Mr. R. Danielsson (ZIL), Prof. E. Sylv€n and Dr. P. L Persson (NRS), Dr. B. Lindeberg (ZMH), and Dr. B. Pitkin (BML). My particular thanks to Dr. A. Stenmark, Mrs. I. Backman, Mrs. E. Sigvaldadottir, Miss K. Hedqvist and other members of the sraff ar ZOO-TAX (NRS) for many-sided help with the publication. I am deeply indebted to the following specialists on the family Sphaeroceridae: Prof. W. Hackman (ZMH), Dr. S. Marshall (GUE) and in particular Dr. J. Roh6iek (SMO) for his indispensable assistance and help with the determination of the material and for his helpful comments on the manuscript. The Entomological Society of Stockholm and the Zoological Institute, Lund University (the C. P. Alexander foundation) have contributed to the printing Reg., 6: l-182. Fall6rt, C. F. 1820. Diptera Sueciae Heteromyzides.: 5-8. 1826. Diptera Sueciae Heteromyzides, Suppl. 2: 16. Frey, R. 1947. Ncue Diptera brachyccra aus Finland und angrcnzenden Lendem. - Nolul. ent. 26: 68. Capasin. D. P. & Kim, C. K. 1972. Taxonomic notes on five common Holarctic species of Leptocera (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae r. - Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 65: 1245 1258. Gaunitz, S. 1951. Koprofiler frAn Atvidaberg. - Ent. Tidskr. - 72:76. W. 1963. Studies on thc dipterous fauna in burrows of volcs (Microtus. Clcthrionomys) in Finland. Acla z-ool. fenn. 102: l-64. 1965. On the genus Copmmyza Fall. 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Sammanfattning Fiireliggande rapport tiver hoppflugor (Sphaeroceridae) iNorden iir baserad pe efi material omtattande ca 35 000 exemplar ftirdelade pe 6 000 flngster och 4fi) lokaler. Materialet har sorterats och bearbetats pe Zoo-tax vid Naturhistoriska riksmuseet i Slockholm. Det kommer huvudsakligen frAn sanrlare i Sverige men ockse i nigra mindre poster tiln norska och islindska samlare. Fengsternas geografiska t'Ordelning omfattar alla de fem nordiska landema, dock med endast en fatal fynd frln Danmark och Finland. Den regionala fdrdelningen av de svenska fAngsterna framglr av Tab. l. Totalt har narmare 70 samlare bidragit med material. Fiir Sveriges vidkommande kan undersdkningen. trots fe fynd frin det nordsvenska skogsomrldet. anses ge en tiimligen god bild av sphaeroceridernas fiireko st och utbredning i landet. Antalet arter kiinda frAn Sverige uppger nu till 133. Dartill kommer fyra nya aner. som J. Rohddek och S. A. Marshall avser att kskriva, samt ett antal icke identifierade exemplar. Totalt kan antalet svenska arter. sedan materialet idess helhet bearbetats, viintas Overstiga 140 med god marginal. Allt sillsynt eller sverbestemt material samt material av sArskilt intresse i samband med pegeende revisionsarbeten har tillstellts specialister fijr niirmare granskning. Fullstiindiga joumaler med detaljerade fengstdata finns tillgiingliga pl Entomologiska sektionen, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm. Fiirsta Svenska entomologmiitet till sdndag 28 30 juli 1989 kommer Entomologiska Fdreningen i Uppland at1 arrangera det ftirsta Svenska entomologmiitet i Uppsala. M0tet skall vara ett tillfalle att traffas och umgis fijr medlemmarna i de svenska entomologftireningarna, att gemensamt samla insekter i rik och intressant natur och att drvfta Fredag kring SEF, Entomologisk Tidskrift m m. Sista anmiilningsdag 3l april gemensamma angelegenheter 1989. FOr information och anmalan kontakta: Entomoktgiska Fdreningen i Uppland, e lo Entontoktgiska aldelningen, Bor 561,751 22 Uppsala.
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